Spending Behavior of ABM Students
Spending Behavior of ABM Students
Spending Behavior of ABM Students
Sta. Cruz High Integrated School
Lubao, Pampanga
Practical Research I
MARCH 2019
This thesis entitled “Spending Behaviour of ABM Students” prepared and submitted by
Young Timothy A. Manansala in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the subject
Practical Research I has been examined and found in order and is hereby recommended for
acceptance and approval for oral examination.
Passed by the Panel of Examiners with a grade of ______ on March ___, 2019
Accepted and approved in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the subject Practical
Research I.
The researchers would like to express their deepest gratitude to the following:
To the principal of SCHIS, Jay M. Lampa, who allowed us to conduct this study.
To our classmates who shared their knowledge and unending support in conducting this
To all the SHS teachers who contributed immensely in the completion of the study.
Lastly, to our Almighty God who empowered us to complete the research paper
Title Page i
Approval Sheet ii
Acknowledgement iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Tables iv
List of Figures iv
Background and Review of Related Literature 1
Statement of the Problem 2
Theoretical and Conceptual Framework 2
Significance of the Study 3
Scope and Delimitation 3
Definition of Terms 3
Acronyms 3
Research Design 3
Participants and Sampling Technique 4
Instrument 4
Data Gathering Procedure 4
Ethical Considerations 4
Data Analysis 4
Amount of allowance as factor that influence spending behaviour of ABM students 5
Knowledge about spending behaviour 5
Economic status of ABM students 6
Insights withdrawn in the spending behaviour of ABM students 6
Representation of Insights in the Spending Behaviour of ABM students 7
Appendix A – Permission Letter 10
Appendix B – Questionnaire Validation Form 11
Appendix C – Informed Consent Letter To Participant of the Study 17
Appendix D – Certificate of Survey Questionnaire Validation 19
Appendix E – Transcript of Interview 19
Appendix F – Key-point Coding 23
Appendix G – Concepts 26
Appendix H – Categories and Themes 28
Table 1: Participants of the Study 8
Figure 1: Paradigm of the Study 6
Student, Sta. Cruz High Integrated School, Lubao, Division of Pampanga, Philippines
The study determined the spending behaviour of ABM students of SCHIS of the school year 2018-
2019. The researchers employed case study and semi-structured interview to gather significant data
from the informants. The researcher also used purposive sampling in choosing the informants of the
study. The study used thematic analysis in to analyse of the significant data from the informants. The
researchers aim to help the students, especially students of the ABM track, to enhance their capability
in applying their knowledge from their chosen field of study into the real world and their everyday
living. With the use of thematic analysis, the researchers concluded that spending behaviour of ABM
students has two major factors include; desire-based expenditure and household-based expenditure and
the developed illustration of the spending behaviour of ABM students can be used as a guidelines for
their expenditures in their daily living.
The participants of the study are the Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM)
students of Sta. Cruz High Integrated School (SCHIS). SCHIS was hailed as the Best
Performing School in the Division of Pampanga.
The study seeks to know the spending manner of the Grade 11 and 12 ABM students of
SCHIS. Moreover, it also intends to establish a more precise knowledge about the proper
disbursement of money.
The researcher aims to create awareness about spending habits. The study will help to
enhance the capability of the students in applying their knowledge from their chosen field of
study into the real world and their everyday living.
Amount of
affecting the Knowledge
spending and
behaviour of Awareness
However, this study employed the Radial List as shown in Figure 1, illustrating the
factors that affect the spending behaviour of ABM students. The representation shows that
spending habits are being affected by amount of allowance, knowledge and awareness and,
economic status.
Definition of Terms
The succeeding terms defined operationally and conceptually highlighted the important
concepts in this study:
ABM Students – as operationally defined, it refers to the Grade 11 and 12 students, taking
up Accountancy, Business and Management Track at SCHIS, Lubao, Pampanga.
Allowance – In this study, it refers to the amount of money that is used by the students in
exchange of goods. It is also defined as the money given by parents to a child every week that
the child can spend or the money that you are given regularly, especially to pay for a particular
thing (Cambridge Dictionary, 2019). Operationally speaking, this refers to the amount of
financial resources available for purchase.
Spending Behaviour - is commonly a behaviour affecting the way a person use or manages
their money in order to satisfy their wants and needs without any use of control (Norvilitis,
2018). In this study, it refers to the manner of the ABM students in disbursing their allowances.
SHS - Senior High School
SCHIS - Sta. Cruz High Integrated School
SY - School Year
Research Design
Case study was employed in determining the spending behaviour of the ABM students.
According to Heale and Twycross (2017), case study is an intensive, organized investigation of
a single individual, group, community or some other unit in which the researcher examines in-
depth data. It is one of the simplest ways of conducting research as it involves a deep dive and
thorough understanding of the data collection methods and inferring the data. Therefore, with
the use of case study, the perception and experiences of the informants in terms of expenditure
will be highlighted and stressed to give more emphasis to the collected data.
However, purposive sampling was used in choosing the informants of the study
because the informants are chosen to be part of the sample with a specific purpose in mind.
The samples of this research study are ABM students and will be chosen through the following
criteria: (1) both of their parents are working; and (2) their allowance each day must be Php
100 or above.
Semi-structured interview was applied in gathering the data needed. According to Doyle
(2018), a semi-structured interview is a meeting in which the interviewer does not strictly
follow a formalized list of questions. The interviewer will ask more open-ended questions,
allowing for a discussion with the interviewee rather than a straightforward question and
answer format. Some of the questions and their sequence are determined in advance, while
others evolve as the interview proceeds. It allows new ideas to be brought up during the
interview. The researchers will make use of semi-structured interview to gain more in-depth
understanding from the informants.
Ethical Considerations
The researchers followed the etiquette set by the school in the conduct of research.
APA 6 edition format will be used in citing the authors and references. The researchers will
also consider the informant’s knowledge in responding to the questions, more so, the
researchers will provide the option of being anonymous to the informants.
Data Analysis
Thematic analysis was employed in analysing the non-numerical data gathered. Maguire &
Delahunt (2017) stated that thematic analysis is used to identify themes, i.e. patterns in the data
that are important or interesting, and use these themes to address the research or say something
about an issue. This kind of analysis aims to identify patterns of meaning across a dataset that
provide an answer to the research question being addressed. With the use of thematic analysis,
a key-point will be assigned to the responses of the participants in the transcript of interview.
With the use of thematic analysis, the researcher will make use of key-point to identify
important concepts. The themes will be formed from the categories of concepts. Finally,
conclusions and recommendations will be recognized based on the data gathered.
Participant 2
Student 2 involves performing of awareness on weekly allowance resulting in proper
expenditure, considering my needs rather than wants, and avoidance of misunderstandings with
Participant 3
Student 3 experiences shortage because of the lackness of discipline and spends too much
because of having too much money.
Participant 4
Student 4 states that too much money leads to poor disbursement.
Participant 5
Student 5 involves disbursing all allowance, too impatient in spending money, and states that
too much allowance results in poor disbursement of money.
tighten their connection with their parents. In this regard, they critically observe their
expenditures by maximizing their allowances in contract with budget plans and the
consideration of needs and necessities.
Based on the findings, the researchers concluded the following:
1. ABM students disburse their allowances to gain happiness and to have sense of fulfilment.
They often disburse their allowances if they have a huge amount of it.
2. ABM students want to tighten their connection with their parents in terms of spending their
allowances. Hence, they create budget plans as the basis of their expenditures to avoid
liabilities. However, some of them often spend allowances on their desires/wants and are
unaware of their expenditures resulting in shortage of allowance.
3. Based on the insights driven by ABM students, having too much money lead to poor
disbursement of allowance. Majority of these students prevent conflicts or
misunderstandings with their parents in terms of spending their allowances.
Based on the results of the study as reflected by the above-cited conclusions, the
researchers presented the following recommendations:
1. ABM students should maximize their allowance by considering their needs instead of the
desires or wants and trends. Their expenditures must be fixed, organized and planned
properly before making spending decisions to prevent liabilities.
2. Budget plans must be utilized to monitor their expenses daily. Read books about financial
literacy to gain more knowledge about the proper management of allowance.
3. The developed model of spending behaviour must be used as guidelines of expenditures of
ABM students and ask for supervision from their parents for financial matters.
Appendix A
Department of Education
Region III
Senior High School Department
Lubao, Pampanga
Principal III
Dear Sir:
The researchers are asking your permission to conduct their research work to the chosen informants to gather the
necessary data for the study entitled “SPENDING BEHAVIOUR OF ABM STUDENTS.” This is in relation to
the requirement to prepare for the completion of the subject “Practical Research I (Qualitative Research).”
The researcher will conduct their study to the 10 ABM Students of the Senior High School.
Rest assured that the data gathered will be treated with utmost confidentiality. Any accommodation that may be
extended to this regard will be highly appreciated.
Truly yours,
Appendix B
Department of Education
Region III
Senior High School Department
Lubao, Pampanga
Open-Ended Questionnaire Validation: Based on your evaluation, please rate the questions by encircling the
appropriate number, with 3 as the highest and 0 as the lowest score. Your valuable recommendations will be
sincerely appreciated.
Questions Evaluation Recommendation/s
To determine if Responsiveness of the
huge amount of interview question to the
allowance research objective:
influencing the 1. Do you often 3 2 1 0
spending behaviour purchase items that you Appropriateness of the
of ABM students?
never use or enjoy? language structure used in
the interview question:
3 2 1 0
To determine the Responsiveness of the
huge amount of interview question to the
allowance research objective:
influencing the 3 2 1 0
2. Do you go shopping
spending behaviour Appropriateness of the
in your spare time?
of ABM students?
language structure used in
the interview question:
3 2 1 0
To determine the Responsiveness of the
huge amount of interview question to the
allowance research objective:
influencing the 3. Has your spending 3 2 1 0
spending behaviour behaviour gotten you to
Appropriateness of the
of ABM students? debt?
language structure used in the
interview question:
3 2 1 0
Responsiveness of the
To determine if interview question to the
they have enough 4. How frequent you research objective:
knowledge on spend your allowance 3 2 1 0
spending for your wants as well Appropriateness of the
behaviour? as their needs? language structure used in the
interview question:
3 2 1 0
To determine if Responsiveness of the
they have enough interview question to the
knowledge on 5. Do you have budget research objective:
spending plans before spending? 3 2 1 0
behaviour? Appropriateness of the
language structure used in the
interview question:
3 2 1 0
Responsiveness of the
To determine if interview question to the
they have enough 6. In spending your research objective:
knowledge on allowance, what are 3 2 1 0
spending your most priorities and Appropriateness of the
behaviour? least priorities? language structure used in the
interview question:
3 2 1 0
Responsiveness of the
To determine if interview question to the
7. Do your spending
economic status research objective:
manner have been a
affects the 3 2 1 0
reason for having
spending behaviour Appropriateness of the
conflict with your
of ABM students? language structure used in the
interview question:
3 2 1 0
Responsiveness of the
To determine if interview question to the
economic status 8. Do you consider research objective:
affects the yourself responsible 3 2 1 0
spending behaviour enough in terms of Appropriateness of the
of ABM students? spending behaviour? language structure used in the
interview question:
3 2 1 0
Responsiveness of the
To determine if interview question to the
economic status 9. In what way your research objective:
affects the economic status affects 3 2 1 0
spending behaviour your spending Appropriateness of the
of ABM students? behaviour as an ABM language structure used in the
student? interview question:
3 2 1 0
Noted by:
Department of Education
Region III
Open-Ended Questionnaire Validation: Based on your evaluation, please rate the questions by encircling the
appropriate number, with 3 as the highest and 0 as the lowest score. Your valuable recommendations will be
sincerely appreciated.
Questions Evaluation Recommendation/s
To determine if Responsiveness of the
huge amount of interview question to the
allowance research objective:
influencing the 1. Do you often 3 2 1 0
spending behaviour purchase items that you Appropriateness of the
of ABM students?
never use or enjoy? language structure used in
the interview question:
3 2 1 0
To determine the Responsiveness of the
huge amount of interview question to the
allowance research objective:
influencing the 3 2 1 0
2 Do you go shopping
spending behaviour Appropriateness of the
in your spare time?
of ABM students?
language structure used in
the interview question:
3 2 1 0
To determine the Responsiveness of the
huge amount of interview question to the
allowance research objective:
influencing the 3. Has your spending 3 2 1 0
spending behaviour behaviour gotten you to
Appropriateness of the
of ABM students? debt?
language structure used in the
interview question:
3 2 1 0
Responsiveness of the
To determine if interview question to the
they have enough 4. How frequent you research objective:
knowledge on spend your allowance 3 2 1 0
spending for your wants as well Appropriateness of the
behaviour? as their needs? language structure used in the
interview question:
3 2 1 0
To determine if Responsiveness of the
they have enough interview question to the
knowledge on 5. Do you have budget research objective:
spending plans before spending? 3 2 1 0
Appropriateness of the
language structure used in the
interview question:
3 2 1 0
Responsiveness of the
To determine if interview question to the
they have enough 6. In spending your research objective:
knowledge on allowance, what are 3 2 1 0
spending your most priorities and Appropriateness of the
behaviour? least priorities? language structure used in the
interview question:
3 2 1 0
Responsiveness of the
To determine if interview question to the
7. Do your spending
economic status research objective:
manner have been a
affects the 3 2 1 0
reason for having
spending behaviour Appropriateness of the
conflict with your
of ABM students? language structure used in the
interview question:
3 2 1 0
Responsiveness of the
To determine if interview question to the
economic status 8. Do you consider research objective:
affects the yourself responsible 3 2 1 0
spending behaviour enough in terms of Appropriateness of the
of ABM students? spending behaviour? language structure used in the
interview question:
3 2 1 0
Responsiveness of the
To determine if interview question to the
economic status 9. In what way your research objective:
affects the economic status affects 3 2 1 0
spending behaviour your spending Appropriateness of the
of ABM students? behaviour as an ABM language structure used in the
student? interview question:
3 2 1 0
Noted by:
Department of Education
Region III
Open-Ended Questionnaire Validation: Based on your evaluation, please rate the questions by encircling the
appropriate number, with 3 as the highest and 0 as the lowest score. Your valuable recommendations will be
sincerely appreciated.
Questions Evaluation Recommendation/s
To determine if Responsiveness of the
huge amount of interview question to the
allowance research objective:
influencing the 1. Do you often 3 2 1 0
spending behaviour purchase items that you Appropriateness of the
of ABM students?
never use or enjoy? language structure used in
the interview question:
3 2 1 0
To determine the Responsiveness of the
huge amount of interview question to the
allowance research objective:
influencing the 3 2 1 0
2 Do you go shopping
spending behaviour Appropriateness of the
in your spare time?
of ABM students?
language structure used in
the interview question:
3 2 1 0
To determine the Responsiveness of the
huge amount of interview question to the
allowance research objective:
influencing the 3. Has your spending 3 2 1 0
spending behaviour behaviour gotten you to
Appropriateness of the
of ABM students? debt?
language structure used in the
interview question:
3 2 1 0
Responsiveness of the
To determine if interview question to the
they have enough 4. How frequent you research objective:
knowledge on spend your allowance 3 2 1 0
spending for your wants as well Appropriateness of the
behaviour? as their needs? language structure used in the
interview question:
3 2 1 0
Responsiveness of the
To determine if interview question to the
they have enough research objective:
knowledge on 3 2 1 0
5. Do you have budget
plans before spending? Appropriateness of the
language structure used in the
interview question:
3 2 1 0
Responsiveness of the
To determine if interview question to the
they have enough 6. In spending your research objective:
knowledge on allowance, what are 3 2 1 0
spending your most priorities and Appropriateness of the
behaviour? least priorities? language structure used in the
interview question:
3 2 1 0
Responsiveness of the
To determine if interview question to the
7. Do your spending
economic status research objective:
manner have been a
affects the 3 2 1 0
reason for having
spending behaviour Appropriateness of the
conflict with your
of ABM students? language structure used in the
interview question:
3 2 1 0
Responsiveness of the
To determine if interview question to the
economic status 8. Do you consider research objective:
affects the yourself responsible 3 2 1 0
spending behaviour enough in terms of Appropriateness of the
of ABM students? spending behaviour? language structure used in the
interview question:
3 2 1 0
Responsiveness of the
To determine if interview question to the
economic status 9. In what way your research objective:
affects the economic status affects 3 2 1 0
spending behaviour your spending Appropriateness of the
of ABM students? behaviour as an ABM language structure used in the
student? interview question:
3 2 1 0
Noted by:
Appendix C
Department of Education
Region III
You are asked to participate in a study being conducted by the Accountancy and Business
Management students of Sta. Cruz High Integrated School.
The outcomes of the study could provide a prior knowledge to the ABM Students about the
proper practices of disbursing money.
If you volunteer to participate in this study, you would be asked to do the following things:
a. Listen to a brief explanation of the study, its purpose and aims;
b. Sign an Informed Consent form;
c. Complete an open-ended questionnaire; and,
d. If necessary, be available to attend a follow-up interview. The interview will take place at a
time and venue that suits you so as to minimize inconvenience for you as participant.
a. Any information that is obtained in connection with this study which can be identified
with you will remain confidential and will be disclosed only with your permission.
b. Confidentiality will be maintained by means of coding procedures which will ensure
that all participants remain anonymous throughout the process. All data will be stored
in a secure location, with only the researcher having access to it.
c. Interviews will be audio-taped and the participant has the right to review the tapes.
Only the researcher will have access to the audio tapes that will also be kept in a secure
You can choose whether to be in this study or not. If you volunteer to be in this study, you may
withdraw at any time without consequences of any kind. You may also refuse to answer any
question and still remain in the study. The researcher may advise you to withdraw from this
research if circumstances arise which warrant doing so.
If you have any questions or concerns about the study, please feel free to contact the researcher
at [email protected]
The information above was described to me by the researcher. I was given the opportunity to
ask questions and these questions were answered to my satisfaction.
I have been given a copy of this form and I hereby consent to participate in this study.
Name of Participant
________________________________________ ______________
Signature of Participant Date
Noted by:
Appendix D
This is to certify that the survey questionnaire prepared and submitted to the specialist named
here with for the study “SPENDING BEHAVIOUR OF ABM STUDENTS” had undergone
face-validation and that is further certified valid and reliable.
This certification is issued as supporting document for the study of Young Timothy A.
Manansala, student of Sta. Cruz High Integrated School.
Appendix E
Transcripts of Interview
Participant 1
Interviewer: Do huge amount of allowance influencing the spending behaviour of ABM
Interviewee: Sometimes, because I’m too careless or unthrifty of my allowance. Sometimes, I
buy things based of my desires, but sometimes not. So, if I had money on my pocket, I used to
spend it without considering my needs because it gives me the happiness and satisfaction. I
used to spend 40 % of my allowance for necessities like foods, transportation, and school
projects but I spend over 50 % for my wants such as perfume, lip tint, powder and other beauty
products. The other 10 % are my savings. Maybe, the reason for these is the lackness of
discipline in terms of spending. Sometimes, because I often go to the store of my niece. My
shopping schedule is twice a month because this is my timetable of purchasing all of my needs
whether in school or personal needs. Rather than going to shopping when I have spare time, I
will just go to my niece’s store to buy some foods. No, because I always strive to use my own
money for my expenditures. Having debt can cause struggles to me. I will rather choose to
spend all of my personal money than having debts. Maybe, I’m an irresponsible spender, but
debt is not on included on my vocabulary.
Participant 2
Interviewer: Do huge amount of allowance influencing the spending behaviour of ABM
Interviewee: No, because I am purchasing my needs more than my wants. Needs are your
necessities or in simple words, these are the things that you really need to have. I always
consider my needs in spending because I ought to purchase them. No, because going to shop
malls are not my habit. Instead of going outside for shopping, I’m staying at home and doing
my school works. Yes, with my parents because sometimes expensive projects forces me to
borrow money with them. But, I’ll make sure that debt will be settled immediately.
Participant 3
Interviewer: Do huge amount of allowance influencing the spending behaviour of ABM
Interviewee: I admit it, sometimes; I buy things that I never use because it gives me happiness
that I desire. For example, shoes and clothes that is not really important to buy. Because those
things are in trends and many youths are buying those. In this case, if I don’t purchase them, I
think that I’m not belong or “in” to them. Yes, especially Sunday. I go to SM to have leisure.
When I’m bored, I will go outside with my friends just to spend my time. Of course, i will
disburse my money and sometimes, if I have much money, I’ll treat them. Yes, with my mom
because I’m a prodigal son. I used to buy things even though I’m not ought to buy it. I will
rather buy cell phone or gadget than buy some school bags even if I know that I will be on debt
if I’ll buy it.
Participant 4
Interviewer: Do huge amount of allowance influencing the spending behaviour of ABM
Interviewee: Sometimes, these are the school requirements. Sometimes, I buy the things I
need for that project. Then, I will buy some designs that are not needed. As a result, my money
will eventually vanish without noticing it. I really enjoy buying things that I want because I
really want to have it. Yes, of course because I go shopping to spend my time and money. The
time without doing something is lessen. My allowance is vanishing because I’m spending my
money to the things that is unplanned. Maybe, one day I spend 800 for just spending on shop
malls. Yes, especially if you really want that item, and you don’t have any money. In the end, I
will borrow money from my friend just to buy that one. My largest debt is 500. It takes weeks
or months to pay those.
Participant 5
Interviewer: Do huge amount of allowance influencing the spending behaviour of ABM
Yes because, I’m a materialistic person. I will buy things that is beyond my budget especially
if it’s my desire. I can’t stand or control myself If my wants are not fulfilled. Sometimes,
because I used to stay at home but I spends my money and time buying unnecessary things.
However, If i have money or budget, i will go to shop malls to have leisure. Yes, frequently
because i spend too much or beyond my budget. For example, I want to have a brand new t-
shirt, I will borrow from my parents or friends just to gain it. Maybe, my highest debt cost 600
because I purchased expensive clothes for the Christmas party.
Interviewee: As I’ve said, twice a month but my wants are more dominant than needs in terms
of spending. Maybe, because, this kind of behaviour is common among the youths nowadays.
The moment I have money with me. I will disburse it for my wants. However, my needs like
school projects are being ignored because my money is allotted mostly for clothes that I
seldom use. No, because if i want to buy, then I’ll buy it without hesitation. Having a plan
before spending is not my habit since then. Maybe, I’m too busy doing my school stuffs that’s
why i don’t have time making plans before spending. Sometimes, needs, sometimes wants. But
most often, consumer desires are the basis of expenditures. Even if he/she doesn’t need it,
he/she will spend her allowance. Sometimes, if you need a product immediately, needs are
more dominant. Most likely, my wants are just shoes and clothes. My wants depend on trends.
If a brand of shoe or clothes is in trend, then I will buy it immediately.
Participant 2
Interviewer: Do you have enough knowledge on spending behaviour?
Interviewee: For me, needs because I often buy my needs rather than my wants. Yes, of
course. I am preparing my budget plan to create guidelines for my expenditures. For me, it is
essential because it can help me to avoid debts but have discipline in spending. My most
priority is my needs because it is very important in our daily living. However, my least priority
is my wants for these are just my desire. If I had extra money, I’ll buy my wants but first my
needs shall be fulfilled before expending for my wants. It is important to spend your needs to
prevent having debts.
Participant 3
Interviewer: Do they have enough knowledge on spending behaviour?
Interviewee: Most of the time, I spend my money on my wants. For example, expensive
clothes and socks. But later on, these will be stocked on my cabinet. Meanwhile, I buy my
needs seldom but I will make sure that my needs will also be bought. No, because it’s unusual
and it’s not my habit. My parents told me to do so but I always insist for my decision will be
followed in the end. In my case, plans will never be followed in the end. So, there is no need
for having budget plan. Sometimes, my most priorities are my needs because those things are
important. But, most of the time my wants are on my primary list of expenditures.
Participant 4
Interviewer: Do they have enough knowledge on spending behaviour?
Interviewee: My wants. For example, at the store, I will choose to buy clothes rather than
school requirements. Buying my wants is based on my allowance. If I have huge allowance, I
will spend more money. As a result, I don’t have savings. No, because it’s a waste of time. I
don’t follow those plans. So, there’s no need to have those. My spending is guided by my
decisions. I don’t have self-control in spending. Before, I want to have budget plans but
because I have too many desires and wants, I don’t pursue to create it. My most priorities are
foods and school requirements. My least priorities are clothes and beauty products such as lip
tint. But sometimes, I consider both of them. For example, I need to buy school requirements,
so I will buy it. Even though, I want t-shirt and beauty products, I will still buy it. If I have
budget I will buy my wants, but I not i have no choice. I will buy my needs.
Participant 5
Interviewer: Do they have enough knowledge on spending behaviour?
Interviewee: Most often, I spend my allowance on my wants. Although most people would
say that needs is more important than wants, but, to be honest, I spend more on my desires. I
want to buy expensive phones than spending on my school projects because it gives me
happiness. No, because it’s not part of my habit. My uncle once told me to think first before
spending, but, at the end of the day, I spend my money on things that is not really important
like cell phone case and such. To be honest, my most priorities are my wants because I know,
my budget can afford them. My wants are DVD compact disc, expensive shirts and going to
computer shop. I used to buy them rather that school necessities. My least priorities are my
needs such as foods. Sometimes, I will thrift myself buying foods just to go to malls on
Participant 2
Interviewer: Do economic status affects the spending behaviour of ABM students?
Interviewee: No, because they know why I’m spending my allowance. They know where my
money is allotted for. I am telling them my expenses everyday so I can avoid
misunderstandings with them. Yes, because I’m considering my needs first rather my wants. I
can say that I’m a responsible consumer for I have savings and my expenditures are chosen
properly. For me, no because spending depends on the decision of the consumer. Whether he is
rich or not he can be a responsible spender.
Participant 3
Interviewer: Do economic status affects the spending behaviour of ABM students?
Interviewee: Yes, because they are asking me if my allowance is not enough for me. Although
I have huge amount of allowance, I experienced shortage because I don’t have discipline and
awareness in regards of my money. No, because I spend too much and I have debts I’m
struggling with. When you have money, you will spend too much. Based on my experience,
too much money will force you to spend too much without considering your situation as a
Participant 4
Interviewer: Do economic status affects the spending behaviour of ABM students?
Interviewee: Yes, especially if my parents gave me a budget for two weeks but I consume it
for two days. My mother will scold me. I can’t consider myself a responsible consumer
because I have no discipline. I need to control myself first to be a responsible one. Yes,
because having more money leads me to spend too much without considering my budget.
Participant 5
Interviewer: Do economic status affects the spending behaviour of ABM students?
Interviewee: Yes, because I always disburse all my allowance for three weeks in just one
week. They are saying that I need to control myself in expenditures, but my desires always
conquer. Not yet, because I’m too impatient in spending my money. I don’t have proper
education in spending. Maybe, someday, I can change the way I spend. Of course, if a student
has a huge amount of money, he will spend and spend. Based on my experience, having too
much allowance will result on poor disbursement of money. Many students, like me, have too
many desires and money is not a big deal on us.
Appendices F
Key point Coding
Participant 1
Statement Key-point Code
Careless and unthrifty
ASa1 Mismanagement of allowance
disbursement of allowance
Buying things based on Desire-centered
desires disbursement
Spending too much
gives me happiness and ASa3 Satisfaction of student
Absence of discipline in Mismanagement of
spending for my ASa4 Allowance
strive to use my own money
ASa5 Coping with liabilities
spending all of my personal
ASa6 Mismanagement of allowance
Participant 2
Statement Key-point Code
purchasing my needs more ASb1 Proper management
than my wants of allowance
buying things that you really ASb2 Proper management of
need to have allowance
consider my needs in ASb3 Proper management of
spending allowance
settling debts immediately ASb4 Coping with liabilities
buying things that never use ASb5 Mismanagement of money
Participant 3
Statement Key-point Code
Proper management of
buying things that are need ASc1 allowance
having leisure ASc3 Student’s satisfaction
treating my friends if I had
ASc4 Mismanagement of allowance
extra money
buying things even though
ASc5 Mismanagement of allowance
I’m not ought to buy it
1.1 Participant 4
Statement Key-point Code
buying things that are beyond
ASd1 Mismanagement of allowance
my budget
buying things that I want ASd2 Mismanagement of allowance
spending money to things that
ASd3 Mismanagement of allowance
are unplanned
1.1 Participant 5
Statement Key-point Code
Lacks of self-control, if my ASe1 Sense of fulfillment
wants are not fulfilled
buying unnecessary things ASe2 Mismanagement of allowance
Participant 1
Statement Key-point Code
wants are more dominant than
ASa1 Mismanagement of allowance
needs in expenditures
disbursing for my wants ASa2 Mismanagement of allowance
consumer desires are the basis Desire-centered
of expenditures disbursement
wants depend on trends ASa4 Society’s trends
2.1 Participant 2
Statement Key-point Code
buying my needs rather than ASb1 Mismanagement of allowance
my wants
preparing budget plan ASb2 Proper management of
having discipline in spending ASb3 Proper management of
spending the needs to prevent ASb4 Coping with liabilities
2.1 Participant 3
Statement Key-point Code
spend my money on my
ASc1 Mismanagement of allowance
insisting to make budget ASc2 Mismanagement of allowance
Proper management of
own decisions are followed ASc3
2.1 Participant 4
Statement Key-point Code
having huge allowance
results in poor spending ASd1 Mismanagement of allowance
lack of self-control in
ASd2 Mismanagement of allowance
having more budget
results in the expenditure ASd3 Mismanagement of allowance
of wants
2.1 Participant 5
Statement Key-point Code
most priorities are the wants ASe1 Mismanagement of allowance
spending more on my desires ASe2
spending my money on things
ASe3 Mismanagement of allowance
that are not important
least priorities are my needs ASe4 Mismanagement of allowance
Participant 1
Statement Key-point Code
conflicts against parents are
ASa1 Relationship among parents
usage of savings in buying Proper management of
necessities allowance
unthrifty in spending if have
ASa3 Mismanagement of allowance
high allowance
3.1 Participant 2
Statement Key-point Code
aware of my allowance per Proper management of
week allowance
avoiding misunderstandings
ASb2 Relationship among parents
with my parents
considering my needs rather Proper management of
than wants allowance
my expenditures are chosen Proper management of
properly allowance
3.1 Participant 3
Statement Key-point Code
3.1 Participant 4
Statement Key-point Code
Too much money leads to
ASd1 Mismanagement of allowance
poor disbursement
3.1 Participant 5
Statement Key-point Code
too impatient in spending my
ASe1 Mismanagement of allowance
disburse all my allowance ASe2 Mismanagement of allowance
having too much allowance
will result on poor ASe3 Mismanagement of allowance
disbursement of money
Appendix G
Statement of the Problem 1
Participant 1
Code Key-point
Mismanagement of Allowance ASa1, ASa4, ASa6
Desire-centered disbursement ASa2
Student’s satisfaction ASa3
Coping with liabilities ASa5
Participant 2
Code Key-point
Proper Management of Allowance ASb1, ASb2, ASb3
Coping with Liabilities ASb4
Mismanagement of Allowance ASb5
Participant 3
Code Key-point
Proper Management of Allowance ASc1
Student’s satisfaction ASc2, ASc3
Mismanagement of allowance ASc4, ASc5
Participant 4
Code Key-point
Mismanagement of Allowance ASd1, ASd2, ASd3
Participant 5
Code Key-point
Participant 1
Code Key-point
Mismanagement of Allowance ASa1, ASa2
Desire-Centered Disbursement ASa3
Society’s trends ASa4
Participant 2
Code Key-point
Mismanagement of Allowance ASb1
Proper Management of Allowance ASb2, ASb3
Coping with Liabilities ASb4
Participant 3
Code Key-point
Mismanagement of Allowance ASc1, ASc2
Proper Management of Allowance ASc3
Participant 4
Code Key-point
Mismanagement of Allowance ASd1, ASd2, ASd3
Participant 5
Code Key-point
Mismanagement of Allowance ASe1, ASe3, ASe4
Desire-centered disbursement ASe2
Participant 1
Code Key-point
Relationship among Parents ASa1
Proper Management of Allowance ASa2
Mismanagement of Allowance ASa3
Participant 2
Code Key-point
Proper Management of Allowance ASb1, ASb3, ASb4
Relationship among Parents ASb2
Participant 3
Code Key-point
Mismanagement of Allowance ASc1, ASc2, ASc3
Participant 4
Code Key-point
Mismanagement of Allowance ASd1
Participant 5
Code Key-point
Mismanagement of Allowance ASe1, ASe2, ASe3
Appendix G
Categories and Themes