Task 13: Identify at Least: 5 Attributes of A Global City and Discuss The Salient Point in Each Attribute
Task 13: Identify at Least: 5 Attributes of A Global City and Discuss The Salient Point in Each Attribute
Task 13: Identify at Least: 5 Attributes of A Global City and Discuss The Salient Point in Each Attribute
3. The availability of advanced producer services According to Sassen , the availability of advance
services serves as a hallmark of modern global
cities, and focuses on four key service sectors:
accountancy, advertising, banking, and law. The
presence of these types of services was examined
in the context of the servicing of world markets
and via the identification of leading cities providing
corporate services .
4. Centers of political influence There is another reason some global cities have
extensive political influence and that is because
they are home to regional or global headquarters
of major international organizations. Paris boasts
the Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development (OECD) and the European
Headquarters of the World Bank and IMF.
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