Synapsis Service Tool
Synapsis Service Tool
Synapsis Service Tool
x Warning!
Take care during maintenance and repair work: avoid
touching live electrical connections. The applicable safety
regulations such as VDE, BGV A3, OSHA 1919 and other
appropriate safety standards must be observed.
The present manual has been drawn up as a description and reference book. It will to
help answer questions and to solve problems in the quickest possible manner.
Before operating the equipment read and follow the instructions in this manual.
For this purpose refer to the table of contents and read the corresponding chapters
If you have any further questions, please contact us on the following address:
All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be copied, neither mechanically,
electronically, magnetically, manually nor otherwise, or distributed, forwarded or
stored in a data bank without written permission of RAYTHEON ANSCHÜTZ GMBH.
Since errors can hardly be avoided in the documentation in spite of all efforts, we
should appreciate any remark and suggestion.
Subject to alterations.
2 OPERATION ..................................................................................................................... 3
7 TROUBLESHOOTING .....................................................................................................52
Term Description
BGV Berufsgenossenschaftliche Vorschriften
BIP Bridge Integration Platform
CAM Central Alert Management
CCRS Consistent Common Reference System
CCRP Consistent Common Reference Point
CS Checksum
DGPS Differential Global Positioning System
DDU Data Distribution Unit
ECR Engine Control Room
ECDIS Electronic Chart Display and Information System
EUT Equipment Under Test
ENV Environment
FMEA Failure Mode and Effect Analysis
GPS Global Positioning System
HMI Human Machine Interface
IEC International Electro technical Commission
IMO International Maritime Organization
INS Integrated Navigation System
ISO International Organization for Standardization
MFC Multifunction Console
MFD Multifunction Display
MSC Marine Safety Committee
NDM Navigation Data Manager
NMEA National Marine Electronics Association
NMEA 0183 Standard protocol for data transfer
NCD Nauto Conning Display
NSC Navigation System Control
OPZ Operations Zentrale
PCB Printed Circuit Board
RAN Raytheon Anschütz
SC Status Converter
To apply this SYNAPSIS Service Tool is only allowed for well-trained Service
To understand the basic configuration access, you need to know, that the SYNAPSIS
Service Tool differentiates between two strategies of configuration access. Import and
Export are methods to read and write a configuration from/to the local file system (e.g.
a service notebook) while Load and Save are the corresponding actions to read or
write the configuration from/to a connected bridge system. In the last case, the bridge
system itself will synchronize and persisted the new configuration data.
Saving configuration changes via the service tool is transactional, that is either all of
your changes will be applied or none. Most changes to the configuration require you to
commit them, in order to prevent undesired changes. If you forget to commit a change,
the SYNAPSIS Service Tool will ask you how to proceed with your changes when you
change a configuration page.
2 Operation
H1 H2 H3 H4
Pos. Information
2 Service Tool Navigator display section. The design depends from the
selected service tool selection side (directory structure, information line,
select soft keys).
HStep 1
HStep 3
HStep 2
Step Information
1 Press on the (+) symbol to break down into the next subdirectory.
3 The detail view appears, again with a double click the detail view changes to
the Log File detail information.
Before you can start the Service Tool via the Eggshell all applications of this MFC has
to be closed by the EXIT function.
The respective program has to be selected and started see Figure 2-3.
HStep 1
After a successful login a load and save area at the right hand will become available.
According to the actual user rights and dependent on the availability of a connection to
a bridge system not all load and save operations may be enabled.
In details, the functionality to import a configuration is always available, while the load
functionality depends on the availability of a bridge system. The export is available as
soon as a configuration is loaded, while the save again requires the bridge system to
be connected.
The Service user is allowed to use all capabilities of the service tool except some very
few capabilities to direct work on the configuration structure and the capability to set
start phases.
The Developer user is allowed to use all capabilities of the service tool. Configuration
In this case there are two configurations possible.
The configuration for Standalone consoles or Black Box versions has to be done
completely from the service people (see chapter 4).
Pos. Information
1 Import the configuration from the file system (e.g. project department).
Pos. Information
4 Export the configuration to the file system for saving the last version.
Feedback Symbol
On the left side of this page you will find the Configuration Structure, an expandable
tree structure, which shall be used to navigate through the configuration. Depending
on the selected item the right of the page will display details to the selected
configuration part. Respecting the user rights, some input fields may be disabled.
The tabs are used to change the Configuration Editor properties for the
x General Tab for displaying or editing the ship information (vessel name, call
sign, MMSI, ship&cargo).
x Performance Tab for displaying or editing ship speed, draft and backup
The tabs are used to configurator or to change the SYNAPSIS Bridge properties for
the SYNAPSIS Bridge or standalone consoles.
x System Consoles Tab for displaying or editing the MFCs which are installed
in the SYNAPSIS INS or used as standalone consoles. Here you can add a
new Console or delete a selected Console. In this case the colour of the
SynapsisBridge path name changes to RED as modification indicator. A new
MFC is pre-configured; in this case you have to check the integrated devices
and the applications rights for the new MFC.
x Integrated Device Tab for displaying or editing the integrated devices. In this
case the Service Tool provides a list of all integrated devices used in the
SYNAPSIS INS or standalone console.
x Hosted Services Tab displays the internal process controlled device servicing.
In this case no additional manually configurations are necessary.
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Devices
The Device section contains a structured list of all configured devices and default
Devices which settings apply if the corresponding settings are omitted for the specific
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Alerts
The Alerts section holds a structured list of all alerts that may be occur in the
SYNAPSIS INS or standalone console and a Default Alert which settings apply if the
corresponding settings are omitted for the specific alert.
After selecting the Filter settings button a popup window appears. On the left side of
this window you will find a list of all configured ports within the bridge system. Each
port allows you to select/deselect the input and output direction to be monitored. On
the right side of the page, messages of all selected ports/directions will be displayed.
Outgoing (Tx) messages represent data after any computation directly before they are
handed to the port. Incoming (Rx) messages represent data directly after their receipt
and before any computation. In this case it is possible to change the filter mode. To do
this you can edit a character (e.g. $* or $GP*) into the new filter edit line. After
pressing the OK button and the reset button all data telegrams with this character are
listed on the right side.
The hardware installation was finished, switch on the console. The Eggshell appears.
Step7. .Edit the ShipParameter General and commit the allocations , Dimensions
and commit the allocations, Performance commit the allocations.
HStep 1
HStep 2
HStep 4
HStep 3 HStep 4
Step 5
HStep 7
HStep 6
Step2. Select System Consoles. (You should see an empty list of all configured
consoles and their functionalities).
Step3. Press the + console button to add a new console. (A new console should
have been added).
Step4. Select the new console item in the list with a double click. The console
configuration appears. Uncheck the undesired functionalities (ECDIS and
Conning). The Service functionality is pre-configured, this configuration should
be uncheck in special console constellations only. Select whether the operator
has a proper lookout from the console.
Step5. Select the User Interface tab. Configure the user interface and the display
Step6. Press the commit button (flashing yellow) to save the configuration.
Step7. Repeat procedure Step1 to Step6 for all N consoles of the INS.
Step 1
Step 3
Step 2
Step 4
Step 5
HStep 6
Step2. Press x device button to add physical devices that shall be connected to
the console. A dialog window should have opened. Press on the spinner for
open the device type list. Select the device type and press the Ok button. The
configuration page appears.
Step3. Edit the device parameters General, Device Data, NMEA Interface, CAN
Interface. General is normally used for the mounting position of the device.
Device Data no configuration is necessary. NMEA Interface, no configuration is
necessary, for specifying the received or sent NMEA telegram press the +
button and specify the talker and /or the sentence. CAN Interface, no
configuration is necessary.
Step4. Press the commit button (flashing yellow) to save the configuration.
HStep 1
HStep 2
HStep 3
HStep 4
Step2. Select Integrated Devices tab. (You should see an empty list of all
configured device integrations).
Step3. Press the + integration button to add a new device integration. (A dialog
window appears).
Step4. Select the console and the device you want to connect to this console (for
example MFC2 and AIS1).
Step5. Select the interface type (Serial/Ethernet) and apply the required interface
settings. The settings for start-up, role arbitration, device(s), and direction are
pre-set to standard settings. Press the commit button before leaving the page.
Step6. For integrating another device press the System button and repeat the
procedure Step3 to Step5.
Step7. Press the commit button (flashing yellow) to save the configuration.
HStep 1 HStep 2
HStep 3 Step 4
Step 5
HStep 6 HStep 7
HStep 3 to Step 5
Step1. Select the Synapsis Bridge / General / Application / CCRS path in the
Configuration Navigator.
If your console integrates data redundantly (e.g. two position sources), you may
change priorities or exclude data sources on this page manually. Normally the
recommended way is to stay with the defaults as the CCRS will re-sort device
priorities in automatic mode anyway and the applications (Radar, ECDIS,
Conning) allow selection in manual mode.
Step2. If you want to change the CCRS defaults, double click on the data item
line of interest. A dialog window appears. Following task are possible, check in
or check out the sensor used for the data item and the selection mode.
Step3. Press the commit button (flashing yellow) to save the configuration.
HStep 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step2. Double click on the desired alert item in the alert list. A dialog window
appears. Change the timeouts (alarm escalation timeout and mute duration).
HStep 1
HStep 2
Step2. Press the Save button to store the configuration or to store the changes
right into the Integrated Navigation System (The INS itself will take care to
distribute and synchronize the configuration over all consoles).
Step3. Press the Export button to store the configuration or to store the changes
into an external file system such a USB stick.
Step4. After Step2 or Step3 was selected a popup window appears. In this case
the user can be commentate the new configuration in a short helpful way. These
comment appears on the Change Log page labelled with a new Revision number
and a time stamp.
HStep 1
HStep 3
HStep 2
HStep 4
HStep 1
HStep 1
HStep 2
See SYNAPSIS Radar Service and Installation Manual Doc. No. 4166DOC020302
chapter 3.2..
The hardware installation was finished, switch on the console. The Eggshell appears.
Step7. .Edit the ShipParameter General and commit the allocations , Dimensions
and commit the allocations, Performance commit the allocations.
Step 1
HStep 2
HStep 4
HStep 3 HStep 4
HStep 5
HStep 7
HStep 6
Step2. Select System Consoles (You should see an empty list of all configured
consoles and their functionalities).
Step3. Press the + console button to add a new console (A new console should
have been added).
Step4. Select the new console item in the list with a double click. The console
configuration appears. Uncheck the undesired functionalities (ECDIS and
Conning). The Service functionality is pre-configured, this configuration should
be uncheck in special console constellations only. Select whether the operator
has a proper lookout from the console.
Step5. Select the User Interface tab. Configure the user interface and the display
Step6. Press the commit button (flashing yellow) to save the configuration.
HStep 1
HStep 3
HStep 2
HStep 4
HStep 5
Step 6
Step2. Press x device button to add physical devices that shall be connected to
the console. A dialog window should have opened. Press on the spinner for
open the device type list. Select the device type and press the Ok button. The
configuration page appears.
Step3. Edit the device parameters General, Device Data, NMEA Interface, CAN
Interface. General is normally used for the mounting position of the device.
Device Data no configuration is necessary. NMEA Interface, no configuration is
necessary, for specifying the received or sent NMEA telegram press the +
button and specify the talker and /or the sentence. CAN Interface, no
configuration is necessary.
Step4. Press the commit button (flashing yellow) to save the configuration.
HStep 1
HStep 2
HStep 3
HStep 4
Step2. Select Integrated Devices tab. (You should see an empty list of all
configured consoles and their functionalities).
Step3. Press the + integration button to add a new device integration. (A dialog
window appears).
Step4. Select the device you want to connect to this console (for example AIS1).
Step5. Select the interface type (Serial/Ethernet) and apply the required interface
settings. The settings for start-up, role arbitration, device(s), and direction are
pre-set to standard settings. Press the commit button before leaving the page.
Step6. For selecting another device press the System button and repeat the
procedure Step3 to Step5.
Step7. Press the commit button (flashing yellow) to save the configuration.
HStep 1 HStep 2
HStep 3 HStep 4
HStep 5
HStep 6 HStep 7
HStep 3 to Step 5
Step1. Select the Synapsis Bridge / General / Application / CCRS path in the
Configuration Navigator.
If your console integrates data redundantly (e.g. two position sources), you may
change priorities or exclude data sources on this page manually. Normally the
recommended way is to stay with the defaults as the CCRS will re-sort device
priorities in automatic mode anyway and the applications (Radar, ECDIS,
Conning) allow selection in manual mode.
Step2. If you want to change the CCRS defaults, double click on the data item
line of interest. A dialog window appears. Following task are possible, check in
or check out the sensor used for the data item and the selection mode.
Step3. Press the commit button (flashing yellow) to save the configuration.
HStep 1
HStep 2
HStep 3
Step2. Double click on the desired alert item in the alert list. A dialog window
appears. Change the timeouts (alarm escalation timeout and mute duration).
HStep 1
HStep 2
Step2. Press the Save button to store the configuration or to store the changes
right into the console.
Step3. Press the Export button to store the configuration or to store the changes
into an external file system such a USB stick.
Step4. After Step2 or Step3 was selected a popup window appears. In this case
the user can be commentate the new configuration in a short helpful way. These
comment appears on the Change Log page labelled with a new Revision number
and a time stamp.
HStep 1
HStep 3
HStep 2
HStep 4
HStep 1
HStep 1
Step 2
See SYNAPSIS Radar Service and Installation Manual Doc. No. 4166DOC020302
chapter 3.2..
5 The Eggshell
The Eggshell is used as utility tool verified for the SYNAPSIS Service Tool. The
Eggshell design depends from the MFC configuration. MFC used with Radar, ECDIS,
Nautoconning or only Radar, ECDIS or ECDIS, Nautoconning. Basically the
SYNAPSIS INS relevant Utility Selections are consistent (see Figure 5-1).
The Eggshell is a helpfully tool for trained service people only with
following services;
x Other Logins.
x Service Switch to Admin + password, after entering the password the service
people is logged in as Administrator.
x Restart BIP, the BIP process from this MFC will be restarted.
x Operator Change Date/Time, is used after first installation or when the ships
time system is defective for longer as 4 days.
x MFC button, after pressing this button the MFC applications loaded up. The
MFC displays an application. The progression can be defined.
Radar specific
6 Disturbed Configuration
A disturbed configuration process is marked with red Feedback Symbol on the
Welcome Page see (Figure 6-1).
Step1. Write down the Tool Tip information e.g. “Config request timed out”.
If this process finished again with the disturbed symbol please inform
Raytheon Anschütz about the Tool Tip information.
7 Troubleshooting
False or missing information in the CCRS selection tables might result in empty
sensor lists or missing sensor data, although a sensor is connected. Check (and
commit) the CCRS configuration (see Figure 4-5).