CNF Module 5 Students
CNF Module 5 Students
CNF Module 5 Students
Online Lesson:
Topic: Structures of CNF 2
Learning Targets:
At the end of the lesson, I can:
1. show understanding on the structures of CNF by giving personal insights
2. relate the structures of CNF to prior writing experience.
Bascom, T. (2013). Picturing the Personal Essay. Creative Nonfiction, (49), 6-12.
Module No.: 5
I. Topic: Structures of CNF 2
II. Learning Targets:
We are done with the traditional structure of CNF. In this module, we will focus on the structures
of CNF according to Tim Bascom in his article titled Picturing the Personal Essay: A Visual Guide.
Though it is stated that the structures are writing techniques for Personal Essay, these may also be
applied in writing other types of CNF. Let us begin by reviewing the importance of structure in crafting
a CNF.
Organization of ideas is part of the writer’s creative process. This is manifested with
the writer’s technique of presenting information, ideas, and narratives in a way that best
appeals to the readers. Structure is also important since it helps readers comprehend
the text easily. Without a proper structure, the organization of ideas may be cluttered
and seem to have no direction.
Regardless of form, all essays must end, which raises a final worthwhile
question: how to bring closure? First, endings are related to beginnings.
That is why many essays seem to circle back to where they began. It is the
writer’s strategy to open the essay with a scene and ends by returning into
the scene.
Now that we are done with the structures of CNF, we can start with planning for our CNF
1. Diana is writing a personal essay about her experience during the first day of school. What
structure is appropriate if her intention is to end the story by going back to how it is started?
A. Braided and Layered structures
B. Coming full circle
C. Dipping into the well
D. Formal limits of focus
2. What structure suggests that CNF must avoid flatlines to retain readers interest?
A. Braided and layered structures
B. Coming full circle
C. Narrative with a lift
D. Whorl of reflection
3. Which among the following must be used if the writer intends to put depth in certain areas of
the narrative?
A. Braided and layered structures
B. Dipping into the well
C. Narrative with a lift
D. Whorl of reflection
4. What structure is used when it is observed that the essay utilizes two stories, one from the
past and the other from the present which are intervening but form unity in theme?
A. Braided and layered structures
B. Coming full circle
C. Formal limits of focus
D. Narrative with a lift
5. Noel realized that the ideas in his essay seem cluttered. He plans to shorten his essay by
removing some details and unimportant events. What structure best reflects the scenario?
2021.02.07 1:09:34 PM NDDU-IBED-F-081
A. Coming full circle
B. Dipping into the well
C. Formal limits of focus
D. Narrative with a lift
Answer Key:
1. B
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. C
V. Enrichment:
Instruction: Look for a subject to write about related to your travel experience. You may write about
the people you encounter, your experience with the place, traveling moment, culture,
and anything related to your travel experience. Make an outline and state the desired
VI. References/Materials:
Bascom, T. (2013). Picturing the Personal Essay. Creative Nonfiction, (49), 6-12.