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04 Slide Layouts L1

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T r a i n i n g G u i d e

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

- Level 1
4 – Slide layouts
Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 - Level 1


PowerPoint includes a range of slide layouts, complete

with placeholders that allow you to quickly and easily insert
text, headings and pictures and the like, onto a slide. Each
slide layout is predesigned, and the gallery of available
layouts should satisfy your slide design needs. But, if not,
you can modify an existing layout or insert a blank slide
and work from scratch.

In this booklet we will show you how to:

 gain an overview of slide layouts

 insert a Title slide
 insert a title and content slide
 insert a section header slide
 insert a table
 insert a Picture with Caption slide
 insert a chart
 apply a different layout to a slide.

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Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 - Level 1


In PowerPoint, a slide layout is like a pictures, clip art, tables, charts and more.
slide template, and contains formatting Each placeholder is positioned in certain
(such as applied themes) and areas of the slide, such as a text placeholder
placeholders. A placeholder is a container for the heading.
that holds text and graphics, such as

\ Title placeholder:
click on Click to
add title to type
the slide heading

Content placeholder:
click on Click to add
text to begin a bulleted
list, or click on an
object in the centre of
the placeholder to
insert that object

The Layouts Gallery

The following predesigned slide layouts are available in the Layouts gallery.

The Title Only layout is

The Title Slide layout is the
the same as a Title
default layout when you open a
Slide except that it
blank presentation in
doesn’t have a subtitle
PowerPoint. It comprises two
text placeholders: the first for
the presentation title and the
second for a subtitle.
The Title and Content layout is The Blank layout is just
the most commonly-used that – blank.
layout. It comprises a title
placeholder and a content
placeholder. Click on Click to
add text to type a bulleted list.
The Section Header layout is The Content with
ideal for slides that introduce Caption layout has a
new sections within the title and caption
presentation. It includes two placeholder on the left
placeholders: a title placeholder and a content
and a text placeholder. placeholder on the right.
The Two Content layout has a The Picture with
title placeholder and two content Caption layout has a
placeholders that appear side- title placeholder, a
by-side. caption placeholder and
a placeholder for
The Comparison layout has a
title placeholder, two text
placeholders and two content

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Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 - Level 1


Microsoft assumes that the first slide in The upper placeholder is formatted with a
your presentation will be for the title, so large font to display the title of your
when you create a new presentation, a presentation. The lower placeholder is
Title slide will be inserted by default. A formatted with a smaller font to add a
title slide contains two text placeholders. subtitle, for example.

Try This Yourself:
Before starting this
exercise you MUST open

the file P805 Slide

In the Slides pane, click
1 on slide 4 titled Freight
Click on the Home tab,
2 then click on the bottom
half of New Slide in
the Slides group to display
the Layout gallery 4
Click on Title Slide to
3 insert a new title slide at
the end of the presentation
Click in the title
4 placeholder in the Slide
window and type
Click in the subtitle
5 placeholder and type A
New Direction, then click
outside the placeholder to
see the result

For Your Reference… Handy to Know…

To insert a Title slide:  As shown in this exercise, Title slides can
1. Select the slide that will precede the be inserted at the end of the presentation
Title slide that you want to insert with closing text, for example, ‘The End’,
2. Click on the bottom half of New Slide to indicate that the presentation is
in the Slides group on the Home finished.
tab  If a slide already has the layout that you
3. Click on Title Slide need, right-click on the slide and select
Duplicate Slide to copy the slide.

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The Title and Content slide layout is the we will do in this exercise. You can also
most commonly-used layout, and as such insert objects into the content placeholder,
can be put to all sorts of good use. Using such as pictures, tables, charts, clip art and
this layout you can simply add a title and other media.
then type some text in a bulleted list, as

Try This Yourself:
Continue using the previous file

with this exercise, or open the

file P805 Slide Layouts_2.pptx...
In the Slides pane, click on
1 slide 1 titled Transport
Click on the bottom half of New
2 Slide in the Slides group
to display the Layout gallery
Click on Title and Content to
3 insert a new slide with two
placeholders 6
Type New Directions in the
4 title placeholder
Click on Click to add text and
5 type Current Solutions
Press , then click on the
6 Home tab and click on
Increase List Level in the
Paragraph group or press
to create a second-level bulleted
Type the text as shown, and
7 press Decrease List Level 7
to in the Paragraph group or
press + to create the
second first-level bullet
As you type the last bulleted list
entry, you may notice that the
space between each line is
reduced to enable the text to fit
the placeholder

For Your Reference… Handy to Know…

To insert a Title and Content slide:  Instead of using Increase List Level
1. Click on the slide that will precede the and Decrease List Level to
Title and Content slide change bulleted list levels, you can
2. Click on the bottom half of New Slide press to indent a bulleted list entry
in the Slides group on the Home and + to outdent a bulleted list
tab entry.
3. Click on Title and Content

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Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 - Level 1


A Section Header slide is similar to a training course, you might use section
Title slide, except that it is usually used to header slides to indicate scheduled breaks
separate the major topics in your such as morning tea, lunchtime and
presentation into sections. For example, if afternoon tea.
you create a presentation for a one-day

Try This Yourself:
Continue using the previous file with

this exercise, or open the file P805

Slide Layouts_3.pptx...
In the Slides pane, click on slide 2
1 titled New Directions
Click on the bottom half of New
2 Slide in the Slides group to
display the Layout gallery
Click on Section Header to insert a
3 new slide with two placeholders
Type Current Solutions in the title 5
4 placeholder
We don’t need the text
Hover over the border of the text
5 placeholder until the pointer changes
to a four-headed arrow, then click to
select the placeholder
Press to delete the placeholder
Repeat the above steps to insert
7 another Section Header slide after
slide 6 (Freight) titled Renewable 8
We’ll force the title onto one line…
Click in the title, then move the
8 pointer to the middle handle on the
left border of the placeholder, and
when the pointer changes to a
double-headed arrow, click and drag
to the left until the title is on one
line, release the mouse button

For Your Reference… Handy to Know…

To insert a Section Header slide:  Section header slides can give a
1. Click on the slide that will precede the logical break in the information you are
Section Header slide presenting. They help to inform the
2. On the Home tab, click on the bottom audience that they have finished one
half of New Slide in the Slides section or phase and are about to start
group another. They can also help to give the
3. Click on Section Header presenter a logical place for a break or

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Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 - Level 1

Tables are a great way to present rows Design tab. You can insert a table into any
and columns of otherwise boring data. of the content placeholders of the various
Tables add a graphical element to your slide layouts. Alternatively, you can create a
slides, and can be formatted using the new table from scratch and insert it
many tools on the contextual Table: anywhere you like.

Try This Yourself:
Continue using the previous file

with this exercise, or open the

file P805 Slide Layouts_4.pptx...
In the Slides pane, click on
1 slide 6 titled Freight 5
Click on the bottom half of New
2 Slide in the Slides group,
then select Title and Content
to insert a new slide
Type Current Usage in the
3 Title placeholder

4 Click on Insert Table in the

content placeholder to open the
Insert Table dialog box
Type 2 in Number of columns,
5 press and type 4 in Number
of rows, then click on [OK] to
insert the table 6
Notice that the table is
formatted using the applied
theme colours...
Type the following data into the
6 table, pressing after each
entry to move to the next cell: 7
Category Percentage
Personal 25
Public 40
Freight 35
Click outside the table to
7 deselect the placeholder

For Your Reference… Handy to Know…

To insert a table:  Once you’ve created a table, you can easily
1. Click on Insert Table in the move it by dragging the table border to the
content placeholder new location. You can also use the borders
2. Type the Number of columns and to resize the table.
Number of rows, then click on [OK]  Use the Table Tools: Design and Layout
3. Enter the table data tabs to add extra rows and columns or to
format the table.

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Pictures, such as photos and images, can Insert Picture from File on the Insert
add life and interest to otherwise dull text- tab. Or, you can insert a picture into a
based slides. There are several ways to content placeholder by clicking on Insert
insert pictures onto your slides. You can Picture from File in the content
insert a picture anywhere on a slide using placeholder.

Try This Yourself:
Continue using the previous

file with this exercise, or


open the file P805 Slide

In the Slides pane, click on
1 slide 8 titled Renewable
We’ll insert a layout that will
allow us to add text and an
Click on the bottom half of
2 New Slide in the 5
Slides group, then select
Picture with Caption to
insert a new slide
Type Future Trends in the
3 title placeholder
In the content placeholder,
4 click on Insert Picture
from File to open the
Insert Picture dialog box,
then navigate to the course
files folder
Click on P805 Slide
5 Layouts.jpg, then click on

Click in the text placeholder
6 and type the following,
pressing after the first
two points
Solid oxide technology
Power plant alternatives

For Your Reference… Handy to Know…

To insert a Picture with Caption slide:  As the picture and caption are held in separate
1. Click on the slide that will precede the placeholders they will move independently.
Picture with Caption slide However, you can group them to keep them
2. Click on the bottom half of New Slide together and treat them as a single object. To
in the Slides group on the Home tab do this, use and click to select the
3. Click on Picture with Caption placeholders to group, then click on Group on
the Format tab.

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Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 - Level 1

Charts allow you to represent statistical chart will update as the data is entered. You
data and the like graphically, and as such can use Insert Chart on the Insert tab
can enhance the look of a slide as well as to insert a chart, or you can click on Insert
providing information. Once you insert a Chart in any of the content placeholders.
chart, you then enter the data and the

Try This Yourself:
Continue using the previous

file with this exercise, or open


the file P805 Slide


1 In the Slides pane, click on

slide 7
We’ll replace the table with a
pie chart…
2 Click in the table, then click
on the border of the table
placeholder to select the
table, then press 5
The content placeholder
returns ready for you to
insert content…
3 In the content placeholder,
click on Insert Chart to
open the Insert Chart dialog
4 Click on Pie, then click on
[OK] to open a Microsoft
Excel window
5 Enter the data as shown,
pressing and to move
between cells, then drag the
lower right corner of the blue
box up until the blue line
excludes the data in row 5
6 Release the mouse button

7 Click on Close to close

Excel and return to

For Your Reference… Handy to Know…

To insert a chart:  To change the chart data, click on the
1. Insert a new slide with a content placeholder chart, click on the Design tab, then
click on Edit Data in the Data
2. Click on Insert Chart
group to re-open Excel. Replace or add
3. Select the required graph type
data as required then close Excel.
4. Enter the required data
5. Close Excel

© Learning and Development Service Page 9 Slide layouts

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 - Level 1


All slide layouts (except for the Blank provide a range of placeholder combinations
layout) contain placeholders to help control to suit most situations. But once a layout
the position of objects on a slide. has been applied to a slide, it is not fixed.
Placeholders can hold clip art, pictures, You can easily apply a different slide layout.
charts, text and more. Slide layouts

Try This Yourself:
Continue using the previous file

with this exercise, or open the

file P805 Slide Layouts_7.pptx...
In the Slides pane, click on
1 slide 9 titled Future Trends
Currently this slide has the
Picture with Caption layout

2 Click on Layout in the

Slides group to display the
Layout gallery
Click on Two Content to apply
3 this layout to the slide
The content is rearranged in line
with the positions of the
placeholders in this layout. We’ll
tidy up the layout a little…
Click on any of the text (bulleted
4 list entries) to display the
placeholder border, then move
the pointer to the border, and
when it changes to a four-
headed arrow, click on the
border to select the placeholder
Press several times to move
5 the placeholder down until the
first bullet point lines up with
the top of the image, as shown
Save and then close the
6 presentation

For Your Reference… Handy to Know…

To apply a different slide layout:  Placeholders are positioned to create
1. Display the slide balance and contrast between each
2. Click on the Home tab, then click on object on the slide. When moving
Layout in the Slides group placeholders, remember to keep
3. Select the layout related objects close together, as well
4. Reposition the placeholders as required as to create white space around those
objects that you want the audience to
be drawn to in particular.

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Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 - Level 1


You have now completed the Slide layouts booklet. This booklet was designed to get you
to the point where you can competently perform a variety of operations as outlined in the
task list on page 2.
We have tried to build up your skills and knowledge by having you work through specific
tasks. The step by step approach will serve as a reference for you when you need to repeat
a task.

Where To From Here…

The following is a little advice about what to do next:
 Spend some time playing with what you have learnt. You should reinforce the skills
that you have acquired and use some of the application's commands. This will test
just how much of the concepts and features have stuck! Don't try a big task just yet if
you can avoid it - small is a good way to start.
 Some aspects of the course may now be a little vague. Go over some of the points
that you may be unclear about. Use the examples and exercises in these notes and
have another go - these step-by-step notes were designed to help you in the
classroom and in the work place!
Here are a few techniques and strategies that we've found handy for learning more about
 visit CLD’s e-learning zone on the Intranet
 read computer magazines - there are often useful articles about specific techniques
 if you have the skills and facilities, browse the Internet, specifically the technical
pages of the application that you have just learnt
 take an interest in what your work colleagues have done and how they did it - we
don't suggest that you plagiarise but you can certainly learn from the techniques of
 if your software came with a manual (which is rare nowadays) spend a bit of time
each day reading a few pages. Then try the techniques out straight away - over a
period of time you'll learn a lot this way
 and of course, there are also more courses and booklets for you to work through
 finally, don’t forget to contact CLD’s IT Training Helpdesk on 01243-752100

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