WLP - English 5 - Q1 - W1
WLP - English 5 - Q1 - W1
WLP - English 5 - Q1 - W1
B. Directions: Examine the forms below and then identify each. Pick your
from the choices inside the box. Write it on your answer sheet.
2 • fill out forms Filling out Forms C. Directions: Examine closely the completed (filled out) forms and the Learning Task No. 2:
accurately and Accurately required
• appreciate the (school forms, information that was supplied in each form. Using a Venn diagram, write (This task can be found on
importance of filling deposit slips, and down the page ____)
out forms accurately withdrawal slips) similarities and differences of the forms based on the required information in
it out. Do this on your answer sheet.
D. A deposit slip is a small paper form that a person includes with a bank
deposit to show how much money he or she is putting in a bank account. It
the deposit date, name and bank account number of the depositor, and the
to be deposited in the form of checks or cash, and the signature of the
Specifically, a person who deposits or places money in a bank account is
a depositor.
How to Fill out a Deposit Slip
1. First, write your name and bank account number.
2. Then, supply additional details, such as transaction date and any branch
information required.
3. List the cash amount breakdown of your deposit and the total amount
4. Affix your signature over printed name found on the lower part of the
On the other hand, a withdrawal slip is a small paper form which has to be
filled out before making a withdrawal of money from a bank. After filling out
the bank
slip, a person signs on it in the presence of a bank teller. A bank teller is an
of the bank whose job is to help bank customers with their banking needs,
such as
depositing checks or cash or making a withdrawal.
How to Fill out a Withdrawal Slip
1. First, write your name and the date.
2. Then, write the desired amount of your withdrawal in words and in figures.
3. Finally, affix your signature on the signature line found on the form, but do
this only until a bank teller can witness you signing it.
3 • fill out forms Filling out Forms E. Directions: Fill out a withdrawal slip using the suggested information found Learning Task No. 3:
accurately and Accurately in the
• appreciate the (school forms, box. Use the form provided to you. (This task can be found on
importance of filling deposit slips, and page ____)
out forms accurately withdrawal slips)
4 • fill out forms Filling out Forms F. Directions: Read the selection about Ana and her Grandma. Help your Learning Task No. 4:
accurately and Accurately friend, Ana,
• appreciate the (school forms, by completing the withdrawal slip for her grandma. Use the form provided to (This task can be found on
importance of filling deposit slips, and you. page ____)
out forms accurately withdrawal slips)
5 • fill out forms Filling out Forms G. Assessment Answer the Evaluation that
accurately and Accurately Directions: You have a savings bank account and you want to put an amount can be found on page _____.
• appreciate the (school forms, of
importance of filling deposit slips, and 2, 000 pesos into it, with the following cash breakdown: two five hundred-
out forms accurately withdrawal slips) peso bills
and ten one hundred-peso bills. Using the bank account number 0344- 5555-
complete a cash deposit slip. Fill out the form provided to you.