What is the training strategy of coke Evaluating the training strategy using krick patric Criticising the MODEL Developing step wise training programme
It is accepted that all the organisations in the emerging knowledge economy are innovating continuously in todays globalised and dynamic marketplace to retain their competitive advantage. This has led the organisations to run their business strategies parallel to Human Resource Management and Human Resource Development and other external factors such as training systems, national education and national culture so as to develop the organisation and attain the set goals. HRD is organised learning activities arranged within an organisation in order to improve performance and/or personal growth for the purpose of improving job, the individual and/or the organisation (Gilley & Eggland, 1989). It focuses on training and development, career development and organisational development. The organisations operating internationally focus on developing organisational culture as it not only sustains acquisition, but also creates and applies new knowledge for the improvement of business processes and practices and assist innovation (Sanchez & Henee, 1997). But it is the employee who is responsible for the growth and functioning of the organisation to attain the desired objectives through creativity and flexibility. This could be achieved through constant development, whereas individuals observe this as their own responsibility with the assistance of the organisation (Lane et al., 2000). This paper critically evaluates the key models of training with respect to Coca-cola. It explains what the current business strategy of coca-cola is and how is training an important aspect of the strategy of this multinational organisation. The Training Need Analysis (TNA) is done for the assessment of the current training programme and to develop a new one ranging from 6 to 12 months, using Kirkpatricks four level training evaluation model. Donald Kirkpatrick is a former national president of the American Society for training and development. The first level of reaction measures how the participant actually reacts to the training
programme. This level also can be regarded as a measure of customer satisfaction. This can clearly be seen in instances where many organizations or training providers look into aspects pertaining to venue, food , infrastructure, etc. The second level which relates to learning looks into the three aspects that training programmes usually accomplish. These are whether any change in attitude, improvements in knowledge and/or skills. The third level behaviour examines the extent to which there is a change in behaviour of the participant who had attended the programme. The final level of results is aimed at examining the impact that the training programme had over the organization or business. Here, aspects such as increased production, improved quality, reduced costs and accidents are normally included.
Reaction - How the employees of cocacola react to the training programme? Learning Comparison of what knowledge and skills they ad and what they have advanced In? Transfer Is the knowledge being imparted during training is used in the workplac e
Result How is the training programme successful in terms of sales, production profit?
The training needs assessment is a critical activity for the training and development function. Whether you are a human resource generalist or a specialist, you should be adept at performing a training needs assessment. This paper will begin with an overview of the training and development function and how the needs assessment fits into this process, followed by an in depth look at the core concepts and steps involved in conducting a training needs assessment. Background Designing a training and development program involves a sequence of steps that can be grouped into five phases: needs assessment, instructional objectives, design, implementation and evaluation. To be effective and efficient, all training programs must start with a needs assessment. Long before any actual training occurs, the training manager must determine the who, what, when, where, why and how of training. To do this, the training manager must analyze as much information as possible about the following: Organization and its goals and objectives. Jobs and related tasks that need to be learned. Competencies and skills that are need to perform the job. Individuals who are to be trained. INTRODUCTION 2. E MPLOYEE TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT
Understanding the phenomenon of employee training and development requires understanding of all the changes that take place as a result of learning. As the generator of new knowledge, employee training and development is placed within a broader strategic context of human resources management, i.e. global organizational management, as a planned staff education and development, both individual and group, with the goal to benefit both the organization and employees. To preserve its obtained positions and increase competitive advantage, the organization needs to be able to create new knowledge, and not only to rely solely on utilization of the existing. [10] Thus, the continous employee training and delopment has a singnificant role in the development of individual and organizational performance. The strategic procedure of employee training and development needs to encourage creativity, ensure inventiveness and shape the entire organizational knowledge that provides the organization with uniqueness and differentiates it from the others. Education is no longer the duty and privilege of those in higher positions and skilled labour, but it is becoming the duty and need of everyone. The larger the organizations, the more funds they spend on education and provide their employees with greater and diverse possibilities of education and development. Understanding the tremendous significance of education for the modern organization and confident that it represents a good and remunirative investment, present day organizations set aside more and more resources for this activity. Most of the organizations invest 3 to 5% of t heir revenue into adult education. It is estimated that the organizations that desire to keep the pace with changes need to provide their employees with 2% of total annual fund of working hours for training and education. [9] Thus, it is necessary to accept the model of permanent, continuous learning. That truth has been known for more than two centuries. Denis Diderot, a French philosopher and literate of the Age of Enlightment, wrote the following: "Education shouldn't be finished when an individual leaves school, it should encompass all the ages of provide people in every moment of their life with a possibility to maintain their knowledge or to obtain new knowledge". [4] The only way for present day organizations to survive is the imperative to innovate or perish. Since this depends on the knowledge the organization possesses, this imperative could be read as: learn faster than competition. The logical sequence is: knowledge creation innovation competitive advantage. If knowledge is good, is it not true that the more knowlegde we have, the better we are? Many organizations which consider knowledge
as a good thing are trapped into the pitfall of gathering as much knowledge as possible. Knowledge that is not necessary is exatly what it is: unnecessary. And the efforts to obtain it are wasted efforts. The only important knowldege is the knowledge with strategic importance to the company, knowledge that helps to increase the value of the company, knowledge with significance to the strategy of the company. It is not about knowledge for the sake of knowledge, but rather knowledge according to the needs, applicable knowledge, knowledge to create innovation and competitive advantage. [8] Obtaining knowledge, learning, education, all could have a real effect on the quality of labour only if they are harmonized with the needs of a particular organization, its goals and the goals of its employees. The further choice of educational contents and educational methods, and the efficiency of educational effectiveness control depend on clearly defined educational goals and needs, answers to the questions of which knowldege is necessary to realize the strategy and the survival of the organization in general, which employees need to possess this knowledge and will this knowledge solve certain problems. Employee training and development does not imply only obtaining new knowledge, abilities and skills, but also the possibility to promote entrepreneurship, introduce employees to changes, encourage the changes of their attitude, introduce the employees to important business decisions and involve them actively in the process of decision making.
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[3] To precisely define expectations and attract skilled workforce, more and more employment advertizings offer a certain number of annual hours or days for education. The most wanted resources are the people with particular knowledge, skills and abilities. Managers must learn to manage them, and the organizations to employ and retain them. Knowledge based organizations must preserve their competitive advantage by retaining skilled workforce, workers of knowledge, strengthening their motivation and improving the reward and compensation systems according to the workers' performances. Within the context of learning organization, it is not sufficient for the worker only to add value to the organization based on his knowledge, but he also has to receive knowledge. He gives as much knowledge as he receives. For the present day employees the wage by itself is not a sufficient incentive, but they also need investment into themselves in a sense of investing in their knowledge. Empolyees no longer work for money alone, nor can they be influenced by traditional attractive financial packages.
1. Gilley, J.W. & Eggland, S.A., Principles of Human Resource Development, Addison-Wesley, NY, 1989, p. 5. 2. McLagan, Patricia A., "Models for HRD Practice." Training and Development Journal, September 1989, pages 49 -59.
3. Sanchez R., Henne A. (1997) (eds): Strategic Learning and Knowledge Management. Chichester: John
Wiley.pp 413-416.
4. Lane, D., Puri, A., Cleverly, P., Wylie, R. & Rajan, A.(2000). Employability: Bridging the gap between rhetoric and reality. London: Professional Development Foundation.