Eng 1 Exam Online 2nd Term Final Students
Eng 1 Exam Online 2nd Term Final Students
Eng 1 Exam Online 2nd Term Final Students
DATE: 20/05/2021
Total 100
Exercise 1. Listen to the recording. For questions 1-7 choose the option a, b or c
that best completes the sentence. You can hear the recording twice.
5. For men the first rule is that their outfit should be ...
a) brand new
b) plain colours
c) the appropriate size
Exercise 2. For each question, choose the correct answer. You will hear a radio
interview with an Instagram photographer.
Choose the correct answer
1. What is an internship?
a) A period of time in which you try
something different. d) you can go back to the store.
b) A short period of time in which
people usually travel abroad. 8. Set up means…..
c) A job that a student or someone a) make plans
who has recently obtained a b) spend time on something
certificate takes in order to get c) join a club
some experience.
9. "Peak hour" is that part of the day…
2. Last week my computer broke down a) in which people cannot travel.
and I _____ buy a new one. b) in which it is cheaper to travel.
a) must c) in which it is more expensive to
b) had to travel.
c) my d) in which a place is empty.
d) could
10. "To double-check" means that you write
3. He was ___________ with the piano something twice to make sure you do it
concert correctly.
a) delighting a) True
b) delightful b) False.
c) delight
d) delighted 11. A round trip is.
a) a journey you take throughout a
4. I’m sorry but you _______ smoke here year
a) can’t b) when you on a trip for a year
b) don’t have to c) a journey to a place and back again
c) may
d) might 12. A “retail store” is….
a) a company that sells products
5. Yesterday at the supermarket I met a directly to supermarkets.
man _____ son is in my class. b) a company that sells products
a) whom directly to the public.
b) who c) a big warehouse.
c) whose d) a company that sells products
d) which directly to the stores.
long as I was accepted. a) were already been discovered.
c) Even though I managed to pass the b) had already been discovered..
exam, I wasn't accepted. c) was already being discovered.
d) I managed to pass the exam in d) been discovered.
spite of I wasn't accepted..
18. I'm broke, so I can't _____ to go on
15. Choose two options to complete the vacation this year.
following sentence: When I was 6 a) pay
years old... b) lend
a) I could ride a bike. c) afford
b) I will be able to sing. d) go
c) I can play the piano.
d) I was able to read and write. 19. It was such _____ day! I couldn't
even stop for lunch!
16. How can we transform the sentence a) a tiring
"They have sent him a letter." so that it b) tired
means the same? There are 2 right c) tiring
options. d) a tired
a) A letter has been sent to him.
b) He sent a letter. 20. When the shop-assistant wants to
c) A letter was him sent. know if you are happy with the T-shirt
d) He has been sent a letter you are trying on, he / she says
a) Do you need anything?
b) The changing rooms are there!
c) Does it suit you?
d) Can I help you?
17. In the year 2015, the telephone
Read the story and answer the questions.
I recently went to see an interesting project near my village. A farmer there was
considering putting a house on one of his fields. But he knew before work could start,
history experts would have to check there were no ancient items in the ground –
especially as he’d found old coins and rings while digging in the field. In fact, when the
experts started searching, they discovered there’d been people living there over 2,000
years ago!
Anyway, the experts were giving tours of the search area, so I was keen to go. It fitted
in well with the college studies I was already doing in ancient history, but more
importantly, it was an area I had always played in as a kid, and was some distance
from my old school. And because my cousin’s a history teacher, he came with me to
meet the search team and look around.
Our tour guide began by showing us maps of the area. From what they had found, they
thought there used to be an ancient farm there, on the edge of a small village where a
few families had lived. My cousin had already mentioned this , and I could see how the
place might have looked then, although the guide’s maps weren’t easy to follow. But
even though there weren’t any people digging that day, it was still really interesting.
After the tour, the guide showed us objects they had found, which had been made in
the area. There was beautiful metal jewellery, which I took pictures of. You could see
the pieces were shaped like different animals, even though they were damaged. There
were broken pots too, similar in style to ones still made nearby. The guide also showed
us some animal bones, although I had no idea which creatures they’d come from. Then
the guide said that over the centuries, loads of soil and sand was taken away by
builders, so lots more valuable things had almost certainly been lost, which I thought
was a huge pity. Anyway, the search was soon finishing, so the guide invited us to take
part in the final stages of the digging work. My cousin agreed immediately, but I didn’t
have the confidence – in case I broke something valuable!
2. Why did history experts first begin searching the area near Ryan’s village?
a) They had learnt that the land was going to be sold.
b) They had found evidence of ancient buildings.
c) They discovered some valuable items hidden there.
d) They needed to examine the land before it was built on.
4. Why did Ryan want to visit the search area?
a) He was about to start studying ancient history.
b) He had spent a lot of time there as a child.
c) His relative asked him to join the search team.
d) His teacher encouraged him to take part.
9. What would Ryan write to a college friend about visiting the search area?
a) They need people to help out with digging the ground. I am going with my cousin –
do you want to join us?
b) I liked the busy atmosphere of the place – there were so many experts there,
digging in the ground.
c) I saw an old metal earring they’d found, made to look like a cat – really lovely. I’ve
got a photo, so I’ll show you.
d) They’d found some animal bones, and asked us to say which animal they belonged
to – and I got them all right!
You are going to read an article. Some parts of the text are missing. Choose the
most appropriate part from the list (a – h) for each gap (1 – 6) in the text. There
are two extra parts that you do not need to use.
Seven school girls from Moulsham High School in Chelmsford helped a distressed
elderly lady with dementia get safely home.
“Feel Good Friday with BBC Essex” is all about making a difference to someone else,
going that extra mile to help others. Many listeners have already joined our club and
[ 1 ] - thank you to Linda Knock for nominating seven school girls from Moulsham
High School in Chelmsford.
Lily, Abigail, Hannah, Frances, Alessia, Bronya and Polly, were on their way to a fair
when they came across an elderly lady, who was lost, upset and suffering from
dementia. [ 2 ], a local man came by who knew her son. He told the girls [ 3 ],
which was kept by a neighbour.
The girls went to the neighbour's house to collect the key, took the lady home [ 4 ].
The story could have had a very different ending if these girls, all in their teens, had not
acted so responsibly.
BBC Essex are delighted to present all the girls with their “Feel Good Friday” badges.
If you have done something [ 5 ] - maybe you smiled at someone today; bought a cup
of tea for a tramp; or just told someone you loved them, we want to know about it!
Every month we will send you our "Feel Good with BBC Essex" newsletter and your
"Feel Good Badge" - [ 6 ].
NAME AND SURNAME:______________________________________________
Exercise 1. Exercise 2.
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
1 12
2 13
3 14
4 15
5 16
6 17
7 18
8 19
9 20
Exercise 1. 8
2 Exercise 2.
3 1
4 2
5 3
6 4
7 5