EC8 Msia NA Analysis & Design Fundamental Concept

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Seismic Analysis and Design

- as per EC8 (Malaysia National Annex)

Fundamental Concept
HK Chng
Seismic Analysis
• From source to building
 Earthquake – ground motion parameters
 Site / soil effects – ground type / site classification
 Structural dynamics of buildings – analysis and design
 Soil-structure interaction – usually not considered except for buildings with large basement/
foundation systems.
Site Classification

Importance Reference Peak Design Ground

Ground type Soil Factor, S Ground Acceleration, ag
Factor, ƔI Acceleration, agR

• Determine through NSPT or • M’sia NA Cl

M’sia NA ag = [ƔI · agR] g
vs,30 as per EC8 Table 3.1 M’sia NA Annex B
• Different table for deep geology Annex E Table E.1 (Type A ground)
Seismic Hazard Map
• Deep geology - M’sia NA
Annex A for soil deposit ag = [ƔI · agR] · S g
exceeding 30m depth.

Site Classification

Malaysia National
Annex A : 2017

EC8 Table 3.1

Site Classification
•SOIL FACTOR, S Deep Geology

•Malaysia National Annex : 2017

Site Classification

Malaysia National Annex E : 2017

Site Classification

Malaysia National Annex B : 2017

Site Classification
Very Low Seismicity Low Seismicity Medium/High Seismicity
Design Ground • ag ≤ 0.04g (Type A ground) • ag ≤ 0.08g (Type A ground) • ag > 0.08g (Type A ground)
Acceleration, ag • agS ≤ 0.05g • 0.05g < agS ≤ 0.1g • agS > 0.1g
Ref. Code EC2 EC8 EC8
(Analysis &
Ductility Classes - Nil - Low ductility(DCL) • Medium (DCM) or high
ductility (DCH) if building
is not base-isolated.
• DCL, DCM or DCH if with

Ref. Code EC2 • EC2 EC8

(Detailing) • Min. rebar class B or C for
primary members
Structural Regularity
• Regularity in Plan and Elevation affects :
 Structural model, i.e. planar model or spatial model
 Linear-elastic analysis method, i.e. Lateral Force Method (LFM) or Modal Analysis (RSA)
 Behaviour factor, q, but not on DCL structures where minimum value is 1.5.
Structural Dynamics - Analysis

analysis &
Accidental combination


Structural Dynamics Analysis

Structural Dynamics - Analysis
Linear-elastic Method Non-linear Method

Lateral Force Method (LFM) Non-linear Static (Pushover) Analysis

Applicable only when building is: To verify structural performance of buildings.
 regular in elevation (EC8 Cl, and
 fundamental (natural) period, T1 < Min (4Tc
(EC8 Cl, 2 seconds) in each main directions

Response Spectrum Analysis (RSA) Non-linear Dynamic (Time History) Analysis

Applicable to all buildings. Towards research purpose.
Number of modes, k to be included:
 Sum of effective modal masses ≥ 90% of total
mass, or
 Incl. all modes with effective modal mass > 5%
of total mass, or
 k ≥ 3 √ no. of storeys & Tk ≤ 0.2 second
Structural Dynamics - Analysis
Obtain modal base shear, Fbk of each mode considered in the RSA through
Fbk = Sdk(Tk) · mk · g
where Sdk = spectral acceleration for mode k
Tk = natural period of mode k
mk = mass for mode k
g = gravity acceleration, 9.81m/s2

Compute Total Base Shear, Fb through combining contributions from all modes using
1. SRSS (Square Root of Sum of Squares, or vector sum)
2. CQC (Complete Quadratic Combination)
Structural Dynamics - Analysis
 Uncertainties in the location of masses and in the spatial variation of the seismic motion.
 Centre of mass considered as being displaced by 5% accidental eccentricity in each direction,
i.e. eai = ± 0.05 · Li (floor dimension perpendicular to direction of seismic action.)

 3 independent cases in each direction.

Structural Dynamics - Analysis
Approximate way to include accidental torsion in RSA (dynamic + static) as follow:
1. Compute RSA result in each direction, without eccentricity (dynamic),
2. Accidental torsion = Seismic force in each direction [based on LFM (static)] · ea for each
above-ground storey,
3. Apply accidental torsion (each level) and compute the static result,
4. Combine the static result with the dynamic result,
5. Repeat for the orthogonal direction.
Structural Dynamics - Analysis
 Simultaneous horizontal seismic action, i.e. combination of two orthogonal components.
 Structural response to each component evaluated separately.
 Estimate maximum value of each action effect through :
1. SRSS rule (more conservative)
2. Percentage combination rule, i.e. 100% for one dir. + 30% for the other dir. (different
behaviour factor for the respective direction if elevation classification is irregular, complicate analysis definition steps, higher chance of error
Structural Dynamics - Safety Verification
Ultimate Limit State
 EC8 Cl 4.4.2 outlined the safety verifications for no-collapse situation.

 Among all, note on Cl ∑ MRc ≥ 1.3 · ∑ MRb at all joints in each orthogonal vertical
where, ∑ MRc = Sum of the design values of the moment of resistance of the column framing the joint
∑ MRb = Sum of the design values of the moment of resistance of the beams framing the joint

Waived for top most level of multi-storey buildings.

 Strong column-weak beam => no-collapse

Structural Dynamics - Safety Verification
Damage Limitation
Cl Limitation of inter-storey drift
*** Only required for Class IV buildings in M’sia NA
drv ≤ 0.005h (brittle non-structural elements)
drv ≤ 0.0075h (ductile non-structural elements)
drv ≤ 0.010h (isolated / without non structural elements)

where, v = reduction factor, 0.5 for Class IV buildings in M’sia NA

h = storey height
dr = ds,top - ds,btm for storey under consideration
and, ds = qdde
with qd = assumed equal to behaviour factor, q
de = elastic displacement from RSA
Structural Dynamics - Design
Lateral force from seismic action
AEd = FbƔI / q
where AEd = seismic design force
Fb = total base shear force
ƔI = building importance factor
q = behaviour factor

Seismic design load combination

Structural Dynamics - Design
Structure Types & Behaviour
 Classify structural type to
calculate behaviour factor, q, for
 Behaviour factor, q for DCL
shall be 1.5.
Structural Dynamics - Design
Structural Types Classification
 Shear resistance is dependent on sectional area of vertical members.
 Compare Acol-Total against Awall-Total for structural type classification.
Structural Dynamics - Design
Behaviour Factors, q

Behaviour factor, q = qokw ≥ 1.5

EC8 Table 5.1 Basic value of the behaviour factor, q0, for systems regular in elevation

 q0 reduced by 20% for buildings irregular in elevation, i.e. 0.8q0

Structural Dynamics - Design

•EC8 Cl for buildings regular in plan

• Average (1.0, table value) for buildings irregular in plan.

• αu/ α1 ≤ 1.5, even with nonlinear analysis.

Structural Dynamics - Design
kw reflects the prevailing failure in structural wall systems.

where hwi = height of wall i

lwi = length of wall i

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