480VAC Eclipse Power System Test Plan With Test Data

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Eclipse 480VAC System Verification Tests

System Integration Test Plan/ Test Report

Rev. 05A

December 12, 2003

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Scope and Purpose

This document defines a series of design verification tests to be preformed on the Eclipse power system. This is a general test plan that could
possibly be used for similar systems with some modification. The tests defined herein are for a multi bay power system consisting of N+1
paralleled power conversion units (PCU), load distribution, battery interface, system control and monitoring functions. The tests are intended
to prove compliance at the system level to the specification requirements (CRS and TRS) and applicable industry standards. Due to the
power capacity of a large system, some tests may be difficult and costly to perform as a complete system. In these cases, the rational for an
alternate test configuration is given. Reference should be made to Work Instruction WI-557-600, Generic Design Verification Test Planning,
for details on the specific tests.

Module Design Verification Testing

The various individual modules or subsystem components that comprise the Eclipse Power System are to be tested and verified separately
before the System Integration testing is performed. This will reduce the complexity of system level testing and provide a more rigorous
verification of an individual modules performance. This may also identify performance issues before the final system tests. See individual
module DVT procedures.

System Setup

Installation documentation
The documentation provided for installation shall be used to install and setup the system. This should include any options and / or
alternate configurations of the system. The correctness and applicability of the documentation shall be verified.

Initial Power Up & Configuration

The procedure provided for initial setup and configuration of the system shall be verified. The instructions shall be clear and understood by
personnel unfamiliar with the how the Eclipse system works but knowledgeable in the industry.

Eclipse Power System Integration Test Plan

The following pages contain the System Integration Test Plan for the Eclipse Power System, and a section that verbalizes the tests.

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Eclipse Power System Integration Test Plan/ Report
1. Test Equipment required
1.1 480VAC Source, rated to 500KVA minimum. 
1.2 480VAC Generator (to verify operation on a generator, as wel as a possible variable frequency source) 
1.3 Resistive loads, totalizing to 10,000A at 54VDC. 
A device to cause a short circuit across an 800A fuse and 600A circuit breaker, for transient testing. A circuit
impedance of 0.015 ohms is required.

1.5 Dual trace storage Oscilloscope to record transient voltages. 
1.6 Battery Strings as required. 

See appendix 1.1 for Test Equipment used.


Determine the location of installation of the Eclipse Bays in the Integrity Lab, then set the Bays in

2.2 Bolt the PDSC Assys to the Eclipse Bays where required. 
Bolt the bays together. At this time it’s not necessary to secure the units to the floor. Verify that the Bays are
aligned At the top. Shim the bottoms as necessary to level the top of the Bays.

Mount the DC Bus Tie plates on the studs on the back of the Power Bays, then add the remaining hardware to the
Tie Plates. Verify that the hardware is properly torqued (180 inch-pounds).

Install the AC conduit to the two bays, then pull the AC wires thru the conduit and connect them to the studs
provided on the system. Verify that the hardware is torqued properly (64 inch-pounds).
Verify that the DC Distribution elements are mounted in the Distribution cabinets on the Main and Supplemental
2.6 Eclipse Bays. Verify that the Elements are intermixed, fuses next to breakers next to Bullet assys, etc. There must 
be at least (1) 600A Circuit Breaker and (1) 800A fuseholder in each bay.
2.7 Connect the DC loads to the distribution elements (Fuses and Breakers) and the ground busbars in the system. 
2.8 Connect Batteries to the Eclipse Power System in a distributed manner, across the system, not to one bay only. 


Before the System is powered up, verify the following visual points: 
3.1 Verify that the System is Mechanically assembled to Marconi Installation Standards 
3.2 Verify that the interbay DC Busbars are correctly mounted and torqued. 
3.3 Verify that the AC is wired properly and torqued. 
3.4 Verify that the PCU’s are not installed at this time. 
3.5 Verify that the ECU is installed, and that the LMS and the MCA/PCM Assys are installed. 
3.6 Verify that the two CAN Bus System Alarm Cards are installed in the first two slots in the ECU Card cage. 
3.7 Verify that the Secondary Bay ECU is installed and equipped with a CRM Card. 
3.8 Verify that the Remote sense leads are connected to the MCA/CRM Card in the Main bay. 

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4. Preliminary Power-up Tests Pass Fail
4.1 Connect a 50VDC, 10A Current Limited Power Supply to the output bus of the Main Bay. 
4.2 Turn on Power Supply and adjust to 54.5VDC. Verify that the MCA Powers up. Set defaults. 
4.3 Set the Float voltage on the MCA to 54.48VDC. 
4.4 Adjust the Current limit to 110% 
4.5 Operate the Test/Eq switch. Adjust the Test/Eq voltage to 56.0VDC. 
4.6 turn off the DC Power Supply and remove it from the System. 

5. AC Power up
5.1) Apply AC Power to the System. Verify no problems. 
5.2) Turn on each PCU, one at a time, and verify that the PCU operates. 
5.3) Place the PCU ON switch into the ID position and verify that the MCA goes into the ID Mode. ID each PCU
5.as required.
5.4) After each PCU ID has been logged into the system, perform an inventory on the system, then save the

5.5) Proceed to the System Functional Tests. 

6. System Functional Tests Pass Fail

1.Operate 50 PCU’s at no load
Observe: No alarms, system functioning normally
Comments: Two PCUs turned in High Ambient Alarms, but the problem was fixed.

2a.Operate 50 PCU’s at half load

2b.Operate 25 PCU’s at full load
Observe: No alarms, system functioning normally 

3a.Check Load sharing with 50 PCU’s (1250A, 2500A, 3750A, 5000A)

3b.Check Load sharing with 25 PCU’s (1250A, 2500A, 3750A, 5000A)
Observe: No alarms, system functioning normally 
Comments: See Appendix 6.3A, 6.3B

4a.Put 50 PCU’s into current limit (Lower C.L. Setpoint to 9500A)

4b.Put 25 PCU’s into current limit (Increase load and check load sharing in C.L.)
Observe: No alarms, system functioning normally 
Comments: See Appendix 6.4A, 6.4B

5.Verify MCA Meter Readings, Current and Voltage, +/-1%.

Observe: No alarms, system functioning normally
Comments: Voltage Readings on the MCA coincided with the external DVM.

6.Steady State Regulation test (50 PCU’s)

Observe: System runs normal, no Alarms seen. System regulation within 1%.

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7. System Noise Tests Pass Fail
1.DBRN-C Noise Test (off battery)
Observe: System runs normal, no Alarms seen. System Noise less than 57DBRN-C

Comments: See Table 7.1

2.System Pk-Pk noise (off battery)

Observe: System runs normal, no Alarms seen. System Noise less than XXXmv Pk-Pk

Comments: See Table 7.2

3.System Psphometric Noise

Observe: System runs normal, no Alarms seen. System Noise less than 1.0mv

Comments: See Table 7.1

4.Audible Noise Test (50 PCU’s, full system load)

Observe: System operates normally during test.
Comments: Record value obtained. Unable to obtain reading. Ambient noise was very high due to outside N/A
noise from load boxes.

8. AC Harmonic Distortion tests

1.AC Input Harmonic Distortion, minimum load to 100% Load, low line to high line.
Observe: System runs normal, no Alarms seen. System THD less than 5%

Comments: Ithd was 2.51% typical.

9. Transient Tests PASS FAIL

1.Load Transients and transient response (overshoot/undershoot %) with 50 PCU’s.
Load Transients and transient response (overshoot/undershoot %) with 25 PCU’s
Observe: System runs normal, no Alarms seen. System Overshoot/undershoot less than 5% √
Comments: System overshoot/undershoot was less than 300mv.

2. AC Inrush Current, current walk-in with one Bay (2000A) Load

Observe: AC Inrush current, System runs normal, no Alarms seen.

Comments: See appendix 9.1 for single PCU pictograph. Inrush current was 18.5A for 1 PCU.

3.Hot swap transients (off battery)

Observe: System runs normal, Overshoot/undershoot within acceptable limits,

Comments: System functioned without problems.

4.Hot Swap transients (on Battery)

Observe: System runs normal, no alarms seen.

Comments: System functioned without problems.

5.PCU Removal/Insertion
Observe: System indicates alarm when PCU removed and ID’s which PCU, alarm is removed when PCU
is reinserted and system can communicate with PCU. √
Comments: System functioned without problems.

6.Fuse blowing Transients (800A fuse Short Circuit)

Observe: System indicates Fuse alarm, system operation is stable after fuse opens.

Comments: System returned to normal operation after Fuse opened. FA or Breaker Alarm was indicated
on MCA. See appendix 9.
7.Circuit Breaker tripping Transients (600A Circuit Breaker Short circuit)
Observe: System indicates Fuse alarm, system operation is stable after Circuit Breaker opens.

Comments: System returned to normal operation after Fuse opened. FA or Breaker Alarm was indicated
on MCA.

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9. Chattering Relay Noise test
Observe: System runs Normal, no alarms present.
Comments: Test performed with two chattering relays, one large and one small. There was no adverse √
reaction to the chattering relays.

10. Shutdown Tests Pass Fail

1.Emergency Shutdown. (50 PCU’s)
Observe: All PCU’s Shut down, alarm generated.
Comments: System shutdown and locked out as required. Alarms generated as required. √
2.High Voltage Shutdown. (50 PCU’s)
Observe: All PCU’s Shut down, alarm generated.
Comments: System Shutdown as required. Alarms generated as required. √

11. Customer Alarm Input Terminal Tests Pass Fail

1.HVSD External Input
Observe : The System shuts down when Ground is applied to terminal 10
Comments: System functioned as required. √
2.Static Test of Alarm Input terminals
Observe : when a finger is touched on the terminals that the System does not shutdown
Comments: Contact with terminals did not cause any adverse reactions. √
3. Remote Test/EQ activation.
Observe : System goes into Test/Equalize mode and extends alarms accordingly.
Comment : System went into Eq and back as required. EQ Alarm extended as required in EQ. √
4. Test other inputs on the terminal strip
Observe : Functions happen as they should.
Comments : Test contacts worked as required. √

12. Sense Lead Tests PASS FAIL

1.Open (+) Sense Lead (Local)
Observe: NO Output voltage change, alarm generated.

2.Open (-) Sense Lead (Local)

Observe: NO Output voltage change, alarm generated.

3.Open (+) Sense Lead (Remote)

Observe: NO Output voltage change, alarm generated.

Comments: No change in output voltage, no alarms generated.

4.Open (-) Sense Lead (Remote)

Observe: NO Output voltage change, alarm generated.
Comments: Extends “Router Fail alarm, External A/D”. No loss of sns alarm, system regulates to local √

5.PCU Current load sharing with open sense.

Observe: PCU load current sharing still within 2%.

Comments: No change in the load sharing on local or remote sense.

13. Test/EQ Function PASS FAIL

1.Put System into Test/EQ mode
Observe: Alarm generated. √
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Comments: Passed

14. Adjustment Range tests, Set checks PASS FAIL

1.Output voltage range check
Observe: Output voltage change , verify alarms generated.
Comments: Output voltage range upper limit held to 1.0V below HVSD set point. √
2.Adjust output voltage to 54.48VDC at 50% LOAD.
Observe: Output voltage stable, no alarms present, system functioning normally.
Comments: Passed √
3.Output current limit range check (50% to 120%)
Observe: Output current limit range, verify alarms generated.
Comments: Output range checked as required. √
4. Adjust Current limit to 110% of full load.
Observe: Output voltage stable, verify alarms generated.
Comments: Passed. √
5.Test/Eq Output voltage range check
Observe: Output voltage change , verify alarms generated.
Comments: Range checked as required. √
6. Adjust Test/Eq voltage to 55.00VDC.
Observe: Output voltage stable, only Test/Eq alarm present, system functioning normally.
Comments: Passed. √

15. PCU Swap out Test Pass Fail

1. Remove and reposition PCU’s into different slots within same Bay.
Observe: Output voltage stable, System alarms present, system ID’s location of exchanged PCU’s
correctly. √
Comments: System functioned as expected. Alarm generated when PCU removed, then went out when
PCU was seated in new slot. MCA identified new position of PCU.
2. Remove and reposition PCU’s into different slots in different Bays.
Observe: Output voltage stable, System alarms present, system ID’s location of exchanged PCU’s
correctly. √
Comments: System functioned as expected. Alarm generated when PCU removed, then went out when
PCU was seated in new slot. MCA identified new position of PCU.
3. Repeat the above test, but when the PCU is plugged in do so in such a way as to abuse it by shoving it in
as hard as possible and applying the force in an unevenly distributed manner. Repeat this a total of 25 times

or to a point of failure, which ever comes first.
Comments: No problems occurred when performing the tests.

16. PCU Current Limit Holdover Test Pass Fail

1. Using only a single PCU located in Bay 3, no load on the output and NO BATTERY CONNECTED,
connect the storage scope across the output to observe the current waveshape when a short circuit is applied
to the PCU.
Observe: Wave shape of current, record it, and record that the PCU recovered without damage.
Comments: Not a System Test.

17. Fault Testing Pass Fail

1. AC Fail Test, Loss of each input phase
Observe: Output voltage stable, alarms generated as required.
Comments: Loss of phase causes PCU to turn off, generating a Phase Loss Alarm from the PCU, as well as 
an Output inhibited Alarm. Restore the phase and the PCU restarts and functions properly.

2. AC Fail, Loss of all AC.

Observe: Output voltage stable, alarms generated as required.
Comments: If on Battery, the System turns in an All AC Fail alarm. If not on battery, the system turns off 
without a visual alarm display, but any and all alarm relays will go to the de-energized condition. When the
AC is restored, the system restarts and all returns to normal.

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3. Loss of Can Router Module(s).
Observe: Output voltage stable, alarms generated as required. 
Comments: System still operative and stable, alarms generated as expected.

4. Total Loss of ECU(Pull MCA fuse).

Observe: Output voltage stable, alarms generated as required.
Comments: Alarms generated as expected. System still operative.

5. Loss of Can Link between Bays.

Observe: Output voltage stable, alarms generated as required.
Comments: System lost Comm with down stream nodes, causing alarms as expected. Reconnection of link 
cancelled alarms, as expected.

6. Fuse/Breaker Alarm.
Observe: Output voltage stable, alarms generated as required.
Comments: Alarm generated as expected.

7. PCU Fault, (1) PCU

Observe: Output voltage stable, alarms generated as required.
Comments: PCU fail alarms as expected. System functions normally.

8. Multiple PCU Faults.

Observe: Output voltage stable, alarms generated as required.
Comments: PCU Fail alarms as expected. Systems functions normally.

9. Fan Fail Alarm.

Observe: Output voltage stable, alarms generated as required.
Comments: See test 17.12.

10. DSM Module Replacement

Observe: Output voltage stable, alarms generated as required.
Comments: Once System was re-inventoried, the alarms were cleared.

11.Blocked fan test. Block the air flow to the fans on one PCU.
Observe whether the unit fails or goes into Thermal current limit.
Comments: System goes into thermal limit, output to 50% of rating. Returns to 100% when alarm goes 

12.Stalled Fan test. Mechanically stall one of the fans in a single PCU.
Observe whether the unit fails or goes into Thermal current limit.
Comments: System indicates a Fan Fail alarm, PCU decreases to around 50% of rating.

18. Alarm Reporting delay tests Pass Fail

1. MCA Alarm functioning vs reporting Delay Test.
Observe: Function any of the alarms and report how long it takes for the MCA to report the Alarm.
Comments: Less than 1 second delay on alarming.

2. MCA Alarm Reporting vs LMS Reporting Delay Test.

Observe: Function any of the alarms and report how long it takes from when the MCA reports it until the
LMS reports the Alarm. 
Comments: Less than 1 second delay on alarming.

3. MCA Alarm Reporting vs Phone Modem Reporting Delay Test.

Observe: Function any of the alarms and report how long it takes from when the MCA reports it until the
Modem reports the Alarm. 
Comments: Depends on the timing delay built into the LMS when dialing out.

4. MCA Alarm Reporting vs Ethernet Reporting Delay Test.

Observe: Function any of the alarms and report how long it takes from when the MCA reports it until the
Ethernet reports the Alarm. 
Comments: Less than 1 second on alarming.

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19. External Interfacing Pass Fail
1. Temperature Compensation control of System.
Observe: Output voltage changes as temperature Compensation Probe is heated and cooled.

Comments: System voltage changed as expected.

2. Remote Interfacing, Ethernet Connector.

Observe: System Parameters are displayed
Comments: System Communications worked as expected without adverse effects.

3. Remote Interfacing, Modem Connector.

Observe: System Parameters are displayed
Comments: System Communications worked as expected without adverse effects.

4. Remote Interfacing, Craft Port Connector.

Observe: System Parameters are displayed
Comments: System Communications worked as expected without adverse effects.

20. System Keypad Functionality

1. Control and Monitoring of System thru MCA Local Keypad.
Observe: System Parameters are displayed, System can be controlled.
Comments: Operation of Key pad was checked by traversing the MCA “tree” and checking for correct

alarms, voltages, and verbage.

21. PCU Current Balance, MCA/CRM Operative / Inoperative

MCA/CRM Operative
1. Verify Load sharing on PCU’s in 10% increments, 10% thru 110%.
Observe: Current values are within 1% of each other. √
Comments: See 6.3A and B for data.

22. LMS System Communications PASS FAIL

1. With all LMS nodes installed, place different LMS PC assemblies in each of the Bays. Verify that the
LMS recognizes each PC assembly and it’s location within the system.
Observe: LMS reports that the PW assemblies are in the system and the location within the system.

Comments: LMS showed LMS nodes and PW assemblies as expected. Initialization of Nodes and PW
assemblies worked as expected.

23. System Upload Communications PASS FAIL

1. Verify the ability of the System to upload software to the PCUs and other PC assemblies thru the
Ethernet, RS-232 port, Modem, etc.
Observe: That the uploading of software is done successfully without any problems.

Comments: Uploading and downloading of information thru these ports as expected. Software uploading
not ready.

24. Energy Management/Sequencing

1. Verify System controls PCU’s Load sharing function with Energy Management Control.
Observe: PCU’s turn off as necessary; PCU’s turn on as necessary.
Comments: Energy Management not available at this time.

2. Remove PCU from system, clear alarms and then replace it with another PCU. Run above Energy
management test again to assure that the subject PCU is still properly energy managed. N/A
Comments: Energy Management not available at this time.

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3. Verify that Sequencing functions by opening the AC feeds to the PDSCs. Restore the AC and confirm
that each PCU starts in proper sequence.
Comments: Sequencing function was installed in the MCA. Sequencing function performed as expected √
when on battery. When no battery is available, the sequencing function won’t happen.

4. . Remove PCU from system, clear alarms and then replace it with another PCU. Run above
sequencing test again to assure that the subject PCU sequences in properly. 
System functioned properly.

25. Battery Tests

1. Verify System Current draw from Batteries with no AC , single bay controls only, and no PCUs.
Observe: How much current is required to operate system when AC is off.
Comments: Current draw from the batteries was 0.366 Amperes, typical.

2. Verify System Current draw from Batteries with no AC , single bay controls only, and 10 PCUs.
Observe: How much current is required to operate system when AC is off.
Comments: Current draw from the batteries was 0.956 ampere, typical.

3. Verify System Current draw from Batteries with no AC, 5 bays and controls, and no PCUs.
Observe: How much current is required to operate system when AC is off.
Comments: See appendix 25.3 for data.

4. Verify System Current draw from Batteries with no AC, 5 bays and controls, and 50 PCUs.
Observe: How much current is required to operate system when AC is off.
Comments: See appendix 25.4 for data.

5. Verify System will restart on AC after System has gone into LVBD state (Battery voltage of 42VDC
with full load on System).
Observe: System Starts without problems. 
Comments: See Appendix 25.5 for information.

26. System Start/Stop Testing

1. Cycle AC Power off and On to PDSC to see how it affects the System.
Observe: Verify System operates normally, no alarms are generated.
Comments: The system continued to function properly with no adverse effects.

2. With the system at 25%, 50% and 100% load (sequencing disabled) and configured with sufficient
PCUs to load the generator as close a possible to 95% of its rating, simulate a commercial AC failure
and allow the system to transition to Generator for 30 minutes and then simulate the restoration of
commercial power. N/A
Observe that the transition causes no system failures.
Comments: The AC Generator isn’t large enough for this test.

3. With the system at 25%, 50% and 100% load (sequencing enabled) and configured with sufficient
PCUs to load the generator as close a possible to 95% of its rating, simulate a commercial AC failure
and allow the system to transition to Generator for 30 minutes and then simulate the restoration of
commercial power. N/A
Observe that the transition causes no system failures.
Comments: The AC Generator isn’t large enough for this test.

27. System Thermal Scan

1. Using a thermal Scanning device, verify temperatures within the total system while operating at different
Observe: Verify System operates normally, no alarms are generated, temperatures within acceptable

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28. Single Bay Thermal Scan
1. Using a thermocouple monitoring device (Fluke Hydra or equivalent), Thermocouple the busbars on a
single bay , load the bay to full load, then verify that the temperatures do not exceed 90 C.
Observe: Verify System operates normally, no alarms are generated, temperatures within acceptable

Comments: Test Passed. See associated test data, Appendix 28.1.

29. Service and maintenance Operations

1. Removal of the System MCA/CRM Assy.
Observe: No loss of control when power is turned off for removal. Also, verify that there is no loss of
control if MCA/PCM is removed without turning off power.
Comments: Pulled shelf, system functioning OK, output voltage at 54.28VDC. Reinstalled Assy. System

Control returned in 20 seconds, and the alarms cleared in 40 seconds. System was then OK.

2. Removal of the Display Assy

Observe: Verify System operable when Display Assy is removed, then returned to service.
Comments: OK, No problems were exhibited when removed and reconnected.

3. Expansion of the Monitoring I/O cards

Observe: Verify that the system recognizes new I/O Assy’s, and that they can be configured into the
Comments: When adding new relay boards to the card cage, they show up without a problem. When √
adding new I/O LMS assemblies to the card cage, they don’t show up in the MCA inventory, but they need
to be configured in the LMS, including the channels of the assembly installed.

4. With system under load and with at least 50% of the outputs cabled, Add one of each type of
distribution element using commercial insulated tools and observing standard installation practices.
This includes simulating the output cabling to a point at least 4’ from the plant.
Observe: All hardware can be reached and assure that no unsafe practices are required to accomplish the 
Comments: No problem. The installation did not require going outside of normal installation practices.

5. With system under load and with at least 50% of the outputs cabled, replace one of the current limit
resistors within the distribution element that appears to be the most difficult to reach using commercial
insulated tools and observing standard installation practices.
Observe: All hardware can be reached and assure that no unsafe practices are required to accomplish the N/A
Comments: Not Applicable.

6. Visually inspect the completed installation from the top to determine if there are any locations where a
tool or piece of hardware can be dropped into a working plant and potentially cause a short.
Comments: Jim Dawson and Bob Cerretto of Services checked this out and determined that as long as the
integrity of the paint is not changed, there should be no problem. Once the paint is chipped, it could then

become an issue.

7. Replace the control fuses (F1, F2 & F3—Rated 5A each) with undersized fuses and power up loads.
Observe: What is the lowest value fuse that will carry the load in an emergency.
Comments: This is what I found:
Fuse F1 = Minimum fuse size would need to be 1/4A 
Fuse F2 = Minimum fuse size would need to be 1/4A
Fuse F3 = Minimum fuse size would need to be 1 1/3A

8. With the system under at least 50% load, replace the all three PCU interface connectors (Plugs) with
the system operating using commercial insulated tools and observing standard installation practices.
Observe: All hardware can be reached and assure that no unsafe practices are required to accomplish the
Comments: We had Jim Dawson and Bob Cerreto of Services check this part out and determined the

1) To remove any of the connectors would require two people to do it. Also, it would require that the
PCU above and below the “bad” connector would need to be removed to be able to access the

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30. Electromagnetic Compatibility Tests (EMC)
1. Radiated Emissions Testing, CISPR 11, FCC Part 15.
Observe: System Passes the test as required.
Comments: Information in Lab Report.

2. Conducted Emissions Testing, CISPR 11, FCC Part 15.

Observe: System Passes the test as required.
Comments: Information in Lab Report.

3. Magnetic Field Emissions, IEC 1000-4-8.

Observe: System Passes the test as required.
Comments: Information in Lab Report.

4. Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) IEC 1000-4-2.

Observe: System Passes the test as required.
Comments: Information in Lab Report.

5. Electric Fast transients (EFT) IEC 1000-4-4.

Observe: System Passes the test as required.
Comments: Information in Lab Report.

6. Surge Voltage IEC 1000-4-5

Observe: System passes the test as required 
Comments: Information in Lab Report.
7. Extended Power Surge Voltage.
Observe: System Passes the test as required.
Comments: Information in Lab Report.

8. Voltage Dips and Interruptions IEC 1000-4-11.

Observe: System Passes the test as required.
Comments: Information in Lab Report.

9. Conducted Susceptibility, IEC 1000-4-6.

Observe: System Passes the test as required.
Comments: Information in NTS NEBS Report.

10. Radiated Susceptibility, IEC 1000-4-3.

Observe: System Passes the test as required.
Comments: : Information in NTS NEBS Report.

11. Test the system with an active Cellphone as close as possible to the MCA.
Observe: System functions normally
Comments: A Cell phone caused no interference when placed near the MCA.

12. Test the system with a 25W walkie-talkie broadcasting as close as possible to the MCA.
Observe: System functions normally
Comments: We used a handheld walkie-talkie and a 5W handheld HAM radio without affecting the 

31. System Efficiency Test

1. With System operating at full load, nominal input (480VAC), calculate the overall System Efficiency.
Observe: System Passes with a System Efficiency of greater than 95%.
Comments: 95.1%

32. System Power Factor Test

1. With System operating at full load, nominal input (480VAC), calculate the overall System Power
Observe: System Passes with a System Power Factor of greater than 0.95.

Comments: 0.97

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33. Other Tests
2. Interrupt Current Rating of Power System, output of System, 50KAIC with Ckt Breakers, 100KAIC
with Fuses.
Observe: System Passes the test as required. N/A
Comments: To be done later.

3. PCU Stability on multiple AC Sources.

Observe: System Passes the test as required.
Comments: To be done later.

4. HALT Test for PCU

Observe: System passes test as required
Comments: To be done later.

5. Simulate a dropped tool accident. The intention of this test is to short the battery bus with something
that will cause a severe current inrush sufficient to melt the tool in question. To do this safely will
require some additional input form others, but the intent is to assure that only the tool, not the plant is N/A
sacrificed. This will need to be conducted in an explosion proof housing and should be video taped for
future training purposes.

System Test Personnel (who tested the System)

William A. Crawford
James A. Giancaterino
Chris Wenzel

Appendix 1.1
Equipment used for LPS Testing

Equipment FA, QC or LLP Number Calibration Due Date

Fluke Model 87 DVM QC 22414 12/01/2004
Fluke DMM Model 8050A LPC 15066 4/30/2004
Tektronix TDS 360 Scope QC 22838, FA 20454 6/05/2004
HP3555B DBRN-C Noise QC 24094 12/10/2003
HP 3556A Psophometric Noise 04/01/2004
HP34401A DVM QC 24129 9/15/2004
Yokogawa Analyzer WT230 QC 25076; FA 23154 10/05/2004

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Load Sharing Test
50 PCU’s
1250A Load 2500A Load
Bay 1 2 3 4 5 Bay 1 2 3 4 5
PCU1 26A 25A 25A 25A 25A PCU1 51A 50A 51A 51A 52A
PCU2 25A 26A 26A 27A 24A PCU2 52A 51A 53A 51A 52A
PCU3 24A 26A 23A 26A 25A PCU3 51A 53A 51A 50A 53A
PCU4 25A 26A 26A 25A 25A PCU4 51A 51A 52A 51A 51A
PCU5 24A 25A 26A 23A 26A PCU5 53A 50A 53A 53A 51A
PCU6 24A 24A 26A 24A 24A PCU6 51A 52A 51A 51A 51A
PCU7 25A 26A 25A 25A 25A PCU7 52A 52A 53A 51A 51A
PCU8 25A 26A 25A 26A 25A PCU8 51A 53A 53A 50A 53A
PCU9 25A 26A 26A 26A 26A PCU9 53A 50A 53A 52A 52A
PCU10 26A 25A 26A 24A 24A PCU10 50A 52A 50A 53A 53A

3750A Load 5000A Load

Bay 1 2 3 4 5 Bay 1 2 3 4 5
PCU1 80A 78A 77A 76A 78A PCU1 105A 103A 103A 104A 105A
PCU2 76A 75A 75A 77A 76A PCU2 104A 104A 103A 105A 103A
PCU3 77A 76A 76A 76A 78A PCU3 104A 104A 103A 103A 104A
PCU4 76A 75A 78A 76A 77A PCU4 103A 103A 104A 103A 104A
PCU5 77A 77A 78A 77A 76A PCU5 103A 104A 103A 104A 103A
PCU6 77A 76A 76A 76A 78A PCU6 102A 104A 104A 103A 102A
PCU7 77A 78A 77A 77A 76A PCU7 103A 104A 103A 102A 104A
PCU8 76A 78A 77A 77A 77A PCU8 104A 103A 102A 102A 102A
PCU9 78A 78A 77A 78A 78A PCU9 103A 104A 103A 103A 103A
PCU10 77A 77A 77A 78A 78A PCU10 103A 104A 102A 104A 104A


Load Sharing Test

25 PCUs
1250A 2500A
Bay 1 2 3 4 5 Bay 1 2 3 4 5
PCU1 52A 50A 50A 50A 49A PCU1 102A 103A 104A 101A 102A
PCU1 52A 50A 50A 51A 51A PCU1 101A 102A 104A 102A 103A
PCU3 51A 50A 50A 49A 51A PCU3 104A 103A 105A 103A 102A
PCU4 51A 50A 52A 52A 50A PCU4 103A 102A 104A 103A 103A
PCU5 52A 50A 52A 51A 50A PCU5 104A 103A 102A 103A 103A

3750A 5000A
Bay 1 2 3 4 5 Bay 1 2 3 4 5
PCU1 153A 155A 154A 154A 153A PCU1 206A 204A 205A 206A 206A
PCU1 154A 154A 153A 147/166A* 154A PCU1 204A 205A 205A 177A* 205A
PCU3 154A 154A 153A 153A 154A PCU3 206A 205A 205A 205A 206A
PCU4 155A 154A 152A 155A 153A PCU4 204A 206A 205A 206A 205A
PCU5 154A 153A 154A 153A 154A PCU5 204A 208A 204A 205A 206A
* FAULTY PCU, S.N.131 * FAULTY PCU, S.N. 131

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50 PCUs (C.L. SET TO 9500A)
Bay 1 2 3 4 5
PCU1 190 192 188 193 194
PCU2 190 191 196 192 194
PCU3 190 190 191 188 196
PCU4 190 188 183 199 195
PCU5 190 190 195 194 194
PCU6 188 190 194 188 192
PCU7 186 195 191 193 191
PCU8 208 194 193 201 198
PCU9 201 189 194 186 192
PCU10 190 155** 188 195 193

** Serial No. 142 failed – DC – DC Converter

Bay 1 2 3 4 5
PCU1 220 220 221 220 220
PCU2 220 220 219 221 223
PCU3 220 220 224 221 220
PCU4 220 219 217 220 219
PCU5 220 220 220 221 220

Battery Noise Test

LOAD DBRN-C Psophometric DBRN-C Psophometric

With Battery With Battery Without Battery Without Battery
No Load - - - -
1000A 4 0.1 3.5 .105
2000A 5.5 .13 3.5 .105
3000A 4.0 .11 3.0 .10
4000A 3.5 .105 3.0 .10
5000A 3 .10 4.0 .11
6000A 4.5 .12 6.0 .15
7000A 4.5 .12 6.0 .15
8000A 8.0 .20 6.0 .15
9000A 6.0 .15 6.5 .17
10000A 5.0 .13 6.5 .17

Note: readings fluctuated, DBRN-C +/- 2 DB, Psophometric, 0.03

Note: No readings at no load. Meter showed below scale.

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Appendix 7.2
Pk to Pk System Noise

Pk – Pk Noise

Load Pk – Pk Noise
10000A 150mv
8000A 140mv
6000A 140mv
4000A 130mv
2000A 100mv
1000A 100mv
4A 170mv

Appendix 9

Fuse/Breaker Pictographs

600Amp fuse Pictograph, on Battery.

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800 Amp Fuse Pictograph, off Battery.

Appendix 9.1

Single PCU inrush Current

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Appendix 25.3

System Battery Current Draw, No PCUs

Bay Qty Current

1 0.956A
2 1.125A
3 1.318A
4 1.497A
5 1.663A

Appendix 25.4

System Battery Current Draw, 10 PCUs per Bay

Bay Qty Current

1 1.15A
2 2.35A
3 2.94A

Appendix 25.5

For this test, we had the Eclipse Power System connected to 2 strings of 1600 A-H Batteries. We also applied a system load of
1,000 Amperes, to allow the batteries to discharge faster than normal, so that the test could be completed in one day.


We turned off the AC, generating the AC Fail LED on the MCA, as well as 50 PCU fail Alarms, and an All AC Fail

The Battery On Discharge Alarm came on at 51.00VDC, as expected.

The System Voltage is Very Low alarm came on at 47.00VDC as expected.

At 41.00VDC we ended the test by turning the AC back on.

AC Restored

With the AC restored, battery string #1 had a steady state recharge current of 820 amperes.

The total battery recharge current was 1300 amperes, steady state.

All AC alarms cleared, and the DC alarms cleared as the output voltage rose up to the alarm axtinguishing levels.

The output voltage returned to 52.99VDC, with the temperature Compensation at 32 C.

There were no problems with the batteries or Power System after the batteries reached their “fully recharged” state.

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Appendix 28.1
Single Bay Thermal test data


2000A, AMB 24 with old lexan covers in place
(amb measured in front rect. 1)

52. NEG. OUT BUS/BUS UPPER 36 36 36

53. NEG. OUT BUS MIDDLE 37 38 37
55. POS. RECT BUS OUT 52 52 52
56. POS. RECT BUS LOWER 52 52 52
58. NEG. RECT OUT BUS/BUS 53 53 53
90. CABINET AMB 46 46 46


2000A, AMB 28 with steel rear covers in place
(amb measured in front rect 1)

52. NEG. OUT BUS/BUS UPPER 38 38 38

53. NEG. OUT BUS MIDDLE 41 41 41
55. POS. RECT BUS OUT 56 56 56
56. POS. RECT BUS LOWER 56 56 56
58. NEG. RECT OUT BUS/BUS 55 55 55
90. CABINET AMB 53 53 53


The next page shows the placement of the thermocouples for the test.

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