Art Apppp Midterm Exam1
Art Apppp Midterm Exam1
Art Apppp Midterm Exam1
2. Which aesthetic theory agrees that the Sydney Opera 13. Based on the video “Theories of Beauty” which of
house is beautiful because of its curvilinear shape like the following statements about beauty Dennis Dutton
giant shells rising above the harbor? does not believe in?
- Functionalism - beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
4. Which of the following is NOT a principle of beauty 15. Where do we form our set of values?
based on Aesthetic Formalism? - through reading literary types like poems,
- Simplicity essays, etc.
5. Which statement explains the application of the 16. When is a piece of artwork considered great?
aesthetic theory of hedonism in culinary art? - If it is conveys a message
- In culinary art, we appreciate the food not only
because it is nutritious, but more because it is 17. Which of the following is NOT a three-dimensional
delicious. Have you experienced this that when you form of art?
were eating lechon, you simply enjoyed the taste, and - wallpaper
never minded its cholesterol that might bring you high
blood and heart attack? 18. Which of the following functions of art uses visual
images to bring about political change?
-The Avante-Garde Art for political change.
6. Which of the following statements DOES NOT express
one of the assumptions of arts?
- Art regulate man’s behavior 19. Which of the following DOES NOT explain why arts
are called the humanities?
7. Which of the following is classified as an example of - why the arts are called the humanities. They bring out
minor arts? the good and the noble in us. Through the arts, we
- FILM come to know the changing image of man as he
journeys across time, searches for the reality, and strives
8. What do humanities emphasize? to achieve the ideals that create meaning for life.
- The dignity and worthiness of a man
20. Which of the following is NOT one of the main
9. Ancient Greeks believed that the human body is the points of modernist aesthetics? (ae is utilitarian)
most beautiful figure to present as an art and this ● Aesthetic experience is utilitarian
subject gave rise to the school of thought called nudism.
Which of the following factors affects the artist to create 21. Who was the philosopher who thought that the
a nude artwork? experience of beauty itself is not a sensuous experience
- Ideational but an intellectual one?
- Plotinus
10. Associated with the Greek philosopher Protagoras,
22. Why are the Paleolithic European cave paintings,
which quotation may be considered as an ancient
native American wood carvings are not really art
reference to humanistic studies in the Western World? according to some experts?
- “man is the measure of all things,” - because they were made by people before the
emergence of aesthetic experience.
11. What is the most basic relationship that the five
areas of art: visual arts, music, dance,
literature and drama are concerned with? 23. What theory of art defines art as one that has
- Skills didactic, political or therapeutic values?
- Functionalism
12. What is beauty according to Dennis Dutton?
- Denis Dutton has a provocative theory on beauty — 24. What is the important moral message of David
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that art, music and other beautiful things, far from Bailly’s Vanitas painting?
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