LIT 1 - BIBLE STORIES - Escobar, Kaye M.
LIT 1 - BIBLE STORIES - Escobar, Kaye M.
LIT 1 - BIBLE STORIES - Escobar, Kaye M.
OLLCF is committed to provide dynamic, Vinzons Ave., Daet,Camarines Norte A locally responsible and globally
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education accessible to all. upright, and productive citizenry.
At the end of discussion, learners should be able to:
• identify bible stories, realistic stories for children, and biographer;
• distinguish the characteristics and values of bible stories, realistic stories for children, and
• give examples of bible stories, realistic stories for children, and biographer.
(10-15 mins.)
o The students will choose a representative who will be their speller (butt or head speller).
o The chosen representative will pick a piece of paper containing a secret word.
o Once the representative picked a word, he/she needs to spell it by moving her hips or
o Meanwhile, the other students must guess what is being spell out.
(Any correct guess of words is worth 2 points. )
The bible is the sacred book of Christians. It is the basis of the Christian religion. It consists
of the writing of the Old Testament and the New Testament. The old Testament has 37 books, the
New Testament, 27.
The bible tells a story with a special aim. The aim is to state the promise of God to Jesus;
to trace the influence of the promise upon our lives; to tell of the fulfillment of the promise in
Christ; and to show how the promise was extended to all men everywhere.
Values to children:
OLLCF is committed to provide dynamic, Vinzons Ave., Daet,Camarines Norte A locally responsible and globally
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ensure relevant and quality higher producing highly competent, morally
education accessible to all. upright, and productive citizenry.
Most of the stories in the Bible are excellent for ‘’telling’’ to children. They can be told in
language or words understandable by children, like the following examples:
In the beginning there was none of the beautiful things we see around us today. There
was no sun or moon. There was no stars, clouds and rainbows. There were no plants and animals
or people.
Then God made the world out of nothing. God only said a few word as he made the world
in just six days.
On the first day, God said, ‘’ Let there be light.’’ At once there was light. When the ngels
saw the wonderful light from Heaven, they came down with their harps and lutes. They sang hymns
praising God for his work.
On the second day, God said, ‘’ Let there be a sky above the waters.’’ At once the sky with
its clear blue color appeared above the waters. The angels came down again and to sing praise to
On the third day, God said ‘’ Let there be grass, herbs, and trees.’’ As soon as God had
spoken, the earth was covered with green grass. Different plants sprang from the earth. Some
bore fruits and vegetables, some bore different kinds of flowers of different colors. There were
different kinds of plants. There were short shrubs, climbing vines, crawling vines and tall trees with
wide-spreading branches heavy with fruit. The hills and mountains were covered with grass and
trees too.
On the fourth day, God told the sun to appear to brighten the world. He told the moon to
give the light after the sun had set. God covered the sky with stars.
On the fifth day, God said, ‘’ Let the waters be filled with fish, and let birds fly in the sky,’’
All kinds of fish and creatures with shell, huge and small ones filled the creeks, lakes, rivers, bays,
and oceans. God made all kinds of birds with brilliant colors.
Then the six day came. God said, ‘’ Let there be animals that walk and crawl in the earth.’’
There came elephants, tigers, carabaos, horses, goats, dogs, cats and others. There appeared too,
snakes, crocodiles, lizards. Different kinds of creatures appeared. On this day, God also created
Adam, the first man. God saw all things He created. He knew there were other things He had to
Once there was a pharaoh in Egypt who hated the Israelite people because they were
growing big in number. The pharaoh was afraid that one day the Israelites might live all over the
land and claim it their own. So he thought of a way to make them fewer. He made them slaves.
He made them work hard all day. He killed many of them.
Though many of the Israelites were killed, many Israelites babies was born. This made the
Pharaoh more angry. He thought of a very cruel idea. He ordered his soldiers to kill all the baby
OLLCF is committed to provide dynamic, Vinzons Ave., Daet,Camarines Norte A locally responsible and globally
excellent, and client-oriented services to Tel, Number 154-721-3254 competitive learning institution capable of
ensure relevant and quality higher producing highly competent, morally
education accessible to all. upright, and productive citizenry.
boys. So the soldiers went around the town and looked into all the homes for the baby boys and
killed them before their weeping mothers.
One Israelite mother thought of a way to save her baby boy. She hid her baby, and then
she began to weave a basket made of reeds. She wrapped her baby and put him in the basket.
Then she took the baby to the banks of the river. She hid the basket in the tall grass. She told her
daughter Miriam to watch from behind the thick grass. She said that the princess usually came to
the river to bathe.
Just then, the princess, daughter of the cruel pharaoh came with her attendants. As she
was wading in the water, she saw the basket. She called one of her attendants to look inside the
basket. To her surprise, she saw the baby boy. The attendant reminded the princess the Pharaoh’s
order to have all boys killed.
The baby began to cry. Miriam, the baby’s sister, came forward from where she was hiding
and stood near the princess.
“ I live in the village close by, your highness”, said Miriam. “ I have come to watch your
beautiful face”
“Do you know anyone who can take care of the baby?” the princess asked.
Miriam ran to her mother and brought her to the princess right away.
“Can you take care of the baby for me?” asked the princess.
The mother brought the baby, her own son, to her home and took care of him. The princess
came often to visit the little boy. The princess brought him nice things, clothes and food to eat.
As the boy grew up, his mother taught him about God. She taught him to love God. She
told him stories about Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
When the boy was six years old, the princess brought him to the palace. She gave him the
name, Moses, because he was taken out of the river. She ordered the best teacher to teach Moses
because she wanted Moses to become wise.
One day Moses saw an Israelite beaten to death by an Egyptian. The killing made Moses
very angry. In his rage, he killed the cruel Egyptian.
The pharaoh heard of what Moses has done and became very angry. The pharaoh ordered
his soldiers to put Moses to death.
OLLCF is committed to provide dynamic, Vinzons Ave., Daet,Camarines Norte A locally responsible and globally
excellent, and client-oriented services to Tel, Number 154-721-3254 competitive learning institution capable of
ensure relevant and quality higher producing highly competent, morally
education accessible to all. upright, and productive citizenry.
Moses learned about the pharaoh’s order. So Moses ran away to hide. He came to the
country of Miriam where he lived as s shepherd.
When King Saul was their ruler, the Israelites lived peacefully and happily in their rich
pasture lands. Suddenly, the Philistines, a very fierce and cruel people, declared war against them.
The Philistines, who did not believe in God, wanted the fertile lands of the Israelites. The Israelites
had a weapons or armors. They fled to the hills to hide from the enemies. The Philistines challenged
the Israelites to come down to the valley. The Philistines army had a giant soldier named Goliath.
Goliath was so huge and strong. Every Israelite was afraid of him. Goliath challenged the Israelites
and he shouted, “Send me your bravest man and I will fight him. If he skills me, we Philistines will
be your slaves “. But no one dared to challenge Goliath.
One day, the shepherd boy, David, happened to be in the camp of the Israelites. He had
come to deliver bread and cheese for the soldiers. The soldiers were sick and hungry. They thanked
David for the food he brought them.
Goliath stood in the middle of the valley and shouted his challenge to the Israelites to come
out and fight him. ‘’ Send me your bravest man to fight me. If he kills me, we Philistines will be
your slaves. If I kill him, you Israelites will be our slaves.’’ Goliath shouted.
When David heard this, he stood up and said, ‘’ Let me fight this boastful giant.
The Israelites were surprised that the little shepherd boy would dare fight a giant. Some
of them laughed. But David told them that he had killed a lion and a bear. King Saul himself
wondered how David could fight the giant whom everyone feared.
King Saul offered David his own sword, shield and helmet.
Instead of a soldier’s armor, David wore his shepherd garments. He brought his slingshot
and getting a stone from his pocket, put it in his sling. He swung his sling around and around,
faster and faster as he walked toward the giant Goliath. Then with one swift swing, he aimed
carefully at Goliath’s head. The stone whisked in the air and landed right between the giant’s eyes.
Goliath fell to the ground and lay very still. Then David went near and cut off Goliath’s head. The
Philistine fled in terror and did not come back anymore. The Israelites rejoiced and went back to
their home in the valley. They praised God and thanked the shepherd boy for bringing back peace
to their land.
A realistic story is a story that is convincingly true to life; that is the places, the people, the
action and motives seem both possible. It is a story in which everything that happens could happen.
OLLCF is committed to provide dynamic, Vinzons Ave., Daet,Camarines Norte A locally responsible and globally
excellent, and client-oriented services to Tel, Number 154-721-3254 competitive learning institution capable of
ensure relevant and quality higher producing highly competent, morally
education accessible to all. upright, and productive citizenry.
1. Children can identify themselves happily and profitably with the hero and/ or heroine of
the tale.
2. Give children an insight into real life situation.
3. Satisfy the need to belong.
4. Satisfy the need of love or beloved.
5. Satisfy the need to know.
6. Satisfy the need to achieve.
There once lived an old man and his wife. Their hut stood in wild and lonely place. Great
hills covered with trees rose behind the little home, and there was a beautiful lake in front.
The woodman and his wife were very poor, and they had to work all day. But they were
very happy because their little grandson, Sid stayed with them.
Sid was a merry little boy. He had big bright eyes. He was tall and strong, and loved to be
outdoors most of time.
He played in the forest, but he loved best the beautiful lake. He would lie on the shore and
looked over the water. How he wished he had a boat of his own. Then he would be able to row
out on the beautiful lake, and catch fish for supper.
At night, when he went to bed, he often dreamed he was fishing in the lake. He would find
a fortune in the lake.
One day, the old man broke his arm. He could no longer cut down the big trees in the
forest. He could not earn money to buy their food with. He was worried.
‘’Do not worry Grandpa, ‘’said Sid. ‘’ When I am big, I will find a fortune in the lake. Then
we shall no longer be poor. We shall have plenty to eat.
That night, Sid went to bed without supper, for there was no food in the hut. When he fell
asleep, he had a dream. A lovely lady came and stood beside him.
‘’ Because my grandma had nothing to give me,’’ he said. ‘’ But someday, when I am big,
I shall go fishing in the lake and find a fortune.’’
OLLCF is committed to provide dynamic, Vinzons Ave., Daet,Camarines Norte A locally responsible and globally
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education accessible to all. upright, and productive citizenry.
‘’ Go down to the lake and you will find a boat there,’’ said the lady.
When Sid awoke, he did not the lady’s words. So he went to his grandma who was a
sewing a shirt.
The old woman shook her head. ‘’But we have no boat,’’ said she.
Sid told her of his dream. His grandma wondered how he could go fishing. She let him go.
Sid ran to the lake and found a boat on the shore. He found a fishing rod in the bottom of
the boat, and it was ready for use. Sid threw the line into the water. After a few minutes, he pulled
his line, and he had caught a big fish. Sid shouted with joy at the catch he made. He ran back to
his grandma and shouted with joy.
The next day he told his Grandma he would go back to the lake again. He looked for his
fishing rod, but he could not find it. He saw a net lying in a corner of the boat. He picked up the
‘’ This net might bring me any fortune,’’ said he. He let the net down into the water. In a
very short time, his net became heavy. He pulled up his net and he found five oysters. He opened
them one by one with the knife he found in the boat. In one of the oysters, he found a large and
beautiful pearl. He remembered what his grandmother said that pearl were worth a great deal of
money. He wanted to get some oyster from the lake. They might have more pearls.
He worked until the sun went down. He had gathered a basketful of oysters. He opened
them all and he found nine more pearls.
He ran and shouted with joy. His shouts were heard by his grandpa and grandma. They
thought that Sid was in danger.
Sid shouted ‘’Look at what I brought you, grandma. My dreams came true.’’ He showed
the pearls to his grandma and grandpa.
They king will buy these pearls for his crown, and we will have money for the rest of our
lives,’’ they said.
Once upon a time there was little boy named Andrew. His father and mother brought him
from the old country when he was a tiny baby. Andrew had an Auntie Katherine and she came
from the old country too. She came on the large boat. She brought with her a large bag filled with
presents for Andrew. In a huge bag were a fine feather bed and a bright shawl and five founds of
poppy seeds. The fine feather bed was made from feathers of the old goose at home. It was to
keep Andrew warm when he took a nap. The bright shawl was for his auntie to wear when she
OLLCF is committed to provide dynamic, Vinzons Ave., Daet,Camarines Norte A locally responsible and globally
excellent, and client-oriented services to Tel, Number 154-721-3254 competitive learning institution capable of
ensure relevant and quality higher producing highly competent, morally
education accessible to all. upright, and productive citizenry.
went to market. The five pounds pf poppy seeds were to sprinkle on the little cake which her auntie
made every Saturday for him.
One lovely Saturday morning, Andrew’s aunties took some butter, some sugar, some flour
and some milk and seven eggs and she baked some nice little cakes. Then she sprinkled each cake
with some of poppy seeds which she had brought from the old country. While the nice little cakes
were baking, she spread out the fine feather bed on top of the big bed, for Andrew to take his nap.
Andrew did not like to take a nap. Andrew love to bounce up and down and up and down on his
fine feather bed. Andrew’s auntie took the nice little cakes out of the oven and put them on the
table to cool. Then she put on her bright shawl to go to market.
‘’ Andrew, ‘’she said, ‘’ please watch these cakes while you rest on your fine feather bed.
Be sure that the kitten and dog do not go near them.’’
But all Andrew really did was bounce up and down and up and down on the fine feather
Andrew’s auntie, in her bright shawl, hurried off to market. But Andrew kept bouncing up
in the air for the ninth time, he heard a queer noise that sounded like ‘’ hs-s-s-s’’ at the front door
of his house.
‘’ Oh what a queer noise,’’ cried Andrew. He jumped down off to the fine feather and
opened the front door. 5there stood a green goose that was a very cross and scolding as fast as
he could. He was wagging his head and was opening and closing his long red beak.
‘’ What do you want?’’ said Andrew. ‘’What do you want?’’. ‘’ What are you scolding about?’’
‘’ I want all the goose feather from your fine feather bed,’’ quacked the green big goose.
‘’ They are mine.’’ They are not yours,’’ said Andrew. ‘’ My auntie brought them with her
from the old country in a huge bag.
‘’ They are mine,’’ quacked the green goose. He waddle all over the fine feather bed and
tugged it with his long re beak.
‘’ Stop green goose!’’ said Andrew, ‘’ And I’ll give one of Auntie Katherine poppy seed
‘’ A poppy seed cake!’’ the green goose quacked in the delight. ‘’ I live nice little poppy
seed cakes! Give me one and you shall have your feather bed.
But one poppy seed cake could not satisfy the greedy goose. ‘’ Give me another,’’ said the
goose. Andrew gave the goose another poppy seed cake.
‘’ Give me another,’’ the green goose hissed and frightened Andrew nearly out of his wits.
Andrew give him another and another until the last poppy seed cake was gone. Just as the
poppy seed disappeared with the green goose, Andrew’s auntie appeared at the door.
‘’ Boo, hoo,’’ cried Andrew. ‘’ So the naughty green goose has eaten all the poppy seed
‘’ What? All my little nice poppy seed cakes?’’ cried Andrew’s auntie.
OLLCF is committed to provide dynamic, Vinzons Ave., Daet,Camarines Norte A locally responsible and globally
excellent, and client-oriented services to Tel, Number 154-721-3254 competitive learning institution capable of
ensure relevant and quality higher producing highly competent, morally
education accessible to all. upright, and productive citizenry.
The greedy goose tugged the fine feather bed again with his long red beak and started to
drag it to the door.
Andrew’s auntie ran after the green goose and just the there was a dreadful explosion.
The greedy goose who had stuffed himself with poppy seed cakes had burst and his feathers few
all over the room.
‘’ Well, well,’’ said Andrew’s auntie as the gathered up the pieces of the big green goose’s
feathers. ‘’ We soon shall have two fine feather pillows for your fine feather bed.’’
Lesson 3: Autobiographer
Autobiography is the story of a person’s life written by him. It is written from a person
memory of his past. In its pure form, an autobiography is an extensive true narrative of an
individual’s life, from infancy to date. It is written by the person himself in the first person, from
his own point of view, and in his own personal lifestyle. He writes about the events in his life with
an air of reappraisal or reevaluation. He has the freedom to express his personality and manners.
Among the various kinds of writers, only autobiographers feel the need to explain why they
are writing about their life.
Whatever the intention, the autobiographer tells only the truth, but he never tells everything.
He won’t tell all the truth, though, according to Eleonor Roosevelt, ‘’ Its hard for the autobiographer
to really tell the truth without hurting anyone but the more honest can be about yourself and
others, the more valuable what you have written well be in the future.
1. Early life history: birthday and place, names and ages of father, mother, brothers, sisters,
their occupation, language spoken and early childhood memories.
2. Health, height, weight, vision, hearing, sickness, accidents, handicaps, etc.
3. Education: school attended, scholastic attainment, subjects enjoyed best or excelled ion,
extra- curricular activities, leadership, positions held, interesting school experiences.
4. Leisure and Interest: hobbies, out of school activities, reading interest, sports, etc.
5. Other experience: work experience.
Values of Autobiography:
1. For information- One gets such information as the full name of writer, date of birth, and
other pertinent date needed.
2. For recreational reading- Reader gets vicarious experience from reading about the
experience of a writer.
OLLCF is committed to provide dynamic, Vinzons Ave., Daet,Camarines Norte A locally responsible and globally
excellent, and client-oriented services to Tel, Number 154-721-3254 competitive learning institution capable of
ensure relevant and quality higher producing highly competent, morally
education accessible to all. upright, and productive citizenry.
3. For inspiration to others- the experience of a writer may be help to others. An example
is Helen Keller’s The Story of Myself.
4. For self-justification- through reading autobiography you can justify a person, how he
became a poet, a writer, a hero, etc. and to give proof that he really deserves that title.
For example- Cardinal Newman’s Apologia pro Sora Vita (1864).
Examples of Autobiography:
Fernado Ma. Guerrero
One day, when I was 10 years old, I opened my father’s wardrobe, and in one of drawers
I found a notebook. On the last page there was a brief record written by my father about the birth
of his children.
Only then did I come to know that I was born in Ermita, on Calle Nueva, in a nipa house.
Which was the property of my maternal grandparents. In the same notebook, I found some other
details: that I was born on May 30, 1873 and was baptized at the Ermita Church.
One night, when I was a little older, I learned from my parents that I came into this world
under sad circumstances in the midst of a great thunder and lightning.
What I have not forgotten is my hatred for Spanish artillery men, and for any persons who
dared to flirt with an aunt of mine a sister of my mother, whe she would pass in front of the artillery
barracks in Calle Fundicion, Intramuros, on her way to the confessional. I looked with the flaming
and wide open eyes at these charangos or windbags. I pressed my lips together in anger and shook
my fists, while artillery men would laugh loudly at my boyish boldness and spirit. I was the five
years old.
I also remember other things. I remember that I liked to play being soldier, and above all
a sailor. I frantic with pleasure when my parents give a toy horse on which I madly was all over
the lower hall of our horse, but my joy is greater when one Christmas mother gave me for a gift
the complete uniform of a naval officer: a jacket of black bolt with gold epaulets and buttons and
others such as sword, to real medals.
When I was little older, I liked to play with small boats and built them. I was at once
commander and engineer of the boat. As I grew older, I noticed that my love of the sea did not
abate. Whenever my parents or relatives would ask me what I should like to be, I would always
answer:’’ Marine Engineer’’. When later they told me that to become a marine engineer, it would
be necessary to depart from the motherland, cross the ocean and study for eight years in Belgium,
I was truly frightened and gave up my dreams of a career on the sea.
But I continued to love the sea, on one Sunday after Mass, my father asked me if I liked
to learn swimming. But I was afraid. However, I was encouraged and we went. After a few days
learning how to swim, I learned in succeeded.
OLLCF is committed to provide dynamic, Vinzons Ave., Daet,Camarines Norte A locally responsible and globally
excellent, and client-oriented services to Tel, Number 154-721-3254 competitive learning institution capable of
ensure relevant and quality higher producing highly competent, morally
education accessible to all. upright, and productive citizenry.
Test 1.
Identification. Identify whether it is a bible stories, realistic stories or a biographer. Write TWICE
if it is a bible stories, ITZY if it is a realistic stories, and NMIXX if it is a biographer. Write your
answer in the space provided.
Test 2.
1-3. Examples of Bible Stories
4-5. Examples of Realistic Stories
OLLCF is committed to provide dynamic, Vinzons Ave., Daet,Camarines Norte A locally responsible and globally
excellent, and client-oriented services to Tel, Number 154-721-3254 competitive learning institution capable of
ensure relevant and quality higher producing highly competent, morally
education accessible to all. upright, and productive citizenry.