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Answers to workbook questions

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Chapter 0: Key skills in c

the density of maize plants in each of the four plots
(that is the number of plants being grown assuming the
Environmental Management four plots are the same area)
the age of the maize plants planted in all the plots,
Exercise KS.1 Aims and hypotheses testing, which should be the same
experimental design d the nutrient status of the soil
1 a Soil pH will not affect the growth of plants as measured the drainage of the soil
by their height. e The maize is grown in the same field which is divided
b The best way to do this would be to set up a controlled into four plots. This should ensure that the soil is the
experiment. In this example, the independent variable same in all four plots in respect of its nutrient status
would be the soil pH and the dependent variable and drainage.
would be the height of the plants. Different dependent
variables could be used, such as dry mass of plants or Exercise KS.2 Collecting data
number of leaves. 1 a Since the hypothesis mentions the predicted effect
The design should involve pots of soil in which the soil of heavy metal on growth rate, the mass of the fish
is identical in every way except for its pH. The pH could would need to be determined over a period of time.
be adjusted by the addition of weak solutions of acid Mass will be determined by weighing the fish on a
or alkaline. The pH achieved should be checked with suitably accurate balance. The choice of balance
some kind of pH meter or pH paper. Plants of as near would be determined by the size of the fish, but since
as possible exactly the same age and size should then they are likely to be very small at the start of the 1
be planted in pots. These pots should then be kept experiment, a balance that can weigh to at least one
in identical environments where factors such as light place of decimals will probably be needed. The fish
intensity, temperature and relative humidity either do would be weighed on a regular basis over time. The
not vary over time or vary in the same way for all pots. regularity of weighing would be determined by the
The height of the plants (or mass or leaf number) rate at which the fish are growing. In a fast-growing
should be measured over time. The results can be species, measurements may need to be taken once
recorded and analysed in a number of ways. One every few days, whereas in a slower growing species,
possibility for recording is to plot the height against weekly or even monthly measurements may be
time for each pH. A possibly more meaningful way of adequate.
recording results in relation to the hypothesis is to plot b When it is not possible to count all of the individual
the final height against pH. It would then be necessary items for which a result is needed, sampling has to
to look at the graph to see if there was the relationship be used. In this case a grid could be used. This could
which will allow the null hypothesis to be rejected. be constructed by ruling horizontal and vertical
c As pH increases, the trend is the plant height also lines onto a large sheet of paper, which could then
increases. The plant is 13 cm taller at a pH of 7 than it be laminated and placed in the bottom of a tray. All
is at a pH of 2. Acid pHs seem to depress plant growth. the eggs laid by the female could then be poured
The relationship is not a straight line and raising the into the tray and the number of eggs in a random
pH from 4 to 5 has a much bigger effect on plant height sample of the squares on the grid can be counted.
than any other single pH unit change. The results The total is then found and divided by the number
strongly suggest that the null hypothesis should be of squares sampled. This gives the average number
rejected and that we can say that pH does have an of eggs per square and the total number of eggs can
effect on the height of this plant. then be found by multiplying this average by the
2 a The presence of heavy-metal ions in irrigation water total number of squares. For example, if a 10 × 10
will cause a reduction in the yield of maize cobs as grid were constructed, this would give 100 squares
measured by mass harvested. in total. The eggs in 10 of these could be counted,
the average number of eggs found, and this average
b independent variable: concentration of heavy metal in
then multiplied by 100. Such a procedure reduces the
irrigation water
counting to be done tenfold.
dependent variable: mass of maize cobs harvested
Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Environmental Management

c i quantitative continuous rate. Both variables are continuous. Heavy-metal

ii quantitative discrete concentration could take any value, and growth rate
could also be any value between certain limits.
2 a open questions: B and D
Hypothesis 2: In this case, the mean number of eggs
closed questions: A and C
laid by a female is a discrete variable. A female cannot
b A better order would be question C, then A, then B and lay half an egg, or any other fraction of an egg. This
finally D. would suggest that a bar chart should be plotted.
It is important to have closed questions at the b The data could be presented as either a pie graph
beginning of a questionnaire. These are easier for where each sector represented the percentage affected
the respondent to answer and make them more in the stated category, or as a bar chart where each bar
comfortable. Starting with a very factual question is did the same.
also a good idea. Then, question A starts to lead the
c 122
respondent into thinking about their opinion, but still
not in an open-ended way. Question B ask them to d A histogram would be used as the data is frequency
recount personal incidents, which is then logically data.
followed by D where they asked to suggest where they
put the blame for these incidents. Exercise KS.5 Analysing data
c Have you had to go to the doctors with an ailment 1 a i The trend is that as soil pH increases so does plant
which s/he has suggested may be due to heavy-metal height.
pollution of the water?
ii The patterns are that a gradual increase in height
yes no occurs between pH of 2 and 4, then, between pHs
(this is a closed question) four and five height increases dramatically. Between
Please describe to me the symptoms with which you pHs five and seven there is not much increase in
went to see the doctor. height at all.
(this is an open question). b mean: 82
2 (Many others would be possible.) median: 79
mode: 79
Exercise KS.3 Recording data range: 34
1 a
Exercise KS.6 Drawing conclusions and
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b 1 a The data gathered suggest that fish reproduction is
Heavy metal Number of eggs laid Mean
reduced by heavy metals. This is supported by data in
concentration by female at this number of
the table in KS.4 question 1b (page 8). This shows that
concentration eggs laid
egg laying was unaffected in only 7% of the species of
1 2 3 4 5 fish investigated. 70% of the species investigated were
0 significantly or very badly affected.
1 There are no data to support the rejection or
acceptance of the null hypothesis about the effect of
2 heavy metals on fish growth.
3 b The experiment which was carried out does not go
4 beyond a pH of 7. So the experiment could be extended
by looking at the effect of pHs of 8 and above.
It is not clear from the results if there were replica
6 plants at each height, although the y-axis says plant
height and not mean plant height, suggesting only
one plant was measured. If there were no replication,
Exercise KS.4 Presenting data an improvement would be to have, say, five plants at
1 a Hypothesis 1: a line graph in which the x-axis is each pH.
heavy-metal concentration and the y-axis is the growth
Answers to Workbook questions

Chapter 1: Rocks and minerals 14 THE ROCK IS BASALT.

and their exploitation NB Other tests such as using dilute acid on a rock sample
is also used scientists to determine the rock type as well as
Exercise 1.1 The rock cycle thee visual inspections.
1 Working from the top of the diagram: 3
magma naturally occurring inorganic
weathering substances with a specific
transportation chemical composition
igneous rocks
mineral molten rock below the surface of
metamorphic rocks
the Earth
sedimentary rocks Downloaded by Success Groups metamorphic an example of a metamorphic

weathering marble rocks formed from existing rocks

by a combination of heat and
uplift to pressure
transportation 4 Sedimentary rocks are formed by the weathering of rock
particles. The particles are transported in water and
gneous rocks deposited in layers called sediments. These sediments
may also include the dead remains of plants and animals
metamorphic (organic matter). The weight of the sediments on the top

squashes the layers underneath and causes these lower

sq burial, layers to harden into rock.

g he uash

ltin ati compression

me ng ing,

sedimentary 3
rocks Exercise 1.2 Extracting rocks and minerals
1 Three methods to find deposits of minerals could include
2 There are numerous ways to complete this task – get a the following.
fellow student to see whether your version works. • Prospecting – looking closely at the surface of the rocks.
• Aerial photography – a form of remote sensing. Aeroplanes
Q2 Example decision chart. or unmanned drones fly over large areas and take
(there are numerous solutions and the chart will vary photographs which can be analysed for signs of minerals.
depending on the types of samples used) • Geochemical analysis – sediment samples are taken
1 Does the rock have lines or strata? If YES go to 2. If NO go to 3 from streams or rocks and analysed chemically in a
2 Does the rock have extremely small or invisible grains? If laboratory for signs of useful minerals.
YES go to 4. If NO go to 5 • Geophysical analysis – a use of seismic vibrations into
3 Does the rock contain crystals? If YES go to 6. If NO go to 7 the ground – the frequency of the vibrations that are
4 THE ROCK IS SHALE reflected back help to identify suitable areas for further
5 Is the rock white or creamy in in colour? If YES go to 8. If
NO go to 9 2 Geology
6 Does the rock contain a lot of white patches? If YES go to The position of the deposits. The depth of the minerals
12, If NO go to 11 within the soil will impact on the decision whether to surface
mine or use a sub-surface method. If the valuable mineral
7 Does the rock have flat, smoother layers? If YES go to 10,
is in strata, the size of the strata may impact the ability to
If NO go to 11
develop tunnels. Similarly, the stability of the rock will affect
8 THE ROCK IS LIMESTONE the choice of method used.
Environmental impact
Surface mining causes a large impact on the local area,
11 Are the grains in the rock larger/course? If YES go to 13.
requiring the removal of overburden and creating large,
If NO go to 14
visible scars in the landscape. This would impact on other
12 THE ROCK IS MARBLE industries and local communities. Sub-surface mining will
13 THE ROCK IS GRANITE have some impact on the local environment, but much
Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Environmental Management

of the works will be underground, lessening the impact

on local vegetation, etc.
The leaching of materials into water supplies would also
be an impact. Much will depend on the local situation as to
which method has the greatest impact.

Market price for the minerals

The price paid for the minerals may make certain types of
extraction, with costly processes, uneconomic. Surface
mining is often the cheapest method, as is the use of
explosives to break up rock. Both of these are likely to have
greater environmental impacts than other methods. If the
minerals are too expensive to extract, and the company
will make a loss by doing so, then they are unlikely to mine
at this site (impacting on local employment, etc.).
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Mine type Advantages Disadvantages
Open pit Easier access to materials. Large areas of land damaged, looks unsightly, and
mining causes a lot of dust and noise pollution. Produces
Large size of mines allow easy access of machines and
large amounts of waste rock (spoil).
Strip mining Easy access to the seams of minerals (from the Impacts large areas of land. Causes a lot of dust and
surface). Large machines cut into the edge of the seam noise pollution. Large amounts of spoil (waste rock).
removing minerals efficiently and quickly.
Drift mining Access to seams from sloping tunnel (adit) means less More technically complex than strip or open cast
costly than making shafts. mining (there is a risk of tunnel collapse).
4 Majority of overburden left in place.
Shaft mining Reaches minerals not accessible by other methods. Most expensive method. Risk of tunnel/shaft
Less impact of the surface ecosystem (although still collapse, poisonous gases, underground fires and
produces waste heaps). explosions.

Exercise 1.3 The impacts of rock and mineral 3 The topsoil would have been removed, so this habitat
would be destroyed.
Additional noise may mean some animals or birds may
1 There will be additional employment opportunities move away.
for locals within the quarry. The new industry will also
Changes to the water table will affect natural species that
provide additional employment in other businesses (either
live in the area.
supplying goods or services to the quarry) or meeting the
needs of those employed. There is a risk of pollution into water systems.
The need for transportation will mean an improvement The removal of vegetation will affect the food web and
to local infrastructure. Additional workers brought into appropriate habitats as species that rely on the vegetation
the area may mean the development of schools and for food and habitat may move from the area.
health facilities too. The extraction of stone will also mean 4 It is difficult to know the impact of the loss of any species,
that costs of materials for industries, such as local stone but it is certain that this plant is part of a larger food web.
masons, will be reduced as transportation of the materials This larger food web will be affected. The plant may play
they need will be cheaper. an important part in the life cycle of another animal (such
2 The development of the quarry will remove farmland as being food for the larvae of an insect). The knock-on
which might have been productive. effect of the loss may be far greater than initially realised.
Additional noise, dust and (possibly) water pollution will The small plant may already be endangered, and, if this
have an impact on the local population. location is one of its last known growing areas, there is a
risk of complete extinction.
The offer of good wages by the quarry may mean the influx of
people into the area seeking employment, which may have 5 While much will depend on the location, it is most likely
an effect on the demand for housing, food, etc. that shaft mining will have the smallest impact on the local
topsoil. Open pit and strip mining are likely to cause the
Quarrying may also affect other industries such as tourism
greatest risk of damage to the plant.
because of the changes it brings to the landscape.
Answers to Workbook questions

Exercise 1.4 Managing the impact of rock and mineral extraction

Potential use Evaluation
Waste disposal site for Waste management will still provide employment locally. Many countries have a shortage of waste
household waste sites.
But air pollution, smells and risk of disease would increase. There is a potential of pollution to water
sources and the area may still not be suitable to encourage wildlife that lost its habitat when the
extraction started back to the area.
Naturalising the area Encourages the reintroduction of wildlife into the area.
by planting trees and
But this may provide limited future employment as the area will be unsuitable for food production.
sowing wild flower
It will take many years to return to (something like) its original condition.
Conversion of the Provides local employment to support this industry. May prevent countryside from being developed
crater into a race track instead. Race track hidden in the crater, causing less visual and noise pollution.
But the site will be unsightly and not provide a natural habitat for animals and plants.
Flood the crater for A new source of employment to replace the jobs lost by the quarry closing. It will help to meet local
use as a fish farm food needs.
But there is a risk that pollution from the mine could cause water quality issues for the fish. Not all
areas have sufficient water supplies to allow for fish farming.
Develop a shopping An alternative form of employment. Lots more people employed than were employed in the quarry.
centre in the crater Impact of development hidden, so less visual impact. Local area may become affluent.
But: will attract lots of vehicles to the area, impacts on local roads and quality of life. Does not
provide a suitable habitat for organisms displaced when the quarrying started.

2 There are a number of ways in which materials may be the soil fertile. Some elements of the ecosystem may be
disposed of. The most common is spoil heaps. The mining lacking, so tree growth is reduced.
company needs to check for leaching of toxic materials in Lack of food sources for animals: the lack of vegetation may
drainage water to ensure that toxic materials do not enter the mean that herbivores (plant-eating animals) have fewer food
water system and affect animals, plants and humans. Large sources to choose from, and the trees are therefore targeted
piles of waste are also at risk from landslides. Monitoring as food sources far more than would normally be the case.
probes could be set up on the spoil heap to check for any
4 1600 × 0.11 = $176
movement of the material that could preceed a landslide.
5 40% = 0.4
Heavy rain could also cause erosion of the heap. Checks
could be made on a regular basis on the stability of the 1600 × 0.4 = 640 trees will survive
heap, checking in particular for areas prone to erosion. 6 The manager needs to reduce the number of variables so
3 There are a number of reasons for poor and slow growth. that (as far as possible) it is the impact of training that is
These will include the following. measured.
Poor soil structure: trees are planted on waste heaps. Therefore the investigation should include:
The particle sizes of the waste material may restrict the • a comparison of results between untrained and trained
amount of oxygen getting to the tree roots and there may workers
not be natural channels for the roots to penetrate. • as large a sample size as possible (i.e. the number of
Toxins in the soil: although present in low levels, some trees planted per worker)
minerals may be at near toxic levels for trees, slowing • measurement taken of the same species, of similar
down tree growth. size, in the same area, planted in the same way at the
Lack of nutrients: soil has not formed over time and is same time
lacking in key nutrients needed for plant growth. • aftercare should be similar
Shallowness of soil: topsoil has been applied as part of • a review of the results on a regular basis
the restoration process, so there is little soil depth for tree • the use of a standard way of measuring and recording
roots to penetrate. results.
Shortage in soil organisms: the soil ecosystem is very It may also be possible to look at the success rates of trees
complex, and all elements of it work together to make planted by a person before training and after training.
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Exercise 1.5 The sustainable use of rocks Over millions of years, and buried deep in the ground
by the addition of further layers of sediment, the organic
and minerals
material is subjected to high pressure and heat. The
1 precise conditions, and the type of animal and plant
E C L A M A T I O N material available, will determine whether coal, oil or
E X T R A C T natural gas is produced.
C O A L 2 While the decay of organic matter is part of the process,
I E L D the formation of fossil fuels such as coal or oil requires a
great amount of time, significant pressure and heat. These
three factors are not easily available so new fossil fuels will
L E G I S L A T I O N not be formed from this decomposition for many, many
E F F I C I E N T generations.
2 Some metal does not go into waste sites so is missed. 3 Fossil fuels are formed under great pressure. This usually
occurs due to layers of sediment forming on top of
The processing of some materials is too costly and it is still
the organic matter (such as in a river bed). Successive
cheaper to extract from the ground.
layers increase the pressure and will typically turn into
The refining process is not 100% efficient so some metals sedimentary rock over a long length of time.
are wasted.
Some recycled metals are not of a high enough quality to Exercise 2.2 Energy resources
be re-used.
1 Non- renewable energy Renewable energy sources
3 Any three from these.
• additional legislation sources
• improve the availability of waste recycling schemes so Oil Geothermal
it is easier to do Coal Hydroelectric
• improved education on how to use services, etc. Nuclear Wave
6 • ensure products do not used mixed materials or are Natural gas Tidal
labelled clearly Wind
• financial incentives (such as a car scrappage scheme
where people are able to purchase a new car at a lower
price if they arrange for their old car to be scrapped at Biofuels
approved scrapyards, where materials will be recycled
2 Wind turns the blades of the turbine. This kinetic energy
where possible)
is converted into electrical energy within the turbine by
4 Any two from these. electromagnetic induction.
• reduction in employment (in an area where mining is 3 Solar power can also be used to heat hot water, reducing
important) the need for other power sources to perform the same
• impact of noise or pollution in an area where recycling task.
is taking place 4
• impact on the local ecosystem by the opening of a Issue Reason given
recycling facility Economic Loss of land for other economic
uses. Loss of other industries used to
Chapter 2: Energy and the support the production of energy by
non-renewable means.
environment Social Increase in local population as a
result of buildling new scheme brings
Exercise 2.1 Fossil fuels pressure on roads, schools, etc. Need
for more food and water locally.
1 Fossil fuels are not actually made from fossils, but it is
a useful term to describe the amount of time it takes to Environmental Building of the new scheme may
produce them. Fossils fuels are produced from the decay cause deforestation, and loss of
of plants and animals. These remains formed organic habitats locally.
matter that became covered in layers of sediment.
Answers to Workbook questions

Exercise 2.3 The demand for energy Exercise 2.4 Conservation and management of
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energy resources
Increase Remain Decrease
the same 1 Reduce energy consumption
A change in ✓ Use more energy efficient appliances.
employment types Ensure electrical equipment is not left on stand-by mode.
in a country from Reduce energy waste
farming to industrial
Improve insulation of home.
A downturn in the ✓
Use of more energy efficient light bulbs (more light, less heat).
world economy
Re-use energy
Increased average ✓
household wages Use of waste food products for anaerobic digestion.

A warmer than ✓ Use of heat exchanger (to capture excessive heats

expected winter produced by occupants). See the Passivhaus case study
temperature in a in Section 2.4 of the Coursebook.
temperate country 2 a Lighting accounts for 29% of the total energy used.
The building of a ✓ b 16% = 0.16
more affordable car $120 000 × 0.16 = $19 200
in a LEDC c 9% = 0.09
A law meaning ✓ From previous answer, cost of energy to equipment is
power companies $19 200
must use more
$19 200 × 0.09 = $1728
renewable sources
of energy d Answers could include:
An increase in ✓ Heating costs:
population reducing the temperature to which the building is
heated by a small amount
2 a Greatest users of power (per head of population) improving insulation/reducing heat loss through
windows and doors
Rank Country
reducing the temperature when the building is not in use.
1 Qatar
Cooling costs:
2 United Arab Emirates
use natural ventilation rather than air conditioning
3 United States of America
only use air conditioning when the building is in use
Smallest users of power (per head of population) add shading to windows to reduce heat build-up.
Rank Country 3 Many renewable sources (such as solar power or wind
power) are dependent upon suitable environmental
10 Cambodia conditions. There need to be back-up systems for when
11 Bangladesh the wind does not blow or it is dark.
12 Afghanistan 4 Oil (and shale gas) are in decreasing supply and in great
demand. The extraction of fuel by fracking will help meet
b The countries are all LEDCs. Households are using less global demand. In addition, these are complex processes and
electricity than in a MEDC. Industry and transportation result in the development of jobs locally. The investment in
are also less developed so less power is used. this scheme will mean employment for many years to come.
c All three are oil-producing countries so the supply of Fracking is also covered by safeguards from government as
energy is cheaper (and more abundant). They are all part of their licence. To meet these conditions, the risks to
rich countries. Industry and infrastructure are also the local environment are closely controlled.
more developed than in LEDCs.
5 a The student should choose light bulbs that emit the
d 234.92/3.78 = 62 people same light intensity (not the same wattage).
The electricity circuit for each investigation should
be identical (either by using the same circuit or three
identical systems). Each bulb should be tested for the
Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Environmental Management

same duration. The circuit should contain an electricity 6 Method Advantage Disadvantage
meter so that total power consumption can be
recorded. Booms No use of chemicals, Does not work
the oil slick is in rough sea
b Cost of the electricity used by each bulb is only one
contained. conditions. Large
factor in overall cost of use. Others include: cost of
booms needed to
purchasing the bulb; life expectancy of the bulb; the
capture large slicks.
cost of equipment/labour to replace the bulb.
Skimming Does not use Not particularly
Exercise 2.5 Impact of oil pollution chemicals (which effective in rough
might also harm the seas. Oil is not
1 environment). contained and may
still be spreading.
Detergent Disperses oil slicks Detergents may
O F F S H O R E more rapidly than damage marine life.
C R U D E other methods. Can Bioaccumulation
be applied in most (build-up of the
O I L weather conditions. chemical in the
C O L L I S I O N Can be applied over food chain) of the
large areas by aircraft. detergent may occur.
Z E R O Chapter 3: Agriculture and the
Name of the famous oil spill accident: AMOCO CADIZ
8 2 Oil tends to float on the top of water and spreads thinly
Exercise 3.1 The composition of soil
(and widely). A small amount of oil will spread a great 1 Soil is a habitat for plants and other organisms. The
distance. On land, oil does not spread as far. Marine four main components of soil are: mineral particles, the
organisms have difficulty getting sufficient oxygen after organic content, air and water. The proportion of air in
an oil spill as the oil forms a coating on the sea surface. the soil will depend on the size of the pores in the soil and
the amount of water in the soil at any particular time. In
drought conditions, the amount of air will increase and
Exercise 2.6 Management of oil pollution water content decrease. The mineral particles occupy the
1 Graph to include a plot for 2003 at 7800 billion largest volume of the soil and are formed from the parent
tonne-miles. The line should also be completed. rocks by weathering and erosion.
(The result should show a reduction in this year.)
2 Particle Size of particle Texture
2 1974
(mm) (when moist)
3 Transportation reached a peak in around 1977. There was
a sharp decline until around 1985. Since then there has Sand 2.0–0.02 mm gritty
been a gradual increase to around 10 000 billon tonne- Silt 0.02–0.002 mm silky
miles, which is still less than the peak figure of around
Clay <0.002 mm sticky
11 500 billion tonne-miles.
4 The main design change has been the introduction of
double-hulled ships. This means that a hole in the outer 3 The different particles will separate out at different rates.
skin does not mean a release of oil. The largest particles (sand) will fall to the bottom, the silt
particles will fall next, but after such a short length of time
5 The MARPOL treaty did not ban the use of older-style
the smallest particles (clay) are still likely to be suspended
ships, so they were still in use and vulnerable. It is also
in the water. They will take many hours to separate out
hard to police the treaty in the middle of the oceans so
some illegal dumping may occur. The treaty was not
signed by all countries.
Answers to Workbook questions

Exercise 3.2 The components needed Exercise 3.4 Comparing the use and properties
in soil for plant growth of clay and sandy soils
1 1
P H Advantages Disadvantages
O R G A N I C Clay soil f. Larger water c. Risk of getting
holding capacity. waterlogged.
A I R d. Soil goes very
hard when dry.
Sandy soil a. Excess water b. Nutrients leach
drains easily. through the soil
I R O N more easily.
e. Soil is easier to
U N A V A I L A B L E cultivate.
M I N E R A L g. Soil warms up
quicker (as holds
Plant nutrient : Potassium less water).

Exercise 3.3 Understanding the availability and

2 A sandy soil is easier to cultivate and warms up more
effect of soil nutrients rapidly (as it holds less water).
1 Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg) 3 Clay soils are more suited as they will hold more
2 Somewhere around pH 6.5 water (less watering needed in the summer) and
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Plant nutrient Symptoms of deficiency include nutrients available for the crop to produce a heavy yield.
Nitrogen (N) Slow growth, yellowing leaves (oldest 4 The combined total of the clay and silt fractions is 25% 9
first). meaning the soil will be 75% sand; a very high percentage.
Phosphorus (P) Leaves dull with blue-green colour. This will mean that plant roots will be able to penetrate
Leaves fall early. easily, but the water holding capacity will be low. The
particles have a lot of air spaces, so the soil will be easy
Potassium (K) Poor-quality fruits and seeds, leaves
to cultivate but not very stable. Nutrients will be easily
with brown edges.
leached through the soil with the water. The lack of water
Sulfur (S) Yellowing of leaves (youngest first). will mean the soil will warm up quickly too.
Calcium (Ca) Death of plant tissues. Poor fruit 5 a Ensure all seeds are planted at the same time / have the
storage. same amount of time to grow.
Magnesium (Mg) Yellowing of leaves between the leaf Grow in same volume of soil.
veins. Early leaf fall.
Keep all three jars in same light/ temperature.
Iron (Fe) Yellowing of leaves between the veins
Provide all jars with adequate water (so this is not the
(youngest leaves first). Failure to
limiting factor).
Measure total root length at the same point in time.
Copper (Cu) Dark green leaves become twisted
and withered (young leaves first). b Three from:
Use more replicates.
Zinc (Zn) Leaves show poor development, might
only grow to a very small size. Ensure the investigation uses the same variety of
Boron (B) Leaves misshapen and malformed.
Hard ‘woody’ areas in fruits and other Wider investigation with more soybean varieties.
storage organs. Ensure all soils have the same water content at the start
of the experiment.
Ensure soils have the same nutrient content.
Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Environmental Management

Exercise 3.5 Classifying types of agriculture

extensive A farming system which both
production rears livestock and grows

intensive A farming system that

production produces a relatively small
amount from a large area of

arable A farming system that

farming focuses on breeding and
rearing livestock.

pastoral A farming system that

farming produces large amounts
from small areas of land.

mixed A farming system that

farming supplies food for the farmers
and their families.

commercial A farming system that

farming focuses on the production of

subsistence A farming system where the

farming majority of the food is sold
to others.

2 The pressure to increase profit in commercial agriculture

(as is commonly seen in Western countries), has meant a
smaller range of items are produced on a farm. The aim
of a commercial farm is to generate income which can be
used to buy other items, whereas a subsistence farmer is
producing food for their own family.
Maximising profit has also meant farms have often
specialised into arable or pastoral production rather
than mixed farming, as the investment in machines or
equipment required to do mixed farming is very costly.

Exercise 3.6 Improving agricultural yield

1 Three from:
improved efficiency in use of non-renewable resources
to meet the needs of a growing population
excess food is a useful commodity to export, making the
country richer
improving yield means less land is needed for food
production, allowing land to be used for other purposes
(e.g. urbanisation).
Answers to Workbook questions

2 200



Yield / million tonnes





1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

3 Increase in yield since 1950, the maximum yield being 2010. 6 a crop rotation
The increase was initially rapid, but has started to slow Crop rotation reduces the build-up of pest and disease
down. From 1990 to 2000, the yields were nearly identical. problems in a plot as the crop is not available in the
4 In 2000 the weather might not have been as suitable for next season for the pest or disease to continue their life
the rice crop. cycle, so the pest or disease dies out. Some crops also
There could have been an increased incidence of pests/ provide nutrients for future crops (legumes produce
disease. nitrates, useful for future leafy crops). Some crops
require deep cultivation for harvesting, meaning the
(NOTE: This question is related to yield as it is not
land is already suitable for the next crop.
impacted by the area of rice grown.)
b irrigation
5 Calculated by:
yield in 2010 – yield in 1950 Additional water may be required by certain crops to
× 100% complete their life cycle. It is often very important once
yield in 1950
fruit/seeds have been set, as irrigation may increase
Therefore yield. Shortage of water will impact on a plant growing
195 – 55 and may make it susceptible to pest or disease.
× 100%
55 c plant breeding
140 Selective breeding allows farmers to use varieties with
× 100% = 254.5%
55 improved characteristics which impact on yield. This
An increase of 255 % might mean a shorter growing season (so two crops
could be grown in one year), increase in grain/fruit
Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Environmental Management

size, or shorter crops (which are less likely to be blown that are not naturally within the plants, allowing the
over). They may also be more pest resistant, or drought plants to grow in hostile conditions, or to be resistant
tolerant, meaning an improved yield in poor growing to pests. Herbicide resistance may also allow a
conditions. breeder to use these chemicals on the crop. GM may
d pesticides also increase the nutrient value of the harvested crop.
Control of pests and diseases will mean a decrease
in attacks on the plants (increasing yield), ensuring Exercise 3.7 Controlling the growing
a harvest is achieved (where in certain conditions it environment
might not occur) and also reducing the spoilage of
1 Light: managed by use of supplementary lighting or
crops in store.
shading (to cut out light)
e herbicides (weed killers)
Temperature: use of heating pipes to increase
Weeds compete with the crop for water, nutrients and temperature, ventilation will help reduce temperature
light. They may also be a source for pests and diseases.
Nutrients: use of fertilisers on the soil, use of liquid
Controlling weeds will have an impact on all these
nutrients as part of a hydroponic system, monitoring the
nutrients closely by computer.
f mechanisation
Water: use of irrigation systems (often linked to a soil
The use of machines will allow areas to be cultivated moisture sensor), hydroponic systems supply water at all
more efficiently, including, perhaps, areas that it would times.
not be possible to cultivate by hand. Harvesting will
Growing media/soil: soil sterilisation to kill soil-borne
also be more efficient, meaning less crop is wasted.
pests and diseases, analysis of soil structure, use of
g genetic modification artificial growing media such as rockwool
Genetic modification is more than just selective
breeding. It allows the breeder to select characteristics

Exercise 3.8 Impacts on the environment
1 Production input Name of potential problem Definition of the problem
fertilisers eutrophication Leaching of nutrients into rivers and lakes. Nitrates and
phosphates cause blooming (growth) of algae. Their death
causes oxygen depletion by decomposing bacteria. Aquatic
organisms die due to lack of oxygen.

irrigation salinisation The increase in salt levels in the soil. This prevents plants from
absorbing water efficiently through their roots.

pesticides resistance The lack of effectiveness of chemicals to kill plant pests due to
over-use and mutation of the pests.
mechanisation soil compaction Reduction in air spaces in the soil reduces irrigation, and
reduces the oxygen reaching plant roots. Soil organisms also
affected. Overall reduction in fertility.
irrigation soil capping Hard crust forms on the soil surface preventing easy
absorption of water. There is a greater risk of rainwater
running off.
keeping grazing animals overgrazing Reduction in amount of vegetation, loss of plant species, lack of
at high density plant roots causes erosion.
mechanisation deforestation Less natural vegetation (due to need for machines to operate
efficiently). This might cause erosion of the soil as well as
destruction of habitats.
Answers to Workbook questions

Exercise 3.9 Managing soil erosion wind. There are numerous other ways of helping to reduce
erosion. Leaving soil covered with the vegetation from a
1 All continents are affected. Very few areas are described crop, for example, will mean that soil is retained by the roots
as having stable soil. Very degraded soil is mainly in the of the plants. Bare soil increases the risk of erosion. Lack of
Northern hemisphere. Only large patches of stable soil are topsoil may increase the risk of desertification in an area,
in North America and Asia. increasing famine and malnutrition to the local population.
Answer could also name specific regions/ countries. 6 Circled: animal manure, composted plant material, food
2 These areas have been used less for agriculture: the waste, recycled paper, dead leaves
climate does not support it, so they have been left
untouched. Smaller population densities in these areas. Exercise 3.10 Sustainable farming
Still natural forest, etc.
1 C Using processes that allow the use of the same
3 resources for future generations.
Impacts in the • Loss of crop/yield
field 2
• Harder to use mechanisation Issue Explanation
• Loss of topsoil/ damage to soil Pest and Crop plants in a plot change in each
structure disease control growing season, so there is no food
supply for the pest or disease.
Impacts • Silting up of water courses/rivers
downstream Soil cultivation Harvesting a deep-rooted crop means
• Increase risk of flooding / soil is already (part) cultivated for a
mudslides/damage to houses crop that needs deep cultivation.
• Impact on infrastructure Fertiliser use Legumes provide nitrates to the soil
• Leaching of nutrients/ from nitrogen-fixing bacteria in their
contamination of water supplies roots for other crops.
Improved Range of produce grown, providing a
human diet wide range of nutrients and minerals 13
in a person’s diet.
overgrazing overcultivation
Reduction Range of crops grown meaning less of
in crop a glut of one item.

3 Trickle drip irrigation: supplying water directly to the roots

excessive water Soil erosion deforestation of the plant.
Buried clay plot: water added to the clay pot, water seeps
out into the soil as needed to the roots of the plant.
Computer-controlled systems: used in glasshouses.
Probes used to monitor water content of the soil and
plants, irrigating only when necessary.
lack of
wind erosion/ Other techniques such as mulching will also reduce water
lack of shelter
cover loss from a soil.
4 While all fertilisers may cause risk of leaching, organic
5 Farmers need to cultivate land efficiently if they are to fertilisers are often bulky and nutrients need to be broken
maximise its yield. If the techniques used result in the down by other organisms before they are available
loss of the topsoil, fertility is lost. One way in which the to plants. This means the release of nutrients is more
impact of erosion on a steep slope may be reduced is by gradual. The bulky organic matter will also add humus to
terracing. This reduces the speed of the water and allows the soil, improving soil structure and holding more water.
it to infiltrate into the soil. Contour ploughing works on The humus content will also support a wide range of soil
a similar principle, the ridges and troughs following the organisms, helping longer term fertility.
contours of the land. The use of bunds, artificial banks at Bulky organic matter (such as animal manure) is often
the edges of growing spaces, will also help hold back water. available locally (and a waste product), so transportation
Wind erosion may also be reduced by planting natural costs are lower and less waste needs to be disposed of.
vegetation at the edges of fields to act as wind breaks. These 5 There is a great pressure for farmers to increase yield.
act as permeable barriers which reduce the speed of the This has (so far) been met by an increase in efficiency
Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Environmental Management

of traditional systems. The predicted growth in world 3 a and b

population will need a further significant increase in yield.
The use of genetic modification could help achieve this
and reduce the risks posed by an increased use of other
technologies such as further increased use of fertilisers
(which may cause eutrophication) and increased use of
precipitation condensation
pesticides (which could affect food webs and the wider

Genetically modified crops might also have lower inputs

(meaning less transport costs for fertilisers, etc.). Genetic

modification might also mean more nutritious foods,

leading to a reduction in malnutrition, and the ability to
grow crops in poorer soils and more hostile conditions.
The introduction of pest resistance may give higher yields,
as well as less wastage of food whilst being stored.

Chapter 4: Water and its infiltration

management 4 Water in spaces in rocks and the soil.

5 Through-flow is the horizontal movement of water through
Exercise 4.1 The distribution of water on Earth soil.
1 3% is fresh water so 97% is saline. Ground-water flow (base flow) is the horizontal movement
of water through rock.
97% = 0.97
6 It would be expected to increase due to the impermeable
0.97 × 1.4 billion km3 = 1.358 billion km3
surfaces of the roads, paved areas and buildings. This
14 2 Total water on Earth = 1.4 billion km3 means the water could not infiltrate and so would run-off.
Water vapour in Earth’s atmosphere = 13 000 km3
1.4 billion km3 = 1 400 000 000 km3 Exercise 4.3 Why humans need water
Water vapour in Earth’s atmosphere 1 For example
Total water on Earth Industrial: cooling in power stations
13 000 Domestic: washing clothes
= = 9.3 × 10−6 = 0.00093%
1 400 000 000 Other answers are possible.
2 Agree: If the water was not potable due to bacteria in it,
Exercise 4.2 The water cycle these bacteria or other disease-causing organisms would
1 Some rainfall does not reach the ground because it is not be taken up by plants and so would not get into
intercepted by trees and plants. humans who eat the plants.
Some rainfall flows over the surface and ends up in Disagree: If the water is not potable due to having
streams and rivers. This is called surface run-off. poisonous chemicals in it, these may be absorbed
by plants and then get into humans who consume
Some rainfall re-enters the atmosphere in a process called
the plants.
3 0
Some rainfall seeps into the ground, which is called 90 10
infiltration. irrigation 68
80 20
2 The water molecule leaves the ocean by evaporation domestic 7
and enters the atmosphere. Here, water droplets form industry 25
70 30
by condensation. The water droplets make clouds. The 40
droplets may then fall to Earth in precipitation. The 50
water can enter the soil by infiltration and be taken up by
roots of plants. The molecule may then leave the plant
by evaporation, condense into clouds again and fall as
precipitation, this time back into the sea.
Answers to Workbook questions

Exercise 4.4 The main sources of fresh water Exercise 4.7 Water-related diseases
for human use 1 adult female mosquito
1 An aquifer 2 The larvae (young stages) live in water where the female
2 A bank-side reservoir would not contain potable water. lays her eggs. The flooded rice fields provide a highly
A service reservoir would contain potable water. suitable environment for the larvae. The water is more or
less still, which makes it an even better environment for
3 Limestone, sandstone
mosquitoes to breed.
4 Artesian aquifer
3 a spraying inside huts kills the vector, the mosquito
5 Desalination is the name given to any process that removes
b sleeping under nets will stop the vector from biting
salt from seawater to make it potable. Distillation is one of
sleeping humans at night, when the vector is most
the methods by which desalination can be achieved.
6 Distillation uses more energy than reverse osmosis (RO); in
c covering water with oil will kill the larvae, which come
this respect RO is more sustainable. RO is probably more
to the surface of the water to breathe. The larvae won’t
efficient than distillation (Distillation is 10 to 30% efficient,
be able to take air at the surface of the water. Oil would
RO is 30 to 50% efficient). Brine is produced as a waste
also stop females laying eggs in the water.
product in both.
4 Using drugs to kill the Plasmodium parasite.
Exercise 4.5 Availability of safe drinking water 5 The water may contain bacteria that cause disease.
around the world 6 cholera and typhoid

1 The country may be too poor to actually treat the water to

make it safe. It also may be too poor to collect the water in
Exercise 4.8 Disposing of human waste safely
the quantities needed for the population. and delivering potable water to people
2 Physical water scarcity is a situation in which there is not 1 Sewage can harbour disease-causing organisms which
enough water for human needs. may get into humans if the sewage is allowed to mix with
Economic water scarcity is a situation in which there is drinking water. 15
enough water available, but the money does not exist to 2 Sewage is treated to reduce the amount of organic
extract or treat enough of it. material. If this is not done before the sewage is sent to
3 Sanitation refers to keeping dirty water separate from a river, then bacteria will break it down, producing a
drinking water. Water treatment is carried out to turn water biological oxygen demand. To make river water potable,
that is not safe to drink into potable water. it is passed through a water treatment plant. The water
is filtered to remove larger particles. It is disinfected with
4 The percentage without access has gone from 23% to
chlorine to kill bacteria.
only 9%, so it has more than halved, going down by 14%.
This is probably due to a big expenditure of money by
governments, aid agencies and others on water-treatment Exercise 4.9 Pollution of water by industry
facilities in the countries where access was least good in 1 It is likely that the factory was carrying out a process that
2000. caused it to dispose of mercury-contaminated substances
into the river. This did not cause immediate problems
Exercise 4.6 Multipurpose dam projects because, although poisonous, the mercury was initially at
such low levels it did not constitute a problem. Eventually
1 There are benefits to building dams but there are problems
though, due to biomagnification, it reached toxic levels in
too. Cheap electricity should become available when the
fish, causing their death.
dam is built and devastating flooding may be controlled by
the dam. On the other hand, people may lose their homes 2 Eating fish caught from the river may cause mercury
and there may be a rise in the incidence of water-related to build up in the villagers’ bodies to levels at which it
disease. became poisonous to them.
2 It is on a river not long after the river has emerged from
very high mountainous terrain. This means the river will be
fast flowing and thus be an excellent source of the power
needed to drive turbines to generate hydroelectric power.
It is also quite near two large cities, so the electricity
generated can be quite easily taken to where it is needed.
3 hydroelectric power (HEP), flood control, reservoir for
tourist activities
Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Environmental Management

Exercise 4.10 Acid rain in number to occur. Calculate the rate of change in
duckweed plant numbers. This result forms a baseline for
1 2500 each lake.
Now set up the same experiment but with the water from
2000 each lake enriched with nitrate at the same concentration
Sulfur dioxide emissions
/million tonnes per year

for each. Again, count the number of duckweed plants
1500 over a period of time which would be sufficient to show a
significant change in both samples. Calculate the new rate
of change in duckweed numbers. Compare the rates of
change under enrichment with that in un-enriched water.

Chapter 5: Oceans and fisheries


Exercise 5.1 The resource potential of the

2010 2011 2012 2013
Year oceans
1 Products:
2 Industrial goes down, domestic hardly goes down at food in the form of fish and shellfish, etc.
all. An increase in wealth might suggest that industrial
activity would have increased and it would be expected
that sulfur dioxide emissions might also rise. The fact building materials
that it fell suggests that this developed country has taken Services:
steps to limit these emissions. This may include the use of tourism
alternatives to fossil fuels which emit the gas when burnt
for energy production. Another possibility is that strategies
are in place to remove the gas from the emissions. This 2 Seawater contains 35 parts per thousand of salt. This is
might include scrubbers in chimneys and desulfurisation. more than humans can tolerate and it has to be removed
16 from the body. This is done by urination, and more water
3 Sulfur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen dissolve in water in
is excreted than is gained by drinking seawater in the first
the atmosphere to form sulfuric and nitric acid respectively.
4 67 + 19 + 2 + 2 + 6 + 8 + 28 + 16 + 7 = 155 million tonnes
3 The sea is best for transporting very heavy goods where
5 7 there is low urgency for their delivery. The air can transport
6 (155 + 11) – 41 = 125 net amount affecting Sweden relatively light goods very quickly.
11 4 17.8 ÷ 1034.3 × 100 = 1.7 %
so percentage = × 100 = 8.8%
125 5 Coral reefs are found in the tropics both north and south
7 Sweden receives sulfur dioxide and NOx from other of the equator and are particularly concentrated in the
countries but also exports these gases to elsewhere as well. Caribbean, the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean and off the east
coast of Australia.
Exercise 4.11 Eutrophication 6 22 500 ÷ 254 = 88.6 times
1 X nitrate, phosphates 7 Sihwa Lake Tidal Power Station = 293 000 000 ÷ 254 =
US$1.15 million per megawatt.
Y sewage, nitrates, phosphates
The Three Gorges Dam = 37 000 000 000 ÷ 22 500 = US$1.64
Z oxygen
million per megawatt.
2 The weir serves to stir the water, which helps to dissolve
So, the Three Gorges costs US$0.49 per megawatt more
oxygen in it, which leads to fish returning.
than the Sihwa Lake Tidal Power Station.
3 Sugar waste will not stimulate algal growth.
The algae do not use up oxygen. They actually produce it. Exercise 5.2 World fisheries
It is the decomposition of the dead algae which uses up
oxygen. 1 Protein
4 Take equal volumes of water from each lake. Place 2 All fish rely either indirectly or directly on plants or plant-
these in as suitable container. Add to each container like organisms for their food. Most rely on tiny microscopic
a known number of duckweed plants. Place the two green algae called phytoplankton. These organisms can
containers under the same source of light and at the same make food in photosynthesis using energy from sunlight.
temperature. Count the number of duckweed plants However, sunlight cannot penetrate very deep into water.
over a period of a few days, enough to allow a change So phytoplankton are most abundant in shallow water.
Answers to Workbook questions

In addition to light, carbon dioxide and water, phytoplankton with all the different species that they eat. In addition,
need some minerals. These tend to sink to the bottom of many carnivorous fish change their feeding habits as
the sea and so are not available in the surface water where they age. This makes providing them with food even
there is light. In some regions, though, upwelling brings more difficult.
the minerals to the surface. So in the shallow waters with
upwelling, phytoplankton have everything they need. The Exercise 5.4 Strategies for managing the
fish which feed on the phytoplankton, and the fish which feed
harvesting of marine species
on fish which feed on phytoplankton, are also found here.
3 Carbon dioxide is very soluble in water. 1 If the mesh size is large then small, juvenile fish can escape
through the larger mesh. This means that the number of
4 Continental shelf
fish available to grow to adult size and then reproduce is
5 Although there is a large continental shelf region on both increased.
sides of India, because there are warm currents there is
2 Sustainability is any strategy to use a resource in a way
not much upwelling and so phytoplankton numbers are
that ensures the possibility of its continued use in the
limited by a lack of minerals.
future. Allowing juvenile, non-reproductive, fish to grow to
6 adult size ensures that fishing can continue in the future
but also carry on in the present.
12 000
3 A quota is a limit on the amount and type of fish that can
be caught. It is usually backed by the law and patrolled by
10 000 some kind of government organisation who have the right
Fish catch/tonnes × 1000

to board vessels and inspect the fish catch.

8 000 4 Governments try to protect fish stocks by setting limits
on the numbers caught, called a quota. Another strategy
6 000 involves closing the fishery down for part of the year.
This is referred to as a closed season. Finally, fishermen
can be prevented from operating in certain areas, called
4 000 protected areas, which are often the main breeding area 17
for the fish.
2 000 5 No matter how potentially useful a strategy might be, it
is only as good as how well it is enforced and respected.
0 Because, for many people, fish are their main source of
1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 food and income, the incentive to ignore or avoid laws
Year is great. Worldwide, there are millions of fishermen and
a very much smaller number of people trying to control
7 It could have been that there was a very significant El them. It is not difficult to fish in areas which should not be
Niño around that time. An alternative explanation is that fished, to catch fish which are smaller than the limit that
there was a very much increased fishing effort that year. has been set, and to under declare the size of catch.
The latter explanation seems unlikely as this would need
6 a The survey will have to be done using a sampling
a major investment in equipment and personnel, which
method. Since the sea cucumber is a slow-moving,
would still be around in subsequent years. So El Niño
bottom-living animal, quadrats would be a suitable
seems the more likely explanation.
sampling method. The quadrats chosen would need
to be of a suitable size which depends on the size of
Exercise 5.3 Exploitation of the oceans: impact the sea cucumbers and their density on the seabed.
on fisheries Quadrats should be positioned randomly on the
seabed. Laying out a grid in the area to be sampled
1 Fish which are the wrong size, sex or species.
and choosing quadrat positions with random number
2 Difference in weight = 5.1 – 3.2 = 1.9 tables could do this. The data required is numbers
Percentage difference in weight = 1.9 ÷ 5.1 × 100 = 37.3% of sea cucumbers in a defined area. The quadrat
3 An increase in demand for fish. constitutes a defined area and so numbers within
this simply need to be recorded. A suitable number of
The use of bigger boats.
quadrats would need to be used to get a representative
The use of bigger nets. sample. The location and date of all samples would
4 The main food fish from the sea are carnivorous species. need to be recorded.
This means that they are part of complex food webs and b The largest decrease occurred in 2002: 0.21 sea
it is difficult for humans (as fish farmers) to supply them cucumbers m–2.
Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Environmental Management

c Every year in the graph shows the same pattern of 5 oceanic

fewer sea cucumbers after the fishing season than 6 oceanic trench
before. This is not surprising, as the sea cucumber
7 composite
population probably would not have had time to
recover from the fishing. Every year also shows the
same pattern of an increase in sea cucumber numbers Exercise 6.2 Comparing natural hazards,
between the end of fishing and the beginning of the focusing on volcanoes
next fishing season. 1 In each case, you need to divide the number of deaths by
d There appear to be two trends. There is a general rise remove 663 080 and multiply the result by 100 to find the
in sea cucumber numbers between 1999 and 2002 and percentage you need for the final column.
then a fall in numbers between 2002 and 2005.
Natural Number of % of deaths from
e The tanks are of different sizes and the description does
disaster type deaths 2005 selected natural
not say how many young sea cucumbers were placed in
to 2015 disasters 2005 to
the tank at the start of the experiment. It is important
that the initial density of young sea cucumbers is the
same in both tanks at the beginning. It would be best Earthquakes 411 090 62
to have tanks of the same size with the same number Volcanoes 463 0.1
of young sea cucumbers placed in each. Another factor Tropical Storms 170 251 26
which varies between the two tanks as shown is the
Floods 60 855 9
flow rate of seawater. When the tanks are the same size,
the inlet and outlet pipes should also be the same size Droughts 20 421 3
to ensure equal flow. The description does not state
how much food was placed in each of the tanks. The
best way to control this variable will be to provide the
same mass of food in each tank. The experiment has
Percentage of deaths from selected

not been repeated, so another suggestion would be to 50

natural disasters 2005-2015

18 have at least three replicates of both tanks, six tanks in

all. It might also be sensible to have a look at a wider 40
range of diets than just two. Finally, the experiment
does not have a control which would be best done by
having a tank in which the young sea cucumbers were
given no food but had to rely on that in the seawater
flowing through the tank. 20
f Both show an increase in mass over the 45 days of the
experiment. The increase in mass of the sea cucumbers 10
fed on shrimp starter as a food starts straightaway
whereas over the first 15 days those fed on chicken
manure showed no mass gain at all. The growth rate 1 2 3 4 5
from day 15 to day 30 is the same in both sets of sea Selected natural disasters
cucumbers. But after 30 days those fed on shrimp starter 3 Only some volcanic eruptions are violent.
as a food grew faster than those fed on chicken manure
again. These differences in growth rate meant that after Volcanoes can give out warning signs, for example, ash
45 days, sea cucumbers fed on shrimp starter as a food and gas, small tremors, bulges.
were over twice as heavy as those that were fed on People have time to prepare with volcanoes.
chicken manure. People have time to evacuate with volcanoes.
Some volcanoes are monitored for possible eruptions.
Chapter 6: Managing natural
Exercise 6.1 Definitions
1 lithosphere
2 destructive
3 fold mountains
4 basaltic
Answers to Workbook questions

4 8 Regions: Central and South America and Asia

shield volcano
Eurasian Reasons: More composite volcanoes because of
mid ocean
Plate destructive plate boundaries.
North American Plate (oceanic)
(oceanic) ridge The eruptions are unpredictable and violent.
ocean Higher population density.
Many people are subsistence farmers and farm near
volcanoes because of fertile soil.
Climate – monsoon rains can trigger lahars.
of plate Less money to spend on prediction and responses so
more deaths from injuries, starvation, disease and lack of
convection current
mantle clean water.
Primary cause of death Number of deaths
lahars 28 110
South American plate fold mountain pyroclastic flows 8466
(continenlae plate) (Ancles)
Nazca plate (oceanic plate) gas 1700
ocean trench
composite ashfall 300
10 Four from:
rising Lack of clean water.
Lack of food as crops and livestock destroyed.
mantle subduction
zone Lack of suitable shelter.
direction of plate movement Transport disruption.
Livelihoods lost. 19
6 A = ash cloud 11 Strategies can include: prediction, preparation, dealing
with the event, responses after the event.
B = crater
12 Population density in affected areas.
C= vent
Jobs in farming.
D = magma chamber
1% 0.5% Idea of prediction – lasers, monitoring gases, movement of
7 5%
6.5% magma.
Idea of preparation – early warning systems.
Perception of danger – awareness, education.
Type of eruption- explosive and non-explosive.
29% 58% Type of magma – thick, sticky = more violent basaltic =
gentle eruption.
MEDC or LEDC – ability to react.
13 Family or friends live there or they have always lived there
and don’t want to move.
Key Impossible to move away due to lack of money.
South and Central America
Don’t perceive any danger as volcano hasn’t erupted for a
Asia long time or they don’t think it will happen to them.
Oceania Lack of space due to population pressure.
Africa Jobs in tourism such as souvenir seller or guide.
Fertile soils are created which produce high crop yields.
North America
Scenery can be spectacular and is worth the risk of staying.
Geothermal power can supply a cheap form of power.
Mining minerals such as sulfur, diamonds and gold.
Symbolic or religious icon.
Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Environmental Management

Exercise 6.3 Flooding and management 12 The floods may deposit fertile silt.
strategies Water washes away sewage.
Can flood the land when you need it to grow rice.
1 floodplain
Opportunity to build better house.
2 impermeable
Flood defences built.
3 afforestation
13 Hard engineering strategies are structures that are
4 infiltration
constructed to try to control the river. Examples of hard
5 interception engineering are dams and flood walls. Soft engineering
6 Flooding is when the discharge of a river exceeds the works with the river and its drainage basin and uses
capacity of the river’s channel. When this occurs the river natural processes. Examples include afforestation and
overflows the banks and covers the adjacent floodplain. land use zoning.
7 Links should be as follows. 14 Answers can be yes or no.
deforestation If trees are removed there is less Yes – Strategies can be long lasting and effective in a
interception and infiltration. short period of time after construction. Schemes such as
previous weather The more saturated the soil the less dams are multipurpose, for example, fishing, tourism and
infiltration can take place. electricity. Levees can be used for transport routes. People
rock type Impermeable rock leads to greater may ignore warnings and not evacuate.
overland flow. No – Expensive and not sustainable. Often construction
relief Steeper gradients lead to faster relies on aid. Visual pollution and reservoirs behind
overland flow. dams may displace people or flood farmland and wildlife
habitats. Eventually the reservoirs will silt up and reduce
heavy rainfall The infiltration capacity is quickly deposition of silt on farmland. Money would be better
exceeded and overland flow takes spent on flood warnings, evacuation procedures, for
place. example, flood shelters, improving infrastructure. Soft
urbanisation Concrete and tarmac are engineering strategies may be more appropriate to the
impermeable and lead to more skills of local people and encourage wildlife.
overland flow.
8 Very heavy rain Exercise 6.4 The impacts of drought
9 Lack of interception. 1 280
Lack of leaf litter which slows the movement of water into 260
the soil.
No trees to absorb soil moisture.
Mean monthly precipitation (mm)

Mean monthly temperature (°C)

Ground becomes hard and compact leading to an increase 200 20
in overland flow.
180 18
More sediment is washed into the river channels reducing
160 16
140 14
10 Deaths much higher in Malawi. 276 died in Malawi
120 12
compared to 19 in France.
100 10
11 Effects are usually longer lasting and more severe in
an LEDC compared to an MEDC because of the lack of 80 8
financial resources to deal with a flood before, during and 60 6
after an event. LEDC more dependent on aid for recovery. 40 4
MEDC can afford better flood defences and are likely to 20 2
have better flood warnings. 0
People can be evacuated when warnings are given.
Population may be more dense in an LEDC. 2 1065 mm
In an LEDC more people depend on farming as a 3 3°C
livelihood. Loss of crops and livestock can lead to food
shortages and force migration. 4 November to December – lowest amount of precipitation
for crops and livestock
Diseases can spread more quickly in an LEDC due to
inadequate medical facilities and infrastructure.
Answers to Workbook questions

5 a Comparison – failure of spring rains in Ethiopia and lack power so people can cook and rebuild. Provide people
of rain in California between 2011 and 2015. with fresh water. Finding and burying bodies to reduce
Contrast – In Ethiopia the drought was made worse by spread of disease.
El Niño and in California higher temperatures resulted 10 Same information recorded, gives a representative sample
in a lack of snowmelt. 11 Selected at random or systematically, specific location for
b In Ethiopia crop and animal loss can lead to a fixed time, only one person per household, from list such
malnutrition and deaths. People are forced to sell as phonebook, suitable age range for respondent
off livestock and migrate. They are dependent on 12 35,2
emergency food aid.
13 Didn’t want to leave property and possessions, didn’t hear
In California the loss of crops is reported as a financial warnings, fear of possessions being stolen, didn’t think
loss. No lives are in danger and some of the impacts impact would be too severe, elderly relatives can’t move
are on non-essential activities such as golf courses.
14 How old are you? Are you male or female? What features
Solutions are water restrictions and desalination plants.
in the area do you consider vulnerable in the event of a
6 Groundwater supply water pump, rain water storage tank, typhoon? Etc.
percolation ponds, buildings of bunds, afforestation, etc.
15 Stay indoors away from windows and glass doors – avoid
injury from broken glass caused by strong winds
Exercise 6.5 The impacts of tropical cyclones Ensure a water supply – fill large containers- a supply of clean
1 Tropical cyclones are low pressure weather systems that water to reduce risk of water contamination and disease
produce winds of 119 km per hour or greater. They develop Listen to the radio or watch tv- to prepare to evacuate
in the tropics between the latitudes 15°to 30°
Store enough food to last for a few days- avoid hunger as
north or south of the equator where the surface ocean
crops/livestock destroyed and infrastructure for supplies
temperatures are greater than 27 °C. In the northern
hemisphere the winds rotate around an area of calm called
the eye in a direction that is counter-clockwise. Tropical 16 Ideas could be poverty and wealth, degree of
cyclones are called typhoons if they form over the north preparedness, level of technology, disaster relief,
west Pacific Ocean. improved forecasting, structure of buildings,efficiency and 21
organisation of the authorities, level of technology.
2 Ocean location where sea warms up to at least 27°C.
Ocean depth of at least 60m. Rising air currents
leading to condensation of water vapour. Formation of Exercise 6.6 A review of natural hazards
cumulonimbus clouds and area of deep low pressure. Across
3 February, August 1 tsunami
4 20.3% 6 lahar
5 July to October 7 lithosphere
6 Twenty tropical storms on average hit the Philippine 8 aid
islands each year. Typhoon Lando started as a tropical 9 storm surge
storm in the Philippine Sea and moved in an westerly 12 epicentre
direction. It became a typhoon on the 16th October with
14 core
wind speeds of 119-165 kms per hour but passed over the
Philippines slowly, north of the city of Manila, across the 15 basalt
island of Luzon. Over 300 mm of rain fell across the island 16 fold
over 2 days. The monthly average is usually 182 mm.The 17 constructive
typhoon then moved north and was downgraded to a Down
tropical storm on 19th October.
1 tropical storm
7 Typhoons happen frequently (on average twenty a year), 2 subduction
authorities had advance warning of typhoon, country is
3 levee
very vulnerable to the effects of typhoons, closest land
area to the source region. 4 liquefaction
8 Dangers of flooding from storm surge, heavy rain leading 5 earthquake
to flash flooding. Mudslides in the mountains. Houses 10 shield
destroyed, people drowned. 11 eye
9 Providing people with food as crops destroyed.Rebuilding 13 typhoon
transport routes for emergency aid. Restoring electricity
Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Environmental Management

Chapter 7:  The atmosphere Exercise 7.2 Global climate change

and human activities 1 Radiation from the Sun is called short-wave radiation.
Almost half of this radiation is absorbed by the Earth’s
Exercise 7.1 The structure and composition surface and makes the Earth warmer. Long-wave
of the atmosphere radiation is emitted by the Earth. This radiation is
1 absorbed by greenhouses gases such as carbon dioxide
and the atmosphere heats up.
2 There is a positive correlation. As carbon dioxide
mesopause emissions increase, so do average surface temperatures.
In 1980 carbon dioxide emissions were about 315 ppm and
Altitude (km)

the temperature anomaly was –0.10°C. By 2013, carbon

dioxide emissions were 395 ppm and the temperature
stratopause anomaly was 0.65°C.( A positive correlation does not
stratosphere ‘prove’ a causal relationship between the two variables –
temperature though most scientists agree that there is one here)
tropopause 3 Seasonal changes of photosynthesis, respiration rates and
4 Increase in carbon dioxide can lead to increase in
temperature because of increased absorption by carbon
Temperature (°C) and pressure dioxide of the long-wave or infrared radiation that is
emitted from the Earth.
5 100%
90% 10%
Statement Letter
This gas is used by plants in photosynthesis. B
80% 20%
Ultraviolet radiation is absorbed by this gas. D
The most abundant gas in the atmosphere and E
a product of volcanic eruptions.
70% 30%
This gas is produced by photosynthesis and is A
used in respiration.
Keeping cattle can increase the level of this gas. I
60% 40%
3 Pollutants Smog Photo- Acid Ozone Global 50%
chemical rain depletion climate key
smog change
Electricity generation
Chlorine from ✓
CFCs Transport
Sulfur dioxide ✓
and nitrogen Industry
Carbon ✓
dioxide, Residential
ozone, CFCs, Others
Nitrogen oxide, ✓ 6 transport and electricity generation
tropospheric 7 methane, nitrous oxides
ozone, VOCs
PM10 ✓
Answers to Workbook questions

 8 20 defences against coastal erosion and rising sea levels.

Disappearance of glaciers and ice sheets could reduce
18 water supply (and affect the skiing industry of a country).
Impacts of tropical cyclones would be more frequent and
United States
of America intense. Countries at a low level of economic development
16 find it harder to cope with such problems as they lack the
necessary financial resources.
Carbon emissions per capita (tCO2)

14 14 Your answer should focus on the various international

conferences such as the Rio Earth Summit, Kyoto Protocol,
12 Paris Climate Conference, etc. You will not get any credit
for mentioning Montreal Protocol.
Exercise 7.3 Ozone depletion
8 1 Thinning of the ozone layer leading to depletion over a
China large area, especially over Antarctica. The natural seasonal
United Kingdom thinning was made worse by certain human activities.
2 An upward trend with fluctuations.
3 CFCs
4 Use in aerosol sprays, fire extinguishers, air conditioning,
refrigerators, etc.
2 India
5 CFCs are broken down by UV radiation and chlorine is released.
Bangladesh Chlorine reacts with ozone, depleting the ozone layer.
6 Increased ultraviolet radiation can lead to sunburn,
1994 1998 2002 2006 2010 2014
cancers (skin), retina damage, cataracts, leaf damage,
plankton damage, reduced immunity.
9 LEDCs on the graph have lower values than MEDCs. For 23
7 Montreal Protocol (1987) reduced or banned use of
example, in 1994, India had 0.9 tonnes CO2 per person
CFCs. Alternative materials and processes used, e.g.
compared to USA with 19.4 tonnes CO2 per person. MEDCs
pump action sprays. More responsible waste disposal or
values are declining, LEDCs are increasing.
recycling, e.g. draining CFCs from refrigerators.
10 8 12
8 CFCs stay in the atmosphere for 1000 years.
11 3
12 LEDCs increasing industrial development, increasing Exercise 7.4 The causes, impacts
population and burning of fossil fuels for cooking. In LEDCs and management of smog
there is less investment in non-renewable fuels than in 1 Smog covered Malaysia, Singapore and the Indonesian
MEDCs. There is more car ownership in LEDCs. MEDCs islands of Sumatra and Kalimantan. The densest areas
have tighter controls on emissions than LEDCs. were to the west of Sumatra and southern Kalimantan.
13 Low-lying countries are likely to flooded and, if the 2 1.3 million km²
country is densely populated, people and resources
3 North/North East because of the direction of the prevailing
will be affected. This could lead to forced migration into
cities and the resulting problems of overpopulation.
Malnutrition and famine may occur as land and crops are 4 Forest fires in Sumatra and Kalimantan
flooded. Some MEDCs may have to spend money on extra
Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Environmental Management

Maximun PSI
300 Minimum PSI



22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
September October
350 hazardous
very unhealthy


Maximun PSI
Minimum PSI

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
September October
24 7 1 day how to protect themselves during a smog event, e.g. face
8 4 days masks or to stay indoors and avoid strenuous activity.
9 8 October as PSI values start to fall
14 D C B E A
10 27 September – pollution levels may have dropped because
of a change in the wind direction or a thunderstorm and rain 15 Random sampling (using a random number table) or
11 Four from: stratified sampling (along a transect)
health problems – breathing difficulties, eye irritation, 16 To collect enough particles. Easy to collect the next day.
asthma attacks Allows easy comparison of sites.
traffic disruption – flights cancelled, poor visibility on the roads 17 One from:
financial impact – reduction in tourism, loss of crop The size of sticky tape squares. The height above ground
productivity and trade level. Same type of sticky tape.
schools closed 18 Fewer sites. Not representative of the whole town. Only
cancellation of major sport events. one recording time.
12 More car ownership as people need cars/road transport.
As cities get larger, there is a greater distance to travel. 19 More sites. Covers more of the town. Larger quantity of
Increasing affluence so people can afford cars. Weak data. Covers more time.
enforcement of air pollution laws. In some urban areas in 20 Ideas could include traffic count, wind speed, land use.
LEDCs, increasing size of population and cooking using
air-polluting fuels such as charcoal or wood. Exercise 7.5 The causes, impacts and
13 Forest fires: deployment of 21 000 troops, cloud seeding management of acid rain
and helicopters water bombed. Retention basins for water.
Farmers provided with assistance to pursue alternative 1 Volcanic eruptions
practices of forest management. An on-line land registry to 2 Power generation
identify those responsible for starting the fires, companies 3 32%
encouraged to sign zero deforestation pledges. The
Singapore government fined companies up to $1.6 million if
guilty of causing the smog. The government also established
a smog early warning system via mobile apps and the
internet and has an education programme so people know
Answers to Workbook questions

4 Transport


0 20 40 60 80 100 Power generation



5 1 2 3 4
fossil fuels gases mix with
sulfur dioxide water vapour
burnt in
and nitrogen dry deposition and oxygen in
power stations
oxides released the atmosphere
and transport

5 6 7 8

weak solutions blown by wind

of nitric and falls to earth wet deposition
over large as acid rain
sulfuric acids distances

6 2.5 Exercise 7.6 A review of atmospheric pollution

7 Yes. When pH values are low there is a low number
of fish species (pH 4 = 7 fish species) whereas as the
value increases the number of species increases 1 smog
(pH 7= 297). At pH 8 the number of species start to 3 photochemical
decrease again. 5 carbon dioxide
8 for example, weight of fish, length of fish 8 troposphere
9 crop yields decline, foliage on vegetation destroyed, 9 primary
acidification of groundwater damages tree roots, calcium
leached out of soil leading to mineral deficiency 11 acid rain
10 In 1985 high concentration in northeast USA, less on west 12 mesopause
coast, clusters around urban areas. 13 volatile organic compounds
In 2014 concentration levels fallen, higher levels in mid- 14 chlorofluorocarbons
west compared to1985. Less in south east, higher around 15 sulfur dioxide
some urban areas.
11 Renewable energy, legislation, monitoring, flue gas
desulfurisation, public transport policies, car sharing, 1 stratosphere
walking, fitting catalytic converters 2 gravity
12 Strategies need money and equipment: these are 4 temperature inversion
not always available in LEDCs. LEDCs want to
6 recycle
industrialise. As standard of living increases in LEDCs,
more energy is used, for example, increase in car 7 shortwave
ownership in LEDCs. Renewable energy is expensive 10 ozone
for LEDCs. There is more monitoring in MEDCs and
policies adhered to.
Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Environmental Management

Chapter 8:  Human population ii Answer will depend on answer to first part but
about 35 years.
Exercise 8.1 Changes in population size d Low: will not double
1 A pair of animals, male and female, is introduced into Medium: will not double
an area. They produce four young, two males and two
High: 75 years
females. The parents die after 1 year. The population will
now number 4. If these four young produce four young e It could be improved medical treatment and improved
for each pair, and then die, the population will be 8 after 2 sanitation.
years. If the pattern repeats itself, the population will be 6 Population Birth rate Death rate Increase / Increase /
64 after 5 years, 512 after 8 years and 2048 after 10 years.
per year per year decrease decrease
2 3500 per year percentage
1 000 000 10 000 5000 Increase Increase
3000 by 5000 by 0.5%
per year
10 000 000 50 000 30 000 Increase Increase
by 20 000by 20 000 /
per year 10 000 000
2000 = 0.2 %

5 000 000 80 000 60 000 Increase Increase

1500 by 20 000 by 20 000 /
per year 5 000 000 =
0.4 %
20 000 000 150 000 100 000 Increase Increase by
by 50 000 0.25 %
per year
26 15 000 000 100 000 115 000 Decrease Decrease
0 by 15 000 by 0.1 %
2 4 6 8 10 12
7 a Push Pull
3 exponential A Not enough jobs B Attractive climate
4 3500 C Poor medical care E Better educational

3000 D Desertification F More services and
2500 G Drought H Better job
2000 J High levels of pollution I Political freedom

K Poor housing
1500 L War

b Push, as rural poverty is often very severe in such
500 An argument could be made for pull too.
8 Loss of employment in river fishing and farming is a push
0 factor. It is unlikely that things will get any better as silt
2 4 6 8 10 12 deposits are no longer happening and the soils are being
Time/years damaged by salt.  Firewood collection is unsustainable. 
5 a 60 There will also be pull factors as cities can always offer
b 1 billion things which rural environments cannot.

c i 2 billion in 1930, 4 billion in 1975,

Answers to Workbook questions

9 a b >d

b 350


Population size





1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020

c By making counts of the birds in flight on migration. By 100

counting nests and birds in Canada.
d The 2000s Growth rate /% maximum rate
e Increase is 329 – 22 birds = 307 over 75 years so rate is
307 ÷ 75 = 4.09 birds/year -1. 60 27
10 a The strength of the solutions made up are not
specified. Detailed instructions as to what mass or 40
volume of the disinfectant should be added to plain
water need to be given. In addition, no range of
concentrations to be used has been specified. The 20
size of the drop of the algal suspension added to each
concentration of disinfectant is not specified. A specific 0
volume needs to be suggested and this same volume 0 10 20 30 40 50
should be added to all the concentrations. Concentration of detergent /AU
There is no mention of control variables, for example
temperature, and how it would be maintained at Exercise 8.2 Human population distribution
a constant value throughout the experiment. This and density
could be done by placing the cultures in each of the
disinfectant concentrations in an incubator held at a 1 The highest populations are in the South-East of Asia.
constant temperature. The value of temperature should There are very few people in far North and far South.
be suggested. Western Asia and Europe also have very high populations.
b The overall trend is that as more disinfectant is added, 2 Density = 203 657 210 ÷ 8 520 000 = 23.9 people per km2
algae grow less well. The effect is quite small at low 3 Density of Bangladesh = 160 411 249 ÷ 147 570 = 1087
concentrations of less than 5 AU. Between 5 and 10 AU people per km2
algal growth is almost entirely stopped. Above 20 AU so Bangladesh is 1087 ÷ 23.9 = 45.5 times that of Brazil.
there is no growth at all.
c Populations are reduced by over 10% at a
concentration above 2AU so the maximum limit would
be <2AU.
Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Environmental Management

4 Province Area (km2) Population Density 3 People tend to have more children when death rates are
(people/km2) high because the children act as an insurance policy and a
pension for the parents, so it is vital that some survive until
Heredia 2 657 433 677 163.2 adulthood to perform this role.
Cartago 3 124 490 903 157.1 4 If the population of a country is declining, then a ­
San José 4 966 1 404 242 282.8 pro-natalist policy would make sense.
Limón 9 189 386 862 42.1 5 In MEDCs there is a high standard of living. Rather than
Alajuela 9 757 885 571 90.8 children providing support in later life, their upbringing and
education cost a lot of money. The state tends to provide
Guanacaste 10 141 354 154 34.9
support in later life with pensions and other measures, thus
Puntarenas 11 266 410 929 36.5 reducing the incentive to have many children.
The highest density is that of San José and the lowest
Guanacaste. Chapter 9:  Natural ecosystems
Exercise 8.3 Population structure and human activity
1 a b
Exercise 9.1 The ecosystem
1 ecosystem: all the living things (biotic components)
together with all the non-living things (abiotic
components) in an area. These biotic and abiotic
components interact with each other.
population: the total number of all individuals of the
same species in an area.
LEDC MEDC community: all the species characteristic of a particular
2 The United States has a very large number of older people
28 over 70 whereas Kenya has only very few, about one fifth habitat: the place where the population of the organism
that of the USA, as a percentage. Over 20% of the Kenyan lives, finds food and reproduces.
population is under 5; in USA it is only 8%. niche: the role of a species within the ecosystem.
3 The dependents are the individuals who are either too 2 Examples are:
young to be economically active, or too old. Others who biotic: oak tree and deer
may be in the economically active age range may be ill or
abiotic: light intensity and humidity
in some other way unable to be active.
3 2  5  8  11
4 A population pyramid shows the age and gender structure
of a population. A pyramid of numbers shows the 4 food chain
number of organisms at each trophic (feeding) level in an 5 pyramid of numbers
ecosystem. 6 food web
5 a 13.7 million 7 oystercatcher
b Number = 6.2 million; so percentage = 6.2 ÷ 128 × 100 =

Exercise 8.4  Managing human populations

dog whelks starfish
1 An educated woman is more likely to have a career, which
means that they are likely to have fewer children.
Both women and men may better understand the
consequences for themselves and society of having many
children. barnacles mussels

Education tends to lead to later marriage and thus fewer

2 Family planning covers all the ways in which people and
authorities think about how many children to have and plankton
when to have them. Contraception is one aspect of family
planning. It involves techniques to prevent the conception
of a baby.
Answers to Workbook questions

8 15 Carbon cycle
carbon dioxide
respiration photosynthesis

glucose glucose

1 000 020

breakdown of
starch starch manufacture of
9 The primary producers are plankton. These occur in starch
millions and are microscopic.
10 photosynthesis 16 a In photosynthesis, carbon dioxide and water are
11 The components listed allow the plant to make only combined to make glucose and oxygen. In respiration,
carbohydrates. The plant also needs proteins, for which it glucose is broken down in the presence of oxygen to
needs nitrogen and sulfur, and other compounds such as form carbon dioxide and water.
chlorophyll, for which magnesium is needed. b In photosynthesis, the energy used to combine
12 a  pollination, b competition, c predation carbon dioxide and water comes from visible light. In
respiration, the energy is released from glucose in the
13 It absorbs light energy, which causes carbon dioxide and
form of chemical energy and heat energy.
water to react together to make sugars.
17 Competition is defined as a process in nature when two
14 Organism Mass of Energy Total energy in organisms require the same resource which is in limited
one content area / kJ supply. In this case water and oxygen are both needed, but
specimen / kJ per are not likely to be limited in a fast-flowing stream. So the two
gram animal species will most likely be in competition for food.
barnacle 50 mg 6 0.05 × 6 ×
1 000 000 Exercise 9.2  Estimating biodiversity in 29
= 300 000 kJ ecosystems
mussel 10 g 7 10 × 7 × 20 1 A transect line should be laid out at right angles to the ant
trail. Quadrats can then be laid out on this line at regular
= 1 400 kJ
intervals. The size of the quadrat would need to be chosen
dog whelk 5g 5 5 × 5 × 100 and this would depend on the size of the trail, which is not
= 2 500 kJ known. The quadrats can be used to estimate the number
of plants at each point or their percentage cover. This
starfish 0.5 kg 8 500 × 8 × 3
information could be recorded for each quadrat and then
= 12 000 kJ presented as a bar chart with quadrat position along the
oystercatcher 0.5 kg 10 500 × 10 × 1 bottom and percentage cover or numbers up the side for
each plant species.
= 5 000 kJ
2 Biodiversity refers to the range and number of species and
primary consumers (barnacles and mussels) ecosystems within an area. It also refers to the genetic
= 301 400kJ variety within species.
secondary consumers = (dog whelks and starfish) 3 If one area of vegetation subject to treatment A was to
= 14 500 kJ be compared with another area subjected to treatment
B, random number tables could be used to provide
tertiary consumer = oystercatcher = 5 000 kJ
coordinates to locate quadrats in each area.
5 000
4 a-B
14 500
301 400
5 A grid could be set up to isolate the meadow area within
the trees. Quadrats can then be placed, using random
number tables to find coordinates in the grid where the
quadrats will be placed.
Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Environmental Management

6 a The transect at position A runs through vegetation 3 To provide agricultural land, to provide land to build on.
which is all the same because it is at the same distance Wetlands are also drained to reduce the incidence of
from the forest. Transect at position B runs from the diseases caused by vectors which breed in water, such as
area furthest from the forest into the forest edge. This malaria, where the vector is the mosquito.
means that B will give a much better idea of the effect 4 Various forms of pollution, including leached pesticides,
of forest removal on biodiversity. may lead to the destruction of organisms within a wetland
b From the map, the transect at B is 240 m long so and, ultimately, the habitat itself.
12 quadrats would be needed to have one every 20 m. 5 1 290 000 ÷ 8 000 000 × 100 % = 16.12 %
c Species A is abundant, species B and C are frequent
and species D is occasional. 6

d Species A appears in 76 squares, species B appears small-scale

in 26 squares, species C appears in 33 squares and agriculture
species D appears in 16 squares.
cattle ranching
Using another method, where the square is only counted
crop farming
if the species covers half or more of it, species A is found in
59 squares, Species B is in 15 squares, species C is in
roads, dams,
23 squares and species D is in 6 squares. towns, mining
You may have done this exercise in a different way.
Quadrat number 1 2 3 4 5
Distance from start / m 0 20 40 60 80
7 Agricultural practices are small-scale subsistence agriculture,
33%, cattle ranching, 60%, crop farming, 1%.
Species So total affected = 33 + 60 + 1 = 94%
B 8 Genetic diversity may lead to the production of chemicals
Species that may have uses for humans, such as those used in
C medicines or those used as pesticides.
D Exercise 9.4  The causes and impacts
Species of deforestation
1 For making products such as furniture. For making paper.
To generate heat energy as fuelwood.
Species 2 0.52% = 0.0052
G 18 857 = 0.0052 × total area
Species total area = 18 857 ÷ 0.0052 = 3 626 346.154 km2
H 3 protected 12%
f The area in question could be thought of as being unprotected 24%
divided into just two regions. One is that where the 4 The data suggests that the building of roads leads
trees have been removed and the other where they to deforestation. If no other measures are taken,
have not. A grid could be set out in each region and deforestation in unprotected areas is over 50% more
then quadrats placed using random number tables. than in protected areas, as far as 2km from the roads. It
Plant abundance would be ascertained in each quadrat is still over 10% at 10 km distance from roads. However,
and then averages for each species would be worked if the forest is protected in some way, the percentage
out and compared for each site. deforestation can be virtually halved at any distance from
the road.
Exercise 9.3  The causes and impacts 5 The leaves, branches and even trunks of trees will
of habitat loss intercept a lot of the rain which falls on an area. This
reduces its power to erode the soil. Any rain that does
1 0.02% = 0.0002
reach the ground is likely to infiltrate rather than run-off
50 000 000 × 0.0002 = 10 000 species if the ground is covered in leaves and substantial humus.
2 Wetlands provide habitat for certain species, they help in Finally, the roots of the trees bind the soil, making it less
flood control and can be used for recreation. likely to be washed or blown away.
Answers to Workbook questions

6 If the change of use of land was from mature forest to 4 10 429 998 ÷ 12 977 218 × 100 % = 80.4 %
agricultural land, or even urbanisation, the uptake of 5 Tourism has grown at a more or less steady rate over
carbon dioxide by the trees would be reduced. This would 16 years. In this time the number of tourists has doubled
lead to a rise in carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. from about 500 million to 1 billion. Slowest growth
7 The trees in the mature forest carry out both was between 2000 and 2003 and there were slight falls
photosynthesis, which takes in carbon dioxide, in the period between 2002 and 2003 and between 2008
and respiration which produces it. If there is more and 2009.
photosynthesis than respiration, this means the forest 6 Increased tourism will mean more travel so this will lead
is not yet mature. In a mature forest, respiration and to increased carbon dioxide emissions. At the tourist sites,
photosynthesis are equal and therefore no carbon dioxide there will have been habitat loss due to the provision of
is gained or lost from the atmosphere in a net sense. hotels and other facilities, which will lead to the removal
of natural vegetation. The increased numbers of people in
Exercise 9.5 The need for the sustainable these areas will also have given rise to more water pollution.
management of nature 7 The problems caused by travel can be reduced by carbon
offsetting and the use of more environmentally friendly
1 A carbon sink is an area which absorbs more carbon
methods of transport.
dioxide than it produces. An immature forest is a carbon
sink. A carbon store is an area in which a lot of carbon Ensure that recycling is encouraged at resorts.
is locked up, for example, in massive tree trunks and Designate areas in which tourists are not allowed to visit.
branches. A mature forest is a carbon store.
2 transpiration
5 000 000
4 500 000
Numbers whale watching

4 000 000
3 500 000 31
3 000 000
2 500 000
2 000 000
1 500 000
1 000 000
500 000




















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Exercise 9.6  Strategies for conserving the  8 A reserve which finds a balance between destroying an
area for short-term benefit and stopping all economic
biodiversity and genetic resources of natural
activity. The latter would conserve wildlife but would have
ecosystems an unacceptable effect on the local people who live there.
1 It means that when these plants and animals are 9 A: core zone
harvested now, it is to meet the needs of the present, B: buffer zone
without compromising the ability of future generations to
C: manipulation zone
meet their needs.
10 Biosphere reserves are mainly concentrated in the tropics
2 In agroforestry, trees are pruned and the material is used
in the west, but in Europe and central Africa in the middle.
to improve the soil and to provide nutrients to the crop. If
In the east, the reserves are again found in the tropics.
the tree is a legume, these nutrients will include nitrogen.
There are very few reserves in Australia (in fact only one)
Nutrient recycling and the suppression of weeds provided
and in the far north and south.
by the trees combine with cropping on the same land. This
allows the land to be farmed for much longer than would 11 70 ÷ 20 = 3.5 per country
otherwise be possible. 70
12 × 100 = 10.5%
3 1310 ÷ 590 = 2.22 times
13 The studbook allows anyone wanting to breed from the
4 The variety of plants in the area will lead to a greater animals to make sure that close relatives are not allowed
biodiversity, both of other plants and the animals they to mate and produce offspring. This avoids inbreeding
directly or indirectly support. This in turn makes the which would lead to a reduction in genetic diversity. This
environment more stable and prolongs its usefulness helps the species to survive.
to the farmer. The legumes will add nitrate to the soil
14 a Cereals
which will lead to an increase in crop yield. The cover
of mixed vegetation will help to reduce soil erosion and Legumes
5 A corridor will allow plants and animals access to a greater
range of resources. It will also allow a much wider range or Grasses used for
32 grazing cattle (forage)
breeding opportunities for both plants and animals. This
Fruits and nuts
will lead to greater genetic diversity and more chance of
species surviving. Industrial crops

6 A seed bank will require much less work and take up much Others
less space than cultivating plants over many generations.
In this way it will cost much less to set up and run. It will
insulate the plants from the vagaries of the weather and b The area is cold, which will render the seeds dormant.
guard against reproductive failure. The sleeve protects the seeds from even major
geological and climatic events. The airlock prevents
the entry of microbes, which may cause disease in the
seeds. Norway is a relatively politically stable country
Core Area so there is little likelihood of political unrest, which
may threaten the security of the seeds. This is further
ensured by the remoteness of the site.


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