DLL Mathematics Grade8 Quarter4-IVa (Palawan Division)

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GRADE 8 School Grade Level 8

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Area Mathematics

Teaching Dates and Time Quarter FOURTH


A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of inequalities in a triangle, and parallel and perpendicular lines.
B. Performance Standard The learner is able to communicate mathematical thinking with coherence and clarity in formulating, investigating, analyzing, and
solving real-life problems involving triangle inequalities, and parallelism and perpendicularity of lines using appropriate and
accurate representations.
C. Learning Competency/Objectives
Write the LC code for each. 1. The learner illustrates 1. The learner illustrates 1. The learner illustrates 1. The learner illustrates 1. The learner illustrates
theorems on triangle theorems on triangle theorems on triangle theorems on triangle theorems on triangle
inequalities (Exterior inequalities (Exterior inequalities (Exterior inequalities (Exterior inequalities (Exterior
Angle Inequality Angle Inequality Angle Inequality Angle Inequality Angle Inequality
Theorem, Triangle Theorem, Triangle Theorem, Triangle Theorem, Triangle Theorem, Triangle
Inequality Theorem, Inequality Theorem, Inequality Theorem, Inequality Theorem, Inequality Theorem,
Hinge Theorem).*** Hinge Theorem).*** Hinge Theorem).*** Hinge Theorem).*** Hinge Theorem).***
M8GE-IVa-1 M8GE-IVa-1 M8GE-IVa-1 M8GE-IVa-1 M8GE-IVa-1
2. The learner applies 2. The learner applies 2. The learner applies 2. The learner applies 2. The learner applies
theorems on triangle theorems on triangle theorems on triangle theorems on triangle theorems on triangle
inequalities. inequalities. inequalities. inequalities. inequalities.
M8GE-IVb-1 M8GE-IVb-1 M8GE-IVb-1 M8GE-IVb-1 M8GE-IVb-1

Objectives: Objectives: Objectives: Objectives: Objectives:

At the end of the session, At the end of the session, At the end of the session, At the end of the session, At the end of the session,
learners are expected to: learners are expected to: learners are expected to: learners are expected to: learners are expected to:
1. illustrates theorems 1 1. illustrates theorems 1 1. illustrates theorem 3 1. illustrates theorem 1. illustrates theorem
on triangle and 2 on triangle on triangle 3 on triangle 3 on triangle
inequalities, inequalities, inequalities, inequalities, inequalities,
2. applies theorems 1 and 2. applies theorems 1 and 2. applies theorem 3 on 2. determine possible 2. applies theorem 3
2 on triangle 2 on triangle triangle inequalities. measures for the on triangle
inequalities. inequalities. angles and sides of a inequalities.
triangle. 3. Solve problems
3. Solve problems involving theorem 1-3
involving theorem 3 on on triangle inequality.
triangle inequality.
II. CONTENT Geometry
Inequalities in One Inequalities in One Inequalities in
One Inequalities in One Remedial Class
Triangle: Triangle: Triangle: Triangle:
Triangle Inequality
Triangle Inequality Triangle Inequality Triangle Inequality Theorem 3 (S1 + S2 >
Theorem 1 (Ss → Aa) Theorem 1 (Ss → Aa) Theorem 3 (S1 + S2 > S3)
Triangle Inequality Triangle Inequality S3)
Theorem 2 (Aa → Ss) Theorem 2 (Aa → Ss)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials Page 390-395 Page 395-399
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials MTAP review materials MTAP review materials MTAP review MTAP review
from Learning Resource materials materials
B. Other Learning Resource Grade 8 Mathematics Grade 8 Mathematics Grade 8 Mathematics Grade 8 Mathematics
(Patterns & Practicalities) (Patterns & (Patterns & (Patterns &
By Gladys C. Nivera, Practicalities) Practicalities) Practicalities)
Ph.D. By Gladys C. Nivera, By Gladys C. Nivera, By Gladys C. Nivera,
Page 327 - 344 Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D.
Page 327 - 344 Page 327 - 344 Page 327 - 344
A. Reviewing previous lesson Drill:
or presenting the new Ask the students to do the activity “My Decisions Now and Then Later” of LM on page 381.
B. Establishing a purpose for Present the activity “Artistically Yours! Of LM on page 382.
the lesson This activity will give you a chance to discuss the significance of triangle inequalities in real life
situations such as artworks, architecture, engineering, equipments and even things that we used every
C. Presenting Group Presentation: Group Presentation: Group Presentation: Example:: Problem
examples/Instances of the Discovery approach Discovery approach Discovery approach solving
new lesson
Divide the class into 5 Divide the class into 5
group to perform the group to perform the Students will perform Each of Xylie, Marie,
activity 4 “What if it’s activity 5 “What if it’s the activity “When Can Angel and Chloe was
Longer?” of LM on page Larger?” of LM on page You Say Enough”? of given an 18-inch piece
390-391. They will be 393-394. They will be LM on page 395-396. of stick. They were
given 15 minutes group given 15 minutes group instructed to create a
collaboration and 15 collaboration and 15 The teacher needs to triangle. Each cut the
minutes presentation. minutes presentation. process this activity so stick in their own
This time the teacher can that he/she can easily chosen lengths as
After processing the use another setting of concretize the concept follows: Xylie—6 in,
activity the teacher will group. of triangle inequality 6 in, 6 in; Marie—4
give the definition of theorem 3. in, 5 in, 9 in; Angle—
Triangle Inequality After processing the 7 in, 5 in, 6 in; and
theorem 1. activity the teacher will Triangle Inequality Chloe—3 in, 7 in, 5 in.
give the definition of Theorem 3 (S1 + S2 > Who among them was
Triangle Inequality Triangle Inequality S3) not able to make a
Theorem 1 (Ss → Aa) theorem 2. The sum of the lengths triangle?
If one side of a triangle is of any two sides of a a. Xylie
longer than a second side, Triangle Inequality triangle is greater than b. Marie
then the angle opposite Theorem 2 (Aa → Ss) the length of the third c. Angel
the first side is larger than If one angle of a triangle side. d. Chloe
the angle opposite the is larger than a second
second side. angle, then the side
opposite the first angle is
longer than the side
opposite the second
D. Discussing new concepts Pair-share: Pair-share: Think-pair-share:
and practicing new skills # 1 Name the smallest angle Name the shortest side and Let the students to think
the longest side of the and give any length of the
and the largest angle of
following triangles. side of a triangle. Then ask
the following triangles: them if these sides can
form a triangle.

Trian Larg Sma

gle est llest
angl angl
e e

Trian Lon Sher
gle gest test
side side

E. Discussing new concepts

and practicing new skills # 2
F. Developing mastery Independent Practice: Independent Practice: Independent Practice: Pair-share:
(leads to Formative Ask the students to The students will do Ask the students to Ask the students to
Assessment ) answer the problem activity 6, 7, and 8 of LM answer quiz number 3 answer quiz number 3
independently on page 394. questions 1-3 on page questions 4-5 on page
In ΔTRU, TR = 8 cm, RU 397. 397.
= 9 cm, and TU = 10 cm.
List the angles in order
from least to greatest
a. m∠T, m∠R, m∠U
b. m∠U, m∠T, m∠R
c. m∠R, m∠T, m∠U
d. m∠U, m∠R, m∠T

G. Finding practical application The students will answer The students will answer The students will The students will
of concepts and skills in the following Quiz Quiz number 2 letter C answer numbers 6-7 of answer numbers 8-10
daily living
number 1letter B and C of LM on page 395. quiz number 3 found on of quiz number 3
of LM on page 392. page 398-399. found on page 398-

H. Making generalizations and Ask the students to create Ask the students to create Ask the students to create a speech choir
abstractions about the a song using the a rap using the definition presentation using the definition of theorem 3.
definition of theorem 1. of theorem 1and 2.
They can use a melody of Triangle Inequality Triangle Inequality Theorem 3 (S1 + S2 > S3)
a common songs or a Theorem 2 (Aa → Ss) The sum of the lengths of any two sides of a
trending song for this If one angle of a triangle triangle is greater than the length of the third
activity. is larger than a second side.
Triangle Inequality angle, then the side
Theorem 1 (Ss → Aa) opposite the first angle is
If one side of a triangle is longer than the side
longer than a second side, opposite the second
then the angle opposite angle.
the first side is larger than
the angle opposite the
second side.
I. Evaluating learning SET A: SET A: 1. Which of the following illustrates a triangle?
Ask the students to Ask the students to a. a triangle whose sides are 3,4, and 8.
b. a triangle whose sides are 14,3, and 10.
answer the following answer the following c. a triangle whose sides are 4,10, and 5.
Quiz number 1 letter A of Quiz number 2 letter A d. a triangle whose sides are 2,11, and 8.
LM on page 391. and B of LM on page 2. Given the two sides of a triangle 3 and 5, what are the
394-395. possible integral lengths of the third side?
SET B: Choose the best a. 8 c. 2
b. 6 d. 10
answer. Show your SET B: Choose the best
3. Which of the following given length of sides can form a
solution if needed. answer. Show your triangle?
1. Which side of ΔGOD solution if needed. A. 6 cm, 3 cm, 10 cm C. 2 m, 7 m, 9 m
is the shortest? B. 3 ft., 7 ft., 8 ft. D. 2 in., 2 in., 4 in.
a. GO 1. List the sides of ΔLYK 4. A triangle has side lengths of 7 cm and 13 cm. What are the
in order from least to possible lengths of the third side?
b. DO
A. 6 cm¿ x ¿20 cm C. 6 cm¿ x ¿13 cm
c. D G greatest measure. B. 7 cm¿ x ¿13 cm D. 7 cm¿ x ¿20 cm
d. It cannot be a. LY, YK, LK
determined. b. YK, YL, LK
c. LY, LK, KL
d. YK, LK, LY

2. Will you be able to

conclude that EM > EF if
one of the following
statements is not

established: AE ≅ AE, AF
≅ AM, m∠MAE >

a. Yes, I will.
b. No, I won’t.
c. It is impossible to
d. It depends on which
statement is left out.
J. Additional activities for Enrichment: Enrichment: Enrichment:
application or remediation What are the possible Hikers Oliver and Ruel The students will answer number 11 of quiz
values for x in the figure? who have uniform number 3 found on page 398-399.
LMpp375 hiking speed walk in
opposite directions-
Oliver, eastward
whereas Ruel, westward.
After walking three
kilometers each, both of
them take left turns at
different angles- Oliver
at an angle of 30° and
Ruel at 40°. Both
continue hiking and
cover another four
kilometers each before
taking a rest. Which of
the hikers is farther from
their point of origin?
a. Ruel
b. Oliver
c. It cannot be determine
d. Ruel is as far as
Oliver from the
VII. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else
needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you
meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other


This material has been formulated for the benefit of the teachers and learners as reference to ease preparation of learning plan. Yet, you are given the right to make some changes as your
locality/learners need but not the competencies.

Thank you.


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