Lecture One: Harmonic Functions and The Harnack Inequality
Lecture One: Harmonic Functions and The Harnack Inequality
Lecture One: Harmonic Functions and The Harnack Inequality
1 The Laplacian
Let Ω be an open subset of Rn , and let u : Ω → R be a smooth function. We define the
Laplacian by
� ∂2u
�u = . (1)
The equation
�u = 0 (2)
is called the Laplace equation, and functions which satisfy it are said to be harmonic.
Harmonic functions turn out to be very important, and much of this course will be devoted
to their study. Also of interest are functions with nonnegative or nonpositive laplacian.
These are termed sub and superharmonic respectively.
�u = 0 at x and �u ≤ 0 at x. (3)
The one dimensional case should be familiar, and proofs of other cases are analogous.
3 Dirichlet Energy
Recall that the Dirichlet energy of a function v : Ω → R is given by Ω |�v|2 . We will show
that harmonic functions correspond to critical points of Dirichlet energy. For fixed v and
for any φ ∈ C0∞ (Ω) (i.e. φ an infinitely differentiable real valued function on Ω) we define
Eφ (t) = |�(v + tϕ)|2 . (4)
Now compute
� � �
Eφ (t) = |�v|2 + t2 |�φ|2 + 2t �v · �φ,
so �
|t=0 Eφ (t) = 2 �v · �φ. (5)
dt Ω
Since φ = 0 on ∂Ω, it is clear that ∂Ω φ�v · dS = 0. Applying Stokes’ theorem to this
� �
�v · �φ = − φ�v,
� �
|�v|2 − |�u|2 = �(v − u) · �(v + u)
= − (v − u)�(v + u)
= − (v − u)�(v − u)
� Ω
= |�(v − u)|2
≥ 0
as required.
by Stokes’ theorem. Thus
vol ∂Br (x) ∂Br (x)
for superharmonic u. One consequence of the mean value property is the following.
Corollary 4.2 If x ∈ Rn and u is a harmonic function on Br (x) then u takes both it’s
maximum and it’s minimum value on the boundary ∂Br (x).
Proof If u has no interior maximum then it’s maximum must be on the boundary, and
we’re done. Else take y an interior maximum, and set c = u(y). By the maximum principle
c is the average of u over any sphere surrounding y. Since y is a maximum we also have
u ≤ c on each of these spheres, and we conclude that u = c on each sphere. Now take a
sphere that intersects with the boundary, and u takes it’s maximum on this intersection.
The argument for the minimum is similar.
By a very similar argument we can extend this result to shapes other than spheres, show
that subharmonic functions take their maximum on the boundary, and show that super
harmonic functions take they’re minimum on the boundary.
5 Harnack Inequality
Another useful property of harmonic functions is the Harnack inequality.
Theorem 5.1 Let B2r (0) be an open ball in Rn . There is a constant C depending only on
the dimension n such that
for all functions u that are nonnegative and harmonic on B2r (0).
Proof Pick x, y ∈ Br (0). We must show that u(x) ≤ Cu(y). Let d ≤ 2r be the distance
between x and y, and pick w and z one and two thirds of the way from x to y respectively.
Note that u is positive and harmonic on Br (x) and that Br/3 (w) ⊂ Br (x). By the mean
value property we have
u(w) = u
vol Br/3 (w) Br/3 (w)
= u
vol Br (x) Br/3 (w)
≤ u
vol Br (x) Br (x)
≤ 3n u(x).
This is a very powerful result about harmonic functions, with several consequences. For
example, if we have u ≥ 0 and �u = 0 on B2r (0) and inf Br (0) u = 0, then u is identically
0 on Br (0). In fact, by modifying the above argument, we can obtain a similar result for
any radius s < 2r.