Spicer Driveshafts: For Off-Highway Applications
Spicer Driveshafts: For Off-Highway Applications
Spicer Driveshafts: For Off-Highway Applications
Spicer 10™ Series Design Features Spicer Wing™ Series Design Features
n Extended Spline Life n Sealed Slip Spline System
Spicer 10™ Series driveshafts have been an torque capacities up to 15,700 Nm. Spicer wing-bearing style driveshafts driveshafts today. With torque capacities
n Reduced Thrust Load n Triple-Lip Seal, Thrust
industry standard for more than 50 years and Larger capacities previously available in this under Pressure are designed for longer life, minimal ranging from 1,500 to more than 120,000 Nm Washer, and Seal
are ideal for the rigorous demands of most series are now offered by Spicer Life Series® n Lower Friction under Load maintenance, and lower operating cost. and lubrication packages from extended to Guard Package
mobile off-highway applications. driveshafts. This ensures Dana has the right n Superior Needle Dana is capable of offering the most permanently lubricated, Dana has the right n Reduced Maintenance
The Spicer 10 Series offers driveshafts with driveshaft to fit all your off-highway needs. Bearing Retention comprehensive range of wing-style driveshaft to fit all your off-highway needs. n Increased Torque Capacity
n Easy to Service
Universal Joints
Torsional Rating
Torsional Rating
Functional Swing
Driveshaft Torque Limit Diameter Functional Swing
Series Driveshaft Torque Limit Diameter
Ft.-Lb. Nm Inches mm Series
Nm mm
1310 1,719 2,330 4.000 101.6
5C 5,600 123.0
1330 1,991 2,700 4.560 115.8
6C 7,200 150.0
1350 2,876 3,900 4.560 115.8
7C 10,700 158.0
1410 3,467 4,700 4.940 125.5
8C 15,500 216.0
1480 Use Spicer Life Series (SPL55)
8.5C 20,300 175.0
1550 5,100 7,000 6.000 152.4
9C 27,400 223.0
1610 Use Spicer Life Series (SPL 100)
10C 39,700 225.0
1710 11,358 15,400 7.880 200.2
11C 41,600 235.0
1760 Use Spicer Life Series (SPL 170)
12C 62,200 301.0
1810 Use Spicer Life Series (SPL 170HD)
12.5C 63,000 295.0
1810HD Use Spicer Life Series (SPL 250)
14.5C 108,000 326.0
Use Spicer Wing Bearing (9C and above)
1880 15C 75,400 273.0
Use Spicer Life Series (SPL250HD, SPL350, SPL350HD)
14C 120,600 360.0
Definition of Functional Torque Limit: The torque to which the driveshaft can be loaded without yielding or creating Definition of Functional Torque Limit: The torque to which the driveshaft can be loaded without yielding or creating
plastic deformation of any of the parts that adversely affect the driveshaft kinematics of durability. plastic deformation of any of the parts that adversely affect the driveshaft kinematics of durability.
Spicer Life Series® Design Features Spicer Compact™ Plus Design Features
n Larger Diameter Slip n Smaller Swing Diameters
As with the Spicer 10™ Series, Spicer Life With torque capacities ranging from Member with Longer From the industry standard in Europe to to attach to nearly any axle or transmission.
n Bearing Package with
Series® driveshafts offer features such as 5,500 to more than 25,000 Nm, Dana has Splines the commercial vehicle market, the Spicer With torque capacities ranging from 2,400 to Reduced Maintenance or
longer life, reduced maintenance, and Quick the right driveshaft to fit all your on- and n Two Boot Options: Compact™ Series offers a wide variety 35,000 Nm, Dana has the right driveshaft Maintenance-Free Options
Disconnect™ end yokes that can provide off-highway needs. Thermoplastic Hytrel® or of end-fittings, from SAE to DIN and to fit all your on- or off-highway needs. n Increased Torque Capacity
operating benefits to our customers. Seal Can Style cross-serrated, allowing Spicer driveshafts
n Smaller Swing Diameter
n Centrally Located
Grease Fitting
n Permanently Lubricated
Slip Spline
n Increased Torque Capacity
Torsional Rating
Functional Swing
Driveshaft Torque Limit Diameter
Nm mm
Definition of Functional Torque Limit: The torque to which the driveshaft can be loaded without yielding or creating Definition of Functional Torque Limit: The torque to which the driveshaft can be loaded without yielding or creating
plastic deformation of any of the parts that adversely affect the driveshaft kinematics of durability. plastic deformation of any of the parts that adversely affect the driveshaft kinematics of durability.
Spicer ® Centered Double Joints Design Features Spicer Double Universal Joints (DUJ) Design Features
n Permanently Lubricated n Advanced U-Joint sealing
Spicer® Centered Double Joints are Available either as a single double joint or Spicer DUJ products are designed for extended or permanently lubricated version. system
n Equalized Angles for
suitable for many applications, including double/double jointed shafts, ranging Constant Velocity improved sealing performance, longer life, Shaft ends can be customized upon n Reduced maintenance
main or wheel drive applications. from 2,000 to 17,000 Nm, Dana has the n Fully Centered and low maintenance. customer request. n Increased torque capacity
right driveshaft to fit your needs. n Round and Wing-Bearing Torque capacity ranges from 1,550 to
Styles Available 5,000 Nm and products are available in
Torsional Rating
Functional Swing
Driveshaft Torque Limit Diameter
Nm mm
Available on Request
n Paint n ermanent Lubrication
n Special Types for High and Low
Definition of Functional Torque Limit: The torque to which the driveshaft can be loaded without yielding or creating Definition of Functional Torque Limit: The torque to which the driveshaft can be loaded without yielding or creating
plastic deformation of any of the parts that adversely affect the driveshaft kinematics of durability. plastic deformation of any of the parts that adversely affect the driveshaft kinematics of durability.
Market-Driven Innovation
Drive and Motion Systems