CFA Level 1 Cheat Sheet P

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ETHICAL AND PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS ETHICS IN THE INVESTMENT PROFESSION + Challenge ttc bohawor overanfens as, ‘tuonalinuercas oczingan te mest er ieee + Genera eical decision-making amewok dently, ‘ide, dca cele. + Cikncttate Profesional Conduct Progam ancben= puttcancue spent nemesis soot ‘SeCeaeignaton andrweeston the Chaar ewer ‘STANDARDS OF PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT 1 Proeszonatem A owt cne Law 1B. Independence ana objet &Miepisentation 1. mecondue tent of capa rks ‘A. materalNenpubnfomation Vi. RespnstbiiesasaCFA state Member or CFA snciate 1A Conducts Paricpansin CA estate Progam 18 Relerenceto Caine, the CFA Designation, SndtnecrA rogram GLOBAL INVESTMENT PERFORMANCE STANDARDS (GIPS?) aS a peeee + Comply we al equtements of GPS 003m wide basin ordertocim compan, + Thad party vention of GPs compliance ptona. QUANTITATIVE METHODS ‘TIME VALUE OF MONEY + sera Pad urea lasing ch + Pan FV of onary arty and aoruty due lepo Paaan x00) ica seasaea| + Pvt perpetuity Pate] STATISTICAL CONCEPTS + Data scale: Nominal lowes) Oia nea Ratio et + Arthmetie mean smple sige + Geometric mean rem sed serge rates ofchange (erer we overtime = [RR ORE ATT + Marmentc mean used to determine the average cot of hares purchased verte aay + Sharpe ator to messure ces retin peruntot rok ingher seer — aba sap Horaycns0snnsaesaRaD + Vian of ant pra [Ramp ei asain ym) BINOMIAL DISTRIBUTION + Probably of eucaset ine weber the probublyofeucean peu for al ale ngenby amamor ‘pected value and varaneef bineal andor wanable Eexnea NORMAL DISTRIBUTION + of alctanatns tin tna + tat alterations teens + eo altnratonste tena L360 + Avatar eee of ‘cca ad nen ae + ops tt ttn edo compre stl ‘tis tinh Se ecto Sota {cnt ao Ra) HALE + Thestandard deviation ofthe oration of sample Ireanee kno arte stander ear sane mesa + When he population variances known, he tndard frorctaamplemean sealed se lore + When he population variances nat noun, he standard rorctaamplemean eased 32 (mete Enos ss acral dstrbutor seo eces harass) PROBABILITY CONCEPTS. + bipectd alue and vananc of random vanable tg proboies (o0- Zr 1n-vn] Soereaen (9-08) ERE oe + conidia oink popstar fase HYPOTHESIS TESTING +e aed veri two aed ete SHUTDOWN ANALYSIS + Pros aremanianed when he diferente ta Fereroe (Fan tol cost (1) eats Meet the ee ‘fouput at whehths ocarsste pane where + Marginal revenue (equal maga cos (cand + cisrataline + breakeven ocar when TR=TC, and price or average terenue) equals avergetata et AC] at the breaketan ‘quant of pocton The fm werneng noma po Short una lore ru operating decsons * TypetversTypet errs tne came Pesce] Ciera | tr ae MARKET STRUCTURES + hypothesis test cone th mean oF2enge| population + typathess tt concrnth ananceofarormally ‘rte population + paths test eats the equally of hevarance of {we poptavors [--3| ECONOMICS DEMAND ELASTICITIES eee eaaalie ae jean + te sbnitevave a pee taseny of demand lsebnween nd dean oes Iman + the bite salut pce acy of emania ie eee + Income etasiy fgeman cael | + Postove for anormal goad. + nega loan infor ped + Crospnceeasry of emandscalculated 5 “nin unin et + Posie forsiperits. eee + Nomal god: substtuten and income ects enforce ‘esaneter + nko oodsncome ec parti mgt the inttoten ces + Gren goo: ner god where themcome ect ‘eels the subst eet range mana eurveupward stoping + Veblen pad status ood wth upward opingdemand PROFIT MAXIMIZATION, BREAKEVEN AND + Bamana aad by ach rms dora ping + tnthelong una ns ll make normal profs. + eer, + High costo etry sles jy substantial pring owe + Proc cretion quay, fests, aerate ease) + Pig states pring lterdepencence ned ‘demand cane) count assumption, game they shear Sb mote one + fim aeymasirize roe atthe tpt eel where pcan mec feiaunicmeauieeedan see sigan cerns nana [AGGREGATE SUPPLY AND DEMAND ve eee an ew + equattyftxpendiure and income + onmarce tscaldefat (6129, he pate setae mastsave mre than ines ($1 ander impocs mastered ports QU + Factorcauing shit oprepte demand (AD) BUSINESS CYCLES = Phsmueh earn pk crore += Neodascal {Says taw + Austrian msg government itereniin) + fotan ects mere eneme ore + ener (tend rom at of money Supt. + New casa buses cycashave ral cases no tovermentintenvetion + Neo testn (ices and wages ate dowonar e-government ncereton use eintg, tempter antestotngmactocenamie cuts. + Unomployment nstrl tes resol ssrucal wey. + Pres nes ng 2 aed bask of goods ant ‘Stes to menaue te coef wg ete nan ‘paced Basin te computed ation ate eto Sibson as quay bas nde rot Bias, + Economic nestor. + Lendng used predict economy’ are state) + Comaent (ured deny curent state othe economy

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