Spelling Bee
Spelling Bee
Spelling Bee
Spelling Bee
The following students were selected to participate in the Spelling Bee Contest, whose
selection process was as described below:
6°-7°: Students from these grades had to answer a workshop, in which they had to figure
out the food or drink given an specific definition, then, they had to correct their answers by
spelling them. Students with the highest performance in this activity appear here.
8°-9°: Students from these grades had to answer a workshop, in which they had to
unscramble some adjectives, and then solve a crossword having in mind these words.
They had to correct their answers by spelling them. Students with the highest
performance in this activity appear here.
10°-11°: Students from these grades had to select some words from the topics reviewed
during Testing classes, and then create an acronym with the definition of each word. They
had to make an exposition of their acronym. Students with the highest performance in this
activity appear here.
Barbara Estefania
Danna Isabela Sierra
Luis Alejandro Moreno
Simon Esteban
Castellanos Zuluaga
Ana Maria
Andrés Quintero
Isabella Niza
David Soriano
Ivan Guzman
Daniel Alvarino
Sara Garzon
Mariana Lopez
Sophia Skinner
Sara Calle
Samuel Cuervo
Samuel Zarate
Mariana Ocampo
Valeria Mora
Leidy Consuegra
Alejandra Muñoz
Tomas Bernal
Karen Benavides
Lina Bernal
Thomas Skuall
Juan Camilo Farfan
Andrés Moreno
Mariana Zabaleta
Juliana Rodríguez
Valery Benitez
Tomas Castillo
Santiago Benavides
Tomas Tovar
David Vega
Andres Olarte
Daniel Rodriguez
Paula Sanchez
Hanna Coral
Juliana Rico
Sofia Rubio
Juanita Morales
Juan Esteban Ferro
Sergio Rojas
Santiago González
Alejandro Laverde
Daniel Holguín
Sara Álvarez
Maria Paula García
Alejandra Bohorquez
Juan Pablo Caicedo
Andres Guzman
Diego Useche
Harold Montaña
Santiago Otalora
Santiago Quintero
David Pinzon
Mariana Peña
Mylena Ortega
Sara Martinez
Jeronimo Aldana
Daniel Steban Guerrero
Franccesco Sandoval
Juan Camilo Robayo
Taliana García
Santiago Diaz
Maira García
Alejandro Avila
Sahad Piña
Isabella Vargas
Andrés Vasquez
David Pico
Eder Alomia
Santiago Mateus
Juan Frias
Estefany Ariza
Sebastian Pinilla
Miguel Villadiego
Matias Pastrana
Juan Quitian
Karen Dayana Hernandez
Juan Sebastian Alvarez
Mariana Cabrera
Arik Ivana Hernandez
Camila Ramirez
Maria Gabriela Homez
Gabriela Pulido
Kevin Fernando Ortiz
John Sebastian Paez
Samuel Esteban Peralta
Isabella Sanabria
Sara Johana Arias
Sarah Huertas
Andrea Valentina
Juan Manuel Pineda
Diego Andrés Salazar
Isabella Ariza
Jeronimo Talero
Cielo Mercado
Sarah Gabriela Nuñez
Maria Paula Sierra
Estefania Salamanca
Martin Jimenez
Valentina Pimiento
Laura Moreno
Laura Castillo
Juan Fernando Hernandez
Santiago Paredes
Sara Sofia Ramirez
Andres Felipe Rodriguez
Isabela Santisteban
Maria Aluja
Santiago Villamizar
Valentina Dominguez
Sara Pinzon
Nicolas David Barreto
Samantha Medellin
Diana Marcela Lizarazo
Mariana Muñoz Martinez
Maria Paula Rubiano
Jose Daniel Arenas
Isabella Davila
Dylan Loaiza
Isabella Mendez
Laura Alfonso
Martin Gil
Juana Valentina Miranda
Ana Sofia Rosas
Dayane Valeria Perez
Maria Alejandra Forero
Juan Esteban Palacios
Angel Murcia
Diego Marquez
Mariana Riveros
Juan David Albarracin
Tomas Ortiz
Laura Oviedo
Maria Paula Perez
Santiago Niño
Santiago Gomez
Catalina Garcia
Carla Romero
Andres Cuta
Santiago Ladino
Kevin Millan
Daniel Villamizar
Daniela Becerra
Angeline Hernandez
Sara Ñustes
Maria Camila Ramirez
Mariana Florez
Laura Valentina Bermudez
Dilan Santiago Caguazango
Nicolas Camino Garcia
Juan Jose Cardozo
Lorenza Escobar
Samuel Alexander Florez
Camila Parga Baron
Natalia Andrea Sarmiento
Lina Valentina Vargas
Laura Camila Zarate
Sofia Barbosa
Laura Copete
Juliiana Cruz
Maria Alejandra Llanes
Natalia Nausa
Sebastian Rodriguez
Lina Fernanda Villadiego
Carlos David Vera
Manuela Rozo
Santiago Garcia
Sebastian Diaz
David Hernandez
Laura Camila Homez
Sara Sofia Escobar
Lina Figueredo
Sara Ramirez
Dylan Hospital
Lina Mendez
Valeria Carrillo
Santiago Castillo