Protonmail Security Features and Infrastructure: Proton Technologies A.G. 8 July 2016
Protonmail Security Features and Infrastructure: Proton Technologies A.G. 8 July 2016
Protonmail Security Features and Infrastructure: Proton Technologies A.G. 8 July 2016
Introduction 3
Authentication 4
Issues with Traditional Password Authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
The Secure Remote Password Protocol (Version 6a) . . . . . . . . . . 4
Choosing a Modulus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Improvements over RFC 5054 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Two Factor Authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Email Encryption 8
PGP Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Implementation of the OpenPGP Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Key Distribution and Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Sending Encrypted and Signed Messages and Attachments . . . . 11
Decryption and Signature Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Password-Protected Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Administration 13
The Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Domains and Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
User and Key Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Import/Export . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Data Retention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Infrastructure 16
Mail Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Web Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Database Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Denial of Service Resistance 18
Conclusion 19
ProtonMail is a secure email system servicing over 1 million customers around
the world, ranging from private individuals to large enterprises. It aims to
provide a much higher level of security than traditional email services without
adversely impacting usability.
To achieve such security, ProtonMail conservatively assumes that all mail
servers may eventually be compromised. Thus, ProtonMail uses end-to-end
encryption to ensure that plaintext email data is never sent to the server. If
a server only contains encrypted messages, then the risks of a central server
breach are mitigated.
ProtonMail’s security extends beyond just strong encryption. We have seen
time and time again that the human factor is the weak link in enterprise security.
End user passwords can frequently be compromised by insecure connections,
phishing, or malware. ProtonMail takes several additional steps to guard against
this. First, ProtonMail uses strong authentication which makes most brute
force or dictionary attacks impossible – even if an attacker has compromised
the connection between client and server. Second, ProtonMail’s encryption
protocols ensure that a single compromised account does not endanger other
We firmly believe that the most secure system is one that users will actually
use. Thus, ProtonMail was designed from the ground up with a strong emphasis
on usability. To accomplish this, we built the first encrypted email system where
the encryption is entirely automatic and invisible to the end user. For usabil-
ity reasons, we retain compatibility with legacy email protocols such as IMAP
and SMTP so ProtonMail accounts can be accessed from existing email clients
and can seamlessly communicate with non-ProtonMail email accounts. How-
ever, because of the inherent insecurity of IMAP and SMTP, ProtonMail uses
a bridge service to maintain encryption and authentication without sacrificing
IMAP/SMTP support.
While ProtonMail can be deployed either in the cloud or on an organiza-
tion’s premises, we are firm believers in the cloud as the future of all enterprise
software. ProtonMail’s cloud offerings provide the best of both worlds. Orga-
nizations can benefit from the security and reliability advantages of the cloud,
while retaining data control and data privacy due to the end-to-end encryp-
tion. Further, the economies of scale of the cloud imply a much lower cost of
ownership for email infrastructure. For these reasons, ProtonMail is primarily
deployed in the cloud.
The goal of this document is to provide a more detailed look at the tech-
nology behind ProtonMail. The first sections cover the technical details for
ProtonMail’s authentication and encryption technology. The next sections dis-
cuss the ProtonMail’s extensive administrative tools and how key management
is handled within an organization, followed by details of how ProtonMail se-
curely supports legacy email clients. Lastly, an overview of ProtonMail’s secure
cloud infrastructure is provided, with a discussion of the technologies we utilize
to ensure maximum data uptime and availability.
ProtonMail users enter a user-chosen password on each login, but while Pro-
tonMail’s backend is responsible for validating and resetting the password, the
password cannot be derived by either ProtonMail or an attacker with access
to the network. This is achieved with the Secure Remote Password protocol,
which as detailed below, conveys a zero-knowledge password proof from the
user to the server. The security granted by this protocol extends to the user’s
private keys, which are encrypted with a salted hash of their password before
being sent to the server. For additional security, users also have the option of
enabling two-factor authentication.
Client Server
Generate random s
Salt, m, S = g s + kv mod m
Generate random c
C = g c mod m
Verify Pc
Verify Ps
relies on the difficulty of the discrete logarithm problem: given a fixed prime
number N and g, it is easy to compute g x mod N from x, but not the other
way around. Accordingly, for a password p (pre-hashed and salted, both to
make dictionary attacks slow and to ensure that there are no weaknesses due
to predictability), the server stores the verifier v ≡ g p mod N . This verifier
can be computed on the client side when setting a password, avoiding the need
for the server to see any password-equivalent data. For login, the SRP protocol
proceeds in two phases. In the first stage, the client and server generate a shared
secret, following the pattern of Diffie-Hellman. In Diffie-Hellman, both parties
generate random ephemeral public-private key pairs as a random secret a and
g a mod N . Then, they can each mix their private key with the other party’s
public key, producing a shared secret: (g a )b = g ab = (g b )a mod N . SRP differs
from this by mixing the verifier and the password into the key pairs, thereby
causing a mismatch if the password and the verifier do not match.
On the server side, the generation of the ephemeral key pair proceeds nor-
mally: the private key is a randomly chosen s, and the public key is g s mod N .
However, when transmitting the public key to the client, the verifier is mixed
in, and S ≡ kv + g s mod N is sent for a random constant k (generated as a
hash of N and g). The client then calculates the actual server public key by
computing S − kg p .
On the client side, the password is mixed into the private key. Although the
client generates a random c and sends across C ≡ g c mod N , the actual private
ephemeral key is c + up, where u is a mixing parameter derived as a hash of C
and S. The client can only calculate this private key by knowing the password
p, while the server can calculate the public key from only the verifier as follows:
Cv u = g c (g p )u
= g c g up
= g c+up
Finally, the client and server generate a shared secret as in standard Diffie-
Hellman, finding g s(c+up) = (g s )c+up = (g c+up )s .
The second phase of SRP is the actual authentication phase, in which the
client and server prove to each other that they hold the same secret. This
only happens when the password held by the client corresponds to the verifier
held by the server. Verification is a fairly simple process – the client sends
a hash of the shared secret, the server’s semi-public ephemeral key (g s mod
N ), and some public data for randomization. In response, the server sends of
hash of the shared secret, the user’s knowledge proof, and some public data for
In the first phase, the only sensitive value sent over the network is the verifier
mixed into the server’s public ephemeral key. However, since s is uniformly ran-
dom and g is chosen as a generator modN , g s mod N is uniformly distributed
(except for 0), and therefore perfectly scrambles the verifier, rendering the mes-
sage harmless.
In the second phase, assuming the hash function used is secure (in the ran-
dom oracle model), an attacker cannot figure out anything about the hashed
data except via search over possible shared secrets. Since the shared secret is
large and randomly distributed, brute-force attacks are infeasible, and generat-
ing the shared secret, even from a known password, is assumed to be difficult
without knowledge of one of the private keys, which would take discrete loga-
rithms to find. Therefore, an attacker cannot even mount a dictionary attack
on a user’s password by observing an SRP connection.
Choosing a Modulus
SRP relies crucially upon working modulo an N that makes calculation of dis-
crete logarithms difficult. In particular, when N −1 is made up of comparatively
small factors, the Pohlig-Hellman algorithm makes it possible to break the prob-
lem down into discrete logarithm problems of difficulty proportional only to the
size of those factors. Therefore, to minimize this risk, ProtonMail uses safe
primes of the form 2p + 1, where p is another prime number.
However, choosing a single safe prime may be insufficient. With algorithms
like the number field sieve algorithm, it is possible to do a significant amount
of precomputation on an arbitrary modulus to be able to calculate discrete
logarithms efficiently in that modulus. While the amount of work necessary is
prohibitive for a one-off calculation, it seems within the reach of state actors to
do such a computation on a 1024-bit modulus, and there is evidence that such
a computation has already occurred [1]. At ProtonMail, we take a conservative
approach towards this threat. First, we use 2048-bit moduli, which ought to be
out of reach for even state actors for quite some time. Second, we have opted
to not use a single modulus for all users. This greatly reduces the impact of an
attack on an SRP modulus, as such an attack would only affect a small fraction
of users.
To defend against an MITM (man-in-the-middle) attacker feeding the client
a fraudulent, broken modulus, we have two layers of security. First, the mod-
ulus is included in the password hash itself, meaning that in the worst case,
the attacker would only be able to access information about a different hash
of the password than the one used to actually log in. This reduces potential
compromise to at worst a dictionary attack. Second, we send the client signed
moduli which can be verified to ensure that the modulus actually came from
authentication is extremely well tested, studied, supported, and updated. By
wrapping our implementation of SRP in a traditional TLS channel, we can lever-
age the immense body of work that has gone into making existing TLS solutions
secure, improve privacy by encrypting usernames, and guard against novel at-
tacks on the less well-tested SRP protocol by preventing even eavesdroppers in
the common case.
Email Encryption
PGP Overview
The PGP protocol utilizes a combination of public key and symmetric cryptog-
raphy that offers two primary benefits for communications and email: confiden-
tiality, whereby only designated parties can read a particular communication,
and authenticity, whereby the recipient can verify the identity of the sender and
detect whether the communication has been tampered with in transit.
Public key cryptography utilizes a pair of keys for each party – a public key
used to encrypt messages sent to the party that can be widely disseminated, and
a private key used to decrypt messages sent to the party that is known only to
that party. Not only should an encrypted message not reveal any information
about the message, but a public key should not reveal any information about
its associated private key. Both of these properties are achieved by using math-
ematical problems that are computationally infeasible to solve. For example,
in RSA, the default public key cryptosystem provided by PGP, the private key
(d) and the public key (exponent e and modulus n) are related such that for
all messages m, (me )d ≡ m mod n. RSA’s security relies on two properties:
that the message m cannot be derived from the encrypted message me mod n
even with knowledge of the public key, and that the private key d cannot be
derived even with knowledge of e, n, and/or m. In order to derive either of
these variables, an attacker would have to factor the public key modulus n,
the product of two large unknown primes, a problem which is believed to be
extremely computationally difficult for sufficient key length.
Unlike public key cryptography, symmetric key cryptography utilizes only
one key, which is used for both encryption and decryption of a message. Sym-
metric key algorithms tend to be much faster than public key algorithms, but
require that both sides of the communication have access to the same key. The
requirement that this secret key be securely shared between the sending and
receiving parties is the main drawback of symmetric key cryptography.
Thus, in order to take advantage of the secure key distribution of public key
cryptography and the speed of symmetric key cryptography, PGP combines a
public key algorithm with a much faster symmetric key algorithm. For example,
ProtonMail’s implementation of PGP uses the public key algorithm RSA and
the symmetric key algorithm AES-256.
Message encryption with PGP goes as follows:
1. After the sender creates a message, a random 256-bit number is generated
that will only be used during this transaction. This is called a “session
2. PGP symmetrically encrypts the message using this session key.
3. The session key is encrypted with the chosen public key algorithm for
each recipient using their public key. Because the session key is only
256 bits long, the relative slowness of the public key algorithm does not
significantly increase the overall computation time.
4. These encrypted session keys are prepended to the encrypted message and
are sent together to all desired recipients.
To read a PGP-encrypted message, the recipient will:
1. Decrypt the encrypted session key meant for them, yielding the original
session key
2. Use the session key to decrypt the encrypted message, yielding the original
P K1 P K2 SK
Session Key Session Key Message Data Signature
Figure 2: The makeup of a PGP message with two recipients with public keys
P K1 and P K2 . The session key SK is separately encrypted with the two public
keys, and the message data is symmetrically encrypted with the session key. The
signature is optional.
Because no other party has the ability to decrypt any of the encrypted
session keys, and thus the ability to decrypt the message, the message will only
be available to the sender and intended recipients.
In addition to encrypting the message, the sender can optionally choose to
provide a digital signature, which will allow the recipients to verify that the
message is indeed from the sender and has not been tampered with in transit.
To digitally sign a communication, the sender will:
1. Produce a hash of the message using a hash function that must be both
one-way (the hash value does not reveal any information about the mes-
sage) and deterministic (the function always produces the same result on
the same input)
2. Use their private key to sign this hash value using a digital signature
algorithm. This signed hash value is called the digital signature
3. Append the digital signature to the message before encryption and sending
(which will proceed as detailed previously).
In order to verify the signature, the recipient will:
1. Decrypt the message as explained previously, yielding the digital signature
and the original message
2. Use a signature verification algorithm corresponding to the signing algo-
rithm used by the sender, along with the sender’s public key, to produce
the hash value from the digital signature
3. Calculate the hash value of the decrypted message using the same hash
function as the sender.
4. Check whether the two hash values from steps 2 and 3 are equal. If they
are equal, the signature is verified.
If the signature is verified, then the recipient knows that the message was
signed with the sender’s private key and has not been changed since.
Implementation of the OpenPGP Standard
ProtonMail implements OpenPGP [2], the most widely-supported PGP stan-
dard, using OpenPGP.js on the web client and a native code implementation
on the mobile applications and IMAP/SMTP bridge. OpenPGP.js is an open-
source Javascript library that is actively used and vetted by the security com-
munity, including two independent security audits by the German cybersecurity
firm Cure53. The native implementation uses cryptographic primitives from
OpenSSL, one of the most ubiquitous and popular implementations of TLS/SSL.
Both of these libraries provide key management functions as well as encryp-
tion, decryption, signing, and signature verification of messages/attachments.
ProtonMail’s interface to each of these functions is detailed in the following
server on message send, which can be slow, and signatures often go unchecked.
Sending without signing only requires the encrypted session key packets to be
downloaded and re-encrypted with the recipients’ public keys. Messages are
always signed because there is no performance penalty. Keeping messages and
attachments separate helps facilitate responsive webmail and IMAP interfaces,
as large attachments do not need to be downloaded from the server in order to
read the associated message. This also enables fast forwarding of messages, as
attachments can be copied server-side.
Password-Protected Messages
ProtonMail’s Encrypt-to-Outside feature (EO) allows a user to communicate
with someone without PGP keys outside of the ProtonMail platform in a fully
end-to-end encrypted manner. EO encryption takes place on the client device
and is available in both web and native mobile application formats. Using EO
encryption requires a shared secret (password) known to both parties commu-
nicated to eachother via other means (e.g. phone). An optional password hint
and/or expiration time for the message can also be set. By defult, all messages
expire after 28 days if an earlier expiration date is not specified.
The encryption password is used to encrypt (with AES256) both the mes-
sage itself as well as a randomly-generated token. The encrypted message, en-
crypted token, and the plaintext token are then sent to the ProtonMail server.
It’s important to note that the encryption password is never saved or sent to
ProtonMail at any time which maintains a zero-knowledge result.
The ProtonMail server then sends the designated recipient a generated email
notifying them that they have a message waiting. This generated email con-
tains a very long, unique link to access it. These links are very long and rate-
limited to prevent brute-force guessing. The notification message can be white-
Upon navigating to the unique link in a web browser the visitor is prompted
to decrypt the random token with the password. If successful, the visitor can
use the token to authenticate to the server and retrieve the message, attach-
ments, and associated metadata. Message decryption is then performed with
the password.
The authenticated visitor can also reply to the message. These replies are
encrypted with the ProtonMail user’s public key and also end-to-end encrypted.
A maximum of 5 replies can be sent per EO message. This limit is to prevent
abuse by the recipient.
Moreover, sending and replying fully support end-to-end encrypted attach-
ProtonMail for Enterprise combines maximum protection for corporate data
against unauthorized access with the tools necessary for successful organization
management and regulatory compliance.
The Organization
Each ProtonMail for Enterprise client has an organization defined within the
ProtonMail Cloud. An organization is a collection of users with at least one
administrator which share email domains, billing, and cloud resources. Organi-
zation resources, such as storage space, can be provisioned to individual users
by organization administrators. Organizations also have an associated pub-
lic/private key pair. This key pair is shared among the administrators and can
be used to access and read mail in non-private member accounts as well as sign
organization data.
There are two possible user roles within an organization. The basic role is that
of the organization member, who can read and send email but cannot administer
the organization, assign or remove addresses, modify their storage space, etc.
The other user role is that of administrator. Administrators can add and remove
users, domains, addresses, storage space, and modify the organization’s name
and other characteristics. They have access to and can modify organization
billing and subscription information and they can also access non-private user
accounts and perform actions as the subordinate user. As administrators have
absolute power within the organization, it is recommended that administrator
accounts not be used for regular mail purposes and instead only be used for
Client Side
Data import is achieved via a downloadable, cross-platform tool which seam-
lessly transfers data from the previous provider to ProtonMail. All mail is
encrypted within the tool before sending the encrypted payload to ProtonMail.
This ensures that the ProtonMail servers never see the unencrypted data. Ex-
port is achieved via the same tool run in reverse.
Data Retention
Data retention periods for non-private users are enforced by disabling full mes-
sage deletion for messages newer than a configured cutoff age, drafts excepted.
Mail Server
MySQL Backup DB
entering “localhost” and custom port numbers as the IMAP and SMTP servers
in an existing email client.
Sending email through the IMAP/SMTP bridge is seamless from the user’s
perspective. When email is sent, the bridge reads the recipients and determines
the appropriate encryption to use (ProtonMail internal, EO/PGP if configured
in the ProtonMail contacts, or unencrypted for external recipients). If a recipi-
ent is a ProtonMail user, the recipients’ public keys are fetched using the Pro-
tonMail API and used to encrypt the message using standard PGP encryption.
EO and PGP recipients are handled similarly except that the password/keys
are retrieved and decrypted from the user’s encrypted contacts. The message is
only sent to the ProtonMail server post-encryption, which preserves end-to-end
Incoming email is also handled through the bridge. When the bridge receives
a new message from the ProtonMail API, the user’s private key is used to decrypt
the message on the fly. Because the decryption only happens locally the integrity
of the end-to-end encrypted communication is maintained.
Other IMAP actions are translated to ProtonMail API commands as appro-
priate. For example, copying a message to a user-defined folder is interpreted
as labeling the message, and deleting a message from a user-defined folder is
interpreted as removing the corresponding label. Only deletions from the Trash
folder are interpreted as actual deletions.
The ProtonMail server infrastructure is heavily distributed and redundant to
ensure high reliability and performance. The main parts of the system are shown
in Figure 4.
Mail Servers
ProtonMail use MX DNS to load balance incoming SMTP traffic to multiple
mail servers. This redundant setup ensures that if a mail server is taken offline,
incoming mail will be automatically rerouted to the other servers. The MTA
used for receiving and sending emails is Postfix, which is open source, secure,
and widely used. In order to encrypt SMTP traffic, TLS 1.0 or higher and per-
fect forward secrecy using Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman Ephemeral (ECDHE)
key exchange are supported while vulnerable protocols such as SSL 3.0 and weak
cipher suites are disallowed to prevent downgrade attacks. To filter mail, we de-
ploy OpenDKIM (verifies and signs DKIM), OpenDMARC (verifies DMARC),
ClamAV (rejects viruses), and SpamAssassin (assigns a score to incoming email
according to how spam-like the message is). These “milters” funnel clean emails
to the inbox and spoofed or spam emails to the spam folder. Postfix passes pro-
cessed incoming mail to the application layer, which does further processing
(including custom filtering) and encrypts the email with the user’s public key.
The encrypted email is then stored and cannot be decrypted by anyone except
the recipient user.
Web Servers
ProtonMail’s web servers, powered by Apache, serve API requests originating
from the browser-based web application and the native iOS/Android mobile
apps. HSTS ensures that all traffic uses HTTPS and HPKP to prevent man-in-
the-mittle attacks. As with incoming mail, data in transit is encrypted using a
recent version of TLS with strong cipher suites – as of July 2016, these measures
earn ProtonMail domains A+ ratings on Qualys SSL Labs’ test. Our servers
run hardened versions of CentOS and are load balanced by redundant HAProxy
servers, which automatically reroute traffic if any web server goes offline. With
our own range of IPs, we ensure that all outgoing emails are sent from servers
with good IP reputation and won’t be summarily rejected by spam filters.
Database Servers
All of our critical user data resides on MySQL databases, which are widely used
and battle-tested by Internet giants like Facebook and Dropbox. While there
are newer and fancier database solutions available, none are mature or reliable
enough to meet our standards, and none can match MySQL when it comes to
existing community and support.
To improve performance, data is horizontally sharded across multiple database
servers. Each shard unit consists of a master that handles both reads and writes
and replicates its data to two slaves. The primary slave is in the same datacen-
ter as the master and is ready to take over if the master goes down, while the
secondary slave is in a separate datacenter in case of datacenter-wide failures.
Backups are regularly made for disaster recovery, including to cold storage. All
shard units are maintained and operated with identical tools so that adding
more shards does not actually add more complexity. By knowing exactly where
each piece of data is and having full control of the replication topology, we
ensure that we can scale up without sacrificing reliability.
To maximize performance, Redis servers act as a cache layer above MySQL
for frequent reads and transient data. The Redis servers are also deployed in a
fully redundant configuration to eliminate single points of failure.
DDoS 51
Phishing 50
Worm and Virus Damage 47
Unauthorized Access 34
Criminal SPAM 29
Fraud 25
Advanced Persistent Threat 23
Theft of Prop. Info/Intellectual Property 15
Corporate/Geo-political Sabotage 7
None of the above 9
0 20 40 60 80 100
As a whole, ProtonMail’s cloud based encrypted email services provide a strong
combination of security, usability, and reliability that is essential for any en-
terprise. Consistent with our company values of transparency and peer review,
most of ProtonMail’s code is open source and available for review by the se-
curity community. As part of that community, we are also actively engaged
in both public and private efforts to improve the state-of-the-art in encryp-
tion technology. Thus, specifications and implementation details discussed in
this whitepaper are always subject to change as improvements become avail-
Attacker ProtonMail
able through continued research and development. For the most up to date
whitepaper, please contact your account manager.
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