Btech Civil 6 Sem Irrigation Engineering Pci6g001 2018
Btech Civil 6 Sem Irrigation Engineering Pci6g001 2018
Btech Civil 6 Sem Irrigation Engineering Pci6g001 2018
Registration No :
Q5. a) What do you understand by sub-surface irrigation? Describe it with the help of (9)
neat sketches.
b) Draw neat cross sections of a canal in (i) Cutting (ii) Filling (iii) Partial cutting (6)
Q6. a) Sketch a typical layout of Diversion Head works. Explain the function of under (8)
sluices and its design considerations.
b) Discuss Lane’s weighted creep theory for the design of impervious floor on (7)
permeable foundation, How does it differ from Bligh’s creep theory?
Q7. a) What is super passage? Draw a neat sketch of a super passage? Explain in (10)
brief the design procedure.
b) What is meant by falls? What are criterion for their location? (5)
Q8. a) What are the different ways by which a concrete gravity dam may fail? How (10)
will you ensure its safety against each type of failure?
b) What are the different kinds of spillway and how are they selected for (5)
individual conditions?
Q9. a) Draw suitably labelled neat sketches with different types of earth dam. How (10)
does an earth dam differs from a gravity dam.
b) What do you understand by hydraulic gradient or seepage line? Explain on (5)
what factors the seepage control measures design depends?