Land of Eem Quickstart
Land of Eem Quickstart
Land of Eem Quickstart
Art by
Ben Costa,
Sean Kiernan,
Anneliese Mak,
Sam Mameli, and
Rosario Mendez
Cover Art by
Justin Gerard
Layout by
Vee Hendro
Edited by
Jarrett Crader
and Fiona
Maeve Geist
What this
Game is About
Land of Eem is a tabletop fantasy roleplaying game THE DRIPPY DOWNS
(RPG) about adventurers exploring and discovering the One of the few bastions of the old magical world, the
remnants of a forgotten, better age. Players portray Drippy Downs is a land of rolling green hills, home to
lore-seeking travelers, fortune-seeking pioneers and trolls, faeries, dweorgs and other uncommon species--
adventure-seeking heroes in a time devoid of them. many doing their best to preserve the heritage of Eem's
magical past.
The game is designed to value creativity, roleplaying
and exploration over excessive combat. While getting
into fights is still part of the game, players almost always
The bustling region of Fleabag County is home to the
have opportunities to talk their way out of conflict.
Mucklands' biggest cities, including the big crabapple
This is because almost every creature or “monster”
itself--Bogtown. Corrupt politicians and underworld
encountered in the Land of Eem is a person. They
criminals thrive like weeds as average folk toil away in
speak a language, have thoughts, feelings, desires and
factories and farms.
motivations, and players should be willing to parley
before running headlong into a slugfest. True, some
creatures are ultimately selfish, ruthless, evil or simply
A frontier of largely unexplored swamps and bogs where
difficult to talk to, but it would be wrong to assume
pioneers, adventurers and big game hunters flock to
every manticore wants to eat you, just as it would be
either make names for themselves or succumb to the
foolish to think every human you meet wants to kill you.
perilous wilderness full of gators, muckmen, and orches.
The Dice
making a check 3-5 FAILURE WITH A PLUS
The action fails but with a benefit or silver lining.
Whenever a PC does something where the outcome
is uncertain they should make a Check to find out Examples
what happens. To make a CHECK , roll 1D12 adding or Picking a Locked Door: A PC fails to pick the
subtracting the relevant SKILL modifier. The result lock but notices a more perilous way inside.
determines the success or failure that occurs. Tricking Some Guards: A PC fails to fast-talk the
guards but secretly swipes a key.
roll 1d12 + skill Escaping The Guards: A PC is caught by the
guards but encounters an old friend in prison.
1-2 Complete Failure
It’s important to remember that every die roll should
Because die results follow a chart, sometimes it is useful
for the GM to define the limits of success before players
make the Check. Doing so helps the GM interpret the
die result.
This is particularly useful if a PC’s attempted action just
logically wouldn’t turn out the way they hope from the
GM’s perspective.
For example, a PC tries to intimidate a hostile orch
king into relinquishing his crown, without reason or
cleverness. Wild, right? Even if a player rolls a Success,
the GM might tell them the action has a LIMITED
OUTCOME—the narrative circumstances simply don’t
support the player’s intended outcome. Instead, the GM
might decide a Success means the orch king respects
the PC’s gumption and is more amenable to negotiation.
A Check can never have more than a +3 BONUS or
-3 PENALTY. If certain items or situations give a Check
more or less, it’s instead capped at +3 or -3. The only
circumstance where this is overridden is using a Quest
Point to give +1 to a Check, effectively providing a +4
Represents a PC’s physical presence, prowess, and Measures a PC’s combat prowess at striking foes.
fortitude. Equal to Vigor modifier.
Modifies Attack. Increased by some magical items, but cannot be
Corresponding Skills: Athletics, Intimidate, Might and increased with XP.
KNACK Determines how difficult it is for adversaries to harm
Represents a PC’s cunning, dexterity, and PCs in combat.
stealthiness. Alters Attack rolls targeting a PC.
Modifies Defense. Derived by inverting a PC’s Knack modifier.
Corresponding Skills: Nimbleness, Search, Sneak and Increased by some magical items, but cannot be
Trickery increased with XP.
Skills represent a specific focus or aspect of an Some Skills are grouped together thematically outside
Attribute. PCs can use any Skill, but how a player of their respective Attributes. Rules in the game
decides to loadout and increase their character’s Skills sometimes refer to Social, Movement, Physical and
has a significant effect. After all, using a Skill is often Mental Skills or Checks.
required to use a Class Ability.
To use a Social Skill, players must roleplay what they’re
Skills are improved individually with XP as detailed saying before any Check is made. Players can never just
on (pg XX). A Skill Check can never have more than a make a Check in lieu of roleplaying and engaging with
cumulative +3 bonus or -3 penalty to the roll. the fiction.
Vim Skills
charm mettle
A PC’s “aura” which defines how the Land of Eem’s A PC’s inner fortitude and willpower which defines how
inhabitants react to PCs. Used for captivating listeners well they withstand facing danger. Used in resisting fear
with speech and song. or pushing one’s self beyond their limits.
Example Example
A PC sings, attempting to win over a surly goblin The party steels themselves as a shambling skeleton
guard who bars entry to town after sunset. army approaches from the gloom.
Complete Failure: The PC’s voice cracks and the Complete Failure: The PC panics, then flees and
goblin never wants to see their ugly mug again. trips, their weapon tumbling from their hands.
Failure with a Plus: The goblin likes the song— Failure with a Plus: The PC panics and flees,
but rules are rules: “No entry!” cowering behind cover to watch events unfold.
Success with a Twist: The goblin lets the PC in but Success with a Twist: The PC stands their
tells everyone in town they’re a terrible musician. ground but with shaking hands and Disadvantage
Success: The goblin likes the PC’s song and lets on their next roll.
them in, just this once. Success: The PC bravely stands tall.
Complete Success: The goblin loves the PC’s Complete Success: The PC’s confident bravery
song! And don’t sweat it, they’re allowed in inspires their allies, granting Advantage on their
whenever they want. next rolls.
inspire perception
Used to convince others of the PC’s sincere words and A PC’s ability to detect things, defining their insight,
actions. Along with Charm, it defines how the Land of intuition and observational skills.
Eem’s inhabitants might react to PCs—especially in
serious situations.
The dungeon is pitch black ahead and no one
Example brought a torch.
A peaceful boggart village is threatened by bandits
Complete Failure: The PC can’t see anything,
but too fearful to fight back, so a PC attempts to
entangling themself in (hitherto obscured) thick
inspire them to stand up for themselves.
Complete Failure: The PC’s speech is so Failure with a Plus: The PC’s sight is obscured as
thoroughly ignored no one will listen to them they brush the webs but, luckily, avoid becoming
anymore! completely stuck.
Failure with a Plus: The boggarts yawn, but a Success with a Twist: The PC avoids the webs
tough one looks like they might agree. but a menacing inkpot spider spots them.
Success with a Twist: The boggarts agree to Success: The PC completely avoids the webs
fight the bandits but they lack weapons. altogether, steering clear of any spiders.
Success: The boggarts cheer and start preparing. Complete Success: Easily avoiding the webs and
Complete Success: The boggarts cheer and crack spiders, the PC even notices something caught in
open a hidden cache of magnificent weapons! the webs.
Vigor Skills
athletics might
Used for running long distances, jumping, climbing A PC’s physical strength, used in lifting heavy objects,
and swimming and determines a PC’s athletic speed breaking someone’s grapple or winning an arm wrestling
and prowess. Differs from Nimbleness in that Athletic contest.
actions emphasize physical fitness over dexterity.
Example The iron gate before the PCs is quickly closing, as
A thief is trying to escape the PC’s hot pursuit, they flee from pursuers.
scampering across the rooftops.
Complete Failure: The PC tries to hold the gate
Complete Failure: The PC slips, falling to the up, however it crashes down—and everyone is
ground, and attempts to clamber onto the trapped!
rooftops. The thief successfully evades the PC! Failure with a Plus: The gate slams shut but a
Failure with a Plus: While the thief escapes, they companion slips through.
leave behind a clue. Success with a Twist: The PC holds the gate
Success with a Twist: The PC catches the thief for their companions but can’t make it through
but becomes entangled, falling to the ground. themself.
Success: The PC vaults up, leaping across the Success: Everyone makes it through the gate.
rooftops to catch the thief. Complete Success: With desperate might, the
Complete Success: The PC corners the thief, PC tears the gate from its hinges! intimidating
leaving nowhere to run. their pursuers to a halt!
intimidate vitality
Used to threaten or frighten someone. For example, A PC’s physical fortitude, stamina, health and
coercing a guard to give the PC a key or frightening away constitution. Used to endure harsh conditions, resist
a goon. poisons, and to keep moving when the going gets tough.
Example Example
A gaggle of boggles bandits combine their strength, The only way to escape from the dungeon is a tight
attempting to spear the PC! squeeze through a long dark, underwater tunnel—
the PC must hold their breath.
Complete Failure: The PC’s blustering attempt
at intimidation further enrages the boggles. Complete Failure: The PC’s breath gives out and
Failure with a Plus: The boggles hesitate, giving they hit their head on the rocks!
them a penalty to skewering the PC. Failure with a Plus: The PC can’t hold their breath
Success with a Twist: The boggles think better but notices an air pocket in the rocks above.
of attacking but still insist the toll is paid. Success with a Twist: The PC holds their breath
Success: The boggles bolt gripped by fear. but their boot is caught by rocks.
Complete Success: The boggles scatter while Success: The PC easily holds their breath and
absconding, dropping their spear! swims through the tunnels.
Knack Skills
nimbleness sneak
A PC’s agility and dexterity, determining how quick, Used to hide or move stealthily, unnoticed or unseen.
swift, and graceful they are with their feet and hands. Determines how adept a PC is at slinking by a gang of
Used in dodging hazards, escaping from trouble and watchful bandits or hiding from a hungry gwarglebeast.
performing acrobatic maneuvers and sleights of hand. Also determines how well a PC can conceal or smuggle
Three merga toads are half submerged in a bog’s Example
narrowest crossing, so a PC tries to hop across their There is a sleeping weorg between the PC and the
backs. door to the next room.
Complete Failure: The PC’s attempt ends with Complete Failure: Oops! Stepped on the
them slipping into the water with the merga toads! weorg’s tail and now it's growling ferociously!
Failure with a Plus: The PC slips on the first Failure with a Plus: Oops! The weorg stirs but
merga toad’s back, but it simply stirs in the water. merely stares at the PC in confused stupor,
Success with a Twist: The PC scrambles across giving them an opportunity to react.
but enrages the merga toads! Success with a Twist: The PC sneaks past the
Success: The PC safely hops across the merga weorg but it wakes up as they open the door.
toads. Success: The PC sneaks past and opens the door.
Complete Success: The PC safely hops across Complete Success: The PC sneaks past finding
the merga toads and can also help a companion a leash to chain the weorg to the wall so it won’t
across. be a problem on the way out.
search trickery
Used in finding hidden things. Encompasses scouring a Used for deceiving with lies or falsehoods, how good a
room for clues or looking behind a painting for a secret PC is at duping others and disguising themself. It also
safe or hidden door. determines how crafty the PC is with unscrupulous tasks
like lockpicking, pickpocketing and cheating at cards.
The hallway is a dead end, but the PC is certain Example
there must be another way forward in the dungeon. Everyone in the tavern knows the PC is a rapscallion,
so they disguise themself as a welkin queen.
Complete Failure: Nope! Dead end for sure
and—oops!—the PC awoke a slumbering ghost. Complete Failure: This is a tavern, the PC is a
Failure with a Plus: No door but the PC hears boggle and no one believes they’re the Queen of
footsteps in the ceiling above. the Welkin. No entry!
Success with a Twist: The PC finds a secret Failure with a Plus: No one believes the PC but
door—but it's locked. they’re amused and want them to perform for
Success: The PC finds a secret door! the night.
Complete Success: The secret door leads to a Success with a Twist: Please Enter! Everyone
Knowhow Skills
lore realms
Used for knowing Eem’s history and trivia. It is a PC’s A PC’s knowledge of locations and cultures, defining
memory for legends and stories, as well as knowledge how well-traveled they are and how well they speak
not covered by another Skill. Determines how well a various languages. Used for actions like identifying who
PC can recall rumors about a strange place, know facts runs a frontier town or understanding the cultural habits
about an obscure creature, and identify magic items. of feral boggles in the Quagmash. It’s also the main Skill
used for traveling across the hex map.
This labyrinth is dangerous—or so the PC Example
remembers from old stories. The PC comes to an odd, coastal village with coral
houses. A krabrak with junk on its back bows before
Complete Failure: The only rumor the PC can
them, sporadically pinching its claws, seemingly
recall is untrue.
expecting something.
Failure with a Plus: The PC can’t recall
any rumors but is pretty sure the labyrinth Complete Failure: With a few snaps of their
boobytrapped. fingers in reply, the PC manages to insult the
Success with a Twist: The labyrinth is guarded angry giant crab!
by ettins, and has two types of booby traps: Failure with a Plus: The krabrak misunderstands
false floors and something else the PC can’t the PC but believes they proposed marriage,
remember. carrying them into the village.
Success: The labyrinth was built long ago by a Success with a Twist: The krabrak understands
witch hiding her treasure, is guarded by ettins but requires payment to pass.
and booby trapped with false floors and bursts Success: The krabrak understands the PC
of flame. perfectly and welcomes them into the village.
Complete Success: Long ago, a witch created Complete Success: The krabrak understands
the labyrinth, guarded to this day by ettins the PC perfectly, welcoming them into the
protecting her magical treasure: the Wayward village and handing them a large, crab-shaped
Wand of Trickery. It is also boobytrapped with medallion. The PC believes it is a giant krabrak
false floors and flame bursts but there are friendship badge!
magic words to disable the traps: “Grumble,
fumble, flame and tumble, off you go and never
tinker wilderness
Represents how handy the PC is at crafting and making Used for surviving and navigating the perils of the
things, as well as their general cleverness as a worker. wild. It also represents a PC’s botanical and animal
It also defines their aptitude for comprehending the knowledge), and covers actions like wrangling critters,
science and mechanics of things. Used for fixing broken finding the best trail through spooky woods or tending a
machinery, rigging a pulley system or figuring out the snake bite.
most efficient way to complete a job.
Example A companion accidentally ingested a poisonous
The PC has been in the desert for days and needs mushroom and the PC must find some healing
water. What luck that they’ve found a broken down herbs!
sputterhorse that could carry them faster than
Complete Failure: The PC’s gathered herbs
quicken the companion’s poisoning!
Complete Failure: The PC accidentally leaves Failure with a Plus: While the herbs don’t
the sputterhorse in worse shape than when cure the poison, on the bright side, the PC’s
they started. companion will develop a temporary resistance
Failure with a Plus: The sputterhorse is broken to this poison should they survive.
beyond repair, but the PC did find a shrym flare Success with a Twist: The herbs are an effective
shooter! antidote but the patient is allergic to fungus for
Success with a Twist: The sputterhorse is a month.
running but will only take the PC halfway out of Success: The PC procures an effective antidote.
the desert before breaking down for good. Complete Success: The gathered herbs not
Success: The sputterhorse is fully operational. only cure the poison but provide resistance to
Complete Success: The sputterhorse is fully poisonous fungus!
operational and working at 200% efficiency!
The PC covers twice the distance!
Adversary Classes
Some Abilities only affect certain types of ADVERSARIES,
specifying either Goons, Bruisers or Champions.The
Gordy the Bard is advancing to Level 4 granting
both of the Level 4 Abilities: Ode and Fast Friends.
He also has Narrator (Level 1) and Good News
(Level 2). Gordy must now choose which previous
Ability to master. Gordy decides that he doesn’t
want either Level 3 Ability right now, instead
taking Hearsay (Level 2) to retain for the rest of
his career.
the bard the knight-errant
Sweet-voiced musicians, silver Strong and swift and courageous, a
tongued storytellers and Knight-Errant is a wayfaring warrior
healers of hearts, Bards are lending their sword to a cause.
more at home talking, tricking Chivalry and romanticism may have
and inspiring than clashing steel with withered and died for most in the
adversaries. Land of Eem but not these heroic
knights whose bravery inspires all
Bards are charismatic, creative
they encounter.
and party healers.
Knights-Errant are skilled fighters
who ride steeds and lead others.
questing xp LEVELLING UP
When a Questing XP achievement is triggered, every PC
present gains 1 XP. Each of the following achievements level xp cost
can only be triggered once in a session, except at the 2 4 XP
GM’s discretion:
3 8 XP
Complete a quest or objective. 4 12 XP
Encounter a new creature, critter or creeper.
Have a significant NPC encounter. 5 16 XP
Solve a problem in a creative way. 6 20 XP
Get into peril or hijinks.
7 25 XP
Travel 10 or more Hexes.
Explore a new location or point of interest. 8 35 XP
Find a magic item or relic. 9 45 XP
Craft an item.
10 60 XP
Character Stories
The GM and players should have a back and forth
conversation to flesh out and build upon each player’s
answers, snugly fitting things into the campaign. They’ll PCs should be connected to every other PC. Some
quickly notice possible connections between PC connections will be deeper but the goal is to establish a
stories—the more the better! bond explaining why PCs are adventuring together.
Players should take turns picking a Relationship with
another PC. It’s important to note that both PCs should
share the same Relationship premise from one Class’s
list (as opposed to both picking a different premise from
their own Class list). This may require the counterpart
player to tweak the text’s language.
Building on a Relationship means a reinforcement,
personal quest
A Personal Quest is what drives a PC at their core,
deepening or alteration of a PC’s Relationship in some
separate from party goals. This category requires the
way. The goal is to build a story between two PCs over
most creativity to flesh out, but makes for unique and
many sessions.
fruitful gameplay.
This works best when the players explicitly call out a
If a PC ever completes their Personal Quest, they should
moment of Relationship building after concluding the
develop a new one.
interaction. The players then add a sentence to their
PC’s Relationship, which becomes the Relationship’s
current state. This way, players are literally writing an
Pursuing a Personal Quest means a player shines a
evolving story about PC Relationships line by line.
spotlight on a specific moment when meaningfully
pursuing or advancing a PC’s Personal Quest.
NPC Ally Relationships
Optionally, PCs can build on Relationships with NPC allies. That could mean actively setting out and trying to
This is especially useful in a small party of PCs, allowing accomplish something towards a goal, or investigating
for more personalities to bounce off and engage with. information on a subject related to the Personal Quest
or speaking to an NPC about it. Since Personal Quests
vary greatly, what matters is the effort taken towards
pursuing them.
The GM may call for a relevant Skill Check to help guide
Rylee the Loyal Chum has the Relationship “I’m the outcome of a situation when the PC pursues a
the only one that truly understands Kiri the Bard’s Personal Quest. The GM may also, at their discretion,
genius.” introduce a complication to help drive the story.
Kiri gives a half-smile and thanks Rylee for the vote During the first few sessions, not many
of confidence. But Kiri’s a little skeptical. “Of course opportunities present themselves for Honeycomb
you’re going to say that, you’re my best friend.” to pursue her Personal Quest until, by chance,
the party meets a traveling finfolk historian.
The GM calls for Rylee to make an Inspire Check Honeycomb asks if the historian knows anything
to see if her words of encouragement really land. about the lost nyad kingdoms.
Rylee rolls poorly and gets a result of 4: Failure
with a Plus. Kiri and Rylee’s players interpret that The GM decides to have her roll a Lore Check
to mean Kiri isn’t really cheered up, even though to determine what she can learn and she rolls a
she knows Rylee is sincere. Success with a Twist. They decide that the finfolk
has heard a legend that the ruins of a sunken
Both PCs update their Relationship with a nyad kingdom lie somewhere on the coast of the
sentence. Rylee writes: “I tried cheering up Kiri Quagmash but he doesn’t know where exactly.
after a bad day, but something really seems to
Equipped with this knowledge, Honeycomb can
weapons Heavy Armor and some magical armor have a Block
rating (usually 1 or 2) which reduces incoming damage
By default, a weapon’s Dread is determined by Class.
by the rating. However, Block only reduces physical
Two-handed weapons do +1 Dread. PCs can attack with
damage. For instance, a fear-based effect couldn’t be
just about anything: a shovel, a pan, an umbrella, etc.,
blocked by armor or shields.
but when attacking without a true weapon their Dread
roll has Disadvantage. One should use common sense
defining a “true weapon,” but the GM has final say. ARMOR TYPES
Wearing a helmet adds +1 to Checks to Defy Death and
Resist Wounds. Remember, +3 maximum bonus to any
Check except when using Quest Points.
PCs might find individual armor pieces: gauntlets,
greaves, or pauldrons, etc. While alone these pieces
don’t act as Light, Medium, or Heavy Armor, a PC could
potentially collect a piecemeal suit of armor. Otherwise,
piecemeal armor provides narrative benefits.
For instance, if acid drips on a PC’s hands, perhaps their
gauntlets are destroyed before they’re harmed or when
kicking a mook in the shins wearing greaves it hurts extra.
buying stuff
In the Land of Eem, people use various Coins of differing
values, all stemming from different eras and regions.
Because of this, tracking money is abstracted. If PCs When a PC wants to buy something, it must be locally
find money in a Hoard or someone pays them, instead available which is up to the GM. Then, provided they
of tracking individual coinage players track discrete have proper Coins to pay the Cost, they can buy it. Roll
“pouches.” the pouch of Coins’ Usage Die and, on a 1 or 2, the Coins
are entirely spent and removed from the PC’s Inventory.
coin types Otherwise, the Coins move down a value step: Ancient
Coins become Gold Coins, Gold Coins become Silver
There are Copper, Silver, Gold and Ancient Coins. When
Coins, Silver Coins become Copper. Copper Coins don’t
spending a pouch of Coins, roll a Usage Die which
reduce a step and are only spent completely if rolling
determines if the Coins are completely spent (on a 1 or
a 1 or 2. What this system essentially does is abstract
2) or if the Coins just reduce a step in value.
haggling, so players don’t need to get bogged down
with that during play.
Importantly, when purchasing items, unless bundled
coin type usage die together, items are bought individually and each
Copper Coins d6 transaction triggers a separate Usage Die roll.
Silver Coins d8 Players can guess using Ancient Coins to buy a Cheap
Gold Coins d12 item probably isn’t worth it—like buying a pack of gum
with a gold bar and, should the PC roll a 1 or 2, they
Ancient Coins d20 won’t even get change back.
item cost
There are exceptions to rolling a Usage Die. For example,
when paying a non-merchant NPC for a job or service
Purchasable items each have a Cost: Cheap, Pricey, where a flat fee makes sense, the GM may determine a
Expensive or Really Expensive. And each Coin type has pouch of Coins must be spent outright without rolling
a maximum purchasing power. If a PC wants to buy an the Usage Die.
Expensive item, for instance, they would need to spend
PCs can combine like pouches of Coins in almost any
coin type max purchasing power city, converting them to higher value Coins.
Copper (d6) Cheap
combine convert to
Silver (d8) Pricey
3 pouches of Copper Coins 1 pouch of Silver Coins
Gold (d12) Expensive
3 pouches of Silver Coins 1 pouch of Gold Coins
Ancient (d20) Really Expensive
3 pouches of Gold Coins 1 pouch of Ancient Coins
The game uses a hex map and procedural rules to travel, Traveling via roads marked on the map provides a +1
known as hex crawling. Each Hex is 6 miles. There are bonus to Travel Checks.
three modes of travel: A Day’s Travel, Exploration and When traveling on a road while mounted or in a
Dungeon Crawling. vehicle, the party can travel an additional Hex per day.
When traveling by boat, the party can travel an
running random
Bad Weather
The party runs afoul of bad weather: rain, wind, cold or
heat. The next Travel Check is -2.
Unwanted Attention It’s important that the GM reads the encounter before
The party travels quite conspicuously, drawing attention reading anything aloud to the players. Oftentimes the
to themselves. The next time they camp, the Wandering description contains secret information impacting how
Intruder Chance is +2. the players might react. Most encounters assume the
party is already in the thick of a sticky situation instead
Interparty Conflict of being able to completely avoid something without
The road is hard, putting people on edge. Two random ever engaging with it.
PCs start bickering, potentially an opportunity to build
Relationships and gain XP.
Making Camp
Adventurers don’t just sit around silently then hit the This is a great time for PCs to build their Relationships,
sack. They tell each other stories and ask questions as discuss Personal Quests and gain XP in the process.
they gather around the fire and fill their bellies. During sessions when the party is on a long journey,
a group may not want to engage in this roleplay every
Whenever the party camps, PCs can choose to tell a
single time they camp, but the GM should remind the
story about themselves, their previous adventures or
players of the possibility.
elaborate on their Backstories, Relationships or
Personal Quests.
Or they can ask another PC a question. The goal is to food and rest
ask evocative questions that elicit revealing answers, If a PC can sleep in an inn or place of comfort, eating
giving insight into the PC’s personality, Backstory, food can be handwaved and resting heals full Courage.
Relationships or Personal Quest. If need be, the asking
While traveling on the road, the rules are more strict.
player can ask related follow-up questions to draw out
A PC gains 1d6 Courage only after eating and a night of
something juicy.
rest. If a PC doesn’t do one (or the other) they don’t gain
Courage. Additionally, a PC who doesn’t sleep gains the
Tired condition (-1 to Vim and Vigor Checks) until they
rest. If a PC doesn’t eat, they get the Hungry condition
(-1 to Knack and Knowhow Checks) until they eat.
For each of the following, PCs get a +1 bonus to their
Healing roll after eating and resting:
Sleeping on a bedroll.
Eating a cooked meal (not rations).
Rations use a Usage Die similar to Coins. When eating
rations, roll the ration’s Usage Die and, on a 1 or 2, the
rations are entirely eaten and removed from the PC’s
Inventory. Otherwise, the rations move down a value
step. Rations can be shared, but must be rolled for each
individual eating them.
and pets).
A Conflict occurs when tension escalates to the threat of combat. This is not to say every Conflict turns into combat.
In fact, most of the time, players have opportunities to avoid combat. NPCs, creatures, critters and creepers in a
Conflict with PCs are called Adversaries.
Players each have one action to spend per round, while some powerful Adversaries have up to four. A Conflict round
is divided into four phases. To start a Conflict round, players state their intended actions: to Parley, Improvise, Run or
fight in Combat.
conflict phases
At the beginning of any Conflict, a PC who wishes to talk If PCs wish to flee, they can use their actions to run,
first may do so. Charm, Inspire, Intimidate and Trickery but they are only as fast as the slowest fleeing party
are the Skills most often used, along with many Class member. The PC with the lowest Nimbleness rolls
Abilities. If all goes well during this phase, the PCs could a Nimbleness Check. Failure means the PCs can’t
potentially avoid combat altogether. disengage just yet–but they can try again next round.
Success means the PCs escape the area or a chase scene
NPCs and creatures have a Parley score of 0-2,
ensues, which is up to the GM.
determining how many times the party can attempt to
negotiate during a Conflict. Critters can only be Parleyed
Chase Scenes
with or “Wrangled” using the Wilderness Skill. The more
Use a chase scene if Adversaries aggressively pursue
fearsome and hostile the Adversary, the harder it is to
fleeing PCs. During a chase scene, each player alternates
Parley or Wrangle. Especially tough enemies can even
describing how their PC helps the party escape. Then
impose a penalty or Disadvantage on skill checks.
they each make a Check of their choice. They can use
During Parley, a Failure with a Plus is up for interpretation, their Skills and Abilities creatively but it should make
just like other Check results. Some helpful ideas: sense in the fiction, and the party can’t do the same
action twice in a chase scene. Failures and Twists often
Failure with a Plus mean the pursuer can attack the PC during the chase, in
The PCs fail to sway the Adversary… addition to other narrative consequences.
but the Adversary spills some information. If the PCs accumulate 5 Successes (or 3 Successes for
but the Adversary is distracted. a small party) before 3 Failures, they outrun and lose
but the Adversary has no interest in killing the PCs; their pursuer. The result of a failed getaway is up for
they want something else. interpretation: it could mean the pursuer corners them,
Or, if the Adversary has Parley 2, another PC can the party loses or drops something important, or some
make an attempt. other negative consquence occurs.
Rolling a Complete Failure should generally always mean
that things have gone awry and the Adversary is angered.
The Combat phase uses Initiative. Every player
Rolls+Perception to determine attack order. Anyone
PHASE 2: IMPROVISE rolling a 6+ acts before Adversaries, and anyone rolling 5
After the Parley phase is the Improvise phase, when
or less acts after Adversaries.
anyone who wants to do something other than fight can
attempt an action. This is the time for PCs to use their To attack, Roll+Attack modified by the defender’s
non-social Skills and Abilities to help overcome, defeat Defense modifier. If successful, deal Dread to the
or defuse the situation. For example, a PC might try to target’s Courage. Attackers can move and attack a
cave in the entrance, cut the rope bridge or dive for the Nearby target in the same action.
precious item. Or they might give aid to an ally, hide
After the Combat phase, a new Conflict round begins.
behind a table, or swing from the chandelier.
In the new round Parley comes first (assuming there is
This is also the phase to move large distances. It takes a still the option), followed again by the Action phase, Run
full round of movement to reach a Faraway target, and 2 phase and then Combat phase.
full rounds of movement to reach a Distant target.
melee combat
Combat in Land of Eem is meant to be quick and
decisive. By design, PCs don’t have boatloads of
Courage to absorb many hits over several rounds and, Melee Combat uses the same dice result chart as Skill
because of the counterattack mechanic, they are liable Checks but is defined by a hit and miss dynamic.
to get hit on their own turn. Therefore, running away is
completely acceptable. roll 1d12 + attack - defense
Remember: even when PCs enter combat, players who 1-2 Complete Miss
want to Parley, Improvise or Run act first, at the top of
the round. 3-5 Miss with a Plus
range and movement
Hit with a Counterattack
The PC misses but alters the Adversary’s
2 planned attack or action.
The PC misses but hits an object in the Most Classes have Abilities allowing them to heal
3 environment for a positive effect. themselves or the party at some point in their Level
progression. Besides that, there are certain Magic Items,
4 The PC misses but is able to guard a vulnerable ally. Herbs, Fish and Alchemy recipes that heal Courage
which can be sought out and found.
The PC misses but disrupts or delays other
5 adversaries in the fight.
The PC misses but puts the Adversary in a bad or
precarious position.
defeat and death
At 0 Courage, a PC is Defeated meaning they fall
6-8 HIT WITH A COUNTERATTACK unconscious for 1d4 rounds. Roll+Vitality to Resist
A PC hits and deals Dread but their target can make
Wounds. On a 5 (or less) they suffer a Wound. Being
an Attack roll against them. If the Adversary rolls a
Wounded gives all rolls a -1 penalty.
Hit with a Counterattack against the PC, the PC can
counterattack as well and so on. In this way, a chain of An ally can use an action to awaken an unconscious PC.
lucky counterattacks can simulate a duel. When regaining consciousness they heal Courage equal
to 1D6 + Level. Wounds persist until the next session or
6-8 GRAZING SHOT adventure unless healed by magic or medical help.
The PC grazes a target with a Ranged Attack dealing
If all PCs are Defeated, the GM describes what happens
1 Dread.
based on the Adversary. Some enemies take prisoners
or demand retribution, while others, like dragons, are
9-11 HIT ruthless and might gobble the PCs up.
The PC successfully hits, dealing Dread.
The PC successfully hits and deals double their Dread
roll—adding any Dread bonuses after multiplying the
total by 2.
If a PC is reduced to 0 Courage twice (or more) in a
session, Roll+Vitality to Defy Death. They can use
Over the course of an adventure, a PC might be afflicted
multiple Quest Points on this Check.
with one (or more) of the following Conditions—an
ongoing penalty or effect persisting until it subsides or
roll 1d12 + vitality is cured.
The PC performs a final heroic action
1-5 before dying. FRIGHTENED
A Frightened PC is -1 to all Checks until they escape the
6-8 The PC lives but suffers a Lasting Injury.
source of their fear.
9+ The PC lives.
A PC failing their Defy Death check cannot be healed by If a PC doesn’t eat during a day while traveling, they are
any means but can perform one final, heroic act helping Hungry, suffering a -1 penalty to all Knack and Knowhow
out the party. This can be something amazing, the GM Checks.
should work with the player to help their character go
out in a blaze of glory. OVERBURDENED
If a PC is carrying too much in their Inventory they have
3 Missing Fingers
4 Weak Lungs
5 Facial Scar
6 Bum Leg
7 Blind Eye
8 Forgetfulness
9 Severed Hand
10 Severed Arm
Random Encounters
A goblin engineer has his tie caught in a giant stump grinder.
A blind bugbear stares at a sign post that points If he doesn't get free in the next thirty seconds, he's mulch!
in the direction of Dunk. He says he needs to
1 get there posthaste and deliver an overdue
Zodour the Felmog ambassador and his entourage are
he isn't a turncoat and has no idea where Brunt Manheel's
An escaped prisoner is on the run from a goblin loot is! Save him from Brunt's gang and he vows to be your
tycoon for stealing a precious gem. The prisoner
swears they are innocent...but begs for help Azred the Mad, human poet of some place called the
hiding a suspicious blue gem. Clovensteppe, recites a poem to a PC and expects a poem
in return. The poem is: "Three Houses bound by oaths,
A caustic bard heckles the party as they pass,
4 making fun of a random party member in particular.
forsake their past and bow to death. Alas for Kreeth, alas
for Ur, alas for the Iron Suns that were." Azred demands a
Sven the Yodeling Troll, who dwells in the hills poem in return. Fail and be cursed.
nearby, is waking up villagers in the middle of Miners flee a mine erupting with molten rock. Some kind of
the night with his incessant yodeling. The mayor volcanic event has made the road impassible and created
a perilous lake of lava. The only escape is to navigate the
wants someone to give him a stern talking to!
patches of burning stone.
A fight between rival SPL and Krog & Sons
dungeoneers breaks out in front of you on the D6 DISCOVERIES
6 road. A worker with a glass eye and hook hand A group of Bogril Bulwarks alert the PCs that a posse of
demands to know which side you are on. bandits had been lying in wait for them just up the road, but
A stage coach with two shabby passengers and wagon likely dropped them. Closer investigation uncovers
that one of the crates is filled with dynamite. It looks like
a mute driver has just enough seats to invite the
they're soggy and ruined, but one stick is perfect.
adventures in for a ride. The party will travel an
extra Hex, but while riding along the road, the An enthusiastic boggart alchemist called Tibby has a
patented potion to sell anyone interested at a discount:
coach is attacked by bandits!
3 Copper Coins. She calls her elixir "The Strong Stuff" and
Dozens and dozens of fish float belly up in a she'd love if the PCs would try it out and spread the word.
9 creak. Investigation reveals that a goblin logging Strong Stuff Potion: Gain Advantage on 1 Might Check.
operation is polluting the waters with green sludge. A chorus of pocket fiddler spiders plays a surprisingly
melodic tune. If a Bard decides to play along, they are able
A bare-knuckle boxing match rages between two
to harmonize and jam together. Afterwards, the pocket
furious bandits, a one-eyed bruiser and a rapid fiddlers bestow a magic twig to the musician. The magic
10 pipsqueak. As their rowdy comrades hoot and twig will summon a pocket fiddler spider to play music once
holler, a sleezy boggart in a top hat takes bets on per session.
who will win. What's your wager? You find hoof prints with flowers growing in them. A Lore
gnome is waiting to "ambush" you for lunch. And that's
curse their travels with Disadvantage for 3 days
exactly what they do--hey offer lunch and ask for any
You find a gruff, boggart warrior called Rotgar interesting news.
12 the Bold berating his squire Jop because the boy
can't lift a two-handed sword.
The Adversary’s Level range, which the GM can set The amount of Dread the Adversary deals.
as desired. Level also determines the PCs’ Treasure
Hunting chance for Hoards. ACTIONS
The total number of actions the Adversary has per
CLASSES round. A basic attack counts as one action.
The Adversary’s possible Class is listed by the first
letter of each Adversary Class: G (Goon), B (Bruiser), SOCIAL
C (Champion). Guidelines for how the Creature responds to PCs
attempting to interact or parley with them, along with
PARLEY their likely motivations and desires are.
The number of times a Creature can be Parleyed ranging
from 0-2. (D) means Parleying with this Adversary has WEAKNESSES
Disadvantage. Guidelines on the best way to Wrangle and defeat the
Critter. Playing to the Critter’s Weaknesses when trying
WRANGLE to Wrangle should positively affect Checks.
Instead of Parleying with Critters, PCs can Wrangle
them using Wilderness. The acting PC must still say COMBAT
how they attempt to Wrangle a Critter and the GM Guidelines on the Adversary’s tactics during combat.
should factor in the Critter’s Weaknesses, adjudicating
accordingly. The number of possible attempts ranges DEFEAT
from 0 to 1. Guidelines on how the Adversary acts when defeated in
The keywords below describe the Adversary’s size, VICTORY
number appearing and cohorts. In the Adversary’s Guidelines on how the Adversary acts when victorious
listing, a comma indicates separate keywords, while a in combat.
slash (/) indicates keywords of the same type the GM
Small Smaller than a human. At some point during a combat, like if things are looking
dire for the Adversaries, or if a group loses its leader,
the GM can make a Mettle Check to determine if
Large Larger than a human (+1 Courge per Level).
the Adversaries flee or surrender. Just roll once and
Gigantic, as big as a house (+2 Courage per apply the modifier based on each Adversary Class to
Giant determine who flees or stays.
The Adversary’s Defense modifier and Block rating.
Curse of the
Chicken-Foot Witch
adventure tone npcs at wally's
Wally’s Waffles and Weorgs is full of characters, all with
HIJINKS something to say about Chara the Chicken-Foot Witch.
A fun, lighthearted adventure
(think The Muppets or Labyrinth).
Transformed into a muskrat and eating a stack of
background pancakes with a knife and fork, L. Dorothy addresses the
PCs who seem to be looking for her:
As if there wasn’t enough trouble and turmoil in the
Mucklands realm, rumor has it that an infamous witch is “I’m L. Dorothy Sandwich, the gnome—or, at least,
wreaking havoc in the Used T’Be Forest. Making matters I was a gnome. Chara cursed me! Changed me
worse, the local folk hero dedicated to ending the witch’s into a muskrat! And, worse yet, stole my Wand of
reign of terror has gone missing. With no one left to stop Decursification!”
her, Chara the Chicken-Foot Witch has petrified the locals “If you really want to help, you’ll get it back and we
with fear. As for the hero, a gnome named L. Dorothy can sort out all this cursing business.”
Sandwich, she was last seen at the local watering hole: “Chara is jealous and cruel but I’m sure there’s still
“Wally’s Waffles and Weorgs.” good in her, deep down. She’s just lost her way.””
A word of warning... not everything or everyone in
the hook her lair are as they seem. Beware her curses!”
“I seen her with my own eyes! Me and a few of the
boys went down to the Crack to jump a claim. I tell
more. So, she turned the gnome into a pitiful muskrat.
Truthfully, however, Chara is filled with jealous rage
ya, I almost thought she was a harpy with those fat because Sandwich is the embodiment of everything
chicken feet! She gave ol’ Guster Winselm the stink good and happy in the world, not to mention those
eye and he’s had bad luck ever since.” infuriatingly nimble, magic feet.
lair of the
A cunning, silver-haired lady of River Country, Tabitha
chicken-foot witch
is a bonafide rascal of Rascalton and well-versed in
the whispering hearsay and rumors of the Mucklands
“Sure, I’ve heard of Chara. They say she accidentally The Lair of the Chicken-Foot Witch is located 5
cursed herself while makin’ up a potion of beauty. hexes away from Wally’s Waffles and Weorgs (24.9)
Never was the same after that. Turned sour inside, so in The Crack (23.4).
now she curses everyone else for laughs. “ Traveling there requires the Used T’Be Forest
Encounters Table.
A hulking troll with shaggy, yellow hair and trumpet- OUTSIDE THE DUNGEON
sized tusks, Roggram is a traveler from the Drippy Located inside The Crack, a huge fissure in the earth,
Downs, who is friends with L. Dorothy Sandwich. the Lair of the Chicken-Foot Witch is reached via a
long winding staircase shoddily hewn from the rock.
“I don’t know about any turkey-foot-what-now—but
I do know L. Dorothy Sandwich. Why, just last spring
I had a serious leech infestation under my bridge and
Fetid, bubbling, burping.
she helped me out. They don’t call her Leechbane
Dorothy Sandwich for nothin’, now do they!” The only places to step are on slippery stones leading
to three different areas beyond the bog. * To the left,
the witch warm colorful lights glow from Area 2. Straight ahead
lies a dark cave entrance to Area 3. The path to the
Chara the Chicken-Foot Witch was once a beautiful right leading to Area 4 is obscured by mist.
dancer but always jealous of others. In time, her Merga toads babble and burp in the water and on
passion for dance was overshadowed by a desire for tangles of roots. They attack those disturbing the
the misfortune of her contemporaries. She dedicated water.
herself to sabotaging, undoing, and denigrating her rivals
for years, until, at last, one fateful day looking in the AREA 2: THE
mirror she did not recognize herself. She was wrinkled KALEIDOSCORPION DEN
and haggard with frown lines and hadn’t even danced in Cracked stone, swirling hypnotic colors, skittering
years. scorpions.
Compelled to return to the stage, Chara delved into the Countless kaleidoscorpions skitter across the floor.
darkest, most unseemly witchcraft, to create a potion Their constantly changing colors are disorienting,
that would grant her beauty again. But, after months potentially causing PCs to stumble into their midst.
of toiling over bubbles and cauldrons, the potion was A haggard, one-toothed boggle named Biv, with
an utter disaster. Now hideously transmogrified with prismatic skin, laughs hysterically from the other end
gnarled and knobby chicken feet, and too clumsy to be of the den. He lets PCs pass if they answer a riddle:
a dancer, Chara the Chicken-Foot Witch is out to make “If you drop a yellow hat into the Sapphire Sea, what
the rest of the Mucklands as miserable as herself. does it become?” Answer: wet.
If answered incorrectly, the boggle cackles and sics
THE VILLAIN’S PLAN the kaleidoscorpions on the PCs.
cursed to remain in unrest because her prized tutu
was stolen. If her tutu is returned, she teaches the
over her cauldron. She is wearing a tutu.
To the side is a table full of apothecary tools and
PCs a Proficiency in Dancing, then finally lays to rest. alchemical reagents. Handling them uncarefully
Maura was Chara’s rival in life and Chara was always causes a small chemical explosion.
jealous. On the top shelf behind Chara, gathering dust, is a
A headless skeleton charges through the area, sparkling, glittery wand: the Wand of Decursification.
swiping randomly with its sword at nothing in Unfortunately, it is sapped of charges and needs the
particular. It often bumps into things, but is still a magic touch of L. Dorothy Sandwich to work again.
threat. It is Moira’s former suitor, Sir Galladee, who
Huge, fat toads that inhabit dark, muddy places, merga Slimy and slippery, these boar-sized leech monsters lurk
toads are dangerous and poisonous creatures with in swamps and murky lakes, preying on anything they
insatiable appetites. They are profoundly territorial, can get their grotesque, toothy suckers on. A single
never straying too far from the tall clutches of eggs leechling can drain a horse’s blood, while groups have
they lay. Merga toads boast an astounding array of been known to feed upon creatures as large as thoads
poisons, which they emit through noxious belching and and clunch dragons.
flatulating with varied effects.
abilities BLOOD SUCK
POISON GAS When a leechling deals Dread, it heals that much
Once every 2 rounds, a merga toad can weaken PCs Courage. Additionally, on a 9+ hit, the leechling attaches
with belching and flatulence resisted with a 6+ Vitality itself to its target and remains there until removed
Check. Roll 1d4 for the effect: with a Might Check. Instead of attacking, an attached
leechling deals 3 Dread and heals 3 Courage each turn.
1 Stupefying Belch: PC is Stunned.
Fetid Flatulence: 1d4 enemies are -1 Attack for
2 the remainder of combat.
Stifling Stench: 1d4 enemies are -1 Defense for
3 the remainder of combat.
The constant color shift and dazzle of kaleidoscorpions
is disorienting. Anyone that views them Nearby must
Roll+Vitality to resist stumbling into their midst.
If stung by kaleidoscorpions the PC will change colors
and shimmer for several days, making them stand out in
an environment like a sore thumb.
Kaleidoscorpions are the natural prey of mung, and
mung slime is highly toxic to the arachnids causing them
to shrivel and wither on their backs.
crunch chara
Parley Attack Defense Parley Attack Defense
Level 2 Level 5
Bruiser 1 +2 +0 Bruiser 2 +1 +0
One might expect Crunch to be a cursed wug—but Chara the Chicken-Foot Witch is a nasty foe if dealt
he’s actually a cursed pug. With a dog’s brain and a with head to head, PCs would be wise to attempt
wug’s strength, Crunch is a dangerous opponent if parley. She prefers repeatedly Hexing and Cursing and
not corralled. As Chara’s familiar, his loyalty to her is only physically strikes when backed against the wall.
undying, but he can be befriended and pacified like a
normal dog.
Once per round, the witch can cast a lesser curse that
hampers and debuffs. All PCs must Roll+Mettle:
9-11 PC is unaffected.
Crunch is Chara’s familiar. Even if subdued earlier, he
runs to Chara’s aid at her command.
The witch can curse an individual permanently. This can be
rolled randomly from the random Curse table or invented
by the GM. The PC makes a 6+ Mettle Check to resist.
` A ghost named Moira, a former ballerina, is trapped in the
Haunted Hole. She is profoundly sad, cursed to remain in
unrest because her prized tutu was stolen from her.
` Countless kaleidoscorpions skitter ` Maura knew Chara in life; they were rivals, and Chara was
across the floor. Their constantly always jealous of her.
changing colors are disorienting ` A headless skeleton charges through the area, swiping ran-
and may cause the PCs to stumble domly with its sword at nothing in particular. It often bumps
into their midst. into the things, but is still a threat. It is Moira’s fomer suitor, Sir
` A haggard old one-toothed boggle Galladee, who tried to rescue her long ago, and his lost skull is
named Biv with prismatic skin on a wall in Area 6.
laughs hysterically at the other end
of the den. He will let the PCs pass
if they answer a riddle: “If you drop
a yellow hat into the Sapphire Sea,
what does it become?” Answer: Wet.
` If answered wrongly, the boggle
cackles and sends the kaleidoscor-
pion after the PCs.
` The only places to step are on slippery stones leading to three differ-
ent areas beyond the bog
` To the left, warm colorful lights glow from Area 2. Straight ahead lies
a dark cave entrance to Area 3. And the path to the right leading to
Area 4, is obscured by mist.
` Merga toads babble and burp in the water and on tangles of roots.
They will attack if the water is disturbed.
` Three hostile, leechkings swim
in the lake
` At the bottom of the lake is an
Old Hoard.
` Another leechking paces the
shore feeding on gutter snails, ` Chara the Chicken-foot Witch,
and just beyond it lies a locked a wrinkly, filthy boggart
wooden door into Area 6. woman with tri-toed, scaly feet
` An exit to Area 3 wafts cold, is hunched over her cauldron.
stale air. She is wearing a tutu.
` If the PCs made a ruckus in
Area 6, Chara will be alerrted
to their presence and ready to
curse them!
` To the side is a table full of
apothecary tools and alchem-
ical reagents. Handling them
uncarefully will cause a small
chemical explosion.
` On the top shelf behind Chara,
gathering dust, is a sparkling,
glittery wand: the Wand of
` The door facing Area 4 is
locked, while the door facing
Area 3 is unlocked.
` A burly wug cook named
Crunch, with the head of a
googly-eyed pug (he’s been
cursed), is baking gut-
ter-snail cookies in the oven.
` Crunch will attack the PCs
on sight, but he can be paci-
fied like a dog.
` One skull in the room is
wearing a feather plumed
helmet. This is the skull of
the headless skeleton in
` Crossing the misty bridge requires caution and balance, the Area 3. If reunited with
and it must be done in a single file line. Passing another the body, the skeleton will
person is nearly impossible. accompany the party until
` Below the bridge is a long drop into the dark Under- it crumbles at last outside of
lands, where a foul mist rises up into the air. Chara’s lair.
` When the PCs reach the middle of the bridge, they are
met by a surly yowljack named Snagwise who’s just
been cursed and refuses to move out of the way. He
demands the PCs move backwards so he can pass.
adventure conclusion the adventure
Whether or not the PCs manage to leave the Lair of the
Chicken-Foot Witch with the Wand of Decursification,
L. Dorothy Sandwich awaits their return at Wally’s. The PCs will have surely made a name for themselves
locally after braving into the Lair of the Chicken-Foot
returning to wally’s Witch, and viewed as folks of courage and gusto who
get things done.
L. DOROTHY SANDWICH Use the Rumors and Quest Hooks for Wally’s Waffles
With a spark of magic from L. Dorothy Sandwich, and Weorgs, as well as the town of Firedamp, to embark
the Wand of Decursification hums with energy. She on more adventures in the Land of Eem!
proceeds to turn herself back into a gnome and de-
curses any cursed PCs. She then commits herself to
traveling the Used T’Be Forest to dispel all of Chara’s
“Remarkable! You’ve done the Used T’Be Forest a
great service! With the Wand of Decursification, I’ll
finally have the power to undo Chara’s cruelty.”
L. Dorothy Sandwich rewards the PCs with a magical
Gnome Whistle. If blown, the whistle summons a swarm
of squirrels to aid in a task. The Gnome Whistle can only
be used once before becoming a regular whistle.
If the PCs fail to retrieve the wand, L. Dorothy Sandwich
thanks them for their efforts and uses any intel to
attempt the task herself.
Wally rejoices at the return of the heroes and orders up
a stack of waffles for everybody—on the house!
“We’ve got a band of heroes in our midst! Can you
believe that? This calls for celebration!”
Land of Eem is a game about adventurers exploring and
discovering the remnants of a forgotten, better age. Players
portray lore-seeking travelers, fortune-seeking pioneers and
adventure-seeking heroes in a time devoid of them.
But for all its post-apocalyptic doom and gloom, Land of
Eem is tonally quite lighthearted and droll. Set in the world
of our two fantasy series Rickety Stitch and the Gelatinous
Goo and Dungeoneer Adventures, the game combines Lord
of the Rings high fantasy epicness with a heavy dose of
Muppets-like whimsy and a dash of Mad Max dystopia.
Together with Exalted Funeral, we're launching the Core
Rulebook, a Bestiary and the first Land of Eem sandbox
campaign setting: The Mucklands, a realm of 6 unique
regions filled to the brim with locations, NPCs, and quests.
Coop Cooperson lives in the Land of Eem, a fantastical realm where many different species
live together and there is always more magic to be discovered by those up to the task.
The Dungeoneer Academy trains future explorers with classes like Dungeons and Mazes,
Creatures and Critters, and Swords and Sorcery.
Coop believes in the academy’s mission and the Dungeoneer’s Code, but being the only
human student can make it difficult to fit in—sometimes he wonders if he really belongs.
Lucky for Coop, his best friend Oggie the bugbear has his back, as do the two other
members of their exploring team, Daz the boggart and Mindy the imp. They have to rely on
each other more than ever as the test for their Junior Dungeoneer Badges looms closer.
If Coop and his friends fail to run the final gauntlet in the fungal jungle, they will have to
leave the academy. As future dungeoneers, they know to expect the unexpected, but
nothing could prepare them for the adventure in store.
Support your local bookstore! Ask for Dungeoneer Adventures wherever books
are sold in North America, Australia, and Brazil. You can also buy it on Amazon.
dive into the adventure
where it all began...
Meet Rickety Stitch... the walking, talking, singing skeleton bard. The only skeleton in the
Land of Eem who seems to have retained his soul, Rickety’s only clue to his former identity
is a song he hears in his dreams, an epic bard’s tale about the forgotten kingdom called Epoli.
With his trusty sidekick, the gelatinous Goo, Rickety embarks on a hilarious,
heroic, and heartfelt adventure to discover the truth of his origins.
"You'd expect a skeleton like Rickety Stitch to have a funny bone, but
you'll be surprised at how much heart he has, too."
Ask for Rickety Stitch wherever books are sold in North America, Russia, and Israel.
You can also ask for Rickety Stitch at your local library or order the series on Amazon.