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Setvicec Manual CASSETTE TAPE DECK MPIONEERMODEL CT-F050 COMES IN SIX VERSIONS DISTINGUISHED AS FOLLOWS: ‘= This sevice manual is applicable to the CT-F85O/KU, KC, For servicing of the other types, pleas efor to the additional sevice manuals. CONTENTS 1. SPECIFICATIONS. 3 88 RacoringFanerey ators 20 2. FRONT PANEL FACILITIES © 99 Racor ie adtent » 2. LEVEL DIAGRAM © 810 acrding Dlby Nel agement. 20 44 OSASSEMELY . 5 BIT Plaeack Doty NR eel urment 20 6 stock AGRA 12101 exw 2 7. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONS 102 Michaiam wer? = 7.1 Recording and aye oe 18 103 siechans a 72 Toe wher ae euler 18104 Machen sbi 2 = 72 Lnalmman ers 18 11, souemaric DIAGRAMS. 1.6 80ARO 78 Dalby NR cet a7 PATTERNS ANO PARTS LST oe Ceiaess te 194 Miao pars et “ oa ee 20112. Comecton dagan @ fies iarenanamiaaee 119, Semitic cosa 8 1 Prchralerpemure adamant 25114. boad concn diagram « 82 Tapespetausment 25115 Mother smb 302 * mS eben 2s 118 Power spot and cut scambiy 9 (aun. 8, ELECTRICAL ADWUSTIMENT 117 Inaitoramp seth ss 9.1 Head atimuth adjsent le ie) ean a 92 Payback mule asumert a alee eS 93 Piyback ee agusiment 2 41.10 Function ero seby 6 94 Lovet meter adusmone ae aieaaemae oo 95 Eran cee sdurient 2 oo ee a 97 Basachstnent Ey1, SPECIFICATIONS Syren. Compact cases channel serso ovos ‘Cegntan dries DC seo motor Ree de; OC hgh rue motor» 1 Heats. Sedu cording! play combination type ead x raighesd = Fa Winging Tie Approinaaly 85 econds (Coupe) Freuecy Response No more than 0.048 (RS) "G08 Recosng = ‘Stace LH tes 20m 700 (as ignore 308) Feioe toe 2040 T8000 (250 1700n 348), Como one pe 2049 1 c00He (es 70s 20) (at 180s 0) ‘omiom dose pe 2010 11,0042 Nes ape [aot o0mte ‘Sisto Nas Rai Dsl GFF Mare han 5908, Dalby NON More han 6348 (oversee) Harmonie Otarton Ne mor than 128 (08) Inputs (Senatvy/Msinom owaenpiingedce) Wilf, £}s0 310s, ry amc (Reterence MIC mga; 230 oh to 10Lobs). EINE 2 (64n¥25085 koh) Pin ace ‘ouput Retention vlLaad pecan) TENE 2; (40/60/50 tds) Pn HEADPHONES 1; 7OmV/96n8 s,m a,c “ampli ection Trasitoens4,12 10, der St (nsucng Zener ios x 3, LEDS 7) oor orl Sesto Trantor 3, Diode x Subtinetone 2 Doty Nk aston (ON-OFF) with LED intr mp 1 Foescet tube level mete (20 888) Ipet/Aveage seco) Pia fine ating oneal ab ‘ psion tape sector STDIMETALICOSIFeCe) ‘stoma tape ssc cacler sete camparimertiinaton rity chon witha eorig Guta Inet convo wih cick stop for refer payback el cT-Feso Powe Corsumption owt meron 2) 150) 36,0} en W9/i6xsis/iex tel/4in ie 324g 201640) Fares ous Seco comet cord ih npg? Head caning at Cpeing sitions Seats and he de me pombe mad —2. FRONT PANEL FACILIES Power switcH oust cover (REMAINING TAPE MARKER @TAPE COUNTER @ TAPE COUNTER RESET BUTTON @MONITOR SWITCH ‘Sinan SOUR lowetag poston mle heen ot gran cnn out oes prt oma Se [kite ann Tave nw SOULE nd S908 ® DMETER SELECTOR SWITCH @DOLBY NR SWITCH TAPE SELECTOR \BBIAs CONTROLcT-Faso {DMETALTAPE INDICATOR (DOLBY NR INDICATOR ‘BLEVEL METERS {INPUT (RECORDING LEVEL) CONTROLS Te cco he on ne, bat SSS ES sate (BOUTPUT (PLAYBACK LEVEL) CONTROLS SE tee [09 a, eee ‘Temc Jacks (DNEADPHONES JACK (BOPERATING SWITCHES ‘pom pe tl mee Nikon sp wid fore ested tone eh sec: Sipe in wh tenth te» LAY) Ong an + Manafctured ud ce fom Daly Laboratori. 1 Day and xa tacemat of Dalby Laborato3. LEVEL DIAGRAM PLAYBACKcT-Faso RECORDINGMECHANICAL ASSEMBLY (Once the front panel bas been removed, undo sews Fi.42 Raving the mechanic eembiy cT-Feso FLUORESCENT DISPLAY TUBES Undo the single screw to remove the diuplay ‘sombly. The Mlorescmnt diplay tubes are tmounted inside the displ assembly, and. wil ‘equre the ule of & solding ion for removal ‘Ths step must be performed earfuly inorder to prevent damage to component Parts Fe.43 Removing the torear ety bes Sub-HHead Base Ast, Pinch Rollr Arm Ast'y and Presure Arm. 41 Uno serows 1 and 2 and the hexagonal socket Ine bolt to remove the tub ead bass Sen: by, 2. Undo the helght adjuster nut to remove the pinch roller am easombly on the supply reel ie ‘3, Then remove F washer 1 to remove the pinch roller am assembly onthe takeup rel side, Ewanece 4. To remove the posure arm, simpy remove B washer 2. When s pinch role presse sping © to be replacod, tale special note of the ‘ciginal spring postion. Tt wil alo be neces: sary to readjst spring posture in accordance to the requirements peifed under the section ‘on “Pines roller prewure. sdjutinest™ on age 25. ‘asewp rel 44 Removing th ben! bates, pinch rela ty aMECHANICAL ASSEMBLY COMPONENT PARTS 8, Undo screws 6-10 to renowe the plunger chs ‘When the motor belt neds to be replaced, take st asembiy. special note of the order in which component 4. Usdo screws 1116 to wove the sub-chasis err debi and read sont Remove the capstan motor by undoing serx 5. ‘Then remove the takep rel motor by vn I-3.and wathers 1-3 doing rows 17 and 18, and washers 5 and 6 2. Solenoid “A in removed by undoing screws 4 ‘Solenoid Bin removed by undoing screws 19 snd 8.5. PARTS LOCATION FRONT PANEL VIEW Eg gues cT-Faso TOP VIEW WITH BONNET REMOVED REAR PANEL VIEW a6. BLOCK DIAGRAM7. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONS 7.1. RECORDING AND PLAYBACK CIRCUIT Playback Equalzar Amplifier This playback equalizer ampli isan NFB type amplifier equipped with low nis, high ain mono. Tite 16 (ANBTO), Playback Flat Amplifier This lat amplifier consis ofa single tranitor ‘Ques. Recording bias mixing i prevented by & ‘tap cet the input lage. Headphone Amplifier “The headphone amplifier is incorporated inside Tope1 (PA4OOI) (Note 1). Gans is eppreximately nak. Mic Amplifier ‘The mie amplifier is loo incorporated fnade lose1 (Note 1). The input stago contains 2 it. ferenti) amplifier, wale the output stage 1 an tte fllower Line Ampiir ‘The tine amplifier i another of the stages located inside [Cor (Note 1). The input stage of this Dat amplifier i lbo a diferental amplifier, ‘but the output stage i complementary Recording Amplifier ‘Te input stage of this amplifier (leo contained in IGpor (Note 1)) aga ferential ample, and the output stage complementary. NOTE 1: tom (patoo}) Th pn dal tn 2h hen developed by Boner pect fore t tape deh Te cote he tne ‘trdng. nd headphone ompte agadabaf f— &) WoEyE F741 hck apa ow PAO 72 TAPE SELECTOR AND EQUALIZER Tape Selector Sultable equation and bias levels forthe type of tape being used are selected by the front panel ‘Tape Selector (Se) (STD, MEFAL, (10s and Fees) cT-Feso Playback Equalizer Playback equalization is Ousee_ for meta, (0: and Fer tapes, and 120,s% for standard tapes. In the METAL, COs, and FeCr postions, 4B paned via $+ t6 Qt, thereby fuming the franstor on. As a resut, the time constant tt to TOvsee by Rios and Cite. In the STD po ftion, Qtor romaine ot, thereby setting the tine Constant at 120asee.” Cris and Riso are employ- fe to reduc the switching nois generated wien Gier ieawitcned a.72 Mayo qr deat Recording Equalizer and Rucording Bias Recording Equalior (Peaking Citclt) “The peaking charsterstie are switched by the switching action of the tape selector Peaking frequeney ie about 15Ki: in the STD postion, bout I8ktls inthe CO: and Fe poutions, ad {out I9REs in the METAL poston Recording Bias ‘Suiable recording bias Jovl is also st by the switching action of the tape selector Si. The 4B voltage for the onciltor circuit is spied by the Gras constant voluge cbeul. The record: ing bias for the STD[FeCr postions is incensed ty about 150% for the METAL postion and out 40% forthe CO: postion. The bas ede: ‘en contro ean vary the ta by up to 18 Fa.7 Posing cout“Tape Slack Cancelor Circuit ‘The presence of any tape abck in camtie tapes loaded in losedoop capstan ‘tanspart systems provents the contct loop tension fom ‘being obtsned, and rete in lore of proper tape toead contact "Ths cut eliminates any tape slack by fast rotating the supply reel in the rewind direction for a short period when the caste tape is oaded. When the power i switched on snd a cat tape 1 Toade, the St canette detector switch summed ‘on to pas #8 from S7 to Resn, Cas, and Quis, the transistor boing tured on for about I second until Cease fully charged And while Qeie is (0B is ala pated from Suir £9 Sen, reel mo- for RM, Des>, Revs, and Give, thereby taming RM in the revere dvecton to eliminate any tape sack. Quits also tumed on at the same time as ete, reting in AB being pased trom Quit to Quis via Ress. When the Qe13 transistor is fumed on, the braking wlenoid i acted, Furthermore, i order to prevent tape beng wound off the takeup reel once tee tape sic has boon ‘insted, « signal fom» photointerpter Dossod ia 4 waveform restifer and one shot ul uit to Quse which + mibeoquety tered fon. Qere is congequenty tured off to stop the pe lack eieut and halt the roves rotation of the RM 72. LEVEL METERS CIRCUIT ‘The headphone amplifier output is amplified by ‘Ques, apd retfed by Diss, the DC portion being pple to the splay driver IC (ICros). Tai IC ‘ontine 12 level display comparators used to dive the 12 level display segments (Note 1). +B is ppled to one side ofthe comparstore to supply the referee voltage, “The reerence voltage applied to each compe rator ls st in a stepwise sequence, the lower! ‘oltage being applied tothe low level dsplay en. Ci Soret ‘The DC portion rectified by Diez it compared with each reference voltae, the comsponding ‘Sgment being lit up ifthe reference voltage is ex ceeded. ‘The level meters may be usd as normal VU meters, or a peak meters, depending on the Ss ouitio (for afferent respon characteristic), Pi of et ly ements two leet blo ; fse wero T 2 sarwee74 DOLBY NR CIRCUIT "The CT-F860 features 1 type B Dolby NR noise reduction system where noes ruced in Use id to igh frequency rion only to eliminate much of ‘the inherent tape hiss. ‘The S/N ratio is improved by 10a max.) nthe high frequency range (above sis). "The Dolby NR circuit ie incorpornted in a Dolby NR_procesor IC (PA4008) developed by Pioneer. This TC employs a voltage controlled ‘arable gan eecuit (VA) rather than variable ‘eine element used in other more conventional Dolby NR ICs. See Fig. 7.6 for an oulline of ‘his Dolby NE proceaoe. Operation During Recording Mode 1. The input signal applied to the butter ampl- ‘her via the MPX filter, This ftor eliminate the FM pilot signal, and also serves as a 85K bias tap, thereby” preveaing any aceldental system misoperation. 2. The batter amplifier output & divided into 2 positions, the main gna being passed on ‘Ebectly to the adding amplifer, while the b= Signal is diverted through the side chain ampli {ier and clipper before being rejoined withthe ‘ain sgl in the adding amplifier. ‘eride being passed on to the clipper, dhe de chain amplifler output is aso applied to the ‘ottage contollod variable gain circult and Integrating amplifier toe fed back to the in [ut side again, threby forming avarable iter Furthermore, the side chain output is aso spplied to 8 highpase ier amplifier and rect. fer cut. The ecified sili then appli fo the tliage controlled varable gain ercult see contol sig cTr-Faso 5. When the level ofthe signal pase through the highpas ter amplifiers low, the ecifer DC ‘oltage will drop to almost "0". The tamover Tbequendy ofthe viable fiver wil consequent” Jy be eta minimum. Under these conditions, the adsing amplifier ouput level wil be 103 higher (for Hequencles above SKH:) than the sain signal input, and the dynamic range will ‘be contacted. With a time delay being generated between the signal applied tothe volge controlled variable fi cuit andthe maiz gna, the clipper wll not be capable of respnding to sudden level Changes. No uncontoled sia wil Us be sppled tothe adding ampli ‘When the lovel ofthe signal passed through the highpase Gter ampliier i high, the retiier DDE voltage wil leo be high, resulting in an Increase in the tumover frequency ofthe var- shie fr. The subegnal level wil conse {quently drop to almost 0", and there wil be fo contraction of te dynamic rene. Operation During Playback Mode ‘Ahough each block operates in the ame way as during secording, the alin szplier becomes 'm inversion amplifier (output phase becomes the Inverse of Use input phase), resulting in Ue ive. Son ofthe sub-algal phase andthe formation of ‘reducing type NFB loop. "In Dolhy NEB noes reduction systems, con- ‘waction and expansion occur within the frequency band determined by the vasable iter eet But ‘in order to ensure complete symmetry in these peratons its necesary to sta rference level for {he operational point. Tab ls elled the “Dolby [Nf level all signals above this lovel being oa: ‘wocted and expanded accordingly. ft But miter ‘ding a far >= HSI ur SST Fa.74 Deby cree75 CONTROL ciRCUITS PLAY Mode (Fig. 77) ‘When 2 casette tape is loaded into the tape ck, the cases half switch S> is tumed on, and the capstan motor CH commences to roti. A tape sack elimination cult” (described ater) taker p any slack prevent inthe tape a his time ‘When Sis ewtiched on by pressing the PLAY ey, Quis and Que ae both tumed on (Qe on), tnd the +B current flows va the pinch solenoid, Quin, Daw and Que to activate the solenoid. The plac roler will consequently press aghnet the apstan resulting inthe stat of ply mode "At the same time, +B alto flows via the Sir, 54-3, RM (ea motor), Dest, Res and Qove ru to tire the takewp rel ming. REC Mode (Fig. 7.7) ‘When the PLAY and REC keys are both pressed, ‘Se and S are itched on. ‘The acona of the lack solenoid and RM at this ime ae the sae at ‘deseibed above under PLAY mode, ‘When the accidental erasure prevention ewitch Su thet to the NO HOLE position because of the Intact erasure prevention tab on Uh cassette haf, 48 flows vi the Rs, sm, S62, Ss-1 Qs Toute, resulting in Qses bei fused ot. +B wil wbse- ‘Quenly be applied to Qon via Qioe and Rete, Sling inthe transistor being tumed on, and the ‘wcll circuit being activated. At the sme time SB wil also flow through Sy, Ress, and LEDs, esuling in the REC indictor lamp (LEDs) being up. fy however, the accidental erasure prevention {ab hasbeen broken off, Sie willbe switched to the HOLE postion, thoreby preventing the Now of +8 curent to the oscar. Te will consequently not be pole to commence recording mode FFF and REW Modes (Fig. 710) When the FF kay i presed to entch S11 on, +48 il be applied to Qura ra Rast ad Rast Qert snd Quo will bots be tamed on a rou ‘And with Qu thus tamed on, + will flow ‘through the brake solenoid, Ras, and Quis route to tum the solenoid off. Since also lows va Sint, RM, and Sira to ground, the RN wil com rence to rotate at PF speed, "The mequence of events much the same during EW mode, the diffrence being the vllage of ‘opposite palasty applied to RM when Sia it switched on. Pause Operation (Fig. 7.7) During both PLAY and REC modes, *B flows via the Matt, Roe, Sie, Sit; abd Gs route, resulting in Uoth Qus and Quis being tured on, ‘nd the pinch roller being actiated (ner to PLAY. ‘ode for further detals). Ifthe PAUSE key it ‘hen prawed to rwitch Sto OD, tht soute wil be fut, and both Que and Que will tum off "The pinch solenoid il thus be rwitched off ringing {ther the PLAY of REC mode to stp. ‘Auto Start Circuit (Fig. 77) When the power sith ists pushed on, PLAY and REC mode are inhibited forthe few momnents {oiet the power supply voltage stabize "At the same Lime thatthe power switch sur: ‘ed on, 1B flows tough Ce and Rais tam (Ques and Qo off. But when Cue fe compete: 1y charged up (about second later) Quy wl be fumed off, and Qse turned on. ‘The tape deck vil thus be ready fo operation in any mode Direct Switching Timing Cireit Ifthe PLAY key war prised dua ether FF or REW modes,undue tape tlsek of tape ensonwl be generated, resulting in mechanical mis- ‘Operation and other accidents In order to ove. ‘ome thi problem, fixed step intervals we empley- ‘ed duzing switching operations Direct Switching from FF/REW Modes to PLAY ‘Modo (Fie. 7-7) Daring FP mode, +8 flows though the Rss, Ress, ad Qier route, taming Quo: on, and Qiss ‘off. "If the PLAY key is then pressed, Se ill be ‘itched on, and ¥B mill ow va the Rv, 812-1, Siva route, fuming Que off. +8 will subsequently commence to ow tough Rito and Rs. to charge up Cit. During the 0.6 seconds require to charg up this expactor, Qros wil vmln of ‘Once the eapaciior has been fully charged, how ‘eer, 48 wl dow via Rate and Rep to Qe Which ‘wil consequently be tured on.” And once this ‘Tansstor has been turned on, +B wil low via Rast, Rese, Sio2, Set, and Quo, fuming Quis ‘and Qué on to activate the pinch solenoid, ind ‘commence PLAY mode Direct Switching from PLAY Mod to FF/REW ‘Modes (Fig 7-10) ‘During PLAY mode, +8 fows vi Rass, Dre, Sus-tsand Sina, and Quz and Quis are of. Uf the FF of HEW lay ls then peesed, Sn oF Si2 will be ‘ited on, resting in being passed via Ress land Raa to charge up Cae “Once this capacitor hat been fully charged (in about 0.2 seconds), 1B applied to Qui ra Rez Gnd Rew to tam the trantstor on. The ake Slenoid is consequently withdrawn to commence PF or REW mode ‘Auto Stop Circuit (Fi. 78) ‘When tape teansport stops, this cicut dien- sages the transport mechanisi automatically by ‘Roun of ree solenoid, The tape tansport elector employs « photodntemuptor featuring & cT-Faso smultibade device coupled by bat tothe take-up fel, and whove rotating bases intecrupt 2 ight ‘eam intermittently. ‘uring tape transport, te rotating blades ofthe photo interrupter reult inthe generstion of Pule Signals which turn Gee? onand of penta and likewise charge up and dicharge the Cos capa- ‘Once tape transport stops, the sia fom the photodnteruptor cee, an the Qe continuous frritching action stops.” Cao wil thus be charged by 2B via Ray and Bae ‘The base potential of Quos wil consequently Inreue,reulting in this ranitor elng tured fff, The #8 current. will eubeequenty flow vit Rese, Cons, Ren, and Res with Quie and Qui being tuned on unt the Gar capacitor is fly charged (about 02 t0 0.3 xeon). ‘With Qais urmed on, the set solenoid i act. vated, retuming (resetting) the transport mecha: nism to the STOP mode. All depressed transport ‘Bode Key wil au be relese a his time ‘Switching Circuit for Pinch Solenoid (Fig. 79) At the commencement of PLAY mode, 2 ‘momentary high voltage ls applied to the pinch Solnoid (for about 0.5 secends) in order to supply futfiient pling power Bet once the solenoid has bean activated, the applied vllage i reduced in ‘onter to avoid overhesting che solenoid cell. This ‘operation i ectiewed by the Quir/Qui sburtion Switching ere. When the PLAY key is poss and Ss switched fon Quis and Que are turn on, and +B applied fo Qurr via Bary and Cos, Qu emaiing On ‘unt Casi lly charged up. ‘Wale Qrir 08, Gert is ured on by +8 flow: Ing via Ress and Gorn Hise wll ths be shored fut, and a voltage equal in level to wl be ap. led to the pinch solenoid.” Once Cant is fullychan (in about 0.8 seconde) Qorr and Quis wel be tumed off and Reus will reduce the voltage being sped tothe pinch solenoid et ont “Tape Slack Cancale Circuit (Fig. 7.10) 1 here lean ack in the tape loaded in closed loop capstan tape decks, it will nok be possible to ‘blain normal tape tenuion, nor proper tapeto. hha contact, Tas crit causes the supply real to be rotated in the revere direction when a ca: Sette Mae oaded, thereby taking up slack present inthe tape ‘Afer the power switch hasbeen turn oa, aed casette half inverted, the cassette half detector fitch §) is switched on. 4B wil ow vis 8, Rue, Cer, and Qyre, the transistor emaiing ot Utd the capeitor has been fly charged up (ap rox. 0.1 seconds. ‘Wale Que i on, +B wil flow va the SiS Siz-a,red motor (RM), Ret Dir, Que route, thereby caus the wel motor to toate in the [REW direction, and taking up slack inthe tape ‘At the same time that Quis turned on, Quis xo tamed on, resulting in *B being applied to Qos vin Qa and Res Qez and Qers wil thus Doth tm on, and activate the brake solenoid, 7.6 MUTING ciRcUITS ‘Muting When POWER Switch Turned On This muting circuit eliminats the click noise normally provint when the FOWER switch is et turned on ‘When the POWER switch fst tured on, +B ‘curent flows ia Cut and Rei Yo. Ques, turing ‘this teanstor on unt the cepacitor has ben fully ‘charged up (approx. 4 seconds), While Qutt i (08, Ques is aloo tamed on. Consequentiy, + ‘will ow along the Dest, Que, Rist, Qie zouls, thereby muting the LINE OUTPUT.” And due to 4B ako flowing along the Dus, Rx, Qs route, {he REC amplifier wil also be muted, ‘Once Ca” is fully change, Qus wil be tured otf, resulting in Qas, Quo, and Quo also being turned off. The LINE OUIVUT and REC amplt fier wil ths be released from the muting action, ‘Mating When POWER Switeh Off ‘When the POWER swish s tured off, the +8 current decreases at a relatinly slow rte. Cals, Iowever, i designed to discharge via Rave at {actor rat, rosulting ina curent lowing via the base of Qua and Deo, ane Que thereby being tomed on ery wil therefore dischane va 2 router: Qua, Re, Ques, and Dris Rise, Quo, thereby muting both the LINE OUTPUT and the REC amplifier ‘Mating During FF and REW Modes Thit circuit is daxignd to eliminate motor noise during FF and REW modes, and any other {Unwanted noite after the motor has been stopped During FP and REW modes, +B ls applied to ‘Quis a Rens snd Rt, tng the transtor on, which in tur rents in Que being timed on. 93 current will consequently flow through the Dis, Qios, MONITOR switch S23, Dae, Ria, Qa ould to mute the LINE OUTPUT. "AC the smetime, +8 also flows via Dist and Rast to Qu twmute the REC amplifier. hen the MONITOR snitch isn the SOURCE postion, only the LINE OUTPUT muting will be ‘Musing at Sut of PLAY and REC Modes ‘Switching noite generated when the PLAY and [REC key are pret are azo muted. After the STOP ley is presed, Qos, Que, Quo, and Qi fre tured on, thereby outing the LINE OUTPUT {i the REC smpliier ‘When the FLAY key is pressed and Ss switched ‘on, +8 flows along the Rist, Dam, Sto-s, Set, ‘Qi route, but Qros romaind on for about 0.8 removed. Furthermore, #8 i alo applied to Qost ‘inthe crue prevention switch Sw and the REC {witch Sr to mute the RECampliie. REC apie Maing cet (POWER ONOFF] seconde longer while Cnt i changed up. Once Qos is ily themed off, Qies and Ques will also be tured off, resullng inte removal of the LINE OUTPUT muting. But now that because +B wil fil flow vat the Si, Se, Dray Rae route to hos, the REC amplifier wi remain muted. ‘Dring REC mode when the REC hey lo prossd sod Sy i switched on, Uh Sri rout wl be inter rupted, thereby removing the REC amplier oo + je (turned on except during FF or REW med) Fa.742, Mating cra (FF, REW, REC, PLAY)rmuting, However, if the scidental erasure pre- ention tab has been brolien off from the caette half 2 wll til be applied to. Qu via Ste, Ds, Rist, hereby eping the REC amplifier muted. "Ad long ar the erasure prevention tas ave been eft intact al the REC amplifier muting Utes ‘rll be cut to permit REC mode to proced ‘Mating When REC key Prased during PLAY Mode When the REC key is prested ater the PLAY kay har already been pressed (So already switched fon), the avich nolan ir muted by the folowing creat ‘When the REC key is preted and S+ ewitched ‘00, 4B flows via Ras, Dos, Cs, Rex Seay Sei, Que route, Roeping Qew on daring tho pe: Hod approx. 0.3 seconds) requied to fully charge Cina. During this period, ¥B flows via Drs, Qo, Dry Raw to mate out the REC amplifier. Atte fame time, #5 also flows via the S23, Dsey Rise Toute to mute the LINE OUTPUT. ‘Mating When Switching fom REC Mode to PLAY Mode ‘Mating i also achieved when the REC key alone fs rloued. during REC mode. When Ss only is fitced off, theraby switching dey to PLAY ‘mode, +8 ¢ applied to Qoot va Sia, Set Diss {id Ti. The transistor i farmed on to mute out {he REC amplifier immediatly. ‘and. beetuse 4B zo flows slong the Bee, Durr, Con, Rass, Dao, So-2, Se route to Qu, Quo will be tained on ony foe the period re {Guted to charge up Cin (approx. 0.3 seconds), feeihing in the LINE OUTPUT belng muted for hi length of time. ‘When the REC mode is stopped dizectiy by 2e- leasing both the REC and PLAY keys, the REC Supliier and LINE OUTPUT ae muted immedi- sal, cT-FasoTiming Chae8, MECHANICAL ADJUSTMENTS. 1841 PINCH ROLLER PRESSURE ADJUST- MENT A. Pos the PLAY key, 2'Gentiy pros tension gauges (of sbout 500g ‘cal sganst the pinch voller arms. (See Fig 84). 8. Check thatthe amount of presture reuired to pu the pinch roles way from the captans les inthe 360 to 440 vango on the take-up se pd in th 90 to 130g range onthe raply side the presture reads do not le within thee ranges, readjust By reataching the pinch roller reste springs a tale potions 4.11 the above adjustment procedure fas to sti fy the above sated conditions, the pinch role rete spring: wile tobe replaced. 82 TAPE SPEED ADJUSTMENT A. Comect @ frequency counter to the OUTPUT terminal. 2, Paybaok the 2s snction of tet tape STD-201. ‘The frequency st the beginning of the tape ‘hould le within 2:995He and 3:020H. Adjust the capstan motor adjustment scrow (semifixed resistor) with a sorewdrver (Se Fig. 8-2) = cary ‘Tape sped. incroused by taming the adjust meat toww in the clockwise dvecton, and dlecreaied by turaing in the opposite direction. 83. TAPE GUIDE ADJUSTMENT “The tape shoud be fee of cing atthe head suio, and any other ape anspor abnocalty Shuring PLAY mode If ating doe occur a the head guide, load a cassette hal quipped with a mirror, and aust the height of the tape guide by rotating the height adjater nt cT-Faso Fe. 01 Pach rpm aatman Fa. 83 Tove gut ajsmene9. ELECTRICAL ADJUSTMENT Belore commencing any electrical adjustments, ‘check the folowing ems 1. Fist complete al mechanical adjustments, 2 Connect 2 50K (47-52K2) restr 10. the LINE OUTPUT terminals to obtain the Oddy 1V level for measuring purpose. 8.Use the specified test tapes for these adjut- ments, Although tee taper are prepared with ide A aa ade B, always use side A, ‘STD-SS1A: general use in playback mode STD-S41A ; djustmonts in playback mode STDSO1”! STD blank tape STDS03: COs blank tape SEDSO¢ | METAL Bink tape 4. Prepare the following mensring. instruments, amilivoltmetes, low frequency generar, esl Toacope, attenuator 45. Unies otherwise specified, “REC mode” in the following sections refers to recording mode with 8 cameo half not equipped with « CxO: detec. for hole, and both the PLAY and REC key Inthe depressed ate 6.Furhermor, adjustments wil also epply to both lft and ght channels unies otherwise Indicted. ‘T.Mako sure the heads are cleaned, and demas fetnad with ahead erate 8.All-adjurmente are tobe performed in the ‘eseribed onder. Ifthe onder changed, roper ‘sdjutments may be interfered with, and the eck may fa to perform at optimum level. Adjustment sequence Heed azimuth adjuster: Playback equalize adjustment Playback level ajuetmen’ Level meter adjustment Baas trp adjustment Brarue current adjustment Bis adjudment| Recoring teeny response ‘Recording level adjustment 10, Recording Dolby NE leva adjustment 1 Payback Dolby NR level adjustment sro-388 sT0-3318 9.1. HEAD AZIMUTH ADJUSTMENT L.Conpect the milieltmeter to the OUTPUT terminal. 2.Tum the OUTPUT level contol to the max ‘mum Postion, and put the TAPE switch to s1D. 3.Play\ back the 10MH2,~20dB section of the ‘STDSA1A test tape. Turn th azimuth adjust: ‘ment srew until the output from both le and ‘gh channels reaches maximum 4 After completing the adjustment, reapply the ‘ero lock, Head acim acumen sxe 9.92 Had asic tent9.2 PLAYBACK EQUALIZER ADJUSTMENT 1 Connect milivolmeters to the OUTPUT term ale 2, Set the tape sector to the TAPE position, and ture the playback vel adjustment controls Viet (Leh) and VR3o: (Reh) up to maxi ‘mum postions, 4. Ply” the S38He/~20dB section of the STD- BLA tert tape, 44. Next play the 10kH2)—204B section of the ‘ame tet tape, and adjust VRses and VRzes to obtain ¢ "0.548 level difference fom the $3tl signal used in stp 8 5. ‘Also ply the 14kt section and check chat the level diference trom the 3331 sign Sod in sep 3 varies by mo more than ~24B~ Yeap. 6. Then switch the tape slector to the FeCr, G03 snd METAL postions and. play the Oki section at each tape sector position, checking that the playback Tovel Tie within SUSap #148 from the TOKE playback love ‘ijuted in tep 4 above 93 PLAYBACK LEVEL ADJUSTMENT Sie thie adjutment is wed in determining the Dolby NR level, # shouldbe performed cate: {ys ear, ‘Connect millvatmeter to the No. 40-(Lch) fd No, 39 (Reb) TP terminals in the mother sy. 2. Puy the 8334048 section of the STD. S41 txt tape, and adjust Vives (Leh) and ‘Vises (Reb) until the smillvometrs read lab (.12V), =*3248 8. Then turn the Bont panel OUTPUT tevel Control rote t0 the clickstop poston (the “osiek” position), ad check that the OUT. PUT levels 2dB (F10%¥) when th S281) (section ofthe STD-342A ts ape play fd. Adjust with the VRoe (Leh) and VR (en) controle i nocesary ‘94 LEVEL METER ADJUSTMENT 1. Gonneet the mitivolmeter: to the mother an'y TP terminals No. 42 (Leh) and No. 41 tre, 2, Tum’ the DOLBY NR vith on, and the MONITOR switch to SOURCE. 8. Apply © S3SH2/—L0dBv (S16mV) signal to the INPUT terminals, and adjust the front ppnel INPUT level cosizol to obtain a 2340 (om) reading in the millvolimeter (laste the VR (Leh) and VR (Reb) control in the display amplifier as'y inthe ‘ental positions) 4. Tum VRies (mother 26°y) counterclockwise Ut the lee and ght channa level mater readings of ~20dB disnppou. 5, Apin apply the 833He/—10dBW signal to the INPUT terminals, and adjust the INPUT level ‘control to obtain milivometer redings of “sabe (710m) ‘Adjust VBros (Leh) and VRros (Red) in the ‘splay amplifier as 10 that the love meters ‘ead 045." (Tum VRro) and Vos clockwin, bd stop once the OdB potion i reached) 7. Then very the input fgnal as shown in the following chart, and check that the cor: responding level rangas are atlsed.” I the Fading fal tole within the specie ranges, Fepeat saps 306 above. Tablet ‘TP Terminal Output_| Level Meter Reading ‘aki 23 BAB a5 ‘itis 29 "4 ap 208 95. BIAS TRAP ADJUSTMENT 1, Connect an omilloseope to the OUTPUT terminal 2, Set the MONITOR gaiteh to the TAPE po: sition, the tape selector fo the METAL po ‘Sten, and the OUTPUT level control to the likstop postion 3, Play back an wnrecorded portion of metal tape, orload an empty smsette hal, and proce ‘f'n play mode without any input Signal. 4, Cheek that the output level at the OUTPUT terial ls than ~15dBe (3.6m) 5, Ifthe output level exsceds thir limi, adjust ios (Leh) and Lor Reh) to obtain the vraveform of minimim amplitude Jn the Uselloscope. 96 ERASURE CURRENT ADJUSTMENT 4. Switch the tape elector to the METAL po- ston, and tum the INPUT level control down fo minimom level. Connect milivolimeter crow terminals no, 66 and 64 (GND) inthe ‘other as 2, Proceed in the recording mode bat in the sbsence of an input signal (an unrecorded {ape may be used fr this purpose) 8, Adjust VReos in the switching as'y unt ihe milivotmoter reed T6OmV. "(Sino the ‘oral frequency involve in thie mensuement [She hgh bis frequency, the meuurement rust be performed with ar)cT-Faso Fa. 93. Adjusman pont 97 BIAS ADJUSTMENT tee 1, Conasct the milvetmeter to the OUTPUT terminals 2, Tum the BIAS control to the center click: ‘Hop position, and be tape sslector to the STD position. ‘Set the meording bias adj mont controls VRgos (Lek) and VRao» (Itch) {o minimum postion, and the recording level ‘djvamont controls VRse> (Leb) and. Vier (itch) to the enter postions. Then prooeod tn the recording mode with no input gal ap- Moca el esti Fa04 Oupuionlcrpi05st s, Eiicuoaron wo se aooncr qu 4 RECORDING FREQUENCY RESENSE Peet ohare] pe pean, INPUT torminal PUT terminals, tum the OUTPUT level contol 4. Adjut the INPUT level control to obtain Upto maxianum level. tnillvolimeter readings of ~10dBv (316m). 2, Set_the tape selector to STD, and tum the 5. Rocord the 86dHl signal onto the STDSOX DOLBY NKvswiteh off. ‘Ton apply» 893Ha/ test ape, and while playing back agai, aust 90d (84.6m¥) signal to the INPUT termi- Vitsnr and Vitsos by Uualng clockwise, op al At ike postion where the playback output 3, Then set the MONITOR switch to SOURCE, fevel drope back by 0.54B after pawing the" and adast the INPUT level controls vo that animuty output level (600 Fig. 94). ‘the milwoltmeten read —2THB0 (44.620). ioe 44, Record the. 883H/~30dBr (3L.6mV) signal BOT sass and VRusy effet eachother, the above oto the STD-601 test ape, and set the MONT ‘cad ied to be epeated ee tine ‘TOR switch to the TAPE poston.‘Then aso record the 10kHa/—30dBy (91.6mV) signal onto the same test tape, Pay the tape ‘bck and check tht the output level forthe Okie signal citfers trom the output level for he 89H signal (recorded instep 4 above) by +0.saB, “Adjust with VRaes and. Vie i Repest the above proces by reconting end laying back signals vanging trom Olle to Anke, checking thatthe raconingplaybock frequency “response specifeations are tally satisfied a each frequency lel, [Next svtch the tape selector to COs, and ‘cond the 893ttz and 1OkH signals onto the ‘SPD 609 test tape. Pay the tape back agin, and adjust VRser so thet the TOKHe output level dfs trom the 388H2 outpt lov! by Ode. Switch the tape selector to the METAL po- sitlon, and record signals ranging from 40Hlz {0 12itlz onto the STD-604 tet tape, Pay the ‘ape back again, and check tht the tecontng) Playback ffequeney response speciictions (at shown in page 31) awe fly seed af al frequencies: Ifthe specifications ae not ste: fed at any one frequency, fine adjust. VR 10 a8 to bring the erasure caren! to within he A50mV 16m range (en section 96 Erase Current Adjustment for da), 9. ‘Then switch the tape selactor to the Pecr postion, and record the date and tOKftE ‘Semals onto the STD-601 test tape, Play the tape back again and check thet the Oke ‘output level dies fom the 3291 output Teel by ~2.54B * 248, 10, Tum the DOLBY NB switch on, and confirm that the “recordngplayback Gequency te sponse specifications are ato fuly tet i his cae to, 99 RECORDING LEVEL ADJUSTMENT That thi adhsiment mut be perform securely uct inet sce at othe Bly el et 1. Connect milivolineters to the mother say ‘terminals No. 42 (Leh) and No. 4t (Re). 2, Set the tape selector to STD, and tum the DOLBY NE switch off. ‘Then spply a 28st) loa (816m) sigma to the INPUT term 3, Adjust the INPUT level conteoie so that the milvetmeter ead 2d (110m). 4, Then record the signal onto” the” STD-601 test tape and play the tape back ses, adjust Ing Vibes (Lab) and Vite: (Bch) to obtaln SeBv (710m) ‘endings at TP terminals No. 40 (Lc) and Na 39 (eh. F688 Adunment oie9.10 RECORDING DOLBY NA LEVEL AD- JUSTMENT 1, With miloltmeter connected to the mother fury TP terminals No. 42 (Leh) and No. 41 (fe, apply = The2/—10aBe(S16mV) signal tothe INPUT terminal. 2, Tum the DOLBY NR ewiteh off and adjust the INPUT level controls so at to obtain Od (UV) readings inthe milivltmeters ‘3.then change the input. signal to ~50dBe (6a), 4.qhum the DOLBY NR switch on, end adjust ‘Vilas (Leh) and VRaor (Beh) io obtain a 84d (18.8) reading inthe meter. 9.11 PLAYBACK DOLBY NR LEVEL AD- JUSTMENT 1, Connect the miliottmeters to the No. 40 (Cea) and No. 89 (Reh) TP teminals inthe mother as 2, Tum VRios (Leh) and Vises (Reh) down to rinimum positions 8. ‘Apply ¢ Iki signal to the No, 10 (Leh) and ‘No. 11 (ch) terminals n the mother ax, fd sdjurt the input levels thatthe mala neler read Oar (1V). 4. Next apply an input sign with lvel 3448 blow that ofthe signal applied is step 8 above, 5, Tum the DOLBY NR switch on, and adjust Vio» and VR%os to obtan a~~0dB0 (10mV) reading inthe millvotimetas. ‘Sistmens dha thon'ot bed In secton 93 98 “Pydock ie Amen Fie. 08 Acjatnant pincT-Feso sem e* ASS : + Ung sTOA0s ate 6% pnt, wth + Ug aTD $1h an te tn Pais ee : Soruereneteres See Siew science te * Using S1D 604 and the MET . - sree * Using STDS01_and the STD poston, with DOLRY NR OFF. Pe * Vang STD.604 and the METAL positon, with DOLBY NR ON. + Using $TD.401 and the STD postion, with DOLBY NB ON. + Unig STD.609 and the C10: postion, wth DOLBY NR OFF.10. EXPLODED VIEWS 104 EXTERIOR Pare List © Par without port mimber cone be supped eye. Pert, a acT-FesocT-Fsso 7 702 MECHANISM ASSEMBLY 1 —I103 suB-CHASSIS Parts List104 MECHANISM ASSEMBLY 2 Parts List pee BBBER RE sie wasn xxuge ff bees pee geesecT-Faso e L——311, SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS, P.C. BOARD PATTERNS AND PARTS LIST entering retort 11.2. CONNECTION DIAGRAM7 11a Schematic DiagramSENSING ArycT-Faso115 MOTHER ASSEMBLY (RNX02) Part List rata Deen arta Omen Smelt omen cT-Feso rmbt Omarion esas ite to fade or nd (hen ar he pono Before Senta omreioe‘Sma prevencT-Feso Mother Assembly (RWX-202)7 716 POWER SUPPLY AND CONTROL ASSEMBLY (RWXO76) a alll efi #8 i Fy z b Parts List orwens semiconouctons la) ee enacT-Fsso 1117 INDICATOR AMP ASSEMBLY 119 INDICATOR ASSEWBL’ Fie Ports Lit
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