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Lesson 13-4: Eisenhower’s Cold War Policies Name: ___________________

I. Massive Retaliation – Many people believed that Truman’s _______ policy was not working.
a. Truman decided not to run again. The Republicans chose Dwight D. Eisenhower, the general who had
organized the _____ invasion. Eisenhower won by a ___________
II. “More _____ for the _____”. key to victory not only military but also a strong ________ Instead of maintaining a
_______ & ________ army, the nation “Must be prepared to use _______ weapons in all forms.”
a. Wars had to be ___________ in the first place – best way to do that seemed to be __________ to use
nuclear weapons. Policy came to be known as ___________ ________________
b. 3 part system – long-range _______, land-based _______, & missile carrying __________
c. The huge ______ bomber – still in use today. Intercontinental ballistic missiles – (_______)
d. Cut military spending from $___ bil to $___ bil. Increased bombs ~_____ bombs to ~_____
III. Brinkmanship – willingness to go to the _____ of war to force the other side to ______ down
a. The ________ Crisis – In 1954, China threatened to seize two of the islands
b. Eisenhower warned that an attack on ________ would be resisted by US naval forces and hinted they would
use nuclear weapons to stop an invasion. Soon afterward, China __________ down.
c. The ______ Crisis – Secretary of State _____ offered to help Egypt finance a dam on the _____ River
d. Egypt had bought weapons from _____________ Czechoslovakia. A week later, Egyptian troops seized
control of the _____ Canal from the ______________ company that had controlled it
e. In Oct 1956, _____ & ______ troops invaded Egypt. Eisenhower was furious – became more dangerous
when the USSR threatened ______ attacks on GB & France.
f. ____________ by US, GB & French called off invasion. Soon other ______ nations began accepting USSR aid
IV. Covert Operations –use covert, or _______, operations conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency (____)
a. Many took place in ______________ nations – primarily agricultural economies. Often threatened to
______________, or put under gov’t control, foreign business operating in their countries.
b. 1 way to stop them – provide with __________ aid. In some cases, CIA ran covert operations to overthrow
_____-American leaders and replace them with _____-American leaders
V. Iran & Guatemala – By 1953, Iranian prime minister Mossadegh had ____________ Anglo-Iranian oil co
a. The _____-American Shah tried to force him out of office, but shah failed – fled into exile. The ____ quickly
sent agents to organize street riots & arrange a _____ that ousted Mossadegh & returned shah to power
b. In 1950, with ______________ support, Guzman elected president of Guatemala. Land-reform program took
over large estates – including those of _________ owned United Fruit Co. The ______ responded by arming
the Guatemalan opposition – shortly after Guzman left office.
VI. Trouble in Eastern Europe - ______ died in 1953. 1956, Nikita Khurschev delivered a _______ speech – attacked
_________’s policies. In 1956, _____ erupted in Eastern Europe - Soon after, Soviet tanks began rolling into the
capital of __________ and crushed the rebellion
VII. _________ Launches the Space Race – first artificial __________ to orbit the Earth.
a. Eisenhower established the National Aeronautics & Space Administration, or ______ in 1958
VIII. The Eisenhower Doctrine – Pan________ - the idea that all Arab people should be united into one nation
a. E. asked Congress to authorize military force whenever necessary to assist _________ _______ nations
IX. A Spy Plane is Shown Down – Eisenhower invited Khruschev to visit USA 1959 – agreed to hold a ______ in Paris
a. Shortly before about to begin, USSR shot down an American ____ spy plane. At 1 st, E. claimed it was a
__________ plane – then Khruschev produced the ______. Eisenhower refused to __________.
b. Farewell address – warned about the influence of this __________-__________ complex in democracy

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