Evaluation of A Case

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IL ree tet eet foe) ee Evatuakeng can be oP eee hinds: 2 Babuation ro a cose CY marke] 2. Evalvation oF a case (3 racks] S- Evatuntion of a cose [12 marke] Pa Evalvaton sf Qa case f& marks] ' Werte te evatuation th 3 peregmphs, e Raragrach 4: Give ong odvandage of He given cose, * pacegragh 2. Give one digad evrlage of the : siven case, . Pororgra gh 8. Give an oral ariclusion, Eraluclion of a Cone Rrauks } re sWrike Me evaluating “R. in 3 Run eng conplg exgragh | ° Give hue advantages of te . Faograph 2: Give two dicadvambages oP Re Fageyh 3 Cine an oefal ‘eonelusion. given case. given ase baluatin Pg wage [ia manke] | lyre We evaluat, in 8 paragraphs. | “ Vaca gragh bs Cyne yee adankages, of fe girea | . e "ees! . faceage cach ee Crivep an overall conduction, la, RPM Worers in one Cot Sluhcy nD gee) Lodnes, Tt hex, Q° depachwenk. Uolor \elicle Sales Usts, Vehicles “Perle sales, Hole Vehides repais Te as Jetghsent has bea meking ee | @nepcutive rv oars 7 . Lope, hone Shes l,l tee prob hence Heme eeepc: ded ts clos Ye pacts sopact went Yue yeu: Evalue We decision ah He. manggerrent of Te parts deparhmcn &. C2 roaileg) is oa closing ‘ © Recegcaph 2: Give Reve diccclantegis of fe given case. Answes : SS By clostrg the fork, department! Phe | 7% Cesirg a ‘ Nolore “will, be menigizing the probit Hore business, Since He pack deearten bess WOR sao decreasing | He — ovescil erotit, Afler clecing Me feuds cleporhmact the wmanagorent af te towppay cam Invest Le Hine indo the profit making portman’ avhich yn dive a bigloe ” relven Va Pitore po” {Pose Jue ae ms «The “Money €asred - Om * he realization /isposa| of He peurt | or emt Re Company cam iver “ino Some otha sector: ayin Car wosh or some otter becinese whch . wil) by give s probe. Closing the pads depeur wont advergely aPfeet ie Yevenve oe Cope depottrnent The bodes rey Le Some Code mere - Ce aches will alg mpke & negptve inapouct on the ead Incouge (goed of tha business (| The will alco lead to une wp bynwend . ne Woe an fRciext decision te dese. the ports depacinent gince it wor mrabcing ia loss hs conge cutive three Vea. 6e Leng ry servival, 8 benefit of He. business it wos the beat dec’sion b dose {Kis department.

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