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Organisational Justice and Human Resource Retention: Role of Leadership


1Friday Ogbu Edeh, 2Georgina Edeoga, 3Chukwu Agnes Ugboego, 4Linus

Adama, 5Chiamaka Eunice Oketa, & 6Azubuike Ngozi Ukamaka
Department of Business Administration, Alex Ekwueme Federal University,
Ndufu-Alike, Ebonyi State, Nigeria.
Department of Industrial Relations & Personnel Management, Michael Okpara
University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State, Nigeria.
Department of Accountancy/Banking & Finance, Alex Ekwueme Federal
University, Ndufu-Alike, Ebonyi State, Nigeria.

Corresponding Author: [email protected]


The role that leadership consideration plays on the effects of organisational justice on human
resource retention has not been widely researched, eventhough, leadership had predicted the
retention of employees in the workplace. It is based on this premise that this study investigated the
moderating role of leadership consideration on the effects of organisational justice on human
resource retention in Nigerian public universities using cross-sectional design. Multiple Linear
Regression and Pearson Partial Zero-Order Correlation results revealed that leadership
consideration (LC) moderates the relationship between organisational justice (OJ) and human
resource retention (HRR). It was concluded that leadership consideration is an instrument for
improving organisational justice and human resource retention through the implementation of
direct compensation, flexible working arrangements and promotion in the workplace. One of the
recommendation of this study is that National University Commission (NUC); the watch dog,
policymaker and regulator of universities in Nigeria should ensure that promotion guidelines for
academic staffs are uniform across all the universities in Nigeria, as this will bring fairness in the
university system.

Keywords: Leadership consideration, Organisational justice, Human resource retention,

Promotion, Direct compensation, Work environment

Organisational anchor is usually guarded and directed by the leader who influences
the subordinates’ using attitudes and behaviour with the aim of attaining the goal
of the organisation. However, just as it has been argued that everybody is a leader
but everybody is not a leader which implies that everybody cannot be nominated to
lead a group of individuals or workers because some of them may not have the
required quality that a leader is expected to have. In other words, for one to be an
32 Gusau International Journal of Management and Social Sciences, Federal University, Gusau, Vol.4 No. 2, July. 2021
Organisational Justice and Human Resource Retention: Role of Leadership Consideration

effective leader, certain leadership qualities need to be acquired through learning

and mentoring. In many organisations today, ineffective leadership has resulted in
many businesses failing thereby ejecting employees into the labour markets adding
to the high unemployment rate in the society. Thus, leadership has positive
influence on every member of the organisation and thereafter resulting to increase
in profitability, human resource retention, affective commitment and high
performance. This is the reason why leadership has become serious concern to
many organisations especially how to ascertain if someone is a very good leader or
not. Leadership consideration is a fundamental predictor of retaining qualified and
talented human resource.

It is against this premise that leadership consideration behaviour approach to

leadership emerged between 1940s and 1950s through the work of a group of
researchers from Ohio State University (Jones & George, 2017). Their research
results revealed that managers that pilot the affairs of a formal organisation engage
in two kinds of behaviours which they employ to influence their subordinates
through their day-to-day decisions; these are initiating structure and consideration
(Jones & George, 2017). Managers that make use of consideration display trust,
respect and love to their subordinates while initiating structure managers focus on
the job that need to be done (Jones & George, 2017). Thus, leaders that are
considerate are likely to retain more employees compared to the one that pay more
attention to work (Jones & George, 2017). Managers that exhibit leadership
consideration usually encourage and express appreciation to their followers for
performing their jobs effectively and efficiently.

Drawing from the above, one of the strategies for organisational competitiveness is
human resource retention. This is because human resource is regarded as the major
asset that every organisation has (Noe et al., 2018). It has been shown that the
success and sustenance of every organisation is positively associated with retention
of human resource (Dessler, 2020). Some of the significance of human resource
retention in the organisation includes increase in; sales, performance, affective
commitment, job satisfaction, knowledge sharing, talent attraction, profitability,
discretionary work behaviour, workers emotional labour (Beardwell & Thompson,
2017). Deploying other binocular, human resource retention is also dependant on
the perception of fairness by human resource with regards to reward distribution
amongst their colleagues in the workplace. This is because for a worker to remain
committed with an organisation, there must be an action of fairness in terms of
direct and indirect compensation (Robbins & Judge, 2018). Again, retaining human
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Organisational Justice and Human Resource Retention: Role of Leadership Consideration

resource goes a long way to promoting the image of the organisation to the society.
Thus, managers or organisational leaders that adopt consideration as leadership
behaviour for influencing their subordinate would always receive adequate support
from their human resource in the workplace. In support of the above contention,
DeCenzo & Robbins (2010) argued that for managers to positively influence their
followers, they must always be ready to value them in all ramifications.

From the foregoing, organisational justice has been receiving wide scholarly
attention in promoting human resource retention across multicultural work
environment (McShane & Von Glinow, 2018). In line with the above, when
employees perceive fairness in their place of work, they tend to reciprocate by
remaining with the organisation other than quitting (Kinicki & Fugate, 2016).
Organisational justice has numerous positive significant effects on the success of
every organisation. Thus, based on various investigations, it has been shown that
workplace justice has the capacity of promoting discretionary work behaviours (Al-
ali et al., 2019). Nwanneka et al., (2020) opine that retention of healthcare
professionals is positively associated with organisational justice. In addition
Tayyaba et al, (2020) contend that organisational justice motivates talented
employees to be innovative and disseminate relevant knowledge that will be
utilized in solving organisational challenges. In another perspective, organisational
justice is also an effective predictor of performance appraisal and other employee
outcomes in the twenty first century workplaces.

However, previous trends of studies on organisational justice and human resource

retention had been investigated by other researchers (Lambert et al., 2020; Fatima
et al., 2020; Moonjoo, 2020; Mahadi et al., 2020) but none examined the role of
leadership consideration on the effects of organisational justice on human resource
retention in Nigerian public universities. This is what motivated the researchers to
investigate the role of leadership consideration on the effect of organisational
justice on human resource retention in Nigerian public universities. The rationale
for choosing public universities as subject of study is because tertiary institution is
a knowledge bank where different people from different cultures in the society
acquire relevant knowledge that will equip them in developing their economy.
Secondly, Nigerian public university was chosen because many Nigerian
academics are leaving the country for greener pastures in other countries as a result
of poor remuneration, unhealthy work environment, unfair treatment during
appraisal exercises as well as irregular payment of salaries as at when due by
relevant authorities (Edeh & Udensi, 2017). Based on the problems highlighted
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Organisational Justice and Human Resource Retention: Role of Leadership Consideration

above, in this study organisational justice is the predictor variable while human
resource retention is criterion variable while leadership consideration is moderating
variable. Therefore this study is divided into theoretical background which covers
review of related literature, research methodology, analysis and results, discussion,
conclusion and implications.

Conceptual Review
Organisational Justice
Organisational justice has been a serious discourse amongst human resource
management, healthcare professionals as well as organisational behaviour scholars
(Dessler, 2020; Nwanneka et al., 2020; Robbins & Judge, 2018). In this study,
organisational justice refers to how employees perceive that they were treated fairly
by management. This is because treating employees fairly is regarded as moral in
the workplace and society in general (McShane & Von Glinow, 2018). When
employees perceived that their input is greater than the outcome especially as
regards to pay they feel unfairly or unjustly treated (Beardwell & Thompson, 2017);
but when their input is consonant with their outcome they perceives they are treated
fairly (Dessler, 2020). This perception ranges from how employees are promoted,
rewarded, punished, laid-off, dismissed, and allocation of responsibilities. For
instance, when an employee discovers that the pay he/she receives at the end of the
month is lesser compared to what their colleague receives, such employee would
perceive there is injustice in the organisation. When this happens, such employee
would not be committed to the organisation anymore rather he/she would start
making arrangement to quite from the job which would impact negatively on the
performance of the organisation.

On another hand, using the university system as an example, if one or two

employees are promoted and other employees were not promoted having presented
the requirements for promotion then the employees that were not promoted would
perceive injustice. With these examples, one can deduce that there is unfair
appraisal by those that conducted the exercise. Proponents of organisational justice
had classified it into; distributive, procedural and interactional justice (Cropanzano
et al., 2007; Colquitt, 2001). The first dimension of organisational justice is
distributive justice. Distributive justice is concerned with how employees perceive
that allocation of rewards or resources to colleagues in the workplace or
departments were done equally. The second dimension is procedural justice. In this
study procedural justice is concerned with following the laid down rules of
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appraising academics in the public universities. It has been shown that when
management rules are not properly followed, employees usually reduce their
performance (Edeh & Ofoegbu, 2017). In addition, Edeh & Ugwu (2019)
contended that when managers follow prescribed procedures enshrined in the
strategic plan of the organisation, employees are more motivated to participate in
every organisational activity. Corroborating with the above contention,
organisation that follows formal ethical standards attract the right talent compared
to an organisation that does not usually activate their formal principles (Fatima et
al., 2020). The third dimension of organisational justice is interactional justice
which is divided into informational and interpersonal justice (Edeh & Ugwu, 2019).
Interpersonal justice refers to how an individual treats colleagues with respect and
dignity in the workplace. Informational justice is concerned with how information
dissemination is fairly distributed to all the workers in the same organisation
(Tayyaba et al., 2020; Edeh & Ugwu, 2019). In summary, interactional justice is
concerned with fair dissemination of information within the organisation.

Leadership Consideration
Leadership is the process through which managers use to influence their
subordinates to do what ordinarily they wouldn’t do in order for organisational
goals to be achieved. Other scholars view leadership as how managers inspire and
motivate their subordinates to achieve common goals (McShane & Von Glinow,
2018; Ivancevich et al., 2014). No matter how many scholars view leadership, the
main action of having a leader in a group or team of individuals is to influence them
to do something. Before the advent of behavioural approach to leadership, head
lamp of research was beamed towards leadership trait. It was this shortfall in
research that motivated researchers from Ohio State University and University of
Michigan to investigate behavioural approach to leadership (Jones & George,
2017). Nonetheless, the head lamp of this study is limited to results of Ohio State
University. Based on that investigation, Ohio State University results revealed that
most of the managers engage in consideration and initiating structure (Jones &
George, 2017). Even when leadership behaviour was propagated to the society as
means of solving leadership problems other approaches emanated from the
wellbeing perspectives of the subordinates such as transformational leadership;
transactional leadership, charismatic leadership as well as servant leadership (Edeh,
2020). In this study, the researchers therefore perceives leadership consideration as
how managers respect, care and trust their subordinates.

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Organisational Justice and Human Resource Retention: Role of Leadership Consideration

Human Resource Retention (HRR)

Retaining Human Resource (HRR) is one of the competitive advantages that
progressive organisations possess which differentiate them from other non
performing organisations across the globe. Human resource refers to an employee
that is legally recruited by an organisation to assist them in attaining their vision.
In this study, human resource is used interchangeably with employee. Thus, Human
Resource Retention (HRR) is concerned with how organisation keeps their
employees with them over the years by doing everything possible within their
capacity to stop them from leaving. Retaining human resource attracts more
talented people to come and contribute to the growth of the organisation (Mathis &
Jackson, 2011; Ivancevich, 2010). What this means is that organisations that does
not retain its workforce will finds it very difficult to attract new talents. On another
hand, organisations keep their employees due to the knowledge they have acquired
right from the day they got initiated or baptized with the culture of the workplace
(Dialoke & Edeh, 2016). Dessler (2020) posit that even the potential customers that
patronage the organisation consistently are as a result of seasoned employees who
have influence their behaviour in one way or the other over the years. This is
because some customers patronize some organisation as a result of one employee
that has influenced them positively with his/her behaviour.

Meanwhile, certain factors that motivate workers to remain with their employers
have been identified in literature: working environment, job satisfaction, appraisal
and training, job security, compensation, promotion, relationship with supervisor
and co-worker, trust in leadership (Mahadi et al., 2020); pay, work-life balance,
effective leadership, healthcare benefits, acceptability of unions (Noe et al., 2020);
flexible work arrangements (Choi, 2019). On the contrary, some retention
ingredients in Sub-Saharan Africa are quite different from those in the Western
world. Reasons are that some developing countries in Sub-Saharan Africa lack
adequate infrastructural facilities to stimulate growth, motivation and development.
This is because most Nigerian public universities lack modern classrooms; most
academic staffs do not have sufficient personal offices; there is insufficient
accommodation for students; insufficient laboratory equipment especially for
science disciplines; lack of functional digital library; bureaucratic bottlenecks;
inadequate power supply as well as insufficient water supply. For this reasons, most
academics in Nigerian public universities feel demotivated and always planning to
leave to other countries where they would hope to find motivation (Edeh & Udensi,
2017). It is against this premise that the following hypotheses were formulated.
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Organisational Justice and Human Resource Retention: Role of Leadership Consideration

HA1: Distributive justice has significant effect on direct compensation.

HA2: Procedural justice has significant effects on flexible working arrangements.
HA3: Interactional justice has significant effects on staff promotion.
HA4: Leadership consideration moderates the relationship between organisational
justice and human resource retention.

This study employed cross-sectional survey as research design. Cross sectional
survey allows researchers to collect data once at different geographical study
locations within the shortest possible time (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016). The variables
were measured as follows: Distributive justice: 3-item scale (Colquitt, 2001) rated
on 5-point Likert scale. Procedural justice: 3-item scale (Colquitt, 2001) rated on
5-point Likert scale. Interactional justice: 3-item scale (Colquitt, 2001) rated on 5-
point Likert scale and validation was affirmed by Moonjoo (2020). Promotion and
Direct compensation were measured with 4-item each on 5-point Likert scale
(5=strongly agree – 1 neither agree nor disagree) (Heneman & Schwab, 1985).
Flexible Working Arrangements: 4-item scale (Jain & Swami, 2014); Leadership
Consideration: 3-item scale (Stogdill, 1963) rated on 5-point Likert scale
(5=strongly agree – 1 neither agree nor disagree). Meanwhile, it has been shown
that once an instrument is empirically validated, there is no need to conduct another
validation and reliability on the same instrument (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016;
Saunders et al., 2009). An accessible population of four thousand, five hundred
(4500) academic staff from ten public universities in South Eastern Nigeria was
surveyed with simple random sampling. Sample size of three hundred and fifty four
(354) was determined from the accessible population.

Data presentation and analysis

Three hundred and fifty four (354) copies of questionnaire were administered to the
participants. Out of the number of questionnaire distributed, three hundred and
seven (307) was filled correctly and found useful for analysis. Demographic
profiles of the participants was analysed with frequency distribution while the
hypotheses were analysed with Multiple Linear Regression and Pearson Partial
Zero-Order Correlation.

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Organisational Justice and Human Resource Retention: Role of Leadership Consideration

Table 1: Demographic profiles of participants

Demographics Frequency Percentage (%)
Female 76 24.8
Male 231 75.2
30-40 years 40 13.0
41-50 years 75 24.4
51 years & above 192 62.5
Bachelor degree 32 10.4
Master degree 85 27.7
PhD degree 190 61.9

Results of participants demographic on table 1 above showed that 76 participants

representing 24.8% are female academics while 231 participants representing
75.2% are male academics. This implies that males dominate Nigerian public
university working environment compared to females. Age brackets of the
respondents revealed that 40 participants representing 13.0% fall within 30-40
years; 75 participants representing 24.4% are within 41-50 years; and 192
participants representing 62.5% fall within 51 years and above. Educational
qualifications of the participants showed that 32 participants representing 10.4%
hold Bachelor degree; 85 participants representing 27.7% hold Master degree; and
190 participants representing 61.9% hold Ph.D degree.

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Organisational Justice and Human Resource Retention: Role of Leadership Consideration

Table 2: Multiple Linear regression – OJ & HRR

Organisational Justice Human Resource Retention
direct Flexible working promotion
compensation arrangements
Distributive Justice β =0.360* - -
(p<0.05; .000)
Procedural Justice - β =0.370* -
(p<0.05; .000)
Interactional Justice - - β =0.549*
(p<0.05; .000)
F-value 45.392** 48.341** 131.319**
R 0.360a 0.370a 0.549a
R 0.130 0.137 0.301
Adjusted R2 0.127 0.134 0.299
t-stat. 6.737 6.953 11.459
d/f (1/305) 3.865 3.865 3.865
N=307; p<0.05

Multiple linear results in table 2 above shows that both organisational justice (OJ)
dimensions (distributive justice, procedural justice, interactional justice) has
positive significant effects on human resource retention (HRR) measures (direct
compensation, flexible working arrangements, promotion). The correlation model
shows that 36%, 37% and 55% are acceptable. Secondly, the difference between
adjusted R2 and R2 are less than 5% which shows that there is no sample error
(Sekaran & Bougie, 2016). To verify the significant of the result, the goodness of
fit of the model showed F-statistics (45.392**; 48.341**; 131.319**) are greater
than degree of freedom (3.865). In line with the above results, the three alternate
hypotheses are hereby accepted and null hypotheses rejected. To prove this from
the results, p<0.05, indicating that overall regression model is significant at 5%
level of significance (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016). Drawing from the results, the study
therefore found that organisational justice (OJ) has positive significant effects on
human resource retention (HRR).

40 Gusau International Journal of Management and Social Sciences, Federal University, Gusau, Vol.4 No. 2, July. 2021
Organisational Justice and Human Resource Retention: Role of Leadership Consideration

Table 3: Pearson Partial Zero-Order Correlation – OJ, HRR & LC

Control Variables OJ HRR LC
Correlation 1.000 .776** .824**
OJ Significance (2-tailed) . .000 .002
df 0 305 305
Correlation .776** 1.000 .784**
-none-a HRR Significance (2-tailed) .000 . .000
df 305 0 305
Correlation .824** .784** 1.000
LC Significance (2-tailed) .002 .000 .
df 305 305 0
Correlation 1.000 .776**
OJ Significance (2-tailed) . .000
df 0 304
Correlation .776** 1.000
HRR Significance (2-tailed) .000 .
df 304 0
a. Cells contain zero-order (Pearson) correlations. p<0.05; N = 307

The results on table 3 above shows the controlling variable of leadership

consideration (LC) on the relationship between organisational justice (OJ) and
human resource retention (HRR) shows that the Pearson Partial correlation zero-
order is positively correlated. From the results, leadership consideration (LC)
moderates the relationship between organisational justice (OJ) with human
resource retention (HRR) with a strong positive correlations and significant levels
(p<0.05 = 0.002; rs=0.824** and p<0.05 = 0.000; rs=0.784**). What this implies
that is that a leader with consideration behaviour would always influence the
academic staffs to stay back by ensuring the effective implementation of retention
strategies such as direction compensation, flexible working arrangements and

Result of this study is in line with previous trends of thoughts (Lambert et al., 2020;
Mengstie, 2020; Chukwu, 2019; Oussama et al., 2019). Lambert et al., (2020) result
revealed that all the three typologies of organisational justice have positive
significant effects on Nigerian correctional employees’ commitment which
encourages them to stay. Mengstie (2020) findings showed that organisational
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Organisational Justice and Human Resource Retention: Role of Leadership Consideration

justice is associated with human resource retention amongst healthcare workers.

Chukwu (2019) results indicated that organisational justice predicted turnover
intention of human resource in selected beverage industries in Nigeria. Sogand et
al., (2016) result showed that organizational justice has positive significant effects
on turnover intention of healthcare nurses in Iran. However, this study is quite
unique compared to other trends of studies that have investigated organisational
justice (OJ) and human resource retention (HRR) because none of them examine
the moderating influence of leadership consideration. This is where this study has
contributed immensely to the body of knowledge on moderating role of leadership
consideration on the effects of organisational (OJ) on human resource retention

Conclusion and Managerial Implications

In line with the findings, it was concluded that leadership consideration is an
instrument for improving organisational justice and human resource retention
through the implementation of direct compensation, flexible working arrangements
and promotion in the workplace. Thus, this study recommends that university
administrators should focus on consideration as leadership behaviour that would
encourage academic staff in Nigerian public universities to stay by fairly
implementing retention policies such as direct compensation, flexible working
arrangements, and promotion to avoid leaving to other countries in search of
greener opportunities. Secondly, Salaries and Wages Commission, Federal
Ministry of Labour and Productivity as well as Federal Ministry of Education
should increase the salaries of academic staffs in Nigerian universities as a matter
of urgency to reduce brain drain and increase productivity. This is because Nigerian
university academic staffs are the least paid across all African countries.

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