Course Plan - Making of The Indian Constitution

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Year: 2019-2024

Semester: VI

1. Name of the Faculty: Mayank Mishra L:3

Course Code: CLCT3001 T:
2. Course: Making of India’s Constitution P:
3. Program: BA LLB C:3
4. Target: 50%

Target 50% (marks)
Level-1 40% (population)
Level-2 50% (population)
Level-3 60% (population)

1. Method of Evaluation

Quizzes/Tests, Assignments (30%)
Mid Examination (20%)
End examination (50%)

2. Passing Criteria

Scale UG

Out of 10 point scale SGPA – “5.0” in each semester

CGPA – “5.0”
Min. Individual Course Grade  –  “C”
Course Grade  Point –  “4.0”

*for UG, passing marks are 35/100 in a paper

3. Pre-requisites:

Basic understanding pertaining to Making of the Indian Constitution specially the background, intent
and the processes involved therein.

4. Course Objectives:

By the end of this course, the students will be able to:

1. Understand the historical background pertaining to making and adoption of the

Constitution of India.
2. Understand the legal background behind establishment of Constituent Assembly.
3. Define and describe the Salient Features of the Indian Constitution which was intended
and incorporated by the Constituent Assembly.
Year: 2019-2024
Semester: VI

1. Name of the Faculty: Mayank Mishra L:3

Course Code: CLCT3001 T:
2. Course: Making of India’s Constitution P:
3. Program: BA LLB C:3
4. Target: 50%
4. Understand the Institutional structure, procedure and its powers of Constituent Assembly
while framing of the Indian Constitution.

5. Course Contents:

Unit 1. Introduction 1. The Role of Constituent Assemblies

2. The Theory of Constituent Assembly
(5 Lectures) 3. The Forces and Mechanisms in Constitution
Making Process

Unit 2: The History of Indian Constituent Assembly 1. The Government of India Act, 1858
2. The Indian Councils Act, 1861, 1892 and
(8 Lectures) 1909
3. The Government of India Act, 1919
4. The Nehru Report, 1928
5. The Government of India Act, 1935
6. The Cripps Mission
7. The Cabinet Mission
8. The Indian Independence Act, 1947
9. The Election of Indian Constituent Assembly

Unit 3: The Constituent Assembly of India 1. The Idea of Indian Constituent Assembly
2. The Assessment of Proposed Constituent
(9 Lectures) Assembly
3. The Constitutional Philosophy of India
4. The Formation of Constituent Assembly
5. The criticisms towards Indian Constitution
Making Process

Unit 4: Salient Features of Indian Constitution. 1. Rule of Law

2. Modern Constitution
(18 Lectures) 3. Written Constitution
4. Preamble of the Constitution
5. Adult Franchise and Democratic Form of
6. Socialist State
7. Welfare State
8. Secular State
Year: 2019-2024
Semester: VI

1. Name of the Faculty: Mayank Mishra L:3

Course Code: CLCT3001 T:
2. Course: Making of India’s Constitution P:
3. Program: BA LLB C:3
4. Target: 50%
9. Fundamental Rights
10. Directive Principles of State Policy
11. Federal Constitution
12. Judiciary and Judicial Review

Unit 5: The Enactment and Adoption of Indian 1. The Drafting Committee

Constitution (5 Lectures) 2. The Procedure adopted by the Constituent
Assembly for Adopting the Constitution
3. The Adoption of Indian Constitution and its
coming into force

4. Pedagogy

 Lectures (Synchronous and Asynchronous)

 Discussions
 Random Questioning
 Case Analysis
 Case Studies
 Presentations
 Reflections

5. References:

Text Books:  M.P. Jain (Eighth Edn., 2018), Indian Constitutional Law, Lexis Nexis.
 H.R. Khanna (2008), Making of the Indian Constitution, Eastern Book
 D.D. Basu (2016), Commentary on Indian Constitution, Lexis Nexis.

Web Resources: 


Reference Books  Constituent Assembly Debates

 Granville Austin (1999), Indian Constitution – The Cornerstone of a
Nation, Oxford University Publications.

Journals:  Indian Journal of Constitutional Law (NALSAR).

 SCC (Journal Section)
 Economic and Political Weekly
Year: 2019-2024
Semester: VI

1. Name of the Faculty: Mayank Mishra L:3

Course Code: CLCT3001 T:
2. Course: Making of India’s Constitution P:
3. Program: BA LLB C:3
4. Target: 50%


Instructions to Students:

1. Go through the 'Syllabus' in the Black Board section of the web-site ( in
order to find out the Reading List.
2. Get your schedule and try to pace your studies as close to the timeline as possible.
3. Get your on-line lecture notes (Content, videos) at Lecture Notes section.  These are our lecture
notes. Make sure you use them during this course.
4. Check your blackboard regularly.
5. Go through study material.
6. Check mails and announcements on blackboard.
7. Keep updated with the posts, assignments and examinations which shall be conducted on the
8. Be regular, so that you do not suffer in any way
9. Cell Phones and other Electronic Communication Devices: Cell phones and other electronic
communication devices (such as Blackberries/Laptops) are not permitted in classes during Tests
or the Mid/Final Examination. Such devices MUST be turned off in the class room.
10. E-Mail and online learning tool: Each student in the class should have an e-mail id and a pass
word to access the LMS system regularly. Regularly, important information – Date of conducting
class tests, guest lectures, via online learning tool. The best way to arrange meetings with us or
ask specific questions is by email and prior appointment. All the assignments preferably should
be uploaded on online learning tool. Various research papers/reference material will be
mailed/uploaded on online learning platform time to time.
11. Attendance: Students are required to have minimum attendance of 75% in each subject.
Students with less than said percentage shall NOT be allowed to appear in the end semester

This much should be enough to get you organized and on your way to having a great semester! If
you need us for anything, send your feedback through e-mail to your concerned faculty. Please
use an appropriate subject line to indicate your message details.
Year: 2019-2024
Semester: VI

1. Name of the Faculty: Mayank Mishra L:3

Course Code: CLCT3001 T:
2. Course: Making of India’s Constitution P:
3. Program: BA LLB C:3
4. Target: 50%
There will no doubt be many more activities in the coming weeks. So, to keep up to date with all
the latest developments, please keep visiting this website regularly.


1. The expected outcomes of the program are:

PO1 Students will demonstrate conceptual knowledge in core areas of law.

PO2 Students will effectively apply their learnings to practical legal issues.
PO3 Students will be able to exhibit effective law professional skills, employing oral
and written communication, legal research, analysis, rationalization and critical-
PO4 Students will demonstrate ability to evolve alternative solutions from dynamic
socio-economic and techno-legal perspectives.
PO5 Students will demonstrate desirable qualities to be employable in the relevant
PO6 Students will show sensitivity towards ethical, moral and social issues arising in
their professional career
PO7 Students will exhibit commitment, teambuilding, networking, leadership and
lifelong learning skills to excel in legal world.

2. The expected outcomes of the Specific Program are:

PSO1 Students will be able to demonstrate conceptual knowledge with regard to Making
of the Indian Constitution
PSO2 Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge pertaining to principles
envisioned and embodied by the Constituent Assembly members which are
enshrined in the Constitution of India.
PSO3 Students will be able to exhibit understanding in practices and procedures by
virtue of which the Indian Constitution was enacted and adopted.
Year: 2019-2024
Semester: VI

1. Name of the Faculty: Mayank Mishra L:3

Course Code: CLCT3001 T:
2. Course: Making of India’s Constitution P:
3. Program: BA LLB C:3
4. Target: 50%

3. The expected outcomes of the course are:

Specify and Define the basic concepts pertaining to establishment of Constituent

CO 1 Assemblies and Constitution Making Process.

Outline the Background for establishment of Indian Constituent Assembly.

CO 2

CO 3 Enumerate and Understand the Basic Concept and Salient Features of Indian Constitution

Delineate the Indian Constitution Making Process.

CO 4

4. Co-relationship Matrix

CO 1 3 3 3 3

CO 2 3

CO 3 3 3 3 2 3

CO 4 3 3 3

Average 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3

5. Course outcomes assessment plans:

Year: 2019-2024
Semester: VI

1. Name of the Faculty: Mayank Mishra L:3

Course Code: CLCT3001 T:
2. Course: Making of India’s Constitution P:
3. Program: BA LLB C:3
4. Target: 50%

Course Research Case

Test/Quiz Mid Semester End Semester
Outcomes Paper Law/Study

  
CO 1
 
CO 2
  
CO 3

CO 4



Description No. of Remarks
No. From To
Unit 1: Introduction Provides a background for
introduction and principles
1. 1 5 5 related to Constituent
Unit II: The History of Emphasizes upon the Historical
2. Indian Constituent 6 13 8 Background of Indian
Assembly Constituent Assembly
Unit III: The Introduces the theoretical
Constituent Assembly Background pertaining to
3. of India 14 22 9 Indian Constituent Assembly

Specifies and delineates the

Unit IV: Salient Salient Features of the Indian
Features of Indian Constitution which were
4. 23 40 18
Constitution envisioned and incorporated by
the members of Constituent
Year: 2019-2024
Semester: VI

1. Name of the Faculty: Mayank Mishra L:3

Course Code: CLCT3001 T:
2. Course: Making of India’s Constitution P:
3. Program: BA LLB C:3
4. Target: 50%
Unit V:
Highlights the Procedure
The Enactment and adopted by the Indian
41 45 5
5. Adoption of Indian Constituent Assembly till the
Constitution stage of adoption of Indian



Session Plan Actual


Lectur Topics to be Covered CO Lecture Date Topics CO Covered

e Mapped Covered

1. The Role of Constituent CO 1


2. The Theory of CO 1
Constituent Assembly

3. The Forces and CO 1

Mechanisms in
Constitution Making
Year: 2019-2024
Semester: VI

1. Name of the Faculty: Mayank Mishra L:3

Course Code: CLCT3001 T:
2. Course: Making of India’s Constitution P:
3. Program: BA LLB C:3
4. Target: 50%



Session Plan Actual


Lectur Topics to be Covered CO Lecture Date Topics CO Covered

e Mapped Covered

1. The Government of CO 2
India Act, 1858

2. The Indian Councils Act, CO 2

1861, 1892 and 1909

3. The Government of CO 2
India Act, 1919

4. The Nehru Report, 1928 CO2

5. The Government of CO2

India Act, 1935
Year: 2019-2024
Semester: VI

1. Name of the Faculty: Mayank Mishra L:3

Course Code: CLCT3001 T:
2. Course: Making of India’s Constitution P:
3. Program: BA LLB C:3
4. Target: 50%
6. The Cripps Mission CO2

7. The Cabinet Mission CO2

8. The Indian Independence CO 2

Act, 1947

9. The Election of Indian CO 2

Constituent Assembly



Session Plan Actual


Lectur Topics to be Covered CO Lecture Date Topics CO Covered

e Mapped Covered

1. The Idea of Indian CO 3

Constituent Assembly.

2. The Assessment of CO 3
Proposed Constituent

3. The Constitutional CO 3
Philosophy of India
Year: 2019-2024
Semester: VI

1. Name of the Faculty: Mayank Mishra L:3

Course Code: CLCT3001 T:
2. Course: Making of India’s Constitution P:
3. Program: BA LLB C:3
4. Target: 50%
4. The Formation of CO 3
Constituent Assembly

5. The criticisms towards CO 3

Indian Constitution
Making Process



Session Plan Actual


Lectur Topics to be Covered CO Lecture Date Topics CO Covered

e Mapped Covered

1. Rule of Law CO 3

2. Modern Constitution CO 3
Year: 2019-2024
Semester: VI

1. Name of the Faculty: Mayank Mishra L:3

Course Code: CLCT3001 T:
2. Course: Making of India’s Constitution P:
3. Program: BA LLB C:3
4. Target: 50%
3. Written Constitution CO 3

4. Preamble of the CO 3

5. Adult Franchise and CO 3

Democratic Form of

6. Socialist State CO 3

7. Welfare State CO 3

8. Secular State CO 3

9. Fundamental Rights CO 3

10. Directive Principles of CO 3

State Policy

11. Federal Constitution CO 3

12. Judiciary and Judicial CO 3




Session Plan Actual

Year: 2019-2024
Semester: VI

1. Name of the Faculty: Mayank Mishra L:3

Course Code: CLCT3001 T:
2. Course: Making of India’s Constitution P:
3. Program: BA LLB C:3
4. Target: 50%

Lectur Topics to be Covered CO Lecture Date Topics CO Covered

e Mapped Covered

1. The Drafting Committee CO 4

2. The Procedure adopted CO 4

by the Constituent
Assembly for Adopting
the Constitution

3. The Adoption of Indian CO 4

Constitution and its
coming into force


Actual Date of Completion and Remarks if any,

Year: 2019-2024
Semester: VI

1. Name of the Faculty: Mayank Mishra L:3

Course Code: CLCT3001 T:
2. Course: Making of India’s Constitution P:
3. Program: BA LLB C:3
4. Target: 50%
Components From To From To From To
Year: 2019-2024
Semester: VI

1. Name of the Faculty: Mayank Mishra L:3

Course Code: CLCT3001 T:
2. Course: Making of India’s Constitution P:
3. Program: BA LLB C:3
4. Target: 50%
Duration (Mention from and to dates)      
Percentage of Syllabus covered      
Test/quizzes CO's
CO's Achieved      
COs Addressed      
Signature of Faculty      
Head of the Department      

Signature of HOD/Dean Signature of Faculty

Date: Date:


Sample format for Indirect Assessment of Course outcomes:

Year: 2019-2024
Semester: VI

1. Name of the Faculty: Mayank Mishra L:3

Course Code: CLCT3001 T:
2. Course: Making of India’s Constitution P:
3. Program: BA LLB C:3
4. Target: 50%

Please rate the following aspects of course outcomes of --------------------.

Use the scale 1-3*

Course Statement 1 2 3





1. Planned Master Classes

S. No. Resource Person Topics Tentative Dates

Year: 2019-2024
Semester: VI

1. Name of the Faculty: Mayank Mishra L:3

Course Code: CLCT3001 T:
2. Course: Making of India’s Constitution P:
3. Program: BA LLB C:3
4. Target: 50%
1. Dr. Atif Khan The Idea of Indian Second Week of
Constituent Assembly February, 2022

2. Dr. Priya Vijay Salient Feature: Rule of First Week of March,

Law 2022

2. Methods to Locate Slow and Fast Learners

Tools Date Slow Remedial/ Fast Remedial/

Learns cut Supporting learns Supporting
off implements cut off implements
Criteria 1 Class Test 28th January Below 40% Special Session Above Counsel/urge
2022 on 22nd 75% them to do an
February 2022 additional course
and venture into
publications and
further research
Criteria 2 Mid Term As per the Below 40% 12 days after Above
Exam academic the midterm 75%
calendar exam

3. Tentative Internal Assessment Schedule

MCQ Research Synopsis Research Paper Test Case Case law/ Regular
Year: 2019-2024
Semester: VI

1. Name of the Faculty: Mayank Mishra L:3

Course Code: CLCT3001 T:
2. Course: Making of India’s Constitution P:
3. Program: BA LLB C:3
4. Target: 50%
10 Topic Submission Submission and 10 Law/study study involvement /
marks Selection 10 marks Viva Voce marks selection presentation participation/
30 marks 20 marks attendance:
20 marks
28th 24th February 3rd March 4th 2022 April 1st February March 3rd
January January 2022 onwards 2022 1st 2022 2022
2022 2022 week onwards
CO1 CO2 CO3 CO2 & 3

Faculty Buddies:-

1. Sajal Sharma
2. Ashutosh Tripathi


 Faculty should keep track of the students with low attendance and counsel them regularly.
Year: 2019-2024
Semester: VI

1. Name of the Faculty: Mayank Mishra L:3

Course Code: CLCT3001 T:
2. Course: Making of India’s Constitution P:
3. Program: BA LLB C:3
4. Target: 50%
 Course coordinator will arrange to communicate the short attendance (as per UPES policy) cases
to the students and their parents monthly.
 Topics covered in each class should be recorded in the table of RECORD OF CLASS
TEACHING (Suggested Format).
 Internal assessment marks should be communicated to the students twice in a semester.
 The file will be audited by respective Academic Monitoring and Review Committee (AMRC)
members for theory as well as for lab as per AMRC schedule.
 The faculty is required to maintain these files for a period of at least three years.
 This register should be handed over to the head of department, whenever the faculty member goes
on long leave or leaves the Colleges/University.
 For labs, continuous evaluation format (break-up given in the guidelines for result preparation in
the same file) should be followed.
 Department should monitor the actual execution of the components of continuous lab evaluation
 Instructor should maintain record of experiments conducted by the students in the lab weekly.
 Instructor should promote students for self-study and to make concept diary, due weightage in the
internal should be given under faculty assessment for the same.
 Course outcome assessment: To assess the fulfilment of course outcomes two different
approaches have been decided. Degree of fulfillment of course outcomes will be assessed in
different ways through direct assessment and indirect assessment. In Direct Assessment, it is
measured through quizzes, tests, assignment, Mid-term and/or End-term examinations. It is
suggested that each examination is designed in such a way that it can address one or two
outcomes (depending upon the course completion). Indirect assessment is done through the
student survey which needs to be designed by the faculty (sample format is given below) and it
shall be conducted towards the end of course completion. The evaluation of the achievement of
the Course Outcomes shall be done by analyzing the inputs received through Direct and Indirect
Assessments and then corrective actions suggested for further improvement.


Year: 2019-2024
Semester: VI

1. Name of the Faculty: Mayank Mishra L:3

Course Code: CLCT3001 T:
2. Course: Making of India’s Constitution P:
3. Program: BA LLB C:3
4. Target: 50%
Remedial Classes Held End
Sl. Name of Rol Sa Mid Date Class Improveme
No Student l p Sem test on nt
. No. ID Mark Venu the
s e basis of
Time al

Signature of HOD/Dean Signature of Faculty

Date: Date:

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