Kotak Questtionaire
Kotak Questtionaire
Kotak Questtionaire
I am doing P.G.D.M at Institute of Management and Information Science (IMIS) and this is to acknowledge that the following survey is purely for academic purpose. My project topic is about knowing the Investors perception about investment in mutual funds. The identity of the respondent will be kept confidential. And it does not carry any commercial value.
Name Occupation : :
(2)What is your annual income? a) Less than 2 lakh b) 2 3 lakh c) More than 3 lakh
(3) Do you invest in Mutual Funds? a) Yes If No Then, What is the most important reason for not investing in mutual funds? (Tick any one) a) Lack of knowledge about mutual funds b) Enjoys investing in other options c) Its benefits are not enough to drive you for investment d) No trust over the fund managers (4) Please rank the following investment instruments according to your preference. (On the basis of risk and return concept) a) Fixed instrument b) Mutual fund b) No
c) Direct Equity (5) What is your Average investment period? a) Less than 6 months. c) 12 months to 2 year. B) 6 to 12 months. D) More than 2 year.
(6) Which are the primary sources of your knowledge about Mutual Funds as an investment option? Corresponding to your choices how would you rate their influence on your final Mutual Fund purchase decision? (Please rank them on a scale of 1-5 with 1 representing minimal influence and 5 representing Strong influence.) i. Source: Television 1 2 3 4 5 Least Influential
Most Influential
Most Influential
Most Influential
Most Influential
Most Influential
(7) How much Risk are you willing to take? a) Low b) Moderate c) High
(8) What is your preference in Mutual Funds? (Rank in order of your preference). RANK Particulars a) Equity Funds b) Debt Funds c)Money Funds Market 1 2 3 4 5 6
f) SIP
(9) How much return do you expect from your Investments? (Long term). a) Up to 15% b) 15%-25% c) 25%-35% d) More than 35%
(10) Which type of Mutual funds do you prefer? a) Open Ended Schemes b) Closed Ended Schemes
(11) Do you get influenced by the name of Company promoting Mutual Funds? a) Yes b) No
(12) Do you get influenced by the returns given by a fund or by the current NAV of a fund? a) By NAV b) By Returns c) By Both
(13) Where do you find yourself as a mutual fund investor ? (Put a tick on any one) a) Totally ignorant b) Partial knowledge of mutual funds c) Aware only of any specific scheme in which you have already invested d) Fully aware
(14) What is the major reason for using financial advisors? a. Want help with asset allocation b. Dont have time to make my own investment decision c. To explain various investment options d. Want to make sure I am investing enough to meet my financial goals
(15) From where do you purchase mutual funds? a) Directly from the AMCs b) Brokers only c) Brokers/ sub-brokers d) Other sources
(16) Rank the following feature of the mutual funds that attracts you most. (Where 1 is most preferable and 4th is less is preferable) 1 A. Diversification B. Professional management C. Reduction in risk and transaction cost D. Helps in achieving long term goals 2 3 4
(17) According to you which is the most suitable stage to invest in mutual funds? a) Young unmarried stage b) Young Married with children stage c) Married with older children stage d) Pre-retirement stage
(18) How do you intend to use the income earned from investment? a) Reinvest between 20-80% of earnings from investment b) Reinvest total earnings c) Receive 80% and remaining reinvest. (19) Are you satisfied with your investment options? Yes No
Any suggestions:_______________________________________________ ____________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ THANKS FOR YOUR COOPERATION