Module 5 Corporate Governance
Module 5 Corporate Governance
Module 5 Corporate Governance
I. Contents
1. Environmental Responsibility
2. Ethical Responsibility
3. Philanthropic Responsibility
4. Economic Responsibility
Customers of a firm that practices CSR feel that they are helping
the firm support good causes.
Employees often stay longer and are more committed to their firm
knowing that they are working for a business that practices CSR.
Firms bring social goals into the core of their business model and fully
integrate economic and social goals.
o The CSR pyramid was framed to embrace the entire spectrum of society's
expectations of business responsibilities and define them in terms of
o The success of the business must be judged not only against financial bottom
line of profitability, but also against the ecological and social bottom lines of
Reduce waste
Reduce, reuse
and be a responsible consumer.
Conserve energy - Turn off lights and computers, install energy-
saving devices, or wash laundry in cold water.
Related to LAS #1, Question 1
1. As a future business professionals, think of any business that you would like to
venture in the future.
2. Provide the name of your business and the products or services of your business.
in your business.