PSoC Lab 0
PSoC Lab 0
PSoC Lab 0
B1: PSoC
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Final 1.0 PSoC Lab 0 Stephen Hammack
This lab and all following labs use a complete installation of PSoC Creator 3.0. Older
versions may not have the same hardware component capabilities. Newer versions may
look different, but should be compatible. Download PSoC Creator for free here:
Part 1: Creating a Project
This workspace can contain all the projects created for the course. A new workspace could
be created for every project, but the IDE can only open projects in the currently open
workspace, so that would make it hard to refer back to previous labs. To add future labs to
the same workspace, open the workspace, open the new project dialog, and choose “Add
to Current Workspace” next to Workspace in the Advanced area.
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Final 1.0 PSoC Lab 0 Stephen Hammack
The first part of every project is to design the hardware portion by drawing a schematic of all the
needed components, configuring them, and connecting them. The hardware for this lab will turn on an
LED while a pushbutton is depressed. Additionally, the LCD panel will be used by the software to display
how many times the button was pressed.
1. If the tab isn’t open already, open TopDesign.cysch by double clicking it in the Workspace
Explorer on the left side of the main window.
2. Take note of the main tools in the schematic view tab in Figure 2.
Schematic Area
Selection Tool
Wiring Tool
Sheet Connector
Annotation Tools
Datasheet Shortcut
Component Preview
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Final 1.0 PSoC Lab 0 Stephen Hammack
3. From the Cypress components, click and drag a Ports and Pins>Digital Input Pin onto the
schematic area.
4. Double click on the just added input pin to bring up the component configuration window.
5. Rename the pin to “Pushbutton”.
6. In the Pins>Type tab, uncheck the HW Connection box under Digital Input.
7. Because of how the pushbutton on the development kit is connected, go to the Pins>General
tab and change the Drive Mode to Resistive Pull Up.
8. Press OK
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Final 1.0 PSoC Lab 0 Stephen Hammack
9. Place a Ports and Pins>Digital Output Pin onto the schematic, uncheck HW Connection, and
rename it to “LED” with the configuration window. Do not change the drive mode.
10. Place a Display>Character LCD onto the schematic. Rename it to “Display” with the
configuration window.
11. The final schematic should look similar to what’s below. The components in the schematic
should look exactly the same as what’s below, but not necessarily arranged in the same way.
The next part of the lab is to configure Design-Wide Resources (DWR) file. The DWR allows the
configuration of global PSoC resources, such as pin mappings, clocks, interrupts, and DMA, most of
which will be covered in future labs. The DWR configures the parts of the PSoC that connect the
hardware schematic and CPU to the actual hardware. The important part for this lab is to connect the
Pushbutton, LED, and (hidden) Display I/O pins on the schematic to the physical pins on the chip.
1. Open the DWR file named Lab0.cydwr from the Workspace Explorer.
2. The Pins tab displays a diagram of the PSoC and all of its physical pins. Additionally, there is a
list of the I/O pins from the schematic on the right.
3. Look at the PSoC development board (or look at Figure 5 below) and take note of the markings
next to the pushbutton marked SW2, the LED marked LED4, and LCD port. All of these
components are beneath the prototyping area (the white square with holes). The markings that
start with a P indicate the physical port and pin on the PSoC that the components are connected
to. The number after the P indicates the port number and the number after the underscore
indicates the pin number in the port.
4. Using the Port column on the list of pins in the DWR view, configure Display to use ports P2[6:0],
LED to use P6[3], and Pushbutton to use port P6[1]. These ports match the markings on the
development kit (6:0 indicates pins 0-6 of that port). See Figure 4 for how the list should look
after configuring it.
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Final 1.0 PSoC Lab 0 Stephen Hammack
Figure 5: LED, pushbutton, and LCD port area of the PSoC 5LP development kit
The PSoC includes a CPU that can interface with the hardware configured in the schematic. The
program loaded on it is called the firmware. In this lab, the firmware will continuously poll the
pushbutton input pin, count how many times the pushbutton is pressed, and print the count to the LCD
display. All firmware code is programmed in C.
1. Before writing any code, select Build>Generate Application from the main window menu. There
should also be a button for this below the save button. This will produce all of the C files
required for the firmware to interface with the hardware configuration in the schematic. Always
perform this step after making additional changes to the schematic.
The names that are given to the components in the schematic become the names of the
firmware interfaces to the components. Additionally, the names are used in the function
names of the interface. For example, in the character LCD datasheet, all of the function
names start with LCD_Char, such as LCD_Char_PrintString. The name of the actual
component replaces LCD_Char, so in this lab all of the LCD functions start with Display,
such as Display_PrintString.
Avoid changing the names of the components in the schematic after code is written that
uses them, otherwise function calls to the renamed components will need to be renamed.
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Final 1.0 PSoC Lab 0 Stephen Hammack
Most of the generated files should not be modified, as doing so could break their
functionality. Additionally, generating the application again will replace any modifications.
There are some exceptions, but for now the only file that can be safely modified is main.c.
To find out how to use the firmware interface for a component, right click the component
in the schematic and click Open Datasheet. The datasheet also includes details on how to
configure the components in the schematic and how it works.
2. Open main.c, which should include several comments and a main function with an infinite loop.
3. See the code snippet on the next page for an outline of the code to write.
4. Create a count variable with the type uint16 and a uint8 acting as a boolean to indicate when
the button was pressed.
Note: the bool type is not defined in the compiler, so a uint8 with 0 as false and 1 as true is used
5. Initialize the LCD display before the infinite loop by:
Calling Display_Start() to initialize the LCD
Set the print position to row 0 column 0 using Display_Position(0, 0)
Print the string “Count” using Display_PrintString(“Count”)
Set the print position to row 1 column 0
Print 0 using Display_PrintNumber(0)
6. Initialize the LED’s state using LED_Write(0).
7. In the infinite loop, poll the pushbutton using Pushbutton_Read(). If the button is pressed
(remember, 0 is pressed, 1 is not), increment the count and update the display to show the new
count. Use the boolean to ensure that every press is only counted once.
8. Additionally, while the pushbutton is depressed, turn on the LED using LED_Write(1). When the
pushbutton is released, turn the LED off using LED_Write(0).
9. Build the project using Build>Build Lab0. The first button in the second row of the toolbar
should also be the build button.
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Final 1.0 PSoC Lab 0 Stephen Hammack
int main()
//The number of times the pushbutton has been pressed
uint16 count = 0;
//Infinitely loop
//Insert the code from steps 7-8 here.
//Use LED_Write(1) to turn on the LED when the button is pressed
//and use LED_Write(0) turn the LED off otherwise.
//The value of the pushbutton is read using Pushbutton_Read().
//Pushbutton_Read() is 1 when not pressed, 0 when pressed.
//Place the two lines below in your code to print the count.
//Only print the count when it changes, otherwise the LCD may flicker
Display_Position(1, 0);
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Final 1.0 PSoC Lab 0 Stephen Hammack
At this point, the project is ready to be loaded and run on the PSoC development kit.
Read the handling and safety guide for the PSoC before continuing.
1. Gently remove the PSoC development kit, LCD display, and USB cable from the development kit
2. Gently plug in the LCD panel into the bottom port of the development kit as shown.
3. Plug the USB cable into the programming port at the top right of the development kit.
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