Saturn 2200: Varian
Saturn 2200: Varian
Saturn 2200: Varian
Saturn 2200
The Best Choice for Today...
The Best Choice for Tomorrow!
The affordability of benchtop GC/MS has improved dramatically in the last decade, yet careful
evaluation is still key in making the best purchase decision. The system you choose must meet
your immediate needs for sensitivity, precision, and sample throughput. And, the system must
meet these requirements for 7 or even 10 years more, when the demands on your laboratory
have changed significantly.
Saturn 2200 = Maximum GC + Maximum MS
Flexible, reliable AutoSamplers
• CP-8400 handles up to 100 samples in liquid or ambient headspace mode
• CP-8410 provides flexibility with a fixed sample tray supporting multiple vial sizes
• Combi PAL offers maximum robotic flexibility with liquid, heated headspace, and SPME modes
• ArchonTM with Tekmar 3100 Purge and Trap
A Saturn 2200 for Any Application
The versatile platform with a guaranteed future
ChromatoProbe MS
CP-8400 or Combi PAL
Immediate Choices. In this example, the Saturn’s CP-3800 GC is configured with three injectors and detectors
plus a simple, inert valve for column and detector selection. Immediately, five different problem-solving tools are 7
available without downtime. These choices give you the freedom to explore new solutions and gain unequaled
efficiency—all in one GC/MS platform.
Saturn MS Technology
Electron Ionization for unequaled detection limits
Since Saturn 2200 does not have the lenses and other
components of an external ion source, frequent
cleaning is just not required. Also, Saturn’s RF-only
trapping field assures stable mass calibrations for weeks
or even months. You enjoy high quality, high sensitivity
spectra at installation and for the life of your system.
Full Scan
Arochlor 1260 in Transformer Oil
Ion 430
S/N 9:1
• Routine EI and routine PCI with trouble-
free performance
Actual Size
The PCI sensitivity benchmark. Saturn is the Better than low intensity adduct ions! A mixture
sensitivity standard for all benchtop systems, and of acetonitrile and its inexpensive, deuterated 9
only Saturn delivers this performance with gases or analogue generate an intense doublet (M+1 and
safe, inexpensive liquids. M+2) to confirm the molecular ion of vanillin.
MS/MS — for more selectivity
when full scan, SIM, and SIS are not enough
In 1994, Varian introduced the first benchtop GC/MS/MS I. Ionization — EI Spectrum with Matrix Ions
and changed the image of MS/MS. Originally, MS/MS
was a tool used only by research labs. Today, thousands
of labs routinely rely on the performance of this low
cost, easy-to-use technology.
6-Monoacetylmorphine in Urine
Drug Analysis. Saturn MS/MS meets and Varian MS/MS—the simple path to enhanced
exceeds the stringent specificity and low selectivity. Coeluting sample matrix can obscure
detection limits essential to trace analysis. an analyte’s spectrum even after background
correction. Matrix also contributes chemical
noise that limits trace detection.
EI MS/MS Benefits
EI MS/MS Negative Ion CI/MS
Varian’s GC/MS
Workstation control
is truly unique!
With just the PC, SIS
move easily and CI/MS
automatically EI/MS
between standard CI/MS
and optional MS
technologies within
a single run. Every
Saturn technology CI/MS/MS EI/MS/MS
is accessed,
optimized, and
from the PC. Start
with the simplest
mode, EI full-scan. 11
Then, to improve selectivity or sensitivity, program MS/MS, SIS, or CI into the same method—even for
one peak at a time. Every MS technology is routine with Saturn Workstation control.
EI to CI, MS to MSn . . . Satisfaction Guaranteed
Saturn CD Brochure
Reports, Reports, and More Reports
Standard Reports. Reports and control Custom Reports. For applications with specific
charts may be printed in a variety of reporting requirements, Custom Reports such as
formats or archived as ASCII files. EnviroPro and ToxPro meet your needs with
minimal effort.
Options That Make the Difference —
In performance and productivity
ChromatoProbe. This
unique and rugged device
combines the benefits of a
probe with a GC column for
superior MS analysis of
solids, liquids, and slurries.
Varian is committed to a
process of continuous
improvement which
demands that we
understand and then meet
or exceed the needs and
expectations of our
customers — both inside
and outside the company —
in everything we do.
GC • GC/MS • HPLC • AAS • ICP • ICP-MS • UV-Vis-NIR • Fluorescence • NMR • Analytical Supplies