LD9707 - Business Intelligence Assessment Brief 2020-21: This Module Will Be Assessed by Case Study
LD9707 - Business Intelligence Assessment Brief 2020-21: This Module Will Be Assessed by Case Study
LD9707 - Business Intelligence Assessment Brief 2020-21: This Module Will Be Assessed by Case Study
As a group, you must prepare a presentation to analyse the case assigned to you, which must
include a culmination of the work developed over the semester for your chosen organisation.
The presentation will take place in week 11, will be of 15 minutes duration, and will be
followed by 5 minutes of questions & discussion.
Your presentation must include the following elements (weighting):
Intro / Overview about the case & organisation you have selected [10%]
Identify decision alternatives and objectives - The Problem-Solving Cycle [30%]
Specify the attributes with SAS and the sensitivity analysis by using tools like: Visual Interactive
Sensitivity Analysis to make a decision and VISA Application [50%]
A brief conclusion about the analysis and how realistic it is [10%]
Assignment “B” – Individual Report (80%):
The other 80% of the module mark is based upon an individual written assignment (3000-
word report). The report must include discussion on the pros & cons of using BI tools in
reality, and how they were used in your analysis (SAS, VISA). The report must also include a
critical evaluation of the analysis.
Best Wishes
Dr Dilek Celik