A Review of Research On Team Conflict, Conflict Managementand Team Performance
A Review of Research On Team Conflict, Conflict Managementand Team Performance
A Review of Research On Team Conflict, Conflict Managementand Team Performance
This paper reviews the research on the relationship among team conflict, conflict management and team
performance, mainly introduces the influence of different mediating factors and moderator effects on this
relationship. To clarify the research status of conflict management theory and points out that the formation
and transformation of conflict needs further research, not only from the linear causality but also from the
system dynamic perspective. At the end of this paper, the trend of future research in this field is prospected.
Keywords: team conflict, conflict management, team performance, conflict formation and transformation
To cope with the increasingly fierce competitive BETWEEN CONFLICT AND TEAM
international environment, companies must actively PERFORMANCE
improve the management and operation of the team to
increase the speed of response to the market dynamics. At the organizational level, there are three types of typical
With the development of globalization, the formation and team conflicts, including task conflict, relationship
transformation of team conflicts, the management of conflict and process conflict, are proposed byJehn[1]. In
conflicts, and the relationship between team performance early research, conflict and groups theories focused on the
have been widely concerned. With the expansion and negative effects of team conflict. Conflict has been
integration of capital and operation, more enterprises build suggested to interfere with team performance and reduce
work framework around the team, so as to fully expand satisfaction because it produces tension, antagonism, and
and share the knowledge and experience of team members distracts team members from performing the
and rely on diversified teams to accomplish complex or task.However not all conflicts are negative. The task
creative tasks. However, the differences of knowledge and conflicts about different understandings, viewpoints and
experience of team members often lead to differences and perspectives of the work itself; the relationship conflict
divergences in their understanding of the task itself and between the disputed interpersonal tension, friction,
the task objectives, therefore leading to team conflicts. As resentment, etc. that might hurt the team relationship; and
a result, conflict management and team performance have the process conflict about how to complete the
attracted more and more attention from scientific and inconsistent views of the task. All of these conflicts are
applicatory perspective. In the past 20 years, there have likely to improve team performance and innovation. These
been a lot of related academic research. This paper conflicts against tasks rather than people are called
reviews the research on the relationship among team constructive conflicts. De Dreu and other researchers
conflict, conflict management and team performance, pointed out that task conflict has a strong negative
mainly introduces the influence of different mediating correlation with team performance and team satisfaction.
factors and moderator effects on this relationship, in order Task conflict types with high complexity (such as
to clarify the research status of the theory of conflict decision-making type, project type, mixed type) have
management; and also points out that the formation and stronger negative correlation with team performance
transformation of conflict needs further research, not only rather than task conflict types with less complexity (such
from the in prior linear causality conflict study but also as production). And task conflict was less negative
from the extended system dynamics framework, at the correlation to team performance when task conflict and
same time it puts forward the direction that the current relationship conflict were weakly correlated per De Dreu
research is worth expanding. and Weingart[2]. Structural equation analysis supported
the model that a cooperative instead of competitive
approach to conflict leads to conflict efficacy that in turn
resulted in effective performance as measured by
managers. And also suggested how organizational teams
can be prepared to make sure of their autonomy to deal
with conflicts for their productivities by Alper, Tjosvold relationship conflict in the workplace by examining the
and Law[3]. process underpinning the escalation of task conflict to
Later, De Wit andJehn conducted meta-analysis on the relationship conflict with one’s supervisor and the
empirical studies of group conflict and its relationship moderating effect of employee trait self-control (TSC) to
with group performance. Through their exploration the predict employee strain. The result showed that the
trends, and the heterogeneity across the studies, and a positive effect of task conflict on relationship conflict was
number of moderating variables, it was found that significant for low TSC employees and non-existent for
relationship conflict and process conflict had a stable high TSC employees. Furthermore, the other result
negative correlation with group performance. And in the showed an indirect positive effect of task conflict (through
contrary to the findings of De Dreu and Weingart, it relationship conflict) on psychological strain, job burnout,
reveals that there is no correlation between task conflict and turnover intentions, but not job dissatisfaction [7].
with team performance. A more complex framework The study of De Clercq&Belausteguigoitiafound that task
across the moderator analyses, that task conflict and group conflict and team creativity are positively correlated,
performance were more positively correlated when task which are moderated by employees’ learning orientation
and relationship conflict were relatively weak. De Wit, and goal consistency respectively. When the learning
Greer and Jehn and other researchers studied the orientation of employees is high, the relationship is strong;
contingency model of conflict type moderator and found when the goal consistency of employees is high, the
that when the research object is the enterprise senior relationship is weak; at the same time, when the learning
management team rather than the non-senior management orientation of employees regulates the impact of goal
team, as well as the financial indicators or decision quality consistency, the high learning orientation will weaken the
as the performance evaluation criteria, and the correlation impact of goal consistency [8]. The studies show that task
between task conflict and relationship conflict is weak, conflict plays an important role in the team operation
task conflict and team performance are positively process, but little about who exhibits greater creativity
correlated. This reveals that the type of task conflict no when in conflict for a greater team creativity. To
longer bears the relationship with performance. The strengthen the understanding of the team creativity, the
moderators including the group contextual characteristics study found that the relationship between task conflict and
(1. cooccurrence of conflicts types; 2. task type; 3. team creativity is an inverted U-shaped relationship,
organizational level; 4. cultural context). And which is moderated by the intensity of employees' growth
methodolotical characteristics ( 5. average level of needs, according to Y. Li, Yang and Ma[9]. Under the
intragroup conflict; 6. setting; 7. subjects; 8.conflicts condition of structural work resources regulation, the
scale; 9. operationalization of group performance; 10. relationship between task conflict and team creativity is an
measurement of performance; 11. publication status)[4]. inverted U-shaped; under the condition of social job
Despite the potential positive significance, team task resources regulation, the relationship between task conflict
conflict often leads to team relationship conflict. Past and team creativity is a linear positive correlation. At the
studies have shown that a series of interpersonal factors, same time, it shows that increasing structural job
such as team communication, team trust, etc., can help to resources and social job resources, will positively affect
reduce such correlation. Another alternative view is that employee creativity, that moderate task conflict has the
performance related factors (such as perceived team potential to benefit organization, per Petrou, Bakker and
performance) are proposed, which play a moderating role Bezemer[10].
in this relationship as per Guenter et al.[5]. The perceived At the individual level, the model of team task conflict's
team performance can uncouple task conflict from differential influence on individual creativity reveals that
relationship conflict. Only when perceived team cognitive reappraisal makes individuals show a higher
performance is low, task conflicts relate with relationship level of creativity in the face of task conflict, and
conflict.Task conflicts may beneficial for team perspective selection partially mediates this relationship;
performance whereas relationship conflicts are associated expression inhibition makes individuals show a lower
with negative team performance. Because the two conflict level of creativity in the face of task conflict, and
types are typically correlated within teams, it is difficult to emotional exhaustion completely mediates this
enhance task conflicts and simultaneously avoid relationship, as per Zhang Xiaojie et al.[11]. Conflicts and
relationship conflicts. Rispens examined how importance functional confusion within the team are likely to lead to
of the conflict issue moderates the association between unsatisfactory team operation and performance. The
task and relationship conflict and tested that the relationship between team internal conflict and job
interaction between task conflict and issue importance on satisfaction. When individual members in a team perceive
relationship conflict is mediated by task conflict a larger team internal conflict, individual satisfaction is
emotionality. Results confirmed that the buffering effect low. As a mediator, individual emotion causes team
of conflict issue importance. When teams fight about members to have negative emotions, which results in
important task issues, no association between task conflict lower job satisfaction. The support of the supervisor will
and relationship conflict was found. This effect could be moderate the relationship, and the high support of the
partially attributed to the decrease in negative emotions supervisor will buffer the internal conflict of the team and
present in teams during important task conflicts per reduce the adverse impact on job satisfaction, according to
Rispens[6].Jimmieson, Tucker and Campbell studied the Greenwood and Haar[12]. The indirect relationship
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 155
between individual task conflict and individual creativity management model deepens the subsequent relationship
is mediated by employee information refinement, while conflicts; the collaborative task conflict management
team reflection moderates the relationship between model alleviates the subsequent relationship conflicts, per
individual task conflict and employee information L. A. Dechurch, Hamilton and Haas[17]. In the
refinement. When the level of team reflection is high, the relationship among team conflict, conflict management,
indirect relationship is stronger; on the contrary, when the team cohesion and team performance, conflict
level of team reflection is low, the indirect relationship is management has a direct positive impact on team
weaker, as per C.-R. Li, Li and Lin[13]. cohesionand moderates the relationship between
relationship conflict and team cohesion, as well as the
relationship between task conflict and team cohesion. This
3. RESEARCH ON THE RELATIONSHIP result suggest that a high level of conflict management not
BETWEEN CONFLICT MANAGEMENT only has a direct impact on team cohesion but also alters
the negative and positive effects of relationship conflict
AND TEAM PERFORMANCE and task conflict, respectively on team cohesion. At the
same time, team cohesion will positively affect team
A large number of literature studies show that task conflict
perceived performance, team satisfaction, and team
in perspective is generally considered to be beneficial to
vitality, per Tekleab, Quigley and Tesluk[18]. Shaw, Zhu
team performance, and there is a close relationship
and Duffy etc. tested the relationships of task conflict,
between task conflict in perspective and relationship
relationship conflict, and 2 dimensions of team
conflict in emotion. DeChurch and Marks examined the
effectiveness (performance and satisfaction) among 2
influence of team conflict management on team
samples of work teams in Taiwan and Indonesia, their
performance, and the moderating role of group conflict
finding shows that relationship conflict moderates the
management on the relation between task conflict and
relationship between task conflict and team performance,
team performance. Results of a field survey indicated that
specially the relationship is in an inverted U shape when
the use of agreeable conflict management in response to
relationship conflict is low, but the relationship is linear
task conflict was associated with greater group
and negative when relationship conflict is high. And the
satisfaction. Results examining team conflict management
team satisfaction are more equivocal, but provides some
as a moderator showed that the relationship between task
evidence that relationship conflict exacerbates the
conflict and group performance was positive when
negative relationship between task conflict and team
conflict was actively managed and negative when it was
satisfaction [19].Lu and Wang studied the relation
passively managed. Similarly, task conflict improved
between conflict management styles and relationship
group satisfaction when managed with agreeable
quality and the moderating effect of the level of task
behaviour, and harmed satisfaction when neutral or
conflict on the relation between conflict management
disagreeable behaviours were used [14]. De Dreu found
styles and relationship quality. The results show that the
that when task conflict was moderated by conflict
integrating style is positively related to relationship
management approach, the work team showed higher
quality, and the compromising style is negatively related
creativity; meanwhile, the achievement of the team's
to relationship quality. Furthermore, with an increase in
short-term goals was negatively affected. There is a linear
the level of task conflict, the positive effect of the obliging
relationship between task conflict and team creativity, but
style on relationship quality will be weakened and the
there is no such relationship between relationship conflict
positive effect of the avoiding style will be strengthened
and team creativity. Task conflicts are mediated by factors
that the team collaboration to solve problems [15].
There are studies about the effect of leaders on some
Conflict management theory can help leaders and team
aspect of team conflict, however there is no compilation
members understand how to make their conflicts
of research that gives clear picture of when, why and how
productive and learn cooperative conflict skills of direct
leaders influence team conflict. Zhao, Thatcher and Jehn
expression of feelings, an elaboration of ideas, emphatic
studied on the critical role of the leaders in group conflict
understanding of opposing perspectives, creating
through integrative review and synthesis, and figured out
alternative solutions, and accepting new resolutions.
that leaders regulate, manage and promote team conflict,
Studies show that people’s values of social face,
something that is missing from the team conflict literature.
persuasion, and nonverbal communication, when
They conducted multidisciplinary review incorporates the
appropriately expressed, promote cooperative and
role of leaders in instigating, engaging in, and managing
constructive conflict. Field studies indicate that
team conflict. And conflict manifests in teams triggered
cooperative conflict contributes to successful teamwork,
them to study the multitude of ways that leaders impact
quick service, and leadership in organizations. With such
conflict, through intentional or unintentional conflict
cooperative conflict, individuality and freedom of
instigation, engagement in conflict as strategic observers,
expression very much contribute to team life and team
or conflict management via conflict resolution [21].
productivity, according to Tjosvold and Ding[16].
Although conflict management has been widely
The being managed task conflicts affect the relationship
concerned, most of the research is still focused on the
conflicts subsequently. The conflict management strategy
individual and small team level, there is no verification
moderates this relationship: the competitive task conflict
whether the conflict management method created by the
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 155
organization can become the norm shared by the society. positively related to team conflict. Team conflict is
Gelfand et al. studied three conflict cultures, including negatively correlated with employee creativity. Political
cooperation, domination and avoidance, as unit level atmosphere regulates the relationship between task
respectively, and found that leaders' conflict management conflict and relationship conflict. When the political
behaviours were related to typical conflict culture research atmosphere is strong, the relationship between them is
units. It is proved that conflict culture has an impact on strengthened, by Bai, Han and Harms[26].Change
the macro results of an organization, including its vitality leadership is used as an independent variable to study the
(such as cohesion, potential and burnout) and its impact of team task conflict and relationship conflict as
performance (such as creativity and customer service). mediators on job satisfaction and performance. Through
The view of conflict culture transcends the individual structural equation model research, Kammerhoff,
level and brings a new perspective to the dynamic conflict Lauenstein and Schutz reveal the effectiveness of task
management at the organizational level [22]. For the conflict mediated change leadership on team performance
purpose to study the relationship between task, and relationship conflict mediated change leadership on
relationship, process conflict and team performance, as job satisfaction [27].
well as the conflict types at team level, team conflict Taking individual factors and group factors as
dynamic model is used to study the relationship between antecedents, ZhuShixiang and Zhang Yong study the
conflict types and key variables (including psychological causes, process and performance of senior management
safety, conflict management, team performance). Such team conflict. The interaction between task conflict and
model considers dynamics by examining conflict relationship conflict indirectly affects performance under
transformation over time, reciprocal effects of conflict different conflict management methods and situational
management processes, and negative feedback loop. factors [28]. Taking task conflict as dependent variable, G.
Furthermore, the model includes contextual features Lee et al., have revealed that formal control and Chinese
involving team design and the organizational "relationship" are effective corporate governance
environment, according to Apos, Neill and McLarnon[23]. mechanisms to restrain task conflict in outsourcing
business when Chinese manufacturing organizations
outsource R & D and manufacturing, while Chinese
4. EXTENSION RESEARCH ON "relationship" regulates the effect of independent formal
control on dependent variable task conflict, especially in
CONFLICT FORMATION AND the case of R & D outsourcing. Such study provides a
TRANSFORMATION reference for effective management of task conflict [29].
The nature of conflict could change along its progress,
As for the research on the relationship among team however most of the researches in prior used to adopt the
conflict, conflict management and team performance, the linear single point measure of the phenomenon, treating
current mainstream is to study conflict as an independent conflict as a stable and static property. Packer and
variable, while the research on conflict as a mediator or Chasteen discussed three levels of temporal units as
dependent variable is relatively limited. period, episode, and move examined the states and
Task interdependence is used as an independent variable processes of conflict[30]. Paletz et al. studied the time in
to study the influence of task conflict, relationship conflict conflict formation, defined into three levels of temporal
and team cooperation as intermediary factors on team units and came out as periods, episodes, and moves. In the
performance. Task interdependence has a significant meantime, they studied the size in conflict formation,
positive impact on team cooperation and team revealed how micro-conflicts were built into meso-
performance, and a significant negative impact on conflicts, and then accumulated into macro-conflicts.
relationship conflict; relationship conflict has a significant They stated that it is time and not the number of parties
negative impact on team cooperation; task conflict has a involved, and the analysis of the nature of such move,
significant positive impact on team performance; team episode, and period framework to form and test the
cooperation has a significant positive impact on work hypotheses about conflict dynamics, yet their resulting
performance; trust significantly regulates the effectiveness models and hypotheses were still about the linear static
of task conflict on team performance, per C.-c. Lee et relationships[31]. Cronin and Bezrukovarealized that
al.[24]. Organizational climate consistency is used as an dynamics have been indirectly present in conflict research
independent variable to study the relationship between but neglected as an aspect of study. They continued the
team task conflict and team communication quality. study about the conflict dynamics and developed the
Compared with the team with strong organizational system dynamics framework to capture dynamic change
climate consistency, the team with weak organizational and review in a different model which is moving beyond
climate consistency tends to have higher task conflict and linear causality. They also disclosed the system dynamics
lower team communication quality, per Gonzalez-Roma framework can reinterpret and synthesize a multitude of
and Hernandez[25]. The political atmosphere of an static cause and effect findings from cross levels research
organization is regarded as an independent variable to about conflict formation and transformation. When time
study the relationship between team conflict (including was included into the relationship research between
task conflict and relationship conflict) and individual conflict, conflict management and team performance, it
creativity. It is found that political atmosphere is reveals that the teams with early success would have less
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 155
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and team performance, combs the influence of different work. European Management Journal, 2017. 35(1): p.
mediating factors and moderating effects on this 78-90.
relationship. In order to clarify the research status of
conflict management theoryand points out that the [9] Li, Y., B. Yang, and L. Ma, When Is Task Conflict
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