Supartini 2020 IOP Conf. Ser. Earth Environ. Sci. 478 012070
Supartini 2020 IOP Conf. Ser. Earth Environ. Sci. 478 012070
Supartini 2020 IOP Conf. Ser. Earth Environ. Sci. 478 012070
Abstract. This research aimed to analyze fertility, survival rate and egg weight of
Native chicken with Mung bean sprout and acidifier supplementation in feed. This
research was conducted in 50 days, from July to August, 2019. This is an in vivo
research which used 12 months old of Native chicken, consisted of 24 roosters with
average body weight of 2.29 ± 0.23 kg and 96 hens with average body weight of 2.24
± 0.25 kg. The roosters were choosen from minimum fertility category of 40%. The
factorial design used feed formulation with 17% level of crude protein and the
average of metabolic energy of 2804 kkal/kg, with 48 hours germination of Mung
bean sprout and acidifer supplementation. The supplementation level of Mung bean
sprout were 0% and 1.8%, and the supplementation level of acidifer were 0%; 0.6%;
and 1.2%. The roosters and hens were then grouped into 24 groups of mating with 1
roster and 4 hens proportion, then fed by treatment feed in 15 days. The semen was
collected from all roosters by using a teaser female method with artificial cloaca, and
directly inseminated to all hens which were on the group. Each egg from the groups
was collected everyday within 5 days, then put into an incubator and then repeated
twice using the second incubator for 2 days after the first incubator operated. The
data was collected and analyzed by ANOVA, and continued with Tukey test, if there
was a significant impact. The result showed that there was no significant increase on
fertility level, survival rate and egg weight along with the increased feed
consumption and better conversion. It can be concluded that feed treatment did not
gave a direct impact to this research parameters, but was likely implicated to the
inseminated semen quality and increased the feed palatability. It is recommended to
scale up the level of Mung bean sprout and acidifier supplement in feed to optimize
and to control the non research parametric factors.
1. Introduction
Native chicken is known as Indonesian indigenous chicken which population significantly
increases. The national statistic bureau recorded in 2017, the Native chicken population were
294.2 millions, it increased more than 40 million or 3,10% within 8 years. This was a great
development for Native chicken, as reported by Iskandar et al. [1] that on average 10 heads
of Native chicken are owned by a farmer household and it has potential to increase up to 20–
150 heads per farmer household. Supported by Zulkarnaen [2] research that reported 21.5
million of farmer households in all over Indonesia are Native chicken owners.
This is a great opportunity to develop Native chicken, but it is still threatened by a low
productivity caused by its fertility that has not been optimimum yet. The fertility factors of
chicken stated by Rukmana (2003) are (1) sperm quality; (2) feed quality; (3) hormones; (4)
ligt response; (5) mating age; and (6) heritability. Suprijatna et al. [3] added on his report that
sex ratio mating was the fertility factors of chicken too. Based on those factors, a great effort
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The 4th Animal Production International Seminar IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 478 (2020) 012070 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/478/1/012070
to optimize the chicken fertility is by developing the chicken management, especially in feed
and reproductive management. This means optimizing the sperm quality, feed quality,
hormones, and mating age are essential, as stated by Wijayanti et al. [4] that Native chicken
can get an optimum productivity and fertility genetically if they meet good feed. So, the
solution is by using artificial insemination with a better quality of semen from the roosters
which were fed by quality feed.
Quality feed is the feed formulated from abundant and inexpensive available ingredients
composed of nutritions needed by chicken, such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, amino acids,
vitamins and minerals. Those nutritions according to Suprijatna et al. [3] are the nutrition
needed by chicken and carbohydrates as the main energy source and fats as the reserve
energy source. Bell and Weaver [5] reported that chicken can live, grow and reproduce well
when they got enough nutrition and energy source from their feed. In order to reproduce well,
Rukmana [6] suggested that the chicken feed must meet the energy and protein needs with
high vitamin E to preserve semen quality. Mustafa et al. [7] research reported that fermented
feed combination with multienzymes and vitamin E could significantly increase the semen
macroscopic quality but not significantly impacted to semen microscopic quality of Arabian
roosters. Basyri [8] defined that vitamin C added on Native chicken feed could increase
semen concentration and spermatozoa motility which decreased the percentage of
spermatozoa abnormality.
Based on the research the need to get abundant and inexpensive alternative feed
ingredients which were composed with carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals and vitamin C
becomes important. It leads to Mung bean sprouts as feed ingredients of Native chicken feed.
Mung bean sprouts is the germination of mung bean. Anggrahini [9] stated that germination
of Mung bean could increase the nutrition composition, such as proteins and vitamins, also
reduce the antinutrition contain. During the germination, starch is changed into small parts of
maltosa by amilase enzyme (alpha and beta amilase) and the fats are hydrolized into
digestible fatty acids [10]. One of the method to optimize the Mung bean sprouts as feed
ingredients is by combining it with other feed ingredients, that have similar beneficial
potential, and one of them is acidifier.
Acidifier is an organic acid as feed additive [11]. Organic acid as feed additive, is cell
metabolism compound with low toxicity [12]. As a result, organic acids can effectively
increase nutient absorption as reported by Soltan [13]. Based on this benefit, the combination
of acidifier and mung bean sprouts as feed ingredients for Native chicken feed is interesting
to study, in order to optimize the fertility and productivity of Native chicken. Accordingly,
the research needed to be done to analyze fertility, survival rate and egg weight of Native
chicken with acidifier and Mung bean sprouts supplementation in feed.
The 4th Animal Production International Seminar IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 478 (2020) 012070 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/478/1/012070
x 170 cm) with feeders, waterers, and wood-shavings during the experimental period; digital
weight scale; artificial cloaca; spuit; knife; and 2 units semi-automotic incubators with 50
eggs capacity.
Roosters and hens were grouped into 24 groups of mating with 1 rooster and 4 hens
proportion, then fed by treatment feed in 15 days. Semen was collected from all roosters
using a teaser female method with an artificial cloaca as confirmed by Iswati et al. [14]
method, i.e. semen collection was done in a way feathers around the cloaca could be shaven,
the area around the cloaca was cleaned from dirt with a tissue soaked with disinfectant.The
rooster was then fitted in a artificial cloaca tube as an artificial vagina and brought closer to
the hen and the rooster would climb the hen and in a few seconds the ejaculation of semen
occured and it was collected in the artificial cloaca tube, and directly inseminated to all the
hens in the group. Each egg from the groups was collected everyday within 5 days, then put
into an incubator, and was then repeated twice using the second incubator within 2 days after
first incubator operated. The data was collected and analyzed by ANOVA, and continued
with Tukey test, if there was a significant impact.
Figure 1. Rooster and the artificial cloaca Figure 2. Hen artificial insemination
The 4th Animal Production International Seminar IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 478 (2020) 012070 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/478/1/012070
depend on size, age, breed, physiological status, activity, health, temperature, growth rate,
balanced nutrition and energy level of feed, as stated by Widodo [18].
Table 1. Data research result
Research Average Daily Feed Average Egg
Fertility Survival Rate
Code Consumption (g/head) Weight (g/egg)
A0G0 100.8978 ± 9.2107 50.00% 75.00% 30.50± 0.71
A0G1 111.7454 ± 4.6943 62.50% 80.00% 33.00± 2.83
A1G0 106.7917 ± 4.3084 50.00% 75.00% 34.50± 0.71
A1G1 107.1694 ± 0.2986 68.75% 81.82% 34.50± 0.71
A2G0 102.2745 ± 1.6681 87.50% 85.71% 35.50± 0.71
A2G1 110.7311 ± 1.9467 93.75% 93.33% 42.50± 3.54
AVERAGE 106.6016 ± 0.1284 68.75% 81.81% 35.08 ± 1.53
Note: A: acidifier level (0 = 0%; 1 = 0.6%; 2 = 1.2%); G: germinatedmung bean level (0 = 0%; 1 =
The impact of the increasing value of daily consumption averageis the increasing of
fertility, survival rate and average egg weight as shown in table 1. But, this increase value
had no significant differences in feed treatments. This condition illustrated that feed
treatments with higher level supplementation in feed have potential to be used, but still need
to analyze the amountto control various data that caused by non treatments influence of the
research environment, as stated by Hanafiah [19]. In other words, Mung bean sprouts and
acidifier supplementation as feed treatments did not give a direct impact to fertility, survival
rate and average egg weight, but they were likely implicated to the inseminated semen.
The quality semen can be seen from the fertility data in table 1.It is mentioned that fertility
value minimum 50% and maximum of 93.75%, it was counted from 48 eggs, which were
hatched 24 eggs in each incubator. This fertility value has an increase trend along with the
rise of supplementation level of Mung bean sprouts and acidifier. It indicated that bioactive
substances contained in vitamin C and E functioning as antioxidants which prevent free
radicals and to prevent cell damage as stated by Mohiti et al. [20], including sex cell, that
could preserve the spermatozoa and ovum quality. These qualities verify Rukmana [6]
statement that chicken feed must meet the energy and protein needs and must be high in
vitamin E to preserve semen quality. This performance indicated that Mung bean sprouts
were optimalized by acidifier as stated by Natsir [11] that acidifier could increase the
digestibility by increasing the digestive enzymes performance, decreasing intestinal pH and
preserving the digestive microbial balance. This performance could directly impact to
optimize the digestibility of Mung bean sprouts supplemented in feed.
The research feed with 17% level of protein and average of metabolic energy was 2804
kcal/kg, and it was higher than the Native chicken nutrients needs as stated by Mahardika et
al. [21] that Native chicken nutrients need for living and production in 10 – 20 weeks of age
was 16,75% level of protein and 138.77 W0,75 kcal/day or 2358 kcal/kg of metabolic energy
level. This protein and metabolic energy level of research feed was higher than [17] report
too, that the use of 15% level of protein and 2647 kcal/kg of metabolic energy level of feed
could impacted average 75,33% of fertility. This fertility value was higher than the average
fertility value of this research which was 68,75%. According to Nataamijaya [22] these
differences were caused by genetic, chicken reproductive management, mating and hatching.
Looking further to this statement, the differences in the fertility value was related to the
genetic. Because there were many breed of Native chicken, as stated by Henuk [23] that the
Native chicken domesticated from local partridge from all over Indonesia which impacted
many of Native chicken breeds, and could be also different genetic of Native chicken used in
this research. Furthermore, the mating used in this research with 1 : 4 proporsion of rooster
and hen was similar to Adi et al. [17] but better than Rajab and Papilaya [24] which reported
The 4th Animal Production International Seminar IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 478 (2020) 012070 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/478/1/012070
that in traditional management, farmer usually used 1:10 proporsion of rooster and hen for
mating. The incubator used in this research could be a better way of egg hatching as stated by
Ekarius [25], that incubator act as a broody hen which laid on the eggs and provided its body
heat for hatching. When a chicken lays eggs, the life of an embryo remains adjourned till
incubation starts [26]. But, the usage of conventional incubators in this research could cause a
lower fertility value as stated by Suyatno [27], that conventional incubator had disadvantages
in (1) hand-turning the egg could give an excessive vibration that caused embryodied; (2) egg
inversion was not done evenly; (3) limitation of egg turning frequency; (4) uneven
incubator’s temperature and humidity; and (5) incubator’s unstable heat. This fertility value
showed differences in survival rate.
The survival rate of this research as shown in table 1 describes a rising trend along with
the Mung bean sprouts and acidifier higher level supplementation. It also indicated that
bioactive substances contained in vitamin C and E as Mung bean sprouts and acidifier
ingredients functioning as antioxidant which prevent free radicals to prevent cell damage
[27], especially in embryonal cells stored in egg yolks, in the clutch period. The embryonal
cell preserved by balanced nutrient of feed, especially in mineral content, as Suprijatna et al.
[3] stated that mineral deficiency cases in hen have an effect on embryonic development, and
could cause the dead embryo. The number of dead embryo in egg hatching impacted the
survival rate. This result indicated that the average survival rate was 81,81%. This value is
higher than Suryani et al. [28] research which reported that the Native chicken survival rate
was 59.98% or the number of dead embryo cases was 40,02%. This research value is better
considering the similar method by directly used semen for artificial insemination as Nafiu et
al. [29] research. This method, stated by Nafiu et al. [29] could preserve the spermatozoa
motility, that would increase along with the longer storage time. The egg hatching of this
research was done carefully and could incubators performance kept stable, that caused higher
value of survival rate, as stated by Iswanto [30], that unstable performance of incubator could
caused the increase of dead embryo, and as a result decreased the survival rate.
The survival rate could be predicted from egg weight which was figured from its structure
and composition. Nuryati et al. [31] stated that egg structure and composition have important
role in embryo development. The egg weight also used as fertility, hatchability, and hatching
weight prediction which was used as egg selection consideration [32]. Kurtini and Riyanti
[33] stated that medium egg weight had better hatchability than the higher or lower one.
Table 1 shows that the average egg weight of this research is 35.08 ± 1.53g/egg. This weight
is lower than Ahmadani [34] research which was 36.77 ± 4.85 g/egg. This differences were
influenced by genetic, as stated by Ensminger et al. [35] that the genetic influence in ovum
development period. A longer ovum development period can develop bigger egg yolk and
directly produce heavier egg weight. But, in table 1 shows that the egg weight values increase
a hike trend along with the Mung bean sprouts and acidifier supplementation level. It is
indicated that Mung bean sprouts and acidifier supplementation in feed can increase the
nutrient quality as stated by Campbell et al. [36] that egg weight was influenced by nutrient,
body size and age. A higher egg weight would have a significant correlation with a higher
hatching weight as stated by Hermawan [37].
The 4th Animal Production International Seminar IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 478 (2020) 012070 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/478/1/012070
4. Conclusion
This research cocluded that there was no significant increase of the fertility level, survival
rate and egg weight along with the increase of feed consumption and better conversion. It
means that feed treatment did not give direct impacts to fertility, survival rate, and average
egg weight, but it was likely implicated the semen quality which were inseminated and
increases the feed palatability. It is recommend to scale up the level of Mung bean sprout and
acidifier supplementation in feed in order to optimize and control the non research parametric
Authors wish to acknowledge the assistance or encouragement from colleagues, special work
by technical staff or financial support from organizations should do so in an unnumbered.
Authors also acknowledge the Rector and the Dean of Animal Science Faculty of University
of Brawijaya, who gave the opportunities for the research grant.
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