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TEAM R2R Steinberg Silk Emulator

Before Install
Install TEAM R2R Root Certificate:
=> Test certificate installation by R2RCERTTEST.exe.

Uninstall previous versions.
Install Silk Emulator.
Run "SilkEmuTest.exe" (installed to your computer) for testing emulator.
It should be installed to "%PROGRAMFILES%\TEAM R2R\Steinberg Silk Emulator\".

If you get file not found error, check your antivirus log.
If you get Digital Signature error, check the installation of TEAM R2R Root
If you get no errors, Silk Emu should work correctly.

Know About This Emulator

* Works with R2R Steinberg releases.
* This true emulator can exist aside the legit Steinberg Activation Manager.
* Digitally signed by R2R Signature. This is required because Silk powered apps
check it.
* Emulator is single DLL (less than 10KB). No background process will run like
original one.
* Extreme efficiency. Zero delay to check license. More than 5 sec faster on some

Tips for advanced users:

Since this is a true emulator, all legit Silk powered apps (installed by legit
installer) would work
if you place our emulator DLL to legit Silk DLL path.
Our Steinberg releases are patched (and re-signed) just to make compatible with
legit installation.

For your better understand - How Steinberg Silk System Works

Silk DLL : "%COMMONPROGRAMFILES%\Steinberg\Activation Manager\license-engine-
Silk EXE : "%COMMONPROGRAMFILES%\Steinberg\Activation Manager\

App checks Digital Signature of Silk DLL.

If signature is invalid, it is regarded as "not installed".
App loads Silk DLL.

App instantiates DLL by calling "CreateSilkClientService".

App sets Features (artist/pro, library, etc...) to Silk DLL.
If Silk EXE is not running in the background, Silk DLL runs Silk EXE.
Silk EXE checks the license.
Silk DLL communicate with EXE and get licenses.
"SteinbergActivationManager.exe" will run and show dialogs if any user actions are

Aftere DLL gets result from EXE, DLL calls back App.
Callbacked App function gets required Feature data from DLL and checks license

That's it :)


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