Signal Detection Theory

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CHAPTER 2 signal Detection, Information Theory, and Absolute Judgment OVERVIEW Information processing in most systems begins with the detection of some environ- mental event. In a major catastrophe, the event is so noticeable that immediate detec- tion is assured. The information-processing problems in these circumstances are those of recognition and diagnosis. However, there are many other circumstances in which detection itself represents a source of uncertainty or a potential bottleneck in perfor- mance because it is necessary to detect events that are near the threshold of percep- tion. Will the security guard monitoring a bank of television pictures detect the abnormal movement on one of them? Will the radiologist detect the abnormal x-ray as it is scanned? Will the industrial inspector detect the flaw in the product? Will the yan driver described in Chapter 1 be able to detect a vehicle in front of him in poor visibility conditions? ‘This chapter first will deal with the situation in which an observer classifies the world into one of two states: a signal is present or it is absent. The detection process is modeled within the framework of signal detection theory, and we show how the model can assist engineering psychologists in understanding the complexities of the detection process, in diagnosing what goes wrong when detection fails, and in recommending cor- rective solutions. The process of detection may involve more than two states of categorization. It may, for example, require the human operator to choose between three or four levels of uncertainty about the presence of a signal or to detect more than one kind of sig- nal. At this point, we introduce information theory, and then use it to describe the sim- plest form of multilevel categorization, the absolute judgment task. Finally, we consider 7 Signal Detection, Information Theory and Absolute Judgement the more complex multidimensional stimulus judgment. We again use a signal detec~ tion approach to account for performance in both multilevel and multidimensional categorization judgments. SIGNAL DETECTION THEORY The Signal Detection Paradigm Signal detection theory is applicable in any situation in which there are two discrete states of the world (signal and noise) that cannot easily be discriminated. Signals must be de- tected by the human operator, and in the process two response categories are produced: Yes (I detect a signal) and no (Ido not). This situation may describe activities such as the detection of a concealed weapon by an airport security guard, the detection of a contact ona radar scope (N. H. Mackworth, 1948), a malignant tumor on an x-ray plate by a ra~ diologist (Parasuraman, 19855 Swets & Pickett, 1982), a malfunction of an abnormal sys- tem by a nuclear plant supervisor (Lees & Sayers, 1976), a critical event in air traffic control (Bisseret, 1981), typesetting errors by a proofteader (Anderson & Revelle, 1982), an untruthful statement from a polygraph (Szucko & Kleinmuntz, 1981), a crack on the body of an aircraft, or a communications signal from intelligent life in the bombard- ment of electromagnetic radiation from outer space (Blake & Baird, 1980). The combination of two states of the world and two response categories produces the 2.x 2 matrix shown in Figure 2.1, generating four classes of joint events, labeled hits, misses, false alarms, and correct rejections. It is apparent that perfect performance is that in which no misses of false alarms occur. However, since the signals are not very intense in the typical signal detection task, misses and false alarms do occur, and so there are normally data in all four cells. In signal detection theory (SDT) these values are typically State of the world Signal Noise | i} Yes | Hit False alarm i | Response 4 — No Miss Correct rejection Le tt Figure 2.1 The four outcomes of signal detection theory. iigement 19 __Chopter 2__ Signal Detection, Information Theory an cspressed ats probabilities, by dividing the number of occurrences in a cell by the sotal nimbet of occurrences ina column. thus if 20 signals were presented, and there were 5 hits and 15 misses, we would write P(hit) = 5/20 = 0. The SIT model iGreen & Swets, 1966) assumes that there are two stages of infor mation processing in the task of detection: (1) Sensory evidence is aggregated c cerning the presence or absence of the signal, and (2) a decision is made about whether this evidence indicates a signal or aot. According to the theory, external stimuli gener ate neural activity in the brain. ‘Theretore, on the average there will be more sensory or neural evidence in the brain when a signal is present than when it is absent. This neural evidence, X, may be conceived as the rate of firing of neurons at a hypothetical "detec- tion center.” The rate increases with stimulus intensity. We refer to the quantity X as the evidence variable. Therefore, if there is enough neural activity, X exceeds a crit- ical threshold X,,, and the operator decides “yes.” If there is too little, the operator decides “ao” Because the amount of energy in the signal is typically low, the average amount of X generated by signals in the environment is not much greater than the average gener ated when no signals are present (noise). Furthermore, the quantity of X varies contin uously even in the absence of a signal because of random variations in the environment and in the operator's own “baseline” level of neural firing (c.g., the neural “noise” in the sory channels and the brain). This variation is shown in Figure 2.2. Therefore, even wben no signal is present, X will sometimes exceed the criterion X, as result of ran dom variations alone, and the operator will say “yes” (generating a false alarm at point \ of Figure 2.2). Correspondingly, even with a signal present, the random level of ac tivity may be low, causing X to be less than the criterion, and the operator will say “no” (generating a miss at point B of Figure 2.2). The smaller the difference in intensity be tween signals and noise, the greater these error probabilities become because the amount of variation in X resulting from randomness increases relative to the amount of energy in the signal. In Figure 2.2, the average level of X is increased slightly in the presence of at wveuk signal and greatly when a strong signal is presented, For example, consider a person monitoring of a noisy radar screen. Somewhere in the midst of the random variations in stimulus intensity caused by reflections from clouds and rain, there is an extra increase in intensity that represents the presence of the signal—an aircraft. The amount of noise will not be constant over time but will fluctu- ate; sometimes it will be high, completely masking the stimulus, and sometimes low, al- lowing the plane to stand out. In this example, “noise” varies in the environment, Similarly, this random variation produced noise so that it was more difficult for him to observe relevant signals—vehicles in the road ahead. Suppose, instead, you were stand- ing watch on a ship, searching the horizon on a dark night for a faint light. It becomes difficult to distinguish the flashes that might be real lights from those that are just “visual noise” in your own sensory system. In this case, the random noise is internal. Thus “noise” in signal detection theory is a combination of noise from external and internal sources. The van driver described in Chapter 1 was subject to inclement weather, which produced random variations in reflectances in sleet and spray. “The relations between the presence or absence of the signal, random variability of X, and X,-can be seen in Figure 2.3. The figure plots the probability of observing a spe- cific value of X. given that a noise trial (left curve) or signal trial (right curve) in fact oc curred, These data might have been tabulated (trom the graph of the evidence variable 20 _Chapter2_ Signal Detection, Information Theory and Absolute Judgement Evidence variable x wo | Weak Strong ‘Amount of energy froma signal Time Figure 2.2 The change in the evidence variable X caused by a weak and a strong signal. Notice that with the weak signal, there can sometimes be less evidence when the signal is, present (point 6) than when the signal is absent (point A). at the top of Figure 2.2) by counting the relative frequency of different X values during the intervals when the signal was off, creating the probability curve on the left of Figure 2.3, and making a separate count of the probability of different X values while the weak signal ‘was on, generating the curve on the right of Figure 2.3. As the value of X increases, itis more likely to have been generated while a signal was present. When the absolute probability that X was produced by the signal equals the proba- bility that it was produced by only noise, the signal and noise curves intersect. The crite- rion value X, chosen by the operator is shown by the vertical line. All X values to the right (X > X,) will cause the operator to respond “yes” All to the left generate “no” responses. ‘The different shaded areas represent the occurrences of hits, misses, false alarms, and cor- rect rejections. Since the total area within each curve is one, the two shaded regions within each curve must sum to one. That is, P(H) + P(M) = 1 and P(FA) + P(CR) = 1. Setting the Response Criterion: Optimality in SDT In any signal detection task, observers may vary in their response bias. For example, they may be “liberal” or “risky”: prone to saying yes, and therefore detecting most of the signals, section, Information Theory and Absolute Judgement_21 Criterion beta ise No" <—| i | Noi Le ves Signal Correct . Hit rejection PLXI(N oF S)] = Figure 2.3 Hypothetical distributions underiying signal detection theory: (a) high sensitivity {b) low sensitivity that occur but making many false alarms. Alternatively, they may be “conservative”: say- ing no most times and making few false alarms but missing many of the signals. Sometimes circumstances dictate whether a conservative or a risky strategy is best. For example, when the radiologist scans the x-ray of a patient who has been referred be cause of other symptoms of illness, itis better to be biased to say yes (i.e. “you have a tumor”) than when examining the x-ray of a healthy patient, for whom there is no rea son to suspect any malignancy (Swets & Pickett, 1982). Consider, on the other hand, the monitor of the power-generating station who has been cautioned repeatedly by the super- visor not to unnecessarily shut down a turbine, because of the resulting loss of revenue to the company. The operator will probably become conservative in monitoring the dials and meters for malfunction and may be prone to miss (or delay responding to) a mal- function when it does occur. ‘As can be seen in Figure 2.3, an operator’s conservative or risky behavior is de- termined by placing the decision criterion X;. If X, is placed to the right, much ev- idence is required for it to be exceeded, and most responses will be “no” (conservative responding). If it is placed to the left little evidence is required, most responses will be “yes” and the strategy is risky. An important variable that is positively correlated 2 Chapter 2_ Signal Detection, information Theory and Absolute Judgement with X, is beta, which is the ratio of neural activity produced by signal and noise = BUxIN) (2.1) ‘This is the ratio of the height of the two curves in Figure 2.3, for a given level of X<. Imagine shifting the value of X,. to the right. This will produce a beta value greater than one. When this occurs, there will be fewer yes responses: therefore, there will be fewer hits, but also fewer false alarms, Next imagine shifting X, to the left. Now beta is less than one, and there will be more yes responses and more hits, but also more false alarms. ‘Thus both beta and X; define the response bias or response criterion. More formally, the actual probability values for each of the cells in Figure 2.1 would be calculated from obtained data. These data would describe the areas under the two prob- ability distribution functions of unit area shown in Figure 2.3, to the left and right of the criterion. Thus, for example, the probability of a hit, with the criterion shown, is the rel- ative area under the “signal” curve (a signal was presented) to the right of the criterion (the subject said yes). One can determine by inspection that if the two distributions are of equal size and shape, then the setting of beta = 1 occurs where the two curves intersect as shown in Figure 2.3 and will provide data in which P(H) = P(CR) and P(M) = P(FA), that is,a truly “neutral” criterion setting. Signal detection theory is able to prescribe exactly where the optimum beta should fall, given (1) the likelihood of observing a signal and (2) the costs and benefits (payoffs) of the four possible outcomes (Green & Swets, 1966; Swets & Pickett, 1982). We will first consider the influence of signal probability, then payoffs, on the optimal setting of beta, and finally, human performance in setting beta. Signal Probability First consider the situation in which signals occur just as often as they do not, and there is neither a different cost to the two bad outcomes nor a different benefit to the two good outcomes of Figure 2.1. In this case optimal perfor- mance minimizes the number of errors (misses and false alarms). Optimal performance will occur when X, is placed at the intersection of the two curves in Figure 2.3: that is, when beta = 1. Any other placement, in the long run, would reduce the probabil- ity of being correct. However, ifa signal is more likely, the criterion should be lowered. For example, if traffic is busy on the freeway, increasing the likelihood of collision with another vehi- cle, our van driver should be more likely to apply the brakes than if the road ahead were empty. If the radiologist has other information to suggest that a patient is likely to have a malignant tumor, or the physician has received the patient on referral, the physician should be more likely to categorize an abnormality on the x-ray as a tumor than to ig- nore it as mere noise in the x-ray process. Conversely, if signal probability is reduced, beta should be adjusted conservatively. For example, suppose an inspector searching for defects in computer microchips is told that the current batch has a low estimated fault frequency, because the manufacturing equipment has just received maintenance. In this case, the inspector should be more conservative in searching for defects. Formally, Chapter 2 Signal Detection, Information Theory and Absolute Judgement 23 this adjustment of the optimal beta in response to changes in signal and noise proba bility is represented by the prescription Boge = BN) (2.2) PIS) This quantity will be reduced (made riskier) as P(S) increases, thereby moving the value of X, producing optimal beta to the left of Figure 2.3. If this setting is adhered to, per- formance will maximize the number of correct responses (hits and correct rejections). Note that the setting of optimal beta will not produce perfect performance. There will still be false alarms and misses as long as the two curves overlap. However, optimal beta is the best that can be expected for a given signal strength and a given level of sensitivity. ‘The formula for beta (Equation 2,1) and the formula for optimum beta (Equation 2.2) are sometimes confused. Boye defines where beta should be set, and it is entirely deter- mined by the ratio of the probability with which noise and signals occur in the envi- ronment. In contrast, where beta is set is determined by the observer and must be derived from empirical data. Payoffs ‘The optimal setting of beta is also influenced by payoffs. In this case, optimal is no longer defined in terms of minimizing errors but is now maximizing the total expected financial gains (or minimizing expected losses). If it were important for signals never to be missed, the operator might be given high rewards for hits and high penalties for misses, leading to a low setting of beta. This payoff would be in effect for a quality control in- spector who is admonished by the supervisor that severe costs in company profits (and the monitor's own paycheck) will result if faulty microchips pass through the inspection station. The monitor would therefore be more likely to discard good chips (a false alarm) in order to catch all the faulty ones. Conversely, in different circumstances, if false alarms are to be avoided, they should be heavily penalized. These costs and benefits can be translated into a prescription for the optimum setting of beta by expanding Equation 2.2 to P(N) | V(CR) + C(FA) P(S) —-V(H) + C(M) (2.3) Boe where Vis the value of desirable events (hit, H, or correct rejection, CR), and C is the cost of undesirable events (miss, M, or false alarm, FA). An increase in denominator val- ues will decrease the optimal beta and should lead to risky responding. Conversely, an increase in numerator values should lead to conservative responding. Notice also that the value and probability portions of the function combine independently. An event like the malfunction of a turbine may occur only very rarely, thereby raising the opti- mal beta; however, the cost of a miss in detecting it might be severe, and thus optimal beta should be set to a relatively low value. Human Performance in Setting Beta The actual value of beta that an operator uses can be computed from the number of hits and false alarms obtained from a series of de- tection trials. Therefore, we may ask how well people set their criteria in response to changes in payoffs and probabilities, relative to optimal beta. Humans do adjust beta as 24 —Chapter2_Signal Detection, Information Theory and Absolute Judgement dictated by changes in these quantities. However, laboratory experiments have shown that beta is not adjusted as much as it should be. That is, subjects demonstrate a slug- gish beta, as shown in Figure 2.4. They are less risky than they should be ifthe ideal beta {s high, and less conservative than they should be if the ideal beta is low. As shown in Figure 2-4, the sluggishness is found to be more pronounced when beta is manipulated by probabilities than by payoffs (Green & Swets, 1966). "A number of explanations have been proposed to account for why beta is sluggish in response to probability manipulations. It may be a reflection of the operator's need to respond “creatively” by introducing the rare response more often than is optimal, since extreme values of beta dictate long strings of either yes (low beta) or no (high beta) responses. Another explanation may be that the operator misperceives probabilistic data, There is evidence that people tend to overestimate the probability of rare events and un- derestimate that of frequent events (Peterson & Beach, 1967; Sheridan & Ferrell, 1974) This behavior, to be discussed in more detail in Chapter 8, would produce the observed shift of beta toward unity. eo pao Obtained B 02h? x—— probabilities o- === payofis | of 1 n pit 1 popauiti i of 02 030405 081.0 2. 3 456 810 Optimal { Figure 2.4 Relationship between obtained and optimal di Chapter? Signal 0 2 he sluggislt beta phenomenon can be demonstrated most clearly in the laboratory, where precise probabilities and values can be specified to the subjects. There is also ev idence for sluggish beta in real-world environments, For example, Harris and Chaney (1969), who examined the performance of inspectors in a Kodak plant, reported that as the defect rate fell below about 5 percent, inspectors failed to lower beta accordingly. bisseret (1981) applied signal detection theory to the air traffic controller's task of judg ing whether an impending conflict between to aircraft will (signal) or will not (noise) require a course correction. He found that controllers were more willing to detect a con flict vices, more likely to lower beta), aud therefore command a correction, as the diffi ally of the problem and therefore the uncertainty of the future increased. Bisseret also compared the performance of experts and trainees and found that experts used lower beta settings, being more willing to call for a correction. Bisseret suggested that trainees were more uncertain about how to carry out the correction and therefore more relue- tant to take the action, and argued that a portion of training should be devoted to the issue of criterion placement In medicine, Lusted (1976) reported evidence that physivians adjust their response ctiterion in diagnosis according to how frequently the disease occurs in the popula- tion-—essentially an estimate of P(signal)—but they adjust less than the optimal amount specified by the changing probabilities. However, the difficulty of specifying precisely the costs or benefits of all four of the joint events in medical diagnosis, as in air traffic control, makes it difficult to determine the exact level of optimal beta (as opposed to the direction of its change). How, for example, can the physician specify the precise cost of an undetected malignancy (Lusted, 1976), or the air traffic controller specify the costs of an undetected conflict that might produce a midair collision? The problems associated with specifying costs define the limits of applying signal detection theory to determine optimal response criteria Sensitivity Signal detection theory has made an important conceptual and analytical distinction between the response bias parameters described above and the measure of the oper ator's sensitivity, the keenness or resolution of the detection mechanisms. We have seen that the operator may fail to detect a signal if response bias is conservative Alternatively, the signal may be missed because the detection process is poor at dis Criminating signals from noise, Sensitivity refers to the separation of noise and signal distributions along the X axis of Figure 2.3, IF the separation is large (Figure 2.3a), sensitivity is high and a given value of is quite likely to be generated by either S or N but not both. If the separation is small (Figure 2.5b), sensitivity is low. Since the curves represent neural activation, their se aration could be reduced either by physical properties of the signal (e.g,,:t reduction its intensity or salience) or by properties of the observer (e.g., 2 loss of hearing for an { of training of a medical student for the task of detect auditory detection task or a la ing tumor patterns on an x-ray) In the theory of signal det sponds to the separation of the means of two distributions in Figure 2.3, expressed in ction, the sensitivity measure is called d’ and corre~ 26 “Chapter 2. Signal Detection, Information Theory and Absolute Judgement units of their standard deviations. For most situations d’ varies between 0.5 and 2.0. ‘Table of d’ and beta values generated by different hit and false-alarm rates can be found in Swets, 1964. Like bias, sensitivity also has an optimal value (which is not perfect). The com- putation of this optimal is more complex and is based on an ability to characterize precisely the statistical properties of the physical energy in signal and no-signal tri- als, Although this can be done in carefully controlled laboratory studies with acoustic signals and white-noise background, it is difficult to do in more complex environ- ments. Nevertheless, data from auditory signal detection investigations suggest that the major cause for the departure results from the operator's poor memory for the precise physical characteristics of the signal. When memory aids are provided to re- mind the operator of what the signal looks or sounds like, d’ approaches optimal lev- els. This point will be important when we consider the nature of vigilance tasks later in the chapter. THE ROC CURVE Theoretical Representation All detection performance that has the same sensitivity is in some sense equivalent, re- gardless of bias. A graphic method of representation known as the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) is used to portray this equivalence of sensitivity across changing levels of bias. The ROC curve is useful for obtaining an understanding of the joint ef- fects of sensitivity and response bias on the data from a signal detection analysis. In this section we will describe the ROC curve and note its relation to the 2 x 2 matrix of Fig- ure 2.1 and the theoretical signal and noise curves of Figure 2.3. Figure 2.1 presents the raw data that might be obtained from a signal detection the- ory (SDT) experiment. Of the four values, only two are critical. These are normally P(H) and P(FA), since P(M) and P(CR) are then completely specified as 1 — P(H) and 1 ~ P(EA), respectively. Figure 2.3 shows the theoretical representation of the neural mech- anism within the brain that generated the matrix of Figure 2.1. As the criterion is set at different locations along the X axis of Figure 2.3, a different set of values will be gener- ated in the matrix of Figure 2.1. Figure 2.5 also shows the ROC curve, which plots P(H) against P(FA) for different settings of the response criterion. Each signal detection condition generates one point on the ROC. If the signal strength and the observer’s sensitivity remain constant, changing beta from one condi- tion to another (either through changing payoffs or varying signal probability) will pro- duce a curved set of points. Points in the lower left of Figure 2.5 represent conservative responding; points in the upper right represent risky responding. When connected, these points make the ROC curve. Figure 2.5 shows the relationship among the raw data, the ROC curve, and the theoretical distributions, collected for three different beta values. One can see that sweeping the criterion placement from left (low beta or “risky” respond- ing) to right (high beta or “conservative” responding) across the theoretical distributions produces progressively more “no” responses and moves points on the ROC curve from upper right to lower left. 0.60 Probability of hit \ Less sensitive SS | | 0.05 0.30040 0.80 Probability of false alarm Figure 2.5 The ROC curve. The figure shows how three points on an ROC curve of high sensi- tivity relate to the raw data and underlying signal and noise curves. As beta is shifted at the right, the figure also shows one point of lower sensitivity. It can be time-consuming to carry out the same signal detection experiment sev- eral times, each time changing only the response criterion by a different payoff or sig- nal probability. A more efficient means of collecting data from several criterion sets is to have the subject provide a rating of confidence that a signal was present (Green & Swets, 1966). If three confidence levels are employed (e.g.,""1” = confident that no signal was present, “2” = uncertain, and “3” = confident that a signal was present), the data may be analyzed twice in different ways, as shown in Table 2.1. During the first analy sis, levels 1 and 2 would be considered a “no” response and level 3 a “yes” response. ‘This classification corresponds to a conservative beta setting, since roughly two-thirds of the responses would be called “no.” In the second analysis, level | would be considered a “no” response, and levels 2 and 3 would be considered a “yes” response. his classifica- tion corresponds to a risky beta setting. Thus, two beta settings are available from only one set of detection trials. Economy of data collection is realized because the subject is asked to convey more information on each trial. Formally, the value of beta (the ratio of curve heights in Figure 2.3) at any given point along the ROC curve is equal to the slope of a tangent drawn to the curve at that point. This slope (and therefore beta) will be equal to 1 at points that fall along the negative diagonal (shown by the dotted line in Figure 2.5). Ifthe hit and false-alarm values of these points are determined, we will find that P(H) = 1 — P(FA), as can be seen for the two points on 28 Chapter 2_ Signal Detection, information Theory and Absolute Judgement TABLE 2.1 Analysis of Confidence Rating in Signal Detection Tasks Subject’s Response Stimulus Presented How Responses Are Judged Noise Signal = “No Signal” 4 2 No No Uncertain” 3 2 No. Yes ignal” 14 Yes Yes Total No. Of Trials 8 8 4 + Conservative Risky Criterion Criterion PUFA) =, P(FA) = 4 P(HIT) =‘, P(HIT) =%, T The table shows how data with three levels of confidence can be collapsed to derive two points on the ROC curve. Entries within the table indicate the number of times the subject gave the response on the left to the stimulus (signal or noise) presented. the negative diagonal of Figure 2.5. Performance here is equivalent to performance at the point of intersection of the two distributions in Figure 2.3. Note also that points on the positive diagonal of Figure 2.5, running from lower left to upper right, represent chance performance: No matter how the criterion is set, P(H) always equals P(FA), and the signal cannot be discriminated at all from the noise. A representation of, Figure 2.3 that gives rise to such chance performance would be one in which the signal and noise distributions were perfectly superimposed. Finally, points in the lower right region of the ROC space represent worse than chance performance. Here, the subject says “signal” when no signal is perceived and vice versa, implying that the subject is mis- interpreting the task We will now discuss how the ROC curve represents sensitivity. Figure 2.5 shows that the ROC curve for a more sensitive observer is more bowed, being located closer to the upper left, Note that the ROC space in Figure 2.5 is plotted on a linear probability scale, and there- fore shows a typically bowed curve. An alternative way of plotting the curve is to use z-scores (Figure 2.6). Constant units of distance along each axis represent constant numbers of stan- dard scores of the normal distribution. This representation has the advantage that the bowed lines of Figure 2.5 now become straight lines parallel to the chance diagonal. For a given point, dis then equal to Z(H) ~ Z(FA), reflecting the number of standardized scores that the point lies to the upper left of the chance diagonal. A measure of response bias that cor- relates very closely with beta, and is easy to derive from Figure 2.6, is simply the z-score of the false-alarm probability for a particular point (Swets & Pickett, 1982). Empirical Data It is important to realize the distinction between the theoretical, idealized curves in Figures 2.3, 2.5, and 2.6 and the actual empirical data collected in a signal detection BAY Figure 2.6 The ROC curve on probability paper. experiment or a field investigation of detection performance. The most obvious contrast is that the representations in Figures 2.5 and 2.6 are continuous, smooth curves, whereas empirical data would consist of a set of discrete points. More important, empirical re- sults in which data are collected from a subject as the criterion is varied often provide points that do not fall precisely along a line of constant bowedness (Figure 2.5) or a 45- degree slope (Figure 2.6). Often the slope is slightly shallower. This situation arises be- cause the distributions of noise and signal-plus-noise energy are not in fact precisely normal and of equal variance, as the idealized curves of Figure 2.3 portray, particularly if there is variability in the signal itself. This tilting of the ROC curve away from the ideal presents some difficulties for the use of d’ as a measure of sensitivity. If’ is measured as the distance of the ROC curve of Figure 2.6 from the chance axis, and this distance varies as a function of the criterion setting, what is the appropriate setting for measuring d’? One approach is to measure the distance at unit beta arbitrarily (i.e., where the ROC curve intersects the negative diagonal). This measure is referred to as d and may be em- ployed if data at two or more different beta settings are available so that a straight-line ROC can be constructed on the probability plot of Figure 2.6 (Green & Swets, 1966). Although it is therefore desirable to generate two or more points on the ROC curve, there are some circumstances in which it may be impossible to do so, particularly when evaluating detection data in many real-world contexts. In such cases, the experimenter often cannot manipulate beta or use rating scales and must use the data available from only a sin- gle stimulus-response matrix. This does not always present a problem. Collection of a full set of ROC data may not be necessary if bias is minimal (Macmillan & Creelman, 1991). Nonetheless, if there are only one or two points in the ROC space and there is evidence for strong risky or conservative bias, another measure of sensitivity should be used. Under these circumstances, the measure P(A) or the area under the ROC curve is an alternative measure of sensitivity (Calderia, 1980; Craig, 1979; Green & Swets, 1966). The measure represents the area to the right and below the line segments connecting the lower left and upper right corners of the ROC space to the measured data point (Figure 2.7). Craig (1979) and Calderia (1980) have argued that the advantage of this measure is that it is “parameter free.” That is, its value does not depend on any assumptions concerning the shape or form of the underlying signal and noise distributions. For this reason, it is a measure that may be usefully employed even if two or more points in the ROC 30 Chapter 2_Signal Detection, Information Theory and Absolute Judgement space are available but do not fall along a 45-degree line. (‘This suggests that the data do not meet the equal variance assumptions.) The measure P(A) may be calculated from the formula P(H) + us P(FA)) aa) Alternative measures of bias also exist. For example, the measure C locates the criterion relative to the intersection of the two distributions. The intersection point is the zero point, and then distance from this criterion is measured in Z-units. Thus, C =0.5(Z(FA) + Z(H)). Conservative biases produce positive C-values; risky biases produce negative values. Recent summaries of bias measures suggest that Cis a better measure of bias than beta, because it is less sensitive to changes in d’ (See, Warm, Dem- ber, & Howe, 1997; Snodgrass & Corwin, 1988). Nonparametric measures of bias are also available, and are described in See et al. (1997). ‘The reader is referred to Calderia (1980), Green and Swets (1966), Macmillan and Creelman (1991), and Snodgrass and Corwin (1988) for further discussion of the rela~ tive merits of different sensitivity and bias measures. P(A) = APPLICATIONS OF SIGNAL DETECTION THEORY Signal detection theory has had a large impact on experimental psychology, and its con- cepts are highly applicable to many problems of human factors as well. It has two gen- eral benefits: (1) It provides the ability to compare sensitivity and therefore the quality of performance between conditions or between operators that may differ in response bias. (2) By partitioning performance into bias and sensitivity components, it provides a diagnostic tool that recommends different corrective actions, depending on whether change in performance results from a loss of sensitivity or a shift in response bias. The implications of the first benefit are clear. Suppose the performance of two op- erators or the hit rate obtained from two different pieces of inspection equipment are compared. If A has a higher hit rate but also a higher false-alarm rate than B, which is Figure 2.7 Example of the sensitivity measure P(A), the area under the ROC curve, derived from one point. Chapter 2__ Signal Detection, Information Theory and Absolute Judgement __31 superior? Unless the explicit mechanism for separating sensitivity from bias is available, this comparison is impossible. Signal detection theory provides the mechanism. ‘The importance of the second benefit—the diagnostic value of signal detection theory—will be evident as we consider some actual examples of applications of signal detection theory to real-world tasks. In the many possible environments where the op- erator must detect an event and does so imperfectly, the existence of these errors pre- sents a challenge for the engineering psychologist: Why do they occur, and what corrective actions can prevent them? Three areas of application (medical diagnosis, eyewitness testimony, and industrial inspection), will be considered, leading to a more extensive discussion of vigilance. Medical Diagnosis Medical diagnosis is a fruitful realm for the application of signal detection theory (Lusted, 1971, 1976; Parasuraman, 1985). Abnormalities (diseases, tumors) are either present in the patient or they are not, and the physician must decide “present” or “ab- sent.” Sensitivity is related to factors such as the salience of the abnormality or the num- ber of converging symptoms, as well as the training of the physician to focus on relevant cues, Response bias, meanwhile, can be influenced by both signal probability and pay- offs. In the former category, influences include the disease prevalence rate and whether the patient is examined in initial screening (probability of disease low, beta high) or re- ferral (probability higher, beta lower). Lusted (1976) has argued that physicians’ detec- tions generally tend to be less responsive to variation in the disease prevalence rate than optimal. Parasuraman (1985) found that radiologist residents were not responsive enough to differences between screening and referral in changing beta. Both results illustrate the sluggish beta phenomenon. Although payoffs may influence decisions, itis difficult to quantify consequences of hits (e.g., a detected malignancy leads to its surgical removal with associated hospital costs and possible consequences), false alarms (an unnecessary operation), and misses. Placing values on these events based on financial costs of surgery, malpractice suits, and the intangible costs of human life and suffering is clearly difficult. Yet there is little doubt that they influence the physician’s detection rate, Lusted (1976) and Swets and Pickett (1982) have shown how diagnostic performance can be quantified with an ROC curve. Ina thorough treatment, Swets and Pickett describe the appropriate methodology for using signal detection theory to examine performance in medical diagnosis. Several investigations have examined the more restricted domain of tumor diagno- sis by radiologists. Rhea, Potsdaid, and DeLuca (1979) have estimated the rate of omis- sion in the detection of abnormalities to run between 20 and 40 percent. In comparing the detection performance of staff radiologists and residents, Parasuraman (1985), found differences in sensitivity (favoring the radiologists) and bias (radiologists showing a more conservative criterion). Swennson, Hessel, and Herman (1977) examined the effect of directing the radiol- ogist’s attention to a particular area of an x-ray plate where an abnormality was likely to occur. They found that this increased the likelihood of the tumor’s detection, but did so by reducing beta rather than increasing sensitivity. In related work, Swennson (1980) conducted an ROC analysis of the performance of radiologists searching for tumors 32, Chapter 2_ Signal Detection, Information Theory and Absolute Judgement in chest x-rays. Swennson found the counterintuitive result that examining the entire radiograph produced greater sensitivity than a control condition in which only one part of the radiograph was examined. Swennson proposed a model having two de- tection components. The first identifies likely candidate locations, and the second identifies tumors in those locations. By using different sensitivities in the two stages, Swennson’s model accounted for the obtained results. A signal-detection approach has been used to distinguish between the relative merits of two different imaging techniques for examining brain lesions: computerized tomogra- phy (CT) and radionuclide (RN) scans (Swets et al, 1979). A confidence level procedure ‘was used such that the radiologists made judgments on a 5-point scale. Hit and false-alarm. rates were computed from these data using the procedure described above. Plots of the ROC space showed that higher levels of sensitivity were evident with the CT method rel- ative to the RN method, with little difference in terms of bias. ‘Schwartz, Dans, and Kinosian (1988) performed an ROC analysis on data from a study by Nishanian et al. (19875 see Swets, 1992). Nishinian et al. compared the accu- racy for three diagnostic tests for HIV. The analysis showed that two of the tests pro- duced nearly the same sensitivity value, higher than that produced by the third test. However, the two tests having greater sensitivity differed in terms of bias; one test was much more likely to make a false positive decision (a false alarm—that is, diagnosing someone with HIV when they did not have it) for a slight increase in the number of hits. Signal detection analysis of this type can be very important in helping physicians determine which diagnostic test to use in a given situation. For example, it may be ap- propriate to use the more liberal test (and run the increased risk of a false alarm) when other factors suggest that the patient is more likely to be HIV positive. Recognition Memory and Eyewitness Testimony The domain of recognition memory represents a somewhat different application of sig- nal detection theory. Here the observer is not assessing whether or not a physical signal is present but rather decides whether or not a physical stimulus (the person or name to be recognized) was seen or heard at an earlier time. ‘One important application of signal detection theory to memory is found in the study of eyewitness testimony (e.g., Ellison & Buckhout, 1981; Wells, 1993; Wright & Davies, 1999). The witness to a crime may be asked to recognize or identify a suspect as the perpetrator. The four kinds of joint events in Figure 2.1 can readily be specified. The suspect examined by the witness either is (signal) or is not (noise) the same indi- vidual actually perceived at the scene of the crime. The witness in turn can either say “That's the one” (Y) or “No, it’s not” (N). In this case, the joint interests of criminal justice and protection of society are served by maintaining a high level of sensitivity while keeping beta neither too high (many misses, with criminals more likely to go free) nor too low (a high rate of false alarms, with an increased likelihood that innocent individuals will be prosecuted). Signal detection theory has been most directly applied to a witness's identification of suspects in police lineups (eg., Ellison & Buckhout, 1981). In this case, the witness is shown a lineup of chapter 2_ Signal Detection, Information theory and Ab: : or so individuals, one of whom is the suspect detained by the police, and the oth- ers are “foils.” Hence, the lineup decision may be considered a two-stage process: Is the suspect in the lineup, and if so, which one is it? Ellison and Buckhout (1981) have expressed concern that witnesses generally have a low response criterion in lineup identifications and will therefore often say yes to the first question. This bias would present no difficulty if their recognition mem- ory was also accurate, enabling them to identify the suspect accurately. However, con- siderable research on staged crimes shows that visual recognition of brief events is notoriously poor (e.g., Loftus, 1979). Poor recognition memory coupled with the risky response bias allows those conducting the lineup to use techniques that will cap- italize on witness bias to ensure a positive identification. These techniques include ensuring that the suspect is differently dressed, is seen in handcuffs by the witness be- fore the lineup, or is quite different in appearance from the foils. In short, techniques are used that would lead even a person who had not scen the crime to select the sus- pect from the foils or would lead the witness to make a positive identification from a lineup that did not contain the suspect (Ellison & Buckhout, 1981; Wells & Bradfield, 1998). This process is not testing the sensitivity of recognition memory but is em- phasizing response bias, How could the bias in the lineup process be reduced? Ellison and Buckhout (1981) suggest a simple procedure: inform the witness that the suspect may not be in the lineup. As does reducing the probability of a signal, this procedure will drive beta upward to ward a more optimal setting. Ellison and Buckhout further argue that people in the lineup should be equally similar to one another (such that a nonwitness would have an equal chance of picking any of them). Although greater similarity will reduce the hit rate slightly, it will reduce the false-alarm rate considerably more. The result will be a net increase in sensitivity. Wells (1993) offers two approaches to improving the eyewitness sensitivity in the lineup situation, The first, called a blank lineup control, requires the witness to view two lineups, the first being a blank lineup containing no suspect, and the second being a lineup with the suspect. (The witness does not realize there is a second lineup while observing the first.) This is similar to the signal-absent trial in the signal detection sit- uation, Wells (1984) found that those witnesses who do not make an identification with the blank lineup are more likely to make an accurate identification in the real lineup than witnesses who go directly to the real lineup. The second approach noted by Wells (1993) is called a mock witness control. Here, a lineup is shown to a set of people who were not witnesses, and who are given only limited information about the crime. If the mock witnesses identify the suspect at a rate greater than chance, then it suggests that something in the limited information is leading them to choose the suspect. Both ap- proaches are akin to adding a control group to an experiment, which allows for com- parison with the real situation (the experimental group). Gonzales, Ellsworth, and Pembroke (1993) contrasted recognition memory pertor- mance in the lineup situation with recognition memory in the showup. A showup occurs when the witness is shown one suspect and is asked whether the suspect is the person who committed the crime, It is widely believed that the showup is biased towards saying “yes” (and thereby increasing false alarms) relative to the lineup. However, Gonzales et al. found 34 Chapter 2_ Signal Detection, Information Theory and Absolute Judgement that witnesses were more likely to say “yes” with a lineup than a showup, even when the suspect was absent, demonstrating a risky bias for the lineup. Gonzales et al. speculated that the initial process of finding a best match within the lineup may bias the witness to make an identification. Therefore, the result of the initial decision (the suspect is in the lineup) serves to lower the criterion for subsequent decisions (which one is the suspect). This would serve to increase both hits and false alarms, as observed. ‘A farther danger is that eyewitnesses tend to become more certain of their judgment after being told they selected the suspect (Wells & Bradfield, 1998). In the United States, there is nothing to stop an investigator from telling an eyewitness that they selected the suspect from a lineup after the choice has been made. In the Wells and Bradfield study, subjects were shown a security video and then later asked to identify the gunman from a set of photographs. All subjects made identifications, although the actual gunman was not in the set. Following the identification, subjects were told whether or not they had iden- tified the suspect. If they were told that they had identified the suspect, they were later ‘more certain that they had identified the gunman. However, since the gunman was not in the set, these were all false identifications. In signal detection terms, this is an increase in the false-alarm rate resulting from a reduction in beta. The problem is that eyewitnesses appear at tril convinced they have identified the criminal, and juries are in turn more eas- ily convinced by the eyewitness’s testimony (Wells & Bradfield, 1998). For these reasons, researchers have recommended that investigators should not reveal any information about the outcome of the identification until a clear statement of confidence has been obtained from the eyewitness (Wells & Seelau, 1995). Industrial Inspection In many industries, there is a need to check on the quality of manufactured products or product parts. An industrial inspector might check on the quality of welds in an au- tomobile factory, for example. Since the inspector may not know the location of the flaw, industrial inspection often involves a visual search (to be discussed further in Chapter 3). For example, Swets (1992) examined technicians inspecting metal fatigue in airplanes. A large number of metal specimens, some with and some without flaws, were inspected using ultrasound and eddy-current methods. The performance of each technician was specified by a hit rate and false-alarm rate and plotted as a point in an ROC space. The ROC plot for the inspectors using the ultrasound showed the points randomly distributed above the positive diagonal. In contrast, the points in the eddy- current ROC space were more tightly clustered in the extreme upper left corner of the space. Thus, inspectors were better able to detect a flaw using the eddy-current method than the ultrasound method (greater sensitivity) and there was less variability in the criterion setting. Despite the large variability among observers, the general advantage of the eddy-current method was evident. VIGILANCE In the vigilance task an operator is required to detect signals over a long period of time (referred toas the watch), and the signals are intermittent, unpredictable, and infrequent. Examples include the radar monitor, who must observe infrequent contacts; the airport security inspector, who examines x-rayed carry-on luggage; the supervisory monitor of and Absolute Judgem complex systems, who must detect the infrequent malfunctions of system components and the quality control inspector, who examines a stream of products (sheet metal, cir- cuit boards, microchips, fruit) to detect and remove detective or flawed items. ‘Two general conclusions emerge from the analysis of operators’ performance in the vigilance situation, First, the steady-state level of vigilance performance is known as the vigilance level, and operators often show lower vigilance levels than desirable. Second, the vigilance level sometimes declines steeply during the first half hour or so of the watch. This phenomenon was initially noted in radar monitors during World War Il (N. H. Mackworth, 1948), has been experimentally replicated numerous times, and has been observed in industrial inspectors (Harris & Chaney, 1969; Parasuraman, 1986). This de crease in vigilance level over time is known as the vigilance decrement. Vigilance Paradigms It is important to distinguish two classes of vigilance situations, or paradigms. The free response paradigm is one in which a target event occurs at any time and nonevents are not defined, This is analogous to the task confronting the power plant monitor. In con- trast, with the inspection paradigm, events occur at fairly regular intervals. A few of these events are targets (defects), but most are nontargets (normal items). This is the task faced by a circuit board inspector, for example. In the free-response paradigm, event rate is de- fined by the number of targets per unit time, In the inspection paradigm event rate is ambiguous because it may be defined either by the number of targets per unit time or (incorrectly) by the ratio of targets to total events (targets and nontargets). The latter measure (which we shall refer to as target probability) will stay constant even if the num ber of targets per unit time is increased—the result of speeding up a conveyor belt, for example. In typical industrial inspection tasks, event rate may be fairly high, but in other tasks such as that of the airport security inspector, it will be much lower. Itis also important to distinguish between a successive and a simultaneous vigilance paradigm. In a successive paradigm or task, observers must remember the target stim. ulus and compare successively presented stimulus configurations against the remem bered representation, For example, an inspector might be asked to detect if the color of a garment is darker than usual. In a simultaneous paradigm, all the information needed to make the discrimination is present for each event. For example, each garment could be compared to a standard piece of fabric. Finally, we should distinguish between sensory and cognitive paradigms (See, Howe, Warm, and Dember, 1995). In a sensory task, signals represent changes in auditory or visual intensity. In a cognitive task, like proofreading a final manuscript, symbolic or alphanumeric stimuli are used. Since cognitive stimuli such as letters or numbers are often familiar, some researchers claim this distinction is really between familiar or un- familiar stimuli (e.g., Koelega, Brinkman, Hendriks, & Verbaten, 1989). Nonetheless, there appear to be important differences in the results obtained in the different para- digms (See et al., 1995), as described below. Measuring Vigilance Performance A large number of investigations of factors affecting the vigilance level and the vigilance decrement have been conducted over the last five decades with a myriad of experimental variables in various paradigms. An exhaustive listing of all of the experimental results 36 Chapter 2_ Signal Detection, Information Theory and Absolute Judgement of vigilance studies is beyond the scope of this chapter. Readers interested in more ex- tensive treatments are referred to the following sources: Davies and Parasuraman (1982); Parasuraman (1986); See et al. (1995); Warm (1984); Warm and Dember (1998). Before summarizing the most important results, we will discuss how vigilance performance should be measured. Specifying vigilance performance in terms of number of targets detected is analogous to gauging performance in a signal detection task using hit rate (P(H)]. Specifying the vig ilance decrement this way is misleading because P(H) could decline through an increase in beta with no decline in sensitivity (i.e., P(FA) is also decreasing). Hence, vigilance per- formance is better understood by applying a signal detection approach. Indeed, it has been shown repeatedly that the vigilance decrement can arise either as a result of a decrease in sensitivity (e.g,, J. F. Mackworth & Taylor, 1963) or as a shift toa more conservative criterion (e.g., Broadbent & Gregory, 1965), depending on the task and experimental situation. Therefore, rather than trying to account for factors affecting the vigilance decrement, it is more informative to describe those factors that affect the sensitivity decrements or beta increments that underlie the vigilance decrement. In inspection tasks, when nontarget events are clearly defined, a signal detection analysis is straightforward, since the false-alarm rate may be easily computed. In the free-response paradigm, however, when nontarget events are not well defined, further assumptions must be made to compute a false-alarm rate. In the laboratory, this is typ- ically accomplished by defining an appropriate response interval after each signal within which a subject’s response will be designated a hit. The remaining time during a watch is partitioned into a number of false-alarm intervals, equal in duration to the response intervals, P(FA) is simply the number of false alarms divided by the number of false- alarm intervals (Parasuraman, 1986; Watson & Nichols, 1976). Although beyond the scope of this treatment, there are caveats that should be considered when applying sig- nal detection theory to vigilance phenomena, particularly when the false-alarm rates are low (Craig, 1977; Long & Waag, 1981) Factors Affecting Sensitivity Level and Sensitivity Decrement The following factors affect sensitivity in a vigilance task: 1. Sensitivity decreases, and the sensitivity decrement increases, as a target’s sig- nal strength is reduced, which occurs when the intensity or duration of a target is reduced or otherwise made more similar to nontarget events (J. F. Mackworth & Taylor, 1963; ‘Teichner, 1974). 2. Sensitivity decreases when there is uncertainty about the time or location at which the target signal will appear. This uncertainty is particularly great if there are long intervals between signals (J. E Mackworth & Taylor, 1963; Milosevic, 1974; Warm, Dember, Murphy, & Dittmar, 1992). 3. For inspection tasks, which have defined nontarget events, the sensitivity level decreases and the decrement increases when the event rate is increased (Badde- ley & Colquhoun, 1969; See et al, 1995). Event rate is defined as the number of events per unit time; an example of increasing the event rate would be speeding up the conveyer belt in an inspection situation. Note that this keeps the ratio Chapter 2 _Signal Detection, Information Ths of target to nontargets constant, and therefore event rate should not be con fused with target probability, which aftects bias (see below). 4. The sensitivity level is higher for simultaneous tasks than for successive tasks (Parasuraman, 1979). A sensitivity decrement occurs for successive tasks at high event rates but does not occur at low event rates, or for simultaneous tasks at either rate (Parasuraman, 1979). The sensitivity decrement is eliminated when observers are highly practiced so that the task becomes automatic, rather than controlled (Fisk & Schneider, 1981; Fisk & Scerbo, 1987; see Chapters 6, 7, and 11 for detailed coverage of automaticity 6. A sensitivity increment (ie., improvement with time on watch) sometimes oc- curs in simultaneous paradigms with cognitive (familiar) but not sensory stimuli (See et al., 1995). w Factors Affecting Response Bias Level and Bias Increment ‘Changes in bias also occur, and the more salient results are as follows: L. Target probability affects response bias, with higher probabilities decreasing beta, (more hits and false alarms) and lower probabilities increasing it (more misses and correct rejections) (Loeb & Binford, 1968; See et al., 1997; Williges, 1971), although sluggish beta is evident (Baddeley & Colquhoun, 1969). Note that a decrease in target probability can occur if nontarget events are more densely spaced between targets. Such changes in target probability are some- times incorrectly referred to as event rate. 2, Payoffs affect response bias as in the signal detection task (¢.g., Davenport, 1968; See et al., 1997), although the effect of payoffs is less consistent and less effec- tive than manipulating probability (see Davies & Parasuraman, 1982). This stands in contrast to the relative effects of manipulating probability and pay- offs in the signal detection task where signals are more common. 3. Increased beta values are evident when signal strength is reduced (Broadbent, 1971). Theories of Vigilance We present three theories used to explain vigilance performance and the influence of factors such as type of display, task type, or environmental stressors, and we will show how they suggest corrective improvements. The advantage of such theories is that they provide parsimonious ways to account for vigilance performance and thereby suggest techniques to improve it. The first theory accounts for sensitivity loss; the others ac- count for criterion shifts. It may be possible to integrate the theories, as described below. Sensitivity Loss: Fatigue and Sustained Demand Theory _ In the earliest laboratory studies investigating vigilance (N. H. Mackworth, 1948), the subject monitored a clock hand that ticked at periodic intervals (nontarget events). Occasionally the hand under- wenta “double tick” (target event), moving twice the angle of the nontarget events. In this paradigm, and many others that have employed visual signals, a sensitivity decrement 38 Chapter 2_ Signal Detection, Information Theory and Absolute Judgement _ _ usually occurs. To account for the decrement, Broadbent (1971) argued that the sustained attention necessary to fixate the clock hand or other visual signals continuously extracts a toll in fatigue. Indeed, sometimes the vigilance task is referred to as a sustained atten- tion task (Parasuraman, 1979). Because of the resulting fatigue, the subject looks away or blinks more often as the watch progresses, and therefore signals are missed. More recently, investigators have concluded that a vigilance task imposing a sus- tained load on working memory (e.g., having to recall what the target signal looks or sounds like, as in a successive task) will demand the continuous supply of processing re- sources (Deaton & Parasuraman, 1988; Parasuraman, 1979). Indeed ratings of mental workload (see Chapter 9) show that the workload of vigilance tasks is generally high (Warm, Dember, & Hancock, 1996). This mental demand may be as fatiguing as the sus- tained demand to keep one’s eyes open and fixated, and here too the eventual toil of fa- tigue will lead to a loss in sensitivity. A further implication of the resource-demanding nature of vigilance tasks is their susceptibility to interference from concurrent tasks (to be discussed in Chapter 11). One would expect, therefore, that situations demanding greater processing resources (e.g. when the target is difficult to detect, when there is uncertainty about where or when the target will occur, when the event rate is fast, when the observer has to re- member what the target looks or sounds like, when the target is not familiar) should produce greater fatigue, leading to a lower vigilance level. For example, there is evidence that successive tasks are more strongly resource-limited than simultaneous tasks (Matthews, Davies, & Holley, 1993). One would also expect that the sustained demand of the task over time will be greater in these situations, leading to greater sensitivity decrements. Therefore, sustained demand theory proposes that sustained demand over time leads to the sensitivity decrement; and that factors demanding greater mental re~ sources will lower sensitivity levels (Parasuraman, 1979; Matthews, Davies, & Holley, 1993), The finding that the sensitivity level is higher, and the sensitivity decrement elim- inated, when observers detect the target automatically with litte effort is also consistent with sustained demand theory, since a characteristic of automatic processing is that it produces little resource demand (Schneider & Shiffrin, 1977). Criterion Shifts: Expectancy Theory In many vigilance situations, the vigilance decrement is due not so much to a sensitivity decrement, but rather a bias increment. The sustained-demand theory described above cannot account for such increases, since sustained demand is postulated to decrease d’, not increase beta. On the other hand, the expectancy theory proposed by Baker (1961) attributes the vigilance decrement to an upward adjustment of the response criterion in response to a reduction in the per- ceived frequency (and therefore expectancy) of target events. Assume that the subject sets beta on the basis of a subjective perception of signal frequency, P,(S). Ifa signal is missed for any reason, subjective probability P,(S) is reduced because the subject be- lieves that one less signal occurred. This reduction in turn causes an upward adjust- ment of beta, which further increases the likelihood of a miss, and so on, in a “vicious circle” (Broadbent, 1971). Although this behavior could lead to an infinite beta and aa negligible hit rate, in practice other factors will operate to level off the criterion at a stable but higher value. ‘When the signal probability is lowered, it should serve to decrease the expectation of the signal, and therefore increase beta. Payoffs may have similar effects. Since the vicious Chapter 2_ Signal Detection, information Theory and Absolute Judgement 39 circle depends on signals being missed in the first place. it stands to reason that the kinds of variables that reduce sensitivity (short, low-intensity signals) should also increase the expectancy effect in vigilance, as noted above. An alternative theoretical conception for the bias increment was proposed by Welford (1968). Arousal theory postulates that in a prolonged low-event environment, the “evidence variable” X (see Figure 2.3) shrinks while the criterion stays constant. This change is shown in Figure 2.8. The shrinking results trom a decrease in neural activity ‘both signal and noise) with decreased arousal. This decreased arousal may be related to the sustained attentional demands of the vigilance task that affects sensitivity. An ex- amination of Figure 2.8 reveals that such an effect will reduce both hit and false-alarm rates (a change in beta) while keeping the separation of the two distributions, as ex- pressed in standard scores, at a constant level (a constant @’). The arousal view is consistent with some physiological findings (e.g., Dardano, 1962; McGrath, 1963; Milosevic, 1975). However, some recent studies with drugs that affect arousal have found changes in sensitivity, but not the changes in response bias predicted by arousal theory. For example, drugs like caffeine that increase arousal do not produce changes in response bias but increase sensitivity (Fine et al., 1994); drugs like antihistamine and oxazepam that decrease arousal do not affect response bias but decrease sensitivity (Fine et al. 1994; van Leeuwen et al., 1994). In addition, there Passage of time Evidence variable X Figure 2.8 Welford's arousal theory of the vigilance decrement 40 Chapter 2_Signal Detection, Information Theory and Absolute Judgement is good evidence that this theory is insufficient to explain all occurrences of criterion Shifts. This evidence is provided by instances in which a manipulated variable that would be expected to influence the arousal level does not produce the expected ef- fect on the criterion. For example, as we have seen, increasing the total event rate, while keeping the absolute target frequency constant (thereby decreasing the tar- get/nontarget ratio), increases the decrement. Yet arousal theory should predict the opposite effect, since the more frequent nontarget events should increase arousal, not decrease it. Nonetheless, arousal theory is parsimonious in that the same physiological mech- anism—increased fatigue, decreased arousal—that accounts for the bias increment can also account for the sensitivity decrement. It is possible that arousal might inter~ act with expectancy, with lowered arousal (greater fatigue) increasing the chance of a miss and lowering P,(S). Thus, the best general explanation might be that decreasing arousal (increasing fatigue) decreases sensitivity, increases beta, and also lowers the subjective probability of a signal, again increasing beta. Expectancy theory is neces- sary to properly account for the effects of probabilities and payoffs on the steady-state vigilance level, however. Techniques to Combat the Loss of Vigilance In many vigilance situations, vigilance performance reflects some combination of shifts in sensitivity and response bias. Very often d’ and beta shifts are observed in a single vigil. Iti also important to reemphasize that the theoretical mechanisms pro- posed to account for the vigilance decrement also account for differences between onditions or tasks that are not related to time. Although Teichner (1974) has pointed Gut that the vigilance decrement can be small (around 10 percent), corrective tech- niques that reduce the decrement will also improve the absolute level of performance ‘As Parasuraman (1986) noted, performance levels may be consistently lower than some minimum acceptable level of performance even if there is no decrement, which may be of concern to management. Like the theories of vigilance, these corrective techniques may be categorized into those that enhance sensitivity and those that shift the response criterion. Increasing Sensitivity We note the following techniques for improving sensitivity in a vigilance task. (1) Show target examples (reduce memory load). A logical outgrowth of the sus- tained demand theory is that any technique aiding or enhancing the subject’s mem- ory of signal characteristics should reduce sensitivity decrements and preserve a higher overall level of sensitivity. Hence, the availability of a “standard” representa- tion of the target should help. For example, Kelly (1955) reported a large increase in detection performance when quality control operators could look at television pic- tures of idealized target stimuli. Furthermore, a technique that helps reduce the bias increment caused by expectancy may also combat a loss in sensitivity. The introduc- tion of false signals, as described in the next section, could improve sensitivity by re- freshing memory. Chapter 2_ Signal Detection, information Theory and Absolute Judgement 41 A study by Childs (1976), which found that subjects perform better when moni- toring for only one target than when monitoring for one of several, is also consistent with the importance of memory aids in vigilance. Childs also observed an improvement in performance when subjects were told specifically what the target stimuli were rather than what they were not. Schoenfeld and Scerbo (1997) found that the sensitivity decre- ‘ment was less when searching for the presence of a feature in a visual display than when searching for its absence. The general recommendation is that inspectors should have access to visual representation of possible defectives rather than simply the representa- tion of those that are normal. (2) Increase target salience. Various artificial techniques of signal enhancement are closely related to the reduction in memory load. Available solutions capitalize on pro- cedures that will differentially affect signals and nonsignals. For example, Luzzo and Drury (1980) developed a signal-enhancement technique known as “blinking” When successive events are similar to one another (e.g., wired circuit boards), detection of mi wired boards can be facilitated by rapidly and alternately projecting an image of a sin- gle location of a known good prototype and the item to be inspected, If the latter is “normal,” the image will be identical, fused, and continuous. If the item contains a mal- function (e.g.,a gap in wiring), the gap location will blink on and off in a highly salient fashion as the displays are alternated. A related signal-enhancement technique is to induce coherent motion into targets but not nontargets, thereby taking advantage of the human's high sensitivity to motion. For example, an operator scanning a radar display for a target blip among many similar nontargets encounters a very difficult detection problem. Scanlan (1975) has demon- strated that a radar target undergoes a coherent but slow motion whereas the noise prop- erties are random. If successive radar frames are stored, recent frames can be replayed in fast time, forward and backward. Under these conditions, the target's coherent motion stands out improving detection performance. Analternative approach is to transcribe the events to an alternate sensory modal- ity. This technique takes advantage of the redundancy gain that occurs when a signal is presented in two modalities at once. Employing this technique, Colquhoun (1975), Doll and Hanna (1989), and Lewandowski and Kobus (1989) found that sonar moni- tors detected targets more accurately when the target was simultaneously displayed vi- sually and auditorially than when either mode was employed by itself. (3) Vary event rate. Sustained demand theory suggests that high event rates can pro- duce larger losses in vigilance performance. As Saito (1972) showed in a study of bottle inspectors, a reduction of the event rate from 300 to under 200 bottles per minute markedly improved inspection efficiency. Allowing observers to control event rate is also effective: Scerbo, Greenwald, and Sawin (1993) showed that giving observers such con- trol improves sensitivity and lowers the sensitivity decrement. (4) Train observers. A technique closely related to the enhancement of signals through display manipulations is one that emphasizes operator training. Fisk and ‘Schneider (1981) demonstrated that the magnitude of a sensitivity decrement could be greatly reduced by training subjects to respond consistently and repeatedly to the target elements, This technique of developing automatic processing of the stimulus (described further in Chapter 6) tends to make the target stimulus “jump out” of the train of events, just as one’s own name is heard in a series of words. Fisk and Schneider note that the 42 Chapter 2 Signal Detection, Information Theory and Absolute Judgement critical stimuli must consistently appear as a target stimulus, and that the probability of target must be high during the training session. Shift in Response Criterion The following methods may be useful in shifting the cri- terion to an optimal level. (1) Instructions. An unsatisfactory vigilance or inspection performance can occur because the operator's perceptions of the probability of signals or the costs of errors do not agree with reality. For example, in quality control, an inspector may believe that it is better to detect more defects and not worry about falsely rejecting good parts although it would be more cost-effective to maintain a higher criterion because the probability of a defective part is low. Simple instructions in industrial or company policy may ad- just beta to an appropriate level. In airline security inspection, increased stress on the seriousness of misses (failing to detect a weapon smuggled through the inspection line) could cause a substantial decrease in the number of misses (but a corresponding in- crease in false alarms). (2) Knowledge of Results, Less direct means can also adjust the response criterion to a more optimal level. For example, where possible, knowledge of results (KR) should be provided to allow an accurate estimation of the true P(S) (N. H. Mackworth, 1950). It appears that KR is most effective in low-noise environments (Becker, Warm, Dember, & Hancock, 1995). (3) False Signals. Baker (1961) and Wilkinson (1964) have argued that intro- ducing false signals should keep beta low. False signals will raise the subjective P,(S) and might raise the arousal level as well. Furthermore, if the false signals refresh the operator’s memory, the procedure should improve sensitivity and reduce the sensi tivity decrement by reducing the sustained demand of the task, as discussed earlier. For example, as applied to the quality control inspector, a certain number of prede- fined defectives might be placed on the inspection line. These would be “tagged,” so that if missed by the inspector, they would still be removed. Their presence in the in- spection stream should guarantee a higher P,(S) and therefore a lower beta than would be otherwise observed. However, this technique should not be used if the ac- tions that the operator would take after detection have undesirable consequences for an otherwise stable system. An extreme example would occur if false warnings were introduced into a chemical process control plant and these led the operator to shut down the plant unnecessarily. (4) Confidence levels. Finally, allowing operators to report signal events with differ- ent confidence levels decreases the bias increment (Broadbent & Gregory, 1965; Rizy, 1972). If rather than classifying each event as target or nontarget, the operator can say “target,” “uncertain,” or “nontarget” (or a wider range of response options), beta should not increase as quickly since the observer would say “nontarget” less often, and the sub- jective perception of signal frequency, P,(S) should not decrease as quickly. The idea of a graded confidence in detection has important implications for the design of alarms (discussed in Chapter 13). (5) Other techniques, Other techniques to combat the decrement have focused more directly on arousal and fatigue. Parasuraman (1986) noted that rest periods can have Chapler 2_Signal Detection, information 43 beneficial effects. Presumably, rest periods serve to increase arousal, which as we have seen influences both sensitivity and response bias. Welford (1968) has argued persua- sively that any event (such as a phone call, drugs, or noise) that will sustain or increase arousal should reduce the decrement or at least maintain beta at a more constant level. Using biofeedback techniques, Beatty, Greenberg, Deibler, and O'Hanlon (1974) have shown that operators trained to suppress theta waves (brain waves at 3~7 Hz, indicat- ing low arousal) will also reduce the decrement. Conclusions Despite the plethora of vigilance experiments and the wealth of experimental data, the ap- plication of research results to real-world vigilance phenomena has not yet been exten- sive. This is somewhat surprising in light of the clear shortcomings in many inspection tasks, with miss rates sometimes as high as 30 to 40 percent (Craig, 1984; Parasuraman, Warm, & Dember, 1987). One reason the results of laboratory studies have not been more fully applied relates to the discrepancy between the fairly simple stimuli with known lo- cation and form employed in many laboratory tasks, and the more complex stimuli ex- isting in the real world. The monitor of the nuclear power plant, for example, does not know precisely what configuration of warning indicators will signal the onset of an ab- normal condition, but it is unlikely that it will be the appearance of a single near-thresh- old light in direct view. Some laboratory investigators have examined the effects of signal complexity and uncertainty (e.g., Adams, Humes, & Stenson, 1962; Childs, 1976; Howell, Johnston, & Goldstein, 1966). These studies are consistent in concluding that increased complexity or signal uncertainty will lower the absolute vigilance level. However, their conclusions concerning the influence of signal complexity and uncertainty on other vig- ilance effects (e.g,, the size of the vigilance decrement), and therefore the generalizability of these effects to complex signal environments, have not been consistent. Asecond possible reason laboratory results have not been fully exploited relates to the differences in motivation and signal frequency between laboratory data and real vigilance phenomena. In the laboratory, signal rates may range from one an hour to as high as three or four per minute—low enough to show decrements, and lower than fault frequencies found in many industrial inspection tasks, but far higher than rates observed in the per- formance of reliable aircraft, chemical plants, or automated systems, in which defects occur at intervals of weeks or months. This difference in signal frequency may well interact with differences in motivational factors between the subject in the laboratory, performing a ‘well-defined task and responsible only for its performance, and the real-time system op- erator confronted with a number of other competing activities and a level of motivation potentially influenced by large costs and benefits, This motivation level may be either lower or far higher than those of the laboratory subjects, but it will probably not be the same. ‘These differences do not mean that the laboratory data should be discounted. The basic variables causing vigilance performance to improve or deteriorate that have been uncovered in the laboratory should still affect detection performance in the real world, although the effect may be attenuated or enhanced. Data have been collected in real or highly simulated environments: in process control (Crowe, Beare, Kozinsky, & Hass, 1983; Lees and Sayers, 1976), in maritime ship navigation monitoring (Schmidke, 1976), 44 _Chopter 2_ Signal Detection, Information Theory and Absolute Judgement and in aviation (Molloy & Parasuraman, 1996; Ruffle-Smith, 1979), and many of the same vigilance phenomena occurring in the laboratory occur in the real world. For ex- ample, Pigeau, Angus, O'Neill, and Mack (1995) found a sensitivity decrement with NORAD operators detecting the presence of aircraft entering Canadian airspace. These results show that vigilance effects can occur in real-world situations. It should also be noted that there is increasing implementation of automation in many work environ- ments, and since perfectly reliable automated systems have not yet been developed, the vigilance task is becoming more commonplace in many work domains in the form of monitoring an automated system (Parasuraman & Riley, 1997; see Chapter 13). INFORMATION THEORY The Quantification of Information ‘The discussion of signal detection theory was our first direct encounter with the human operator as a transmitter of information: An event (signal) occurs in the environment; the human perceives it and transmits this information to a response. Indeed, a consid- erable portion of human performance theory revolves around the concept of transmit- ting information. In any situation when the human operator either perceives changing environmental events or responds to events that have been perceived, the operator is encoding or transmitting information. The van driver in our Chapter 1 example must process visual signals from the in-vehicle map display, from traffic signs, from other ve- hicles, as well as process auditory signals (e.g., the truck horn). A fundamental issue in engineering psychology is how to quantify this flow of information so that different tasks confronting the human operator can be compared. Using information theory, we can measure task difficulty by determining the rate at which information is presented. We can also measure processing efficiency, using the amount of information an opera- tor processes per unit of time. Information theory, therefore, provides metrics to com- pare human performance across a wide number of different tasks. Information is potentially available in a stimulus any time there is some uncertainty about what the stimulus will be. How much information a stimulus delivers depends in part on the number of possible events that could occur in that context. If the same stim- ulus occurs on every trial, its occurrence conveys no information. If two stimuli (events) are equally likely, the amount of information conveyed by one of them when it occurs, expressed in bits, is simply equal to the base 2 logarithm of this number, for example, with two events, log, 2 = 1 bit. If there were four alternatives, the information conveyed by the occurrence of one of them would be log, 4 = 2 bits. Formally, information is defined as the reduction of uncertainty (Shannon & Weaver, 1949). Before the occurrence of an event, you are less sure of the state of the world (you possess more uncertainty) than after. When the event occurs, it has conveyed information to you, unless it is entirely expected. The statement “Mexico declared war on the United States this morning” conveys quite a bit of information. Your knowledge and understand- ing of the world are probably quite different after hearing the statement than they were be- fore. On the other hand, the statement “The sun rose this morning” conveys little information because you could anticipate the event before it occurred, Information theory formally quantifies the amount of information conveyed by a statement, stimulus, or event. This quantification is influenced by three variables: 1. The number of possible events that could occur, N on, Information Thee yand Absolute tudgement 48 2. The probabilities of those events 3. ‘The events’ sequential constraints, or the context in which they ovcut. We will now describe how each of these three variables influences the amount of infor mation conveyed by an event event (which conveys information), inty about some as- Number of Events Before the occurrence of a person has a state of knowledge that is characterized by unc pect of the world. After the event, that uncertainty is normally less. The amount of un certainty reduced by the event is defined to be the average minimum number of true-false questions that would have to be asked to reduce the uncertainty. For exam- ple, the information conveyed by the statement “Clinton won’ after the 1996 election is 1 bit because the answer to one true-false question—"Did Clinton win?” (True) or “Did Dole win?” (False)—is sufficient to reduce the previous uncertainty. If, on the other hand, there were four major candidates, all running for office, two questions would have to be answered to eliminate uncertainty. In this case, one question might be “Was the winner from the liberal (or conservative) pair?” After this question was answered, a sec~ ond question would be “Was the winner the more conservative (or liberal) member of the pair?” Thus, if you were simply told the winner, that statement would formally con vey 2 bits of information, This question-asking procedure assumes that all alternatives are equally likely to occur. Formally, then, when all alternatives ate equally likely, the in- formation conveyed by an event H, in bits, can be expressed by the formula H, = log, N @ where Nis the number of equally likely alternatives. Because information theory is based on the minimum number of questions and the forearrives at a olution in a minimum time, it has. quality of optimal performance. [tis this optimal aspect that makes the theory attractive in its applications to human performance Probability Real-world events do not always occur with equal frequency or likelihood. If you lived in the Arizona desert, much more information would be conveyed by the statement “It is raining” than the statement “It is sunny.” Your certainty of the state of the world is changed very little by knowing that itis sunny, but itis changed quite a bit (un- inty is reduced) by hearing of the low-probability event of rain, In the example of the four election candidates, less information would be gained by learning that the fa vored candidate won than by learning that the Socialist Worker or Libertarian candidate won. The probabilistic element of information is quantified by making rare events con- vey more bits. This in turn is accomplished by revising Fquation 2.3 for the information conveyed by event ito be 1) H, = log,| — (2.6) . ela where P, is the probability of occurrence of event i. This formula increases H for low probability events. Note that if N events are equally likely, each event will occur with probability 1/N. In this case, Equations 2.5 and 2.6 are equivalent 46 _Chapler 2_ Signal Detection, information Theory and Absolute Judgement ‘As noted, information theory is based on a prescription of optimal behavior. This op- timum can be prescribed in terms of the order in which the true-false questions should be asked. If some events are more common or expected than others, we should ask the question about the common event first. In our four-candidate example, we will do the best (ask the minimum number of questions on the average) by first asking “Is the winner Clin- ton?” or “Is the winner Dole?” assuming that Clinton and Dole have the highest proba- bility of winning. If instead the initial question was “Is the winner an independent?” or “Is the winner from one of the minor parties?” we have clearly “wasted” a question, since the answer is likely to be no, and our uncertainty would be reduced by only a small amount. The information conveyed by a single event of known probability is given by Equa- tion 2.6. However, psychologists are often more interested in measuring the average in- formation conveyed by a series of events with differing probabilities that occur over time—for example, a series of warning lights on a panel or a series of communication commands. In this case the average information conveyed is computed as Hye x afre() (2.7) In this formula, the quantity within the square brackets is the information per event as given in Equation 2. 6. This value is now weighted by the probability of that event, and these weighted information values are summed across all events. Accordingly, frequent low-information events will contribute heavily to this average, whereas rare high-information events will not. If the events are equally likely, this formula will re- duce to Equation 2.5. ‘An important characteristic of Equation 2.7 is that if the events are not equally likely, H,, will be less than its value if the same events are equally probable. For exam- ple, consider four events, A, B, C, and D, with probabilities of 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, and 0.125. The computation of the average information conveyed by each event in a series of such events would proceed as follows: Event A B c D P, 0.5 0.25 0.125 0.125 i P, 2 4 8 8 1 logy 1 2 3 3 Za] ton | 05 + 05 + 0375 + 0.375 = L75bits This value is less than log, 4 = 2 bits, which is the value derived from Equation 2.5 when the four events are equally likely. In short, low-probability events convey more infor- mation because they occur infrequently. However, the fact that low-probability events are infrequent causes their high-information content to contribute less to the average. al Detection, Information Theory and Absolute tudgement 47 Sequential Constraints and Context In the preceding discussion, probability has been used to reflect the long-term frequencies, or steady-stare expectancies, of events will occur. However, there is a third contributor to information that reileis the short \ particular event may occur term sequences of events, or their transient expectan rarely in terms of its absolute frequency. However, given a particular context, it may be highly expected, and therefore its occurrence conveys very little information in that con~ text, In the example of rainfall in Arizona, we saw that the absolute probability of rain is low. But if we heard that there was a large front moving eastward from California, our expectance of rain, given this information, would be higher. That is, information can be reduced by the context in which it appears. As another example, the letter 1 in the al- phabet is not terribly common and therefore normally conveys quite a bit of informa tion when it occurs; however, in the context of a preceding q, it is almost totally predictable and therefore its information content, given that contest, is nearly 0 bits. Contextual information is frequently provided by sequential constraints on a series of events, In the series of events ABABABABAB, for example, P(A) = P(B) = 0.5. There- fore, according to Equation 2.7, each event conveys | bit of information, But the next letter in the sequence is almost certainly an A. Therefore, the sequential constraints re~ duce the information the same way a change in event probabilities reduces information from the equiprobable case. Formally, the information provided by an event, given a context, may be computed in the same manner as in Equation 2.6, except that the ab- solute probability of the event P, is now replaced by a contingent probability P,|.X (the probability of event i given context X). Redundancy In summary, three variables influence the amount of information that series of events can convey. The number of possible events, N, sets an upper bound on the maximum number of bits if all events are equally likely. Making event probabilities unequal and increasing sequential constraints both serve to reduce information from this maximum. The term redundancy formally defines this potential loss in informa- tion. Thus, for example, the English language is highly redundant because of two fac tors: All letters are not equiprobable (e vs. x), and sequential constraints such as those found in common digraphs like qu, ed, th, or nt reduce uncertainty. Formally, the percent redundancy of a stimulus set is quantified by the formula ¥% redundancy = (: - ass \. 100 (2.8) where M,, is the actual average information conveyed taking into account all three vari- ables (approximately 1.5 bits per letters for the alphabet) and H,,,, is the maximum possible information that would be conveyed by the N alternatives if they were equally likely (log, 26 = 4.7 bits for the alphabet). ‘Thus, the redundancy of the English lan- guage is(1 ~ 1.5/4.7) x 100 =68 percent. Wh-t th-s sug-est- is tat ma-y of t-e le-ter~ ar- not ne-ess-ry fo com-reh-nsi-n. Flowever, to stress a point that will be emphasized in Chapter 5, this does not negate the value of redundancy in many circumstances. We have seen already in our discussion of vigilance that redundaney gain can improve perfor mance when perceptual judgments are difficult. At the end of this chapter, we will see its value in absolute judgment tasks 48 _Chapter2_ Signal Detection, Information Theory and Absolute Judgement _ Information Transmission of Discrete Signals In much of human performance theory, investigators are concerned not only with how much information is presented to an operator but also with how much is transmitted from stimulus to response, the channel capacity, and how rapidly it is transmitted, the bandwidth. Using these concepts, the human being is sometimes represented as an i formation channel, an example of which is shown in Figure 2.9. Consider the t typing up some handwritten comments. First, information is present in the stimuli (the handwritten letters). This value of stimulus information, H., can be computed by the procedures described, taking into account probabilities of different letters and their sequential constraints. Second, each response on the keyboard is an event, and so we can also compute response information, H,, in the same manner. Finally, we ask if each letter on the page was appropriately typed on the keyboard. That is, was the informa- tion faithfully transmitted, H,. If it was not, there are two types of mistakes: First, in- formation in the stimulus could be lost, H,, which would be the case if a certain letter was not typed. Second, letters may be typed that were not in the original text. This is, referred to as noise. Figure 2.9a illustrates the relationship among these five informa- tion measures. Notice that it is theoretically possible to have a high value of both H, and H, but to have H, equal to zero. This result would occur if the typist were totally ignoring the printed text, creating his or her own message. A schematic example is shown in Figure 2.9b. ‘We will now compute H, in the context of a four-alternative stimulus-response re- action-time task rather than the more complex typing task. In this task, the subject is confronted by four possible events, any of which may appear with equal probability, and must make a corresponding response for each. For the ideal information transmitter, H, = Hy = H,- In optimal performance of the reaction-time task, for example, each stimulus (conveying 2 bits of information if equiprobable) should be processed (H, = 2 bits) and should trigger the appropriate re- sponse (H, = 2 bits). As we saw, in information-transmitting systems, this ideal state is rarely obtained because of the occurrence of equivocation and noise. ‘The computation of H, is performed by setting up a stimulus-response matrix, such as that shown in Figure 2.10, and converting the various numerical entries into three sets of probabilities: the probabilities of events, shown along the bottom row; the prob- Noise Noise (a) () Figure 2.9 information transmission and the channel concept: (a) information transmitted through the system; (b| no information transmitted ttt nai tennant ia bil ai ill asi Sibi se Chapter 2 Signal Detection, Information Theory and Absolute Judgement 49 Stimulus AB CoD coo 2 1 Al 028) 2(025) A _ 2 5 ~ | 2 ~ | 8 1 8 25) 2 (0.25) 1 2 Response 3 } c 2s) 2(025) 1}4 2 : 7 : : D (025225) P| 1 1/2 i 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 i (0.25) (0.25) (025) (0.25) t Hq = log, 8 t Hy = Hy+ Hq Hog = 2+ 2-2 = 2bits Hy = Hes Ha Hoa (a) (b) Figure 2.10 Two examples of the calculation of information transmission, abilities of responses, shown along the right column; and the probabilities of a given stimulus-response pairing, These latter values are the probability that an entry will fall in each filled cell, where a cell is defined jointly by a particular stimulus and a particu- Fi lr response. In Figure 2.10a, there are four filled cells, with P = 0.25 for each entry. Each E of these sets of probabilities can be independently converted into the information mea- E sures by Equation 2.7. i ‘Once the quantities H,, Hy, and Hy, are calculated, the formula 5 Hy = Hy + Hy - Hep (2.9) allows us to compute the information transmitted. The rationale for the formula is as follows: ‘The variable H, establishes the maximum possible transmission for a given set of events and so contributes positively to the formula. Likewise, H, contributes positively. However, to guard against situations such as that depicted in Figure 2.9, in which events are not coherently paired with responses, H.,, a measure of the dispersion or lack of organization within the matrix, is subtracted. If each stimulus generates consistently only one response (Figure 2,10a), the entries in the matrix should equal the entries in the rows and columns. In this case, H, = Hy = Hp which means that by substituting the values in Equation 2.9, H, = H,. However, if there is greater dispersion within the matrix, there are more bits within Hy. In Figure 2.10b, this is shown by eight equally probable stimulus-response pairs, or 3 bits of information in Hyg. Therefore, Hq, > H, and H,< H,. The relation between these quantities is shown in a Venn diagram in Figure 2.11. Ofien the investigator may be interested in an information transmission rate expressed in bits/second rather than the quantity H,, expressed in bits. To find this rate, H, is com- puted over a series of stimulus events, along with the average time for each transmission (ie, the mean reaction time, RT). Then the ratio H,/RT is taken to derive a measure of the ——— 50. Chapter 2_ Signal Detection, Information Theory and Absolute Judgement Figure 2.1 Information transmission represented in terms of Venn diagrams enn nate ne tana anasecmert ce eesicm an ema S oet bandwidth of the communication system in bits/second. This is a useful metric because it represents processing efficiency by taking into account both speed and accuracy, and it al- Jows comparison of efficiencies across tasks. For example, measures of processing efficiency can be obtained for typing or monitoring tasks, and the bandwidths can be compared. Conclusion In conclusion, it should be noted that information theory hasits clear benefits —it provides a single combined measure of speed and accuracy that is generalizable across tasks—but it also has its limitations (see Wickens, 1984). In particular, H, measures only whether responses are consistently associated with events, not whether they are correctly associated, and the measure does not take into account the magnitude of an error. Sometimes larger errors are more serious, such as when the stimulus and response scales lie along a continuum (¢.g» dri- vinga car on a windy road, tracking a moving target) Information theory can also be applied to such continuous tasks, and Wickens (1992) describes methods for doing this. However, an alternative is to use either a correlation coefficient or some measure of the integrated error across time, as discussed in Chapter 10. Further discussion of H, and its relation to measures of d’ and percentage correct can be found in Wickens (1984). ABSOLUTE JUDGMENT ‘The human senses, although not perfect, are still relatively keen when contrasted with the detection resolution of machines. In this light, itis somewhat surprising that the lim- its of absolute judgment—in which an observer assigns a stimulus into one of multiple categories along a sensory dimension—are relatively severe. This is the task, for exam- ple, that confronts an inspector of wool quality who must categorize a given specimen into one of several quality levels; or our van driver who must interpret and recognize the color of a display symbol appearing on his map display. Our discussion of absolute judgment will first describe performance when stimuli vary on only a single physical di- ‘mension, We will then consider absolute judgment along two or more physical dimensions Chapter 2_Signal Detection, Information Theory and Absolute Judgement _ST that are perceived simultaneously and discuss the implications of these findings to prin ciples of display coding. Single Dimensions Experimental Results For a typical absolute judgment experiment, a stimulus con- tinuum (e.g. tone pitch, light intensity, or texture roughness) and a number of discrete levels of the continuum (eg,, four tones of different frequencies) are selected. These stimuli are then presented randomly to the subject one at a time, and the subject is asked to associate a different response to each one. For example, the four tones might be called ‘A,B, Cand D. The extent to which each response matched the presented stimulus can then be assessed, When four discriminable stimuli (2 bits) are presented, transmission (H,) is usually perfect—at 2 bits. Then the stimulus set is enlarged, and additional data are also collected with five, six, seven, and more discrete stimulus levels, and H, is com- puted each time by using the procedures described in the preceding section. Typically, the results indicate that errors begin to be made when about five to six stimuli are used, and the error rate increases as the number of stimuli increase further. These results in dicate that the larger stimulus sets have somehow saturated the subject’s capacity to transmit information about the magnitude of the stimulus. We say the subject has a maximum channel capacity. Graphically, these data can be represented in Figure 2.12, in which the actual in- formation transmitted (H,) is plotted as a function of the number of absolute judgment stimulus alternatives (expressed in informational terms as H,). The 45-degree slope of the dashed line indicates perfect information transmission, and the “leveling” of the function takes place at the region in which errors began to occur (ie, Hy < H,) The level of the flat part or asymptote of the function indicates the channel capacity of the operator: somewhere between 2 and 3 bits. George Miller (1956), in a classic paper en~ titled The Magical Number Seven Plus or Minus Two,” noted the similarity of the as- ymptote level across a number of different absolute judgment functions with different + Perlect performance Pe Se Hy Human performance Figure 2.12 Typical human performance in absolute judgment tasks. 52 Chapter 2_Signal Detection, information Theory and Absolute Judgement | sensory continua. Miller concluded that the limits of absolute judgment at 7 + 2stim- ulus categories (2-3 bits) is fairly general. This limit does, however, vary somewhat from one stimulus continuum to another; itis less than 2 bits for saltiness of taste and about 3.4 bits for judgments of position on a line. Nonetheless, there are clear capacity limi- tations for the absolute judgment of sensory stimuli. ‘The level of the asymptote does not appear to reflect a basic limit in sensory reso- lution, for two reasons. First, the senses are extremely keen in their ability to make dis- criminations between two stimuli (“Are they the same or different?”). For example, the number of adjacent stimulus pairs that a human can accurately discriminate on the sen- sory continuum of tone pitch is roughly 1,800 (Mowbray & Gebhard, 1961). Second, Pollack (1952) has observed that the limits of absolute judgment are little affected by whether the stimuli are closely spaced on the physical continuum or widely dispersed. Conversely, sensory discrimination of stimuli is clearly affected by stimulus spacing. Hence, the limit is not sensory but is in the accuracy of the subject’s memory for the representation of the four to eight different standards (Siegel & Siegel, 1972). If in fact, absolute judgment limitations are related to memory, there should be some association between this phenomenon and difference in learning or experience, since dif- ferences in memory are closely related to those of learning. It is noteworthy that sensory continua for which we demonstrate good absolute judgments are those for which such judgments in real-world experience occur relatively often. For example, judgments of po- sition along a line (3.4 bits) are made in measurements on rulers, and judgments of angle (4.3 bits) are made in telling the time from analog clocks. High performance in absolute judgment also seems to be correlated with professional experience with a particular sen- sory continuum in industrial tasks (Welford, 1968) and is demonstrated by the note- worthy association of absolute pitch with skilled musicians (Carroll, 1975; Klein, Coles, & Donchin, 1984; Siegel & Siegel, 1972). Many attempts to model performance in absolute judgment tasks are similar to sig- nal detection theory (see Luce, 1994; Shiffrin & Nosofsky, 1994), extending it to situa- tions where there are more than two stimulus possibilities. In these approaches, each stimulus is assumed to give rise to a distribution of “perceptual effects” along the uni- dimensional continuum, an approach initially developed by Torgerson (1958). The ob- server partitions the continuum into response regions using a set of decision criteria, instead of the one criterion used in the simple signal detection situation. If the variance of these distributions increased with the number of stimuli, it would be more difficult 4 to absolutely identify each stimulus. That is, as the number of stimuli increases, sensi- : tivity (our ability to accurately determine which stimulus we are perceiving) decreases. Such models (e.g., Braida et al., 19843 Luce, Green, and Weber, 1976) can account for edge effects as well: stimuli located in the middle of the range of presented stimuli are generally identified with poorer accuracy than those at extremes (Shiffrin & Nosofsky, 1994). The edge effect appears to be due to lowered sensitivity for stimuli in the middle of the range, and not simply response bias or factors related to fewer response choices at the extremes (Shiffrin & Nosofsky, 1994). 4 india i i iit csaniletaii Applications The conclusions drawn from research in absolute judgment are relevant to the performance of any task that requires operators to sort stimuli into levels along a physical continuum, particularly for industrial inspection tasks in which products must be sorted into various levels for pricing or marketing (e.g, fruit quality) or for different jon, Information Theory and Absolute Judgement __53 uses (e.g, steel or glass quality), The data from the absolute judginent paradigm indicate the kind of pertormance limits that can be anticipated and suggest the potential role ot training, Edge effects suggest that inspection accuracy should be better for extreme stim- uli. One potential method for improving performance would be to have different inspec tors sort different levels of the dimension in question. This would lead to different extreme stimulus categories for each inspector, thereby creating more “edges” where absolute judg- iment performance is superior. The method remains untested, however. Absolute judgment data are also relevant to coding, where the level of a stimulus di- mension is assigned a particular meaning, and the operator must judge that meaning, For example, computer monitors can display a very large range of colors (e.g. 64,000 lev els) and software designers are sometimes tempted to use the large available range to code Variables. However, it is clear that people cannot correctly classify colors beyond about seven levels, so coding a variable in terms of color cannot be accurately processed by the user (see Chapter 3). In general, basic data on the number and conceptual categories that can be employed without error are relevant to the development of display codes. Moses, Maisano, and Bersh (1979) have cautioned that a conceptual continuum, should not be arbitrarily assigned to a physical dimension. They have argued that some conceptual continua have a more “natural” association or compatibility with some phys- ical display dimensions than with others, The designers of codes should be wary of the potential deficiencies (decreased accuracy, increased latency) imposed by an arbitrary or incompatible assignment. For example, Moses, Maisano, and Bersh suggest that the representation of danger and unit size should be coded by the color and size of a dis- played object, respectively, and not the reverse. (The issue of display compatibility will receive more discussion in Chapters 3, 4, and 5.) Multidimensional Judgment If our limits of absolute judgment are severe and can only be overcome by extensive training, how is it that we can recognize stimuli in the environment so readily? A major reason is that most of our recognition is based on the identification of some combina tion of two or more stimulus dimensions rather than levels along a single dimension. When a stimulus can vary on two (or more) dimensions at once, we make an impor- tant distinction between orthogonal and correlated dimensions. When dimensions of a stimulus are orthogonal, the level of the stimulus on one dimension can take on any value, independent of the other—for example, the weight and hair color of an individ- ual. When dimensions are correlated, the level on one constrains the level on another— for example, height and weight, since tall people tend to weigh more than short ones. Orthogonal Dimensions The importance of multidimensional stimuli in increasing the total amount of information transmitted in absolute judgment has been repeatedly demonstrated (Garner, 1974). For instance, Egeth and Pachella (1969) demonstrated that subjects could correctly classify only 10 levels of dot position on a line (3.4 bits of infor: mation). However, when two lines were combined into a square, so that subjects classi fied the spatial position of a dot in the square, subjects could correctly classify 57 levels (5.8 bits). Note, however, that this improvement does not represent a perfect addition of channel capacity along the two dimensions. If processing along each dimension were independent and unaffected by the other, the predicted amount of information trans- mitted would be 3.4 + 3.4 = 6.8 bits, or around 100 positions (10 x 10) in the square. ——— 54 _Chapter2_ Signal Detection, Information Theory and Absolute Judgement eth and Pachell’s results suggest that there is some loss of information along each di- mension resulting from the requirement to transmit information along the other. Going beyond the two-dimensional case, Pollack and Ficks (1954) combined six di- | mensions of an auditory stimulus (e.g., loudness, pitch) orthogonally. As each succes- ive dimension was added, subjects showed a continuous gain in total information transmitted but a loss of information transmitted per dimension. These relations are Shown in Figure 2.13a, with seven bits the maximum capacity. The reason people with absolute pitch are superior to those without does not lie in greater discrimination along 4 single continuum, Rather, those with absolute pitch make their judgments along two | dimensions: the pitch of the octave and the value of a note within the octave. They have | Created a multidimensional stimulus from a stimulus that others treat as unidimensional | (Carroll, 1975; Shepard, 1982; Shiffrin & Nosofsky, 1994). | Correlated Dimensions The previous discussion and the data shown in Figure 2.13a suggest that combining stimulus dimensions orthogonally leads to a loss in informa- | tion transmitted. As noted, however, dimensions can be combined in a correlated or re- dundant fashion. For example, the position and color of an illuminated traffic light are redundant dimensions, When the top light is illuminated, itis always red. In this case, Hi | the information in the stimulus, is no longer the sum of H, across dimensions since this gum is reduced by redundancy between levels on the two dimensions. If the correlation is | Tas with the traffic light, total H, is just the Hi,on any single dimension (since other di- | mensions are completely redundant). Thus, the maximum possible H, for all dimensions | in combination is less than its value would be in the orthogonal case. However, Eriksen | and Lake (1933) found that by progressively combining more dimensions redundantly, the information loss (H, — Ff,) is much less for a given value of H, than it is when they are combined orthogonally, and the information transmitted (H,) is greater than it would | be along any single dimension. As ilustrated in Figure 2.13b, H represents a limit on @) () Perfect performance Human performance Tota Hy 6 formation transmitted, Hy iisimersion {2s #5 6 7 Number of combined dimensions Number of combined dimensions, finoreasing Hs) Figure 2.13 Human performance in absolute judgment of multidimensional auditory stimuli. {a) Orthogonal dimensions. As more dimensions are added, more tofal information is ransmit- ted, but ess information is transmitted per dimension. (6] Correlated dimensions. As more dl- mensions are added, the security of the channel improves, but H, limits the amount of information that can be transmitted. = Chapter 2_ Signal Detection, information Theory and information transmitted with correlated dimensions, and as the number of redundant or correlated dimensions increases, H, will approach that limit. It should be noted that the value of the correlation between redundant dime can range from 0 to I. Such correlation may result from natural variation in the stimu- us material (eg., height and weight of a person, or pethaps hue and brightness of a tomato). Alternatively, it may result from artificially imposed constraints by the designer, in which ease the correlation is usually 1, indicating complete redundancy (e.g., color and location in traffic lights) In summary, we can see that orthogonal and correlated dimensions accomplish two different objectives in absolute judgment of multidimensional stimuli. Orthogonal di- mensions maximize Hf, the efficiency of the channel. Correlated dimensions minimize H,,s that is, they maximize the security of the channel. ‘Dimensional Relations: Integral, Separable, and Configurable, Orthogonal or corre~ lated dimensions refer to properties of the information conveyed by a multidimensional stimulus, and not the physical form of the stimulus. However, combining dimensions in multidimensional absolute judgment tasks has different effects, depending on the na- ture of the physical relationship between the two dimensions. In particular, Garner (1974) made the important distinction between an integral and a separable pair of phys~ ical dimensions. Separable dimensions are defined when the levels along each of the two dimensions can be specified without requiring the specification of the level along the other, For example, the length of the horizontal and vertical lines radiating from the dot in Figure 2.14a are two separable dimensions; each can be specified without specifying the other. For integral dimensions, this independence is impossible. The height and width of a single rectangle are integral because to display the height of a rectangle, the width must be specified; otherwise, it would not be a rectangle (Figure 2.14b). Correspond- ingly, the color and brightness of an object are integral dimensions, Color cannot be ions (a) Dimension & (b) Dimension 8 Figure 2.14 (a) Separable dimensions (height and width of a line segment); (b) integral dimensions (height and width of a rectanglel. Dimension A is height; dimension Bis width. 56 Chapter 2_Signal Detection, information Theory and Absolute Judgement physically represented without some level of brightness. Hence, integral and separable pairs differ in the degree to which the two dimensions can be independently specified. ‘To reveal the different implications on human performance of integral versus separa- ble dimensional pairs, experiments are performed in which subjects categorize different lev- els of one dimension for a set of stimuli. In the one-dimensional control condition, subjects would sort on one varying dimension while the other dimension is held constant. In the stimulus example in Figure 2.14b, they might sort the rectangles by height while the width remained constant. In the orthogonal condition, they sort on one varying dimension while ignoring variation in the other dimension. Thus, as in Figure 2.14b, they might sort rec- tangle heights as the rectangle widths vary, even though the width is irrelevant to their task and hence should be ignored. Finally, in the correlated (redundant) condition, the two dimensions are perfectly correlated. An example would be sorting rectangles whose height and width are perfectly correlated. Thus, the rectangles would all be of the same shape but would vary in size. An experiment by Garner and Felfoldy (1970) revealed that sorting with integral di- mensions (e.g., rectangles), helped performance in the correlated condition (relative to the control condition), but hurt performance in the orthogonal condition. In the con- text of our discussion in Chapter 3, we refer to the latter as failure of focused attention. In contrast, when sorting with separable dimensions (the stimuli in Figure 2.14a), per- formance is little helped by redundancy and little hurt by the orthogonal variation of the irrelevant dimension. These differences between integral and separable dimensions are observed no matter whether performance is measured by accuracy (i.e., H,), when several levels of each dimension are used, or by speed, when only two levels of each di- mension are used and accuracy is nearly perfect. Table 2.2 lists examples of integral and separable pairs of dimensions, as determined by Garner's classification methodology. For example, as Table 2.2 indicates, pitch and loudness have been shown to be inte- gral dimensions (Grau & Kemler-Nelson, 1988; Melara & Marks, 1990). Thus, changes in the pitch of a warning signal will affect how loud it appears to be, and vice versa. In con- trast, Dutta and Nairne (1993) found that spatial location and temporal order are sepa- rable dimensions: that is, when subjects had to remember which of two stimuli (a circle or square) occurred first, they were not affected by variation in the location (top- bottom) of the stimuli, and vice versa. This suggests that for dynamic data displays (e.g., ina dynamic map display, or on a radar screen), changing the location of a symbol or display element should not affect judgments concerning whether it appeared before or after another symbol. A radar monitor remembering the position of two aircraft each coded by a symbol on a radar screen should not be affected by differences in which one appeared on the radar screen first. It also suggests that differences in the time when two symbols appeared on the screen should not affect judgments of relative location of the two symbols. For example, a radar operator’s judgment of which aircraft appeared first on the radar screen should not be affected by the relative location of the two aircraft. Traditionally, only two levels of the irrelevant dimension have been tested in speeded classification. Using more than two levels allows an understanding of the relationship between the number of levels of the irrelevant dimensions on interference, It also al- lows us to examine the effects of the spacing of the levels (are the levels far apart, or close together) on interference. Melara and Mounts (1994) found that increased spacing on the irrelevant dimension increased interference in the orthogonal sort. They also found that increasing the number of levels reduced interference, a counterintuitive result. The nal Detection, Information Theory and Absolute Judgement $7 ABLE 2.2 Pairs of Integral and Seperable Dimensions Integral Dimensions height of rectangle width of rectangle height width lightness color, saturation size var color. saturation hue colorsaturation size (area brightness piteh timbre shape color. saturation pitch loudness shape (& letter shape? color duration location orientation (angle) size spatial location temporal order result might be better understood by realizing that the levels of the unattended dismen: sion become less distinct when there are more of them Problems for the Integral-Separable Distinction Despite the general trends noted above, there are some problems with the integral-separable distinction. It is unclear exactly what makes dimensions integral or separable (Carswell & Wickens, 1990; Cheng & Pachella, 1984), and the two symptoms of integrality (tedundancy gain and orthogonal cost) do not always co-occur. It appears that there is a continuum of integrality, with some dimensional pairs being clearly integral (hue and brightness), others somewhat so (height and width of a rectangle), others fairly separable (color and shape of a geometric figure), and others clearly separable (the height of two parallel bar graphs), There are also other methods for establishing whether dimensions are integral or separable (c.g., multidimensional scaling) and the results for all methods do not always produce the same result, because different methods are biased towards different outcomes (see Kemiler-Nelson, 1993, for a discus sion). The fact that the concept of integrality is not absolute, with two categories (inte gral and separable), but is rather defined along a continuum does not diminish its importance, However, it is also important to consider two qualifications to the general principles of separability and integrality. The first qualification is that some combinations of dimensions are asymmetric ‘That is, variation in Dimension A affects Dimension B, but the reverse does not hold true, For example, Shechter and Hochstein (1992) found that variation jn position or width of bar stimuli affected judgments of contrast, but judgments of position and width were not affected by variation in contrast. Hollands and Spence (1997) found similar relations between the overall size or scaling of a stacked bar graph and the size of the proportion shown within the graph. Variation in scaling affected perception of proportion, but the reverse did not hold true, Garner (1974) has noted similar results with other stimuli (e.g. pitch and phoneme). He noted that stimuli that combine in this asymmetric manner may have certain hierarchical properties, with one dimension being more fundamental than the other. For example,a phoneme must have a piteh, but pitch on without any linguistic properties, Similar claims can be nade amined by Hollands and Spence, and Shechter and Hochstein can exist as a dimens for the dimensions e: 58 Chapter 2_ Signal Detection, Information Theory and Absolute Judgement ‘The second qualification—really an elaboration—concerns correlated dimensions, such as the rectangles of varying shape shown in Figure 2.14. When dimensions are sep- arable, ike the color and shape of a symbol, it matters little which level of one dimension is paired with which level of the other (e.g. whether the red symbol is a square and the blue symbol is a circle, or vice versa). For integral dimensions, however, the pairing often does make a difference. For example, when the height and width of rectangles are posi- tively correlated, creating rectangles of constant shape and different size, performance is not as good as if the dimensions are negatively correlated, such as those shown in Figure 2.14, creating rectangles of different shapes (Lockhead & King, 1977; Weintraub, 1971). Pairs of dimensions for which the pairing of particular levels makes a difference are re~ ferred to as configurable (Carswell & Wickens, 1990; Pomerantz & Pristach, 1989) or con- ‘gruent (Melara & Marks, 1990). Pomerantz (1981) has referred to the emergent properties that can be produced when configurable dimensions are combined. These emergent properties, or emergent features, like the shape and size of a rectangle, will have impor- tant implications for object displays (to be discussed in Chapter 3). ‘A Theoretical Understanding General Recognition Theory (GRT), a model proposed by Ashby and coworkers (Ashby & Lee, 1991, Ashby & Maddox, 1994; Maddox & Ashby, 1996) has attempted to model the mechanisms that might lead to interference and faci tation in the speeded classification task. GRT is based on signal detection theory and gen- eralizes the signal detection theory concepts to situations where stimuli vary on more than one physical dimension, Imagine that you are a food inspector examining tomatoes on two criteria: size and color saturation (a light red versus a deep, rich red). According to GRT, a particular stimulus generates point in multidimensional space. small light-red tomato would occupy a point in a two-dimensional space, where the two dimensions are size and color saturation. Like signal detection theory, GRT assumes that repeated presentations of the same stimulus lead to different amounts of neural activity. Hence, the perceptual ef- fect of a stimulus can be represented by a multivariate probability distribution, which has a three-dimensional, bell-like shape. Although this could be represented as a three- dimensional figure, itis simpler to draw as if viewed from above, as shown by each circle in Figure 2.15. The diameter of the circle represents the variability of the distribution. The circles in Figure 2.15 could represent 95 percent of the distribution, for example. Different stimuli produce distributions in different locations, as shown in Figure 2.15a, For example, small, light-red tomatoes produce a distribution of neural activ- ity in the bottom left of Figure 2.15a. Conversely, large, deep-red tomatoes produce a distribution in the upper right of the figure. Note that the vertical positions of the distributions (representing color saturation) are not affected by the level of size, and that the horizontal positions (representing size) are not affected by the level of color saturation. In this case, the dimensions are separable. In contrast, Figure 2.15b shows the integral dimensions of color saturation and lightness. We would expect, therefore, that variations in color saturation affect judgments of lightness, and vice versa. In the GRT model, the vertical position of the distributions (representing color saturation) is affected by the horizontal position (lightness). Varying one dimension affects the perceived level of the other. Tn an orthogonal condition, subjects sort on one varying dimension while ignor- ing variation in the other dimension. Hence the inspector sorting fruits in terms of size and color saturation would maintain a mental representation like that shown in Figure ———

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