Differences in Learning Models of Problem Based Learning and NHT Cooperative Type With Card Media Assistance To Student Learning Outcomes and Activities in Naming Chemical Compounds

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Journal of Transformative Education and Educational Leadership INTERN

2019 Vol. 1 No. 1 18-22 January-June


Differences in Learning Models of Problem Based Learning

and NHT Cooperative Type with Card Media Assistance to
Student Learning Outcomes and Activities in Naming
Chemical Compounds
Siti Rohaniah Hasibuan 1 , *, Marini Damanik 2 and Hafni Indriati Nasution 2
Chemistry Teacher, Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2, Labuhan Batu Utara, Indonesia
Department of Chemistry, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, Medan 20221, Indonesia

Abstract Article Info

This research was conducted to find out the differences between the Keywords:
Problem Based Learning model and NHT cooperative learning model with Problem based learning
the help of card media on learning outcomes and student activities in NHT cooperative type
naming chemical compounds. The population in this study were all Card media
students of class X MIA SMA Negeri 5 Binjai. The research sample was Learning outcomes
taken 2 classes by purposive sampling. The instrument of this study is a Student activities
test of learning outcomes in the form of multiple choice totaling 20
questions. From the results of the study, for the experimental class 1
obtained the average value of the posttest was 82.916 and for the Article history:
experimental class 2 was 74.779. Hypotheses obtained t count > t table (2.664 > Received: 15 Februari 2019
2.014) which means Ha is accepted. Assessment of student activities seen Accepted: 4 Mei 2019
from the experimental class 1 got an average of 76,822 and experimental
class 2 was 66,927. Hypotheses obtained t count > t table , (4.014 > 2.014) which
means that Ha is accepted. Then in the test of the correlation between
learning outcomes and student activity obtained t count experimental class 1 =
0.681 and experimental 2 rcount = 0.701 while rtable is 0.404. Because rcount >
rtable , Ha is accepted. It can be concluded that there are differences in
learning outcomes and student activities that are taught by the Problem
Based Learning model with card media compared to student learning
outcomes taught through the NHT type cooperative learning model with
card media and there is a positive correlation between student learning
outcomes and activities.

Introduction matter. One of the right ways to invite students to

be more active is Problem Based Learning (PBL)
Chemical learning is a compulsory subject in and cooperative Type Numbered Heads Together
high school. According to Hutasuhut [1], the high (NHT) learning models. The use of problem-based
school chemistry subject matter is chemical learning in chemistry is steadily increasing. The
compounds. The chemical compounds is subject common features of students often feel that they
matter that is theoretical. This results in boredom are all working on the same problem and can
in students towards subject matter there by
produce different learning outcomes even similar
reducing students' interest in learning. The teacher products which assess the same way [2,3].
should apply learning methods and approaches PBL is a learning strategy by exposing students
that can improve the ability, interest and active to practical problems as a foothold in learning or
participation of students in receiving a subject
in other words so students learn through
presenting problems [4]. In the study of
*Corresponding author:
Siti Rohaniah Hasibuan; Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2; Wasonowati et al [5] showed that the learning
[email protected] process in terms of student activities, learning
Differences in learning models of problem based learning and NHT cooperative type with card media assistance to student learning
outcomes and activities in naming chemical compounds

outcomes in the realm of knowledge, attitudes, and tabulated, the average, standard deviation and
skills of students with PBL models equipped with variance obtained from the posttest data from the
LKS in the application of the 2013 curriculum was experiment class 1 and experiment class 2 such as
categorized as good [6]. Oktaviana's research et al Table 2 and Fig 1.
[7], the application of constructivism learning
approaches through PBL can improve students' Table 1
thinking skills and learning achievements in the Research design
material solubility and solubility results [8]. Class Pretest Treatment Posttest
NHT is a series of material delivery using Experiment 1 T1 X T3
groups as a container in uniting students' Experiment 2 T2 Y T4
perceptions/ thoughts of questions raised or Information:
submitted by the teacher, which accounted by X1: Treatment given to experiment I is Problem Based
students according to the teacher's request Learning (PBL) with Card media.
number from each group [9,10]. One way to X2: The treatment given to the experiment II was cooperative
improve the learning process and learning results learning NHT type with Card media.
is to use the NHT learning strategy [11]. Chemistry T1: Provision of initial test (pre-test) in experiment class I
before teaching is given based on Problem Based
learning with the NHT type cooperative method Learning (PBL) with Card media.
resulted in higher learning achievement. Other T2: Provision of the initial test (pre-test) in the experiment
research results of Kusumawardani et al [12], it class II before teaching is given based on NHT type
was obtained that the application of NHT with a cooperative learning with Card media.
circle of buffers can increase the motivation, T3: Giving the final test (post-test) in the experiment class I
after being given teaching based on Problem Based
achievement, and affective learning outcomes. Learning (PBL) with Card media.
Card media is a good educational tool for T4: Giving the final test (post-test) in the experiment
learning materials [13]. The use of card media in class II after teaching is given based on the NHT
the chemistry composition nomenclature material Cooperative learning type with Card media
can increase the number of students, national
examination value, and student learning outcomes.
Based on the description above, the purpose of Table 2
this study is to find out whether there are Average, standard deviation, and post-test data variance
differences in student chemistry learning outcomes Class
Posttest Standard
and student activity taught through the PBL and Average Deviation
NHT cooperative model using media cards Experiment 1 82.916 7.649 58.514
compared. Knowing whether learning activities
Experiment 2 74.791 10.578 111.911
have a correlation with student learning outcomes.

This research was conducted at 5 Binjai Public
High School in March-April 2017 in the X semester
of even semester 2016/2017. The method of
sampling in this study is by Purposive Sampling,
namely sampling with certain considerations. One
class is used as the experiment class I (X MIA 1)
which is given teaching using PBL Learning with
card media, while the other class is used as the
experiment class II (X MIA 2) which is taught
using the NHT type cooperative learning model
with media cards at Binjai Public High School 5.
Fig 1. Student chemistry learning outcomes
The research design is showed on Table 1. The
instrument used in this study is a test instrument
in the form of an objective test in the form of Test requirements for data analysis include
multiple choices. posttest normality test and posttest homogeneity
test. Normality testing found that the posttest of
Results and Discussion the two sample groups had normal data or X 2count <
X2table at a significant level of 0.05 and N = 24 for
Based on the data of student learning outcomes experimental class 1 and experimental class 2. The
obtained in this study and after the data is
20 Hasibuan et al.

results of the posttest normality test of the two Furthermore, a relationship test was conducted,
classes are as follows Tabel 3. namely to see the relationship between activity
and student learning outcomes. Based on the
Table 3 calculation obtained rabel at α = 0.05 (N = 24) is
Data normality test. equal to 0.404. To test the PBL model with the
Data X2count X2table Conclusion media obtained at 0.681, because r count > r table
Postest experiment class 1 9.020 11.07 Normal (0.681> 0.404) then there is a study relationship to
Postest experiment class 1 5.361 11.07 Normal student learning outcomes. Furthermore, to test
1 the NHT type learning model with the media
obtained at 0.701, because r count > r table (0.701>
The calculation results for the homogeneity test 0.404) then it has to do with research related to
for the posttest of the two classes are said to be student learning outcomes.
homogeneous if the price of Fcount < Ftable at the
significance level α = 0.05 can be seen in Table 4.
After it is known that the data are normally Discussion
distributed and homogeneous, hypothesis testing The discussion of the study showed from tabel
can be done using statistical tests, namely the t 2 shows that the average student learning
test. From the data distribution t obtained t table = outcomes learned with the PBL model with card
2.014 while based on the calculation obtained the media are higher than the average student learning
price of tcount = 2.664. This means that there are outcomes which are taught by the NHT type
differences in student learning outcomes taught learning model with the media Card. This is in line
through the PBL model with card media compared with the research of Pasaribu [12] which states
to student learning outcomes taught through the that the chemical results of the nomenclature of
NHT type cooperative learning model with card chemical compounds can be increased by using
media. card media.
Then the average value of activities obtained by
students for each class (Experiment class 1 and
Experiment class 2) can be seen in Table 5 and Fig

Table 4
Sample homogeneity test.
Data Class S2 Fcount Ftable Information
Eksperiment 1 58.514
Postest Eksperimen 2 111.911 1.91 2.02 Homogeneity

Table 5
Average assessment of student activity. Fig 2. Average assessment of student activity
Domain Class Average
The average assessment of student activity was
Student Activity Experiment 1 76,822 obtained for experimental class 1 amounting to
Experiment 2 66,927 76.822 for experimental class 2 of 66.927. Based
on the hypothesis test obtained from the
After knowing the average data of student distribution data t obtained t table = 2.014. While
activities, hypothesis testing can be done by using based on the calculation obtained t count = 4.014,
a statistical test, namely the t test. From the data meaning that there are differences in student
distribution t obtained t table = 2.014 while based on learning activities taught through PBL models with
the calculation obtained the price of t count = 4.014. media cards compared to student learning
It means there are differences in student learning outcomes taught through cooperative learning
activities taught through the PBL model with Card models NHT type with card media. This is in
media compared to student learning outcomes accordance with Suryani and Agung's research [14]
taught through the NHT Cooperative learning stating that cooperative learning can improve the
model with media card. ability to cooperate, socialize and curiosity of
students when the learning process takes place.

Journal of Transformative Education and Educational Leadership

Differences in learning models of problem based learning and NHT cooperative type with card media assistance to student learning
outcomes and activities in naming chemical compounds

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Journal of Transformative Education and Educational Leadership

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