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001, January 2022.

Brand New
Has Arrived

Kiss Your Troubles Goodbye! page 14.
2 Digital Planet N001 Digital Planet N001 3

Table of Content
What is Artificial Intelligence? 4-8

A Brief History of Artificial
Intelligence 10-13

kiss your troubles goodbuy 14-15

Milan, Тhe City Of Art t’s a brand new, Artificially Intelligent break scripts or voice orals into distinct
And Culture16-20 Web-App that will transform video slides.
creation and video marketing forever. Stoodaio contains over a million
7 Ways to Use Videos for More It can produce scripts, convert scripts various media assets that can be mixed
Engagement on Instagram 21-22 to voice orals, and translate scripts and matched to create professional
into any language or accent. It can also slides with voiceovers and scripts.
Is Affiliate Marketing The Solution
for Your Future? 23-27

Social Media Marketing: Putting Your CLICK FOR DETAILS

Company Into The Social Crowd 28
4 Digital Planet N001 Digital Planet N001 5

What is

How Does Artificial an interdisciplinary science with multiple

approaches, but advancements in machine
Intelligence Work? learning and deep learning are creating a
paradigm shift in virtually every sector of
AI Approaches and Concepts the tech industry.

In their groundbreaking textbook Artificial
ess than a decade after breaking Intelligence: A Modern Approach, authors
the Nazi encryption machine Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig approach
Enigma and helping the Allied the question by unifying their work around
Forces win World War II, the theme of intelligent agents in machines.
mathematician Alan Turing changed history With this in mind, AI is “the study of agents
a second time with a simple question: “Can that receive percepts from the environment
machines think?” and perform actions.” (Russel and Norvig
Turing’s paper “Computing Machinery VIII)
and Intelligence” (1950), and its subsequent Norvig and Russell go on to explore four
Turing Test, established the fundamental different approaches that have historically
goal and vision of artificial intelligence. defined the field of AI:
At its core, AI is the branch of computer
science that aims to answer Turing’s 1. Thinking humanly
question in the affirmative. It is the 2. Thinking rationally
endeavor to replicate or simulate human 3. Acting humanly
intelligence in machines. 4. Acting rationally
The expansive goal of artificial
intelligence has given rise to many The first two ideas concern thought
questions and debates. So much so, processes and reasoning, while the others
that no singular definition of the field is deal with behavior. Norvig and Russell
universally accepted. focus particularly on rational agents that
act to achieve the best outcome, noting “all
Can machines think? – Alan Turing, 1950 the skills needed for the Turing Test also
allow an agent to act rationally.” (Russel
The major limitation in defining AI and Norvig 4).
as simply “building machines that are Patrick Winston, the Ford professor of
intelligent” is that it doesn’t actually artificial intelligence and computer science
explain what artificial intelligence is? at MIT, defines AI as “algorithms enabled
What makes a machine intelligent? AI is by constraints, exposed by representations
6 Digital Planet N001 Digital Planet N001 7

that support models targeted at loops that Though limited in scope and not reach this next level of artificial intelligence.
tie thinking, perception and action together.” easily altered, reactive machine artificial The concept is based on the
While these definitions may seem intelligence can attain a level of complexity, psychological premise of understanding
abstract to the average person, they help and offers reliability when created to fulfill that other living things have thoughts and
focus the field as an area of computer repeatable tasks. emotions that affect the behavior of one’s
science and provide a blueprint for infusing self. In terms of AI machines, this would
machines and programs with machine Limited Memory mean that AI could comprehend how
learning and other subsets of artificial Limited memory artificial intelligence humans, animals and other machines feel
intelligence. has the ability to store previous data and and make decisions through self-reflection
predictions when gathering information and determination, and then will utilize that

The Four Types of and weighing potential decisions —

essentially looking into the past for clues
information to make decisions of their own.
Essentially, machines would have to be able
Artificial Intelligence on what may come next. Limited memory to grasp and process the concept of “mind,”
artificial intelligence is more complex and the fluctuations of emotions in decision
Reactive Machines presents greater possibilities than reactive making and a litany of other psychological
A reactive machine follows the most machines. concepts in real time, creating a two-way
basic of AI principles and, as its name Limited memory AI is created when a relationship between people and artificial
implies, is capable of only using its team continuously trains a model in how intelligence.
intelligence to perceive and react to the to analyze and utilize new data or an AI
world in front of it. A reactive machine environment is built so models can be Self-awareness
cannot store a memory and as a result automatically trained and renewed. When Once Theory of Mind can be established
cannot rely on past experiences to inform utilizing limited memory AI in machine in artificial intelligence, sometime well
decision making in real-time. learning, six steps must be followed: into the future, the final step will be for
Perceiving the world directly means that Training data must be created, the machine AI to become self-aware. This kind of
reactive machines are designed to complete learning model must be created, the model artificial intelligence possesses human-
only a limited number of specialized duties. must be able to make predictions, the level consciousness and understands its
Intentionally narrowing a reactive machine’s model must be able to receive human or own existence in the world, as well as the
worldview is not any sort of cost-cutting environmental feedback, that feedback presence and emotional state of others.
measure, however, and instead means that must be stored as data, and these these It would be able to understand what
this type of AI will be more trustworthy and steps must be reiterated as a cycle. others may need based on not just what
reliable — it will react the same way to the There are three major machine learning they communicate to them but how they
same stimuli every time. models that utilize limited memory artificial communicate it.
A famous example of a reactive machine intelligence:
is Deep Blue, which was designed by Reinforcement learning, which Self-awareness in artificial intelligence
IBM in the 1990’s as a chess-playing learns to make better predictions relies both on human researchers
supercomputer and defeated international through repeated trial-and-error. understanding the premise of
grandmaster Gary Kasparov in a game. Long Short Term Memory (LSTM), consciousness and then learning how
Deep Blue was only capable of identifying which utilizes past data to help predict to replicate that so it can be built into
the pieces on a chess board and knowing the next item in a sequence. LTSMs machines.
how each moves based on the rules of view more recent information as most
chess, acknowledging each piece’s present
position, and determining what the most
important when making predictions
and discounts data from further in the
How is AI Used?
logical move would be at that moment. The past, though still utilizing it to form While addressing a crowd at the Japan
computer was not pursuing future potential conclusions AI Experience in 2017, DataRobot CEO
moves by its opponent or trying to put its Evolutionary Generative Adversarial Jeremy Achin began his speech by offering
own pieces in better position. Every turn Networks (E-GAN), which evolves the following definition of how AI is used
was viewed as its own reality, separate over time, growing to explore slightly today:
from any other movement that was made modified paths based off of previous
beforehand. experiences with every new decision. “AI is a computer system able to
Another example of a game-playing This model is constantly in pursuit of perform tasks that ordinarily require
reactive machine is Google’s AlphaGo. a better path and utilizes simulations human intelligence... Many of these
AlphaGo is also incapable of evaluating and statistics, or chance, to predict artificial intelligence systems are
future moves but relies on its own neural outcomes throughout its evolutionary powered by machine learning, some
network to evaluate developments of the mutation cycle. of them are powered by deep learning
present game, giving it an edge over Deep and some of them are powered by very
Blue in a more complex game. AlphaGo Theory of Mind boring things like rules.”
also bested world-class competitors of the Theory of Mind is just that — theoretical.
game, defeating champion Go player Lee We have not yet achieved the technological Artificial intelligence generally falls under
Sedol in 2016. and scientific capabilities necessary to two broad categories:
8 Digital Planet N001 Digital Planet N001 9

Narrow AI: Sometimes referred according to “Preparing for the Future of lines of written code. Machine learning
to as “Weak AI,” this kind of artificial of Artificial Intelligence,” a 2016 report consists of both supervised learning
intelligence operates within a limited released by the Obama Administration. (using labeled data sets) and unsupervised
context and is a simulation of human A few examples of Narrow AI include: learning (using unlabeled data sets).
intelligence. Narrow AI is often focused Deep learning is a type of machine
on performing a single task extremely l Google search learning that runs inputs through a
well and while these machines may l Image recognition software biologically-inspired neural network
seem intelligent, they are operating l Siri, Alexa and other personal architecture. The neural networks contain
under far more constraints and assistants a number of hidden layers through which
limitations than even the most basic l Self-driving cars the data is processed, allowing the
human intelligence. l IBM’s Watson machine to go “deep” in its learning, making
Machine Learning & Deep Learning connections and weighting input for the
Artificial General Intelligence (AGI): Much of Narrow AI is powered by best results.
AGI, sometimes referred to as “Strong breakthroughs in machine learning
AI,” is the kind of artificial intelligence
we see in the movies, like the robots
and deep learning. Understanding the
difference between artificial intelligence,
Artificial General
from Westworld or Data from Star Trek: machine learning and deep learning can Intelligence
The Next Generation. AGI is a machine be confusing. Venture capitalist Frank
with general intelligence and, much Chen provides a good overview of how to The creation of a machine with human-
like a human being, it can apply that distinguish between them, noting: level intelligence that can be applied to
intelligence to solve any problem. any task is the Holy Grail for many AI
“Artificial intelligence is a set of researchers, but the quest for AGI has been

Narrow Artificial algorithms and intelligence to try to

mimic human intelligence. Machine
fraught with difficulty.
The search for a “universal algorithm for
Intelligence learning is one of them, and deep learning and acting in any environment,”
learning is one of those machine (Russel and Norvig 27) isn’t new, but time
Narrow AI is all around us and is easily learning techniques.” hasn’t eased the difficulty of essentially
the most successful realization of artificial creating a machine with a full set of
intelligence to date. With its focus on Simply put, machine learning feeds cognitive abilities.
performing specific tasks, Narrow AI has a computer data and uses statistical AGI has long been the muse of dystopian
experienced numerous breakthroughs in techniques to help it “learn” how to get science fiction, in which super-intelligent
the last decade that have had “significant progressively better at a task, without robots overrun humanity, but experts agree
societal benefits and have contributed having been specifically programmed for it’s not something we need to worry about
to the economic vitality of the nation,” that task, eliminating the need for millions anytime soon. v
10 Digital Planet N001 Digital Planet N001 11

A Brief History I
ntelligent robots
and artificial beings
first appeared in the
ancient Greek myths
of Antiquity. Aristotle’s

of Artificial
development of syllogism
and its use of deductive
reasoning was a key
moment in mankind’s
quest to understand its
own intelligence. While
the roots are long and

deep, the history of
artificial intelligence as
we think of it today spans
less than a century. The
following is a quick look
at some of the most
important events in AI.
12 Digital Planet N001 Digital Planet N001 13

1940s (1956) The phrase artificial intelligence report by the U.S. government details the new computer systems, R1 kicks off an scheduling tool, during the Gulf War. for neural networks and deep learning
(1943) Warren McCullough and Walter is coined at the “Dartmouth Summer lack of progress in machine translations investment boom in expert systems that (1992) Japan terminates the FGCS funding.
Pitts publish “A Logical Calculus of Ideas Research Project on Artificial Intelligence.” research, a major Cold War initiative will last for much of the decade, effectively project in 1992, citing failure in meeting the (2014) Google makes the first self-driving
Immanent in Nervous Activity.” The paper Led by John McCarthy, the conference, with the promise of automatic and ending the first “AI Winter.” ambitious goals outlined a decade earlier. car to pass a state driving test.
proposed the first mathematical model for which defined the scope and goals of AI, is instantaneous translation of Russian. The (1982) Japan’s Ministry of International (1993) DARPA ends the Strategic (2014) Amazon’s Alexa, a virtual home is
building a neural network. widely considered to be the birth of artificial ALPAC report leads to the cancellation of all Trade and Industry launches the ambitious Computing Initiative in 1993 after spending released
(1949) In his book The Organization
of Behavior: A Neuropsychological
intelligence as we know it today.
(1956) Allen Newell and Herbert Simon
government-funded MT projects.
(1969) The first successful expert
Fifth Generation Computer Systems
project. The goal of FGCS is to develop
nearly $1 billion and falling far short of
Theory, Donald Hebb proposes the theory demonstrate Logic Theorist (LT), the first systems are developed in DENDRAL, a XX supercomputer-like performance and a (1997) IBM’s Deep Blue beats world (2016) Google DeepMind’s AlphaGo
that neural pathways are created from reasoning program. program, and MYCIN, designed to diagnose platform for AI development. chess champion Gary Kasparov defeats world champion Go player Lee
experiences and that connections between (1958) John McCarthy develops the AI blood infections, are created at Stanford. (1983) In response to Japan’s FGCS, the
2000s Sedol. The complexity of the ancient
neurons become stronger the more
frequently they’re used. Hebbian learning
programming language Lisp and publishes
the paper “Programs with Common Sense.”
1970s U.S. government launches the Strategic
Computing Initiative to provide DARPA (2005) STANLEY, a self-driving car, wins
Chinese game was seen as a major hurdle
to clear in AI.
continues to be an important model in AI. The paper proposed the hypothetical (1972) The logic programming language funded research in advanced computing the DARPA Grand Challenge. (2016) The first “robot citizen”, a

1950s Advice Taker, a complete AI system with

the ability to learn from experience as
PROLOG is created.
(1973) The “Lighthill Report,” detailing
and artificial intelligence.
(1985) Companies are spending more
(2005) The U.S. military begins investing
in autonomous robots like Boston
humanoid robot named Sophia, is created
by Hanson Robotics and is capable of facial
(1950) Alan Turing publishes “Computing effectively as humans do. the disappointments in AI research, is than a billion dollars a year on expert Dynamics’ “Big Dog” and iRobot’s “PackBot.” recognition, verbal communication and
Machinery and Intelligence, proposing what (1959) Allen Newell, Herbert Simon and released by the British government and systems and an entire industry known as (2008) Google makes breakthroughs facial expression.
is now known as the Turing Test, a method J.C. Shaw develop the General Problem leads to severe cuts in funding for artificial the Lisp machine market springs up to in speech recognition and introduces the (2018) Google releases natural language
for determining if a machine is intelligent. Solver (GPS), a program designed to imitate intelligence projects. support them. Companies like Symbolics feature in its iPhone app. processing engine BERT, reducing barriers
(1950) Harvard undergraduates Marvin
Minsky and Dean Edmonds build SNARC,
human problem-solving.
(1959) Herbert Gelernter develops the
(1974-1980) Frustration with the
progress of AI development leads to major
and Lisp Machines Inc. build specialized
computers to run on the AI programming
2010-2014 in translation and understanding by
machine learning applications.
the first neural network computer. Geometry Theorem Prover program. DARPA cutbacks in academic grants. language Lisp. (2011) IBM’s Watson trounces the (2018) Waymo launches its Waymo
(1950) Claude Shannon publishes the (1959) Arthur Samuel coins the term Combined with the earlier ALPAC report (1987-1993) As computing competition on Jeopardy!. One service, allowing users throughout
paper “Programming a Computer for machine learning while at IBM. and the previous year’s “Lighthill Report,” technology improved, cheaper alternatives (2011) Apple releases Siri, an AI-powered the Phoenix metropolitan area to request
Playing Chess.” (1959) John McCarthy and Marvin artificial intelligence funding dries up and emerged and the Lisp machine market virtual assistant through its iOS operating a pick-up from one of the company’s self-
(1950) Isaac Asimov publishes the Minsky founded the MIT Artificial research stalls. This period is known as the collapsed in 1987, ushering in the “Second system. driving vehicles.
“Three Laws of Robotics.” Intelligence Project. “First AI Winter.” AI Winter.” During this period, expert (2012) Andrew Ng, founder of the (2020) Baidu releases its LinearFold AI
(1952) Arthur Samuel develops a self-
learning program to play checkers.
1960s 1980s systems proved too expensive to maintain
and update, eventually falling out of favor.
Google Brain Deep Learning project, feeds
a neural network using deep learning
algorithm to scientific and medical teams
working to develop a vaccine during the
(1954) The Georgetown-IBM machine
translation experiment automatically
(1963) John McCarthy starts the AI Lab
at Stanford.
(1980) Digital Equipment Corporations
develops R1 (also known as XCON),
1990s algorithms 10 million YouTube videos as a
training set. The neural network learned
early stages of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.
The algorithm is able to predict the RNA
translates 60 carefully selected Russian (1966) The Automatic Language the first successful commercial expert (1991) U.S. forces deploy DART, to recognize a cat without being told what sequence of the virus in just 27 seconds,
sentences into English. Processing Advisory Committee (ALPAC) system. Designed to configure orders for an automated logistics planning and a cat is, ushering in the breakthrough era 120 times faster than other methods. v
! 8 1
14 Digital Planet N001 Digital Planet N001 15

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16 Digital Planet N001 Digital Planet N001 17

A Digital Nomads Guide (1)

Geographically, Milan is located on the unwelcoming due to the communication is pretty easy to find a place to work that

Source: North side of Italy and is the capital of the barriers to the difficulty of finding an offers everything you need. Another option
ilan is one of the most Lombardia region. Milan holds the second- apartment. It took me three months to find to keep in mind is that mobile internet

Тhe City Of Art

popular Italian cities, known highest population in Italy after Rome with a place to stay due to landlords not wanting packages in Milan are rather cheap. You
for its rich fashion and art a population of 1.4 million inhabitants. to offer their apartments out to non-Italians could get up to 20 GB a month for as cheap
culture that makes many The city is stretched over an area of or those who did not speak the language. as 10 Euros, making it quite easy to tether
people flock from all over the world to approximately 182 km2 with an elevation of However, once the whole accommodation internet to your laptop wherever you decide
get a glimpse of the latest that the city 120 m above sea level.  issue was resolved, the city starts to light to work. However, to get you on track as

And Culture
has to offer. Milan is considered the Milan is also considered one of the up and show you its hidden charm.  quickly as possible, here are a bunch of
most industrial city in Italy and home to major design and fashion capitals of the Milan is one of those cities that you places for a digital nomad to work based
numerous financial headquarters making world. Each year, Milan holds a design and have a love/hate relationship with making on location: 
it the leading financial center and the fashion week making it a popular design it difficult to stay away from and finding COWO Coworking Che Conta
most commercial city of Italy.  destination in both industries. It has always yourself feeling at home regardless of the Not only is this office space located in
been a city rich in art and culture where the heart of the city, but it also offers a
many famous artists reside and where real-life office experience. In this historical
monumental pieces are on display such as building located just a few steps from the
Leanardo Da Vinci’s ‘The Last Supper’. Duomo, you can reserve a workstation
Milan is also home to an array of for single use by day, month, quarter
monuments as well as churches or year. While renting a day can cost
and buildings that add to the city’s you 30 Euros + VAT, the prices are
glamour. With many historical reduced when booking for longer
palazzos, churches and statues periods.
across the city, there is a lot to Saving Caffe
see and experience in terms of If you’re looking for a place to
art, culture and history.  Milan work with an extravagant view,
Because of its strong Budget: then you’ve definitely come to the
international presence, many right place. As a digital nomad,
ex-pats are living in Milan, $1.640 this is a great place to meet people
making it an interesting destination per as it is located in the mesmerizing
for a digital nomad. In terms of Month area of Galleria Vittorio Emanuella.
geographical location, Milan offers As you use their free WiFi, you can enjoy
many trips nearby such as Turin, Lake eating some of the best shortbread Milan
Como and even the Alps which are only has to offer or a variety of sandwiches.
131 km away. Given the posh location, it will cost you
unfortunate events that may occur. Once quite a bit but is definitely a place you need

Digital Nomad Personal you start getting familiar with the city, the
people and how to get by, Milan quickly
to check out. 
Arnold Cafe
Experience in Milan enters your heart because it has so much If you’re looking for a more down to
to offer. From endless design, fashion and earth, American style coffee place, then
Having heard so much about Milan’s art events constantly happening in the city, Arnold cafe is just what you need. Here you
importance in the design and fashion to incredible food, shopping and historical can order a variety of flavoured American
world, my expectations of Milan were quite culture that makes the city quite special.  coffee, lattes and shakes as you use their
high. However, the moment you step into Unlike most European cities, Milan is a free WiFi. The atmosphere isn’t as cozy or
Milan, the confusion starts. First of all, for city that doesn’t sleep which is evident in its relaxing as other places in Milan, but it will
a city with a strong international presence, active nightlife scene. Here, it is very easy definitely suffice for a day’s work. 
the use of English is almost nonexistent to meet other expats living in the city and EXKi
making it difficult to communicate or get make friends easily. You’ll never feel alone Located in Via Torino, this little cute cafe
basic help. In Milan, I quickly learned how in Milan and it is always guaranteed to have is a great place to work if you’re looking for
unwelcome anyone who doesn’t speak heaps of fun once you get over the initial a quiet place to work that is connected to
Italian is and how important it is to be obstacles. When Milan enters your heart, it the busy area as soon as you step outside.
familiar with the language in order just to stays there for good.  As you work, you can indulge in some of
get by.  their healthy snacks, sandwiches, salads or
Unlike the rest of Italy, Milan is not a
pretty sight. As it is an industrial city, most
Best Places то even desserts. And when you’re on a break,
you can go shopping in one of the best
of Milan gives off that cold, industrial vibe, Work in Milan shopping areas in Milan.
except for the heart of Milan and a few Pave
other neighbourhoods. For the first few Milan is a city that has a small cafe, Italian bakery is not to be missed
months, my experience in Milan was an bar or restaurant around every corner. especially if you need to get a lot of work
absolute nightmare from Italians being With most of them offering free WiFi, it done. At Pave, the aroma will make you feel
18 Digital Planet N001 Digital Planet N001 19

like you stepped into your grandmother’s centre make Porta Romana one of the the airport at hours where transportation Find an Apartment
home and welcome you with open arms. coolest places to live. Because of its split is difficult. However, if you feel that the
Along with a comfortable and cozy seating personality, you can find the posh area area is not to your liking, you could choose in Milan
area as well as a large shared co-working of Porta Romana with unique residential to stay one-stop away at Sondrio, where Finding an apartment in Milan can be
table with plugs, you can socialize, work areas as well fine-dining spots and fashion the neighbourhood is a lot nicer and still a horrific experience, especially if you’re
and make sure your tummy is satisfied.  avenues that make it seem quite grand, as quite accessible to the transportation looking for something cheap. One of the
well as the other side which is a lot more advantages of centrale. easiest options to consider that will make

Best Places down to earth and youthful. The vibrant

and energetic part of this neighbourhood is Citta Studi
a huge difference in facilitating the entire
process is going to an agency within your
to Live in Milan packed with bars as well as craft and pop- Based on the description of the places to desired living location and having them
up shops which attract a lively crowd to the work in this neighbourhood, you can already help you find an apartment. However, this
Navigli area. Being able to choose the style that tell why it would make for a great place to does come with an extra cost as you will
One of the reasons Navigli is one of suits you best or even combine a bit of both live. As a university area, the neighbourhood pay an agency fee that can make the hefty
the most popular destinations to live in is in the same neighbourhood makes this is filled with expats, youth and many events price tag that comes with Milan rentals
because of its incredible energy. As it is area quite special and a favourite among happening. From concerts, exhibitions, even more expensive. The best thing to do
home to Milan’s two major canals Naviglio youth, expats and digital nomads. discussions, nightlife and a pool of energy, when deciding ongoing for an agency is to
Grande and Naviglio Pavese, the area is it is a popular neighbourhood where many take a stroll in the neighbourhood until you
beautiful, relaxing and full of life. However,
Emergency Numbers expats choose to live. find a place displaying rental properties and

the reason it is popular amongst expats, prices indicating that it is an agency.
digital nomads, as well as Italians, is Police: Isola
because of the incredible nightlife it offers. Ambulance: Home to the creative and innovative Advantages of renting through an agency
In Navigli, there are so many things to do Firefighter: hub of Milan, every square of this l Facilitate legal documents and contracts
to enjoy your stay, meet people and enjoy neighbourhood is a place to explore. From With an agency, there will be someone
the scenery, too. That doesn’t mean that boutiques, pop-up shops, second-hand in charge of organizing the paperwork and
it is always a buzz. On the contrary, what Centrale shops and some of the best nightlife making sure everything is legal.
makes it so special is that during the day it While centrale itself is not a pretty spots in the city. While this area used to
is a calm neighbourhood filled with cafes, neighbourhood and the safety of it can be looked down upon, when artists and l Hold the landlords accountable
bars, restaurants and boutiques. On the last be quite questionable, one of the reasons entrepreneurs started to flock to Isola in With an agency, the landlord is bound to
Sunday of the month, Navigli also transforms why it is considered a good neighbourhood hopes of lowering their rents and expenses, the contract and the agent acts as a neutral
into an antique market where you can pick to live in is because of the main central the neighbourhood completely transformed third party that guarantees that you get
up some really unique items as well as enjoy station. Here, you can easily get a train into what it is today making it a unique what you were promised.
taking a stroll along the canal with checking to another city, to the airport as well as and must-visit destination in the city. It’s
out what the locals are displaying. find connections within the city. If you’re a proximity to Garibaldi and the connection l Speak English
frequent traveller who takes late and early to transportation and the rest of the city Finding someone to speak English in
Porta Romana morning flights, living in centrale will be a also gives it more points when thinking of a Milan is quite difficult, but in most agencies,
The location and proximity to the great benefit for when you need to reach neighbourhood to live in. you will be able to find at least one person
who can communicate with you as well
as with the landlord without having to face
language problems.

l Offer long-term options

Most landlords in Milan are wary of
tenants and do not like to offer long-term
rent to just about anyone. This makes it
really difficult to secure a home. However,
using an agency ensures that the landlords
are serious about their offers.

Apart from using an agency, there are

other ways to find an apartment in Milan.
The first is by searching through online
rentals. While some of these might be
agencies, some of these platforms offer
direct rentals displayed by the owner. Here
you can browse based on area, price range,
whether you’re looking for furnished or
unfurnished options and find something
you like. However, you need to be aware that
many scammers take this as an opportunity
20 Digital Planet N001 Digital Planet N001 21

7 Ways to Use Videos

for More Engagement on Instagram
Author: I. Zilovic

o matter whether you have a
small or a large business, it’s
time that you take social media
marketing seriously.
Based on statistics shared by Lyfe
marketing, 93 percent of videos on Twitter
are accessed from mobile phones. Views
of branded video content on YouTube has
doubled in the last three years. Moreover,
Facebook live videos receive 10 times
more comments than a regular video. All
these statistics show that video content
is in demand on social media networks.
This is because millennials connect more
to videos on social media. Web Marketing
Video Council has found that more than 60
percent of brands are using social media
videos actively for promotions. Thus, it is
highly likely that your competitors are also
leveraging the power of social media video
to expand their customer base.
and post non-existent apartments with really Citta Studi: You could find a studio Cheap Places
cheap prices in hopes of attracting tourists
or expats who are not familiar with the
apartment of around 40 m2 in Citta Studi
starting from €600 with another €150-200
to Stay in Milan How To Get 100K Followers In 4 Months?
The Answer is Here!
scam. To avoid this, remember that cheap in bills. However, a private room in a shared One of the best things to do when
properties for immaculate apartments do apartment could cost around €500 with an arriving in Milan is to book low-budget Instagram is a very powerful social media
not exist in Milan. extra €100 roughly in bills. accommodation for a few nights first until platform that allows you to share images
Centrale: Because of the location, this area you manage to secure a long-term rental. and videos online. Techcrunch has been
Costs of apartment in Milan can be quite expensive despite the horrible There are several options to consider for studying Instagram trends since its launch.
Apartments and renting in Milan will take neighbourhood. A studio apartment as small low-budget accommodation which include As per their study, Instagram crossed the
a huge chunk of your expenses. Prices can as 25 m2 could cost €700 with an additional the following: threshold of 1 billion monthly active users
€100-150 to be paid for bills.
vary greatly from one area to another but in in 2018. Moreover, Instagram is currently
Navigli: A studio apartment of 45 m2 Hostels
general finding rent is one of the most costly growing at a rate of 5 percent per quarter,
in Navigli can cost €650-800 with an Milan Hote €8
expenses in Milan. If you’re not too picky about additional €100-150 in. the highest among social media platforms.
Milano Hostel €17
the area, you could find a bed in a shared room Brera: Because of the posh So, Instagram should be your first choice
Lucca TR €18
ranging between €250-350 per month. Or neighbourhood, apartments are quite HI Ostello Milano €18 in showcasing your brand’s product and
you could find a room in a shared apartment expensive in Brera and can cost around Affittacamere Scacco Matto €20 services. In this article, we will take you
between €500-600 euros per month. Studio €2000 for a 60 m2 1-bedroom apartment. Combo Milano €21 through some ways to use Instagram
and one-bedroom apartments depend a lot on Isola: A private room in a shared Koala Hostel €22 videos for engaging more audiences.
the neighbourhood as well as the area of the apartment in Isola can cost around€500 Star Hostel €22
space but could start from €600. with an additional €50-100 in bills, whereas Ostelzzz €24 1. Short Commercials
If you do head out of Milan towards a studio or one-bedroom apartment could Panda Hostel €24 Create short, valuable videos that
the suburbs, rent becomes a bit cheaper. start from €690 excluding bills. Milano Ostello €25 represent your brand. You can showcase
However, you’ll most likely pay the difference Porta Romana: A small studio apartment Airbnb your product in an artistic way through these
of 30m2 in this popular neighbourhood Finding a private room on Airbnb can also
in price in transportation costs anyway. To videos. The commercial can be inspirational,
could cost around €700 whereas a room be a good option to start with, especially
help you get an idea of prices within certain funny, or emotional. Instagram currently
in a shared apartment could cost €500 because it allows you to interact with the
neighbourhoods, here’s roughly what you host or other tenants living there and get allows you to share a 60 second video on
excluding bills.
pay for rent: their help on apartment hunting. v your timeline. With such short videos, it
22 Digital Planet N001 Digital Planet N001 23

is easy to grab the attention of the target creative and smart in capturing the right l Sharing short-time deals is a good way
audience. Also, short videos are best to moments for your Instagram video. to attract people to your products and
share crisp information about your products. services. You can set up the offer so
You can share the commercial in Instagram 5. Instagram Stories Video that it can only be redeemed during
stories, IGTV or in the Instagram timeline. Instagram launched Insta stories in the story’s lifespan. Once people get to
August 2016. Through stories, you can know about such deals, they will come
2. Product details share images or videos with your followers for more.
Showcase your product’s specifications for a 24-hour duration. This short span l Let an influencer take over your
or a ‘product in action’ video to creates a sense of urgency and people Instagram handle to share a sneak
demonstrate its capability. Focus only tend to view the stories as they see one peek of the products and discount
on benefits to keep the viewers engaged. active. You can use stories to promote your offers. A familiar face is sure to attract
Keep the video more informative and less business as follows: a larger audience.
descriptive. Attention to detail is the key
to creating a cool video. You can put the 6. Live on Instagram
product video in your brand’s Instagram The best feature on Instagram is that you
page’s timeline for the audience to see can stream live video on it. Once you go
anytime. Creating such spontaneous live on Instagram, you are at the forefront
videos attracts a lot of attention. of your follower’s feed. Hence, there are
high chances of your followers engaging
3. Do it yourself videos with your live stream. They get to see your
An effective way to use stream even if they aren’t physically part
Instagram videos is of the event. Product previews, product
to create instructional releases, Q&A sessions, educational
content. ‘Do it streams, etc. are some ways in which you
yourself’ or ‘how can engage with your online audience. If
to’ videos share your event is pre-planned, then you can
your products promote it through emails and other social
working. This media platforms.

Is Affiliate Marketing
helps the users
to understand 7. Bring in the makers
the product’s Give a personal touch to your stories
usage. You can by introducing your employees who have
also create created your products and services. You
troubleshooting can get the team members to share their

The Solution for Your Future?

videos related journey in product development. Also, you
to any can let your employees handle your brand’s
problem Instagram account for a day. They can
that your then share details about their work life and
customer the hard work that goes into making the
might face. To the product. The employees can even conduct Pedro Gracia 5 or want more freedom, and are prepared by which an online retailer pays a
point videos are liked by the a Q&A session for the audience to educate Source: to learn how to earn an income with affiliate commission to an external website

target audience as they get relevant them about the product. Such video marketing, this post is for you. for traffic or sales generated from its
information within a short span of time. By sessions create an emotional connection t’s easy to fall into the temptation of referrals”.
sharing such videos from time to time you with the target audience and more views to saying” I want an adequate income with What is affiliate So, with this definition, let’s clarify a
can build a relationship with your existing your Instagram account. potential to grow, have a nice boss or few terms: the merchant, the vendor,
customers. work for myself, be able to work from marketing? the creator, the brand, the retailer, this
Conclusion anywhere, be time flexible so you don’t miss No matter what you buy online, clothes, is the party that creates the product,
27 Little Known Secrets To Grow And If you aren’t incorporating the power precious moments with your loved ones, runners, computer games, smartphone, or like Nike, Dyson, or Apple. From solo
Make Money On Instagram of Instagram into your digital marketing but most importantly doing something that services that you search on the internet, like entrepreneurs to startups to massive
campaign, then you are missing out on inspires you every day”. I don’t know about learning a new skill, booking a holiday or a companies, anyone could be the merchant
4. Behind the scenes video something big. Instagram’s potential, if you… but this would be my ideal way of city break, renting a car, buying insurance behind an affiliate marketing program.
Customers have become picky in exploited properly, can take your products earning a living.  for your house, or starting your own online All they need are products to sell and an
choosing a product, hence it is important to to new heights. There is no perfect way Well, believe it or not, becoming business, etc… chances are that they have affiliate marketing program set in place
establish a connection with them. You can to use Instagram video, the techniques an affiliate marketer, or starting affiliate an affiliate program. within their company.
create behind the scenes videos that take mentioned above will help you in getting marketing could be one of the closest The biggest affiliate program on the Then we have the affiliate, also known
them through trivia related to your product. started in doing so. You can even hire social answers to this question. So if you are at a internet is Amazon and they practically sell as the publisher. An affiliate promotes
You can even conduct quick learning media management agencies that will help stage of your life, where you are fed up with everything you need… one or multiple affiliate products and tries
sessions about tips and tricks related to you promote your products by creating your traditional way of earning a living or Looking in the dictionary, Affiliate to attract and convince potential customers
your product usage. You just have to be some amazing video content. v have lost your job, if you are tired of the 9 to Marketing is ”a marketing arrangement of the value of the merchant’s product so
24 Digital Planet N001 Digital Planet N001 25

that they actually end up buying it. Affiliates even better, but this will determine if you go
can also range from single individuals to for the Free (organic) approach or the Paid
entire companies. An affiliate marketing advertisement path. Both approaches have
business can produce a few hundred dollars their pros and cons. Whichever you choose
in commissions each month or tens of will determine how you bring customers
millions of dollars. (traffic) to click on your affiliate links.
There are 3 main payment structures as Unless you have a substantial budget to
all the affiliate marketing programs differ put into paid traffic straight away, I would
from one another. suggest you start with organic traffic, and
l Per click: The affiliate is paid a flat rate upscale later once you have acquired the
for every individual they redirect to the proper marketing skills.
vendor’s website. Social media platforms like Pinterest,
l Per lead: The affiliate is paid for every Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc. have
prospective customer who visits the millions of users. So a good place to start is
vendor’s website and performs its to place your affiliate links in your profile and
desired action, such as signing up for a posts so you get people’s attention. 
mailing list or free trial. You could also start your own YouTube
l Per sale: The most common of the channel and upload videos with your
three payment structures, the affiliate is products. If you want to reach out to millions
paid a commission (e.g., 1% to 10%) for of online users with affiliate products
every purchase via the affiliate unique without making any investment, then
product link. YouTube could be your platform of choice.
Every business needs customers, so Many successful YouTubers earn a 6 or 7
as an affiliate marketer you simply link figure income each year just by conducting
the customers with an offer and get a the promotions of the products they use or
commission in the process. Pretty simple are passionate about.
hey! l The most important factor here
is TIME. Start now. It will take months

How can you to start with to get some ranking in google, to get

noticed on social media, to build content
affiliate marketing? that attracts visitors.  Start posting on
Facebook, uploading videos on Youtube,
Before you are full-time, you can start as writing content on your website, acquiring
a part-time affiliate marketer, this is one of more online marketing skills, it doesn’t
the best home-based businesses that exist matter, take action now. It may not be
out there, you can do it in your spare time, perfect at first, don’t worry, you will iron out
or after work, or in the evenings, or simply the small imperfections later, but continue
at weekends.  As you step up to work as taking action on a daily basis. 
an affiliate marketer, you can increase your l Once you have found your
chances of making good money out of the niche you will need a website to place
profits that the retailer’s websites make. your affiliate marketing links. I strongly
There is no need to quit your present job recommend WordPress as it is widely used,
to start affiliate marketing at first. All you easy to navigate and it’s free. When I started
need to do is dedicate at least 10 hours I had no prior computer knowledge, so
per week, in the beginning, find a niche that building a website was alien to me and very
interests you, search for companies that daunting. Although many affiliate marketers
have affiliate programs, locate products you are self-taught, I was not prepared to do it
like or have used in the past, and basically on my own. So after thoroughly looking at
promote them and start earning. This is not various courses, I signed up to an online
a get rich quick scheme, it is more of a long education program that I found by accident
term strategy,  you will need to learn new whilst looking at self-improvement YouTube
skills as you go along for you to become a videos. This was just what I needed to get
successful affiliate marketer. me started…

How much money do l Next step: pick a domain, this is

basically a name to identify your website.
I need to start affiliate In simple terms, if the website is your house
the domain name would be your address.
marketing? This will cost you approximately 10$ a year.
In general, people have time or money, You can pick a domain name on godaddy.
if you are lucky enough to have both that’s com for example.
26 Digital Planet N001 Digital Planet N001 27

l You need to host the site(s) these start at $15 -$20 per month and marketing in the years ahead no matter if
somewhere… A web host, or web hosting increase as your list grows. you are the vendor or the affiliate marketer.
service provider, is a business that provides This would be your initial and basic By working as a seller, affiliate marketers
the technologies and services needed for investment to get your affiliate marketing can gain a passive income with brands
the website or webpage to be viewed on up and running. and products they are interested in and
the Internet. Websites are hosted or stored, motivated by. On the other hand, the
on special computers called servers… There
are many web hosting services, but anyone
Why to start affiliate vendors are taking advantage of all these
affiliate marketers creating content and
with decent reviews will be good enough marketing in 2022? promoting their products with very little
to host a small website. This will cost you cost or effort. I believe that in 2022 and
approximately 20$ a month. Digitalocean. By 2022, it is expected that most beyond, getting into affiliate marketing is
com, or are but a online retailers will engage in some level a win-win situation for both affiliates and
few. Prices vary but pick a basic plan that of affiliate marketing.  This is causing vendors. Start here and book your next Free
you can upgrade in the future. more companies to become interested webinar to start your online business.
l You should also build an email list/ in all those eager affiliate marketers who Here is a list of reasons:
newsletter, there are many solutions for can help grow their brand awareness and l We have seen before that it doesn’t
this. The primary task of a mailing list is increase sales. take a lot of investment to start with
to receive email messages and forward By 2023, the affiliate marketing industry affiliate marketing.
them to your newly acquired or/and is forecasted to eclipse the $10 billion l You don’t need to hire any employees
existing subscribers. There are a lot of mark, nearly double what it was worth in or rent premises. All you need is a good
them: Aweber, Getresponse, Mailchimp … 2015. There is a bright future for affiliate internet connection, a computer, and time.

l You can start in almost any industry or of self-taught people continuously learning, So what are you
niche that you truly love or are passionate searching, exchanging and evolving within
about. Whether it’s cooking, sports, health, the digital economy. There are forums, waiting for?
pottery etc, there is a market out there for blogs, ebooks and all sorts of resources I can still remember the 2008 global
you. to help you grow your online business. I economic recession where many traditional
l When you start creating content on signed up to a community of like-minded businesses went under or barely survived.
your website via blog or video, it can be entrepreneurs called SFM, and they have At that time the digital economy was
any topic that inspires you or that you been amazing in technical support, helping gathering momentum, but this concept
are an expert in.  Building a home-based with a new mindset, and most importantly was too alien for me, so I ignored it and
business should be fun! So make sure with constant moral support for when the even dismissed it and carried on with my
before you start any online business going gets tough.  The community around 9 to 5, because it was familiar, easy, and I
you determine a topic that you will enjoy you is partly what makes affiliate marketing was scared of the thought of changing or
working on every day. I know this plumber the best home-based business. reinventing myself. It took an additional
who specializes in swimming pool system l Once you know how to build a 12 years, to finally realize the need to learn
fitting and maintenance and after 25 years profitable website you can build another new skills and get to grips with the changes
of hard labour started writing blogs on how one, rinse and repeat as many times as you that the digital economy lay ahead of us.
to look after your own swimming pool. want. Once your name or brand is known You might be thinking right now, this is not
Who would think this specialized and small you can start selling your own products, for me, I am too old to learn, I don’t have any
niche could create some type of income? and diversify your income stream. computer skills, this is a bad moment, etc… I
Well, he did and through his content and his l One of my life purposes is to live to know I did, but believe me, work as you knew
affiliate links he is now earning a 6 figure 100! In this pursuit, health and happiness it will soon change or cease to exist, so this
income thanks to affiliate marketing. are my top priorities. Income is also of the is when you decide to do nothing and carry
l This affiliate marketing can be daunting utmost importance. This is where affiliate on in the hope that things will get better,
at times, but rest assured you are not alone. marketing can supplement my income or or you take your first steps towards your
There is a sense of an internet community, pension until my 100th birthday. own affiliate marketing future. v
28 Digital Planet N001

Social Media Marketing

Putting Your Company Into The Social Crowd

t’s always difficult to market towards social influence. This is why it is even exposure. To face facts, you won’t be
certain demographics. With social more important for you to link your main the last to be marketing on social media,
media being increasingly huge, there base of operations (website or blog) to all which is why it’s important to make sure
is no better platform to use. Utilizing your social media profiles, and vice versa. your posts aren’t lost in the ocean of
social media to your advantage can help Market your website on your social media others that are posted every day. There
you figure out what kind of audience to profiles, and market your social media are a couple of different ways to do this,
market towards, who enjoys what, and profiles on your websites. This ensures the as you want to stand out but you also
who will most likely enjoy your product. creation of a closed-loop, creating a large don’t want to over-expose yourself. For a
With these tips, you can use social media network of people that are connected with personal social media account, you can
and make it one of the largest assets in both aspects of your business, bringing in post as many times as you want per day
your marketing strategies. more traffic for your business. as you will be mainly marketing towards
1. Decide which platform to use - There 3. Share interesting content - If you friends and family. For your social media
are a number of different social platforms want to market to the right people, you business account, it is advised that you
and user bases. From Facebook to need to make sure you’re sharing content don’t post more than twice per day, or
Instagram to Tumblr, there is no shortage that they will enjoy. If you share interesting seven times per week, as followers may
of client bases to use. It is arguably the and helpful content, then you’re most likely simply ignore your posts.
most important to focus on one or two to have your content shared and spread 5. Follow the influences in your crowd -
platforms, to begin with, to ensure that among the crowd. More importantly, don’t The odds are that you aren’t going to be the
you don’t fizzle yourself out with focusing forget hashtags. The use of hashtags can biggest fish in the social media marketing
on multiple things at once, as marketing help your clients keep track of your posts, pond. This makes it important to follow the
is just one aspect of running a business. and if they’re big enough, become a trend. bigger ones. If you happen to catch their
Be sure to keep track of which platform 4. Keep your profile standing out - eye, then you may be lucky enough to strike
is receiving more traffic, as the one with a When it comes to social media marketing, up a collaboration or a partnership. There is
larger traffic count will more likely be the it’s important to stand out from the crowd. also the added bonus of recommendations.
one with a bigger base in the long run. There are a variety of ways to do this, If you follow popular people, then you will
2. Connect your blog or website with as stated above you can post specific most likely pop up in the recommended
your social profiles - Creating a number content to a certain audience. But a list for their followers, in turn gaining more
of social media profiles is essential for core way to do this is to keep above the traffic for your profile. v

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