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Shinhan Bank India HOUSING LOAN APPLICATION FORM Mumbai Branch New Delhi Branch Unit No 00, Gr Fi Peninsula Tower, Zand & 3d foot, D5, Peninsula Corporate Par, Ganpatrao Kadam Marg, | South Extension Pat-2, Ring Ros, Lower Parl, Mumbai 400013. New Deh 10089 Tels 072 6199 2000 Tess071 4500400 Fx 022 6199 2010 Faxcov 45004855 Exmall operationsmum@shinhancom | Email: operations del @shinhan.com Ahmedabad Branch Shapath V, Fist Flor Unit 2 and 3, Beside Crowne Pars Hot, (pp Karnavati Cu SS Roa, ‘Ahmedabad ~ 280005. Tels 079-7197 0400 Fax: 079-7117 0444 ‘Email operation ahd@stinhancom Kanchipuram Branch Survey No: 68/441, B No: 101A, Bangalore Highway Road, ‘Thanéalam Vilage, Sriperumbadur Taluk Kanehipuam, Dist ~ 602105 Tels 04 67144400 / Fax 44 6714 444 E-mail: [email protected] Range Reddy Branch SUN Terminus, 1s Floor, Survey No. 133, ‘eehibowl, Seriingsrpally Manca, Ranga Rey Dist, ‘eangana- 500032. Tet: 040 6635 2000 / ax: 040 6635 2020, mal: operations @shinhan com Website: htpsfnshinhanglobalcom Pune Branch round Foor, Red Building Plot No 2, Galaxy Society, oat Cub Road, Pune - 411001 Maharashtra india Tel-020 670¢ 0400 {Fax 020 67040810 E-mail: operationspune@sinkan com Extend Your Financial Network™ Se Shinhan Bank HOUSING LOAN APPLICATION FORM v To, Shinhan Bank, Date: Branch We request you to grant melus @ Housing Loan of Rs, (Rupees. ) {or purchase of residential houseitakeover of housing loan. The detalls on the type of loan are given below: Loan Type: C1 Purchase of Residential Home Dy Takeover of Loan ‘The information required to process the application is given below. Please read the instructions ‘carefully prior submiting the information, PARTICULAR ‘APPLICANT ‘CO-APPLICANT + Please writein Block Letters Please paste passport size, latest, color | Please paste passport size, lates, color photoandsign across photoand sign across + Alldetails information must be filed in. tfnotapplicable writeNA + Inorderto process your application, {ensure to submit all the information along with the required supporting documents Please keop one set of photocopy of the documents (including application form) before submitting to Shinhan Bank + Shinhan Bank reserves the rightto roject the application form after assigning reason inwrting etouc 1__ | Please write all the information in BLOCK LETTER, 2 | Pinas donot overwre rouse coetan fui lease cael andrews wih die auton 3_| Tok Filinte box wherever pide. 4 [ At ets is eas poe wre NAT nt appeal | Pane a spleen eppenion rn nares move Wan ane Gr aplcnerh an 6 Please ensure fetal he docu ar al-tested by te epic [sssred | See i) Fad pin om eh Preaek 0s) Fad pan om harsh ax Pol ANG Ppt ad aC ‘anos ANG apa Cr Residence Poof Pasepo, Voter Card Daving Licence, Aadhar Car, Uy Bil | Reslerce Poo Passpe.VeerD Card Dring Linon, Rasher Car, Lit il (Pscvely Bl, Telephone Bl Max's Mente) Leave & Lisence Agreement {Pactiety Bt Teaprone Bax Mart) Leave & eres Agreement. Eaeatioal Qualilston Pret (Latest Dag Eaycatonal Qualicaon Prot -Lalest Degree (or Protessonals) Latest’ Months Slay Si Cerifeat & Acceiable Proc cousins exstecealng wih Business Profi Form 16forest2 years 53 year ncome Tax ens (St & Business) wth Prof Loss Acaur & nance Shas dy eatietaudtos by Chartered Accotant Las 06 month Bank Statements (Salary ASU) Last 06 months bank Account Stemi Procesing Fee Chea in evour of Srinhan Bark Ud” Processing Fee Oneque in avour of Stnhan Bark Li™ (Processing Feet Net Aocepabe in Ces) (Processing Fees Not Rozepable in Cash) Potaony of Tile Duman ofthe Proper, Aporoved Pane Photocopy of Tle Document ofthe Proper, Approved Planet ‘A documents have obese tested CCR UCU one Se Shinhan Bank C PART | PERSONAL AND EMPLOYMENT DETAILS Ee Applicant CIE No. LTT TTT TLL co. appicant cif Nol TTT TTT TT) =< For Bank use only oe Ces seamen Tile MeL) Ms.(_) M's] Others MeL) Ms.(_) Mis] Otners First Name Middle Name Last Name Date of Bith Gender Father's / Husband's Name Marital Status For Existing Customers Male [Female | |Tranegender Male (Female | |Tranegender Single | |Maried | |Dvorced | Widow Single | Married | |DWworced | Wicow Nationality” Irena PAN Card ‘Aadhar No, ‘otners Ieslnaia PAN Card Agha No. ‘others (Current Resident Address Permanent Residant Address ‘Address for Communication Phone Number Email 1D Existing Residence Eucational Qualification No of devendent Occupation children Salaried omers Self Employed children Salaried otners Self Employed Employer's Name and Address Designation of Applicant No of years of completed service Details of immediate ‘employmentBusiness ‘etals (Name / Address) ‘Total Work Experience Years Incase of Set Professional Name of Business "Nature of Business / Profession Address No yearsin Business?Profession Contact dat Extend Your Financial Network™ Se Shinhan Bank pee ¢ PART Il FINANCIAL DETAILS ) ere) (orc a Particulars Amount (Rupees) | Particulars Amount (Rupees) | Expenses Details (Monthly) | Particulars Amount (Rupees) | Particulars Amount (Rupees) Assets Information Paniculars Amount (Rupees) | Particulars Amount (Rupees) sete ae eee 2. Loans from Relatives / Particulars Amount (Rupees) | Particulars Amount (Rupees) Friends (i any) Name of relative Name of relative ‘3. Loans from Relatives / Paniculars Amount (Rupees) | Particulars Amount (Rupees) Friends (it any) Loan amount Loan amount ae Si ee eee ere) eas ae, SS Extend Your Financial Network™ Se Shinhan Bank > Sto PART Il FINANCIAL DETAILS ‘APPLICANT, (CO-APPLICANT information of Existng Banking Facity with Shinhan Bank I you are existng customer of Shinhan Bank, pravide the folowing information Ifyou ara existing customer of Shinhan Bank previ the folowing information Branch Detale Branch Detale “Type of account Curent Saving Type of account-Current/ Saving ‘Account No Account No No of years banking No of years banking win Shinhan Bank wit Shinhan Bank Existing lacy avaled Existing faclity avaleg “Type of Facity Type of Facity “Amount Sanctioned ‘Amount Sanctioned Details of charges Please refer our website: hps:/n.shinhanglobal.com, for detalis on charges and feos. (Ge. processing foes, repayment charges and other enarges, any) XL PART Ill LOAN DETAILS - ioe NEW PURCHASE ( ) EXISTINGHOME( ) / TAKEOVER OF EXISTING LOAN( ) Estimate of funds required Details of estimated funds required Estimate of funds required trom Shinhan Bank Paficulare ‘Amount (Rupees) Total Purchase Pre of Property Incidental Coss in elaton to purchase Total Funds required for purchase Estimate of eouroae of Funds Details of estimated sources of funds Particulars ‘Amount (Rupees) “Total Cost ft Property (As above) ‘Own Contbtion ‘Sour. “Amount of loan require from Bank Details of Loans Particulars ‘Amount (Rupees) Loan requested from Bank: Rupees Maximum Tenod Tem Prefered Rate of Interest Fixed Rate / Floating Rato Pre 14 EMI (For R.t Lake) Security offered Deduction of monthly EMI by (Gelect the appicabie option) 1. Standing instructions | 2. Electronic Clearance Service (ECS) 43, Poet Dates Cheque (POC) Extend Your Financial Network™ Se Shinhan Bank PART IV DETAILS OF PROPERTY TO BE PURCHASED TAKENOVER, 4 Adress of Proposed Property ype Residental Society / Aparment/ Bungalow ‘rea ot Propery/ Fiat | utup: carpet Ownership Type sole] vont] Name of Present Owner Proposed Ownersname | 4 2 SOURCING FM Name AM Employee Io: sa: Branch Wak in Customers: [ves [No others: PART V DECLARATION FROM APPLICANT COAPPLICANT We deciare that all the particulars and information given in the application form are tue, corect and complete and updated in all respects and /We have not withheld any information wile making ths application 2. We confirm that there are no insalvency proceedings against me/us nor have LWe ever been adjudicated ineolvent and futher conim that We have read thoterms and conditions applicable otis loan and understood the contons. 3, Ue understand and agree thatthe processing lees are non-relundable and my/our application being reected bythe Shinhan Bank for ary sason whatsoever, or the same being withdrawn by me, LWe shallnotbe entitled farrefund ofthe same ether in partor intl 4. lamMWe are aware that the repayments are by way of Equated Monthy instalments (EMls) comprising principal and interest and are caleulated onthe basis of anthiy interests 15. (We confirm having read the terms and conditions governing the leans from Shinhan Bank. |am/We are applying for a lan to acquire the property forown use and notfor speculative purpose 6. IWeacknowledge thatthe Shinhan Bank remains entitled to assign any activities to any third party agency atts ole cfscetion. We further ‘acknowledge the right of the Shinhan Bank to provide details of myiour account fo tha party agencies for te purpose of availing suppor Services of any nature by the Bank, without any specific consentor authorisation fom melus 7. we nave read, understood and acknowledge and agree that Shinhan Bank may refer my/our name to creireferencing agencyries andor ‘make sich references and enquiries as they may consider necessary. We hereby authorize to discose such information relating to mylour Credit facity to such panties as domed necessary at the sole discretion of the Shinnan Bank Furher, (We have read, understood ‘acknowledge and agree that a request and demand from any authorty under the statutory Iaw wil be mandatorly complied with by the ‘Shinhan Bank. Signature of Applicant Signature of Co-Applicant Name, Name. Place, Place. Date, Date. CCR UCU one Extend Your Financial Network™ Extend Your Financial Network™

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