N O KI KD Kisi-Kisi Soal A B C D Jawaban Benar
N O KI KD Kisi-Kisi Soal A B C D Jawaban Benar
N O KI KD Kisi-Kisi Soal A B C D Jawaban Benar
O Benar
1 Rina : Amazing you run like a phanter. I wish I couldn’t I Don’t think Congratulation I hope so D
I’m sure you will win the race be a winner so
Sani : ............ Thanks
2 Arni : Rian I got a scholarship Feeling unwell Feeling happy Feeling Feeling joy and willing C
Rian : Congratulation, Siti. You deserve and and pleasure and to give somebody
it. Your mom and dad must be proud of contentment dissatisfaction satisfaction
Arni : Yes, thanks. It will help my parents
a lot.
Proud means .................because you got
something good
3 Dian : shall we have a picnic to Bali this Oh I don’t think That a good What a tiring I’m sorry i can’t B
weekend? so idea day!
Reynata : ................ I’m sure we will
have fun there
4 Situation : Siti has just got the first prize Sure, Good luck Congratulate Congratulation, Thanks, I will do my C
in the “Bakiak race” to celebrate Siti Siti. best
Indonesia Independence day. Beni
congratulates her.
What does Beni say to congratulate Siti?
Beni : “___________________.”
Siti : “Thank you.”
5 Dayu : ”Who won the football match I’m glad to hear That’s too bad I’m sorry You’re welcome A
yesterday?” that
Udin : ”Our team did. We won two to
Dayu: Well done__________.”
Udin : ”Thank you.”
6 Edo : ”Happy birthday, Lia.” Because Lia likes Because today Because Edo Because Lia is D
Lia : ”Thank you Edo. You are the first present Edo’s birthday has a lot of celebrating her
who congratulate me.” money birthday today
Edo : ”Oh really? Here is a little present
for you. I hope you like it.”
Lia : ”Thank you very much. You are
really my best friend.”
Why does Edo give Lia a present ?
7 Situation : Rani has just made a very What is that That’s a very I’m glad to hear You are the winner B
beautiful handycraft from coconut leaf. beautiful that
Chandra praises her craft and hope that handycraft
she will win the national competition.
41 We should eat breakfast in order to ... avoid thirst Get energy Be lazy get happiness B
42 Everybody needs to drink clean pure He will be He will not get She will not get She will not get B
water so that ... strong stomachache sore eye toothache
43 Before doing exercise or sport, we sad tired broken bone Muscle injury D
should do warm up so that we will not
get ....
44 Ani : What do we have to wash our bath frogs mosquitoes mice ants B
tub regulary for?
Lisa : So that there are no ............... in
our house.
45 Ani : ............................ What should we What should What should we What should we eat B
Lisa : in order not get harmful bacteria turn off the we wash the drink pur water nutritious food foor?
stove for? dishes after for?
meal for?
46 Complete the following paragraph held give took Lent C
with correct words
49 Arrange the following sentence into a 2-1- 4-3 - 5 4–1–3–2- 3–2–5–1-4 5–3–1–4-2 C
meaningful passage! 5
50 Once upon a time, there was a king who We should We have to We have to We should refuse B
loved new clothes. One day, two men believe all be careful listen our other’s people help
came to the castle and told the king, person. before doing parent’s
“For two bags of gold, we are going to something advice
make you some beautiful, magic clothes.
Only you are able to see them. “The king
was very excited. The men said,” Your
cloth are going to be finished in two
weeks, on July 14.” The king went to his
calendar and marked July fourteenth to
be a holiday. “Everyone is going to
celebrate my new clothes with me,” he
said. On July sixth, the king went to see
the two men. They worked fast and
hard, but the king didn’t see any clothes.
The men said,” Remember, these are
magic clothes.” On July fourteenth, the
king’s magic clothes were ready. After
two men helped the king get dressed,
the king rode into town. He wanted
everyone to see his magic clothes. The
people were surprised. There were no
clothes to see! A small boy said,” The
king isn’t wearing any clothes!” The king
looked at himself and quickly rode back
to his castle. He looked for the two men,
but they and the gold were gone. “I was
foolish,” said the king.