BR29987-14 Section B

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C-s- ELECTRIFIED LINES Withdrawn DocumentBR 299B7/14 Section “B”

Re-ieeued June 19W
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d. -
List of Contents
Instruction No.
25.Facilities for isolating and earthing
Type of isolation
27.Work necessitating isolation and earthing ,.
28.Blockage of lines to electric trains
29.Electrical section/sub-section blocked to
electric trains not requiring isolation
30. Movement of electric trains towards
isolated sections
31. Isolation of overhead line equipment for
● issue of Permit to Work
32. Issue of authority to test overhead line equipment :
33. Testing and applying local earths
34. Issue of Permits to Work
Two or more parties working within same isolation :
;:: Procedure if change of staff
37. Cancellation of Permits to Work
38. Making overhead line equipment live
39. Cancellation of blockage of lines to
electric trains
40. Altering blockage
41. Isolating and eartnmg of sidings where
local isolation not allowed
42. Isolating and earthing of sidings where
local isolation is allowed
43. Work on rises, bare feeders and feeder
44. Issue of Permits to Work spanning a Neutral -
Section forming boundary between
Electrical Control Rooms

● 45. Work on structure mounted auxiliary supplies

transformers and associated voltage
46. Work on or close to earth wires, return
conductors and booster transformers
47. Connections between return current
busbar and rail
48. Connections between structures carrying
auxiliary supplies transformers and rail
Appendix– Neutral Section nominated ElectricalControl Rooms
for Form “N” procedure.
Forms AE, AT, AS, B, C and N – Pages B35 to B43.

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Re-issued June 1990 .*
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25.1 The overhead line equipment is divided into sections which

extend from Feeder Station to Track Sectioning Cabin or from one
Track Sectioning Cabin to another. Each section of overhead line
equipment is fed through a circuit breaker in the Feeder Station or
Track Sectioning Cabin. Each circuit breaker is arranged to open
automatically in the event of an electrical fault on the section
concerned. These circuit breakers are under the control of the
Electrical Control Operator, and can be opened or closed remotely ●
by him.

25.2 The overhead line equipment can be further divided by

section switches which are mounted on the overhead line
equipment structures and are arranged for manual operation from
ground level. Each switch is provided with a locking device, the
key of which must be kept in the box provided for that purpose.
Some section switches can also be operated remotely by the
Electrical Control Operator.

25.3 At each point where the overhead line equipment can be

sectioned, provision is made by means of an insulated overlap
span, section insulator or neutral section for electrical separation
as may be required.

25.4 Arrangements are made by means of alternative feed

switches for certain sidings or terminal lines to be fed from either
of two other sections of overhead line. In addition, some sidings
or groups of sidings or terminal lines may be isolated and earthed
by means of siding switches.

25.5 Details of the sectioning arrangements are given in the

appropriate Isolation Diagrams and Isolation Instructions which
are kept in Operations Control Rooms, Signal boxes, Electrical
Control Rooms and other necessary locations.

25.6 The overhead line switches must be operated only by staff

who have been trained for this purpose and then only on the direct
instructions of the Electrical Control Operator. The Electrical
Control Operator will specify by number which switches are to be
operated and how they are to be operated<

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26.1 There are three types of isolation:-

26.1.1 Pre-arranged isolation – for work progammed to take

place or which is agreed at short notice – See Instruction 27.

26.1.2 Local isolation – allowed at certain Sidings, Depots

and Sheds – See Instructions 42 and 52.

26.1.3 Emergency isolation – made necessa~ by an

unforeseen incident which requires the electricity to be
switched off immediately — See Instruction 6.

● 26.2 When a section of overhead line equipment has been

isolated, it must still be treated as being alive until:-

26.2.1 a Permit to Work has been issued, or,

26.2.2 where local isolation is allowed, such other

assurance has been received, or,

26.2.3 in the case of an Emergency isolation, an assurance

in accordance with Instruction 6.3.5 has been given by the
Electrical Control Operator. I



27.1 Work on or near to the overhead line equipment

necessitating the isolation and earthing of the equipment must be
arranged in advance, Advice of work which involves an Absolute
Possession of the line must be given in the printed Weekly I
Operating Notice. However, in exceptional circumstances, work
● of an urgent nature not published in the Weekly Operating Notice
may be carried out with the prior agreement of the appropriate
Operations Officer and Area Electrification Manager, When a
request for an isolation is made, the line(s) on which the overhead
line equipment is required to be isolated and earthed and the
structure numbers between which the work is to be carried out
must be stated so that the effect on electric train working can be

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Re-issued June 1990 .
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27.2 Work arising at short notice which can be performed
completely or in stages between the passage of trains may be
agreed with the Operations Control/signal box Supervisor/ Signal-
man concerned without the prior arrangements detailed in 27.1. In
such a case, an authorised representative of the Area
Electrification Manager must be in charge on site and must
communicate with the Electrical Control Operator, advising him
the nature of the work and its location, the line(s) concerned and
the structure numbers between which it is required to carry out
the work, also the length of time required for the work or the
stages of the work.


28.1 Except in emergency or as provided for in 28.10, the ●

Electrical Control Operator must, before isolating any section of
overhead line equipment, obtain an assurance that the line(s)
concerned has been blocked to electric trains in accordance with
the procedure set out below. In emergency, the procedure must
be carried out as soon as practicable after the overhead line
equipment has been isolated.

28.2 If it is necessary for the line(s) to be blocked to all trains the

appropriate Rules and Regulations must be observed.

28.3 The Electrical Control Operator must communicate with the

Operations Controller/signal box Supervisor/Signalman concerned
giving a numbered message and details of the isolation required,
stating the electrical section(s) or sub-section(s) to be isolated,
quoting the designation(s) as given in the Isolation Instructions
and the agreed time of the isolation. The Electrical Control
Operator must complete Part 1 of Form AE.

28.4 At signal boxes specially authorised in the signal box

instructions. ●
28.4.1 The Supervisor must record the message in Part 1 of
Form AT and then advise each Signalman concerned
requesting that the blockage be effected. He must complete
Part 2 of the Form and then hand it to the Signalmen
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● BR 29987/14 SectIon “B”

28.4.2 When each Signalman has blocked the line(s)

affected, he must place reminder appliances on the
appropriate levers and make an entry in Part 3 of Form AT
returning it to the Supervisor. An appropriate entry must be
made in the Train Register.
28.4.3 The Supervisor must also, where necessary,
communicate with any other signal box and/or sidings,
which are specially nominated in the signal box instructions,
controlling access to the line(s) concerned, giving the
numbered message to the Signalman/Person in charge of
sidings, quoting the electrical section(s) or sub-section(s)
which require to be blocked and the designation qiven in
● the Isolation Instructions and the agreed time of the isolation.
The message must be recorded by the Supervisor in Part 2 of
Form AT and by the Signalman/Person in charge of sidings
in Part I of Form AS. When the Signalman/Person in charge
of the sidings has blocked the line(s) affected, he must place
reminder appliances on the appropriate levers and
acknowledge the message by completing the relevant portion
of Part 2 of Form AS. An appropriate entry must be made in
the Train Register and Form AS attached thereto. The
Supervisor must record the acknowledgement to his
message in Part 3 of Form AT.
Note: Where there is no Supervisor in tk signal box, the
Signalman must carry out the duties shown for the
Supervisor in 28.4.
28.5 “At signal boxes, other than those specially authorised in 28.4.
28.5.1 The Operations Controller must record the message in
Part 1 of Form AT and then advise each signal box/Person in
charge of sidings controlling access to the line(s) concerned
and give a numbered message to the Signalman/Person in
● charge of sidings. The message must be recorded by the
Operations Controller in Part 2 of Form AT and by the
Signalman/Person in charge of sidings in Part 1 of Form AS.
28.5.2 When the Signalman/Person in charge of sidings has
blocked the line(s) affected, he must place reminder
appliances on the appropriate levers, make an entry in Part 2
of Form AS and advise the Operations Controller accordingly,
quoting the message number. Form AS must be counter-
signed by ‘any other Signalman concerned. An appropriate
entry must be made in the Train Register and the Form AS
attached thereto. The Operations Controller must record the
acknowledgement(s) to his message in Part 3 of Form AT.

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Re-issued June 1990

28.6 When confirmation has been received from all concerned

that the Iinels) in question has been blocked as requested, the
Operations Controller/signal box Supervisor/Signalman must so
inform the Electrical Control Operator by a numbered message
and complete Part 4 of Form AT. The Electrical Control Operator
must complete Part 2 of Form AE.

28.7 When it is necessary to block a section or sub-section of

line to electric trains but the line remains open for other trains, the
the signal(s) controlling the entrance to the section of line affected
must not be cleared for an approaching train until the Signalman
has ensured that the train is not an electric train.

28.8 Each signal box Supervisor/Signalman/ Person in charge a

sidings must when taking up duty countersign the appropriate
Form to indicate that he fully appreciates the nature and extent of
the blockage.

28.9 A signal box “must not be closed until arrangements have

been made to extend the blockage.

28.10 If a signal box opens during the period the line(s) is

blocked to electric trains the Signalman must immediately contact
the Operations Controller/signal box Supervisor and the
provisions of 28.4 or 28.5 as appropriate must be carried out. In
addition, the Operations Controller/signal box Supervisor must
advise the Electrical Control Operator if adjustment to the
blockage is required.

28.11 Where the switching arrangements are such that

electricity must first be switched from the whole section to isolate
a sub-section, the Electrical Control Operator may for the purpose
of such isolation and by arrangement with the Operations
Controller/signal box Supervisor/Signalman concerned, switch
off electricity from the complete section without blocking t
section, but before doing so, he must ensure that the su‘@
I section(s) which will remain isolated when the switching is
completed, is blocked to electric trains. Electricity must, however,
be restored to the unblocked sub-section(s) as quickly as possible.



28.1 When it is necessary to block an electrical section or sub-

section to electric trains and an isolation is not required, the
procedure detailed in Instruction 28 must be followed.

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29.2 When part of an electrical section or sub-section is to be
blocked to electric trains and cannot be described by a number as
shown in the Isolation Instructions, the location and extent of the
blockage must be described precisely in Forms AE, AS and AT.
When the blockage is to be cancelled the procedure detailed in
Instruction 39 must be followed.

The requirements of Instruction 2B.9 will not apply to such a

blockage unless it forms part of a through route remaining open
for traffic when the signal box is closed.

29.3 The provisions of Instructions 23,30 and 40 also apply.



If it is necessary to make a movement with an electric train beyond

the signal protecting an isolated section or sub-section towards
the limiting point as defined in the Isolation Instructions or to
make an unsignalled movement towards such limiting point, the
Signalman may authorise the movement provided that a
Handsignalman is positioned at the limiting point with instructions
to place three detonators, 20 yards (or 20 metres) apart, on the line
and exhibit a hand Danger signal. The Signalman must obtain an
assurance this has been done before authorizing the movement. If
the detonators are exploded, they must be reinstated immediately.



31.1 Before a Permit to Work is issued and after the line(s) has
been blocked to electric trains, the following procedure must be
carried out to isolate the section or sub-section of overhead line
● equipment in the sequence given below:-

31.1.1 The Electrical Control Operator must open or

arrange to open the circuit breaker(s) necessary to:-

(i) isolate the section concerned, or,

(ii) ensure that no current flows through the switch(es)

referred to in 31.1.2 where only a sub-section is being

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The Electrical Control Operator must record in Part 1 of
Form B all switches and circuit breakers affecting the
isoiation and advise the Nominated Person who must
record such information on ;lis copy of the Form B.

He must then take the appropriate action in accordance

with the Electrical Control Room Instructions to prevent the
circuit breaker(s) being re-closed. When a switch referred to
in 31.1.2 is of the load breaking type, it may be opened
without prior operation of the circuit breaker(s) feeding the
section concerned.

When work is to be carried out in proximity to bushings or

cable sealing ends the Electrical Control Operator must
arrange for these to be isolated and earthed in accordance
with Instruction 43.

Bare feeders are part of the overhead line ecwipment and

must be isolated and earthed accordingly. However, when a
bare feeder is isolated and earthed separately from its
associated electrical sub-section which remains alive and
available for electric trains, no Form AE is required. In this
case the bare feeder description “Bare feeder for sub-section
number . ...” must be entered on the Form B concerned.

31.1.2 If any sub-section(s) within the section, other than

the sub-section required to be isolated for the work covered
by the Permit to Work, is required for electric train operation,
the Electrical Control Operator must then operate, or instruct
a person(s) authorised to carry out overhead line switching
operations, to operate and lock in the instructed position, the
overhead line switch (es). The Electrical Control Operator
must specify the identification number(s) of the switch(es)

If the Electrical Control Operator is satisfied that owing to

the location of the switch(es), traffic considerations or any
other reason, the switch(es) concerned will not be carrying
load current at the moment of operation, he may authorise its
operation without first opening the circuit breaker(s) feeding
the section concerned.

When the overhead line switches have been operated into,

and locked in the instructed position, the person(s) who has
carried out the operation must confirm this to the Electrical
Control Operator.

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The Electrical Control ODerator will then reclose, or
arrange to reclose, the appropriate circuit breaker(s) to permit
electric train operation.

32.1 When the Electrical Control Operator is satisfied that the

overhead line equipment concerned is isolated, he must authorise
the testing of the overhead line by a Nominated Person giving a
numbered message which both must enter in Part 1 of Form B
together with the details of the electrical section(s) or sub-
section(s) isolated, the line(s) concerned, the limits of isolation
● and the time by which the authority is to be cancelled.

If in unusual circumstances there is an overhead line switch(es)

within the isolation, which is not in the normal position, the
Electrical Control Operator must advise the Nominated Person and
both must record the numht?r(s~ and the position of the switch(es)
concerned in Part 1 of their Forms B.

32,2 The Nominated Person must then carry out the procedure
detailed in Instructions 33 and 34 except that another person(s) so
authorised may on his behalf apply local earths. The Nominated
Person must, when instructing the person(s) authorised to apply
local earths on his behalf, state the location(s) at which, and the
line(s) on which, the earths are to be applied and whether single or
duplicate earths are to be applied. When the person(s) has applied
the earths he must confirm this to the Nominated Person, quoting
the location(s) at which, and the line(s) on which he has applied
the earths and whether single or duplicate earths have been
applied. The Nominated Person must then record the relevant
information in Part 2 of Form B.



33.1 Each separately isolated electrical section or sub-section of

overhead line equipment must be tested with an approved testing
device and when it has been proved to be isolated, duplicate local
earths must be applied on each side and in proximity, or at the
working limits of, the working party on each separately isolated
electrical section or sub-section to be covered by the Permit(s) to
Work. Sufficient intermediate single local earths must be applied
within the working limits such that the distance between local
earths does not exceed those given as follows:-

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(i) When the isolated equipment is paralleled ‘/4 mile

by live overhead line equipment or (400 metres)

where adjacent Electricity Board overhead maximum
power lines exist.
(ii) When all adjacent overhead line 2 miles
equipment is isolated and where no (3200 metres)
adjacent Electricity Board overhead maximum
power line exists.
Note: The term ‘adjacent Electricity Board. overhead
power line’ is defined as an Electricity Board
overhead power line which operates at a nominal
phase to phase voltage exceeding 33,000 volts,
the locations of which are indicated on the
Isolation Diagrams or specified in Electrical

I Isolation Instructions.
(iii) When an overhead line works train fitted with an
earthed pantograph at each end is used, work may be
carried out on the overhead line equipment between the
raised earthed pantographs and no intermediate single
local earths are required unless one or both pantographs
is lowered.
When an on-track overhead line maintenance trolley is in use

I and an earthing device is provided on the trolley, work may be

carried out on the overhead line equipment from the trolley,
without additional local earths being provided.
The electrical continuity of the overhead line equipment must be
maintained uninterrupted between successive local earths. If, in
unusual circumstances, the overhead line equipment is not
electrically continuous between successive local earths then the
overhead line equipment on each side of the electrical
discontinuity must be separately tested and earthed. The local
I earths on each side of the discontinuity must be in duplicate and
applied within a distance of 80 yards (75 metres) from the

discontinuity. For this purpose a terminal end maybe considered
as a discontinuity.
In the case of a terminal end, when all adjacent overhead line
equipment is isolated and were no adjacent Electricity Board
overhead power line exists, the duplicate local earths at the
terminal end must be applied at no greater distance than 2 miles
(3200 metres) from the terminal end. For this purpose a neutral

I section may be regarded as a terminal end, provided duplicate

local earths are applied to the overhead line equipment between a
supply point and the neutral section.

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/kC. ELECTRIFIED LINES BR 299B7/14 Section “B”
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The electrical continuity of the overhead line equipment between
successive local earths may be carried through a busbar at a Feeder
Station or a Track Sectioning Cabin provided that the busbar is
isolated and locked off from all sources of electrical supply by
means of isolators or overhead line switches. The Electrical Control
Operator must maintain all circuit breakers which are providing the
electrical continuity in the “closed” position.

If it is necessary to carry out work which would involve the

interruption of the electrical continuity of the overhead line
equipment, a continuity jumper fitted with screw clamps must first
be applied across the position of the proposed break and must not

● be removed until the continuity of the overhead line equipment

has been restored.

33.2 Where, as an additional precaution, it is necessary to isolate

adjacent overhead line equipment because of its proximity to the
equipment on which work is to be performed, the adjacent
equipment must be isolated and tested in accordance with
Instructions 31 and 32. Local earths must be applied in accordance
with 33.1 to the adjacent equipment. Details of the adjacent
equipment must not be included within the working limits specified
on the Permit to Work.

33.3 When a working party requires to move to a new position

outside the original working limits, the overhead line equipment
must be tested at the new position and local earths then applied in
accordance with 33.1. A new Permit to Work must be issued before
any work is allowed to commence at the new position.

33.4 Local earths must not be finally removed until all the work is
completed, all men and materials are clear of the overhead line
equipment and all Permits to Work are cancelled.
● .33.5 The earth-end connection of a local earth must always
be made BEFORE the line-end is conneoted to the overhead
line equipment.

In areas where designated earth points are in use, local earths

must be of the short type, except that long earths may be used in
certain circumstances when authorised.

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34.1 When the Nominated Person is satisfied that the procedure

detailed in Instruction 33 has bewi carried out, he must then issue
to each person in charge of work a Permit to Work. Part 1 of Form
C must be used for this purpose which, when completed, will
constitute the Permit to Work.

34.2 The Nominated Person must record particulars of all local

earths applied and all Permits to Work issued in Part 2 of Form B
and at the earliest opportunity inform the Electrical Control
ODerator, who must also record the relevant information in Part 2
of his Form B.

34.3 The Nominated Person issuing the Permit to Work must
ensure that the person in charge of the work fully understands the
working limits stated on the Permit to Work and, where live
equipment is adjacent to or crosses over the earthed equipment,
which equipment is alive and which is earthed.

The person in charge of work must sign Part 1 of the Permit to

Work and in turn ensure that each man for whom he is responsible
fully understands these conditions before the man commences any
of the work for which the isolation is necessary. He must retain his
Permit to Work in his possession until the work is completed or
terminated, or he is relieved.

34.4 The overhead line equipment must not be made alive until all
Permits to Work on the overhead line equipment concerned have
been returned, correctly cancelled, to the Nominated Person.

I 34.5 The Nominated Person must be in attendance to issue and

I cancel each Permit to Work.



35.1 If two or more parties are working within the same isolation
of overhead line equipment, they may be protected by the same
local earths which may not necessarilybe applied in proximity to
the working limits of each working party but must otherwise be
applied in accordance with Instruction33.1. Each person in charge
of each working pa- must be issued with a separate Permit to
Work showing the working limits of his party. When required
more than one Form B authority may be issued for the same
isolation. In this case each Nominated Person issuing Form C(s)
should arrange for the necessary earthing to be applied for such
I Form C(s).
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35.2 In the event that the same local earths are used for
protection, each Form B must be endorsed with the earthing
arrangements and the Nominated Persons concerned must ensure
that these “common” earths are not removed until all associated
Permits to Work have been cancelled.


36.1 If the Nominated Person who received authority to test the

overhead line equipment is relieved,he must ensure that his relief
fully understands the extentof the isolationand the time it is due to
be cancelled, and must hand to his relief his copy of Form B
showing all Permits to Work issued for work being done under the
isolation.The relief must inform the ElectricalControl Operator that
he is taking up the duties, giving his name and that of the man he is
relieving. The Electrical Control Operator and the relief must record
the relevant information on their copies of Form B.

36.2 If the person in charge of the work is relieved, he must hand

to his relief the Permit to Work which both must sign in Part 2. He
must inform his relief of the conditions set out in Instruction 34.3.
The relief must inform the Nominated Person (either directly or via
the Electrical Control Operator), who must record the change in
Part 2 of Form B. The Nominated Person must at the earliest
otmortunitv inform the Electrical Control Operator who must record
the relevant information on his Form B.


37.1 On completionof the work or at such other stage in the work

as may prove necessary and practicable, all men and materials must
be cleared from proximity to the overhead line equipment and each
person in charge of work must complete Part 3 of his Permit to
Work and return it to the Nominated Person, who must sign Part 3
thereof and enter the time and date of cancellation in Part 2 of Form
B, The Nominated Person must ensure that all Permits to Work
which have been issued are returned to him and he must then
ensure that all local earths are removed.

37.2 The line-endconnectionof a localearth must always be

removed from the overheadlineequipment BEFOREthe earth-
end connectionis broken.

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Reiseued June IWO .
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37.3 The Nominated Person must then inform the Electrical
Control Operator that all Permits to Work are in his possession and
cancelled and all local earths have been removed. The Electrical
Control Operator must record the relevant information in Paft 2 of
his Form B. The Nominated Person must then issue a numbered
message to the Electrical Control Operator and both must complete
Part 3 of their copy of Form B, canceling the authority.


38.1 After the ElectricalControl Operatorhas receivednotification

that all authorities issued under Form Bare cancelled,the following
procedure must be carried out:-

38.1.1 The Electrical Control Operator will operate circuit

breaker(s) as necessarv. When, however, this operation would ●
cut off current to the section(s) not blocked to electric trains,
the Electrical Control Uperator must first consult the
Operations Controller/signal box Supervisor/Signalman

38.1.2 The Electrical Control Operator must operate, or

instruct a person(s) authorised to carry out overhead line
switching operations to operate and lock in the instructed
position, the switch(es) as necessary. The Electrical Control
Operator must specify the identification number(s) of th~
switch(es) concerned.

38.1.3 When the switches have been operated and locked,

the person(s) who carried” out these operations must confirm
this to the Electrical Control Operator.

38.1.4 The Electrical Control Operator will operate circuit

breakers as necessary.


39.1 When the Electrical Control Operator is satisfied that the
overhead line equipment concerned is again alive and electric train
working can be resumed, he must communicate with the Opera-
tions Controller/signal box Supervisor/Signalman giving a
numbered message and inform him that, so far as the Electrical
Control Operator is concerned, the working of electric trains over
the line(s) concerned may be resumed. The information must be
entered in Part3 of Form AE by the Electrical Control Operator and
the following procedures carried out.

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Re-issued June 1990
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39.2 At signal boxes specially authorised in the signal box
ins tructions.

39.2.1 The Supervisor (or Signalman where there is no

Supervisor in the signal box) must record the message in Part
5 of Form AT and then advise each Signalman and/or Person
in charge of sidings concerned of the cancellation of the

39.2.2 The Signalman/Person in charge of sidings must,

provided the line(s) is otherwise clear and fit for traffic,
remove any reminder appliances and then resume normal

● 39.2.3 Each person so informed must complete Part 6 of

Form AT or Part 3 of Form AS as appropriate. An entry must
also be made in the Train Register.

39.3 At signal boxes, other than those specially authorised in 392.

39.3.1 The Operations Controller must record the message in

Part 5 of Form AT and then advise each signal box/Person in
charge of sidings controlling access to the line(s) concerned of
the cancellation of the blockage.

39.3.2 The Signalman/Person in charge of sidings must,

provided the line(s) is otherwise clear and fit for traffic, remove
any reminder appliances and then resume normal working.
Each Signalman/Person in charge of sidings must complete
Part 3 of Form AS and an appropriate entry must also be made
in the Train Register.


40.1 When, for the purpose of altering the extent of an isolation, a

superseding blockage is to be initiated, the Electrical Control

. Operator must arrange for the superseding blockage to be
effected before the existing blockage is cancelled. Entries must be
made on the appropriate Forms AE, AS and AT.

40.2 The Electrical Control Operator must arrange for a

superseding Form B to be effected detailing the new isolation limits
and earthing arrangements before arranging the cancellation of any
limits and earthing arrangements implemented under the initial
Form B. Where Permits to Work and/or earthing arrangements
implemented under the initial Form B are to remain in force under
the new conditions, all such details must be transferred to the
superseding Form B and the initial Form B endorsed accordingly.

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40.3 If, however, an individual adjoining isolation(s) is required,
the Electrical Control Operator must arrange for the blockage for
each individual isolation to be separately effected.



41.1 When an isolation of sidings is required where local isolation

is not allowed there must be consultation between the Person in
charge of sidings and the Operations Controller/signal box

41.2 The Person in charge of sidings must arrange with the

Electrical Control Operator for the isolation to be effected.
Instructions 28 to 36 must be o%erved except that if the Electrical

Control Operator is satisfied that circumstances permit, he may
authorise the siding switch to be opened without first opening the
circuit breakers feeding the section to’ which the siding is

41.3 The Person in charge of sidings must ensure that:-

(i) reminder appliances are placed on or adjacent to hand

point levers controlling access to the sidings to be
isolated, or

hand points controlling access to the sidings to be

isolated are clipped and padlocked for alternative routes
that are not isolated,

(ii) shunting staff working in the sidings are advised of the

limits of electric train movement.

41.4 When the isolation is no longer required Instructions 37 to 39

must be observed and the Person in charge of sidings must ensure
● -


(i) reminder appliances/point clips are removed from the

hand points,

(ii) shunting staff working in the sidings are advised that

normal working has been resumed.

Withdrawn Document BR 2W?7114 SectIon “B”
Uncontrolled When PrintedRe-issued June 1990
42.1 At certain sidings specified in the Isolation Instructions, the
overhead line equipment may be isolated and earthed by the
appropriate siding switch without adopting the procedure in
Instruction 41. This isolation and earthing may only be undertaken
by a Nominated Person trained in, and authorised to carry out, the
isolation and earthing procedure for the siding.

42.2 When a local isolation is required the following procedure

must be carried out:-

● 42.2.1 The Nominated Person must be satisfied that it is safe

to isolate the siding and then block it to electric trains,
ensuring that a reminder appliance is fitted on, or adjacent to,
the lever(s) operating the hand points controlling access to
the siding or, alternatively, that the points are clipped and
padlocked for an alternative route that is not isolated. If the
points are controlled from a signal box the Signalman must
place reminder appliances on the appropriate levers and
make a suitable entry in the Train Register. The Nominated
Person must then advise the Electrical Control Operator
confirming that there are no pantographs raised in the siding
and obtain permission to isolate and earth the siding.

42.2.2 When this permission has been granted, the

Nominated Person must obtain the key, unlock the switch and
operate it to and lock it in the “Earth” position.

42.2.3 When the switch has been locked in the “Earth”

position, the Nominated Person must apply short local earths
to the earthed overhead line equipment at the designated

● earth points, using approved insulated operating poles in

accordance with local instructions.

The local earths must be in duplicate except that where an

overhead line switch already provides an earth then the local
earth may be a single earth at that end of the sub-section.
42.2.4 The switch key(s) must then be returned to the place
provided for safe custody, except that, where authorised, the
key(s) may be handed to the person requiring the isolation, in
place of the separate personal safety padlock key referred
to in 42.2.5.

Withdrawn Document BR 29967/14 Section “B”
Uncontrolled When Printed Re-Issued June 1990
42.2.5 When the isolation and earthing has been completed
the Nominated Person must inform the person who requires
the isolation that he must act and work in accordance with
local instructions under the following conditions:-

(i) Either fit a personal safety padlock, which will be issued

to him, to prevent operation of the siding switch and
retain the key in his possession until the isolation is
cancelled, whereupon the padlock and key must be
returned to the person (or his relief) from whom received,

retain the key(s) of the siding switch in his possession ●

until the isolation is cancelled, whereupon the key(s)
must be returned to the person (or his relief) from whom

(ii) Ensure that each person for whom he is responsible fully

understands the extent of the isolation before the
person commences any of the work.

(iii) Sign the Isolation Record Book.

(iv) Cease work when required to do so.

(v) Before giving up his authority to work, removing his

safety padlock or returning the key(s) of the siding
switch, warn each person for whom he is responsible
that it is unsafe to carry out further work.

(vi) If the isolation is of longer duration than his turn of duty,

hand the key(s) to hi; relief, who must accept all the
above conditions.
Nominated Person,
Both persons must notify the ●
42.2.6 The Nominated Person must enter the date and time
of the isolation, the name and department of the person
requiring the Isolation, and the identity number of any
personal safety padlock(s) issued, in the Isolation Record
Book, which he and the person requiring the isolation must
both sign.

. A.C. . ELECTRIFIED LINESWithdrawn DocumentBR 29W7114 Section “B”
Uncontrolled When PrintedRe-issued June 1990
42.2.7 At those locations where the nature of the work does
not require any person to approach or touch the overhead line
equipment either directly or with any article which may be
carried, and the work is not above the overhead line
equipment, the short local earths referred to in 42.2.3 may be
omitted where specially authorised by the Area Electrification

42.3 When work is Corndeted and the isolation is no Ionaer

required the following procedure must be carried out:-

42.3.1 The person for whom the isolation was made must

● warn each person for whom he is responsible that the

isolation is about to be cancelled and that it is unsafe to carry
out further work. He must return the personal safety padlock
or the key(s) of the siding switch to the person (or his relief)
from whom received, and sign the Isolation Record Book lo
the effect that each person for whom he is responsible has
been advised that it is no longer safe to work.

42.3.2 The Nominated Person must countersign the entry in

the Isolation Record Book and then carry out the tollowmg

(i) Obtain the permission of the Electrical Control Operator

to make the siding alive.

ii) When this permission has been obtained, remove the

short local earths using approved insulated operating
poles and then, unlock the switch, operate it to and lock
it in the “Closed” position.

iii) Return the key(s), local earths and operating poles to the
place provided for safe custody.

(iv) Advise the Electrical Control Operator that the siding is


42.3.3 Reminder appliances/point clips must be removed

from the hand points controlling access to the siding(s). If
the points are controlled from a signal box, the Signalman
must remove reminder appliances and make a suitable entry
in the Train Register.

A.C. ELECTRIFIED LINES Document BR 29987/14 Section :’B” .
Uncontrolled When Printed Re-leeued June i990 -

I 43.1 Except as specified in 43.6 or 43.7 the isolating and earthing

of bushings at Feeder Stations and Track Sectioning Cabins, and
the sealing ends of track feeder cables and overhead line continuity
cables must be carried out in accordance with the “Instructions for
Making Out, Issuing and Canceling Permits-to-Work, Sanctions-
for-Test and Circuit State Certificates, BR 12011/1”.

43.2 Where work is to be carried out on connections of risers or

bare feeders to bushings or sealing ends, then a Permit to Work BR
12012/ 1, must be issued to the Overhead Line Nominated Person in
respect of the bushing(s) or cable sealing end(s) concerned. The ●
Overhead Line Nominated Person must notify the Electrical Control
Operator quoting the serial number of the Permit and the apparatus
which has been earthed which both must endorse on Part 1 of their
Forms B. The Nominated Person must retain the Permit to Work
BR 12012/1, with his Form B.

Where work on the riser/bare feeder, other than that specified

above is to be carried out with its associated sub-section remaining
alive and available to electric trains and no Form AE is required,
overhead line isolation conditions will apply. Work may be carried
out under Permit to Work Form C and the limits to be quoted will be
the position of the earths on either side of the work.

43.3 When the Nominated Person is satisfied that the procedure

in Instruction 33 has been carried out he must then issue to each
person in charge of work a Permit to Work, Form C, for the
overhead line equipment and the connection(s) to the bushing(s) or
I cable sealing end(s) concerned in accordance with Instruction 34.

43.4 Where sealing ends are insulated from the overhead line
structure and a dangerous voltage is likely to arise, a temporaw

jumper must be connected across the insulation.

43.5 On completion of the work the Nominated Person must

proceed in accordance with Instruction 37, and surrender the
Permit-to-Work BR 12012/1 after canceling his Form B. The
Electrical Control Operator must ensure that the Permit-to-Work BR
12012/ 1 is not cancelled until the associated Form B has been

Withdrawn Document BR 29987/14 SectIon “B”
Uncontrolled When PrintedRe-issued June 1990
43.6 Where an overhead line continuity cable or switching
station busbar isolated from all points of supply is used to form the
electrical continuity between successive local earths, the
associated bushings or cable sealing ends may be considered to be
part of the overhead line ecmi~ment and the procedure in
Instructions 31 to 38 must be followed. In this case a Permit-to-
Work BR 12012/1 need not be issued.

43.7 Where work is to be carried out on isolated and earthed

overhead line equipment in the vicinity of a cable sealing end or
switching station roof bushing and one of the points of isolation is
a circuit breaker connected to a live busbar, provided an overhead
line earth is connected between the circuit breaker and the
working area, a Permit-to-Work BR 12012/ 1 need not be issued.



44.1 Where a neutral section forms the boundary between

Electrical Control Rooms, one of the Control Rooms as detailed in
the Appendix to this Section is responsible for the issue of Permits
to Work spanning the neutral section.

44.2 When it is necessary for a Permit to Work to be issued

spanning such a neutral section, the following procedure must be

44.2.1 Each Electrical Control Operator must block to

electric trains and isolate the appropriate electricalsection(s)
or sub-section(s) under his control, in accordance with
Instructions 2B and 31.

44.2.2 When the Electrical Control Operator at the non-

designated Electrical Control Room is satisfied that the
overhead line equipment for which he is responsible has been
isolated, he must issue a declaration to this effect to the
Electrical Control Operator at the designated Electrical
Control Room, giving a numbered message which both must
enter in Part 1 of Form N together with the electrical
section(s) or sub-section(s) isolated. the line(s) concerned,
the limits of isolation, switches/circuit breakers affecting the
isolation- and the time by which the declaration is to be

Withdrawn Document
A.C. ELECTRIFIED LINES BR 299B71:4 SectIon.’’B” s
Uncontrolled When Printed Re-issued June 1990

If in unusual circumstances there is an overhead line

switch(es) within the isolation which is not in the normal
position, the Electrical Control Operator at the non-designated
Electrical Control Room must advise the Electrical Control
Operator at the designated Electrical Control Room and both
must record the number(s) and position of the switch(es)
concerned in Part 1 of Form N.

44.2.3 When the Electrical Control Operator at the

designated Electrical Control Room is satisfied that the
overhead line equipment on both sides of the neutral section
has been isolated, he may issue to a Nominated Person a
Form B authority spanning the neutral section, recording this
in Part 2 of his Form N.

44.2.4 When the Electrical Controller at the designated
Electrical Control Room has received notification that all
authorities issued under Form B recorded in Part 2 of Form N
are cancelled, he must issue a numbered message to the
Electrical Control Operator at the non-designated Electrical
Control Room which both must enter in Part 3 of Form N
canceling the declaration.



External work, such as oil sampling and painting, may be

performed within limits specified by the Area Electrification
Manager with the transformer alive and, if required, on load.

When any external work is to be done beyond these limits or

where any internal work is to be done on the transformer or on the
voltage regulator, the secondary winding main switch and the
prima~ winding isolator must be opened in that order. It should be
noted that the voltage regulator, where it exists, is between the
transformer secondary winding and the main switch on the
secondary side. Except when the work is such that the transformer
can remain alive, it shall be performed under a Permit-to-Work or
Sanction-for-Test issued in accordance with the “Instructions for
Making Out, Issuing and Canceling Permits-to-Work, Sanctions-
for-Test and Circuit State Certificates BR12011 /1”, irrespective of
whether the overhead line equipment is isolated or not.
Withdrawn DocumentBR 29937/14 Section “B”
Uncontrolled When PrintedRe-issued June 1990
The requirements of Instruction 9 must be observed and, where
necessary, the adjacent overhead line equipment and bare
connections must be isolated and earthed and a Permit to Work,
Form C, issued for such equipment, the local earths being applied
to the overhead line equipment on both sides of the structure on
which the transformer is mounted.


46.1 The following arrangements of return conductors and
booster transformers are installed:-

(i) Return conductors electrically connected to structures.

● These are in electrical contact with the overhead line
equipment structures and do not have booster

(ii) Return conductors carried on insulators

These are insulated from the overhead line equipment
structures and may or may not have booster
transformers. At certain locations they are sheathed
with insulating material.

(N Rail connected booster transformers.

These do not have return conductors.

46.2 Earth wires and return conductors electrically connected to

A Permit to Work is not required for work on or close to
earth wires or these return conductors but the following
precautions must be taken:-

● 46.2.1 Where live overhead line equipment is not at a safe

working distance, this must be isolated and earthed in
accordance with 1nstructions 33 to 37 and a Permit to Work
for such equipment must be issued.
46.2.2 When the return conductor or earth wire has to be
interrupted, a continuity jumper fitted with screw clamps must
first be applied across the position of the proposed break and
must not be removed until the return conductor or earth wire
is again electrically continuous.
A.C. ELECTRIFIED LINES Document BR Z9!W7/14 Sectiop “B” ,
Uncontrolled When Printed Re-lssueclJune 1990
46.3 Application of local earths to return conductors.

46.3.1 When local earths are to be applied to return

conductors, they must be applied by the Nominated Person
except that another person(s) so authorised may on his
behalf apply local earths. ThP Nominated Person must, when
instructing the person(s) authorised, state the location(s) at
which, and the return conductor(s) on which, the earths are
to be applied and whether single or duplicate earths are to be
applied. When the person(s) has applied the earths he must
confirm this to the Nominated Person, quoting the
location(s) at which, and the return conductor(s) on which
he has applied the earths and whether single or duplicate
earths have been applied. ●
46.3.2 In areas where designated earth points are in use,

I local earths must be of the short type, except that long earths
may be used in certain circumstances when authorised.

46.3.3 The earth-end connection of a local earth must

always be made BEFORE the line-end is connected to the
return conductor.

46.3.4 The line-end connection of a local earth must

always be removed from the return conductor BEFORE
the earth-end connection is broken.

46.4 Return conductors carried on insulators (but not including

the booster transformers) where adjacent overhead line
equipment is to be isolated and earthed.

46.4.1 Where work is to be carried out on or close to the

return conductor and either the adjacent overhead line
equipment is not at a safe working distance, or a booster
transformer will be between successive earths, the overhead ●
I line equipment must be isolated and earthed. Duplicate local
earths must be applied to the return conductor on each side
of an in proximity to the working limits of the working party.
Intermediate single local earths must be applied at the same
spacing as that applicable to the isolated and earthed
overhead line.

Where there are two or more return conductors in close

proximity, local earths must be similarly applied to each.

Withdrawn DocumentBR 299B7/14 Section “B”
Uncontrolled When PrintedRe-issued June 1990

46.4.2 When the Electrical Control Operator issues the

Form B euthority for the overhead line equipment concerned,
he must additionally authorise the earthing of the return
conductor(s) by the Nominated Person giving a numbered
message, which both must enter in Part 1 of Form B together
with the relevant details of the overhead line equipment and
the return conductor(s).

46.4.3 The procedure detailed in Instructions 33 to 37 must

be followed, the Nominated Person applying the local earths
to the return conductor(s) in accordance with 46.4.1. In
addition, the relevant details in respect of the return

● conductor(s) must be entered in Part 2 of Form B and in Part

1 of the Permit to Work.

46.4.4 If the return conductor has to be interrupted, a

continuity jumper fitted with screw clamps must first be
applied across the position of the proposed break and must
not be removed until the return conductor is again electrically

46.5 Return conductors carried on insulators (but not including

the booster transformers) where adjacent overhead line
equipment does not need to be isolated and earthed.

Note: Under this arrangement no booster transformer should be

included between successive earths covering the limits of work. In
the event that a booster transformer located within the section of
return ccnductor on which work is to be carried out will be
included in the earthing arrangements such that it will be between
successive earths, then the work must be carried out in
accordance with Instruction 46.4.

● 46.5.1 Where work is to be carried out on or close to the

return conductor and the adjacent overhead line equipment
is at a safe working distance, duplicate local earths must be
applied to the return conductors on each side of and in
proximity to or at the working limits of the working party.
Sufficient intermediate single local earths must be applied
within the working limits such that the distance between
local earths does not exceed % mile (400 metres).

Where there are two or more return conductors in close

proximity, local earths must be similarly applied to each.

Withdrawn Document BR 299B7/14 Section’’B”
Uncontrolled When Printed Re-issued June 1990
46.5.2 The Electrical Control Operator must authorise the
earthing of the return conductor(s) by the Nominated Person
giving a numbered message which both must enter in Part 1
of Form B together with the relevant details of the return
conductor(s). A Form AE is not required.

46.5.3 The Nominated Person must then apply local earths

to the return conductor(s) in accordance with 46.5.1. When
he is satisfied that this has been carried out he must then
issue to each person in charge of work a Permit to Work in

respect of the return conductor(s). The procedure in
Instructions 34.2, 34.3 and 34.5 must be followed.

46.5.4 If the Nominated Person who received authority to ●

earth the return conductor(s) or the person in charge of the
work is relieved, the procedure in Instruction 36 must be

46.5.5 The procedure in Instruction 37 must be followed in

respect of the return conductor(s) concerned.

46.5.6. If the return conductor has to be interrupted, a

continuity jumper fitted with screw clamps must first be
applied across the position of the proposed break and must
not be removed until the return conductor is again electrically

46.6 Sheathed return conductors.

46.6.1 A Permit to Work is not required for work on or close

to a return conductor sheathed with insulating material,
except that where the overhead line equipment is not at a
safe working distance a Permit to Work is required for such
overhead line equipment.

46.6.2 When work has to be performed on a section of
return conductor sheathed with insulating material and the
work involves the removal or cutting of the insulation, a
Permit to Work must be issued in accordance with 46.4 or
46.5, as appropriate.

* Withdrawn DocumentBR 29987/14 Section “B”
Uncontrolled When PrintedRe-issued June 1990

Where the extent of the insulating material is such that it is

not possible to apply the local earths to meet the require-
ments of 46.4.1 or 46.5.1, as appropriate, the overhead line
equipment associated with all return conductors, on that side
of the track must be isolated and duplicate local earths must
be applied to the return conductor at the extremities of the
insulation. The work may be performed under these
conditions, with details of the isolated overhead line
equipment being included on the Form B. Alternatively,
under the Authority of this Form B, sufficient insulation may
be removed to enable additional single local earths to be
applied such that the spacing of the earths does not exceed
● % mile (400 metres). 1n this case the initial Form B above
must be cancelled and a new Form B issued in accordance
with 46.4 or 46.5 as appropriate.

46.6.3 Whete there are two or more return conductors in

close proximity, duplicate local earths must be applied to
each at the extremities of the insulation, even when work has
to be done on only one of them.

46.6.4 When work has been completed, if it is necessary to

restore insulation all the associated overhead line equipment
must again be isolated whilst the local earths within the
sheathed section are removed and the insulation restored.

46.7 Broken return conductor carried on insulators.

46.7.1 If a broken return conductor is to be repaired, a Permit to
Work must be issued in accordance with 46.4 or 46.5, as
appropriate, except that duplicate local earths must be applied to

● the ~eturn conductor at both sides of and as close as practicable to

and at no greater distance than 60 yards (75 metres) from the
break. One set of the duplicate earths must be situated between
the break and any booster transformer. Where there are other
return conductors in close proximity local earths must be similarly
applied to each.

Withdrawn Document BR =/14
Uncontrolled When Printed Re-issued June 1990
46.7.2 Where the return conductor is sheathed such that it is not
possible to apply local earths at or within the 80 yards (75 metres)
distance, the overhead line equipment associated with all return
conductors on that side of the track must be isolated and duplicate
earths applied to the return conductor at the extremities of the
insulation at both sides of the break. The repair may then be
nerformed under these conditions, details of the isolated overhead
line equipment being included on the Form B. Alternatively, under
the authority of this Form B sufficient insulation may be removed
to enable additional duplicate local earths to be applied at or within
the 80 yards (75 metres) distance. In this case, the initial Form B
above must be cancelled and a new Form B issued in accordance
with 46.4 or 46.5, as appropriate. Where there are two or more
return conductors in close proximity duplicate local earths must be ●
applied to each at the extremities of the insulation, even when
work has to be done only on one of them.

46.7.3 The broken ends of the return conductor must be pulled

together using rope blocks or other equipment which will not
conduct electricity. When the broken ends are close enough
together a continuity jumper fitted with screw clamps must be
applied. The jumper must not be removed until the return
conductor is again electrically continuous.

46.7.4 When the repair has been completed, if it is necessary to
restore insulation all the associated overhead line equipment must
again be isolated whilst any local earths within the sheathed
section are removed and the insulation restored.

46.8 Connections between return conductors carried on

insulators and rail or a return current busbar.

When it is necessary to repair a broken connection or

disconnect a connection between the return conductor and rail or
return current busbar, a Permit to Work must be issued in

accordance with 46.4 or 46.5 as appropriate. Tempora~ duplicate
connections fitted with screw clamps must be installed between
the return conductor and the nearest suitable traction return rail.
The temporary connection must not be removed until the original
connection is again electrically continuous. For connection to the
return current busbar the return current busbar to rail connections
must be electrically continuous before commencing work on the
return current busbar to return conductor connection.
Withdrawn Document BR 29987/14 SectIon “B”
Uncontrolled When PrintedRe-issued June 1990

46.9 Booster transformers associated with return conductors.

46.9.1 Where work is to be carried out on or adjacent to a

booster transformer associated with return conductors, the
overhead line equipment associated with the booster
transformer must be isolated and earthed, the local earths
being applied on both sides of, and as close as practicable to,
the booster transformer. Any other overhead line equipment
not at a safe working distance must also be isolated and
earthed. When the Electrical Control Operator issues the
Form B authority for the overhead line equipment, he must
additionally authorise the earthing of the associated return

● conductors by the Nominated Person, giving a numbered

message which both must enter in Part 1 of Form B together
with the relevant details of the overhead line equipment and
the associated return conductor.

Any other booster transformer or return conductor not at a

safe working distance must also be earthed.

46.9.2 The Nominated Person must then apply duplicate

local earths to the associated return conductor on both sides
of the booster transformer. I
46.9.3 When the Nominated “Person is satisfied that the
procedure in 46.9.1 and 46.9.2 has been carried out, a Permit
to Work must be Issued to each person m charge ot work in
respect of the overhead line equipment, the booster
transformer and return conductors. The procedure in
Instructions 34.2 to 34.5 must be followed.

46.9.4 Where the work necessitates the disconnection of

either the primary or secondary connections of the booster
● transformer, the ~rocedure in 46.9.1 to 46.9.3 must be
followed, after which a continuity jumper fitted with screw
clamps must be applied between the overhead line
equipments and also between the return conductors on each
side of the booster transformer before making the
disconnection. The jumpers must not be removed until the
connections to the booster transformer are again electrically
A.C. ELECTRIFIED LINES Document BR299B7114Sectloq “B” ,
Uncontrolled When Printed Re+ssued June 1990

46.9.5 AlternativeIv. the booster .t~anqformer may, by

arrangement with the Area Electrlflcatlon Manager, be
completely disconnected in accordance with 46.9.4. Work
may then be performed on the booster transformer with the
overhead line equipment alive, observing the requirements of
Instruction 9 and limits specified by the Area Electrification
Manager. The work may, if necessary, extend over more
than one working period without the restoration of the
transformer to service between working periods.

46.10 Rail connected booster transformers.

46.10.1 Where work is to be carried out on or adjacent to a

rail connected booster transformer, the overhead
equipment associated with the booster transformer must be
line ●
isolated and earthed, the local earths being applied on both
sides of, and as close as practicable to, the booster
transformer. Any other overhead line equipment not at a safe
working distance must also be isolated and earthed. The
Electrical Control Operator must issue a Form B authority for
the overhead line equipment to the Nominated Person.

46.10.2 When the overhead line equipment has been

earthed, jumpers must be applied:-

(i) across each of the associated insulated joints in the

traction return rails, or,

(ii) to connect together the three associated spider plates

(where fitted), or,

(iii) to connect together the three secondary terminals of

the booster tr~nsformer.

The Nominated Person must record the locations of the

jumpers in Part 2 of the Form B.

46.10.3 When the Nominated Person is satisfied that the

procedure in 46.10.1 and 46.10,2 has been carried out, a
I Permit to Work must be issued to each
work in respect of the overhead line
person in charge of
equipment and the
booster transformer. The procedure in Instructions 34.2 to
34.5 must be followed.

Withdrawn Document
A.Ct ELECTRIFIED LINES BR 299S7/14 Section “B”
Uncontrolled When PrintedRe-issued June 1990

46.10.4 Where the work necessitates the disconnection of

the primary connections of the booster transformer the
procedure in 46.10.1 to 46.10.3 must be followed after which
a continuity jumper must be applied between the overhead
line equipment fitted with screw clamps on each side of the
booster transformer before making the disconnection. The
jumper must not be removed until the connections to the
booster transformer are again electrically continuous.

46.10.5 Where the connection between a booster

transformer secondary bushing and the traction return rail, or
the spider plate (where fitted) is to be disconnected or is

● broken, the procedure

in 46.10.1
after which a temporary
to 46.10.3
must be
must be
applied fitted with screw clamps between the secondary
bushing and the traction return rail or the spider plate before
the work is commenced. The temporary connection must not
be removed until the connection to the booster transformer is
again electrically continuous,

46.10.6 Alternatively, the booster transformers may, by

arrangement with the Area Electrification Manager, be
completely disconnected. The procedure in 46.10.1, 46.10.2
(i or ii), 46.10.3 and 46.10.4 must be followed. Work may
then be performed on the booster transformer with the
overhead line equipment alive, observing the requirements of
Instruction 9 and limits specified by the Area Electrification
Manager. The work may, if necessary, extend over more
than one working period without the restoration of the
transformer to service between working periods.

46.10.7 Where all the connections between a spider plate

and the traction return rail are broken or disconnected,
● jumpers must be applied to connect together the three spider
plates and a temporary connection fitted with screw clamps
must be installed between the traction return rail and the
spider plate, before the repair work is commenced.

A.C. ELECTRIFIED LINES Document BR299B7114 Section ;’B”
Uncontrolled When Printed Re-issued June Im

If all bonds between a return current busbar and rail are broken
or disconnected, the switching station enclosure, the equipment
within it and the broken bonds may be at a dangerous voltage.
The Electrical Control Operator must be advised immediately, who
must then arrange for the de-energisation of the switching station
and overhead line equipment in accordance with the Electrical
Control Room Instructions. In this situation, and where only one
bond is intact, work must be carried out under the precautions
specified by the Area Electrification Manager. Where two or more
bonds are intact, work on the other bonds may be carried out
without de-energisation.



If both of the bonds between a structure carrying an auxiliary

supplies transformer and rail are broken, the structure and the
bonds may be at a dangerous voltage and must not be touched
until the Electrical Control Operator has de-energised the section
of the overhead line feeding the transformer. When this has been
done the transformer must be isolated and remain isolated until
the overhead line equipment structure has been bonded to the
traction return circuit.

Once the transformer has been isolated, the overhead line

equipment may be re-energised except that it may be necessary
for adjacent overhead line equipment to remain isolated and
earthed if it is not at a safe working distance.

If one of the bonds is intact, work may be carried out on the

other bond without isolating the transformer. ●
Withdrawn Document BR 29987/14 SectIon “B”
Uncontrolled When Printed Re-issued June 1990



! Nominated Electrical !
Neutral Section Control Room

Armitage Crewe

Cannonbury Romford

\ Chathill I Doncaster I

\ Church Bampton I Rugby I

~ North London Incline Hornsey

North Muskham I Hornsey
Queensville Crewe

Shepreth Branch Junct. I Romford I

Tebay Crewe

Weedon Rugby

York Way Willesden

Withdrawn Document .
Uncontrolled When Printed

Withdrawn Document BR 29987/14 Section “B”
* .
Uncontrolled When Printed Re-issued June 1990

BR 29997112

Part 1
From Electrual Control Oparator at . . . . .. . .

FOR El EC To “Oparaoons ControllerlSupewmorl Signalman at . . . . ..

USE ONLY Block to elactrlc trams tha Imas or routas affactad by tha molaoon of Edactrlcal aactlons/

sub-secttona numberad t -

. . . . .. . . . .. .

. .. . . . .. ... . . . . . . . . ..

... . . .. .. . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. .

and rapon to ma wham thm has bean dons

Masaaga No. ... ... . . . . . .. . Sent by . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . . . . . ...

Oat . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . Racetwd by . .. . .. . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . .. .. . .. . .. . .

Part 2
From”Oparatmna ControllarlSupawmorlS#gnalmsnat . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. . .. . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . .

To Elactrmsl Control Opsrator at . .. .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . .. . . . . .

Tha blockagaspac&!d m your Part 1 Masssga No . . . . .. . .. . . . hasbasn Imposad

Messsga No. . . .. . . . . Racanmdfrom . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . .. .. . .

Oata . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . Racawad by . . . .. . . . . . . .

Part 3
From Elacmcsl Control Operator at . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .

FOR ELEC To “Oparst!ona Contmllar/SuWml~r/S~ mlmn at .. .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. . .. .

uSE ONLY Tha blocksgs impoaad by my Pan 1 Masssga No. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . a cancalfad

MasssEs No. . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . Sam by . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. ..

Data .. .. . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . Racetvad by .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . .

If ths Mockaga cancdled by thts mssssga has basn supsmadsd by a rawsad bloekaga, antar new
Masssga Numbrs beta -

Pan 1 . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . Pan2 . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . . ..

Data . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . Data . .. . . . . . .. . ..

c “ Dalata aa raqumad

t Whan pm of an elactncd sarmon or aub.sacoon cannot bs daunbad by a numbar ss

grvan m tha ledatton Instructlona tha Iocaon and aslam of IIW blockage must b
descnbad pracmaly.

ThuJorm when cempleted mu: be dealt with m amrdance wl:h Regional IILWUCNOILE
A.C. ELECTRIFIED LINES Document BR 29987/14 SectIon :B” ,
Uncontrolled When Printed Re-issued June 1990
BR 29997113

Part 1
From Elecmcal Control OWrator at

To “Operwons CcmrrolkrfSupew#sar lSqnalman al

Block 10 electric trams the hncs or routes affected by !he nscdanonof elecmcal sec;mnsl

sub.seclnons numbered t -

and report to me when thm has bean done

Message No

Recetved from . ●
Recewed by

Noted by “Operations Controllerl Supervisor, Signalman Date Tmw

. . houm



Part 2
Oewk of bfockage specifwd m Part 1 Message No above adv- to the following. -

“S!gnalmenlPamons m cha~ cd mdmgs at Date Ttme

.. . . . . .. . bouts
. . . .. ... .. .. .. hauts

... . . . . . . . . . hour’s

.. . .. . . .. . . howa

.. . . . .. . hours

.. . . . . . .. .. hours

.. . . . .. . . . . . . . . hours

. . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . fmun

Part 3
Acknwvkdgenaam racenred from the following that tha blot.kaga speafwd m Pan 1 Massage No .. .. ..

above has been Imposed


.. . . .
m charge of s,dmgs at

. .. .

. .. ....

. . . . . .. . .. hwm

. . how’s


. . . . . . . .. .. . . . hwm

. . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . hwm

. . . . . . .. . . .. . . . houm

. . . . . . . . . fmum

Withdrawn Document BR 299B7114 SectIon “B”
Uncontrolled When Printed Re-issued June 1990
FORM AT (back)

Part 4
From “Operm!ons ComrollerlSufmw#sorlSqnalman al

To Elecmal Control Operator at . .

The blockage spaafmd m your Part 1 Message No has km #mpowrl

Mssssgs No Sent bv

Oate fh?CCIVPdhy
.— ____ .—. . .—. .-—. —
Part 5
From Eksctncsl Control Ofmratcw at

To “Opsratmms ControlImlSupervmorlS tgnalmsn al

The bkxksge imposed by my Pan 1 Mesaags No IS cancellpd

WsssWNo .. . Recewsd from

Oste . .. .. .. . . Recetwxf by

If the blockage cancdsd by this mssssga has kn supwsedsd by a revk=ml blockage, enter new
Maasaga Numbers hara -
Pan 1 Part 4

Oste . Date

Pati 6
Adwce mlacknowfsdgr?wnt from the foffowmg thst the blockage imgossd by Part 1 Mcsssge No

abtws IS c.ansallad

“Slgnalm.anlPersons m charge of sldmgs at Date Time

. . .. . .... .. .. . . hours

.. . .... ... . . . hours

. .. .. .. ... . .. hours

......... ....... . .... . . . . . .. .. . . . ... hours

....... . .. . .. . .. . . . hours

.. .... . ...... . .... .. . . .. . . . .. . hours

.... ........ ... .... . .... . ..... . . .. . .. .. hours

...... .... .. ....... ......... .. .... .... .. . . . ... . hours

“ Oabts Ss rammed.

t When wrt of an alsctncsl Sactmn or sub-sactmn csnnot bs descrbed by a numbsr as gwen m the

● hofstm Instmcnons the Iocdtlon and extam of the bfockage must bs descnbsd Praassly

7%LsJorm when cvmpkted must ha dealt with m accordanm wtfh Regional Instmcf#ons
Withdrawn Document BR 29987/14 Section’’B” .
Uncontrolled When Printed Re-issued June 1990

BR 29997/14

Pm 1
From “Oparatmns Con!rollerlSupervmorl Signalman at

To “StgnalmanlPerscm m charge of s,dmgsat

Block to elactnc trams the hnes or routes affected by the molatmn of electr!c.d sectmnslsub-sectmns

numbered f —

and repon to me when this has been done

Message No . . Recewed from

Recawed by

Oate . . .. Time recewed hours

Noted w . . . “SlgnalmanlPerson m charga of sdmga Oate T&me . hours

Notadby .... . . “SlgnalmanlPemOn m charge of sidmga Oate Ttme . hours

Notad by . “SlgnalmanlPemc.n m charga of atdtnga Oate Time hours

For continuation of Part 1 use reverse of form

Part 2
From “SlgnalmanlPemon m charge of sdingsat

To ‘Operatlona GntrollerlSu~~rlSqnalmn at ..

The blockage a~tfmcl m Pan 1 Massage No. ... . . . . above has baan Imposad

Sent W . .

Recewed by .. . ..

Date ... .. ...... . .. .. .. . . TIma . .. houm

Parf 3
From “OperatlonaCcmtrollarlSupawmorlSlgnalmanat . . ..

To “SiinalmnnlPerson m charga ofgdmgaat . . . . .

Tha blockags mpaaad by Part 1 Maasaga No. . . . abxa IScancellad

Recewadfrom . . . . . ..

Recewedby . . .. . .

Date .. . . .... .... .. .... .. . . TIma . how’s

“ Delete as mqunad

t When pan of an electrical aact!on or sub-sact!on cannot be dascrbed by a number as gwmn m the

Iaofauon Inscructmns tha bcation and extant of the blockaga must be descrhad precmaly

This form wham compietad must be dmlt with m accordance wi:h ReRIonal lmmuttom


Withdrawn Document
BR 29987/14 SectIon “B”
Uncontrolled When Printed Re-issued June 1990

FORM AS (back)

Pan 1 - continued

Noted by “StgnalmanlPerscm m charge of snimgs Date I me








● hours




. . hour<


.. hours




. .
.. . . hours


.. . hours


. hours

.. . hours

. . .. hours

. . . . bouts

.. . . .. hours

Withdrawn Document
BR 299B7114 Section ~B”
Uncontrolled When Printed Re-issued June 1990




Part 1 Authorny

r,#m, Elrctt Ical Comml Otwa!,n .+! .-— —_ -

TIJ MmsaqL! No 0.!:!. SwnchoslC!rcult
toll,,wmq ow,head hne wyj,~n)enl 1,.!s MI+, ,.rjlarrd a,,,! WI,,.,,. so s.,,,,,s,1 ,.,,, ,t,rd v,,,, ,,UV Breakers Effecting
!es! AIM WX>IVlklC,ilearths to !he equ,fxt’wn! the Isofimon

—.-——.—. . ..- —.— —— -.-. .—

Electrical Sectmn(s) or LmN of lsolalmn
Sub smwonlsl Isolawti lmcwl [(Iuo!P sln,ctme No I
..— .—. - —.-— ---—— .-. --— ——

- .- ----------- .

-- — —— . ..~__ .–

— ..- —- —— - . ——— —-. .


. .— — ..-

-. -.. —-— — .- —-

.-—-. ——-—- . .-— -. .-

---- --- -— - .. . .. --

-. .—— -- - -——
- +-j

~-_.__ “

IYOU mav apnlv bacal earths to the return conductors

Return Conducwns

— .—
Sw,lchcsl C,rcu,f
Brcdkers not ,.
Normal Pos,!,cm

When local earths land jumpem on the sacondaw s,de of rad connected booster Iransformersl have
been applied you may tssue Penmts !0 Work
Thm authortfy M 10 kmcancellad by hours dale
Senl by Rece,ved by
1st Rehef 2A Rel,ef 3,d Rel,4

Message No Message No Mcssaqe NO

Dale Oate Oate

Form B IS printed on a vngle s,ded sheet for use m ElecIr#cal Control Rooms IBR 2S297. 151a.d a Uoubie.sded sheet far use on we
II?R 2#97; 18)

Withdrawn Document
BR =7/14 Section “B”
,> When Printed
Re-issued June 1990

FORM B (contwtusd

Put 2. Issue

From the r=ewer of Part 1 or hu rehef to Electrcal Control Operator

The followq local eanhs have been appherl to the cwwhcad hne equnpmunt and return conductors and the
following Pernuts to Work Issued

local Ea*IhsA@ad 10 LocalEarthsA@,ed m

~d L,naEqwmmnt at ReturnConductorsat 10uote Date b Iswd 1“ rnm b
(Quote structureNo . SWUCIU,8 No . Lmeand Iim@of NamnlRebd & Tmm ot
and whmhw du@catdD) or WIIMIWIdu@icamlDlm Issue Dam / Contractor CmUlmm
wb (SN smgWSN I
——. .



. -.

Part 3. Cancellation

Work has been completed and all men and materials am clear

All Permns to Work hints been canselled and .41 sstths hsve been rmnowd “

Measegs No. .. . . .. . .. . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . Sent by . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. .

Date . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . .. Recewed by . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . .

$ Include I.mpsrs applied on the sscondsry sIdn of rad sonnested bmster transfonnsm

“ Whom local esnhsljumpers nMCI to be left m position after cancdlstlon of this authority them must bs
mdmoted above and the t%ctncal Controf Operator advmed.

ThuJorm when tvmpietcd must be dealt wllh m mrordancs wtrh Regional Imslrucmxs

Withdrawn Document
A.C. ELECTRIFIED LINES BR 299871*14Sectlofl “B”
Uncontrolled When
Re-lssued June 1990


i The msue of Ihu Parnut does not absoi+a tha hofder from ensuring that pmtectmn has bean Provfdad agamsr tram nsovansents )
Part 1
Issued 10 “Dapartnwnt
For the pt,rposa of carrying out tha following work. . .

.. . . . .. . . .. .
. . .. . . . . . . . .. .. .. . .. . . ..

... . . .ths fotlowmg acfwpmant m aarthad

WOrkW Lnnus
Mlfmm Stnuxum to smictum





Thm parmn IS to & cancafled ndc katerthan . . . . . . . . .. ... . .... howa,o n... ... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . data

l%naandMaaaagaN o..... ... . .. .. . Data .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . Isauadby . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .

I undanake to answa that aach man for wlmrn I am mapona!bfa fully undaratanda tha astant of tha !adatiin
and tha working limits More work comrnancaa

Racekd by .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ..

Pars 2
Ii=oruaatit+mithofda rlstabawd)
I am now m charge of the work under this Permtt to Work and fully understand the condttlons, and have not fif,sd the
Issuer o, Electr cal Control Opwamr

1 2 3 4


swnlum .3 pwSm Iwbwd

hlS and WM Ihoum)

Part 3
Tha wotk for wlmch thii Pmmn was acauad IS com@awd. Afl my man and macanafs am ciaer of the ovadwad ha
aqupmant, mtum cdnductu’s and boaatar tfa.nsfotmws and tha man Mva all besm inafcuctad that cha owhaad
ha aquIpmant, mcum ccmductcsa and fsmxtar ttanafonnara must now ba ragardad as LIVE snd OANGEROUS

I haraby ratum my Permn to Work

Slgnad . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . .. . . . “Dapartmant .. . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .
Date . . ..lims . ... . . . RacaIvad bv . . . . . . ... .

“ Defate aa rsqmad

B42 ThuJorm when completed muw bs dsait wnth m accordance wtth Regional lILwructIorLS
Withdrawn Document
BR 29W7/14 Section “B”
Uncontrolled When Printed Re-issued June l!MI

BR 29997/17




Part 1 Declaratmn

From Ele(,I,,Ld control Ope,a,m ~, Control Room

To ElccIrIcal Cnnttul Operator at OesIgndled Control Houm
The Iollow,ng overht?dd lubeequtpqmnt has ken 60 faled –
Elwtncal St.LtIraII.,1 ~, bm,ls of Iscdatton Breakers Effectmq
I %,b st.cwxml Isobwd Lmefd (Ouote Stucluw ?40s I the Is.datwn


.--— ——
.- ——. —

..— .

I Swmchcsl C#rcutf
Breakers not m
Normal Posmon I

Th,s (fecIarm,an ,s 10 be camxllad by hwm date

Message No sent by
Date ffecewmd by u

Part 2, Issue

For use of Efecmcal Control Operalor at kqnatad Confrd Room

The isolation referred to m Parf 1 has bam ~ned wth the IdatIuI m@arrwmad
following tfw block 10 elec1rIc trams mfew~ 10 on m+ Form AE Pan 1
_gc .0 dale .
The following Form .’w’ authwmas heva basin 6suad wmhm fha .xnnbmed tsdafmn -

ISuad Ca?lcaffd

Tmie Dam lime Dafe


Part 3. Cancellation

From Electrical Controf Operator at Designated Commi Room

To Elcctr,cd Control OWrator at Control Room
All Fe-m ‘B. authormes Issued f,mm lhm Confrof Room wfhm the Imws of tsobtmr! shown ,. Pan 1 ha!m been cane.efled
and this Oacla,atmn m maw camxIIti
Massage No Semby .

Dale R~ bv
This form when con@sfed must k dealt bwrh m asmfdmce I.wfh Regtond Instructmns

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