July 3 2011
July 3 2011
July 3 2011
RECTORY ..(708)423-0321 PLEBANIA (po polsku)...(708)423-0321 For Sacraments of Baptism, Marriage, parish registration, convert instruction, prolonged illness at home. PARISH WEBSITE www.stalbertgreat.com E-MAIL [email protected] PARISH BOUNDARIES North-75th St. East-Cicero, West-Narragansett, South-87th St. Cicero to Austin) 83rd St. (Austin to Narragansett) MINISTRY OF CARE.(708)423-0321 Deacon Irvin A. Bryce Jr. PRAYER NETWORK....(708)966-4068 Mrs. Marlene Rybicki SCHOOL..(708)424-7757 Mrs. Marilyn Kurowski, Principal 5535 West State Road http;//home.comcast.net/~st.alberts/ CCD OFFICE...(708)636-0406 Mr. Kevin Wiseman, Coordinator 5535 West State Road
SATURDAY 5:00 PM (Sunday Obligation) SUNDAY 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM 1:30 PM AND 5:00 PM POLISH MASSES WEEKDAY MASSES (Monday-Friday) 6:30 AM AND 8:30 AM SATURDAY MASS 8:30 AM HOLY DAYS (Except Christmas and New Year) Vigil Mass - 5:00 PM (evening before Holy Day) 6:30 AM - 8:30 AM - 6:00PM - 7:30 PM SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday 4:00-4:45 PM SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM 1st and 3rd Sundays at 3:15 PM Baptismal Preparation Class Last Monday of month at 7:00 PM Parish registration and attendance at the Baptismal Preparation Class are required Prior to Baptism. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE All wedding arrangements must be made with a parish priest at least 5 months prior to scheduled date. All couples are required to participate in a marriage preparation program. Parish registration is a requirement. Times of marriages are as follows: Saturday 12:00 PM and 2:30 PM Sundayno weddings
from Fr. Mike, Fr. Richard and the Parish Staff MASS INTENTIONS
SUNDAY, JULY 3, 2011 7:30-For the Parishioners -Innocenza Sturino 9:00-Robert OGrady, Fr. Jerry Roche 10:30-Henryk Borkowski, Bernard Keating, -Clifford Whitehouse Sr. 12:00PM-Adolph Bloczynski -Sophie & Leon Latocha, Anna Cyrwus 1:30PM-POLISH MASS -Jan Budz, Maria Kurczak, Jan Cybulski 5:00PM-POLISH MASS -Henryk Borkowski MONDAY, JULY 4, 2011 6:30-Laverne Kupiec, Karen Landis - Blessing 8:30-Stanislaw Tylka, Umberto Botta -Theresa Botta 3rd Anniv. of Death TUESDAY, JULY 5, 2011 6:30-Souls in the Purgatory 8:30-Souls in the Purgatory -Stanislaw Bafia WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 2011 6:30-For the Parishioners 8:10-MORNING PRAYER OF THE CHURCH 8:30-Innocenza Sturino, Inga Astramsky THURSDAY, JULY 7, 2011 6:30-Gerard & Mae Ryan 8:30-Michael & Merle Mattera 7:00PM - PARISH HOLY HOUR FRIDAY, JULY 8, 2011 6:30-Kelly Family -McGarry Family 8:30-Teresa Szymanska, Henryk Borkowski SATURDAY, JULY 9, 2011 8:30-Emily Sekan -Amelia Fanelli 5:00PM-Elaine Dziedziak -John & Alfreda Placzek SUNDAY, JULY 10, 2011 7:30-For the Parishioners, Ercole Sturino 9:00-Stanley Bagrowski, Maria & Joseph Lesny 10:30-Phyllis Crowe, Henry Cook 12:00PM-Mary Iacullo, Marie Klomann - Birthday Remem. 1:30PM-POLISH MASS -Maria & Franciszek Jaronczyk, Maria Kurczak -Garb & Ponicki Family, Jan Granat 12 Anniv. of Death -Nicholas Plewa - Birthday Blessing -Marian & Bernadetta Plewa - Blessing, -Jan Plewa 10th Anniv. of Death -Alfreda Zdun 2nd Anniv. of Death 5:00PM-POLISH MASS -Edward Berdowski
Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28
For the sick: Greg Biynda, Pat Seiler, Karen Landis, Bill Lyons, Harriet Madey, Richard Polancyk, Timothy Polancyak, Andrea Pellicano, Christina Gazda, Sister Patricia Labuda, Walter Marszalek, Cooper Grant, Carter Pierchalski, Jeffrey Andrews, Carol Berghuis, Johana Pusateri, Martin Kreil, Janelle Demski, Walter & Betty Anderson, Denis Hedderman & Family, Loretta Paulus, Shirley McVane, Catherine, Katie & Lucy Hedderman, Lorraine Kritikos, Marilyn Buchalski, Rose Thomas, Don Kupiec, Cheryl Korosa, Betty Anderson, Carol Mariano, Penny Prokop, Mary Ann Riccio. For the deceased: Walter Marszalek, Lorraine Haller.
M y G o o d Pe o p le o f St . A l b e r t t h e G r e a t:
A few months ago, I was informed that I was appointed to be the new pastor of St. Albert the Great Parish.
My new assignment was to begin on 1 July 2011. I received this news with great joy. I am grateful that Cardinal George has placed confidence in my ability to serve the people of St. Albert the Great as pastor. I will do my best to build upon the good foundations that are in place and with Gods help, I hope we will have a grace filled future together. For the last 12 years, I have served as Pastor of the Parish of St. Blase in Summit. My experience there was filled with many blessings. It is a tri-lingual community (English, Spanish and Polish). Working in St. Blase Parish gave me the opportunity to experience and appreciate the richness of different cultures. Before being appointed to St. Blase, I served as
associate pastor of Our Lady of Knock Parish in Calumet City. I grew up in the small suburb of North Riverside. I went to the neighborhood public schools and graduated from Loyola University. After graduating from Loyola, I entered Mundelein Seminary and was ordained a priest on 23 May 1987. I have 3 brothers who are married and I have 8 nieces and nephews. Two of my brothers live in Chicago and one lives in Georgia. My mother lives in the suburb of River Forest. I have many good memories of St. Blase Parish and now look forward with great hope to the possibilities and great memories that are waiting for me at St. Albert the Great Parish.
St. Albert is currently registering new families for the 2011 academic year. Call the school office @ 708-424-7757 for information or stop at the rectory and pick up a registration packet. We welcome you to become a part of our school family.
On Thursday June 16 our Youth Group went for Fun Day to the Six Flags Great America in Gurnee. We were little nervous because the weather that morning was not great, but later on Lord provided for us a beautiful sunny day. It was a great experience and we had a lot of fun, especially in the Water Park and on many roller coasters. Some of them were too scary to go on, but our teens werent afraid of anything. We would like to thank Fr. Rich Milek for sponsoring this trip, for his generosity, help and care for the teens of our parish. Last Thursday our Youth Group sponsored first Movie Night it was very successful. We had new people that are interested to join our group. I am very happy and proud that we are growing. Please let us pray for the youth of our parish and youth of the whole world. Starting July 2011 June 2012 our Archdiocese will celebrate a Year of Teens and Young Adults. This is the one of the six years of the Strategic Pastoral Plan that Archdiocese offers to Evangelize and make a good formation for our parishioners. In September we will start Youth Masses in our parish. I want to invite all of our young people to pray and think about joining our group. I also want to encourage parents to talk to your children, pray with them and help them in making crucial decisions. Our youth group can be a good start for them to recognize their vocation. Starting September 2011 we will have a weekly Sunday Scripture reflections that will be posted to our parish web site for all the teens and parishioners who are interested in deepening the Catholic faith. Check our parish web site www.stalbertgreat.com for all the Youth Events and how to search and become a friend of St. Albert parish on Facebook. Please pray for me during my studies in Mexico. I will not be around for 5 weeks, but dont think that I left the parish, I will be back in August. Our Youth Group welcomes our new pastor Rev. Michael Zoufal and associate pastor Rev. Ryszard Czerwnik. May God Bless all of us, Seminarian Marek Smolka CELEBRANT SCHEDULE SATURDAY, JULY 9, 2011 5:00 PM - Rev. Michael Zoufal SUNDAY, JULY 10, 2011 7:30 AM - Rev. Richard Czerniak 9:00 AM - Rev. Michael Zoufal 10:30 AM - Rev. Michael Zoufal 12:00 PM - Rev. Michael Zoufal 1:30 PM - Rev. Richard Czerniak 5:00 PM - Rev. Richard Czerniak WEEKLY OFFERING JUNE 26, 2011 ENVELOPES 709 CONTRIBUTION $15,676.00 5:00PM.......$2,261.00 7:30AM........$2,151.00 9:00AM........$1,785.00 10:30AM.....$2,061.00 12:00PM........$1,389.00 1:30PM......$3,460.00 5:00PM.....$ 945.00 MAIL IN......$ 1,595.00 Children Envelopes...$ 29.00 Thank you to all parishioners who consistently give their share to support our parish.
UNITY Then join hand in hand, brave Americans all! By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall.
John Dickinson
Doors open at 4:00 PM, early bird special a 6:45 PM. Full restaurant style kitchen. Join us for an evening of fun.
1 Adoration all day Confessions 5:00-6pm Bi-lingual Mass 6:00 pm 2
6 Morning Prayer of the Church 8:10 am Boy Scouts 6:00 pm 13 Morning Prayer of the Church 8:10 am Boy Scouts 6:00 pm
7 Adoration 7:00 pm
14 Adoration 7:00 pm
18 Seniors 11:00 am
19 Bingo 7:00 pm
20 21 Morning Prayer Adoration of the Church 7:00 pm 8:10 am Boy Scouts 6:00 pm SVD 6:30 pm 28 27 Morning Prayer Adoration 7:00 pm of the Church 8:10 am Boy Scouts 6:00 pm
_____________ 31
26 Bingo 7:00 pm
Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28). These words of our Savior seem to be in stark contrast to the previous chapter from the same Gospel, when we were told that if we do not take up our crosses, we are not worthy of Christ. Connecting these two messages might help us on our faith journeys. Being a follower of Christ surely means that we must embrace the cross, in its mystery of both suffering and triumph. This is something that we need not do alone, for the burden is often too heavy for us to carry by ourselves. Who, then, do we turn to? We can turn to the Body of Christthe community of disciples gathered for worship. When we find the burden too heavy, let us remember that we can share that burden with our Christian sisters and brothers, who can help bring us rest. Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co.
II-Derek Smalec & Lucja Jarzabek I-Marcin Nawojowski & Katarzyna Kwak-Zdanikowski