DLL - August 22-26, 2022
DLL - August 22-26, 2022
DLL - August 22-26, 2022
B. Performance Standards The learner’s performs selected songs from Medieval,renaissance and baroque periods
a) Chants;
b) Madrigals;
c) excerpts
from oratorio;
d) chorales;
e) troubadour.
C. Learning Competencies / Objectives MUSIC * performs music from
Write the LC code for each describes the musical elements of explains the performance practice * relates Medieval, Renaissance Medieval,Renaissance and
* improvises appropriate
selected vocal and instrumental (setting, composition, role of and Baroque music to other art Baroque Period;
composers/performers, and accompaniment to selected music
music of Medieval, Renaissance forms and its history within the * evaluates music and music
audience) from Medieval, Renaissance and
and Baroque music; era; performances using guided
during Medieval, Renaissance Baroque Period;
and Baroque periods;
Week 1
Week 2 Week 3 Week 6-7
MU9MRB-Ib-f-5 Week 4-5
MU9MRB -Ia-h-2 MU9MRB-Ic-f-3 MU9MRB-Ib-h-4
Week 8
II. CONTENT Music of medieval, Renaissance, and baroque period
Music of the medieval period
-Adam De La Halle
Music of the Renaissance period
-Giovanni Pierluigi Da Palestrina
-Thomas Morley
Music of the Baroque period
-Johann Sebastian Bach
-Antonio Vivaldi
-George Friedrich Handel
A. Establishing a purpose for the lesson The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the ask The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the
Motivate them to learn the new lesson. Encourage students to name the following the student following students to arrange the rambled following questions to the
them to ask questions about the new topic. This pictures posted in front. questions to the students: letters to form words about the students:
will help establish a reason for learning the new
renaissance period?
1. CHURCH Have you been in a
Which music are you 1. MASS-SMAS chorale?
familiar with? 2. MADRIGAL- LADRMAGI What do you feel in joining
Which songs can you 3. RENAISSANCE- chorale?
relate with? Sacred or ENASSIACREN
secular music? 4. THOMAS-MORLEY
B. Reviewing yesterday’s lesson or Presenting the new The teacher will play a video The teacher will recall the The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the
lesson clip about dark ages or middle previous lesson by asking following questions to the following questions to the
Connect the lesson with learners’ prior knowledge.
ages questions to the students: students: students
Explicitly teach to the learners how the new lesson
connects to previous lessons. Review and present What have you noticed What is medieval period? What is troubadour music? What is renaissance?
new lessons in a systematic manner. from the video clip? What historical events Who is the composer of What important events
and culture that medieval the medieval period? happened during the
https://www.youtube.com/ period has? period?
watch? What is Gregorian
v=6EAMqKUmr8&t=155s chant?
C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson The teacher will post pictures The teacher will play a the teacher will post pictures the teacher will play
Provide examples of the new lesson. Show what the
instances of the content and competencies. This is where that represent medieval period Gregorian chant and a that illustrate the cultural and examples of sacred music
the concepts are clarified. troubadour music. Let the historical background of the and secular music. The
students listen to the music. renaissance period and students will listen. They will
medieval period. answer the following
What can you say about (10 mins) questions:
the music?
Were you able to What can you say about
describe the musical the music
elements of the music? Are secular music and
sacred music the same?
What can you say about
the pictures?
Are historical and cultural
background of medieval
and renaissance period
still the same?
(10 mins)
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1 The teacher will discuss the The teacher will discuss the The teacher will discuss the The teacher will discuss the
(Leads to Formative Assessment 1) historical & cultural gregorian chant troubadour historical & cultural background mass, madrigal and composers
Discuss the concepts. Prepare good questions background gregorian chant music and composer of the , mass , madrigal and of the baroque period via ppt
for this. Listen to the answers of learners to the medieval period through a medieval period via ppt and composers of the renaissance and audio clips
gauge if they understood your presentation powerpoint presentationand audio clips period
lesson. If not, then reteach. If they have video clip
understood, then proceed to deepening the
H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the The medieval period is Gregorian chants What is the significance of Based on what you have
lesson also known as the middle remains among the most learning the historical and learned do you agree that
Conclude the lesson by asking children good ages/ dark ages that spirituality moving and cultural background of the the compositions of the
questions that will help them crystallize their started on the fall of profound music in the renaissance period and why? composers reflect their
learning so they can declare the knowledge and roman empire. During western culture. An idea personalities ? why or why
demonstrate their skills. this time the christian of its pure, floating not?
church influences by the melody can be heard in
European cultures and the Easter hymn ,
political affairs victimae paschal laud es.
It comprises a single
melody without any
harmonic support or
I. Evaluating learning The chant created by the students will be graded by the students will be graded by the students will be graded by the
Assess whether the learning objectives have been students will be graded by the rubrics below rubrics below rubrics below
met. Evaluation should tap into the three types of rubrics below
Clarity- 50% Clarity- 50% Clarity- 50%
Clarity- 50% Composition- 30% Composition- 30% Composition- 30%
Composition- 30% Content: 20% Content: 20% Content: 20%
Content: 20%
J. Additional activities for application or remediation The teacher will play a video the teacher will play a the teacher will play a music The teacher will ask the
Based on the formative assessments, provide clip of historical and cultural video clip examples of of le jeu de robin et de students to hum the five section
children with enrichment or remedial activities. background of medieval troubadour music marion of the mass.
Those who are demonstrating difficulties with the period
lesson should be given extra time by the teacher
for additional teaching.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the formative
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for