Computer Studies Grade 8-9: Read These Instructions First

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Grade 8-9
You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams, graphs or rough working.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.

Answer all questions.

No marks will be awarded for using brand names of software packages or hardware.
At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

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SECTION A [15 MARKS] Answer ALL the questions

1 Which of the following statements is not true about a computer?

A It processes instruction faster than a human being.
B A machine that makes our work difficult.
C It is made up of software and hardware.
D It is an intelligent machine.

2 A component that processes data in a computer is called........

A Monitor
B Power house
C Central Processing Unit
D Printer

3 In place of a mouse, many laptops use a ...

A Optical drive
B touchpad
C laser pointer
D touchscreen

4 A combination of 1s and 0s by which the computer reads data is known as...

A signals
B codes
C bits
D encryption

5 The following are input devices except…

A sensors
B Remote Control
C Headsets
D Microphone

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6 Which of the following is true about ROM?
A It is temporal storage
B It is inserted via USB port
C It is volatile in nature
D Data on it cannot easily be altered

7 Identify the output device shown?

A Printer
B Scanner
C Sensor
D Projector

8 Which of the following options is the most secure password?

A ginger1234
B 4thJuly1993
C Xc421?N2
D x,3t

9 A scam that tricks the computer user into sending personal and financial information through
email is known as…

A Defrauding
B phishing
C hacking

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D cyber theft

10 When you switch on a computer that was off, it is known as…

A Reboot
B cold boot
C warm boot
D shadowing

11 ...Is used to move the insertion point to the next line in a Word Processing Software.
A Tab key
B Enter Key
C Backspace key
D Alt key

12 Hard disks belong to the category of software known as ...

A Semiconductor chips
B Magnetic disks
C Magnetic tapes
D Optical disks

13 Highlighting means selecting a certain text for formatting. How can you highlight the whole text
using a keyboard?
A Ctrl button + A
B Ctrl button + U
C Ctrl button + C
D Ctrl button + Z

14 Which of the following might be contained on the computer motherboard?

A Floppy disk

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D Keyboard

15 A software package obtained without licence is said to be...

A Shared
B Duplicated
C Original software
D Pirated


There are fifteen (15) questions in this section.
Answer all the questions in this section by using one word or a short phrase.
Write all your answers in the Answer Booklet provided.

16 A ... is a pattern of lines on a product label that is used to identify and describe it.

17 To move a text in a word processor by deleting it from one part of the document and placing
it on another you ... and ...

18 ... is the amount of information that can be transmitted over a communication channel at a
given time.

19 A ... is a socket on the CPU into which Peripheral device are plugged.

20 A ... prevents unwanted signals from entering the Ethernet

21 When using an ATM to pay for goods you will be first asked to confirm your identity by typing
in your ...

22 ... is the making of data unreadable during transmission over a network.

23 A device that links computers to a telephone network by converting analog signals to digital
is called ...

24 A file that has been accidentally deleted on a computer can be recovered from ...

25 To protect computers from malicious programs which may delete or change information, it is
important to install ... on a computer.

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26 The process of entering a username and a password to gain access to a computer system is
called ...

27 A hard copy image can be converted into soft copy by using an input device called a ...

28 Files kept in case the originals are lost are known as ...

29 ... is a process by which a user can burn a title to a CD or DVD.

30 The term ... refers to cases where a user watches digital video content and/or digital audio
content over the internet without downloading it.

31 When something is stored on the ..., it means it is stored on servers on the internet instead of
on your computer.

32 Staring at the computer for long periods can cause a health problem known as ...

33 A used to locate information quickly on the internet, especially if one does not know the
web address

34 What device is commonly used to detect pencil marks by reflecting light on them and is used
to mark Grade 7 examinations by the Examination Council of Zambia? …..


There are four (4) questions in this section.

Answer all the questions in the Answer Booklet provided.

35 Study the diagrams shown below and answer the questions that follow.


a) Identify storage devices A, B and C shown above? [3]

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b) A company has decided to produce some educational software. Give two (2) reasons
why the company has decided to save the software on storage device A rather than B?
c) Distinguish between RAM from ROM? [2]

36 Thompson General Hospital has decided to connect all their computers to a Local Area
Network (LAN)
a) What is a computer network? [1]
b) Give three (3) advantages of having computers connected to a network for an
organisation such as Thompson Hospital? [3]
c) Computers are used in a variety of situations in our day to day lives. Identify
three (3) uses of embedded or dedicated computers for a large hospital such as
Thompson Hospital? [3]

37 ICT security refers to the defense necessary to wade off threats imposed on ICT resources

a) Identify three (3) measures you should take to protect your data from external
physical threats [2]

b) Explain three (3) signs that your computer may be infected by a virus? [3]

38 Increased computer use has resulted in a number of innovations in various sectors of

society including education and business.
a) Explain the following terms
i. Computer based learning (CBL) [2]
ii. E Commerce [2]
b) Explain (2) benefits of using electronic services as opposed to using physical
cash to do your transactions? [2]
TOTAL Marks [60]

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