Standard Model of Physics
Standard Model of Physics
Standard Model of Physics
◆Department Of Physics◆
Seminar Presentation
• Bosons are the Force carriers which mediate force between fermions.
Historical Background :
• First step towards the standard model was Sheldon Glashowls discovery in 1961
to combine electromagnetic and weak interactions.
• The Higgs mechanism is believed to give rise to the masses of all the elementary
particles in the Standard Model. This includes the masses of the W and Z bosons,
and the masses of the fermions, i.e. the quarks and leptons.
• The W± and Z bosons were discovered experimentally in 1983; and the ratio of
their masses was found to be as the Standard Model predicted.
What Is Standard Model Of Physics ???
• Standard Model Explains How
Basic Building Block of matter
interacts with each other By Four
Fundamental Forces Of Nature.
• Fermions characterized
by Fermi Dirac Statistics.
• There are six types of quarks “up ,down, charm, strange ,top ,bottom”
• Quarks are type of particles which occurred in binding to other quarks always
and don’t occure independently.
• Protons have two up quarks and one down quarks , Neutrons Have two
down quarks and one up quarks
Leptons :
• There are six Leptons in standard model namely “electron ,electron neutrino
,Muon , Muon neutrino ,tau and tau neutrino.
• Leptons don’t carry colour charge ,Neutrino among them don’t carry electric
• Neutrinos have very little mass (even for leptons) and interact so weakly with
the rest of the particles that they are exceptionally difficult to detect
Gauge Bosons :