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Ruaumoko-2D Examples: 1 Earthquake Response

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1 Earthquake Response

The file EXAMPLE.DAT is the data file describing a small 4 storey timber frame. The frame geometry is
shown on page 3 together with a listing of the data file. The frame has columns which are continuous over the
four storeys, they are assumed to remain elastic and are pinned to the support at their bases. The four girders
are connected to the columns by steel nail plates which are assumed to be elasto-plastic and yield at a
moment of plus or minus 40 kN.m. Both member self weight contributes to the mass of the frame as do nodal
point masses representing the mass of walls in the ‘out of plane’ direction of the frame and which act at the
nodal points. There are also initial member fixed end forces and the other static loads acting at the nodes
which are required to get the correct initial conditions in the structure. In an inelastic analysis the static
displacements and forces cannot be added to the dynamic response later as the principle of superposition is
no longer valid.

The frame was subjected to 10 seconds of the North-South component of the May 1940 El Centro
earthquake accelerogram. This is contained in the file EL40NSC.EQB. This file is in the BERG format where
each line contains 4 time-acceleration pairs of data and the total duration of the record is 20 seconds.

The file EXAMPLE.LIS, shown in the pages following the input data file, gives the output from the analysis
with the echo of the input data, the results of the static analysis, the modal analysis and the enveloped results
of the time-history analysis as the frame is subjected to the El Centro earthquake. The member deformations
and the ductilities are also shown and finally the damage indices are computed for the beam members. The
final output section is the statistics from the analysis which shows how much array space etc. was used in the

The pages following the output from the analysis also show some of the print-screen pictures from the
analysis. The first is a picture of the mesh followed by the earthquake excitation history. The next two pictures
are two of the mode shapes of the structure. These mode shapes are not used in the analysis except for non-
Rayleigh damping models when they are used to construct a damping matrix, but they provide the user with
some confidence that the structure being analysed is correctly modelled as the user should have a
reasonable idea of the natural periods that the structure should have as well as having a reasonable feel for
the actual shape of the modes of free-vibration. The final picture is a snap-shot of the displacement at time =
2.0 seconds showing plastic hinges at both ends of the first floor beam and a plastic hinge at one end of the
second floor beam.

The final set of plots is from a DYNAPLOT analysis using the file EXAMPLE.RES which was produced by
RUAUMOKO during the time-history analysis. The file has stored the data for all nodes and for all members
at an interval of 0.05 seconds (every 5 time-steps). The first plot is of the lateral displacements of nodes 9
and 3. The second plot is the bending moment at the left hand end of the first floor beam and the next plot is
the hysteresis plot showing the bending moment versus the curvature in the beam. Though the hysteresis is
meant to be elasto-plastic some of the corners appear to be rounded off but this is because DYNAPLOT has
no knowledge of the hysteresis rule, just the moment and curvature at each saved time-step, and it draws a
straight line from point to point. Even if results were saved every time step the curtailing of the corners will not
be completely eliminated. As a general rule, if you wish to plot hysteresis loops the results should be saved at
very small time-intervals. The consequence is very large .RES files. For normal time history plotting
experience shows that every tenth of a second is usually adequate. The next plot is the % of the beam EI that

represents the Giberson plastic hinge spring at the end of the beam. If the value is 100% the beam-end is
elastic while if it is 0% the end of the member is perfectly plastic. The final plot is the time-variation of the
energies of the structure. The first line shows the relative kinetic energy, the second line is the sum of the
relative kinetic energy and the dissipated energy due to damping, the third line shows the sum of the relative
kinetic energy, the energy dissipated by the damping and the elastic energy and the last line is the applied
input energy. There is always a small off-set due to the work done in the static analysis. Any further
deviations from the last two lines not being together would indicate that either too large a time step is being
used or iteration on residuals should be enabled so that equilibrium is better maintained during the analysis.

To run these examples yourself take the following steps. All responses are completed by following them by
the RETURN or ENTER key.

1 Run the program RUAUMOKO-2D by giving the command RUAUMOKO2D followed by ENTER.
2 for the output listing file type EXAMPLE.LIS or any other file name that you wish i.e. JUNK. If the file
name already exists you will be asked if you wish to over-write it or try for a new name.
3 At the prompt for the first excitation file type EL40NSC.EQB assuming that it is in the current
directory. If not prefix the file name with the appropriate path.
4 At the request for the second excitation file, it is not actually required, just hit the ENTER key.
5 You are then asked for the name for the .RES file for post-processing in DYNAPLOT. The default
name is the same as the output listing file but with the extension .RES. If this is satisfactory just hit
the ENTER key otherwise respond with a suitable name. The extension .RES will be added
6 You are then asked if you want the on-screen graphics. Respond with y or yes.
7 The next prompt asks if this is a data check run. To get the default NO just hit the ENTER key.
8 At the next prompt which asks for the title for the analysis type $ADD EXAMPLE.DAT assuming that
this file is in the current directory. If it is not in the current directory prefix the file name with the
appropriate path.
9 The next prompt will ask if you want colour graphics.
10 When the mesh is plotted on the screen hit the ENTER key to allow the analysis to continue.
11 The next plot is that of the El Centro excitation. Hit the ENTER key to allow the analysis to continue.
12 The next message will ask which mode you wish to see. If you wish to see none just hit the ENTER
key else type any number 1 to 4 followed by the number of cycles (optional) then ENTER to see that
mode shape. After the number of cycles (default is five) and a quarter cycle the picture will freeze. To
return to the mode shape selection his the ENTER key.
13 When the time-history commences the displays of the deformed structure showing plastic hinge
locations starts. No action from the user is required. These pictures will continue until the 10 seconds
of the analysis has been completed.

1 If you wish to run the post-processor program DYNAPLOT type the command dynaplot. This
program has good built-in help files.

2 The first prompt is for the output file. Just hit the ENTER key to get the default screen output.

3 The next prompt is for the name of the post-processor file. The response is the same as the response
to point 6 in the RUAUMOKO input. Do not include the extension .RES in your file name. If an ASCII
file type was used DYNAPLOT will first search for an extension .RES then for an extension .RAS.

4 The next prompt is Do You Want Colour. Again respond with ENTER if yes but with n or no if not, for
say, print/screen capture.

5 To produce the displacement plot for the fourth and first floors follow the following steps.

i Number of lines is 2.
ii Respond to the selection of graph type with t or time.
iii Select Node.
iv Select 1, the x-displacement.
v The Nodes are 9 3.
vi Time-step is the default 1.0.
vii The time range is the default 0 10 implying from 0 times 1.0 to 10 times 1.0 seconds, i.e.
plotting from 0.0 to 10.0 seconds.
viii The y-axis interval is the default 0.0 which means that the program will automatically select a
suitable interval based on the function to be plotted.
ix The number of y-axis grids, use the default -1 1. This implies only one interval each side of
the time axis.
x Take the default paper size.
xi The title for the x-axis can be ‘Time - (Seconds)’. If it is not enclosed in quotes then the tile
would be TIME as the space would terminate the sequence and the text would be upper
cased automatically.
xii The y-axis tile could be ‘Displacement Nodes 9 and 3'.

6 The graph should now be plotted. In Microsoft Windows operating systems use the file pull-down
menu and select the Save or Print options. On unix GKS graphics if hard copy has been enabled
select the Hard Copy option. When you have finished press the ENTER key to return to the main

7 Another graph option may be selected or the default choice is to return to the operating system.

2 Pushover Analysis

The dynamic loading option may be used to study the response of structures to gust loading, blast loading or
even cyclic loading. To do so the user must obtain or generate an equivalent loading history and must also
know the distribution of the loading on the structure.

Another use of this option is the pushover analysis. In this case a monotonic increasing load is applied to the
structure until the ultimate load is approached. In this case the load should be applied sufficiently slowly so
that the inertia effects do not generate an oscillatory response and the maximum load should not exceed the
maximum capacity of the structure as this may lead to failure of the analysis. In a pseudo dynamic analysis
this is not quite so important as it will take time for the structure to collapse as the inertia will provide some
constraint. The ramp function may be linear as in the example shown or possibly of the form

where TL is the duration of the loading and which should be long when compared with the fundamental period
of the structure.

The loading distribution chosen in the example in the file PUSHOVER.DAT is the seismic loading distribution
for the equivalent static analysis of structures from the New Zealand Loadings Code NZS 4203:1992 which
distributes 92% of the base shear up the structure with the force at each level proportional to the weight at
that level times the height at that level divided by the sum of the weight times the height at each level
summed over the whole structure. This is approximately a linear distribution from zero at the bottom to the
maximum at the top. The remaining 8% of the base shear is added to the top level forces to allow for higher
mode effects. The results show that for a maximum Base Shear of 30 kN plastic hinges have formed at the
ends of the lower three girders and the displacements are starting to increase rapidly with increase in the load
showing that the structure is almost at its ultimate load carrying capacity. The plot of the top floor
displacement shows only a very small oscillation meaning that the inertial effects are small. The duration of
the ramp function is almost 11 times the fundamental natural period of
the structure. The ramp function could possibly be applied more rapidly and a larger time-step could have
been used.

The same input has been used where the structure has no inertia, the results only showing a difference as
the end of the response is approached. The reduced apparent stiffness without the inertia effect shows that
the second hinge in the third girder appears a couple of time-steps (load-steps) earlier.

In this example the excitation has been included in the input data file but if many pushover analyses are to be
performed then such excitations could be placed in a library of earthquake accelerograms. The ramp length
may be changed by varying the variable DELTAT in the data line 23b of the RUAUMOKO-2D manual.

The plot of force versus displacement is obtained using the Base Shear plot option of DYNAPLOT where the
vertical axis is the Base Shear (the combination of the shear at end 1 of members 1 and 5) versus the top
floor displacement (x-displacement of node 9). The horizontal grid interval is 0.05 m with the grids from 0 to 5
giving a range of 0 to 0.25 m.

Department of Civil Engineering COMPUTER PROGRAM LIBRARY

Program name:– Program type:– Program code:–

ASCII data History Output from RUAUMOKO ANSI Fortran77

Author:– Date:–
Athol J Carr September 25, 2004

ASCII post-processor files for DYNAPLOT.

(for programs compiled after 27th August 2001)

There is an option to use an ASCII post-processor file instead of the normal BINARY post-processor file. The
ASCII file is readable in a text viewer while the BINARY file is not. There is a guide to the file structure for
those who have an interest in extracting data for their own post-processing programs.

If the control parameter IFMT on data line 2 of the Ruaumoko-2D input data (please see the user manual) is
a 1, then instead of a BINARY file with the extension .RES being prepared for Dynaplot an ASCII text file
with the extension .RAS is generated.

If the control parameter IFMT on data line 5 of the Ruaumoko-3D input data (please see the user manual) is
a 1, then instead of a BINARY file with the extension .RES being prepared for Dynaplot an ASCII text file
with the extension .RAS is generated.

Use of post-processor program Dynaplot.

Operate Dynaplot as normal, the progarm will first try to find a file with the extension .RES and if it is not
present then the program will search for a file with the extension .RAS. If the program finds the latter type file
the program knows that the post-processor file is an ASCII file. The first line of the post-processor file also
lets the program know whether the results are from Ruaumoko-2D or Ruaumoko-3D via the parameter
NSPACE, see later.

The ASCII post-processor file will be about twice the size of the equivalent BINARY file but may be useful for
users carrying out a large number of production parameter study analyses and who wish to to write a program
to extract some particular result items for comparisons between the analyses.

Programming language.

The programs are written in ANSI standard FORTRAN and output is under the control of the FORTRAN write
formats. The file uses a maximum line length of 128 characters and should be readable with WordPad or
equivalent in Microsoft Windows operating systems. View.com or More may also be used to view these files.
You may have to scan the longer than 80 character lines, depending on the screen settings on your

Each WRITE statement starts a new line and when the FORMAT is exhausted the output will be continued on
the next line as the FORMAT is repeated, i.e. if 12 items are provided for in a line in the FORMAT and 38
items are listed in the write command then the next 3 lines will have 12 numbers and the fourth line will have
the last 2 numbers of the set of 38 numbers.
Fortran Formats.

The FORMAT n I m means n integers each taking m characters or spaces. In FORTRAN all data is
right-justified, i.e. all numbers are packed to the right of the field m. e.g. 6 I 5 means 6 integers having 5
columns each in a total of width of 30 columns, or character, across the line.

The FORMAT n F m.i means n floating point numbers each taking m characters or spaces with i digits after
the decimal point. If the number is too large for the field m then one gets a row of m asterisks, *, and if it is
too small, i.e. more than i zeroes after the decimal prior to any significant digits, one gets 0.0.

The FORMAT n E m.i means n floating point numbers each taking m characters or spaces with i digits after
the decimal point. The number is in scientific or exponent form, the first space is for the sign followed by a
zero, a decimal point and i significant digits. This is followed by the letter E, a + or - sign and 2 digits. The
sign and 2 digits is the power of 10 that the number ahead of the letter E must be multiplied by to get the
actual data item. With this format then no matter how large or small the number is always readable. If the
FORMAT is preceded by a 1P i.e. 1P12E10.3 means that the exponent has been reduced by one and that
the zero ahead of the decimal point has been replaced by a digit. This means that the number has not been
altered just that one more significant digit is available. The 1P holds for all remaining E or F formats in the
FORMAT statement, the I formats are not affected. Note, in the E format the m must be at least 7 greater
than the i.

The FORMAT n X means n blank spaces.

The FORMAT A n means n alphanumeric characters.

A / (forward slash) in a Format statements means move to new line.

When the range of a Format is exceeded without writing all of the items the format starts again at the

Note: The structure of the binary file is similar to that of the ASCII file but some of the initial parameters
are re-ordered.

LUN3 = Logical Unit Number of Output Device (File number) (=3)
NNP = Number of Nodes
NMEM = Number of Elements
NPRES = Number of Nodes saved in .RAS File
NMRES = Number of Elements saved in .RAS File
IPVERT = see Ruaumoko-2D or Ruaumoko-3D manual
NBASE = Number of Base Excitation degrees of freedom,
Travelling wave input only, else = 0.
If NBASE = 0
then the displacements, velocities and accelerations are Relative to the foundation,
the displacements, velocities and accelerations are Total displacements, velocities
and accelerations.
NLR = Number of Dynamic Input Excitations
(Earthquake analyses = number of components)
(Dynamic force analyses = number of force histories)
(Adaptive Pushover = 1)
NMODE = Number of Mode Shapes available to Dynaplot.
NEP = Number of Equations/Node. Ruaumoko-2D = 3, Ruaumoko-3D = 6.
NSPACE = Number of Space Dimensions. Ruaumoko-2D = 2, Ruaumoko-3D = 3
JOUT = Output Flag. Not used any longer. Ruaumoko-2D = 0, Ruaumoko-3D = 0
TK = Time Interval between post-processor file write statements
TIME = Duration of excitation (Initial input value)
PLOT = 19 term array for graphics information. In Ruaumoko-2D only the first 3 are used
DT = Ruaumoko-2D and Ruaumoko-3D time-step
KPOST = Number of time steps between saves to post_processor file
Ruaumoko-2D = KPA see Ruaumoko2D user manual,
Ruaumoko-3D = KPOST see Ruaumoko3D user manual.
N = Number of items written for member I
MPLOT = Packed plot flag for members, a 1 to 6 digit integer.
I,J,K,M are Integer indices

Element Data retrieved.

If L = element number
NP(1,L) = Node I of element
NP(2,L) = Node J of element
NP(3,L) = Node K of element
NP(4,L) = Node L of element
NP(5,L) = IOUT for Element.
(if = 0 or 1 replaced with number of items/element, else = 0)
(if IOUT is 2 or 3 this element's data is not written to the post-processor file)
NP(6,L) = 5 digit compacted integer IHYST//ITYPE//LTYPE
IHYST (first 2 digits), 0-49 (Hysteresis rule number)
ITYPE (third digit) element sub-type
i.e. 1=Giberson Beam
2=Concrete Beam-column
3=Steel Beam-column
4=General Beam-column
5=Two-Component Beam
6=Variable Flexibility Beam
7=4 Hinge Beam (Ruaumoko-2D)
7=Alternative Concrete Beam-column (Ruaumoko-3D)
9=Beam or Beam-Column with In-elastic shear
LTYPE (fourth and fifth digits) element type
i.e. 1=frame member
2=spring member
3=wall member (Ruaumoko-2D only)
4=damper member
5=tendon member
6=contact member
7=quadrilateral finite element
8=masonry panel element
9=foundation member
BEND1,BEND2 = Rigid End-block lengths of Frame elements, else 0.0

STRUCTURE data saved at each KPOST save step:


FT( 1) = TIME
FT( 2) = X ground Acceleration
FT( 3) = Y ground Acceleration
FT( 4) = X ground Velocity
FT( 5) = Y ground Velocity
FT( 6) = X ground Displacement
FT( 7) = Y ground Displacement
*Dynamic Excitation & 'Adaptive Pushover'
FT( 2) = First Excitation Value
FT( 3) = 0.0
IF(IPVERT.LE.-2) FT( 3) = Second Excitation Value
FT( 4) = 0.0
FT( 5) = 0.0
FT( 6) = 0.0
FT( 7) = 0.0
FT( 8) = Kinetic Energy
FT( 9) = Damping Work Dissipated
FT(10) = Strain Energy
FT(11) = Applied Work Done
FT(12) = Plastic Work (Approximate)
FT(13) = Effective Ductility (Only useful in Pushover analyses)
FT(14) = Effective X displacement (Only useful in Pushover analysis)
FT(15) = Effective Y displacement (Only useful in Pushover analysis)
FT(16) = Total applied X forces
FT(17) = Total applied Y forces
FT(18) = Total applied Z moment about origin (X=0,Y=0)


FT( 1) = TIME
FT( 2) = X ground Acceleration
FT( 3) = Y ground Acceleration
FT( 4) = Z ground Acceleration
FT( 5) = X ground Velocity
FT( 6) = Y ground Velocity
FT( 7) = Z ground Velocity
FT( 8) = X ground Displacement
FT( 9) = Y ground Displacement
FT(10) = Z ground Displacement
*Dynamic Excitation & 'Adaptive Pushover'
FT( 2) = First Excitation Value
FT( 3) = 0.0
IF(IPVERT.LE.-2) FT( 3) = Second Excitation Value
FT( 4) = 0.0
IF(IPVERT.LE.-3) FT( 4) = Third Excitation Value
FT( 5) = 0.0
FT( 6) = 0.0
FT( 7) = 0.0
FT( 8) = 0.0
FT( 9) = 0.0
FT(10) = 0.0
FT(11) = Kinetic Energy
FT(12) = Damping Work Dissipated
FT(13) = Strain Energy
FT(14) = Applied Work Done
FT(15) = Plastic Work (Approximate)
FT(16) = Effective Ductility (Only useful in Pushover analyses)
FT(17) = Effective X displacement (Only useful in Pushover analysis)
FT(18) = Effective Y displacement (Only useful in Pushover analysis)
FT(19) = Effective Z displacement (Only useful in Pushover analysis)
FT(20) = Total applied X forces
FT(21) = Total applied Y forces
FT(22) = Total applied Z forces
FT(23) = Total applied X moment about origin (Y=0,Z=0)
FT(24) = Total applied Y moment about origin (Z=0,X=0)
FT(25) = Total applied Z moment about origin (X=0,Y=0)

NODAL POINT data saved at each KPOST (or KPA) time steps:
(see IOUT in manual to identify which nodes save data)


I = nodal point number

FT( 1) = X displacement
FT( 2) = Y displacement
FT( 3) = Z rotation
FT( 4) = X velocity
FT( 5) = Y velocity
FT( 6) = Z rotational velocity
FT( 7) = X acceleration
FT( 8) = Y acceleration
FT( 9) = Z rotational acceleration
FT(10) = X applied force
FT(11) = Y applied force
FT(12) = Z applied moment
FT(13) = X damping force
FT(14) = Y damping force
FT(15) = Z damping moment
FT(16) = X inertia force
FT(17) = Y inertia force
FT(18) = Z inertia moment


I = nodal point number

FT( 1) = X displacement
FT( 2) = Y displacement
FT( 3) = Z displacement
FT( 4) = X rotation
FT( 5) = Y rotation
FT( 6) = Z rotation
FT( 7) = X velocity
FT( 8) = Y velocity
FT( 9) = Z velocity
FT(10) = X rotational velocity
FT(11) = Y rotational velocity
FT(12) = Z rotational velocity
FT(13) = X acceleration
FT(14) = Y acceleration
FT(15) = Z acceleration
FT(16) = X rotational acceleration
FT(17) = Y rotational acceleration
FT(18) = Z rotational acceleration
FT(19) = X applied force
FT(20) = Y applied force
FT(21) = Z applied force
FT(22) = X applied moment
FT(23) = Y applied moment
FT(24) = Z applied moment
FT(25) = X damping force
FT(26) = Y damping force
FT(27) = Z damping force
FT(28) = X damping moment
FT(29) = Y damping moment
FT(30) = Z damping moment
FT(31) = X inertia force
FT(32) = Y inertia force
FT(33) = Z inertia force
FT(34) = X inertia moment
FT(35) = Y inertia moment
FT(36) = Z inertia moment

ELEMENT data saved at each KPOST (or KPA) time steps:
(see IOUT in manual to identify which elements save data)

a: Ruaumoko-2D

I = element number
MPLOT = 5 digit compacted plot flag
K = Number of element Data Items
FT = 14 items for Beams (22 if 4 node Beams) (18 if inelastic shear)
Axial force, Axial displacement, Axial stiffness,
Axial Energy, Moment @ 1, Curvature @ 1,
Stiffness @ 1, Energy Flexure @ 1, Moment @ 2,
Curvature @ 2, Stiffness @ 2, Energy Flexure @ 2
Shear @ 1, Shear @ 2
(plus for 4 node beam)
Moment @ 3, Curvature @ 3, Stiffness @ 3, Energy @ 3,
Moment @ 4, Curvature @ 4, Stiffness @ 4, Energy @ 4,
(or plus for in-elastic shear)
Shear Displacement @ 1, Shear Stiffness @ 1,
Shear Displacement @ 2, Shear Stiffness @ 2,
(or plus for in-elastic shear-link)
Link Shear Angle @ 1, Link Shear Angle @ 1,
Shear Flexibility % @ 2, Shear Flexibility % @ 2,
= 12 items for Springs
Longitudinal force, Transverse Force, Moment
Longitudinal Disp., Transverse Disp. Rotation
Long. % Stiffness, Trans.% Stiffness, Rotn. % Stiffness
Longitudinal energy, Tranverse Energy, Rotational Energy
= 13 items for Walls
Axial force, Axial displacement, Axial stiffness,
Moment @ 1, Curvature @ 1, Stiffness @ 1,
Moment @ 2, Curvature @ 2, Stiffness @ 2,
Shear @ 1, Shear @ 2,
Neutral Axis @ 1, Neutral Axis @ 2
= 6 items for Dampers
Longitudinal force, Longitudinal velocity
Transverse force, Transverse velocity
Rotational moment, Rotational velocity
= 2 items for Tendons
Longitudinal force, Longitudinal displacement
= 5 items for Contact Elements
Longitudinal force, displacement, % stiffness,
Transverse force, displacement
= 12 items for Quadrilaterals
XX Stress, YY Stress, XY stress at Node 1 or I
XX Stress, YY Stress, XY stress at Node 2 or J
XX Stress, YY Stress, XY stress at Node 3 or K
XX Stress, YY Stress, XY stress at Node 4 or L
= 15 items for Masonry Panels
Force, displacement, % stiffness for Strut 1
Force, displacement, % stiffness for Strut 2
Force, displacement, % stiffness for Strut 3
Force, displacement, % stiffness for Strut 4
Force, displacement, % stiffness for Shear strut
= 24 items for Foundation Elements
For each of the 8 Winkler springs: (2 axial springs, 4 normal springs and 2 shear springs)
Longitudinal force, displacement, % stiffness,
Transverse force, displacement, % stiffness,


I = element number
MPLOT = 5 digit compacted plot flag
FT = 28 items for Frame members (36 if In-elastic shear)
Axial force, elongation, % stiffness, energy,
Moment z-z @ 1, curvature z-z @ 1, % stiffness, energy,
Moment z-z @ 2, curvature z-z @ 2, % stiffness, energy,
Torque, twist, % stiffness, energy,
Moment y-y @ 1, curvature y-y @ 1, % stiffness, energy,
Moment y-y @ 2, curvature y-y @ 2, % stiffness, energy,
Shear y @ 1, Shear y @ 2,
Shear z @ 1, Shear z @ 2.
(plus for in-elastic shear)
y-Shear Displacement @ 1, y-% Shear Stiffness @ 1,
y-Shear Displacement @ 2, y-% Shear Stiffness @ 2,
z-Shear Displacement @ 1, z-% Shear Stiffness @ 1,
z-Shear Displacement @ 2, z-% Shear Stiffness @ 2,
(or plus for in-elastic shear-link)
y-Shear Link Angle @ 1, y-Shear Link Angle @ 2,
z-Shear Link Angle @ 1, z-Shear Link Angle @ 2,
y-Shear Flexibility % @ 1, y-Shear Flexibility % @ 2,
z-Shear Flexibility % @ 1, z-Shear Flexibility % @ 2,
= 24 items for Spring members
x force, y force, z force,
x moment, y moment, z moment,
x deformation, y deformation, z deformation,
x rotation, y rotation, z rotation,
x % stiffness, y % stiffness, z % stiffness,
x % rotn. stiffness, y % rotn. stiffness, z % rotn. stiffness,
x disp. energy, y disp. energy, z disp. energy,
x rotn. energy, y rotn. energy, z rotn. energy.
= 18 items for Damper members
x force, y force, z force,
x moment, y moment, z moment,
x velocity, y velocity, z velocity,
x rotation velocty, y rotation velocity, z rotation velocity,
x % stiffness, y % stiffness, z % stiffness,
x % rotn. stiffness, y % rotn. stiffness, z % rotn. stiffness,
= 2 items for Tendon members
x force, x displacement.
= 6 items for Contact Elements
x contact force, x damping force,
y friction force, z friction force,
x displacement, % x stiffness.
= 24 items for Quadrilateral finite elements (forces and moments per unit length)
Nxx, Nyy, Nxy, Mxx, Myy and Mxy at Node I
Nxx, Nyy, Nxy, Mxx, Myy and Mxy at Node J
Nxx, Nyy, Nxy, Mxx, Myy and Mxy at Node K
Nxx, Nyy, Nxy, Mxx, Myy and Mxy at Node L
= 27 items for Masonry Panel elements
Force, displacement, % stiffness for Strut 1
Force, displacement, % stiffness for Strut 2
Force, displacement, % stiffness for Strut 3
Force, displacement, % stiffness for Strut 4
Force, displacement, % stiffness for Shear strut
Mxx, Myy, Mxy at Node I (moments per unit length)
Mxx, Myy, Mxy at Node J
Mxx, Myy, Mxy at Node K
Mxx, Myy, Mxy at Node L
= 24 items for Foundation Elements
For each of the 8 Winkler springs: (2 axial springs, 4 normal springs and 2 shear springs)
force, displacement, % stiffness,

Sample FORTRAN code:
C ***********************************************************************
C Typical write statements used in RUAUMOKO-2D and RUAUMOKO-3D
C ***********************************************************************
C Initial Structure data
C *Are ALL nodes saved to the post-processor file?
C *if not, no point in saving mode shapes as
C *DYNAPLOT will not be able to plot them.
C *Parameters (1 line)
C *Plot data (2 lines)
WRITE(LUN3,'(1P12E10.3)') (PLOT(I),I=1,19)
C *Nodal Coordinates
C *RUAUMOKO-2D (X & Y per node, 6 nodes/line)
C *RUAUMOKO-3D (X,Y & Z per node, 4 nodes/line)
WRITE(LUN3,'(1P12E10.3)') ((CORD(I,J),J=1,NSPACE),I=1,NNP)
C *Element data: (2 elements per line)
* ((NP(J,I),J=1,6),BEND(1,I),BEND(2,I),I=1,NMEM)
C *Natural Frequencies and Mode Shapes
WRITE(LUN3,'(1P12E10.3)') (W(I),I=1,NMODE)
WRITE(LUN3,'(1P12E10.3)') ((SHAPE(I,J),I=1,NNP),J=1,NEP)
C For each of output steps every KPOST time-steps starting at TIME = 0.0
C *Structure data (RUAUMOKO-2D) either
* 'TIME ',(FT(I),I=1,18)
C *Structure data (RUAUMOKO-3D) or
* 'TIME ',(FT(I),I=1,25)
C *Node Data: For Each Node saved
C *RUAUMOKO-2D (1 line/node) either
WRITE(LUN3,'(I5,1P12E10.3)') I,(FT(J),J=1,12)
C *RUAUMOKO-3D (3 lines/node) or
* I,(FT(J),J=1,36)
C *Element Data: For Each Element saved
C *(1 to 3 lines/element)
DO 30 I=1,NMEM
N = NP(5,I)
* I,MPLOT,(FT(J),J=1,N)
C ***********************************************************************

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