Pre Test 7-9
Pre Test 7-9
Pre Test 7-9
Total points28/30
1. If induction of labor is unsuccessful and full dilatation has not occurred when the
mother has hypotonic labor the next step that the nurse is going to expect for the
obstetrician to do is
2. Which of the following medical procedures is avoided during a face presentation?
A. “The doctor is doing everything she can in order to help you get past this labor.”
B. “Would you opt to be placed in a caesarean section instead?”
C. “It must be hard for you to be experiencing this. But let’s think positive and be patient, you can
still do this.”
D. “We’ll see other options that we can do in order to augment this labor that you are
4. When assessing the mother who is undergoing hypotonic labor the nurse must
assess signs of infection if the labor is already prolonged. Which of the following would
indicate that the mother has an infection?
A. Fetal bradycardia
B. Presence of meconium in the amniotic fluid
C. Fever and chills
D. Distended bladder
5. A 22-year old woman has been brought into the delivery room and was
diagnosed to have tachysystole labor. What would be the characteristic of tachysystole
6. Upon assessing the newborn child on his fifth minute you have observed for the
following: the child’s heart rate is 123 beats per minute, there is a slow, irregular weak
cry, he sneezes when a catheter is placed in his nostril, he grimaces when the foot is
slapped and there is acrocyanosis. What is the APGAR score?
A. 6
B. 7
C. 8
D. 9
7. Assess the Apgar score of the female infant with the following assessments: the
infant appears blue overall, she grimaces when slapped on the foot and when a
catheter is placed in her nostril, the heart has 72 beats per minute, there is some flexion
of the extremities and there is a slow weak cry. What is the APGAR score?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
8. If the new-born’s APGAR score is zero. Which of the following would be the best
nursing intervention?
9. An infant child named Giselle would learn to explore the environment through
which of the following?
A. mouth
B. hands
C. feet
D. eyes
10. A mother of a child tells the nurse, “I constantly see my five-year-old son
fondling with his genitals.” She appears tensed because according to him this may
seem deviant for a pre-schooler. The nurse should tell the father that
A. “This behavior is abnormal. You should scold your child when you see him next time.”
B. “Just ignore the behavior of the child.”
C. “This act is to deviant. He probably will develop sexual disorders later on.”
D. “Tell the child to do it privately in his room. And make no issue out of it.”
11. Which of the following scenarios is suggestive of a child who may not be ready
to enter first grade? An inability to:
A. A colorful mobile
B. Large blocks to stack
C. A colorful rattle
D. A game of peek-a-boo
13. In planning care for an 18-month-old child, the nurse would expect him to be
able to do which of the following?
14. When planning outdoor play activities for a normal 4-year-old child, which
activity is most appropriate?
A. Two-wheeled bike
B. Sandbox
C. Climbing trees
D. Push toy lawn mower
15. A 3-year-old child has all of the following abilities. Which did he acquire most
A. Walking
B. Throwing a large ball
C. Riding a tricycle
D. Stating his name
16. A 2-year-old child named James is very curious about his environment. Which of
the following statements would be true about a toddler?
A. Allowing the toddler to explore his environment for him to learn while providing him with
B. Inhibit all of the child’s desires.
C. Give in always to the child’s temper tantrums to stop the child from crying.
D. Be strict in the child’s toilet training.
17. The infant named Juliana at this stage can say mam-ma and dad-da, plus 2
words such as milk and water. She can also take her first few steps at this stage. Her
birth weight has already tripled. What month is she in?
A. 12 months
B. 11 months
C. 9 months
D. 10 months
Correct answer
A. 12 months
RATIONALE: A. This is the age where the infant can do the following tasks mentioned above. At 11
months the infant is able to do cruising. At 9 months that infant can crawl with abdomen off the floor
and can demonstrate a pincer grasp. At around 10 months the infant develops object permanence and
is able to play peek-a-boo.
18. In order for the nurse to prevent the occurrence of hypotonic labor, the nurse
should avoid excessive use of which of the following medications?
A. Oxytocin
B. Methergine
C. Sedatives
D. Analgesic
19. During hypotonic labor the fetus may be in distress. When the obstetrician has
performed amniotomy, which of the following is the nurse going to do?
A. Observe for the odor of the amniotic fluid
B. Determine the amount of amniotic fluid present
C. Observe for the color of the amniotic fluid
D. Check for the presence of blood in the amniotic fluid
Correct answer
C. Observe for the color of the amniotic fluid
RATIONALE: C. The first thing that the nurse should do once amniotomy is done during a hypotonic
labor is to assess for the color of the amniotic fluid and check for the presence of meconium. If the
amniotic fluid is green, this must be reported immediately since the fetus is already in distress.
20. During an ultrasonography the physician has noticed that the baby’s hips and
knees are flexed so that the baby is sitting cross-legged, with feet beside the bottom.
What is being presented in this situation?
A. Frank breech
B. Incomplete breech
C. Complete breech
D. Footling breech
21. Vaginal breech delivery is done by a skilled health care provider and is safe and
feasible under the following conditions EXCEPT
22. During ultrasonography the obstetrician has found out that the fetus is in a
complete breech presentation on the 28th week age of gestation. The doctor will
attempt to perform external version at what week?
A. 37 weeks
B. 32 weeks
C. 38 weeks
D. 30 weeks
23. In a transverse type of position, the presenting part is usually
24. This type of presentation is caused by hyper-extension of the fetal head so that
neither the occiput nor the sinciput is palpable on vaginal examination
A. Sinciput
B. Occiput
C. Transverse
D. Face
25. Which of the following medical procedures is avoided during a face
A. Sucking reflex
B. Landau reflex
C. Babinski reflex
D. Moro reflex
27. Four newborns with the following conditions are in the well-baby nursery. The
baby with which of the following conditions are at high risk for physiological jaundice?
A. Mongolian spots
B. Harlequin coloring
C. Cephalhematoma
D. Caput succedaneum
28. Which of the following behaviors would a newly born infant who is named Kyla
going to demonstrate?