Standard Model of Physics

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Institute Of Science

◆Department Of Physics◆
Seminar Presentation

Seminar Topic: Standard Model Of

Particle Physics
Presented By_ Saurabh
( 3rd sem )
• Introduction
• Historical Background
• What Is Standard Model Of Particle Physics
• Particle Content
• Fundamental Forces
• Drawbacks
Introduction :
• All the matter around us is made up of elementary particles which we can
say building block of matter.

• Standard Model categorizes elementary particles on basis of their

properties into two groups
i.e.bosons and fermions

• Elementary particles are the particles whose substructure is unknown,that

is we don’t know what is that particles made up of.

• Fermions are Matter particles that includes

quarks,leptons,antiquark,antilepton ,That also include antimatter particles.

• Bosons are the Force carriers which mediate force between fermions.
Historical Background :
• First step towards the standard model was Sheldon Glashowls discovery in 1961
to combine electromagnetic and weak interactions.

• In 1967 Steven Weinberg and Abdus Salam incorporated the Higgs

mechanism into Glashow's electroweak interaction, giving it its modern form.

• The Higgs mechanism is believed to give rise to the masses of all the elementary
particles in the Standard Model. This includes the masses of the W and Z bosons,
and the masses of the fermions, i.e. the quarks and leptons.

• After the neutral weak currents caused by Z boson exchange were

discovered at CERN in 1973, the electroweak theory became widely accepted and
Glashow, Salam, and Weinberg shared the 1979 Nobel Prize in Physics for
discovering it.

• The W± and Z bosons were discovered experimentally in 1983; and the ratio of
their masses was found to be as the Standard Model predicted.
What Is Standard Model Of Physics ???
• Standard Model Explains How
Basic Building Block of matter
interacts with each other By Four
Fundamental Forces Of Nature.

• Because of its Success in

predictions of verity of
experimental results it’s called
“Theory Of Almost Everything”

• It is Classification Of All Subatomic

Particles Known.
Particle Content :
Standard Model

Fermions(Matter Particles) Bosons (Force Carriers)

Quarks Leptons Gauge Bosons Higgs Boson

• Fermions obey Pauli’s
exclusion principle

• Fermions characterized
by Fermi Dirac Statistics.

• Fermions have spin ½


• Bosons don’t obey Pauli’s

exclusion principle.

• Bosons are characterized

by Bose-Einstein Statistics.

• Bosons are integer spin

Fermions (Matter Particles )

• There are six types of quarks “up ,down, charm, strange ,top ,bottom”

• Quarks carry colour charge.

• Quarks are type of particles which occurred in binding to other quarks always
and don’t occure independently.

• Quarks do bind in doublets or triplets.

Doublets are called Meson’s and Triplets are called as Baryon’s.

• Protons have two up quarks and one down quarks , Neutrons Have two
down quarks and one up quarks
Leptons :

• There are six Leptons in standard model namely “electron ,electron neutrino
,Muon , Muon neutrino ,tau and tau neutrino.

• Leptons don’t carry colour charge ,Neutrino among them don’t carry electric

• All the leptons in standard model are spin ½ particles.

• Neutrinos have very little mass (even for leptons) and interact so weakly with
the rest of the particles that they are exceptionally difficult to detect
Gauge Bosons :

• There are four gauge bosons namely

“Gluon,Photon,W boson,Z boson”.

• Gauge bosons also called as vector

bosons as it is associated with vector

• Bosons associated with each force of

nature is called gauge Boson
Higgs Boson :
• Elementary particles gain their mass from a fundamental field associated with the
Higgs boson.
• Higgs Boson works on Brout-Englert-Higgs Mechanism.
• Higgs Boson Has no spin and no charge.
• Higgs Boson has associated field called higgs field which is pervaded in all space
and is invisible.
• Higgs Field Is Scalar Field.
• Higgs Boson Is Produced By Quantum Excitation Of Higgs Field.

How the elementary particles gain their mass???

• At the start of big-bang there were no higgs field but as temperature cool down
below critical temperature higgs field spred in universe.
• So those particles which interact with higgs field gain mass ex.electrons,muons
And Those which do not interact become massless ex.photon,gluon.
• The More Particle interacts with the field heviour it’s become.
Fundamental Forces
• There are four forces of nature:
1) Electromagnetic Force
2) Gravitational Force
3)Strong Force
4) Weak Force
From above standard model give explanation to only three forces excluding
gravitational force.
Drawbacks of Standard Model
• Standard model does not explain about gravity and do not
Incorporated graviton in standard model.

• It does not give explanation about dark matter and dark


• It does not explain About neutrino oscillations and non zero

mass of neutrino.

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