1 s2.0 S0959652617309757 Main
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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The role of individual change agents and the human dimension in general are increasingly being
Received 5 July 2016 acknowledged as critical elements in sustainability integration at higher education institutions. Yet few
Received in revised form studies focus on the use of tools and methods employed by change agents to promote systematic and
31 March 2017
institution-wide integration of sustainability principles at universities. To advance current knowledge,
Accepted 8 May 2017
Available online 11 May 2017
this article presents an overview of terminology used for integrating sustainability principles in higher
education, as well as the tools, methods, frameworks or models, and approaches (TMFAs) available to
Handling Editor: R.L. Lozano change agents. It follows by introducing an integrated change agentry approach encompassing a change
management process and a supporting toolset e called the “Accelerator” e that has been used in higher
Keywords: education for over a decade but has not been previously covered in academic writings. The article reports
Sustainability integration on the toolset‘s use, drawing on survey data from users spanning 17 institutions in 13 countries across 4
Higher education continents. The findings indicate that the Accelerator is a versatile toolset suitable for promoting sus-
Education for sustainable development tainability integration in all dimensions of higher education practice. Yet, very few of the institutions are
Change agent
currently using the toolset in an integrated way across all dimensions of institutional practice. The full
Transformational change
potential of the Accelerator in supporting effective change towards holistic and integrated planning for
Change agentry toolset
sustainability integration in higher education therefore remains to be further explored as more uni-
versities and colleges embark on testing the toolset alongside other established approaches.
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction e integrating sustainability at HEIs and the Mochizuki, 2010; Leal Filho, 2011; Müller-Christ et al., 2014), and
role of change agents perhaps even more critically, through the nexus of these practice
The recent adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals HEIs have been acknowledged to play a key role in societal
(SDGs) by the world's 195 nations (United Nations, 2015) has re- transformations e including the needed transformation towards
affirmed the global agreement on the urgent need for trans- sustainability1 e since the “sustainable development (SD) para-
forming our socio-economic systems to sustainable modes of digm” was defined in the 1990s (Leal Filho, 2011; Stephens and
operation within environmental limits (Steffen et al., 2015). In this Graham, 2010; Waas et al., 2010; Michelsen, 2016). The leadership
context, higher education institutions (HEIs) present unique op- role of HEIs, particularly in the area of Education for Sustainable
portunities to leverage sustainability through all dimensions of Development (ESD), has been highlighted (Leal Filho, 2011); and
their practice, including educational, research, outreach activities, many HEIs throughout the world have embarked on the journey to
and direct campus operations (Cortese, 2003; Fadeeva and address sustainability in their institutional practice (Lozano et al.,
Further efforts to promote sustainable development principles
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (D. Kapitul ), Alan.
[email protected] (A. AtKisson), [email protected] (J. Perdue), m.will@
hszg.de (M. Will). See Appendix 1 for terminology used in this paper.
0959-6526/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
4368 et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 172 (2018) 4367e4382
D. Kapitulcinova
specifically at and by HEIs can build on the wealth of experience start from a stage of awakening or obligation to act, and eventually
and initiatives that have stemmed out of the UN Decade of Edu- mature into a transformative or integrated strategy stage (Sherry,
cation for Sustainable Development (DESD) held between 2005 and 2003 in Lozano, 2006; Newman, 2007). An important leverage
2014. As Holm et al. (2016) point out in the Introduction to this point in this change process is to assist HEIs to more quickly move
Special Volume: “the DESD was designed to integrate the principles up the sustainability maturation path by providing effective tools
and practices of ESD into all aspects of education and learning, to and process resources. Yet Spira et al. (2013) point out that there
encourage changes in knowledge, values and attitudes, with the vision exist relatively few studies within the organizational change
of enabling a more sustainable and just society for all”. The Global management literature specifically focusing on the tools available
Action Programme (GAP) on Education for Sustainable Develop- to change agents in higher education and the processes being
ment (ESD) picks up on where the DESD ended, just as the 2030 employed to promote sustainability integration.
Agenda and SDGs pick up from the MDGs and Agenda 21. The To help address the identified gaps in existing literature, the
recent approval of the SDGs and the GAP brings a new urgency and specific aims of this article are twofold:
need for clarity to the SD agenda generally and ESD specifically
(Leal Filho et al., 2015). (a) To perform a literature review of the term “sustainability
Although indications of progress on holistic integration of SD integration in higher education” in order to clarify termi-
principles into all dimensions of university practice have been nology used and to report on the tools, methods, frame-
increasing (Alonso-Almeida et al., 2015; Lozano et al., 2015), the works/models and approaches (TMFAs) available to change
adoption of (E)SD using whole-institution approaches and inte- agents in higher education for advancing sustainability
grated frameworks still appears to be in initial stages by the principles at HEIs;
worldwide academic community (Lozano et al., 2013a, 2013b; (b) To report on an integrated sustainability change agentry
Sammalisto et al., 2015). Furthermore, the process of integration toolset e called the “Accelerator” e being used at HEIs
of SD principles in higher education does not seem to be termino- worldwide to support the application of sustainability prin-
logically unified in the academic literature, bringing a certain degree ciples but previously unreported in the scientific literature.
of ambiguity to what is actually meant by terms such as “sustain-
ability integration” or “transformational change” in the context of Reflecting the aims outlined above, the paper is composed of
higher education. two distinct but interrelated parts. The first part provides an
Despite terminological challenges, an increasing number of overview of terminology used in the academic literature focusing
studies point out the importance of human factors, social learning on the integration of sustainability principles in higher education
processes and the role of change agents in pursuing SD principles at (HE) and introduces a practical TMFAs matrix specifically for HE.
HEIs (Dlouha et al., 2013; Spira et al., 2013; Verhulst and This section therefore focuses on the general topic of sustainability
Lambrechts, 2015). Verhulst and Lambrechts emphasize that “in change agentry in a higher education context and provides theo-
order to successfully integrate sustainability in higher education, the retical background for the empirical part of the paper that follows.
role of individuals is crucial, yet often overlooked as an important The second part of this article reports on the practical use of the
success factor” (Verhulst and Lambrechts, 2015, p. 190). This state- Accelerator toolset in change agentry at HEIs worldwide. The key
ment stems from previous research on barriers to change (Lozano findings of both parts of the paper are then brought together in the
et al., 2013c; Hoover and Harder, 2015) showing that many of the discussion section including a note on the lessons learned as well as
key barriers to sustainability integration in higher education relate limitations of the current research. The paper concludes with
to factors such as human resistance, communication, empower- pointing out the main conclusions. In its broadest sense, the pre-
ment and involvement, and organizational culture. sented research contributes to the current discussion on how SD
At higher education institutions, formally appointed or informal principles can be more holistically integrated through all di-
motivated individuals often take up the role of “change agents” mensions of higher education practice.
who engage in active and conscious efforts to change organiza-
tional structures towards sustainable practices (Spira et al., 2013; 2. Literature review of “sustainability integration in HE”
Verhulst and Lambrechts, 2015). Change agents have been
defined as “individuals, groups or networks within or outside the In any concerted effort for change with a large number of in-
organization that engage in an active and conscious effort to change dividuals involved using the same verbal and written expressions
organizational structures” (Spira et al., 2013, p. 176). In this article, and having the same understanding of these key terms is one of the
the authors focus primarily on the individual change agent as a keys to success. Even though the need for common understanding
human being capable of driving change in HEI, as opposed to e.g. of the meaning of terms such as “sustainability integration” and
‘higher education’ itself as a change agent in the development of “transformational change” in the context of higher education seems
human society (Stephens et al., 2008). obvious, the authors of this article did not find any common clear
At the level of individual change agents, the effectiveness to definitions of these terms that are consistently used throughout
overcome existing tensions and barriers to change (Hoover and academic literature. A number of terms pertaining to sustainability
Harder, 2015; Lozano, 2006) is primarily dependent on three in higher education seem to be used interchangeably as synonyms
interdependent influences: understanding of the change manage- by some authors, while others make distinctions in their meaning.
ment process, access to effective tools, and possessing personal The first part of this section therefore reviews the terminology
mastery (Klimek and AtKisson, 2016). As Spira et al. (2013) note, used in academic literature focusing on the past ten years of pub-
change agents in higher education settings can come from stu- lished literature and then defines the meaning of “sustainability
dents, research or operational staff, or higher education manage- integration” and “transformational change” for the purpose of this
ment. Hoover and Harder (2015) highlight that change agents exist study.
at all levels of HEIs and individuals in all positions within the The second part of the article focuses on existing TMFAs avail-
institution can show agency. able to change agents in higher education and presents a new
Higher education institutions e like all organizations e follow simple tool e the “SCAT matrix for HE” e that can be used by
distinctive sustainability maturation paths as their understanding change agents in HE to aid the selection of relevant TMFAs to suit
of sustainability and ability to take action matures: they typically their particular needs in their particular context.
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D. Kapitulcinova 4369
2.1. Terminology through time often; while (2) literature in the period 2010e2015 grew in
numbers and diversified in the terminology used towards the
To help define the term “sustainability integration in higher prevalence of the two terms “integration” and “implementation”
education” for the purposes of this study a desktop research was (Fig. 1).
undertaken to review current academic literature. The questions Most studies appear to use the searched terms as synonyms and
guiding this review were the following: What is meant by “sus- only a few studies distinguish between some of the terms. This is,
tainability integration in higher education” in academic literature? for instance, the case of Lozano (2006) who notes the work of
What other terms are in use and what is their relation in terms of Sherry (2003) and specifies three stages of “innovation adoption” of
meaning? sustainability in HE including initiation, implementation and
institutionalization. This specification follows by distinguishing
2.1.1. Review method four stages of institutionalization at HE including: intuition, inter-
To answer these questions, the Scopus database (Elsevier) has pretation, integration and institutionalization. The same four-stage
been used to search for the term “sustainability […] AND higher terminology is applied also in a study by Sammalisto et al. (2015).
education”, where […] was replaced by “implementation”, “inte- Regardless of the three- or four-stage terminology used, there ap-
gration”, “embedding”, “mainstreaming”, “institutionalization” and pears to be little consistency in the majority of the studies analyzed
“incorporation” in each of the searches with no restrictions on the (apart from those explicitly mentioned here).
data published (i.e. all publications until end of May 2016). The The initial screening of the literature further showed that there
search terms were selected based on a quick pre-screening of the exist several levels or scales of meaning of sustainability “integra-
literature and the authors' expertise in this field. Both British and tion” in higher education as illustrated in Fig. 2 (“integration” here
American spelling was applied. The results returned by the Scopus in the meaning of all the terms depicted in Fig. 1). There is the level
search (n ¼ 677) have been further screened by reading through the of the whole of the national educational system (Level 1), the
titles and abstracts and only those results with the searched higher education sector as a sub-system of the national educational
meaning were recorded for further analysis (n ¼ 165). Academic system (Level 2), individual higher education institutions (Level 3),
articles, reviews, conference papers and book chapters were and last disciplinary specific areas of teaching and learning (often
included. The period of the last ten years (2005e2015) e corre- called Education for Sustainable Development) (Level 4).
sponding with the DESD e was of main concern. Several authors, however, highlight that ESD is not restricted to
the teaching and learning aspect at higher education (i.e. what's in
2.1.2. The use and meaning of “sustainability integration in HE” the curriculum), but that it includes also extra-curricular
As the results in Fig. 1 show “implementation” and “integration” activitiese a so-called “hidden curriculum” (Winter and Cotton,
are the two terms that have been most commonly used in academic 2012) or more broadly informal learning (Barth et al., 2007). The
literature regarding sustainability in higher education over the past authors of this study share this view that students learn through
decade. The total number of search results in the period 2005e2015 their entire “university experience”, and so this article uses a
were the following: implementation ¼ 74, integration ¼ 59, whole-institution lens (including also governance, research,
embedding 26, institutionalization ¼ 14, mainstreaming ¼ 8, and outreach, campus operations, as well as assessment and reporting)
incorporation ¼ 6 (excluded from Fig. 1 due to low counts for when looking at integration of ESD in higher education. It is argued
clarity). The evolution of terminology through time appears to have here that by focusing on sustainability integration into all di-
two stages: (1) literature in the period of 2005e2009 featured mensions of institutional practice, universities educate students e
relatively few appearances of the terms used (max up to 5 in each as well as staff e by providing a holistic experience that supports
year) with the variety of terms being used more or less equally more effective and integrated ESD learning at the institution and
Specific to higher education e as compared to primary and
secondary education e is the relative autonomy of HE institutions
as well as their teaching faculty and researchers. Efforts in sus-
tainability integration in HE are the result of global developments
(such as the DESD, SDGs etc.) that both shape universities and are
shaped by universities. Integration of sustainability principles in
higher education therefore happens on different levels and along
various pathways including via international as well as national
channels (sustainability-specific projects or programs), via
sustainability-aware university leaders (establishing sustainability
leadership positions within institutions) or via committed in-
dividuals (including faculty, researchers, or students) (Fig. 2). The
different scales on which sustainability integration takes place have
been noticed in previous works e.g. by Beringer and Adomßent
(2008) who mention the ‘macro’ (HE public policy system),
‘meso’ (institutional governance and administration) and ‘micro’
level (e.g. operations) with regard to the “sustainable university”
concept. One additional level is highlighted here pertaining to a
country's entire educational system, i.e. the ‘mega’ scale (Level 1)
(Fig. 2).
Fig. 1. Terminology through time: Number of Scopus search results found pertaining In this study, the focus is primarily on the level of single higher
to “sustainability […] in higher education” with the […] terms being “implementa- education institution with all its five dimensions e teaching &
tion”, “integration”, “embedding”, “mainstreaming”, “institutionalization”; the
searched period included 2005e2015; the results displayed include academic articles,
learning, research, campus operations, outreach, and administra-
conference papers, and book chapters after sorting out relevant returns only (see text tion including assessment and reporting (Level 3, as illustrated in
in section 2.1 for method applied). Fig. 2). Based on the review of several concepts and models, such as
4370 et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 172 (2018) 4367e4382
D. Kapitulcinova
Fig. 2. A conceptual model for defining “sustainability integration throughout all levels of HE”, this article deals primarily with LEVEL 3 and 4; based on the concepts and models of:
Beringer and Adomßent (2008), and Alonso-Almeida et al. (2015).
the 3-stage sustainability maturation process/innovation adoption understood here as the change (i.e. difference in characteristics) in
curve (Newman, 2007; Rogers, 2003; Sherry, 2003 in Lozano, the state from a “business-as-usual university” to a “sustainable
2006), and the “sustainable university” concept (Velazquez et al., university” where sustainability has been fully integrated (Fig. 3). The
2006; Lukman and Glavi c, 2007), a conceptual model for defining definition of a “sustainable university” by Velazquez et al. (2006, p.
terminology used throughout this paper is presented in Fig. 3. 812) is taken into account and [slightly expanded] here:
Here, the term “sustainability integration in higher education” is
“A higher educational institution, as a whole or as a part, that
used as the entire process from a “business-as-usual university” to a
addresses, involves and promotes, on a regional or a global level,
“sustainable university” including all stages of the process (i.e.
the minimization of negative environmental, economic, societal,
initiation/awakening, implementation/pioneering, and institution-
and health effects generated in the use of their resources in
alization/transformation) (Fig. 3). “Transformational change” is then
Fig. 3. Conceptual model for defining the term “sustainability integration in higher education” and “transformational change” from a whole-institution perspective at HEIs (LEVEL 3
in Fig. 2), the process is also referred to as the “sustainability maturation curve” in this article. S ¼ sustainability; based on the concepts and models of: Lukman and Glavic (2007),
Newman (2007), Rogers (2003), Sherry (2003, in Lozano, 2006), Velazquez et al. (2006).
et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 172 (2018) 4367e4382
D. Kapitulcinova 4371
order to fulfill its functions of [addressing complex societal the selected search results (n ¼ 165) described in Section 2.1.1. have
challenges via] teaching, research, outreach and partnership, been further analyzed. All abstracts were screened for the terms
and stewardship in ways to help society make the transition to “tool”, “method”, “model”, “framework” and “approach” and all
sustainable lifestyles.” appearances have been recorded. These results were further
checked by screening the full-texts of the articles and only those
TMFAs that were determined to be well-defined and stand-alone
It is important to highlight, however, that while the model in
(complete and not referring to other approaches) were added to
Fig. 3 represents the SD integration process for an HE institution as
the final list. In addition, the contributions on sustainability
a whole, the various parts of the institution (e.g. the individual
assessment in HE in the book by Caeiro et al. (2013) were searched
faculties, research groups, operational and administrative units,
through for relevant TMFAs. “X” marks have been added to uni-
etc.) will be moving from the “business-as-usual” state towards the
versity practices where the respective TMFAs have been used, i.e.
“sustainable university” state in a different way and at different
reported in academic literature returned by the search undertaken.
pace. It will not be uncommon that one part of the university (e.g.
an academic department or operational unit) will be much further
2.2.2. Existing TMFAs and the “SCAT for HE” matrix
along the “sustainability maturation curve” in integrating the
The desktop research of the peer-reviewed literature identified
principles of SD in the teaching and learning or operational practice
numerous TMFAs available to change agents aiming to integrate
compared to other parts of the university. In addition, the authors
sustainability principles into the various dimensions of higher ed-
acknowledge that the “sustainable university” state is not a final
ucation practice. To provide an easy-to-follow structure to the final
point where all efforts would cease, rather it is an aspirational state
list of existing TMFAs, the sustainability change agents' toolbox for
and its meaning is continuously evolving (Lozano, 2006).
sustainability in higher education matrix e or the “SCAT for HE”
For “transformational change” to occur at the level of the entire
matrix for short e has been created (see Table 1). The matrix is
HEI it is therefore essential that a critical mass of units comprising
composed of two key dimensions: the “people dimension”
the institution adopt sustainable development principles in their
(focusing on the position of the change agent within the HEI) and
respective work. The challenge for sustainability change agents in
the “target dimension” (focusing on the institutional practice area
HE (e.g. faculty, students, management staff, etc.) is therefore to
where change should occur). The structure of the matrix has been
make sure that essential dimensions of institutional practice, with
inspired by the models and concepts of Alonso-Almeida et al.
the capacity to impact the institution as a whole through leveraged
(2015); Spira et al. (2013) and (Urquiza Go mez et al., 2015), and
actions, are covered in sustainability efforts.
the “people dimension” reflects the HEI structure in Fig. 2.
With this in mind, the following section focuses on the existing
The authors of this article believe that the overview in Table 1
tools, methods, frameworks/models and approaches documented
gives a good picture of what is available to change agents in
as being used for sustainability integration in higher education
higher education, but are fully aware that this picture is by no
from the perspective of a change agent typology.
means complete. It is acknowledged that the range of TMFAs is vast
and detailed listing of all existing TMFAs is beyond the scope of this
2.2. Tools, methods, frameworks/models and approaches (TMFAs) paper. The aim here is rather to serve for illustrative purposes on
currently used at HEIs the types of TMFAs available to change agents in HE. Table 1 should
therefore not be taken as an exhaustive list of TMFAs. A detailed
The change agent's aspiration in promoting SD integration at research based on surveys and/or interviews among practitioners
HEI is to keep to a minimum the time between the first introduction would be needed to assess what TMFAs are truly being used and
of the SD idea and the institutionalization of the idea (i.e. reaching how, rather than relying on what gets reported in the academic
the point of saturation ¼ the “sustainable university” state) at the literature.
HEI (Fig. 3). In this gradual process, the change agent can apply a Some of the obvious limitations of the review process used for
wide range of existing TMFAs available.2 this study include the content of the searched database, focusing on
However, no two HEIs are the same and the change agent needs English-language literature and the actual TMFAs reported in the
to choose the tools that best match the particular situation in the published academic studies. In reality, there will no doubt exist
particular institutional context. Although a number of models have TMFAs that are being used by change agents at HEIs, but which did
been proposed and some general patterns can be observed not make it to the scientific literature. One such example that the
regarding SD integration at HEIs, there exists no single “recipe” of authors aware of is an integrated sustainability change agentry
what “ingredients” to use and in what proportions to ensure suc- toolset e called the Accelerator e that has been used at HEIs
cess. It is, however, useful to be aware of all the potential “in- worldwide but has not been previously reported on in the scientific
gredients” at hand and how these can be used. Spira et al. (2013) literature.
emphasize that “change agents should become aware of the multi- The Accelerator toolset has been therefore added among the
ple options they have to approach sustainability at their university and results in Table 1 for general comparison purposes and is also
review them carefully” (Spira et al., 2013, p. 186). This section included in Discussion (Section 4.1). Since only a few mentions of
therefore attempts to address the following question: What (types the individual tools and methods comprising the toolset exist in the
of) TMFAs have been used for what purpose in the various di- peer-reviewed literature (AtKisson, 1996; AtKisson and Hatcher,
mensions of the SD integration process at HEIs? 2001) and there are virtually no scholarly records on the Acceler-
ator toolset, the toolset as a whole is introduced first, followed by
2.2.1. Review method of TMFAs the approach taken to mapping of the toolset's use at HEIs in the
To answer this question and gain an overview of existing TMFAs, sections that follow.
Table 1
The sustainability change agents' toolbox for sustainability in higher education matrix (the “SCAT for HE” matrix) focusing on the change agent position within the HEI
(“People dimension”) and the institutional practice area where change should occur (“Target dimension”) (structure based on the models and concepts by Alonso-Almeida
mez et al. (2015); X ¼ marks areas of university practice where the respective TMFAs have been used (i.e. reported in an academic article,
et al. (2015) and Urquiza Go
based on the references provided); the list is by no means exhaustive and should be taken as a selection of representative examples of existing TMFAs (see Section 2.2 for
methods and terminology used).
“TARGET DIMENSION”: Existing Tools, Methods, Models, Frameworks and Approaches (TMFAs) “PEOPLE DIMENSION”: Change agent position/Responsibility
Table 1 (continued )
“TARGET DIMENSION”: Existing Tools, Methods, Models, Frameworks and Approaches (TMFAs) “PEOPLE DIMENSION”: Change agent position/Responsibility
References: (1) Figueiro and Raufflet (2015); (2) Brundiers and Wiek (2013); (3) Du et al. (2013); (4) Leal Filho et al. (2016); (5) Sipos et al. (2008); (6) Sammalisto et al. (2015);
(7) Holm et al. (2015); (8) Waas et al. (2010); (9) Townsend and Barrett (2015); (10) Lozano and Peattie (2011); (11) Lambrechts and Van Liedekerke (2014); (12) Disterheft
et al. (2012); (13) Bullock and Hitzhusen (2015); (14) Lozano et al. (2013b); (15) Wright (2002); (16) Lukman and Glavi c (2007); (17) Vagnoni and Cavicchi (2015); (18)
Velazquez et al. (2006); (19) Cebri mez et al. (2015); (22) Rammel et al. (2015); (23) Razak et al. (2013); (24) Glover
an et al. (2013); (20) Khalili et al. (2015); (21) Urquiza Go
et al. (2013); (25) Lozano et al. (2013a); (26) Alonso-Almeida et al. (2015); (27) Disterheft et al. (2016); (28) Glover and Peters (2013); (29) Waheed et al. (2011); (30) Togo and
Lotz-Sisitka (2013a); (31) Togo and Lotz-Sisitka (2013b).
Questions on Assessment and reporting were not part of the survey, however, the use of the Accelerator in this dimension was revealed from the respondent comments in
the extended survey.
sustainability integration and whole-institution integration. This originally as the basis of the “Compass Index of Sustainability,”
section introduces a toolset that is suitable for use by most if not all an indicator and aggregation framework (see AtKisson and
potential change agent types and HE contexts, including teaching, Hatcher, 2001; and AtKisson and Hatcher, 2005). The Compass
operational and outreach practices, or institutional-wide strategy converts the traditional English-language compass directions
and planning. (North, East, South, West) into the four interlinked dimensions
of sustainability as originally defined by Herman Daly
(Meadows, 1998). The Compass framework is now used as a
3.1. Introducing the Accelerator toolset
sustainability assessment and management framework as well
as a symbol of sustainability for communications purposes (e.g.
The Accelerator is a toolset comprising four process and analysis
in organizing university sustainability reports) (Fig. 4a).
tools and one underlying method for integrated strategic planning
Sustainability Pyramid (or VISIS Pyramid, here referred to as
from a sustainability perspective. These include:2
“Pyramid”) e developed in the early 2000's as a workshop
process for training and planning purposes (see Hargroves and
Sustainability Compass (or The Compass of Sustainability, here
Smith, 2005, p. 447e456). The Pyramid leads groups through a
referred to as “Compass”) e developed in the early 1990s,
4374 et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 172 (2018) 4367e4382
D. Kapitulcinova
Fig. 4. Graphic representation of the Accelerator toolset for sustainability change agentry comprising four tools (Compass, Pyramid, Amoeba, StrateSphere) and the VISIS Method;
further explanation in Table 2 and Section 3.1.
process called “VISIS” that involves defining sustainability vi- theory of change, setting goals and objectives, and describing an
sions (“V”), identifying and assessing indicators (“I”), perform- overall approach to implementation, monitoring and assess-
ing a systems analysis (“S”), selecting innovations to positively ment (Fig. 4d).
change the systems (“I”), and developing strategy for imple- VISIS Method (also referred to as “VISIS”3) e first described in
mentation (“S”). Usually the exercise includes building a four- the late 1990s and incorporated into the “Pyramid” workshop
sided, physical model of a pyramid that records the results of (above), VISIS is now described as an open-source methodology
group work and organizes those results according to the four comprised of a generic sequence of steps for pursuing sustain-
Sustainability Compass directions (Fig. 4b). able development training and planning. The five steps e Vision,
The Amoeba Game (or The Innovation Diffusion Game, here Indicators, Systems, Innovation, Strategy e can be interpreted in
referred to as “Amoeba”) e first developed in the early 1990s as multiple ways and at varying levels of sophistication depending
a simulation exercise to illustrate the concepts of innovation on the capacity of the group (class setting, planning team,
diffusion and change agentry, as originally described by Everett organizational board, etc.) using the method. VISIS provides the
Rogers in Diffusion of Innovations (see AtKisson, 1991; Rogers, methodological basis to the Accelerator but can also be used in
2003). Amoeba evolved to include the ideas of other change other generic ways that do not depend on the use of the Com-
theorists and is now used as a tool for training change agents in pass, Pyramid, and Amoeba tools (Fig. 4e).
analyzing and planning for the introduction of new ideas into
organizations and other social systems (Fig. 4c). All the tools and the underlying method have been developed
StrateSphere (no alternative names) e a collection of strategic based on a theoretical background and concepts described in the
planning tools first assembled in the mid-2000's to support late 1990s and early 2000s (AtKisson, 2010a, 2010b) (see Table 2).
initiatives such as non-profit organizations and foundations in The initial development of the tools and methods was closely
strategic planning for sustainable development. It includes the linked to civil society initiatives, including the Sustainable Seattle
generic VISIS method (see below) as well as an assessment of urban indicators initiative of the early 1990s (AtKisson, 1996,
team capacity, an analysis of the surrounding strategic envi- 2010a). But in the last 15 years the fully developed Accelerator
ronment, and a basic strategic planning template for defining a toolset has been principally used for sustainability planning and
change agency in non-governmental (e.g. United Nations organi-
zations) and private sector (e.g. corporate consulting). Over time,
the toolset has evolved with continuous upgrades and
“VISIS“ was originally known as the “ISIS Method”, but in 2014 it was renamed
to “VISIS” to reflect the importance of Vision as the foundation in any planning
process, and to avoid confusion with militant groups identifying with the same Through individuals working in the education sector, the
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Table 2
Overview of the tools and methods comprising the Accelerator toolset.
Compass (Sustainability Compass, Daly's triangle reinterpreted by Meadows (Daly, 1973; Visual conceptualization tool for:
or The Compass of Sustainability) Meadows, 1998) - introducing people to sustainability
- leading discussion
- reviewing indicators and trends
Pyramid (Sustainability Pyramid, or System dynamics concepts (Meadows, 1998) combined Framework & group process tool for:
The VISIS Pyramid) with group process and consensus building - learning about SD
- supporting groups in SD strategic planning
- building consensus on new goals and directions
Amoeba (The Amoeba Game, or The Innovation diffusion (Rogers, 2003 modified by Practical model/game for:
Innovation Diffusion Game) AtKisson (1991)) - thinking about change and innovation
- understanding how SD ideas are adopted by groups
StrateSphere Strategic planning, consulting practice Strategic planning tool for:
- developing a formal strategic analysis, plan, and relevant performance
VISIS Method Vision e Indicators e Systems e Innovation e Strategy Conceptual method for:
(integrates all of the above) - mapping, analyzing and approaching integrated SD processes
Accelerator toolset has found its way during the past 10 years also institution and served as a background for Table 4 and the quoted
into primary, secondary, and higher education practice and has text in Section 3.3. The surveys were sent out in mid-September
been increasingly used at schools (Steele, 2015), as well as univer- and end of September 2014, respectively, with 2 weeks' time allo-
sities and colleges. Despite the relatively long history of use of the cated for completion of each of the surveys.
toolset in education, there exist essentially no references in the The research returned 20 full responses from 17 institutions. The
peer-reviewed literature describing how, when, why and by whom position of the respondents was as follows: 11 staff in a “teacher”
the Accelerator tools have been employed in higher education position (i.e. lecturers or professors), 1 staff in a “researcher” posi-
settings and what has been learned from this experience. tion (i.e. academic staff without teaching commitments) and 8 staff
To address this lack of knowledge, this study considers HEIs as in a “manager” position (i.e. employed as officers at the institution).
an initial focus area and poses the following research questions: a) In three cases there were two respondents from the same institution
What HEIs are using the Accelerator tools?; b) Which of the tools e always one “teacher” and one “manager”. The respondents and
are being used for what purpose, i.e. in what dimension of insti- their institutions have been anonymized in this manuscript since
tutional practice (teaching, research, operations, outreach)?; c) At the authors were looking for general patterns in the returned data
what institutional scale have the tools been used (single-users, on the specific use of the tools rather than aiming to provide case
entire institution)?; d) What are the strengths and weaknesses studies with detailed information on the institutions themselves.
specific to the use of the tools in an academic environment? and e)
Are the tools used in integrated ways and are there any patterns 3.3. Key findings e use of the Accelerator toolset among HEIs
observed that could be generalized for use in higher education?
The findings of the empirical research based on surveys in this
3.2. Methods e mapping the Accelerator toolset use among HEIs study show that the Accelerator tools and methods have so far been
used in at least 17 higher education institutions around the world,
A two-stage survey approach has been taken in gathering in- spanning 13 countries on 4 continents. The toolset has been used to
formation on the use of the Accelerator toolset among HEIs. First, a various degrees by both academic and management staff at in-
basic online survey with questions inquiring on the use of the tools stitutions based in Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, Germany,
at the particular institution was distributed via the AtKisson Group Iceland, Indonesia, Ireland, Poland, Russia, Sweden, Thailand, UK
mailing list that reaches approximately 200 members of the and the United States (Table 3, Fig. 5).
AtKisson Group user network e an informal network of individuals Teaching was reported as the predominant area of the toolset
and institutions licensed to use the toolset. This list includes all use (n ¼ 14) which represented more than 82% of the surveyed
members of the network from all sectors (private, academic, NGO, institutions (Table 3). Interestingly, despite the strong focus on
etc.) with the estimated number of individuals actively working in teaching purposes, the toolset has been employed to some extent at
higher education being approximately 25 (as of September 2014). the reporting institutions also in all the other dimensions of uni-
The basic survey contained questions regarding the institution versity practices including research (n ¼ 4), campus operations
name and location, practical use of the toolset (i.e. which tools or (n ¼ 6), internal outreach (n ¼ 6), external outreach (n ¼ 6), and
methods within the toolset have been used, in what dimension cross-institutional practices (n ¼ 2) (Table 3).
of institutional practice e Teaching, Research, Campus operations, The scale of use varied widely from an individual initiative use
Internal outreach ¼ engagement efforts within the HEI, to the level of the entire institution (n ¼ 5), with the most common
External outreach ¼ engagement efforts outside the HEI, Cross- use reported on the level of a single research group or unit (n ¼ 9)
institutional ¼ both management and academics throughout the (Fig. 6, Table 3). The most common use of the toolset is a periodic
HEI e and on what scale, how frequently and for how long). In use of every 2e6 months or once a year (Fig. 7) and the length of
addition, space for any respondents' comments and a question on use has been 1e5 years among most institutions (n ¼ 11), with 3
willingness to fill in a more extended survey on the use of the tools institutions that have been using the toolset for more than 5 years
was included in the survey. Overall, 20 responses were obtained at (as of September 2014) (Fig. 8). The information on the use of the
this stage from 17 institutions. tools goes back as far as 2003 at one of the universities in Australia.
Second, a link to an online extended survey was sent only to The reported primary uses of the toolset were very diverse and
those respondents (from those 20) who expressed interest in filling included all the five dimensions of university practice e teaching &
in more detailed information (n ¼ 8). The extended survey asked learning, research, operations, outreach, as well as reporting and
about further description of the particular use of the toolset at the assessment (Table 4). The respondents found the tools useful in
4376 et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 172 (2018) 4367e4382
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Table 3
Detailed overview of the use of the Accelerator toolset across the various dimensions of institutional practice at the individual responding HEIs (use marked by ‘X’); “I1
e I17” ¼ HE institution no. 1e17 that responded to the survey; “CA” ¼ Canada, “US” ¼ United States, “TH” ¼ Thailand, “ID” ¼ Indonesia, “AU” ¼ Australia, “CZ” ¼ Czechia,
“DE” ¼ Germany, “IS” ¼ Iceland, “IE” ¼ Ireland, “PL” ¼ Poland, “SE” ¼ Sweden, “RU” ¼ Russia, “UK” ¼ United Kingdom; “T” ¼ teacher (lecturer, professor), “R” ¼ researcher
(research staff without teaching commitments), “M” ¼ manager (university operations officer), “T; M” ¼ response from two individuals (teacher and manager), “T/
M” ¼ teacher/manager in one person (e.g. former dean), “M/T” ¼ manager of teaching program/network.
Institution (Country) I1 (CA) I2 (US) I3 (TH) I4 (ID) I5 (ID) I6 (AU) I7 (AU) I8 (CZ) I9 (DE) I10 (IS) I11 (IE) I12 (PL) I13 (PL) I14 (SE) I15 (SE) I16 (RU) I17 (UK)
Teaching X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Research X X X X
Campus operations X X X X X X
Internal outreach X X X X X X
External outreach X X X X X X
Cross-institutional X X
Table 4
Examples of primary uses of the Accelerator toolset at the responding HEIs.
Teaching Teaching programs and courses (both undergraduate and graduate level)
Learning activities for students as part of workshops
Part of student assignment (analysis of a sustainable development case study)
Research Basis of action research projects
Operations Framework for strategic planning (campus operations, community engagement)
Management of organizational change processes (university sustainability policies)
Outreach Eased communication/discussions (internal, external) via common framing of sustainability
Structuring of events (conference, workshop)
Assessment and reporting Use of Compass as organizing structure for sustainability reporting at the university level
various areas of their practice: concept of sustainability and processes that can be used to foster
sustainability at [the university] and beyond.” Director of a
“I have found that it [the Compass] is a great tool for eliciting
sustainability office, US university (I2)
and organizing indicator development at the community level. I
intend to incorporate the framework in other research and
teaching opportunities as appropriate.”Lecturer, US university The key strengths of the toolset highlighted by the respondents
(I2) appeared to be the clarity, relative simplicity, adaptability and
flexibility of the tools and methods.
“I have found the tools very practical to use and it helps students
to have a hands on tool to “do” sustainable development “Key strengths of the tools are the low barriers to entry (easy to
assessment and planning.” Lecturer, Irish university (I11) run a successful [workshop] by just following the manual), as
well as the adaptability and flexibility of the tools.” Educational
“We love these concepts and tools and find in our education and
coordinator, Swedish university (I15)
outreach work that they are very effective in explaining the
Fig. 5. Overall picture of the use of the tools and methods comprising the Accelerator Fig. 6. Overall picture of the scale of use of the Accelerator toolset has been used at
toolset at the responding HEIs. the responding HEIs.
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4. Discussion
Fig. 7. Overall picture of the frequency of use of the Accelerator toolset has been used The preceding sections reported on the key findings of the two
at the responding HEIs; some institutions have chosen multiple answers to this main streams of research undertaken in this study, namely (1) a
literature review of the terminology used in HE in the context of
sustainability integration and relevant TMFAs applied in HE sus-
tainability practice; and (2) an introduction of the Accelerator
“Adaptable framework. Clear justification of framework theory
change agentry toolset and its use among HEIs in a diversity of
and components.” Lecturer, Indonesian university (I4)
countries. Here, the key findings are integrated, and the key lessons
learned as well as general implications for whole-institution sus-
Four respondents also reported that the tools were “fun” and tainability practice in HE are discussed.
“engaging”. Two examples include:
“Extremely intuitive set of tools that are engaging and fun for 4.1. Sustainability integration in HE: terminology and TMFAs
participants to experience.” Director of a business school,
Thailand (I3) The analysis based on literature review showed (Section 2.1)
that “sustainability integration” is a complex and layered construct
“These tools are educational, enlightening and fun!” Director of in the context of HE and it has multiple scales of applicability. The
a university program, Swedish university (I14) term “sustainability integration” is increasingly being used as evi-
denced by the literature review results (Fig. 1), but it is subject to
With regard to weaknesses, these were very particular to the multiple interpretations or perceptions of meaning. Even though
specific tools and contexts and did not show any general pattern. the authors defined the terms “sustainability integration” and
The mentioned weaknesses mostly pertained to: 1) the toolsets' “transformational change” for the purpose of this study, they do not
terminology and/or processes and how the users have modified expect that all other practitioners will agree with these definitions
and/or start applying them. It is not the aim of the authors to limit
the richness of vocabulary being used in (E)SD literature, but rather
to focus attention on the need for terminological clarity in aca-
demic writings related to sustainability integration. It is the hope of
the authors that the conceptual models in Figs. 2 and 3 can be
helpful to the reader in this process of terminology clarification.
A more detailed analysis based on the literature review revealed
that there exists a wide range of TMFAs that have been proposed
and/or practically used in higher education to integrate sustain-
ability principles in the various dimensions of institutional practice
as presented in the ‘SCAT for HE’ matrix (Table 1). Some of these
TMFAs have been under development relatively recently and
applied rather locally (e.g. ESDGC framework), while others have
been used for many years and applied in tens or perhaps hundreds
of institutions around the world (e.g. AISHE, STARS).
Although certainly not exhaustive, the results in Table 1 indicate
that there seem to exist differences in the diversity of TMFAs types
available to change agents. Waas et al. (2010) note that most efforts
to date have been focused on SD in the educational dimension
(curricula/teaching) and operational/management dimension (esp.
environmental management), while SD in university research has
received scholarly attention only recently. This observation on the
Fig. 8. Overall picture of the period of use of the Accelerator toolset has been used at evolution of SD efforts in HE seems to be reflected also in the results
the responding HEIs; as of September 2014. of existing TMFAs where sustainability assessment and reporting
4378 et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 172 (2018) 4367e4382
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appears to be most diversely developed, while specific TMFAs in the reflected in the “people dimension” of the SCAT for HE matrix
research category are more sporadic. (Table 1). The governance and administrative structures of higher
The results have shown that most of the TMFAs are specific for a education may itself limit the “whole-institution” application as
certain dimension (teaching, operations, outreach, research, and few individuals within higher education have a pan-institutional
reporting & assessment) and usually don't apply cross multiple accountability (i.e. teaching, research, operations, outreach, and
dimensions. This appears logical, since many of the TMFAs target a reporting).
specific area of institutional practice and do not attempt to fit all
purposes. In the “whole-institution” context, it is nevertheless very 4.2.3. Institutional level of use of the Accelerator toolset
interesting to note that a few of the TMFAs seem to suit the needs of The relative versatility of the toolset has been supported also by
change agents in multiple dimensions. TMFAs that have been re- the findings on the institutional scale of use and frequency of use e
ported to be used in three or more dimensions included environ- ranging from individual use for one-off projects to the entire
mental footprinting methods (Carbon footprint, Ecological institution use for multiple projects in multiple years.
footprint), participatory development methods, participatory
assessment & reporting methods (AISHE, AUA, STARS) and the
4.2.4. Strengths and weaknesses of the Accelerator toolset
Accelerator toolset that is further discussed in the section that
Apart from the relative simplicity and flexibility of the toolset,
one of the key strengths appears to be very strong in the human
dimension by creating engagement and “fun” among people. As
4.2. The Accelerator toolset in the context of other TMFAs Disterheft et al. (2016) highlight, “fun and celebration” can be
classified as one of the critical success factors in participatory
The discussion that follows reflects the main questions posed for processes relating to SD in HE. In the authors' words: “… it has
this study. become increasingly recognized that fun and celebration of achieve-
ments along the process, even the most little ones, are an important
4.2.1. HE institutions using the Accelerator toolset pillar for transformation in the long-term perspective because ‘if it is
The results of the survey showed that the Accelerator has been not playful, it is not sustainable’ (Dragon Dreaming International,
used at 17 higher education institutions located in 13 countries on 4 2014)” (in Disterheft et al. (2016, p. 176e177)). The participatory
continents. The actual number of HEIs that have been using the and engaging features of the Accelerator toolset seem therefore
toolset is slightly higher as the authors know of HE practitioners particularly relevant for sustainability efforts at HEIs.
who have not completed the survey. More than half of the users With regard to weaknesses, Accelerator appears to be “too
were located in Europe and the rest in Asia, Australia and North much” for some users, who find its many elements and (especially
America. in the case of StrateSphere) detailed planning tools to be in excess
of their or their participant's capacities and needs. No TMFAs,
including the Accelerator, can be expected to be a “perfect fit” for all
4.2.2. Use of the Accelerator toolset in institutional practice
change agents in all HEIs. Recognizing the differing contexts and
cultures across higher education, all TMFAs including the Acceler-
In the context of reviewing the existing TMFAs reported in the
ator toolset require adjustment to the concrete context (e.g. how
academic literature, the Accelerator appears to be unique among
much time is available, who the audience is, what the overall goal
the change management TMFAs (based on the analysis presented in
is, etc.).
Table 1) in that it has been shown to be used to some degree in all
five dimensions of institutional practice, including teaching,
research, operations, outreach, and administration including 4.2.5. General patterns on the use of the Accelerator toolset
assessment & reporting (Section 3.3, Tables 3 and 4). There are too few examples in this study's data set to make
The area where the toolset has seen weaker use is the assess- robust conclusions, but some general patterns can be identified in
ment & reporting dimension. This could be explained by the rela- use of the Accelerator in HE institutions. First, teaching is the most
tively large number of already existing frameworks for common dimension in which the toolset is used, followed by op-
sustainability assessment and reporting specifically for HE that are erations planning and outreach functions. While the tools have
being in use (Table 1). The potential for use of the Accelerator been used in research, this was the second least-reported appli-
toolset e and in particular the Compass e in reporting & assess- cation, perhaps owing to their participatory nature, which is not
ment at HEIs therefore remains to be further explored. always a universal aspect of SD in HE research. The most under-
The results of this study indicate that the toolset is very versatile utilized application was for cross-institutional work as a support
and can be applied in a wide range of contexts. The authors believe for inter-disciplinary and inter-departmental collaboration. This
the versatility of the toolset to be a function of its strong theoretical may reflect the fact that less work is being done in the area of cross-
foundations in change agentry and highly integrative institutional work, or it may be that the Accelerator tools are not as
sustainability-oriented concepts such as systems dynamics, inno- effective in this context.
vation diffusion, and strategic planning. The study has determined
that Accelerator tools are used in institutional management and 4.3. Limitations of the study
planning for sustainability, as well as in professional training on
sustainability, classroom teaching on related topics, as well in The key identified limitation pertaining to the first part of the
programming to support stakeholder engagement processes. paper, dealing with terminology used and TMFAs available to
On the other hand, it is interesting to note that the majority of change agents, pertains to the limited information that gets re-
practitioners have used the Accelerator tools only in one or two ported in the academic literature. As a result, the list of identified
dimensions of practice at their institution (Table 3), and not in a TMFAs, as well as the “people dimension” categories marked, are by
“whole-institution” application. One can speculate that this fact no means exhaustive, but rather illustrative. It is believed that the
pertains to the individual responsibilities of the users (e.g. teaching, main value lies in the framing of the SCAT for HE matrix itself rather
operational practitioner, etc.) as discussed in Section 2.1 and than the individual entries based on the peer-review literature
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Change agent Individual, group or network within or outside the organization that engage in an active and conscious effort to change organizational structures
(this paper focuses on individual change agents)
Sustainability A state of the world that humanity aspires to reach where long-term stability in environmental, social and economic dimensions is ensured (i.e. the
current generations not compromising on the abilities of future generations to meet their needs)
Sustainable The development of human society towards sustainability
Sustainability The entire process of moving from a “business-as-usual university” to a “sustainable university” including all stages of the process along a certain
integration time
Transformational The change (i.e. difference in characteristics) in the state from “business-as-usual university” to a “sustainable university” when sustainability has
change been fully integrated (within institutional endeavors as well as the integration of the endeavors themselves)
Approach A way of dealing with certain tasks without a precisely set sequence of steps
Method A way of dealing with certain tasks with a precisely set sequence of steps
Framework/Model A system of concepts, terms, and diagrams used to illustrate a complex but integrated idea (slight difference might be similar to the difference
between a table [¼framework] and a figure [¼model], but in this study used as synonyms)
Tool A practical item ready to be used by a practitioner (based on any of the above)
Toolset A set of tools and/or methods ready for practical use
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