Drug Study

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Drug name Classification Mechanism of action Indication Contraindication Adverse reaction Nursing responsibilities
Generic Name ANTIEMETIC Pharmacology Dexamethasone is used Depending on the  Increased appetite. Before
and mechanism of to treat conditions such indication and the  Irritability.   For systemic administration,
DEXMATHASONE action as arthritis, general condition,  Difficulty do not give drug to nursing
Anti-inflammatory and blood/hormone/immun peptic ulcers, sleeping (insomnia mothers; drug is secreted in
immunosuppressive e system disorders, osteoporosis, ) breast milk.
effects allergic reactions, psychoses,  WARNING: Give daily doses
Brand Name  Swelling in your
of dexamethasone are certain skin and eye infectious diseases before 9 AM to mimic normal
DexPak ankles and feet
approximately 30 conditions, breathing (e.g. herpes peak corticosteroid blood
(fluid retention)
simplex, keratitis),
times more potent problems, certain bowel  Heartburn. levels.
diabetes and
than cortisol. Anti- disorders, and certain  Muscle weakness. 
hypertension can be
inflammatory effects cancers. It is also used as considered  Impaired wound
Actual dosage, route, are complex, but a test for an adrenal contraindications. healing. During
frequency primarily via inhibition gland disorder  Increased blood
of inflammatory cells (Cushing's syndrome). sugar levels.  Avoid contact with eyes.
and suppression of  Report any irritation or
ORAL expression of infection at the site of
Adults—At first, 0.75 inflammatory
to 9 milligrams (mg) application.
per day
Children—Dose is After
based on body
weight and must be  Observe for signs of adverse
determined by your reactions.
doctor. At first, 0.02  Monitor blood pressure 2-3
to 0.3 mg per times daily.
kilogram (kg) of body  Test for glycosuria daily. If urine
weight per day, is positive for sugar, check each
divided and taken 3 urine.
or 4 times a day.  Observe gastric aspirates and
stools for bleeding.
 Observe closely for signs of
Drug name (Diuretics) Classification Mechanism of action Indication Contraindication Adverse reaction Nursing responsibilities
Generic Name "loop" diuretics Torsemide causes Demadex is Contraindications
Torsemide excretion of sodium indicated for the for using torsemide  frequent
chloride and water by treatment of  can classify as either urination Before: tell your doctor or pharmacist if you
inhibiting sodium and -edema associated absolute or relative.  headache are allergic to it; or if you have any other
chloride reabsorption with congestive Absolute
Brand Name  cough allergies. This product may contain inactive
in the ascending loop of heart failure, contraindications
Demedex  sore throat ingredients, which can cause allergic
Henle and distal 1. Hypersensitivity
reactions / sulfa  hearing loss reactions or other problems. Talk to your
collecting tubule. The -renal disease,  ringing in your pharmacist for more details.
effect is caused by or hepatic disease. ears
blocking the chloride-  upset stomach During: Do not breast feed while taking this
Actual dosage, route, contraindications
binding site of the -Use of torsemide Elderly patients,  constipation drug without consulting physician.
Na+/K+/2Cl- has been found to especially if  diarrhea
Edema Associated with
cotransport mechanism be effective for the hypotensive   weakness
Congestive Heart
Failure: IV and oral: 10 treatment Patients with hepatic  excessive thirst
to 20 mg once a day of edema associated coma
Edema Associated with with chronic renal Anuric acute renal
failure  Monitor BP often and assess for
Renal Disease: failure.
Electrolyte orthostatic hypotension;
IV and oral: 20 mg once periodically assess weight as an
abnormalities or
a day arrhythmias at index of fluid retention.
Edema Associated with baseline  Lab tests: Monitor serum
Hepatic Disease: Patients with electrolytes, uric acid, blood
IV and oral: 5 to 10 mg diabetes, as glucose, BUN, and creatinine
once a day torsemide can cause periodically throughout the course
Usual Adult Dose for hyperglycemia in of therapy.
Hypertension high-risk individuals  Monitor coagulation parameters
5 mg orally once a day and lithium levels in patients on
concurrent anticoagulant and/or
lithium therapy.
Drug name Classification Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Adverse reaction Nursing responsibilities

Generic Name: Proton pump Hydrochloric acid Treatment of diarrhea from an Headache or Before:
Pantoprazole inhibitors (HCl) secretion into gastroesophageal infection with diarrhea Assess the patient’s vs
the gastric lumen is a reflux disease Clostridium difficile symptoms of a low Assess the patient’s well
process regulated associated with a bacteria magnesium blood Check the medications expiry date
mainly by the history of erosive level (such as Check all the neccesary things needed to be
Brand Name:Pantoloc H(+)/K(+)-ATPase esophagitis inadequate vitamin unusually considrered during the administration of the
of the proton pump, B12 fast/slow/irregular drug.
expressed in heartbeat, persistent
high quantities by low amount of muscle spasms,
the parietal magnesium in the seizures) During:
40 mg 1 vial IV after
cells of the stomach. blood signs of lupus (such Ensure the atient’s awareness
9 ATPase is an a type of kidney as rash on nose and Ensure the patient is aware all the knowledge
enzyme on the inflammation called cheeks, new or of the drug side effects
parietal interstitial nephritis worsening joint pain) Educate the patient if side effect symptoms
Route: IV, PO cell membrane that may occur
hydrogen and After:
Frequency: after potassium exchange Monitor patient’s vs
breakfast through the cell, Monitor urine output
which normally Ensure the patient meet the goals being
results in the established.
extrusion of Ensure the patient did not feel any symptoms
potassium and of adverse
formation of HCl
(gastric acid)

Drug name Classification Mechanism of action Indication Contraindication Adverse reaction Nursing responsibilities
Antiemetic Dolasetron is a selective used to prevent low amount of Headache Before:
Generic Name serotonin 5-HT3 receptor nausea and magnesium in the Diarrhea Assess the patient’s vs
Dolasetron antagonist. In vivo, the drug is vomiting caused by blood Dizziness Assess the patient’s well
rapidly converted into its major cancer low amount of Drowsiness Check the medications expiry date
active metabolite, chemotherapy potassium in the Fatigue Check all the neccesary things needed
Brand Name hydrodolasetron, which seems - indicated for the blood Bradycardia to be considrered during the
Anzemet to be largely responsible for the prevention of neuroleptic malignant Hypotension administration of the drug.
drug's pharmacological activity. nausea and syndrome Tachycardia
The antiemetic activity of the vomiting a reaction
Abdominal pain
drug is brought about through associated with characterized by fever During:
Dosage: Dyspepsia
the inhibition of 5-HT3 moderately muscle rigidity and Ensure the atient’s awareness
12.5 mg IV 15 mins Abnormal liver
receptors present both emetogenic cancer confusion Ensure the patient is aware all the
before cessation centrally (medullary chemotherapy, serotonin syndrome
knowledge of the drug side effects
chemoreceptor zone) and including initial and a type of disorder with Chills
100 mg PO  Fever
Educate the patient if side effect
peripherally (GI tract). This repeat courses in high serotonin levels symptoms may occur
inhibition of 5-HT3 receptors in adults and children heart muscle disease Oliguria
turn inhibits the visceral 2 years and older. caused by the Urinary retention
afferent stimulation of the medication Pain
IV After:
vomiting center, likely indirectly doxorubicin Pruritus
Monitor patient’s vs
at the level of the area complete heart block
Frequency: Monitor urine output
postrema, as well as through torsades de pointes
1 hour before your Ensure the patient meet the goals
direct inhibition of serotonin a type of abnormal
cancer chemotherapy being established.
activity within the area heart rhythm
or within 2 hours Ensure the patient did not feel any
postrema and the slow heartbeat
before surgery symptoms of adverse
chemoreceptor trigger zone.
Randrylle Eve L. Yap

Drug name Classification Mechanism of action Indication Contraindication Adverse reaction Nursing responsibilities

Generic Name Proton-pump Omeprazole works by Omeprazole is used to -diarrhea from an infection -Low magnesium levels. Before
inhibitor decreasing the amount treat certain stomach and with Clostridium bacteria Using this drug for three
Omeprazole Before giving the drug assess
of acid your stomach esophagus problems -inadequate vitamin B12 months or longer can
patient to report onset of black,
produces. It does this by (such as acid reflux, - low amount of magnesium cause low magnesium
tarry stools; diarrhea; abdominal
blocking a system in the ulcers). It works by in the blood levels.
pain; or persistent headache to
cells of your stomach decreasing the amount of - liver problems
-Vitamin B-12 deficiency. health care professional promptly.
called the proton pump. acid your stomach makes. - osteoporosis
Brand Name Stools; diarrhea; abdominal pain; or
The proton pump works It relieves symptoms such - a broken bone -Inflammation of your
persistent headache or if fever and
Prilosec in the final step of acid as heartburn, difficulty stomach lining
diarrhea develop, especially if stool
production. When the swallowing, and
-Bone fractures contains blood, pus, or mucus.
proton pump is blocked, persistent cough.
your stomach makes less During
-Kidney damage
acid. This can help
decrease your -Cutaneous lupus Monitor any changes in urinary
symptoms. erythematosus (CLE) elimination such as pain or
discomfort associated with
-Systemic lupus urination, or blood in urine.
Actual dosage,
erythematosus (SLE).
route, frequency Source : After
-Fundic gland polyps
20mg, QD AC PO -Nursing Drug Handbook Advise patient to avoid alcohol and
(growths on the lining of
2014 – Saunders pg. 873 foods that may cause an increase in
your stomach that don’t
usually cause symptoms) GI irritation. Instruct patient to
report bothersome or prolonged
side effects, including skin
problems (itching, rash) or GI
effects (nausea, diarrhea, vomiting,
constipation, heartburn, flatulence,
abdominal pain).

Randrylle Eve L. Yap

Drug name Classification Mechanism of action Indication Contraindication Adverse reaction Nursing responsibilities

Generic Name Vitamins An exogenous source of For the treatment of -Folic acid Severe- anaphylactic Before
Folic Acid folate is required for folate deficiency hypersensitivity reactions, History: Allergy to folic acid preparations;
nucleoprotein synthesis megaloblastic -Pernicious anemia bronchospasm pernicious, aplastic, normocytic anemias;
and the maintenance of anemia. For the -Benzyl alcohol Moderate- lactation
normal erythropoiesis. treatment of folate hypersensitivity, erythema ,confusion Physical: Skin lesions, color; R, adventitious
Brand Name Folic acid, whether given deficiency neonates, ,depression, sounds; CBC, Hgb, Hct, serum folate levels,
Folvite by mouth or parenterally, megaloblastic premature excitability serum vitamin B12 levels, Schilling test
stimulates the production anemia or macrocytic neonates Mild –rash, pruritus , During
Actual dosage, of red blood cells, white anemia secondary to -Pregnancy malaise ,dysgeusia ,a Administer orally if at all possible. With severe GI
route, frequency blood cells, and platelets folic acid deficiency, -Renal disease, norexia, nausea, malabsorption or very severe disease, give IM,
1 mg/day PO in persons suffering from hepatic disease, renal failure, renal flatulence ,irritability IV, or subcutaneously.
certain megaloblastic alcoholism, intestinal impairment Monitor patient for hypersensitivity reactions,
anemias. obstruction, or especially if drug previously taken. Keep
excessive hemolysis. supportive equipment and emergency drugs
readily available in case of serious allergic
Source : response.
www.rnpedia.com/nursin After
g-notes/pharmacology- When the cause of megaloblastic anemia is
drug-study-notes/folic- treated or passes (infancy, pregnancy), there
acid-folate/ may be no need for folic acid because it normally
exists in sufficient quantities in the diet.

Report rash, difficulty breathing, pain or

discomfort at injection site.



Drug name Classification Mechanism of action Indication Contraindication Adverse reaction Nursing responsibilities

Generic Name Expectorant Increases fluid and mucus removal  To relieve cough, Hypersensitivity to CNS: Dizziness, Before
Guaifenesin from the upper respiratory tract especially when guaifenesin headache •As prescribed and as
by increasing the volume of secretions are thick GI: Nausea and appropriate, give liquid forms of
secretions and reducing their  To promote productive vomiting (with guaifenesin to children.
adhesiveness and surface tension. cough large doses)
Brand Name SKIN: Rash, During
Balminil Expectorant urticaria •Instruct patient to take each
dose with a full glass of water.
•Advise patient not to break,
crush, or chew E.R. tablets but
Actual dosage, route, to swallow them whole.
frequency •Tell patient to increase fluid
Capsules, oral solution, intake (unless contraindicated)
syrup, tablets Adults and to help thin secretions.
adolescents. 200 to 400
mg every 4 hr. Maximum: After
2,400 mg daily. •Watch for evidence of more
serious condition, such as cough
that lasts longer 558 guanadrel
sulfate than 1 week, fever,
persistent headache, and rash.
Source : •Advise patient not to take drug
Nurse's Drug Handbook longer than 1 week and to notify
prescriber about fever,
persistent headache, or rash.


Drug name Classification Mechanism of action Indication Contraindication Adverse reaction Nursing responsibilities

Generic Name Anti-ulcer Binds to and inactivates the  To treat duodenal Hypersensitivity to CNS: Dizziness, headache Before
Dexlansoprazole hydrogenpotassium adenosine ulcers and maintain lansoprazole or its EENT: Blurred vision, oral edema Urge patient to take drug
triphosphate enzyme system healed duodenal ulcers components GI: Abdominal pain, anorexia, exactly as prescribed,
(also called the proton pump) in  To treat duodenal Clostridium difficile-associated usually before a meal
gastric parietal cells. This action ulcers and maintain diarrhea, diarrhea, elevated liver (preferably breakfast) to
Brand Name blocks the final step of gastric healed duodenal ulcers enzymes, hepatotoxicity, decrease gastric acid
Dexilant acid production.  To treat duodenal increased appetite, nausea, output
ulcers and maintain pancreatitis, vomiting
healed duodenal ulcers GU: Interstitial nephritis, urine
retention During
Actual dosage, route,  To treat nonerosive HEME: Agranulocytosis, aplastic  Give lansoprazole before
frequency gastroesophageal anemia, decreased hemoglobin, meals. Antacids may be
Dexilant Oral Cap DR reflux disease hemolytic anemia, leukopenia, given as well, if needed.
Pellets: 30mg, 60mg  To heal all grades of neutropenia, pancytopenia,
erosive esophagitis thrombocytopenia, thrombotic
 To maintain healed thrombocytopenic purpura After
erosive esophagitis MS: Arthralgia, bone fracture,  Monitor the patient,
bursitis, myositis especially the patient on
RESP: Upper respiratory tract long-term therapy for
infection hypomagnesemia.
SKIN: Erythema multiforme,  Urge patient to tell
leucocytoclastic vasculitis, prescriber about diarrhea
pruritus, rash, StevensJohnson that’s severe or lasts
syndrome, toxic epidermal longer than 3 days.
necrolysis  Remind patient that
Other: Anaphylaxis, angioedema, watery or bloody stools
Source : hyperkalemia, hypomagnesemia, can occur 2 or more
Nurse's Drug Handbook injection-site reaction months after antibiotic
therapy and can be
serious, requiring prompt


Drug name Classification Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Adverse reaction Nursing responsibilities
Generic Name Loop Diuretics Inhibits sodium and -Edema associated -Contraindicated in CNS: dizziness, headache, Before
chloride with congestive heart patient hypersensitive vertigo
-Bumetanide -Check doctors order
reabsorption in the failure, hepatic or to drug or
CV: orthostatic hypotension
ascending loop of renal disease, and sulfonamides (possible - Ensure drug given in morning, to
Henle; exerts same nephrotic syndrome cross sensitivity) and in EENT: deafness, tinnitus prevent nocturia.
Brand Name effect on the patients with anuria,
descending limb of hepatic coma, or GU: oliguria -Check for patient hypersensitivity.
-Bumex, Burinex
loop of Henle and severe electrolyte
METABOLIC: volume -Check for other drug interactions
distal tube causing depletion.
depletion and dehydration, that may increase ototoxicity.
sodium rich urine.
-Used cautiously in hypokalemia,
-Do not use together with Licorice it
patients with hepatic hypochloremic alkalosis,
Actual dosage, route, may cause rapid potassium loss.
cirrhosis and ascites, in hypomanegsemia,
frequency elderly patients, and in asymptomatic During
those decrease hyperuricemia,
-Injection: 0.25 mg/ ml
function of renal hyponatremia, elevated -Ensure that it is the right drug, right
-Tablets: 0.5 mg, 1mg, function. blood glucose level. route, right patient, right dose, and
2mg, 5mg right time.
- Use in breastfeeding MUSCOSKELETAL: muscle
women is not cramps -For IV, if direct injection give drug
recommended over 1 to 2 minutes.
-Usual first dose is 0.5 to 1 SKIN: rash, pruritus
mg I.V or I.M, 4-5 hour -Solution should be freshly prepared
intervals. Maximum 10 mg within 24 hours. Protected from light
-For Intermittent Infusion, give drug
through an intermittent infusion
device or piggyback into an IV line
containing a free-flowing, compatible



-Document procedures

- Watch for evidence of hypokalemia,

such as muscle weakness and cramps.

-Monitor glucose level in diabetic

Source: Nursing
-Monitor for ototoxicity especially if
2020 Drug
given through IV.
Handbook VOLUME
1, pg. 247. -Monitor Uric acid level, especially in
patient with gout.

-Stop the drug if oliguria or azotemia



Drug name Classification Mechanism of action Indication Contraindication Adverse reaction Nursing responsibilities

Generic LABAs (Long-acting Long-acting selective beta2 -Maintenance -Contraindicated in CNS: tremor, dizziness, Before
Name beta-agonists) ; agonists that causes treatment of patients hypersensitive insomnia, nervousness,
-Check doctors order
Bronchodilators bronchodilation. It ultimately bronchoconstriction to drug or its headache, fatigue, malaise,
increases , leading to in patients with COPD components, or with anxiety -Prepare the standard jet nebulizer
relaxation of bronchial smooth (chronic bronchitis, other long-acting beta2
CV: arrhythmias, chest -Ensure drug is colorless and must
muscle and inhibition of emphysema) agonists
pain, angina, HTN, store in foil pouch. In a foil pouch, it
mediator release from mast
Brand Name -Treatment to -Don’t begin drug in hypotension, tachycardia, must remove immediately before
prevent or decrease patients with acutely palpitations use
Perforomist wheezing and trouble deteriorating COPD,
EENT: dry mouth, tonsillitis, -Do not give together with
breathing caused by may be life threatening
dysphonia, Adrenergics may potentiate
-Don’t use drug to nasopharynxgitis, sinusitis sympathetic effects of the drug
relieve acute symptoms
dosage, GI: nausea, vomiting,
(such as rescue for During
route, diarrhea
acute bronchospasm)
frequency -Ensure that it is the right drug, right
METABOLIC: metabolic route, right patient, right dose, and
-Use cautiously in
-Inhalation acidosis, hypokalemia,
patients with CV right time.
Solution: 20 hyperglycemia
mcg/ 2-ml MUSCOSKELETAL: muscle -Give inhalation solution a standard
vial - Use cautiously in cramps jet nebulizer connected to an air
patients with Diabetes compressor.
(Maximum SKIN: rash, pruritus
Mellitus because
dose, 40 After
hyperglycemia and OTHER: viral infection
ketoacidosis have -Document procedures
occurred rarely with
the use of beta -Alert if maintenance regimen fails
agonists. to provide usual response, contact
prescriber, as this indicates COPD

-Alert if patients develop

tachycardia, HTN, or other CV



adverse effects, drug may need to be


-Watch for hypersensitivity reactions

Source: Nursing 2020 Drug
(anaphylaxis, urticarial, rash, and
Handbook VOLUME 1, pg. 705.

Drug name Classification Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Adverse reaction Nursing responsibilities
Antacids Aluminum salts - The antacids are Alkalosis with resultant Before:
Generic name: (Amphojel and Symptomatic relief contraindicated in metabolic changes -Screen for any history of allergy to
ALUMINUM SALTS others) do not cause of GI hyperacidity, the presence of any (nausea, vomiting, antacids; renal dysfunction; electrolyte
acid rebound but are treatment of known allergy to neuromuscular changes, disturbances; and pregnancy or lactation.
not very effective in hyperphosphatemia; antacid products. headache, irritability, -Include screening for baseline data.
Brand name: neutralizing acid. prevention of of Caution should be muscle twitching, and -Assess the abdominal sounds, mucous
Amphojel They are bound in phosphate urinary used in the following even coma) may occur. membrane status, serum electrolytes and
feces for excretion. stones. instances: any The use of calcium salts renal function tests.
They have been condition that can may lead to
related to severe be exacerbated by hypercalcemia and milk-
constipation. the electrolyte alkali syndrome. During:
Dosage: Aluminum binds imbalance; GI Constipation or diarrhea -Administer the drug apart from any other
Adult: 500-1500mg; dietary phosphates obstruction; allergy may result, depending on oral medications.
Three to six times a and causes to any component of the antacid being used. -Have patient chew tablets thoroughly and
day between meals hypophosphatemia, the drug; & renal Hypophosphatemia can follow with water
and at bedtime which can then dysfunction. occur with the use of -Periodically monitor serum electrolytes
cause calcium aluminum salts. Fluid -Assess patient for any signs of acid-base or
Pediatric: 50-150 imbalance retention and congestive electrolyte imbalance
mg/kg; throughout the heart failure can occur -Provide thorough patient teaching,
PO q24 in divided system. For that with sodium bicarbonate. including drug name, prescribed dosage,
doses q4-6 reason, this drug measures for avoidance of adverse effects,
should be used with and warning signs that may indicate
caution during possible problems.
pregnancy and -Offer support and encouragement.
should be avoided
during lactation
because of the After:
potential for adverse -Monitor patient response to the drug.
effects on the fetus -Monitor for adverse effects.
and neonate. -Evaluate effectiveness of teaching plan.
Monitor effectiveness of comfort measures
and compliance with regimen.
P 883, Chapter 57,

Drug name Classification Mechanism of action Indication Contraindication Adverse reaction Nursing responsibilities
Chlorpromazine exerts its Psychosis In general, Drowsiness, dizziness,
Generic Name: Antiemetic antipsychotic effect by (schizophrenia); antiemetics should weakness, tremor, Before:
CHLORPROMAZINE blocking postsynaptic typically reduces, not be used in and headache are -Screen for history of allergy to
dopamine receptors in but does not patients with coma common adverse antiemetic; impaired renal or hepatic
Brand Name: cortical and limbic areas of eliminate the or severe CNS effects. Uncommon function; pregnancy or lactation; coma or
Thorazine the brain, thereby positive symptoms depression, or those adverse effects are semiconscious state, CNS depression,
preventing the excess of in schizophrenia who have hypotension, hypotension or hypertension; active
Dosage: dopamine in the brain. This intractable hiccups experienced brain hypertension, and peptic ulcer; and CNS injury.
Adult: 10-25 mg PO leads to a reduction in nausea/vomiting damage or injury. -Include screening for orientation, affect,
cardiac arrhythmias
q4-6h or 50-100 mg psychotic symptoms, such hyperactive children Other and reflexes: baseline pulse and blood
PR or 25 mg IM as hallucinations and with excessive contraindications pressure; skin lesions and color; liver and
delusions. Blockade of motor activity & include severe abdominal examination; and liver and
dopamine 2 receptors (D2) accompanying hypotension or renal function tests.
Pediatric: 0.55 mg/kg
is responsible for reducing conduct disorders hypertension and
PO q4-6h; 1.1 mg/kg
the positive signs of sedation severe liver During:
PR q6-8h or 0.55
pyschosis & improving tetanus (adjunct) dysfunction. Caution -Assess the patient carefully for any
mg/kg IM q6-8h
other behaviors. The acute intermittent should be used in potential drug-drug interactions if giving
combined effect to block porphyria. individuals with antiemetics in combination with other
D2, histamine H1 & renal dysfunction, drugs.
muscarinic M1 receptors in active peptic ulcer, -Provide comfort and safety measures,
the vomiting center is or pregnancy and including mouth care, ready access to
postulated to reduce lactation. bathroom facilities, assistance with
nausea & vomiting ambulation and periodic orientation, and
Sources: remedial measures to treat dehydration
https://pubchem.ncbi. if it occurs.
nlm.nih.gov/compound -Provide support and encouragement, as
/Chlorpromazine well as other measures.
-Provide thorough patient teaching,
http://tmedweb. including name of drug, dosage
tulane.edu/pharmwiki prescribed, proper administration,
/doku.php/ measures to avoid adverse effects,
chlorpromazine#:~:text= warning signs of problems
Action%3A,postulated% After:
20to%20reduce%20n -Monitor patient response to the drug.
ausea%20%26%20vomiting -Monitor for adverse effects.

Evaluate effectiveness of teaching plan.

-Monitor effectiveness of comfort
measures and compliance with regimen.

Drug name Classification Mechanism of action Indication Contraindication Adverse Nursing

reaction responsibilities
Generic Name Expectorant Acts as an expectorant by Symptomatic relief of Dizziness, Before
Guaifenesin irritating the gastric respiratory conditions Allergy to guaifenesin or any of its components, headache, Assess patient history,
mucosa and stimulating characterized by dry, thyrotoxicosis; 1st trimester of pregnancy, rash, including drug history and
Brand Name respiratory tract nonproductive cough hyperthyroidism, hypertension, coronary disease, urticarial, any known allergies.
Mucinex secretions, thereby and use in the presence phaeochromocytoma, closed-angle glaucoma, nausea,
increasing production of of mucus in respiratory Coronary thrombosis, acute porphyria, history of vomiting.
lung mucus and tract. peptic ulcer. It should be given with caution to
Actual dosage, decreasing mucous patients with organic heart disease and with
route, frequency viscosity. prostatic enlargement, asthma, monoamine During
Adults and oxidase inhibitor therapy, nephropathy, hepatic Assess cough: frequency of
children age 12 disease. production, color, type,
and older: 200 to character, including
400 mg P.O. characteristics of sputum;
every 12 hours. lung sounds bilaterally;
Maximum, maintain fluid to 2L/day to
2400mg daily. decrease secretion
Children ages 6 to viscosity.
11: 100 to 200 mg
P.O. every 4
hours. Maximum, After
2400 mg daily. Advise the patient that the
Children ages 4 to drug should not be used for
5: 50 to 100 mg Source : PPD’s Nursing chronic or persistent
granules, syrup, Drug Guide 2007 Edition cough, such as with
or liquid every 4 Malan Press p. 601 smoking, chronic
hours as needed. bronchitis, asthma or
Maximum, 600mg emphysema.
daily. Advise patient to take each
dose with a glass of water;
increased fluid intake may
prove beneficial.

Drug name Classification Mechanism of action Indication Contraindication Adverse reaction Nursing responsibilities

Metolazone Diuretics (Water Pills) Increases sodium and Metolazone tablets Contraindicated in CNS: dizziness, headache, fatigue, Before:
water excretion by are indicated for patients vertigo, paresthesia, weakness,
Brand Name Monitor fluid intake and
inhibiting sodium the treatment of hypersensitive to restlessness, drowsiness, anxiety,
output, weight, BP, and
Metolazone reabsorption in salt and water thiazides, other depression, nervousness, blurred
electrolyte levels.
ascending loop of retention sulfonamide- vision.
Actual dosage, Henle. including: edema derived drugs or During:
route, frequency CV: orthostatic hypotension,
accompanying metolazone and in
palpitations, chest pain, venous Watch for signs and symptoms
congestive heart those with anuria,
Oedema thrombosis.
failure; edema hepatic coma, or of hypokalemia, such as muscle
Adult: 5-10 mg accompanying precoma. weakness and cramps. Drugs
GI: pancreatitis, anorexa, nausea,
daily, dose to be renal diseases, may be used with potassium-
epigastric distress, vomiting,
taken in the including the sparing diuretic to prevent
abdominal pain, diarrhea,
morning ; nephrotic potassium loss.
constipation, dry mouth.
increased if syndrome and
necessary to states of
20mg daily, dose diminished renal Monitor glucose level,
GU: nocturia, polyuria, impotence.
increased in function. especially in diabetic patients.
Hematologic: aplastic anemia,
maximum 80mg
agranulocytosis, leukopenia, purpura.
per day.

Instruct patient to increase

Hepatic: jaundice, hepatitis
Hypertension dietary intake of potassium-
Source: #1 Nursing Drug containing foods.
Adult: Initially
Guide Nursing 2020
5mg daily, dose Musculoskeletal: muscle cramps
Drug Handbook Volume
to be taken in
2 Wolters Kluwer p.
the morning; Teach patient about adverse
maintenance reactions and to report them
Skin: dermatitis, photosensitivity
5mg once daily promptly.
reactions, rash, pruritus, urticarial,
on alternate
skin necrosis, purpura.

Drug name Classificati Mechanism of action Indication Contraindication Adverse reaction Nursing responsibilities
Generic Name Phenoxyace Ethacrynic acid inhibits symport of sodium, -for the treatment contraindicated in anuria. If CNS: Dizziness, Before: check doctors
tates potassium, and chloride primarily in the of high blood increasing electrolyte lightheadedness, order.
Ethacrynic Acid
ascending limb of Henle, but also in the pressure and imbalance, azotemia, weakness, muscle
Brand Name proximal and distal tubules. This edema caused by and/or oliguria occur cramps, upset stomach, - Before taking ethacrynic
pharmacological action results in excretion of diseases like during treatment of severe, or diarrhea may occur. If ask ptx if allergic to
Edecrin these ions, increased urinary output, and congestive heart progressive renal disease, any of these effects last ethacrynic acid, any other
reduction in extracellular fluid. failure, liver the diuretic should be or get worse, tell your medications, or any of the
failure, and kidney discontinued. doctor or pharmacist ingredients in ethacrynic
Actual dosage, failure. promptly. acid tablets. Notify the
route, frequency doctor and pharmacist if
-produced severe, watery there is.
Powder for with CHF, hepatic
diarrhea. If this occurs, it To reduce the risk of
injection cirrhosis, renal During:
should be discontinued and dizziness and
50mg not used again. lightheadedness, get up -Document procedure,
malignancy, &
slowly when rising from a Observe closely when
tablet pulmonary edema
sitting or lying position. receiving the drug by IV
25mg -Short-term use in Until further experience in infusion.
children (other infants is accumulated,
0.5-1 mg/kg up than infants) with After: Monitor blood
therapy with oral and serious loss of body
to 100 mg/dose congenital heart pressure line.
parenteral EDECRIN is water (dehydration) and
slow IVP, OR disease or contraindicated. salt/minerals -Follow a daily exercise
nephrotic program, a low-salt or
syndrome low-sodium diet,
25-100 mg PO Hypersensitivity to any potassium supplements,
Source : go.drugbank.com/drugs/DB00903 -Use when fluid
qDay or q12hr component of this product. and increased amounts of
refractory to potassium-rich foods (e.g.,
thiazides, or with bananas, prunes, raisins,
May take with impaired renal and orange juice) in your
food function diet.

Diuretics - Ethacrynic Acid


Anti-Anemia – Leucovorin

Drug name Classification Mechanism of action Indication Contraindication Adverse Nursing

reaction responsibilities
Generic Name Folic acid Leucovorin is an active metabolite of folic acid -Leucovorin calcium -contraindicated in Allergic Before: check
metabolite and an essential coenzyme for nucleic acid rescue is indicated after patients with a history of sensitization, doctors order
leucovorin synthesis.1 Leucovorin can be used to high dose folic acid hypersensitivity including
selectively “rescue” cells from the adverse methotrexate therapy or folinic acid anaphylactoid - Notify physician
effects of methotrexate or to increase the in osteosarcoma. hypersensitivity. reactions and of S&S of a
efficacy of fluorouracil. Methotrexate inhibits urticaria, has been hypersensitivity
Brand Name nucleic acid synthesis by blocking the activation -Leucovorin calcium is -contraindicated in cases reported following reaction
of folic acid. Leucovorin is folic acid in its active also indicated to of pernicious anemia and the administration immediately
Biovorin (reduced) form, so it allows nucleic acid diminish the toxicity other vitamin B12 of both oral and
synthesis to proceed even in the presence of and counteract the deficiency megaloblastic parenteral - check for any
methotrexate. Leucovorin can also compete effects of impaired anemia. leucovorin. No hypersensitivity
Actual dosage, with methotrexate for the same transport methotrexate other adverse
route, frequency processes into the cell. elimination and of -The intrathecal reactions have been - Monitoring of
inadvertent administration of attributed to the the serum
overdosages of folic leucovorin is use of leucovorin methotrexate
Powder for acid antagonists controversial and should per se. concentration is
injection be avoided in routine . essential in
50mg -indicated in the circumstances. determining the
tablet treatment of Leucovorin may be optimal dose and
25mg megaloblastic anemias harmful or fatal if given duration of
due to folic acid intrathecally. treatment with
0.5-1 mg/kg up to deficiency when oral leucovorin
100 mg/dose slow therapy is not feasible -Oral leucovorin (leucovorin
IVP, OR prophylaxis or treatment calcium)
-indicated for use in of antifolate-induced
25-100 mg PO combination with 5- toxicity should be given During:
qDay or q12hr fluorouracil to prolong to patients only when Document
Source : survival in the palliative oral absorption and procedure
May take with http://www.bccancer.bc.ca/drug-database- treatment of patients compliance are assured.
food. site/Drug%20Index/Leucovorin_monograph.pdf with advanced Patients who are -If given
colorectal cancer vomiting or have Leucovorin tablets
stomatitis should receive instruct ptx to
leucovorin via the take at evenly

parenteral route. spaced intervals


After: ensure the


neurologic status

-Monitor for
Shortness of
breath, wheezing,
breathing, closing
up of the throat,
swelling of facial
features, hives
(possible allergic
reaction). If
present stope

Drug Name Classification Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Responsibilities
Generic Name Expectorants Pharmacologic use primarily Potassium iodide is used Hypersensitivity to Before:
related to iodide portion of to thin mucus and iodine preparations or Do not use OTC drugs
Potassium Iodide molecule. Exact mechanism not loosen congestion in any product General: The most without consulting
clear but believed to increase people with chronic excipients. frequently reported physician. Many
secretion of respiratory fluids breathing problems that adverse reactions have preparations contain
by direct action on bronchial can be complicated by included stomach upset, iodides and could augment
tissue, thereby decreasing thick mucus in the diarrhea, nausea, prescribed dose [e.g.,
mucus viscosity. If patient is respiratory tract. vomiting, skin rash, and cough syrups, gargles,
euthyroid, excess iodide ions salivary gland swelling or asthma medication, salt
cause minimal change in tenderness. substitutes, cod liver oil,
Brand Name thyroid gland mass. Conversely, multiple vitamins
when the thyroid gland is
Pima hyperplastic, excess iodide ions During:
temporarily inhibits secretion Endocrine:
of thyroid hormone, fosters hyperthyroidism Be aware that optimum
accumulation in thyroid iodine induced hydration is the best
follicles, and decreases autoimmunity (Grave's expectorant when taking
vascularity of gland.. and Hashimoto type), KI as an expectorant.
toxic nodular goiter and Increase daily fluid intake.
iodine-induced -Do not breast feed while
Actual Dosage, Route,
hypothyroidism have taking this drug without
been reported as side consulting physician.
effects of iodine
Adult: PO 300–650 mg therapy.
p.c. b.i.d. or t.i.d. After:
Child :PO 60–250 mg p.c. Hyperthyroidism, iodine Report to physician
b.i.d. or t.i.d. induced autoimmunity promptly the occurrence
(Grave's and Hashimoto of GI bleeding, abdominal
type), toxic nodular pain, distension, nausea,
goiter, iodine-induced or vomiting.
overactive thyroid gland, Report clinical S&S of
thyroiditis, enlarged iodism (see ADVERSE
Source: thyroid gland with or EFFECTS). Usually,
http://www.robholland.com/N without development or symptoms will subside
ursing/Drug_Guide/data/mono myxedema. with dose reduction and
graphframes/P064.html lengthened intervals

between doses.
Stomach upset, Avoid foods rich in iodine
diarrhea, nausea, if iodism develops:
vomiting, stomach pain, Seafood, fish liver oils, and
gastrointestinal iodized salt.
bleeding, salivary gland
swelling or tenderness

Dermatologic: Skin rash

Musculoskeletal: Pain or
weakness in hands or
feet, weakness or
heaviness of legs

Other: Unusual
tiredness, fever, iodism
(chronic iodine

Nervous system:
Confusion, numbness,

Cardiovascular: Irregular

Drug Name Classification Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Responsibilities
Generic Name Bronchodilators - B2 Activation of beta2- Salbutamol is Conditions: -Nervousness Before:
Adrenergic Receptor adrenergic receptors on indicated for the -have had an allergic
Salbutamol Antagonist airway smooth muscle leads symptomatic relief -overactive thyroid gland -shaking (tremor)  reaction to salbutamol
to the activation of adenyl and prevention of -diabetes or any other medicines
cyclase and to an increase in bronchospasm due -a metabolic condition -headache, in the past
the intracellular to bronchial asthma, where the body cannot -take other medicines
concentration of cyclic-3′5′- chronic bronchitis, adequately use sugars including ones you buy
Brand Name -mouth/throat dryness
adenosine monophosphate reversible called ketoacidosis from a pharmacy, herbal
(cyclic AMP). This increase of obstructive airway -excess body acid remedies or
Ventolin -irritation
cyclic AMP leads to the disease, and other -low amount of potassium supplements
activation of protein kinase chronic in the blood -have a rare inherited
A, which inhibits the bronchopulmonary -changes in taste, digestive disorder of
-high blood pressure
phosphorylation of myosin disorders in which -diminished blood flow galactose intolerance,
Actual Dosage, Route, and lowers intracellular ionic bronchospasm is a through arteries of the -cough, the Lapp lactase
Frequency calcium concentrations, complicating factor, heart deficiency or glucose-
resulting in and/or (ii) the acute -a low supply of oxygen -nausea galactase malabsorption.
relaxation. Salbutamol prophylaxis against rich blood to the heart This is because many
12 years old and up – relaxes the smooth muscles exercise-induced --prolonged QT interval -dizziness may occur salbutamol products
(2.5 mg – nebulizer – 4 of all airways, from the bronchospasm and on EKG contain lactose. Do not
times a day.) trachea to the terminal other stimuli known -abnormal heart rhythm have lactose if you have
bronchioles. Salbutamol acts to induce -abnormal EKG with QT these conditions
as a functional antagonist to bronchospasm changes from birth
relax the airway irrespective -seizures During:
of the spasmogen involved, -This medication may
thus protecting against all Allergies: raise your blood pressure.
bronchoconstrictor Checkyour blood pressure
challenges. Increased cyclic regularly and tell your
-Beta-Adrenergic Agents
AMP concentrations are also doctor if the results are
associated with the high.
inhibition of release of -Tell your doctor right
mediators from mast cells in away if you have any
the airway. serious side effects,
including: fast/pounding

Source: heartbeat.

-Instruct client to take
the medication as
-Educate the clients of
the side effects and on
what to do if it happens
-notify physicians any
time possible for any

Drug name Classification Mechanism of action Indication Contraindication Adverse Nursing

reaction responsibilities

Generic Name Diuretic Inhibit reabsorption of sodium Edema due to cardiac, Anuria; hepatic coma & precoma; severe - low blood Before
and water in the ascending hepatic & renal disease, hypokalemia &/or hyponatremia; pressure
You should not
limp of the loop of henle by burns; mild to moderate hypovolemia w/ or w/o hypotension.
- use furosemide
Furosemide interfering with the chloride HTN, hypertensive crisis, Hypersensivity to sulfonamides
dehydration if you are
binding site of the 1Na+, 1K+, acute heart failure, reduce
and unable to
2CI contransport system. urinary output due to
electrolyte urinate.
gestoses, chronic renal
Loop diuretics increase the depletion
failure, nephrotic Tell your doctor
rate of delivery of tubular fluid (for
Brand Name syndrome if you have
and electrolytes to the distal example
recently had an
sites of hydrogen and sodiu,
MRI (magnetic
potassium ion secretion, while potassium)
Lasix resonance
the plasma volume
- jaundice imaging) or any
contraction increases
type of scan
aldosterone production. The - ringing in
using a
increased delivery and high the ears
radioactive dye
aldosterone levels promote
Actual dosage, - sensitivity that is injected
sodium reabsorption at the
route, frequency to light into your veins.
distal tubules, thus increasing
Do not take
the loss of potassium and
- rash more of this
hydrogen ions.
5mg (0.5ml), Every medication than
12 hours. Hold for BP is
less than 85 systolic, recommended.
IV Push - nausea

- diarrhea

- abdominal
pain and

Keep taking this

medication even

if you feel well.

Most people
with high blood
pressure do not
feel sick.



Monitor for CNS

cardiac output,

Monitor for
of jypocalcemia.

Drug name Classification Mechanism of action Indication Contraindication Adverse Nursing

reaction responsibilities

Generic Name Beta2 - Long - acting agonist that binds to beta2 receptors - Prevention of and maintenance therapy - Contraindicated - CNS: Before
selective in the lungs, causing bronchodilation; also inhibits for bronchospasm in select patients with with Headache,
Salmeterol Your doctor will
adrenergic the release of inflammatory mediators in the lung, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary hypersensitivity to tremor
only prescribe
agonist blocking swelling and inflammation disease and exercise-induced asthma.. salmetero, acute
-CV salmeterol if
antasthmatic asthma attack,
tachycardia, your asthma is
worsening or
palpitations, so severe that
Indication: deteriorating
Brand Name hypertension two
asthma ( life
Prevention of and maintenance therapy for medications
Advair Diskus threatening), acute - Respiratory:
bronchospasm in select patients with asthma, are needed to
airway obstruction. Worsening of
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and control it. You
exercise-induced asthma. - Use cautiously should never
with pregnancy, use salmeterol
Actual dosage, lactation.. alone; you
route, must always
frequency use it along
with an inhaled
1 inhalation 30
minutes before
exercise; a
second dose not
to be
administered for During
another 12 hr;
Ensure that
drug is not use
to treat acute
asthma or with

worsening or
asthma (risk of

Instruct in the
proper use of

Source :


Monitor use of
inhaler, use of
more than 4
puffs/day may
worse asthma;
evaluation by

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