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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FI2OKNMWGc4 grammar
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtEixjKMPfM speaking
Grammar Basic
(1) Consonants + vowels (2) Subjective Pronoun

- Alfabets has 26 letters - Include : I, He, She, It, You, We, They
- 5 are vowels : a, e, i, o, u - Example
- 1 special : y 1. Jenny sings -> She sings
- Rest are consonants 2. Jack sings -> He sings
- Example 3. Jenny and Jack sing -> They sing
1. Cat (a vowel) 4. The cat runs -> It runs
2. Egg (e vowel) 5. The dog and cat run -> They run
3. Hit (i vowel) 6. Ongee (cat that has male genitals) runs -> He
4. Top (o vowel) runs
5. Cut (u vowel) 7. My students study -> They study
6. Why (y vowel) 8. John is handsome -> He is handsome
7. Bicycle (y vowel) 9. Pizza is delicious -> It is delicious
8. Pretty (y vowel) 10. Seoul is a city -> It is a city
9. You (y consonant) 11. My parents love Ongee -> They love Ongee
10. Yes (y consonant) 12. My parents and I love Ongee -> We love
(3) a / an pronoun (4) Subjective Pronoun, be verb (am, is, are) and
- a : used for words starting with consonants
- an : used for words starting with vowels - Structure
- Example
1. A banana Subj. Pronoun + be verbs (am is are) + obj.
2. An apple
3. A cat - Include :
4. A boy 1. I am -> I’m (contraction)
5. An egg 2. He is -> He’s (contraction)
6. An ant 3. She is -> She’s (contraction)
7. A book 4. It is -> It’s (contraction)
8. A park 5. You are -> You’re (contraction)
9. An umbrella 6. We are -> We’re (contraction)
10. An elephant 7. They are -> They’re (contraction)
11. A doctor - Example
12. An orange 1. I’m a student
2. He’s a student
3. She’s a student
4. It’s a dog
5. You’re a student
6. We’re students
7. They’re students
(5) Singular and plural nouns (6) Subjective prononun with be verbs (am, is, are)
with NOT words
- Singular ? : means one
- Plural ? : more than one - Structure
- a / an used to singular noun
- s / es used to plural noun Subj. Pronoun + be verb (am, is, are) + NOT +
- rules to use es obj.
1. end letter “ch” : church -> churches
2. end letter “sh” : brush -> brushes - Example
3. end letter “x” : foxes -> foxes 1. I’m not a student
4. end letter “ss” : dress -> dresses 2. I’m not a boy
- special noun that uses -es 3. I’m not a student
1. potato -> potatoes 4. I’m not a Canadian
2. tomato -> tomatoes 5. I’m not a loser
3. volcano -> volcanoes 6. He’s not a student
- example 7. She’s not a student
1. two books (plural + s) 8. It’s not a dog
2. three classes (plural + es) 9. It’s not a chair
3. a lion (a + singular) 10. It’s not a cat
4. six hats (plural + s) 11. You’re not a student
5. seven matches (plural + es) 12. We’re not students
6. one bat (singular) 13. They’re not students
(7) Make questions using subj. pronoun + be verbs (8) Questions (what + ‘be’ verb)

- Structure - Structure

Be verb (am, is, are) + sub. Pronoun + obj. ? What + ‘be’ verb + sub. Pronoun ?

- Example - What is it ? it’s…

1. I’m a student | I am a student (a) It is a watch
Example (b) It’s a watch
Am I > a girl ? Yes, I am - What are they ? they’re…
(a) No, I’m not (a) They are highlighters
(b) Yes, I am (b) They’re highlighters
(c) No, I’m not
2. He’s / She’s a doctor | He / She is a doctor
Is he / she > a doctor ?
(a) Yes, he / she is
(b) No, he / she isn’t
(c) No, he’s not
(d) No, she’s not
3. It’s a dog | It is a dog
Is it > a dog ?
(a) Yes, it is
(b) No, it isn’t
(c) No, it’s not
4. You’re a boy | You are a boy
Are you > a boy ?
(a) Yes, I am
(b) No. I’m not
5. We’re teachers | We are teachers
Are we teachers ?
(a) Yes, we are
(b) No, we aren’t
(c) No, we’re not
6. They’re friends | They are friends
Are they teachers ?
(a) Yes, they are
(b) No, they aren’t
(c) No, they’re not
(9) This and that (10) These and those

- Used to singular nouns that are close to us or far - Used to plural nouns that are close to us or far
away away
- Structure - Structure

Close Close
This + ‘be’ verb + not (optional) + singular nouns These + ‘be’ verb + not (optional) + plural nouns

Far away Far away

That + ‘be’ verb + not (optional) + singular nouns Those + ‘be’ verb + not (optional) + plural nouns

- Example - Example
1. This is a flower 1. These are flowers
2. That is a flower 2. Those are flowers
3. This isn’t a flower 3. These aren’t flowers
4. That isn’t a flower 4. Those aren’t flowers

- To make questions - To make questions

‘be’ verb + this + singular noun + ? ‘be’ verb + this + plural noun + ?

1. Is this a flower ? 1. Are these flowers ?

(a) Yes, it is (a) Yes, they / these are
(b) No, it isn’t (b) No, they / these aren’t
2. Is that a flower ? 2. Are those flowers ?
(a) Yes, it is (a) Yes, they / those are
(b) No, it isn’t (b) No, they / those aren’t

(11) Possesive adjective (12) Possesive pronoun

- Noun after - Include :

- Include : 1. Mine
1. My 2. His
2. His 3. Hers
3. Her 4. Its
4. Its 5. Yours
5. Your 6. Ours
6. Our 7. Theirs
7. Their - Structure
- Structure
‘be’ verb + not (optional) + possessive noun
‘be’ verb + not (optional) + possessive adj. +
noun - Example
1. This is his | This isn’t his
- Example 2. This is hers | This isn’t hers
1. This is his hat | This isn’t his hat 3. This is its ball | This isn’t its ball (difference)
2. This is her dress | This isn’t her dress 4. This is theirs | This isn’t theirs
3. This is its ball | This isn’t its ball 5. These are mine | Those aren’t mine
4. This is their house | This isn’t their house 6. These are theirs | These aren’t theirs
5. These are their books | These aren’t their 7. Those are theirs | Those aren’t theirs
books 8. This is ours | This isn’t ours
6. Those are their books | Those aren’t their 9. That lipstick is hers
books 10. That sports car is his
7. I put candy in my mouth 11. This money is mine, not yours
8. John lost his bag 12. Dokdo is ours, not theirs
9. The parents love their baby
10. The dog eats its food
11. Their names are Paul and Sam
12. Can I use your phone ?
13. Her makeup looks good
14. Our videos are helpful to you

1. These are my pen -> These are my pens

2. Those aren’t her children
3. Those aren’t hers
4. Is it yours ? Yes, it’s mine
5. Are these his shoes ? No, they aren’t
6. That are chairs -> Those are chairs
7. This book is my -> This book is mine
8. That is he house -> That is his house
9. She name is Jenny -> Her name is Jenny
10. It’s ours house -> It’s our house
(13) a / an / the (14) in / on / under

- a / an
1. Any one thing
-> a apple

2. First time
-> I watched a movie. The movie was fun

- the
1. Specific thing
-> The red apple

2. Second time
-> I watched a movie. The movie was fun Example
1. Look picture below
3. One and only
-> The sun, The month

- Example
1. A lion is dangerous
2. It’s a dog. The dog is cute
3. It’s an ant. The ant is small a. Where is the dog ?
4. It’s the moon. The moon is round The dog is in the doghouse
5. I see a desk and a chair
6. I see an octopus b. Where is the man ?
7. It’s a pen. The pen is red The man in under the umbrella
8. She is a girl. The girl is pretty
9. I can see the sky c. Where are the girls ?
The girls are on the bridge
2. Look picture below

a. Is the rabbit under the chair ?

No, it isn’t

b. Is the rabbit in the chair ?

No, it isn’t

c. Is the rabbit on the chair ?

Yes, it is

d. Are the snakes in the chair ?

No, they aren’t

e. Are the snakes on the chair ?

No, they aren’t

f. Are the snakes under the chair ?

Yes, they are
3. Da

(15) Adjectives (16) Have / has

- It is used to describe noun or things : size, color, - It is used to show possession or something
shape, etc belongs to you
- It comes before a noun - Structure
- Structure
Subj. pronoun + have / has + noun
Article (a / an / the / plural form) + Adj. + noun
- Subj. pronoun usage
- Example 1. Has : he, she, it
1. A blue bird 2. Have : I, you, we, they
- Example
a. It’s a bird (1) The carrot has a carrot
b. It’s a blue bird (2) It has a carrot
c. It’s a small bird
2. Red apples

(1) The ants have an apple

(2) They have an apple

3. The girl __ long hair

a. They’re apples (1) The girl has long hair
b. They’re red apples (2) She has long hair
3. Big man
4. The boys __ caps
(1) The boys have caps
(2) They have caps

5. I __ a friend
-> I have a friend

6. He __ an umbrella
a. Is he a small man ? -> He has an umbrella
No, he’s a big man
7. The dog __ a bone
4. Rounded table (1) The dog has a bone
(2) It has a bone

8. My mother and I __ a car

(1) My mother and I have a car
(2) We have a car

- Have / has (negative sentences)

a. Structure
a. Is it a rounded table
Yes, it is Subj. pronoun + don’t / doesn’t + have + obj.
5. Blue dresses b. Subj. pronoun usage
1. Don’t : they, we, I, you
2. Doesn’t : he, she, it

c. Example
(1) The carrot doesn’t have a cake
(2) It doesn’t have a cake

a. Are they red dresses ?
No, they’re blue dresses

(1) The ants don’t have a banana

(2) They don’t have a banana

3. She __ __ short hair

-> She doesn’t have short hair

4. He __ __ an umbrella
-> He doesn’t have an umbrella

5. I __ __ a wife
-> I don’t have a wife

6. People __ __ manners
-> People don’t have manners

7. We __ __ money
-> We don’t have money

8. A snake __ __ legs
(1) A snake doesn’t have legs
(2) It doesn’t have legs

- Question using have / has

a. Structure

Do / does + subj. pronoun + have + obj. + ?

(1) Yes, (subj. pronoun) + do / does

(2) No, (subj. pronoun) + don’t / doesn’t

b. Subj. pronoun usage

1. Don’t : they, we, I, you
2. Doesn’t : he, she, it

c. Example
1. __ she __ a dress ?
Yes, __ __

Does she have a dress ?

Yes, she does

2. __ they __ a bicycle ?
No, they__

Do they have a bicycle ?

No, they don’t

3. __ it __ a ball ?
No, it __

Does it have a ball ?

No, it doesn’t
Grammar checkup

1. The dog has a ball

(1) It has a ball
(2) It doesn’t have a hat
(3) Does it have a ball ?
Yes, it does
(4) Does it have a hat ?
No, it doesn’t
2. Lala and smith have a car
(1) They have a car
(2) Thet don’t have a bus
(3) Do they have a car ?
Yes, they do
(4) Do they have a bus ?
No, they don’t

Fix it

(1) Achmad and Esther have two watches

1. They has two watches

-> they have two watches

2. Does they have three watches ?

-> do they have three watches ?

3. No, we don’t
-> no, they don’t

(2) Qonita has a dress

1. She have a dress

-> she has a dress
2. Do she have a hat ?
-> does she have a hat ?
3. No, she do
-> No, she doesn’t
(17) 12 English Grammar Tenses
(17.1) Present simple tense Grammar checkup present simple tense

- Structure 1. She__ at school

1. (+) S + v1 (s / es) She is at school
2. (–) S + do / does + not + v1 2. They __ 20 years old
3. (?) Do / does or be “verb” + S + v1 They are 20 years old
4. (– & ?) Do / does or be “verb” + not + S + v1 3. His father __ busy
His father is busy
(+_1) I love physics a lot 4. We isn’t good friend
(+_2) Sam loves Physics a lot We aren’t good friend
5. Are John a teacher ?
(–) They don’t look to you Is John a teacher ?
(–) Achmad doesn’t look to you 6. It am a puppy
It is a puppy
(?_1) Do they love us ? 7. He __ (like) his dinner
(?_2) Does she look beautiful ? He likes his dinner
8. My students __ (need) books
(– & ?) Don’t they love us ? My students need books
(– & ?) Doesn’t she look beautiful ? 9. I__ (live) in London
I live in London
- Usage : 10. He doesn’t likes math
1. Facts, truths (maybe similar with other person He doesn’t like math
or not) and generalizations 11. Do he eat candy ?
2. Habits / routins (that happens regulary) Does he eat candy ?
3. Non – continuous verb (thoughts, opinions, 12. Sam is play computer games
feelings, emotions, 5 senses) Sam plays computer games
4. Happen in near future 13. We __ (take) the bus everyday
5. Negative usage We take the bus everyday
6. Question form 14. He __ (go) to school every morning
He goes to school every morning
- Non – continuous verb
15. Lizzy __ (not play) tennis
a. There are certain verbs that we don’t use with
Lizzy doesn’t play tennis
continuous tenses although it is tempting to
16. They watches TV at night
use continuous tense
They watch TV at night
b. Non continuous verbs express thoughts and
17. Does he plays soccer every week ?
feelings and they are used with simple present
Does he play soccer every week ?
18. He always forget his book
c. List
He always forgets his book
Appear (tampak) Believe (yakin) Belong (milik) 19. The airplane __ (leave) tonight
Care (peduli) Cost (biaya) Dislike (benci) The airplane leaves tonight
Exist (ada) Expect (sangka) Feel (rasa) 20. Does the movie __ (start) soon ?
Forget (lupa) Have (punya) Hate (benci) Does the movie start soon ?
Hear (dengar) Hope (harap) Imagine (kira) 21. Vicky __ (work) tomorrow
Include (memuat) Know (tahu) Like (suka) Vicky works tomorrow
Look (lihat) Love (cinta) Mind (pikir) 22. He do leave at 3:30 pm
Need (butuh) Own (punya) Prefer (memilih) He leaves at 3 : 30 pm
Realize (sadar) Remember (ingat) See (lihat) 23. They don’t starts school today
Seem (terlihat) Smell (bau) Suppose (duga)
They don’t start school today
Taste (rasa) Understand Want (ingin)
24. Does we eat at noon ?
(faham) Do we eat at noon ?

- Example
a. Facts, truths (maybe similar with other person
or not) and generalizations
1. The sun is bright
> be verb “is”
2. Pigs don’t fly
> negative do not
3. Cats are better than dogs
> be verb “are”
4. It’s cold in winter
> be verb “is”

b. Habits / routins (that happens regulary)

1. I always eat lunch at noon
> v1 (I + eat)
2. You play games every day
> v1 (I + play)
3. Seth starts work at 9 a.m. daily
> v1 (He + start(s))
4. They study English every Monday
> v1 (They + study)

c. Non – continuous verb (thoughts, opinions,

feelings, emotions, 5 senses)
1. I love my mom
> v1 (I + love)
2. It smells good
> v1 (It + smell(s))
3. Kelly feels happy
>v1 (he + feel(s))
4. They need help
>v1 (they + need)

d. Happen in near future

1. I have class at 6 p.m.
2. Lisa arrives on Sunday
3. We start work soon
4. My student come tomorrow

e. Negative usage
1. Mike eats bread
Mike doesn’t eat bread

2. You swim well

You don’t swim well

f. Question form
1. They live here
Do they live here ?
2. He plays soccer
Does he play soccer ?
(17.2) Present continuos tense Grammar checkup present continuous tense

- Structure 1. You __ learning English

You are learning English
(+) S + be “verb” + V-ing + obj. 2. She __ not watching TV
(–) S + be “verb” + not + V-ing + obj. She is not watching TV
(?) be “verb” + S + V-ing + obj ? 3. I __ studying now
(-?) be “verb” + not + S + V-ing + obj. ? I’m studying now
4. Layla is watch a movie
- Usage : Layla is watching a movie
1. Actions happening now 5. They playing soccer now
2. Longer actions in progress They’re playing soccer now
3. Near future 6. What do you do ?
4. Negative form What are you doing ?
5. Question form 7. He__ studying economics
6. 5WH question form He is studying economics
- Example 8. They’re__ (train) for the fight
1. He is watching a movie They’re training for the fight
2. Tim is playing a computer game 9. We__ teaching at the school
3. The machine is making noise We’re teaching at the school
4. Tom and Ben are speaking English 10. Ben is study to become a doctor
5. I’m reading an interesting book these days Ben is studying to become a doctor
6. You are studying to become an English 11. I don’t reading that book
teacher I’m not reading that book
7. Steven is preparing for the IELTS exam 12. They are to learn English
8. John and June are working at a company They’re learning English
9. She is meeting some friends tonight 13. They’re__ (play) a game tonight
10. We are going on vacation in July They’re playing a game tonight
11. David is learning to drive tomorrow 14. We__ not studying tomorrow
12. Vicky and I are teaching English next week We are not studying tomorrow
13. I am not having fun 15. Lynn is__(go) out tonight
14. Jane isn’t doing her homework Lynn is going out tonight
15. You’re not seeing him tonight 16. Laura isn’t study this evening
16. We are not running tomorrow morning Laura isn’t studying this evening
17. Is he waiting for you ? 17. My sons will playing chess later
18. Are you coming to class ? My sons are playing chess later
19. Is he preparing to study in Canada ? 18. She’s not to eating dinner tonight
20. Are they going out tonight ? She’s not eating dinner tonight
21. What are you doing ?
22. Where are you going ?
23. When is it starting ?
24. Who is she talking to ?
25. Why is she crying ?
26. How is it going ?

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