Terano CFLM Assessment No. 6.

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CFLM 200 – C

Assessment No.6 (10points each)

1.1 What are the Factors of Personal Traits?

 Neuroticism
 Extraversion
 Agreeableness
 Conscientiousness
 Openness

1.2 How do this Factors affects Personal Traits?

 A person suffering from neuroticism may be self-conscious and bashful. They may
internalize phobias as well as other neurotic qualities including anxiety, panic, anger,
hostility, and despair. Neuroticism is a persistent emotional state characterized by
unpleasant responses and sensations.
 A person who scores high in extraversion on a personality test is the life of the party. They
enjoy being with people, participating in social gatherings, and are full of energy. A person
low in extraversion is less outgoing and is more comfortable working by himself.
 Agreeableness is a personality trait that describes a person’s ability to put others
needs before their own. Those who are more agreeable are more likely to be
empathetic and find pleasures in helping others and working with people who need
more help.
 Conscientiousness is the characteristic of being attentive or diligent.
Conscientiousness suggests a desire to do a task correctly and to take one's
responsibilities to others seriously. Conscientious persons are efficient and ordered, as
opposed to relaxed and disorganized. They tend to be self-disciplined, perform
dutifully, and strive for success; they demonstrate planned rather than spontaneous
conduct; and they are typically trustworthy.
 People that have a high level of openness are more inclined to try new things, new
ideas, and unusual experiences. They are open-minded, embrace new experiences
with curiosity, and seek out novelty. They are drawn to new experiences, adventures,
and creative undertakings. They are also quite adept at thinking about and connecting
various thoughts and ideas.

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